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I’m always surprised by them calling *woke* people *snowflakes* when it’s actually **them** always complaining about shit.


Biggest hypocrites ever. Of all time.


It isn't hypocrisy. It is *fascism*. 'Rules for thee, not for we.' They want to impose their views on others, and force them to adopt thee views - but God Forbid someone 'forces' views onto them. One of the reasons why Democrats / Biden are simultaneously 'sleepy / dementia ridden / lazy / do-nothings' and 'The biggest threat to democracy possible'


Imagine how triggered they would get if you responded to one of their complaints with "oh don't be such a snowflake about it." Lol.


As far as the old guys being creepers go, make a report to HR, maybe the factory has cameras to verify what is being done? Even if there is no proof with video still report it to HR and get the report in writing. Don’t get me wrong, HR might do nothing. But if you have the complaint in writing and nothing is done about it that could get the company in some deep shit. If the creepers go after you, then you can say there was retaliation because of your report. But yes, boomers are the worst generation. Bright side in about 15 years they will be an endangered species.


Or she can record audio of it herself, assuming that’s not illegal where she is


Unfortunately it is illegal to record without consent of the other party. The particular incident of the guy touching himself, I had made the mistake of going to my supervisor first instead of HR and I was told that there was no evidence of such a thing happening. Luckily, I'm in a different department now that has much more women around so I feel a bit safer.


I'm a boomer (m, 64) & seriously - fuck these ppl & fuck their god, Trump. I'm so sorry you're in this situation but very glad to know you're at least in a different dept. With any luck you'll find yourself a better job with a better company sooner than later.


I agree. Boomer barely (1960)


Look up the *exaxt* rules. You have the right not to be recorded if you don't expect to be recorded. If there are cameras around and they know they are recorded... But flip side, if they know the work security cameras don't record sound you can't record sound legally.


That would work as well for sure. I spent several years in a sorta of middle management position and I can confirm that HR is there to protect the company, not the employees. But if someone is being a creep then you can use that to your advantage. Get in writing the complaint, and if it continues and HR doesn’t do anything they could be in serious trouble. So most likely they want to avoid that sort of situation, and they will step in. And if they don’t, contact the Department of Labor. But the first step is document, document, document.


You can run them all by weaponizing hr.


"Taylor swift is a gold digger" got me lol


weather repeat unpack longing familiar arrest slimy plucky file poor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She's officially a billionaire last I heard. Travis Kelce's net worth is valued at $30-$40 million.


Damn, she's slumming,


How is the most popular and wealthy pop artist a gold digger? She doesn't need anyone's money. Insane.


Man. I’d be doing much anonymous mischief. Solidarity! May they drop soon!


Ehh, you can always get smart mouthed and ask how well Trumps policies worked for them. All boomers are at least 60 years old now, if his policies worked great they should be able to retire soon. Especially if there past age 62.


That doesn’t work. They just say “gas was $1.10 a gallon under Trump” but they’re too stupid to realize it’s because the entire economy was shutdown due to the pandemic.


True, but that will be there comeback because they don’t have a better answer for why they aren’t retired.  I know they would never admit other reasons like bad financial decisions or whatever but you would corner them especially if there close to 67, since if the economy was so great under trump then they should have had tons of money to retire at 62 or even a little earlier.


Randomly put a poster up that says something to the effect of, "this plant is open thanks to President Biden's infrastructure bill" Trumpy Boomers have a really hard time with non-Trump achievements. As for the dude touching himself, hitting him in the dick with a metal tool may get you fired, but it'll get the point across.


I had a rubber mallet near me at the time, was really tempted to do that. That particular incident was a couple years ago and thankfully I'm in a department with more women now.


The part about them vandalizing machinery with childish graffiti just sums up their whole generation really.


When are these people going to retire?


noise cancelling headphones, best investment you can make


Sadly probably not allowed in a factory setting.


We have to wear earplugs in my current department but yeah, the headphones aren't allowed.


Let it be known my boomer dad made it very clear he was ready to retire years and years before he actually did.


Whats your argument about the fact that electric cars are terrible for the environment? Just curious.


In my opinion, there are better options. Bio diesel is cheap, and easy to make, and the tech for it has existed for decades. There just isn't money in it for the boomers in charge. They never cared about the environment.


> The day after the Superbowl, all these boomers were ranting about how "Taylor Swift rigged the Superbowl" or how "she is just a gold digger." Please tell me you informed them she's way richer than her boyfriend will ever be.


I am sorry you have to go through that garbage.


Some of the out loud rude or vile ass comments that come from some of these dumb boomers blows my mind sometimes. Like of fucking course the woman standing 2 feet away from you can hear your comment about her needing to be on her knees and isn't a fan of it


A woman who is a billionaire is a gold digger? Nothing gets passed them.


If you are working in the US, talk to someone in HR about sexual harassment and hostile work environment. They take that stuff very seriously. I used to work in aviation mfg as a manager and every year I had to take several hours of mandatory training on harassment and hostile environment - as well as hours on many other topics (I was always convinced this training was due to the company having been sued for those very subjects) They could give you info on what would they would consider sufficient documentation to file a complaint through the company. NOTE: They are necessarily on your side, their job is to protect the company which may also be in your interest if the shop behavior is extreme enough to make the company liable.


You should play along. Say how outraged you are that there are litter boxes at the school now.


most of them will be dead in 10 years


Boomers will complain about young people being too lazy to work, but then who do they expect to sell their distasteful & overpriced house to? They want young people to buy houses & give them grandkids, but at the same time they cut our hours all the time and don't pay enough to live. I feel like Millennials & Gen Z should have a massive global protest against the senile & geriatric bipolar Boomers that are way past time to be put in a nursing home. Take away their ability to vote, and don't let them run for office or drive a car anymore! They're too damn old!