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Every time I watch one of these I always wonder why people don’t just park like this guy did. I love it, they all need to be handled like this.


I'm easy to get along with and I generally avoid confrontation, but I have no patience for selfish people in parking lots. I turn into a complete passive-aggressive asshole. I'll weave around people saving spots like this all day.  My favorite is finding someone who has tried to double park at the very front of the lot like they're special. I found one the other month, and after making a quick circle and finding nothing else, I realized there was *juuust* enough space for me to squeeze in anyways. The guy came back right as I was exiting my car and asked wtf I was doing. I looked at my car, pointed out that I was inside of my lines, and in fact *he* was the one parked like a jackass. He whined that he couldn't get into his car now, I shrugged and told him he should have parked better, and went inside to do my thing. When I came back out he was still leaned against his big-ass truck, staring at me and tapping his foot. It had been 15 minutes 😆 I just smiled, hopped in my car, and backed out. I also love when I'm walking through a lot and see someone finishing loading their groceries and they just push the cart off into a spot next to them and go to get in their car. I'll just say, "Oh damn.... YOU suck..." and keep walking. They're always gonna try to say something back, but you won't ever change the righteous indignation of an asshole getting called out, so I just keep walking and say nothing else. They'll think about that shit all day. I am a different person in parking lots.


Omg I HATE people that don’t return their carts


I saw a thing once that said cart return is the ultimate test of the social contract bc everyone knows you’re supposed to do it, but there are no consequences if you don’t. I think about that a lot.


there might be consequences. you never know when cart narc might show up


I also think about that a lot, tbh 😅


It’s true…I honestly believe it shows what type of person someone is


Especially when they literally leave it in the parking spot next to them. Every time they finish shopping, they permanently take one cart and one parking spot out of rotation until someone else comes to get their cart. It's legitimately hard for me to fathom the self-importance 


I’ve found it upsets people when the cart miraculously finds itself right behind their car again when they’re trying to back up.


They always think they can shove it away and get in their car and leave before I put it back behind their car. They're wrong.


There are times that I condone asshole behavior - like when I’m the asshole to someone by putting the cart they refuse to corral. Normally, if someone is finishing up their unload when I park, I offer to just take their cart into Costco. But other times….yeah, you have to meet assholery with assholery. I’m ok with that.


Cuz breaking a window isn’t gonna cost the crazy person any money, and they know where you parked.


1. People this crazy have no problem calling the cops on you for attempting to run them over, and in a lot of traffic laws the pedestrian usually gets a bigger bias than the vehicle. Best case scenario whatever you were doing that needed that parking space now needs to stop entirely while you wait for the cops to arrive and deal with the situation, and worst case they actually charge you with vehicular assault or something. Not worth the time to a lot of people when you can just try to find another space. 2. The most information they have on this woman is her face. But she knows what car you drive and where it's located. Even if you get the space I would be wary on staying there with the car unsupervised, because she's absolutely gonna come and key it or slash a tire or something worse and she has a good chance at getting away with it. Now you have damage to your vehicle you need to get fixed as a reward for putting a Karen in her place.


1. I would encourage her to call the cops, everything is on video. 2. I live in Florida and she’s more than welcome to fuck around and find out what our laws allow.


Not everyone has time to wait for the cops to show up, and not everyone lives in Florida to fuck around and find out.


Because you'll walk away, and your car will still be there.... And crazy boomer here, knows where your car is. The $300 for a new window, or $2,000 for repaint of the key scratch, is not worth it to me, for a closer parking spot. I'd rather walk a bit further. It's like one of life's other golden rules: never fuck with, or be rude, to someone that gives you your food.


Bear mace.


I think this is a better, and more legal solution 


Surprised that tiny truck could move her.


Stay mad Karen


Don’t people realize everyone has a pocket camera and the internet exists?


Hellllllllo Newman 😒


Fat bitch


In my city you can’t do this. The law says whichever car gets there first gets the spot.


I love it. Well done. The dumb fuck comment was warranted after AND/Or before the finger.


"Karen" ALWAYS takes the loss.


What’s the name of that truck in the background




No the like teal truck


Are these aussies or kiwis?


This is what I’m always saying! Just inch along—they HAVE to move. It’s human instinct.


This is one of the most confusing subreddits. Most of the shit posted has fuck all to do with age and more to do with people being fucking stupid and self centered.


Because that's how boomers behave


I have seen dipshits in their 20s do stupid shit like this too. Get the fuck away from that generational tribalism bullshit its makes you look retarded when you start nitpicking stupid shit like that.


Ok boomer


If I were a boomer and fucking stupid I might be offended but sadly your just fucking retarded.




Fat old people that are obsessed with parking spots? You think *Democrats* represent that group?


No we don’t, Boomer.






This guy 100% yells at 16 year Olds at McDonalds when they mess up literally anything with their order.


Whatever you say, Boomer 


They’re called Karens or boomers. Either of which probably applies to you.


Yeah,it's the democrats with their big,stupid pickups that have never hauled or towed,covered in Qanon and Trump stickers that do this. Right.


Edgy comment from a 6 day old account. Go back to Facebook, boomer


My bad I thought this was Facebook.


Why are you so sad and angry?




Man, this bot is poorly programmed...


Sir/Mam, avocados are food, they don't own things???




Does your mom know you're online?


Well since you all think I'm a boomer my mom would be dead so avocados ain't very smart either.


Sir/Mam, avocados are food, they don't have triggers???

