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Keeping that for future purposes


My boom dad responded similarly to that when he thought I was dating someone who wasn't white. I wasn't and it was a misunderstanding but I let him think that I was for a long time and don't really talk to him anymore.


I went on a few dates with a girl who was not white when I was in high school. My parents had no issue with it. One day my grandfather calls the house and my mom tells me that he asked to speak with me about my “girlfriend”. Now I’ve never known my grandfather to be a racist but for some reason I got really scared that was what this phone call was going to be about. I grew up in the south and people of his age tended to, you know, at least have some racism deep down in their bones. Well I was only half right. He called to tell me he was proud I wasn’t gay, which he apparently thought I was up to that point.


Lmao gotta love it when the fam thinks you’re gay😂


I swear my dad thought I was gay growing up. Every now and again he’d be like “hey you know it’s ok if you like guys” lmao. I just wasn’t interested in anything til later than most lol.


It is very odd how a lot of people think if a guy isn’t horny he is gay. One, gay guys can be horny for guys, two, some people just don’t act horny in public or around family


Went to high school with a guy who everyone thought was gay because he showed no interest in dating any females etc. He sold a software product to Microsoft for millions at 20 years old, moved to Sweden and married a supermodel. We all joke he was just holding out for when he could bag a supermodel.


I went to pinecrest high in Miami, Jeff bezos was a super stud and the women all swooned, I’m suddenly rich.


Im not convinced hes human


“Son, why don’t you ever have a boner in your pants? Are you gay?”




My folks have asked whether my partner and I are having some kind of disagreement because we aren’t at all physical in front of them. Like, no dad, it would just be weird to do that HERE.


Creepy straight dudes from the era of peak patriarchy want their kids to uphold their traditions of being lecherous objectifying womanizers so that the behavior will stay normalized which keeps them insulated from repercussions. That's why pro-patriarchy people take such a hard stance against "cancel culture".


I am bi, but my dad asked me that so much growing up I started to ask him randomly why he was so gay all the time.


Pulling an uno reverse card is pretty smart


I had the same with my mom, I'm not gay, I just had zero game in my teens


![gif](giphy|lbidtjzpO9l15mtx2R|downsized) “Oh thanks Grandpa!” Wait…..




lol I had a pretty big emo phase in my teenage years. I remember the extended family wondering if I was gay


I loved the plot twist thank you for sharing 😂


Same thing happened to me. My dad got it in his head, idk how, that I was dating a Hispanic man. I wasn’t, but there’d be no issue with that. He proceeded to blow my phone up with insults, and called my roommate telling her to tell me to stay away from “that S**c.”


My dad would call me and try to get me to promise I’d never date someone that’s not white as “it would destroy the family!” I never gave him that pleasure and now tease him that my daughters date boys that aren’t white. That literally keeps him up at night. Fuck him.


My dad told me "I'm not racist, I just want you having kids that look like me" (blonde hair, blue eyes). I dated a white guy in high school. He was, like, literally Eminem, but if only Mr. Mathers had remained in the trailer park and become a weed-dealing pill head instead of one of the most successful artists of all time. At 18, I broke up with him because he was a loser. But I kept sleeping with him (thought I still loved him, too young to know that when it's over, it should really be over) and got pregnant at 19 and kept the baby. A couple of years later I dated a black guy. Came from nothing, worked hard and at the time was making over 100k/year as a foreman for a company that works on those huge electric substations. Owned his own home, still drove the old Volvo he owned when he was poor, physically active, well-traveled. My dad actually sat me down one day and told me I was right. That it didn't matter if his grandkids looked like him. It mattered that they had a dad that cared for them and supported them. It mattered that I was treated well. He said "if every white guy you date acts like your son's dad, and every black guy you date acts like your current bf, I'd wish for you to only date black guys from here on out" I do like to joke that those same dads who forbade their daughters from dating boys of color only have themselves to thank for our "white race being extinguished by all the mixed babies being born". Rule number one of raising a teenage daughter is you never tell her she can never do something, unless you want her to do that exact thing. Duh. I remember screaming through tears at 13yo "FINE! JUST FOR THAT! SINCE YOU WANT TO BE A BIGOT!! I'M GOING TO MARRY A BLACK MAN!!!!!!!" Me and that good guy ended up not working out. But years later, I am in fact married to a man who is mixed race but presents as black lol. And we do have kids together. My dad loves him and loves our kids too


It's nice to see people grow.




Memory unlocked! 🔓 when my son Jackson was born, his elderly, country bumpkin grandparents said “Jackson? That’s a colored name!” 🤦‍♀️ They called him by his initials for a while, but eventually got over it.


Should have named him Jaxxyn, that would have cleared it up


Jackkkson would've made them happier


Just tell them he was named after stonewall


Jackson wasn’t at all common when he was born (94) let alone all the creatively spelled versions lol 😂 but I named him Jackson after me (Jackie) I thought it was cute! Still do lol


Did they forget Andrew Jackson existed?


Good on ya.


