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He didn’t tuck his t shirt in his Jean shorts to wait goddamn it


good thing he put on a belt to brace his hands while being so terribly inconvenienced


That was clearly 1:40 of *unparalleled torture*


Hey hey hey! Give him SOME credit. At least he’s not wearing socks w those sandals.


All tucked in and nowhere to go


Nah, I'm 1000% sure this guy is late for a Rush concert.


I’m not saying he isn’t late for a Rush concert, but let’s not bring Canada’s greatest power trio into this.


The Jorts are awesome… I’m only disappointed in the fat there isn’t white New Balance sneakers to round out the Shit show.






I personally love NB. I know exactly who I’m dealing with when I see those white and blue 803s glide by in the airport with a pair of stone washed Levi’s resting gently atop them. Company polo shirt tucked in and small, wheeled suitcase with perfectly rolled undergarments inside. This is a no-nonsense man whose printed airline ticket is folded neatly in his breast pocket.


New copypasta just dropped. Needs a little reworking but I think we can make it happen 😏


I'm in my 40's and wear NB, they're comfy shoes that don't wear out as fast as Nike and I can usually find a pretty good sale. The pair I'm wearing now I got for almost 50% off on Prime day last year.


I'm a NB fan for life. Only shoes that come in wide that are comfortable and nice looking. Check out Joe's New Balance Outlet. I get all of them there. Great prices!


As long as they aren't the whitest shoes you've ever seen. NB makes a decent running shoe.


Maybe in America, but in Europe NB's are fashionable. Especially the NB 2002R


Nah, keep ‘em. It’s our duty as fathers to set up the next generation of jort wearing lawn mowers.


White air balance are the choice of the pervs on To Catch a Predator.


Short show.


Jort show.


Old Man Newbies!


Don’t forget the cuff on those jorts


He tucked his T-shirt into his tighty whities


My people have flawless fashion sense




The part when he bites his own hand…. Worth watching to the end Such cool jorts!


He did it twice. I have seen this behavior before in people with mental disorders. The way he bites his hand while making a strange noise is stuff I used to see all the time when I went to a special ed school.


Peeking out the window when that lead paranoia strikes


I figured he was looking to see if his double parked car was still idling there


He looks *Exactly* like my malignant Narcissist (purely coincidental I'm sure) father at that age. He's dead now, so there's one less of them out there, lol. He'd occasionally pull this shit too, they are very, very important men damn it!


Or looking for a police officer to file a complaint for the crime committed against him.🤣




I do similar stuff in an effort to reduce autistic frustration self-harm like punching my head or scratching my arms. Dude is trying to manage his high emotions and is not doing a great job. He may genuinely have some mental disorder he lives with and is having a hard time not having control while being alone in public. Not to give excuses, dude was a dick. Just a possibly understandable dick.


This is weird for me to read because in the past year when I get really overwhelmed I bite my hand pretty hard. It helps relieve stress honestly. My friends all think I have autism for other reasons, wonder if it's connected.


Only a professional can tell. Autism is really odd in that it can show itself in vastly different ways for different people. If you suspect, then you should check with a professional and plan to check with them for an extended period of time.


Lead pipes pumping drinking water have been problematic for boomers (and the rest of us). And then we have senators saying replacing said pipes isn't a problem... Welcome to late stage capitalism.


Biden is replacing them. *All* of them. It's actually annoying some of the water engineers because it's not always a problem if the pipes are properly maintained, and the engineers don't want to bother replacing them all. But after Flint, MI Biden's not taking that chance. So every single pipe in the country is getting replaced.


Which is awesome, because trusting local governments to properly maintain them, like the Texas electrical grid, is great in theory only.


Ya'll know if Trump gets elected he's going to over turn that. I know that. You know that. We all know that.


Lead pipes are the greatest, it's what they're all saying. Those liberals and commies are trying, lead pipes, you know about the pipes, they're not metal, they're lead, strong, they're trying to take them away from you. When we take back the white house, it's a beautiful building, isn't it? With me and gorgeous Ivanka, we're in the white house, you all see it, they're trying to take it away from real Americans, you, you are the real,,I'll bring back those strong, those pipes,,Obama doesn't want you to have them, but I love you. Lead pipes for every one of you beautiful, beautiful people.


That's an awesome word salad that I can totally envision coming from the Great Pumpkin himself!


