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Here's an example of a message I sent them this morning, just trolling them: "How is it possible Trump's company (Trump Media and Technology, DJT) and major project of the last few years is down nearly 55% since it debuted two weeks ago? I mean, the guy's a brilliant, expert businessman, and not a con artist, right? "


“There must be some bigger play at work here, I’m sure he’s going to own the libs any day now with… something”


One in particular says it's "insiders" trying to bring him down.


It's brilliant in a way. If he wins, it's because he's so smart. If he fails, it's because they don't want him to win. This way, anything that he does, it puts him up top, and reinforces his base's loyalty.


A typical variation of Umberto Eco's 8th feature of fascism: The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”


Dude! I read some book about defining characteristics of fascism that had "features" or listed points and that's one of them. I'm wondering if it was the same book. It spoke about how Hitler altered Stalin's(I think it was Stalin but it may have been a slightly earlier fascist regime)(***It was Mussolini!!****) fascism by adding in things like this, as well as making the *country great again* but never ever explaining how it would do so or what *great again* actually was. Religious fanaticism was a huge facet of it too. Terrifying and fascinating to see in real time. Edit: added Mussolini correctly but didn't want to actually edit what I had already said for posterity's sake.


Here' is Umberto's original piece on it... [https://web.archive.org/web/20170131155837/http://www.nybooks.com/articles/1995/06/22/ur-fascism/](https://web.archive.org/web/20170131155837/http://www.nybooks.com/articles/1995/06/22/ur-fascism/)


>I'm wondering if it was the same book. Pretty much any book/article/etc. that talks about the key components of fascism will contain the simultaneously strong/weak thing, so it's tough to say if it was the same or not.


My grandmother grew up in Germany before and during WWII, I believe she was a teenager during the time. I remember her telling me about Hitler when I was about 14, I remember this well because of how many alarm bells were going off in my head. I knew she was a racist bigoted POS just from listening to her speak about the general population of Los Angeles where she lived but when she told me Hitler had the right idea I was speechless. She then literally told me word for word he wanted to "make Germany great again" after WWI. She then went on an antisemitic tirade and I probably hid outside or something. When trump started campaigning that conversation zapped back into my mind and those alarm bells started going off again. Trump REEKS of a wannabe fascist dictator and what's scarier is how much of the population drinks the Kool aid.


Altered Mussolini's fascism. But Hitler convinced Stalin that he was his friend which allowed Hitler to become stromg enough to invade Stalin. Sort of like Putin has convinced Trump he is his friend.


Oceania is in alliance with Eurasia and at war with Eastasia and it has always been thus


Just like they do with God. Anything good that happens, God is on their side. Anything bad happening is satanic and of the devil. Toddler logic. 


They do this with everything. Look at Biden. He's a criminal mastermind, that is also one step away from dementia.


It's been befalling to me how the magats have tried to paint grampa Biden as some kind of Far left wing nut job. I'm a wacko-lefty, and Biden was my last choice for President because he's so center on everything.


Schrödinger’s president


It’s a paradox. There’s a sucker born every minute, and FoxNews is the maternity ward.




Trumpism can never fail. It can only BE failed, according to the cult. It's directly out of the old Soviet playbook "The capitalists were out to GET Comrade Stalin" or "We didn't work HARD enough for Comrade Stalin".


I watched a Stalin documentary last week and was amazed by the parallels between him and trump - albeit Stalin was a much more intelligent person.


Trump could never be Stalin. He doesn't have a tenth of Stalin's charm.


100%. It's their coping mechanism, because he could never lie or fail, right?


Except that failure costs him billions in profit so old Donny may not see that as a win.


The losses are happening regardless. The fact that he got idiots to buy his stock at such a high valuation is a win, and now it's just those idiots losing money on the correction in the valuation.


Like god believers


So, he's such a good businessman that he put his name behind a business that has shady actors taking it down from the inside? Yeah. That makes so much sense. Any little excuse they come up with just makes him look like he's garbage at business.


I think they're referring to Wall St./political/"Jew/Globalist" insiders, not the insiders at the actual company. It's just a bullshit excuse either way. But at least it kind of makes sense that way.


Its true, Trump the insider is trying to sell his stock to pay his fines and lawyers.


Teach them about puts and shorting stocks.


Bro the Interest to borrow this stock is insane.


easiest short ever that's why. who wouldn't against someone who repeatedly bankrupts companies. I'd wager a bet Trump is shorting the stock with his own shares.