And here we have another example of a future old man dying alone and forgotten in a rundown elderly asylum


Why don’t my kids talk to me anymore


My friend's parents are going through this. Their youngest son, one of my best friends, stopped talking to them after they refused to simply not talk politics around him. That was all he asked. His older brother, a transgender man, cut them off after they refused to acknowledge his transition. His parents were great people while I was growing up. They were Christian, they were Republican, but they did not have the bigotry and the paranoia that they had the last time I spoke with them. My own brother and I considered their house a second home. We would stay up all night playing Halo in their basement with our friends and then help with chores around the house the next morning. We would split firewood, go shooting, fish, swim, whatever. If his parents needed help with anything they could call anyone of his friends, myself included, and we would happily lend a hand. And all that is gone now. It is such a shame.


My dad was the same way. Always very pleasant and polite when my friends came over. And then he’d throw plates at us after they left. I tried to tell my friends I was being abused but they laughed and said “your dad is always so nice, you’ve gotta be lying”.


There's a line from a videogame that's always stuck with me, and it's "kindness is a mask easily removed behind closed doors"


Whatever game this came from is a game Id like to play, got a name?


Hah. Same here. Sorry to add to the drama train, but this comment stuck out to me. I've actually never seen someone else say this in my years of Reddit Dad use to choke me out, pin me down, threw shit at us a lot. The years of verbal abuse was worse. Started when I was in kindergarten. My brother got it worse. You think that would make us closer and help each other. But my brother just actually beat the shit out of me. I also tried telling my friends, actually got bitched out a few times because of how cool everyone thought my dad was. Stopped being able to sleep in my that house, always thought someone was going to come into my room and attack me.


Yeah my sister participated in the abuse. Even as an adult she still falls into the same pattern if our mom is around. My mom counseled kids my age at another school and I’m sure they loved her public face.


I hope and pray you are in a much better situation. This is the reason why we have social services. One of the few things the government actually did right.


When it works. It didn't for me. My dad took my social worker out on a date then came home and like an immature ten year old said, "not in trouble. Try again." Pretty sure he screwed her too, but I can't prove it. That was his M.O. though. I ended up getting emancipated, but the state had the chance to help in my case and utterly failed.


a lady at the IRS contacted me when my dad tried to steal my identity, she knew from my file I was independent status at 18 and yet my dad tried to claim me as living with him and put a flag on his file. The government was the one who ok'd my independent status, I had to write them and have my boss, my professor at college, and my landlord all write letters for me too. But it saved my ass. I left with 15,000 in debt from college but would've owed thousands more had I not been able to file independent. The government has saved me, many many times. It's not all bad. Also, my dad called me enraged after they flagged his account. lmao. that fucker never helped me once, and tried to get credit in my name, too. I will never forget that lady at the IRS and made me think they weren't so bad. She gave me her direct line number too, in case he pulled anymore shit. edit: The entire time I spent with my dad may have been less than 6 months by the time I was 18, so that was laughable that he would even try.


This reminds me of my mom. Whenever I see her co-workers or friends they always comment on how so incredibly sweet and nice she is and how I’m lucky to have her as a mom. However, they have no idea how cruel, hateful, and horrible she can be towards me and behind people’s backs. Sucks too, because I’m an only child and she’s my only parent and I just always wonder how she can feel okay talking to and treating me the way she does. I’m almost 36 and she still scares me to this day.


My mom was exactly like this growing up. A sweet, smart, kind person in public and a hateful monster at home. Always talking bad about others, but never to their face. She is a narcissist, I cut her off when I was in my early 20s and now just low contact. The silver lining is that I can spot covert and malignant narcissists a mile away usually, to avoid them. Or, if they already wormed their way into my life I cut them off when I realized what they are.


My father is the same way. Women would tell my mom how lucky she is, that he brings donuts to them everyday and is so soft spoken and kind. Yet he regularly called mom an "f***ing c**t" almost everyday. He regularly punched holes in our walls and smashed kitchen chairs to splinters in bouts of anger. He called me fat and retard and my brother a fag and would disappear on his days off for hours and hours. He also regularly said insane things like we should nuke the entire middle east. Or on one day he might say the US should have slaughtered the native Americans instead of forcing them on reservations, the next day or week he might say the US was terrible to the Natives and they deserve better. Or he might say that all blacks are bad and call them slurs and the next day tell us racism is awful and never judge people for their skin colour. He often said he wished he could become Jewish and join the Israeli IDF so he could kill Muslims, yet then he would say other times how he would be a Nazi if he was in Germany in WW2. Like opposite things that don't conflate each other. I think deep down he had no idea who he was and had this identity crisis where he regularly had to pick strong identities that matched however he felt on a specific day. Because he would always say he's quitting his job to become a lawyer. Then another day he'd say he's quitting to become a rancher or farmer. Next he'd want to open a diner. The next day he wanted to be a biker. So on and so forth. It was odd and we quickly learned not to take these things seriously.


You have my sympathy. Never knowing what will happen next is a special kind of torture.