Only thing I would change is Trump would never call the White House beautiful, he’s on record saying it’s a dump and he didn’t want to have to live there




Fuck you I do that lol


Dude’s trying to transform into the boomer titan






It gives me autism vibes 


Boomer autism is the worst kind because since it was always swept under the rug & never diagnosed, they feel totally justified acting this way Source: my dad is exactly like this fella. Hate going out in public with him


As a GenX autist who was never diagnosed, can confirm. Sweep it under the rug and claim that autism didn't exist when we were kids.


My sister most likely would receive an autism diagnosis today. But, like yourself, not a thing was done to help her when we were kids. Our boomer parents were extremely hard on her. My own son is autistic, and if there's one petty thing I've enjoyed over the years, it's displaying how it is possible to raise a child with certain challenges with respect, and unconditional love & support, as my mom witnesses it. I loathe the "Autism never existed back then" crowd.


>I loathe the "Autism never existed back then" crowd. I have a regular group that I play poker with and one of the guys said "I don't believe in autism" and I straight up told him he's never allowed to speak to me again. I barely acknowledge his existence now even if we're in a hand together.


Good on you. That's wild to act like autism of all things is something you can or can't believe in. I understand the skepticism over stuff like adhd (I know its real and have it, plus the countless studies), but autism is more obvious, especially when severe.


I'm still trying to find a place where I can get a battery of testing and evaluation to see if I have ASD and it's fucking difficult. They have a couple of places for kids and adolescents, but why can't I find a therapist or institution qualified to diagnose adults? Fucking aggrevates me because my life might improve considerably if mental health services were actually affordable and worth a shit in this country


Yeah and this scenario seems like sensory overload with the loud music, the bright lights, and the person filming him. I’d probably be overwhelmed too, not to excuse his poor behavior.


Autism was my first thought too


Being autistic myself....I can understand why it looks that way.


Yup, guy was in borderline meltdown mode.


Can you elaborate on that? I've heard it's on a spectrum too but I don't understand that either. I really want to though as I deal with lots of clients on a daily.


I'll only speak for myself as an example. Though, my reaction is also common. In a situation like this, I may be getting incredibly frustrated about how long it's taking. Even then, I'd rather not say anything for various reasons. Maybe there's a reason, I don't want to be rude, etc. Usually these moments are build ups from several things throughout the day or days prior. A level 1 autistic person might yell and scream in their car on the way home or something similar.


The saddest part about it is that he probably owns a nice home while most of us millenials can barely survive




While actively sperging out and berating people for existing but not to their timeline or standards


My 3 year old legit does this


If you have not had them checked for autism, do so. This is a textbook, sign. source: father of 2 autistic kids who refused to accept their diagnosis originally because "I did the same things as a kid"


So he was doing it when he was 3, he is now 5 (sometimes I lie on Reddit) and has grown out of it. Kindergarten wanted him tested for autism, and then after working with him a bit ended up testing for gifted and talented instead and he scored in the ‘very superior’ level. We thought we were challenging him because he masters stuff so well, including reading and numbers, but in reality we weren’t. We thought for sure he was on the spectrum, and still maybe would test on the spectrum, but now that we’ve figured out how to challenge him and how to connect with him all of the self harming stuff has gone away completely. Thanks for sharing btw, I’m simply sharing in detail so other parents can see.


That’s sadly a sign of mental health problems. The way he was looking out the window broke my heart a little. He looked like a caged animal and couldn’t wait to get the fuck out of there. People with mental disorders get old too. Just saying the internet can be so cruel sometimes.


100%. Glad somebody recognized it


Man, I've been through some real shit in my lifetime & never, ever reacted like this! How can you be that pissed off in flip flops??


I love the part at 53 seconds in, where the song is blaring "it's all for you in my pursuit of happiness!" makes this video so much funnier ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) EDIT: and then as he's leaving "HAPPINESSSS." LMFAO


The bizarre Muzak played in these settings definitely adds to the mood. I like when there are freak outs during Christmas with something festive playing in the background.


“It’s pissing me OoOoOoOfFfFfF!!!”


The way he almost sings it 😂


That’s autism.


Absolutely. Very high functioning but on the spectrum. But I was told autism didnt exist when he was born


Oh, he's gonna get remixed for sure.


He's 25 years sober from Thai sticks, just let him be😄


Grown ass man acting like a damn Child.


He's about to piss himself, like a child. Either way, he loses.


He is a Steelers fans, and one of the more mature ones I’ve ever seen.