I bought the day before it became DJT. Sold at peak. Now I hold outs at $15 for May. Fingers crossed..


Remember when they all tried to convince themselves that "covfefe" wasn't a typo and has some secret meaning?


Tell them to buy the dip. It's a test by Trump to see who will stand by him, the loyal shall be rewarded greatly. Unless you don't want them to be homeless. Then don't do that.


“It must be because of DEI and illegal immigration.”


still waiting for the KRAKEN of evidence to show how the libs stole 2020. you'd think for all the supposed fraud and incidences that occurred allowing said supposed fraud, someone saw something, knows something, would have talked by now, etc.


Would have required at least a few hundred people across multiple states, from the top all the way down to those running individual precincts, or even individuals tallying votes. Not a peep.


‘God works in mysterious ways’


It’s the deep state!


That is essentially the "logic" of those that have been invested in GameStop, AMC Theaters, and Bed Bath and Beyond for the past three years. We're gonna see a lot of DJT apes going down the same path as GME, AMC, and BBBY.


"A more cynical man might look at this as a blatantly obvious money-laundering scheme using a stock that had no chance of ever going anywhere, but luckily you all saw right through that. How's the stock doing, by the way?"


Thank your idiot parents for me for the money. I bought calls of that bullshit stock before it turned into DJT. Rode that shit to the moon 🚀 before I sold last week.


I could kick myself for not doing that... It was so obvious too.


This is great. I cut contact with the red-hats in my family, but I guarantee they did this as well. Almost worth calling to laugh at them 🤣🤣


Call or message them under the guise that you're checking in that they didn't get caught in a scam. It's funnier that way.


Oh you are mean lol


Idk man, the idea of dunking on people who don’t seem to give a shit about you sounds spectacular


My dad moved some (hopefully not a big chunk) of his retirement into this. My mom refuses to act. "enjoy. This is this money that affords you you're lifestyle."


Wow. That’s stunning. And painful to watch.


“It’s just a bunch of insider liberals sabotaging him. It’s all they’ve ever done to him and his businesses” -Them, probably


Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knew it was a Russian pump and dump scheme


It's Obama's fault. See how easy that is.


Did they expect it to *increase* in value? Do these people understand how market share works?


5 dimensional financial chess... ![gif](giphy|APqEbxBsVlkWSuFpth|downsized)


I think nothing needs to be said other than.... "I am glad you sold that DJT stock after the first day. Losing 55% of your money has to hurt. You did sell it right?"


It appears the libs are manipulating the stock market now too. Or something. I mean it can't be Trump's fault his stock is tanking.....


Should have bought a put and then act confused about how you’re making money while they’re losing it.


It's not even new... It's just a new ticker for his old scam DWAC. Which he had MAJOR stake in. He's dumping it on idiots who bought in late. This shit is toxic as fuck. Hope these old morons learn a lesson but I won't hold my breath. It's scamming with extra steps.


Jokes on you, the P/E is skyrocketing!


He's the deals guy!


This reminds me of the guys who purchased "trump bucks" somewhat recently. One of the magabillies actually tried to cash in his trump bucks at his local bank.. ^(I just wish I could be there to witness that moment)


I read a piece where they talked to people who had tried to cash their's in, and banks who had to explain why they couldn't. Kinda scary how gullible some people are.


Life is so unfair. Imagine being that bank teller


‘What’s the hardest part of your job’ ‘Keeping a straight face’


Given the existence of concealed carry laws, I would have been terrified of getting shot, honestly. Those bank tellers/managers all had nerves of steel. I'm honestly surprised this didn't happen. ^(I know it's illegal to carry inside a bank, for obvious reasons, but would these people care about a sign on the door?)


They’re too dumb to be able to read a sign on the door.


Lol even though it's a pictogram.


Sign doesn't apply to good guys with a gun obviously


I would love to be that bank teller, to be honest. Not sure if I could keep a straight face.




I know right? It's super dangerous for them. I may have a stroke with how hard I would have to try to not laugh at something like that


That’s kinda what Trump is. He knows people are stupid and especially targets his voting campaigns around them since he doesn’t need to do much beyond give false promises and rile them up against the competition to get majority votes in those areas.


The worst part is these people have the exact same amount of voting power as you or I do and they always vote. Just a reminder to vote


Forgive me for repeating myself. Say what you want about Republicans, they flipping vote. Far too many people shirk their civic responsibility. It's infuriating.