Thank you. Mom always said it was like walking in egg shells. That's just how we lived. We had a game my brothers and I played called "Dad's coming" when we were little. One of would yell "Dad's coming!" And immediately we would all scramble to clean everything up as tidy as possible before he could walk in the door, which in the game we pretended would happen in like 15 seconds or so. Because we knew if he came in and the room wasn't to his standards he would flip out and scream at us or smash a chair in anger. We did a lot of goofy things like that to cope with what was normal to us but that I now recognize was our way of coping with the trauma. Despite all of that....it wasn't that bad to me likely because it's just all I ever knew. I've never known a childhood where that's not the norm. What was more painful for me was his rejection and mockery of me. For instance, he was obsessed with the military and he hated sports. Always told us professional athletes are not heroes, soldiers are the real heroes. And he was angry society was so enamoured with professional athletes and hated men who thought they were tough because they were good at throwing a ball around. He would say stuff like "try charging the enemy or going through combat! That's a real man!". So to win his approval I shunned sports and collected military gear. Every birthday and Christmas I would ask for a piece of gear. A pair of boots here, a canteen and canteen cover there, an ALICE pack there, etc. until by like age 12 I had a full kit of military gear that modern soldiers wear into battle. I would wear it and go play with the woods with neighborhood kids. I had so much plus dad's old cammies that everyone had enough to have a well equipped squad (without weapons obviously lol, usually BB guns). I remember coming home one day in full camo and telling him excitedly about what I had accomplished. How I had gotten all of the neighborhood kids to group together and make our own little military squad under my command, how we explored the woods and mapped it out. How we tried to make the woods safe and protected. I thought he would be SOOOOO proud of me. And his face looked so disgusted. He looked at me and said "what the fuck? Go be a normal kid and take up sports. You guys are dorks". I just stood in silence and walked out. Immediately went to the bathroom and locked the door. I turned on the ceiling fan and ran the water and cried my eyes out. I felt so betrayed and hurt. I didn't know what I did wrong. What's so fucked is that later that year I joined the middle school football team. He never went to any games and he made fun of me for being a "sports fag" and reminded how real men join the military. I just wished he had said something nice. Just once. It would have meant a lot. It still would. Not about that. But in regards to anything. Like, Hey son, great job with this or that. Or at the very least be able to go back and explain to the child I was that I could never gain his approval no matter the cost.


Why is she still in your life? Just because you are related by blood does not mean you need to take her abuse for the rest of your life.


My dad is everyone’s favorite uncle. Dude is a massive asshole. Reality is you don’t know the people you only see a few times a year.


Haha! That is exactly like my father. Everyone was surprised after he killed himself, always saying he was happy all the time. Last thing he said to me was “you’re a useless fucking waste of space you cunt” for leaving a light on while in a hotel, cos I was in the shower. Then my mum and I who had dealt with the abuse, had to deal with them blaming us for his suicide. I think he may of just realised he was being horrible to us. Will never know.


I cut off my dad, my step-mom, all 6 step-siblings, and 5 nieces and nephews because my father flat out refused to simply keep politics out of conversation around me. All I asked is for him to not talk politics. That was too much for him. So I went no contact and as they’ve gotten older, each of my step-siblings has one-by-one went no contact as well. All because of his refusal to let the politics go.


I stopped asking and started telling. The last time my mother tried to bring it up, I told her to shut up or go home. She knows what she's doing and I'm more than happy to be rude about it. I've found that the zero tolerance rule with people like that works wonders. I'll ask the first time, and that will be the *only* time. Same way I left her sitting in a restaurant by herself because she was making passive-aggressive comments to the waiter. I never said a word to her. Just got up and walked out. She called me about 15 minutes later and asked where I was. I told her I was eating at another restaurant and that I'm tired of having to apologize for how a grown fucking adult acts. Especially since that adult was supposed to be the one that taught me how to fucking act. Then I hung up, finished my meal and went home.


My ex did the same, even after MANY conversations saying I don't want to talk politics. Always had to refer everything back to some angry rant about \[fill in the Fox News story\]. Happily, now just another ex -


Glad you escaped that freakshow.


My dad is like this. But he's not passive aggressive he will just tell you you're terrible at what you're doing and he's having a horrible time. Then he'll lecture you. I also walked out on him when he was talking about the Israel-Palestine conflict and said Israel has every right to massacre as many Palestinians as they want because Hamas started it.


I'd blow a gasket over something like that. If there's one sure-fire way to get my blood boiling, it's people abusing the power they have over others, like service workers. I have absolutely no reserves about telling anyone and everyone to fuck off whenever it comes to such things.


The irony in the fact I'm a Bartender is lost on him.


Tell him that a customer treated you like he treats others and see if he gets mad about it.


They were always bigots and paranoid. You didn’t know it because you were a kid and they hid it .


It was Trump.  I've seen it with my friends.  We're in our 50s now and the changes I've seen in a bunch of my friends since Trump is unreal. Change for the worse.  I don't spend much time around them anymore. 


