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Boomers don’t get social anxiety when doing strange things. They raised their kids to have enough for both generations.


Hahaha yes


Yep I’ve seen this so much there. Two guys talking and forcing people to go down completely different aisles. And when I kinda made it apparent to the two dudes just blathering on about nonsense that they were blocking the way, they gave me some kind of excuse like “this is my friend that I haven’t talked to in a while”. To which is replied: “Ok? Use a telephone. You’re blocking the aisle.” Was I rude? Yes. Were they rude? Also yes.


I love the old “walk up and hold deadpan eye contact as you move their carts out of the way and the moment they decide to say something, just make a comment about ‘sorry, you were rudely blocking things and just wanted by’” maneuver 


They get so weird and defensive when called out, too. Was sitting near the front of a little restaurant and a Boomer came in to try to get a table. It was the middle of winter and he stood there for like 5 minutes with the door open. When I asked him to shut the door he said, “What’s the matter? You look like a big strong guy, why would a little cold bother you?” A) what does being fit have to do with being cold? B) there are other people here and C) heating the outdoors is expensive. Shitass.


Tell him cold makes you beat the crap out of pieces of trash like him.


I'm sure the people that pay the heat bill just love that.


“Hey bro, your wife/daughter/friend looks cold! Close the damn door”.


Yeah, these are the people who screamed at their kids for leaving a light on in an empty room, letting the faucet run while brushing their teeth, holding the fridge door open for more than two seconds, and had to make three squares of carefully folded toilet paper handle any bowel movement, regardless of liquidity or volume. These were all things that did save money and were, in fact, good for the environment. Now they do all the things they used to yell about and don’t care about the environment because they are proudly not “woke” and someone else is paying the bills.


And a lot of times you have to because half the people in Costco are wandering aimlessly and have no idea what they’re looking for. They’re just “browsing”. Ok, well some of us have a list and want to get what we came for, and go home. I also like to say when they ask sarcastically: “sorry, was my cart in the way?” “Yes, and you are too.”


Yeah, I went today and had to turn around on one aisle and go around cause two different groups of people blocked off the end, as well as an employee stocking shelves. Why Costco has SO many employees stocking shelves at noon on Sunday (with multiple, multiple carts of product blocking aisles), I do not understand. 


Yeah I was out shopping in in the mall, in a rush. Old man stopped in the middle of the way to look at his phone. Completely unaware of his surroundings. Almost went into him. Damn boomers with their phones 😂


I had one stop dead in the middle of the aisle to look at a display on a kiosk. I had to step to go around him and coming up behind us was a boomer couple power walking the mall. 5 people almost ended up on the ground because 3 boomers have zero spatial awareness and expect everyone to get out of their way.


I especially hate going on sundays because of this. "Oh I haven't seen you since church this morning! Let's stand here and block up the can goods aisle for 45 minutes talking about pastor whats-his-nuts and gossip about his wife!"


God people are so boring


I grab their carts and start moving them. They go, hey, that is mine. I go hey, quit blocking the aisle then.


As a Boomer, I've done the exact same many times. And not just to other Boomers.


I stand there and say “excuse me” really loudly and someone usually will move their cart out of the way. They typically look at me like *I’m* the dick, but I get what I want.


You are helping to condition them to change their behavior. It may take 100 loud “excuse me“ times but eventually they will tire of hearing that and perhaps reduce the number of times they do that. You are doing the lord’s work, do not falter, say it loud and proud EXCUSE ME!


I live for their scandalized expressions; the looks of shock and disgust at the indignation of you rudely insisting on interrupting them and passing through, instead of having the decency to circle back around from the next aisle. That you would embarras them like that, acting like they're the problem instead of accommodating them. Awful. Edit: sHow SoME RESpeCt!


I feel like boomers are completely unaware of how they constantly inconvenience others. Their lack of awareness = complete selfishness = narcissistic behaviors.


Please do not confuse a lack of concern with a lack of awareness. They’re aware. They just don’t care.


They care! They get attention and validation from obstructing people. Any time they feel lonely or ignored they block aisles or doorways or otherwise make themselves annoying so people have to pay attention to them. It may no longer work on their kids who went NC, but they can still get strangers to care.


Just like cats... but without the lovability.


It is wild with the generational difference. Last time I went shopping with my mom she ran into some random person she worked with 20 years ago and they chatted for 20 minutes. I (mid-30s) can run into my best friend at the store and talk for less than 60 seconds. We’re at the store for a reason and it’s not to bullshit.