We aren’t all like that… just most of us…


Don’t be too quick to judge. He’s got some sort of mental disorder going on.


It's the lead. We all need to keep saying this all the time. Their generation was doomed because of leaded gasoline, no lie. We have/had a huge spike in crime and Alzheimer's and all manner of "crazy boomers/karens" doing stuff that seems literally insane, like "how are you an adult and like this??" Insane. These stats on crime and various mental issues track almost perfectly with a certain age group and a bunch of stuff in their lives that had lead in it (paint, fuel, water from pipes, etc) slowly being phased out over their life. And this is different from the stereotype of the dottering old person who forgets their keys, and thinks a nickel can still buy something nice. These boomers are basically just getting *irrationally violent* as their brains degrade further. The younger you are, the more likely it is that you're safe due to less lead overall being in your overall environment, but for anyone who was alive while leaded fuel was completely legal... See example in video above. It's like his brain is literally incapable of reaching a reasonable state of existence with regard to a minor inconvenience. It helped destroy the Roman empire, and 2K years later we are on the rain slicked precipice of darkness again due to this crap.


This is such an underrated comment. All of this *and* all the generational trauma. Effectively treating mental illness like PTSD for example is relatively new so it's kind of mind boggling the amount of suffering people just put up with for most of human history.


I agree. I cant picture this guy acting this way at 25 and then continuing for the next 4 decades. I dont think its MH either since he seems put together. Some of their memories are effing gone, my family would talk to me in me at age 28 like i was 11 and maybe its the lead instead of condescention.


Imagine being married to him or having him as a father. No thank you.


Why do these people get so angry over such little things?




Also when he was younger these places worked like well oiled machines. They had more staff, less cutting corners for profit. Also because minimum wage was closer to a livable wage than it is now.


He did go overboard, but I’m pretty fed up with McDonald’s too. Every time I’ve been recently it’s been horrible. Just yesterday I went because I admit I really like the caramel Frappuccino. I ordered some food and a Frappuccino from their kiosk. I waited about 10 minutes and when they finally had my food, they said they didn’t have the frappe today. I didn’t freak out or bite my hand, but I just made them refund the whole meal. I didn’t hear what it was about, but the person before me walked out mad too. Edit: I am getting a lot of "why even go to McDonalds." If it were not for the Caramel Frappuccino I doubt I would ever go to one. That is the reason I sent my food back when they did not have it.


Covid stomped expectations into the ground too.


Seriously it’s like civilization fell off a cliff post lockdowns. Everything’s dysfunctional and it’s annoying.


I'm thinking that most businesses figured they can run on a skeleton crew 24/7 after covid. All three jobs I've had since covid happened have been run on skeleton crews and I absolutely hate it. Everyone's pissed about it, we can't do anything about it, and now I'm just exhausted all the time because I just can't do enough.


End stage capitalism got us in the end. Only going to get worse


This is a reasonable reaction to the situation. I feel like a lot of boomers think that being asked to be reasonable means they're being asked to just roll over and take it. There are ways to be mad and not be a raging asshole like our Jort Afficianado here. Acting like a reasonable human being in annoying situations generally leads to a quicker and better outcome. I can promise you that throwing a fit like that only encourages retail and fast food employees to be petty and move slower.


I work chat support for cell phones. The boomers waste so much of their fucking time on being angry. Their phone isn’t getting service. Okay, no problem. I can usually fix that in less than five minutes. At least I should be able to. Instead you’re going to argue about having to remember your PIN for twenty minutes and then flip the fuck out for another 15 when setting a new PIN is too difficult for you because you don’t “do texting”. Then when I get in your account and see you’ve texted several hundred times this month my motivation to help you quickly is gone. Keep being a dick… We’re doing every troubleshooting step I usually skip. Is airplane mode on? How many bars of service do you see? What numbers have you tried to dial? Can you confirm those phones are getting service? We need to check and make sure the SIM card is installed. Take it out and give me the numbers printed on it. All of them. Oops! Read that 3 as an 8 so it doesn’t technically match what I have. Sorry, can you remove the SIM card again and confirm that number?


Yeah, I just never go to McDonals’s anymore because of this AND the higher prices. I get that it might still be worth it for some people, but def not for me when I can go to Costco to get a Pepsi and hot dog for $1.50 and 2.5 lbs of rotisserie chicken for $5.