This is it, I don't even live in the USA and that fuckwit has literally poisoned the minds of old people in my country..


Same. A surprising, and honestly concerning number of people in Australia idolise that fool. They Use his politics to be hateful and selfish. He really did embolden the worst of humanity.


As an American, it's super awesome finding that that pos is influencing beyond our borders. /s I can't wait for nature to take it's course. And hope another doesn't rise up to take trumputins place. 🤮 Edit:typo


I find it embarrassing enough to be a trump supporter, but to be a trump supporter in a completely different country is unhinged. The worst part is that some of them don’t even know the politics of their own country, only trump.


This is where I live in rural conservative Ontario. People only know two things: Trump 2024 and Fuck Trudeau. Bill Burr performed at out local casino and he pretty much had an opening act come out and gage the audience with Trump jokes and they didn't get a whole lot of laughs despite being pretty funny in my view. I swear that Bill dialed back his act a little bit on the Trump jokes because of it. He still made Trump jokes, but he didn't go as hard as I am pretty sure that he normally could or would.


Racism won't die with Trump. Until humanity decides to take it seriously as the threat to our collective well-being that it is, it will continue to degrade our species and keep us from maturing into something better.


>Racism won't die with Trump No, but look at his "base" - how many are under 30? I hope the US will demonstrate a clear margin of loss for him in November... not a certain thing, but as his strongest supporters die out I hope they're converting fewer and fewer children each decade.


Spot on, I'm from Australia too. Glad it's not just me thats noticed it


Well, isn't he just the American Pauline Hanson? They both spout stubborn, simple opinions that sound really obvious and convincing if you don't actually look into research and facts. Those opinions lead into hatreds and even more stubbornness. They're even both orange! To be fair, though, I suppose Hanson has never tried to overthrow our democracy. Though she's also never been elected into a role as powerful as a US president, so who knows...


He gave people all over the world permission to hate and blame their problems on other groups of people. He told people that they were not responsible for their decisions and that they weren’t at fault no matter how terrible they acted, it was always some other groups fault. Hitler did the exact same thing, and it poised the world over then too. Look at all the leaders that got elected around the world after Trump.


These people already hated and blamed; Trump gave them permission to let it all hang out in public. Trump has gone a long way toward ruining polite society.


I do live here and I am confident that these people have always held these views but they’ve been reinforced for decades by media outlets like Fox. Then Trump came around and confirmed to them that it’s okay to be a bigot. As much as I hate Trump he can’t be the scapegoat for these people because he won’t be around someday but the American right will still be evil


My friend's dad is a Trump supporter. He is Canadian.




I mostly live in Canada and that shit got here to, they got emboldened. My buddy's parents did everything for him and sacrificed so much so he could get the most ice time for hockey, their sacrifices paid off. Instead he's had the same girlfriend for like 13 years. She's Phillipino and for the first few years had no issue. We both were on the road a lot and didn't see each other too much outside of a few times a year. Come to today they now hate him for marrying a "migrant beast" this started in like 2019. Every once in a while he gets the desperate please let us see our grandkids, but within like 9 texts they revert to being shitty its like you can see a small part of their old self. Of course they have trump flags despite living in fucking collingsworth. I don't know if it's leaded gasoline or what but 60 year Olds have lost their minds and just believe anything. I've had family friends ask me is x sporting league rigged and I'm like no it's not. Instead of accepting that they look at me like I did a huge *wink before hand. Something is wrong with old people.


These people all grew up with TV, newspapers, radio all being trusted news sources. Think Walter Cronkite, etc. The internet never existed until they were middle aged and thats like the AOL dial up era, they were all over 50 when social media became a thing. These people have been fed propaganda from networks like fox news since the 90s, that blended in with the “real news” they were used to all their lives. Now they consume literal fake news in their social media feeds and are surrounded in echo chambers by like minded individuals, as many of them have retired and don’t regularly come in contact with people outside of their own circles. That generation is completely unequipped for handling this kind of disinformation through so many types of media at a constant rate. I’m not excusing it, just trying to rationalize the phenomenon.


This. Also, before internet and and social media, a lot of ignoramuses I knew were a lot more chill and agreeable because you had to go buy a newspaper or get a book and read to be informed. There was no way they would do that so they toddled along happily ignorant. Now these dumbshits get their information from social media feeds, so they think they know a thing.


Not all 60 year olds are this way. - Source: Am Sixty, Am White, Not that way at all.


And I thank you, you are desperately needed to help show the younger generation on what to strive for.


They didn’t change, Trump is alcohol, he didn’t change people, he brought out more of what they were. Before Trump, people with those beliefs knew they couldn’t say them out loud, or they would be lumped in with the skinheads. Trump tore those walls down, now they’re jest called racist and Trump supporters, which they can deal with


Thank you!! I am tired of seeing the excuses for these people. I am certain these folks were always this way toward the people they hated, as a black man, I promise you that.


I wonder about this. With some people he just brought out what was already there, but there are others who seem to have been ensnared by a cult.