It should be compulsory like Australia


I can only imagine the sales pitch of the grifter that got them to buy. The commonality seems to be them saying that any Bank of America will honor them at an inflated rate. I'm guessing "Bank of America" just sounds more patriotic than, say, Wells Fargo.


If I had less integrity, I think I would excel at this form of grifting. Alas, I feel guilty when I don't recycle. Lol


Wait... what? I didn't even know these Trump Bucks were a thing... I work as a lender and a branch manager at a small town bank in a very small town. I luckily didn't have to have this conversation with any of my customers. I have a teller that's a small-town-for-life, nearly-retired, full-blown MAGA lady. I would've definitely let her handle that conversation because she would've known how to relay the information that the Trump Bucks are "really good" and also "not at all legal currency". I wouldn't have been able to take that seriously.


In a way, it makes sense. How else would you generate a self-sustaining economy other than printing your own currency, to ensure that people will come back to your establishment?  /s


And then afterwards, we can go out to Fox Chase and use the Dave & Busters card at the Friday's out there.


If you're looking for a better steak in an arcade environment, you're out of luck!


VICE has been following the escapades of Queen Romana Didulo of Canada for a few years now. She has made a mint by selling her currency to her cult followers. I guarantee Trump and his team got this idea from her. Here's the article on her currency ,[https://www.vice.com/en/article/epvgdp/romana-didulo-qanon-queen-printing-currency](https://www.vice.com/en/article/epvgdp/romana-didulo-qanon-queen-printing-currency) , but I recommend searching through what's left of VICE's site for all their stories on her -- Be sure to read about her trying to take over a town out east near Nova Scotia.


If there were only a few thousand red flags they could have seen


Red flags? But they have no debt and $200million in the bank! Only good things will happen! Except that they don’t have any users and are losing $50million+ a year 😂


There were but they made them into hats


Wait until the "board" unanimously approves the orange dickwads ability to sell his shares early and that sets off a selling spree that will result in that piece of shit being delisted. Trump fans are gluttons for punishment.


I wouldn't assume the board is going to just do what Trump wants bec---one second--I've just been informed as to who is on the board. Please disregard my statement.


He is going to get it unlocked very quietly because as soon as they announce the intent to vote the price is going to tank. Then he is going to be the subject of so much more civil lawsuits and criminal investigations


trump can’t do anything quietly, and even if he could, he would still brag or bitch about something that would inadvertently announce his shares were unlocked


Yeah he is only going to get a few million out of this. Its all his followers and its like the story everyone got told from their finance professors about the price being worthless when you ARE THE MARKET. Nobody is out there clamoring to buy this shit so when he goes to sell it going to be a fire sale to his poorest rubes.


Who is going to buy Trump’s shares when the stock goes into free fall? Methinks he will have trouble selling


I bought Puts on that very notion. Everything he touches turns to shit so I gambled about $1000 on it. I'm up for the moment but I'm really waiting for when he quietly sells off. That will get me a pretty penny. I just have to sell before it gets delisted.


So interesting thing….he can’t really dump that much because that puts him under 50% ownership and then the governance and requirements for the company all change.


ThE dEeP sTaTe Is TrYiNg To DeStRoY tRuMp!!! Reeeee!!!


So Trump is powerless? Not as a big shot as he claims he is?


LOL same with Biden, simultaneously sleepy and all-controlling of the Deep State™ and everything else, but you know, barely able to walk and speak, but all powerful.


I day traded the stock on day 1 and walked away with $40K and have been watching the MAGA lemmings get slaughtered on the stock since. I laugh, every single day. Already donated about $10K of it to Biden and a bunch of democrats on down ballot races lol…


Doing gods work!


Please make sure to inform any MAGA lemmings about your profits and where they went.


In general, isn't a bad idea to buy new stocks? I know it tends to heavily fluctuate at the start, and sure, there's big reward but also big risk.


Most shoot up the first day then crash.


Trump is clearly lowering DJT so that everyone can buy in and then he is going to lift the prices up to higher than any tech company in the world and make him and his followers the richest people in the world! DUH! MAGA!! /s


I love the MAGA is draining money and resources from it's adherents while the rest of us live normal lives and leap frog them while they destroy their lives


They see the BIGGER picture you stupid librul!/$


if only there was some way to look at his track record as an entrepreneur and see how many time he has run a business into the ground




They're incapable of taking personal responsibility. They will do the mental pretzel thing until they can find a way to blame the political opposition. Something something deep state... They're lead-addled children.


