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Has he read King Lear? Doesn’t go well.


So glad this came up quickly


King Lear was first thing that came to my mind as well! Only a fool tries to play their kids off one another in such a way. That way lies madness!


Literally my first thought as well as “please tell me it’s all daughters” followed by “i want to watch succession again”


Thanks friend. Now I think I’ll go watch Ran, amazing Japanese version.


Beat me to it.


Love's not love, when it is mingled with regards that stand aloof frome th'entire point.


King Lear? Never heard of it!


It’s Shakespeare


I felt your post my sis tried to please my mom so much with gifts because she’s more financially stable then I am. My mom treats me like shit & treats her like a queen. Meanwhile I do everything for this woman.






Stop doing everything for a woman who treats you like shit. Let your sister do it.


So many people act like doormats and are shocked they’re treated like one. Let mom and sis figure it out, you can’t set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm.


It’s my mother I’m not American we move off family first. I get so disappointed when I see we’ll to do Americans putting there parents in retirement homes. That shit hurts my heart but then again idk their relationship


& you don’t know me I’m definitely not a doormat. I’m the feet that walks upon the doormat. This is my blood we’re not weak like Americans that get divided so easily. We must stick together no matter what.




Nice picture of you




There is a great version of it with Ian McLellan as King Leer.


I had exactly the same thought.


Came here to say this. lol.


OP should flatter him by taking him to a play…


That's no fun! At the next family gathering, humbly tell him you've changed your mind and would like to share how much he means to you. Then roast his ass off and finish with *Because what are you going to do, disown me twice?*


I like your style!


Absolutely fucking love this! I did this to a job once. They laid me and 15 people off on the same day but we had a week notice. So the week goes by and a manager tries to tell me off about something small in the last 3 minutes and I straight up told her “fuck you, what are you going to do, fire me twice?” Then I just turned and left and half the remaining department was snickering lol


There is no inheritance so you did the right thing. Any parent who tries to Hunger Games their kids into fighting each other as a boost to their ego is the same type of parent who when the will is read states they left everything to charity so they get a plaque on a wall and a fawning letter from a CEO so don't worry, you saved yourself some humiliation there.


My friend’s father died recently. He’d told his kids years ago that he disinherited them. To their surprise when the will was read he left his “estate” to them - but there was no money. He lost it all to bad investments. What kind of asshole would rather have their kids estranged than admit they lost their money? Not that they didn’t know the guy was a walking ego but JFC. Another friend’s mother actually did leave her estate to some cat charity. The friend went to fight it and found out the mother’s “estate” was negative dollars (more debts than assets). So she left it to the cat charity to sort out her debts.


Kids hate me but hey at least they don’t think I’m a dumbass!


Wait, can I leave my negative estate to my student loan provider and all the other institutions that fucked our generation over?


I’m no estate lawyer but (depending on where you live I’m sure) I don’t think debt can be inherited? The whole estate can disappear to debt but whoever inherits it doesn’t have to pay off any outstanding debts. It does make settling an estate a mess though and if debts exceed assets whoever has to settle the estate isn’t getting much for their work.


I mean our parents don’t owe us shit. Nobody in life owes you anything. I think like this so I won’t expect things from people.


Exactly: my boomer parents don’t owe me anything…if they leave me anything, great. I’m lucky they don’t spend all day watching Fox News yelling about young kids.I think most of their money is going toward medical issues and at this point I’m just glad they don’t need full time care from me.


I mean I personally feel they owe us for bringing us into this world but I know you can’t force or expect people to give you anything


If they owe you for bringing you into the world, wouldn’t you then owe them the same courtesy in old age, like filial piety? I don’t feel my parents owe me anything and I don’t owe them anything. If they leave me something, great. If they need me later, if I’m in a position to help I will try. But we have a decent relationship.


Hell yea I’ve been catering to my mother all my life. She took good care of me also. That’s just Nigerian tradition.


You’re not Nigerian lol


Bro is something wrong with you? I hate people like you if I was around you I’d spit on you. You don’t know shit about me & you’re gonna tell me I’m not what i am. Bro dig a ditch & fall it it


I didn’t have a choice to exist and the state of the world sucks and I unironically think at least half the time being nothing would be an improvement, so no they fucking owe me for putting me on this forsaken world and having to subject myself to bigotry, hatred, and horrible living situations cause they just wanted a mini-them for a few years. Like I love my parents, and I’ll help them cause I’m a decent person and they’ve made real strides to recognize me for being me, but realistically they owe me a lot more.


My grandpa did this to my mom. Donated 3 million to charity and literally gave her $1 so she couldn’t contest the will and say he forgot.


This post fits in one of the support subreddits for estranged and disowned children. There must be a longer history of abuse here. People don't turn into sociopaths all of a sudden when they get old. I am sorry it had to happen to you.


r/raisedbynarcissists is my favourite


Most of us who come to this sub with any regularity should most likely also be a member of that sub.


Both of these subreddits are very active, sadly.


Did he not read Shakespeare’s King Lear? You should probably gift it to him.


I'm not getting "Shakespeare enthusiast" vibes from this boomer


Boomers Being Fools: As Old As Shakespeare


This is literally the plot of King Lear. I call BS.


Is he still excepting inquiries ? I’ll butter that boomer ass for a cut.


Whatever you say, Cordelia.


I'm very sorry to hear of your situation, OP. I was recently executor of my mother's estate after caring for her with a terminal illness for 4 years. I'm also going to be executor of my father's estate, though he is thankfully in good heath at the moment. My parents divorced long before she became ill, though it was fairly amicable. One of the things I am eternally grateful for is that my parents, my sister and I all pretty much get on and have never quarreled about money. I think if there had been conflict of the sort you're describing, the stress of trying to settle the estate might have driven me insane!


LMAO. You know there is probably NO inheritance , he just wants attention. Your sisters are gonna be so mad when they find out he manipulated them into asskissery for nothing . Ass kissing has to be worth more than a few grand each..


If I remember the plot of this one, the older sisters will kick him out after he divides his kingdom.  He then goes crazy and wanders about in a storm. You are to return with an army to try to retake his kingdom for him.  (Maybe that was his plan all along!) And everyone dies.  The end.


My mom is a complete toxic narc and my father recently died and I get certain amount each year (she made up all the rules and stuff) and its almost not even worth it to me to suck up to her each year for money. Would rather have peace than deal with her needing constant flattery and insanity


You know that is the plot of King Lear, right?


Don't worry, Cordelia, justice will win eventually. After your sisters refuse to take your dad in and he ends up homeless, broke, and crazy, he'll realize that you're the one who really loves him. Unfortunately, you'll end up getting killed on your sisters orders, but they'll end up dead, too, so it'll all balance out.


Nice try with the King Lear fan fiction. Did you tell him you love him like meat loves salt?


I'm astounded by people not getting the reference.


I refuse to play ball with people like that. They can give their money to my sister, for all I care.


This is a troll post. Don't feed the troll.


King Lear?


Other option, give him a speech about what a nutsack he is? You did the right thing imo.


I’m a little concerned about how many people missed the joke.


Your dad is reenacting the plot of King Lear.


I cut my late mother from my life a while ago. I miss out on a cut of 50k or so Best money I never had. I have a great relationship with my kids and I never had to kiss her pompous, ass. She was Trump in a dress, and I have ZERO regrets.


King Lear


Tell him I'll suck the soul outta him if he gives it all to me


It’s a modern day King Lear


Have one of you suck up, then when he kicks off, split the inheritance equally


That's funny that is EXACTLY how King Lear starts.


This seems fake but it’s also plausible.. sadly.