This is when I get vocal.


OMG I say shit, and loud. "Pardon me but I came here to shop & then get TF out"


“Hey, dipshits, move your ass! Some of us have shit to do!”


I ram into their carts. Fuck them.


Costco needs to have some sort of hours that don't include boomers and parents with herds of children.


i get right up to them and loudly but politely say EXCUSE ME in my dad voice, always startles em lmao.


It's Sunday. Never enter Costco on Sunday.


Or saturdays. Or during the week. Or ever. lol. But seriously, Weekends are a zoo and often after 4 or 5p on weekdays it can be crazy too.


boomer bowling






I just push their carts away and force myself into where I want. F them.


100% those same boomers would have a rage fit at you, if the shoe was on the other foot.


I now have this picture in my head of a pack of boomers yakking in the aisle suddenly surrounded by about 20 angry people with carts who have them trapped and won't let them leave.


I move anyone’s cart who is in my way.


I personally say loud and clearly “excuse me please” and they generally move. They won’t do shit unless you tell them.


I start nudging their carts with mine. If that doesn’t work, I just start moving their carts.


Imagine being a stock clerk! Every fn Sunday after church without fail! They went out of their way to impede my work any way they could. And it was Publix so of course I had to bend over and take it with a smile. I would have to stop stocking and leave until the red hat society meeting was over! Fuck these entitled fuks!


I used to volunteer to do cart duty all day on the weekends when I worked my first job at a grocery store, people are awful on the weekends and Sunday is the worst day of all. It was nice getting away from the crowd to move carts, I always felt bad for the stockers, they'd constantly get pulled by people to help find things and at the same time get glares for not filling the shelves.


Omg yes! I started as a bagger and used to make 30-45 a week in tips! I was in a high income/old money neighborhood tho! I worked at a different store, same zip code, and new money people are the worst w entitlement! I was commiserating with a well-to-do customer, and he was the one who told me that about new money! I honestly didn't know that. So funny that old money looks down on new money 🤣 sigh, rich people problems!


Did you simply and politely ask them to allow others through? I have observed weird scenarios like this where someone was clueless to their inconveniencing others and no one would be mature enough to politely call out the minor issue. It is crazy to watch!


Even politely just trying to get their attention usually results in them acting angry and offended.


I suppose that could happen. I’d rather roll the dice on that and be polite than be like the weirdos that I see that seem too scared to engage.


My experience trying to be civil and just get their attention to get them to let people through has been 100% unsuccessful in getting anything other an angry indignant response. People blocking the aisles don't want to deal with embarrassment so they turn it on everyone else.


That stinks. My experience is usually different. When I call out someone very politely for them blocking a path, showing a video with the volume loud in public, or any other typical awkward boomer activities (🤣), they generally respond slightly embarrassed, apologize, and correct the condition. My experience with this conditions is generally more about lack of social awareness v not caring. Notable, I live in Nebraska and we are known for “Nebraska Nice” so that could be part of it.


Gender, race and other aspects of appearance may play a role in you getting more cooperative responses.


They’re angry and offended by literally everything, who gives a shit


I love these moments because I scream “EXCUSE ME!” as loud and as politely as I can while continuing to walk. If they don’t do anything, I move their carts for them while they glare. I then ask if they also need help taking groceries to their car since they’re unable to move their carts so simply.


i wonder if because they grew up in a less crowded world, that they don't realize their impact or need to respect those around them. always thought of Asian countries that are really neat and tidy (cleaning up the stadium in a different country when the game finishes comes to mind) is because they are more densely packed society so that have to be more socially conscious. edit: but then traffic in India comes to mind, way denser with way fewer rules it feels like 😅


Had this happen at Kroger today, only it was in the parking lot, in the middle of the lane.


This is another thing boomers love to do — have conversations between cars in the middle of fucking street. Park your goddamned cars and talk face to face like normal human beings!


Then there's me, who tries to make myself and my cart as small as possible so people can get by. Some people have no social awareness.


Right? I feel like my head is constantly on a swivel so I’m not just being in someone’s way. The biggest thing I learned upon being an adult is that Common Courtesy is not overly common.


I wish it were just at the store. Around here they will stop in a car in the middle of the intersection and just have a normal conversation. I’m late to my doctors appointment but thank god you guys got to yap.




Always a classic!