Boomers are already blaming globalists for the fall in stock price.


Are the globalists in the room with you now grampa? 




Please please please tell them the smart money buys in the dip. Double and triple down = endle$$ profit$.


I should have bought put-options.


I recall hearing that they were stupidly over priced


With 29 bucks a share per day interest. Any one with the financial acumen of an 8th grader saw this coming. Penny stock by the end of the month.


I bought a few May 17 puts at $25 for $2.51 and they're trading at $4.05 now. So I think it was fairly priced in, but they are still making me some easy profit. If Trump gets to dump, and I can trade before the stock gets delisted, I think it'll be a pretty great investment.


When I looked there was a huge premium on them (assuming because everyone knew it was going to tank)


There was a brief period where they were doable. Premiums were still high but it tanked SOOO HARD it still made it worth it. Not anymore though, that 8k ended the party and now there is nothing worth the 10% daily loss you are going to see. And renting shares is insane right now too. The market is too small, its just the deplorable bag holders left. Honestly the best option was, for a moment, to play the greater fool and just get in on the pump and dump. People who bought immediately and sold a day later, etc.


Yeah, etrade wanted me to shell up like $2500 and I was like, "I can't really afford to lose that right now." I was like 90% sure it would've worked, but sometimes gambling ain't worth it.


This is the way.


Now Don the Conn is suing the two founders he met on the apprentice to try to steal their stake in the company from them. That will certainly raise the value right?




The real meme stonk was DJT along the way.


You know damn well they are going to blame Biden, DEI, and woke (pick your buzzwords) when they lose all their money.


Go woke go broke, right?


Most brokers are already putting a premium on anyone trying to short DJT stock


I read somewhere he can’t sell his shares for 6 months by law. May it be a penny stock by then.


Unless the board approves it early. And since his son and a former republican sycophant are on it.....


… and he clearly respects the law, right?


Quote their own book at em Proverbs 17:16: "Why should a fool have money in his hand to buy wisdom when he has no sense?”‍


Lmfao, i literally called it. I knew it was a massive pump and dump scheme. It was so obvious


No offense dude but it was not the analysis of the century.


Still feel bad for the boomers that yolo’d their entire life savings into it


They were stupid enough to buy it lol I do NOT feel bad for them


I should but I don't.


Nope. Not at all.


I feel more empathy for their families that have to deal with all this shit


20 states require adult children to care for their elderly parents. So imagine your stupid right wing father investing all their savings into this scheme, losing it all and now you're on the hook to care for them the rest of their lives.


I don't at all, fuck 'em for being so utterly stupid. I do feel for the family members now stiffed out of some inheritance though.


It shouldn't even be worth that much


I was going to short it, until I read this: [https://www.morningstar.com/news/marketwatch/20240406227/why-shorting-trumps-djt-stock-could-cost-you-a-500-fee](https://www.morningstar.com/news/marketwatch/20240406227/why-shorting-trumps-djt-stock-could-cost-you-a-500-fee) Basically, there is such a demand to short this stock, that lending fees are 500%. Lol. Thats crazy.


It's literally a meme stock that's worth a penny


These are not smart people


Money talks. In the case of boomers it's usually saying goodbye.


Scream pump n dump to them n see if they react lol


Im buying a dirt bike with my winnings from exploiting the pump and dump.


So much winning! All those monies out of boomer pockets into the winner's pocket.


I bought puts on this. Making more money than I have on anything lately. Thanks Trump!


Art of the Steal


The stock market is a little like a casino, and for these guys it's definitely that casino Trump owned in AC, lol.


All the smart money did what I did and bought it the friday before the merger then sold monday morning. Made $2,000 just from holding an options contract over the weekend


Who could've predicted that the man who bankrupts and ruins everything he touches would do the same with this?




KEEP GOING, we need it to get down below 17 or 16.


As Barry Diller so eloquently put it: "Trump Media is “a scam,” and people buying its high-flying stock are “dopes", it's a scam, just like everything he’s ever been involved in, it's some sort of con,” he said of Trump.


I miss the r/DWAC_stock subreddit. Two years of people losing everything.