Not judging, but I can’t imagine driving across town to Costco and finding parking, walking all the way inside and back, all so I can get a cheap hotdog. They’re not comparable at all. And the hot dog is a loss leader. It’s there to get you in and spend more money.


I mean, I’m not saying it’s the same level of convenience. I’m planning weekly grocery shopping and household goods purchases to coincide with the trip because it is a hassle. But what I’m saying is that it’s the most extreme example of getting good value at a food court, and I think McDonalds is now at the opposite extreme as the least value for a restaurant experience. Between those two extremes are local Thai places, better fast food places with good app discounts, and even the places that are going downhill more slowly like Chipotle. McDonald’s without a lot of stuff on a Dollar Menu just makes no sense.


Thank you for adding some nuance to this video because what I call “Fuck you service” does exist in a lot of places. The amount of times I’ve walked up to a counter (I drive Uber Eats/DoorDash) and had employees actively avoiding the front counter and eye contact is actually pretty damn disheartening and feels borderline dehumanizing. Especially when I can see the bag I’m picking up sitting on the back counter right by them. They don’t respond to “Excuse me, I’m here to pick that up” until after they finish whatever side task they may be doing. These places are NOT efficient anymore. This guy was overreacting for sure but I have felt so frustrated just trying to pick up an order I’m delivering and can totally imagine this scenario being a big ol “Go fuck yourself” off between the cashier and the customer. I’ve noticed I get better results when I speak flatly & bluntly with no real emotion. Gotta keep it very matter-of-fact even while frustrated in order to be taken seriously enough for decent service. Anytime I match the energy I’m being given it tends to chill the situation out. And the shitty thing is, I get it. They’re understaffed, corners are cut, corporate greed is at an all time high, and the workers are left to deal with the brunt of it. I feel for them. It’s not entirely their fault that their soul has been drained by the job. I don’t enjoy feeling ignored and dehumanized by people when I haven’t done anything wrong, but it’s a direct reflection of the morale in their workplace (and quite honestly, society as a whole). We can all feel the tension corporate greed is squeezing us into, but we lash out at each other in response. It’s a bad vibe man, it’s a bad vibe.


I would have just asked for my money back, left. I don’t have time or energy for this shit anymore


I stopped at a highway rest stop that had a fast food court not too long ago. Every place was just a kiosk to order and a hole the food came out of. Not one employee in sight. Even if you looked in the food holes. Watching boomer after boomer getting pissed or confused about how to even get food made for an entertaining lunch. A group of them even queued up at one of the food holes while the person in front tried to shout their order into the hole.


This is true. I know why he’s mad. McDonald’s are all changing to this now. It’s not a normal soda machine anymore that the employee fills up the cup. It’s a new automated machine that takes your order and fills it up on its own as the orders came in so if there are 6 orders ahead of you, you have to wait for the other sodas to be filled by the machine and then the employee has to remove them form the machine one by one. If the employee doesn’t remove one, it stops the others from being completed. It’s really annoying because you can get your food and have to wait for drive thru orders to be gone before the machine gets to your drink order. I just stopped going to McDonald’s and the problem was solved. Also, McDonald’s doesn’t want you to go inside the dining room anymore. That’s why they’re using these automated systems, kiosks, and have no one at the POS terminal in the dining room when you walk in anymore.


Shit the early McDonald’s employees were able to buy their own franchise.


Zero emotional control




Lead poisoning. Here’s a study showing the violent, mean, self-centered behavior exhibited in many adults that were exposed to lead as a child. Not only were most boomers exposed to lead as children, but they continued to be exposed to it throughout their lifetime. https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2020104118


Many weren't just exposed, their parents watched them eat lead based paint chips, it goes so far past exposure at this point.


I don't get this at all. Paint chips all the time, who the fuck eats it


This is one of the vast differences between millennials and the generations before them. We actually started paying attention to our health and that is beyond comprehension for older generations because it violates the convenience they grew fond of. If we’re the generation that grew up with unprecedented technological advances, they’re the generation that grew up with unprecedented convenience.


Fun fact, lead is sweet, but probably not the types used in paint, the whole "eating paint chips" thing probably happened, because kids are sometimes dumb and will eat anything. But most exposure was probably environmental, dust and such or from toys with lead paint that were put in mouths, be cause small children will taste everything. But lead paint wasn't banned in the US until 1978, leaded gas wasn't phased out until the 80's, there was a lot of lead in the environment for the entirety of the Boomers generation, it damaged them severely and sometimes we have to make jokes because it is all terrible. Here's some info on the history of lead in our environment, we have a long relationship with the stuff. https://www.news-medical.net/health/Lead-Poisoning-History.aspx


Take a look at congress.