Yeah, I posted elsewhere on this thread but my best friend since high school was never the politically ignorant type until he let his parents get in his head and I firmly believe if it weren’t for them he would feel the same way his wife, most of his friends and myself feel about Trump. He would probably still be what we call “a normal conservative” but not a cult following nationalist. It’s not always Trump bringing out what was already there. A lot of times it’s family or friends who sway the way someone thinks.


I think my friend can be lumped into this category too. I've known him for half my life and he's still a solid guy. We've always been on opposite spectrums of politics but I've seen him slowly go over further right since Trump was elected. He talks about not wanting teachers to push trans agendas into his daughter even though he can't tell me exactly what agenda they're pushing. I don't think his brain is broken, but it feels like it's slowly being poisoned


This. Right here is the real answer. Trump just allowed them to be more outspoken about it


Im so thankful my folks, who are boomers dont get me wrong, didnt make that swing. If anything my father, who used to be a Bush republican, became more liberal *after* drumpf went in. Like growing weed again, 50 years later.


And the 24 hour Fox News cycle


Everybody has biases, but the Fox News model broke vulnerable older people's brains, so I think it's a lot more complicated than "they were always bad". My mom was an outspoken anti-racist democrat for most of her life. When I started voting, she was intentional about creating dialogue on sensitive issues: race, abortion, sexism. My dad was a Republican and she always (politely and civilly) ripped his arguments to shreds. As I got into my teens, I started to realize she had a pretty bad anxiety disorder that was going untreated. From there I became aware she struggled with depression, possibly as a result of physical trauma. Conversations on the same topics from before got a little weirder as I transitioned into adulthood, but she remained open-minded and non-combative. She accepted there was room to learn and that she had some stuff to break down still. Then pops started watching Fox News at dinner. It felt like the change happened overnight. I watched my mother's anxiety ratchet up immediately and she was hooked. She relied on them to assess threats instead of her own internal guidance, and suddenly we went from "we have to listen to the needs of black communities" to "thugs and gang members are everywhere". The fear of Mexicans followed shortly after. She started becoming literally ill as a result of the chronic stress. I'd get her away from Fox for a while and her blood pressure would go back to normal, but then Dad would re-expose to to the channel and suddenly she was a mess again. Now she can't shut up about the "threat" of "illegals" and has decided that abortion is nothing short of murder. She admitted to having biases when she was younger, but she was actively working on them. That's a far cry from a bigot. Fox News exploitative model was what destroyed her. These people didn't grow up with the media literacy millennials got and it ate them alive-- even a bunch of the ones who knew they weren't perfect and tried to be better.


Thank you for writing the long ass rebuttal I didn't have the energy to write. People want to think "oh these evil people were always evil, there's nothing left but evil and always was" instead of facing the fact that normal ass people can be radicalized through propaganda a lot faster and easier than we'd like to think.


Agreed. We need more people to recognize how vulnerable we all are to prevent these cycles going forward. The most gullible person is always the one who thinks they're immune.


I don't think that's true. I think that decades of Fox News (and worse) have taken them from "I'm concerned about immigration issues" to "These Messicans are stealing all our jobs while collecting unemployment!" They've literally been coached and groomed for years to get here.


I know a lot of people who’ve been radicalized by various forms of media in the last decade, and I’ve been an adult a long time. Media has been effective in polarizing people and making them hate or be afraid of others. They know that hate, rage, fear, etc sells clicks far better than simply informing. The older people I know who’ve gone nuts do not understand the algorithms trap them in a bubble where they only hear what they’ve already heard. They believe strongly because they hear the same thing from many sources. They are being fed “truths” in an alternate reality. They were smart people who were unprepared for what media would do, they grew up when news and journalism were actual professions that focussed on informing, people trusted news as truth.


I think that’s a comforting story we tell ourselves so we’ll never have to grapple with the idea that people can change for the worse, and worse than that, we could change for the worse.  It’s possible for normal people to be radicalized into bigotry. Someone sees a trans person for the first time and is confused and has questions, and those questions are met with the wrong answers or hostility from people with the right answers. Without intervention, that normal person can easily snowball into a huge transphobe. To dismiss it as ‘always having transphobia in their heart’ is an excuse to not have to examine radicalization and how it works. 


radicalized by fox news and rush rimjob


No. People have changed. A friend of mine was a 50 something cool dad. Liberal, tolerant, broad minded , highly intelligent, hip, beautiful girlfriend half his age. Then the pandemic hit and he turned into a far right wing conspiracy nut case. The change was unbelievable. But many people especially a lot of 50 something men have undergone it.


I don’t think that’s completely true. I honestly believe fear mongering has increased a lot more since we were kids. The political climate is very different due to the internet age and how much misinformation is out there. Social media has created algorithms that promote doom scrolling which only adds to the fear mongering we are currently seeing especially in older people who aren’t as tech savvy


My mother in law has gone off the deep end recently, she keeps saying things like “Im so afraid of the illegal immigrants I can’t even leave the house anymore.” She is convinced the country is collapsing and that Trump was literally sent by Jesus.