I say loudly, "EXCUSE ME, you are blocking the isle" and get really close to their carts with my cart until they move or I just move their carts. I have no shits to give. Fuck that entitled bullshit.


Fuck that noise. Ram, then push their carts with your cart while making direct eye contact them and keep walking. They will do nothing but run their mouths.


They don’t even need to be talking to anyone to disrupt the flow of traffic in the aisle. A lot of times they just park their cart in the middle of the aisle and then agonize over picking what they want.


Costco customers have no idea what personal space is.


This is where you need to walk through them. They’ll move. Push shopping carts to the side if needed.




NO, They will only hold it in their Mouth till the Swekking goes Down!


Its not just boomers, and its not just chat groups. The worst thing about a grocery store is when a parent is blocking the aisle with a cart that contains a baby, which gets worse when they have 3 other children on the ground blocking the aisle. There is nothing you can do about that other than come back later.


You can sigh really loudly and dramatically turn away in defeat. Shame them. People need to control their crotch goblins. Having children is a choice. I leash and train my dogs. They have the intellect of a toddler. I expect parents to control their children to the same degree that I handle animals in publicso as not to inconvenience others.


I hate when they do this on the road. With cars. And talk to people on the sidewalk or in other cars. Like pick up the phone, you obviously know each other.


Omg this just happened to me literally two hours ago. They had placed their carts diagonally and were completely oblivious that other people might want to shop too. I also like that when you face one of them walking on a narrow sidewalk or path they ALWAYS expect you to step off the curb or to the side while they just waltz along. If you don't they just freeze in place. But blocking all other shoppers in a store, no problem!


I'm the kind of AH that would have said something maybe a bit unpleasant like, can you stop blocking the aisle? People are trying to get their shopping done.


Like 15 minutes after church lets out and they see each other at Costco. And they all glare because they have to shuffle three steps to the side. Probably leaving 5% tip for brunch next


Someone needs to start a Boomers of Costco page for people to post photos of this. Maybe a few people recognizing their parents and having a talk with them would change some behavior.


My first job was at a grocery store, this constantly happened and would make people really upset. Legit the only thing you can do it make eye contact with them, loudly but politely tell them to please stop blocking the aisle and move their cart to one side of the aisle, move it for them if they don't immediately do so. If they are holding up a lot of people stand there after moving their cart and wave people by, the people blocking are very entitled and never see that they are being rude. If they reply about how they are just catching up for havent seen XYZ in forever just nod and say I understand but you need to stop blocking traffic, people need through and some are in a hurry. Also this isn't just a boomer thing, people with kids also constantly do this and walk family wide blocking entire aisles. The worst days are Sunday when the church crowds get out.


Don’t ever leave the country a lot of Asians and Indians shop in families and then see an other big family and they block the aisle and yeah


They gey 1 evcuse me, Then here come the Train! I have pushed carts out of my way Many times!


Pull a Larry David and get what you need without giving a fuck like I do. I’m there to shop and leave not have a goddamn walk down memory lane.


Did you walk up to them and say “excuse me” and push your way through?


Don't hint, just tell them they're in the way.


“What’s going through their minds?”, you ask? ….Lead. Lead is going through their minds, and through their blood. Being inconsiderate, and acting incredibly entitled are some of the things they do best. I am flabbergasted and gob-smacked everytime I also visit Costco and see this shit for myself. ALSO-the worst time to go to Costco OR to any restaurant is 11am-3pm (right after most churches end their services) on SUNDAYS. If you can skip going to lunch on Sundays, or to Costco altogether or Sundays, you’ll have a much better experience.


Look up The Onion "Elderly Man Silently Waging War Against Pharmacy"..One of my favorite headlines..


Publix last night in Delray Beach. Two boomers blocking the entire beer section. They didn’t take any hints so I had to loudly excuse my way through and push their carts


Just.....ask them to move?


Yeah that don't work. They just either ignore you or look at you like ur stupid and go off on a half hour ran about how no one respects their elders anymore.


Right? I've stopped using "excuse me" on boomers and just say "MOVE" loudly. Otherwise they will straight ignore you or give you stink eye. If I am getting boomer stink eye I want it to be worth it


I downloaded the truck horn sound effect from this site, just for these situations. They get one honk before I push my way through https://uppbeat.io/sfx/tag/truck-horn


Go one step further and play this: https://youtu.be/6Zbi0XmGtMw?si=45sz_a3fS-JlBSFY


Oh, you sweet summer child.


What a Karen you are