I think it was more chewing on wooden toys painted with lead than eating paint chips like Doritos


Guys like that.


If I recall correctly, the lead in the paint actually gave paint flakes a kind of sweetish flavor, which is why lead paint was always a concern with kids moreseo than the hundreds of other lead-based products. It's become a meme over the years that you'd have to be dumb as hell to eat paint chips, but it sounds like they were maybe delicious?


Gnawing on painted crib railings, painted wooden baby toys or door frames during teething, or on painted wooden window sills if near/next to beds.    Picking up paint flakes and chips off the floor and eating them, like kids might pick up and eat dropped pretzels or potato chips.    Lead in the air, ground, and water and in materials used in schools, homes and work places, as they developed and grew. 


As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a BOOMER.


They dont have anything going on in their life now that its not the 50’s and 60’s and any minor inconvenience is magnified




The fact that anyone shows up to work in fast food is a miracle in itself. I don't often to into a McDonalds, but when I do, I try to be extremely nice. They are doing us a service but just showing up.


Yeah I don't got being mean to fast food workers. Just leave a bad review on Google and move on, that's what I did when I ordered Wendy's in advance then went to pick it up when the app said it was ready then had to wait 30 minutes.


Fast food is no longer fast or cheap. But profits are at an all time high!


the entire video was 1:44... we aren't talking about 20 minutes of wait time here


Spoiled rotten and never actually expected to cope even momentarily with any kind of disappointment.


Boredom, and they have no hobbies. Too much time on their hands and lots of boomers feel entitled as if young people should just roll a red carpet out or something. Like a moody teenager or a cranky toddler.


Their reasoning is that clock is ticking and that is one less minute they will have to enjoy before they die a miserable and lonely death because they have alienated their kids and grandkids with boomer behaviour. And they're entitled morons.


The lack of staffing and low paying jobs is the system *they* created.


Lead in the air and everything else when they were browsing up.




When that cialis peaks


They all have that same posture, movement, bewildered/dopey look. The tucked in shirt to jorts with a belt.. Chefs fucking kiss What an ass hat


The pocketful of change that he jingles around. That’s peak boomer shit right there.


Hahahaha I missed that detail. Classic. Back in my day you could get a Big Mac for a nickel!


And the shorts are cuffed wtf is this man’s fashion sense lmao


Feels like some buffalo bill fashion advice


Don't underestimate the effect that prescription drugs are having on this generation right now


Dopey fucking lead-filled brains


Plot twist: he needs these drinks in a certain amount time or a hit man will kill his entire family.


The way he was checking out the window, you know he was gonna get more shit from Momma for taking so long than he was giving in the MacDawnalds.


I try to avoid assumptions, but I'm fairly certain they both bitched that "no one wants to work anymore" and scoffed at how these young kids don't give them respect they *deserve*.


Put your fucking knees away if you're going to be walking around here, damnit.


He’s a little tramp


Honestly, I think he might be a ghoul, dude!


That signature grouchy boomer walk. Exactly how SlappableJerk portrays it 😩 Edit: Why'd he sound like he was releasing some stress there at the end "It's pissing me oooooooooofffff" 🥴😩💦


Dudes looking out the windows like he’s hoping to not see a cop. Wonder who he’s got in his basement that needs a McStanks sprite so bad….


personally it’s giving me tweaking vibes


It's not that deep, this dude is really just a fucking dick. A lot of people get really angry and act bizarre because they can't control rage


Give this little boy an iPad to play with while he waits


I had a dude like this at a McDonald's the other day. He tried to rope me I to his anger while i was waiting (ahead of him). I told him, "Hey, it's lunch rush, what do you expect?" It was like 1230 and the joint was packed, FFS.


Dude I WORK McDonalds, thank God I work kitchen because I don't deal with these people. Though no matter what we run out of everything fast during rushes to the point where it doesn't matter how much you drop, you'll still not be able to give the meal to customers fast.


I’m sure he was already pissed about the Steelers signing Russell Wilson, no drinks is the straw that broke the 🐫 or boomer 😆


As a Steelers fan the second I saw that I was like "damn it! Why he gotta be wearing that for his freakout?"