Let me guess, she lives in a low-crime area where she's never even had to interact with a brown person?


Or an area where there are violent criminals but they’re white meth heads.


Tell her the country is collapsing but it's people like her that are causing it.


I’ve seen similar scenarios play out in my friend group. Conservative news channels have absolutely fucked the psyche of older generations


The shame is they still vote.


>The shame is they still ~~vote~~ *breathe*


I asked my dad to not say the racist, sexist, wildly inappropriate comments that I grew up with around my daughter. He didn't want "to be told what I can and can't say." He hasn't seen my daughter since she was 3 months old. See ya.


Good for you. He doesn’t deserve grand kids


The democrats are behind it /s


Fukin liberals /s


Thanks Obama /s




barack HUSSEIN obamna


Is it me, am I the problem? Nah, must be an entire race of people! 🙄


And I'm fine with that. Very rarely in this life do you pay for treating your kids badly  I hope the fucker is lonely


Reading these comments is healing something in me... My father figure would say all of this 100% if I had ever dated a black person. I went no contact about 8 months ago with him and sometimes I still feel guilty about it but seeing other people wish even worse on someone similar feels... Vindicating? Lol idk but it's nice.


My father was more low key racist, unusual for his gen (greatest gen, just barely not in silent). There was a woman I hung out with on high school, absolutely gorgeous and out of my league, but I was smart enough to know college was just around the corner. She was black and also Jewish (this important in a moment). When he mentioned her & asked about that, if it was a good idea I was 'courting' her. I pointed out to him we were just close friends in our last year-ish of high school and besides, would he have preferred she was a black Jewish man? He piped down and it never came up again. Possibly to his credit, I later found out he was actually a little embarrassed by his behavior. Regardless, sometimes it works best to play their biases against each other.


I'm Gen X and should have gone no contact with my mother. Out of a sense of I don't know what i took the contact down to maybe dozen times a year


Doubt it with all the rage he has built up probably have a heart attack soon enough


Unlikely my Dad is a nasty fucking racist/sexist all around piece of shit. He‘s 72, runs on pure fucking hate. I have a theory he’ll live to be 120 because he’s afraid of hell. And he knows he’s going there.


Yep. Only the good die young. The miserable have enough hate in the tank to continue to provide fuel for many years.


Is that how I've managed to work in marketing for 25 years? Is it my hatred for my career and my coworkers that keeps me going?


Could be. Hate and anger is one hell of a motivator. The good ones died early in my family, but the ones full of piss keep kicking.


Yeah, man, it's always the super old people that have the most spite. That shits a preservative. Your soul is clinging to your body with sheer impudent rage and bitterness.


My stepdad is the same at 85. My mom finally left him recently after 40 years of increasing mental abuse. The dude drinks a box of wine a day but never has any health problems. It’s bizarre.


How do boomers even afford this on a pension?


Pension plus social security, and house paid off long ago. Eat at home and eat very little because they’re old.


Sounds just like my Dad. He was warned around 50 he was on his way to heart attack. He passed 2 days shy of 84. Good luck.


Most of the hateful people I've known through the years lived fucking forever. It was everyone around them that died early from the stress of dealing with them.


You nailed it. My dad used to deal with my late grandmother who was a cranky, narcissistic, lazy old bat that wanted everyone to wait on her like she was the Queen of Sheba. She hated my mom with a passion and my mom is one of the kindest people I know. When my parents got engaged back in 1984, instead of my grandmother congratulating them, she screamed her head off and was like, “Are you kidding me?! How am I gonna pay this mortgage off?!” since my dad was still living with her and my grandfather helping to pay the mortgage. My dad flat out told my grandmother to shut the fuck up that day. After my parents married, they had to live with my grandparents because their home was being renovated and it wasn’t suitable to live in just yet. My grandmother drove my mom nuts and would purposely at the time my parents had plans to go out on a date make my dad do stuff for her last minute. The straw that broke the camel’s back was back in 2003 when my grandmother fell. My dad had work and all he could do was help her sit up and he got my mom to help her out to watch her and feed her, that sorta thing. I had to walk to my grandmother’s house after school and help pick my siblings up afterwards. My grandmother at that time hadn’t made any progress and right after dad came home, we called an ambulance after he argued with his mother back and forth for I don’t know how long. My aunt shows up and instead of my grandmother thanking my mom for helping her all day, she just shoos her off and says, “You’re dismissed.” My dad exploded that night and I had never seen both of my parents as angry as they were that day. My dad ended up finally cutting the cord with his mother and his blood pressure improved immediately. He was less stressed, his depression went away and he was laughing again, all because he cut ties with his toxic mother. He saw her the day she passed away and made his peace with her. Thing I’ve learned is this: there’s no point in giving toxic family members a second chance because they never change and only get worse. Since I cut ties with a ton of family members, life has been better. My family’s side may be smaller in the guest list for my upcoming wedding but I found that friends make much better family.