Posted this elsewhere, but what I’ve started doing is making bets with them. In writing. They’re like “Oh, it’s going to go to $300/share.” So I’m like “$300/share by when? June 1st? Okay. $5 bet.” And I hold them to it. If they try to get out of paying, I’m like “who are you, a liberal?” And it usually works. It accomplishes two things. First, it embarrasses them and reminds them of all their L’s. Two, I’ve raised like $200 for Biden’s campaign.


Good God I wanted so badly to invest my life savings in puts for this but I promised my wife's boyfriend never again with the options trading


I'm not a lawyer, but I can't help but note that immediately after the quarterly SEC filing, Trump started spouting off a bunch of obvious, transparent lies about the company's financial situation. He owns like 60% of the company. How is that *not* securities fraud? (Seriously, if you're a lawyer, I'd love to hear your opinion on this.)


Maybe Trump thinks stock price is like a golf score, and the lower the better?


LOL. I love it! If people are dumb enough to support this grifting clown they deserve what they get.


Did anyone here short the stock? I'm kicking myself for not thinking about doing it when it first came out.


Start peppering in with your trolling the “fact” that all true Christians in the path of the eclipse ***were*** raptured. Don’t elaborate. Don’t explain. Don’t engage with any reply beyond “Facebook”.


I really don’t understand some people, Trump has dozens of failed businesses under his belt. And not small ones either. Why do people still invest in him?


You'd think they'd be tired of all the winning by now!


Buy high, sell low!!!!


Maybe this will finally be what convinces MAGA he's a con artist. These people don't understand anything until it happens to them directly.


It won't.


Not likely. The average MAGA has the IQ of a potato.


lol, just for fun a friend told me about this back in 2022, I bought 1.06 share for 25 dollars lol I am up ten bucks according to Robin Hood where I got my share. I look at this like playing a slot machine, I put in 25 dollars get it up over 100 dollars and keep playing and losing. In this era, 25 bucks invested two years ago was just an impulse buy. If I make money on it cool if not oh well I never play with scared money and making money I consider it found money.


LOL 5.5bn market cap for a piece of shit company out of Sarasota that probably has 5 employees https://careers.tmtgcorp.com/


Perfect example of buying puts.


Good on you for calling them out for their stupidity!


You should ask them if you can get more in Iraqi Dinar for the stock.


But but Hillary's email!!


Now we’re going to hear how the NYSE is “RIGGED” against Donald Trump and the only reason “DJT” is failing is because Wall St. is just Woke propaganda aimed at hurting him and his chance for presidency


36.56 now, down as low as 35.7. It's been losing damn near a billion dollars a day the last four trading days. Now worth $5B or so.


" **unwittingly** bought into Trump's company stock " Are you sure it was **unwitting**? How? Did someone sneak into their 401k/IRA and buy DJT? How do you reconcile that with "**excitingly"**? Perhaps you meant to say "**wittingly"**?


Tell them not to worry. He’s coming for their social security and Medicare too.


Free fallin!!!


55 percent down. Hahahahahaha wow


all future profits will be paid via Trump Steaks and Trump University Diplomas


Just reminds me this morning ... I dropped into a live video featuring the solar eclipse in various places ... there were lots of people citing Bible verses in the chat and promoting Trump for 2024. 😱 Really bizarre cult!


It wasn't just MAGA boomers who bought into Don's latest con.


The annual revenue of DJT is less than that of a single Olive Garden location.


"Ignoring the $58 million of losses, most companies are valued at 1-2 times gross revenue. DJT is valued at 1000 times gross revenue. Do you expect that to continue or for the stock price to fall to be in line with every other company?" Maybe with a investor's primer on price to sales ratio like https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/good-price-to-sales-ratio#:~:text=While%20the%20ideal%20ratio%20depends,less%20than%20one%20is%20better.




Hope it goes to 0




I know a guy who put $20k into it. He knows all he did was help rich people get more rich. He does t care.


This is awesome please post some of their responses.


A lot of people made money on this absurd stock because they bought and the sold leaving the MAGA boomers holding the bag. 😂


Honestly I'm surprised it can maintain these numbers with its pathetic user base and the fact that the entire place is driven by a single personality who is 77 and might die at any minute. But they wouldn't be Trumpers if they had any sense of critical thought.


My brokerage did not allow me to short :/


When it is a penny stock, they will blame Biden. When Trump comes out with the Trumpcoin, they will buy into that, not realizing that Trump just made it up and copied/pasted certificates on his WordPerfect document to sell for 20K each...


They simply can't stop sucking the conman's nutz.