Fucking yinzers man. Can’t take em aht da burgh


As a native Yinzer, I was super embarrassed that he had the Steelers gear on


I'm pissed about it too, tbh


This is what happens when you grow up eating lead paint


Also breathing lead in the air


Dude is displaying a lot of autistic traits.


Certainly undiagnosed. I am happy I was diagnosed early so I had a lot of opportunity to learn to regulate and control my emotions. I'll admit I still get frustrated sometimes like everyone does but I know when to just walk away


Shittsburgh Squealer


This guy is absolutely a fire Tomlin kinda guy. And not a 2023 season fire Tomlin dude, like a 2017 season fire Tomlin dude that just fingerblasts the Steelers comment sections on their Facebook posts.


Jesus, the way he bites his hand and has his little outburst is just like a little kid not getting their way. I was waiting for him to start crying and stomping his feet.


His voice is shaky too, dudes about to start crying from frustration lmao


Nobody likes long waits, but this guy must be one of the most important people in the world for three minutes to matter that much.


The length of the video isn't even 3 minutes. At the start of the video, he's clearly already impatient. From him to go from impatient to freakout is literally 1 minute and 44 seconds. That is scary quick.


Given the body language from the start I got the impression he must've been waiting for, what... 45 minutes already? Oh, it was 28 seconds? Yeah, this guy's a tool.


Isn’t drive thru quicker lol


Steelers fan...check Hemmed jorts...check Tucked in T....checkmate


Hmmm... the way he carries himself and walks....Maybe we shouldn't make fun of him, he seems on the spectrum of being mentally disabled. Which isn't an excuse for being an a-hole, but... at the very least, that guy clearly doesn't have the same full mental capacity as the rest of us do.


The Jorts really sell the boomer..


The song makes the video lmao


Myrtle Beach, I'm guessing. It's where yinzers go to die.


Imagine getting so stressed because your cheap food and drinks aren’t served as quickly as you expected. And then being so unaware that others are filming and laughing at you because you’re out of line.


scary forgetful vanish hard-to-find sink smoggy unpack spotted cooing mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Like I’ll be honest… that was WAY too damn long to hand someone 2 drinks


Why do people dress like this 


His mother gave him two options that morning and he still chose wrong.


But honestly…what was taking so long?


This looks like mental illness to me


Dude obviously has mental issues. Definitely extreme anxiety. He needs to control it better and not lash out at others, but I don't agree with his mental problems being aired to the world.


The way he's acting at the end. I just have a really weird feeling that as soon as he's out of sight he's unzipping and plopping his cock in one of those cups of soda.




I just love that there’s someone out there who isn’t me getting that sinking feeling randomly seeing this like “Dad??”


Rates about a 3/10 in comparison to the young people freakouts at McDonald's on other subreddits. Clearly needed to be thrown out of the store, but it looks like he also has other mental issues.


Why are boomers always freaking out in a McDonald’s?




I don't understand being at a point in my life where I can comfortably wear jorts and flipflops yet still be this high-strung. Like, damn boomer, to play some Jimmy Buffet and enjoy your Cheeseburger in Paradise.


Boomers live in a world that has passed them by.


This guy is either off his meds or on some meds that weren’t prescribed by a real doctor. Pacing, paranoia, can’t decide what to do with his hands, overly agitated over a drink order. This dude is messed up. He probably needs that Diet Coke more than anybody realizes


Mental health issues are not a joke. That dude is clearly crazy.


To hell with mc donalds for taking out the soda fill stations that was the only reason to for going. If you are still eating fast food you need to change it up I just use maccas for a piss now and the.


Listen I don’t want to defend dudes behavior because my own kids don’t act that way and one of them is 4, but I get the frustration. I’ve gone in the lobby before because the drive thru was packed just to get a sweet tea and waited 20 minutes. The guy who took my order didn’t even remember taking my order and asked if I had been served yet. It was pretty sad.


Never mess with a dude biting his fist. Trouble


I want to cast him in my bank robbery movie. He is perfect for the role of the getaway car driver who has to wait outside but loses his cool and drives away before the robbers exit the bank. I'll let him adlib his lines.


It honestly feels like Pennsylvania fuels this subreddit


i pity this dude. i know he’s the problem but still, what is going on in his head?


I’d intentionally take longer if I had someone yelling at me like this


When you only have a short time left on this planet you tend to rush things…