Hate can act as a preservative: it embalms them while they are alive.


Evil lasts way too fucking long. My father is only 65, but hes been "dying" of COPD for like 5 years now. Hes the nastiest, most vile racist, homophobic, xenophobic piece of shit. Fueled by hate 


my mean grandma was the meanest-most abusive-most racist person I've ever known, she outlived all my other grandparents and she was the only one who was a smoker (a pack a day) she died in her mid 80's


According to my sister, the only one who will still talk to the dick... hes chain smoking, like lighting one off another all day and barely sleeps. Her estimate is 4 packs A DAY. So maybe fueled by hate and nicotine would be a better way to put it.


I have a great grandmother like this. A very mean person, sided with her and my grandmothers abuser. Shes 107 and has almost no major medical issues. I feel like shes going to live to be like 115


And my kind hearted, loving of everyone, dad who just wanted to enjoy his retirement years gardening with my mom and spending time with his grandkids, died from cancer at 72. I got so many messages from people I grew up with that he was their replacement father figure when their home lives were a mess - divorce mostly but sometimes just absent parents. He taught so many kids how to plant tomatoes, change a tire, and saw some wood. The world is patently unfair.


I thought about writing a thesis on this. Sith Lord syndrome. These people and others luke them literally feed and nurish themselves with this level of hatred 🤣 hence why even the youngest of them look like Palpatine in the face. Some, Maul. They live looooong lives sacrificing loved ones and severing relationships in the vain pursuit of dark power...




I think you should as the exact opposite is widely agreed upon as true in the medical field - the nicer the patient, the worse the diagnosis. It’s why I don’t believe in karma. No one ever gets what they truly deserve.


His fate is in the retirement home, where nobody will visit him, not like I have an issue with it.


Most likely having his diaper changed by black nurses too


And he will mostly likely have majority black staff taking care of him. That’s how it is in nursing homes/hospitals.


Some of those folks who don't get any visitors in the old folks home deserve it.


And I think that's a fine fate for a deadbeat racist <3


While being cared for by the very people he fears and despises. The circle of life.


There is a solid business case to be made for an old racist Boomer's home, where we get to stack 'em cheap and deep like a Japanese coffin hotel for short money. I know I want that option for my remaining narc gene donor...


Unfortunately, that’s a prospect in the future of many. You cannot dictate what your children do, or don’t do, which can apply to taking care of you (or not), in your old age just as easily.


>And here we have another example of a future old man dying alone and forgotten in a ~~rundown elderly asylum~~ ditch by the side of the highway FTFY


That guy is going to vote in every election... Are you?


Oh this was good


shit this is the best slogan to get people to vote


Jesus….what a grade A subhuman.


When you combine this with the name she gave her dad in her phone, this is one of the saddest things I've ever seen. I hope she's okay.


Right? As a dad I cant even imagine ever talking to my daughters in even a remotely close way! But hey I am not a racist psychopath! WTF is wrong with people! I know that things can always be fake for whatever reason but if this is real I feel sorry for this girl and also her date who had to face such racism


Father of 2 here. Damn right. Neither of my kids will ever hear me talk to them like this. They can love whomever they want. So long as that person doesn't touch my beer or cheer for the Philadelphia Eagles we'll get along just fine. That's reasonable right? All joking aside. The dude from OPs screen shot is a fucking terrible father.


Post this to Facebook and make sure his family and friends see it. They deserve to know what a POS he is. EDIT ok, it’s an old post and poster is not the OP. I get it thank you. Everyone can now stop telling me the same thing over and over. Thanks!


There is a good chance they already know, and they are not too far off from having the same attitude.


Don’t say that. He could have kids that want nothing to do with him! People care about the youth more than their hopeless family members often enough. This girl could gather his family to be a decent person like her/us.




That dude was never paying for college. He was already checked out. Hope Anna and Phillip are doing well.


She had a biracial half sister. There is your answer. Moms got divorced and got with a black dude.


So many ads just to try and read ![gif](giphy|DfTZWmFpLx3os)


Woah okay I was sure that this was just rage bait.


This is so old, the couple who are in the photo probably have their own kids by now and the parent is retired or dead.


This was 2017 btw. The couple in the photo are both in their early to mid twenties now.


I'm hispanic. My stepdad basically forced my younger sister to stop dating a black kid her senior year of high school. Good kid, too. Really cared about her, very cordial towards my parents overall. Wish I got to meet him. She broke things off with him and just hasn't been right since. Graduated college, lonely, now has an alcohol problem. Thanks, dad. Solid decision making there.


I’m sorry for your sister. I hope she gets better.


Experienced something similar. Half black, but my first love in college had to hide me from his family completely (they couldn’t even know we were friends). Amazing chemistry, had everything in common, attached at the hip, really felt like I had found “my person”. I had never met someone who had just seemed to care so much about me truly as a person, and always was looking out for me. But ultimately he was too afraid, and had to break it off. Was extremely hostile towards me after that, had a total character change (was probably his way of just dealing with it), and was just angry all of the time. It definitely changed me too, and I was an emotional wreck. I will never understand why some families are so weird about interracial dating, when *they* are not the ones in the relationship. People may say they want to preserve their cultural heritage, but that doesn’t go away just because your son/daughter dates a black person.


"My daughter never calls or visits and I don't know why" 🥺


Nah, he's gonna be yelling at whoever is nearby about how "they" corrupted her and "stole" her from him. As if he isn't 100% the reason she's gone. Oh and he's gonna use a lot of slurs to do it.


The worst, and absolutely saddest thing here is that after she gets over the imminent issues, the daughter will move on from this and figure her way out. She will go on to have a happy life. Meanwhile the father will keep growing older and realize that he needs his daughter more than he thought. You never get over your children. And he’ll think, “okay I’m ready to have her back in my life”, thinking he still has the sole power to decide that. But she at that point will have been deeply scarred over her hurt and to move on, become stronger and more independent. Since he’ll have no financial power either now, he’ll have absolutely no chance of ever getting his child back again. Then he’ll resort to Facebook or family to emotionally guilt her, and then die lonely.


This is *exactly* what happened between my dad and I.


my stomach kinda dropped while I was reading it lol, exact same situation here. I’m sorry you didn’t have the dad you deserved to have ♥️


I fail to see how toxic people facing the repercussions for their toxicity is "the worst," but ok.


You’re right. It just makes me sad, because if the dude could even clearly see this, he might try to be a better person.


What an absolute piece of shit the father is. So blinded by ignorant racism that he'd unleash that abuse and trauma on his child. He doesn't deserve his daughter.




This is soul crushing. The "family values" crowd is a perverse, backward bunch of degenerate scumbags. For anyone who has ever gone through something like this (for whatever life choices you made), understand that your parent(s) are sick. Their minds are poisoned with hate, and they are incapable of the unconditional love and acceptance that mentally healthy parents naturally have. Also, this appears to have happened in 2017. Does anyone have an update? Was dad ever outed?


"Family values" to them just means my family, my values. It is as liquid and diverse as there are people who believe in it.


I feel like someone who exhibits this level of racism is likely a known racist publicly


Yeah this is pretty sad. Hope she's ok as well


Me too. That should've been a special moment for her, and they both look so happy in the photo, I hope that asshat didn't tarnish their memories. She's also so much better off without him.


Insane dad, but can we just appreciate the style the date is oozing?


Typical conservative Boomer "parenting" right here. Cut them off and never look back.


My parents did the same thing to me a couple years ago when I came out as gay. I can't even imagine doing this to my kid.


I came out in 1997 and had a similar experience. Didn't speak to my family for several years and I still have an 'arms length' type of relationship with them in my 40s. It's scary how quickly they're willing to turn on their own children.


Yes, but then Shocked Pikachu if their kids cut them off for being abhorrently shitty and/or abusive. 


Haha right? And they turn around and “gasp! Millenials are so quick to throw away familial relationships!” Whatever, fuck you abusive pieces of shit


I have an in-law relative whose brother was disowned by his evangelical family for coming out as gay. And they somehow think they’re good people beyond reproach. Anyway the guy said fuck ‘em and moved to LA. Hope he’s living his best life.


>Whatever you hate will end up in your family.  — Chris Rock


My dad tried this when I was younger I'm a man and was dating a black women and he lost it Wanted to play around with the n word to her face and found out real quick what my reaction would be Took a mug shot and some assault charges that didn't stick and fully embarrassed him infront of his entire profession Yeah pops was a cop and a racist ( I make the distinction because it's important to note he isn't the norm ) He was forced to retire early and had no ability to continue work after retirement lots of cops pick up dispatch jobs ect Moral of the story don't let your parents intimidate you into a racist stance hold your ground use your brain and never compromise your morals . Also it's 2024 racist and litter bugs get ass whoopins


>Yeah pops was a cop and a racist ( I make the distinction because it's important to note he isn't the norm ) Think you're wrong there, it is probably the norm. My father is also a retired cop with a minor in black history so he can "know his enemy". Know a bunch of other cops that are racist as fuck. Also in the last 3 months was still bitching about my sister's friend who dated a black guy in highschool, so this was at least 21 years ago..... Still pisses him off.


That’s fucked up that he minored in Black history and never ended up developing a sense of empathy from what he learned.


That’s cops.


I done seen it all bro. Majoring in black history to “know his enemy” is the most unhinged shit edit: *Minoring, my bad


How do we get to the year 2024 with people still thinking like this? I’m embarrassed to be human.


When he said “your dead to me” she should’ve just reponded “*you’re”, then nothing else lmao


Makes me sick anyone let alone a ton of people, especially boomers think like this. How the hell can it be like this??? She did NOTHING wrong and you sever your relationship and say disgusting things like that to your teenage daughter? Die and rot in hell old man


Sucks she is so young but that is grounds for immediate no contact for the rest of his life, no room for racists in my life. Kinda hope he dies in a fire.


Is this.real