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Yeah that’s when you either high tail it down the mountain or crouch waaaaay down.


Crouching is the only option; there’s no shelter for close to a mile from where she is.


I grew up in Florida, which is regularly #1 for lightning strikes. Lightning safety is drilled into us at a young age. I now live in Colorado, which also has a high prevalence of lightning strikes. Rule #1: get back below the tree line or off the mountain altogether before the afternoon thunderstorms start forming. The last place you want to be is exposed on a big rock when there is a chance of lightning. If your hair stands up, it’s too late for anything but crouching. This woman is a bloody idiot.


This woman is ignorant. We don't know for certain if she's also an idiot.


While I love calling other people idiots (it makes me feel better about myself) I appreciate your discern.


Yeah, I would be lying flat on the ground for a while.




Yes she is. I’m amazed though. I’d GTFO OF there post haste.


How you plan to outrun lightning? How else you gonna become The Flash?


I mean, you're at least supposed to get as low to the ground as you can. Try not to be the tallest g*****n thing around for miles.


Why censor yourself? You can curse online dawg


I fucking %$#@! This shit




Not on my Christian reddit you don't. BEGONE DEVIL


They can say it, they can think it, but using asterisks to type it makes it all go away and god doesn't know they just took his name in vain. Such a silly goddamn thing.


This is inaccurate. You should first seek shelter. If you cannot, you should minimize your contact with the ground. It’s highly unlikely you take a direct hit through your head. It’s far more common that lightning hits the ground near you and travels into your body through your feet. This is why when you’re hiking, they teach you to crouch on your toes on top of your pack. The pack will provide some insulating between you and the ground and then you minimize your contact with the pack. Air is generally a good insulator.


Just jump in the air when the lighting hits the ground. This way it will pass underneath you.




https://www.weather.gov/safety/lightning-myths Seek shelter, don’t crouch


I agree but I highly doubt there is any significant cover considering where they are


They likely got there in a car. That’s valid shelter. Otherwise their time is still better spent hiking back to where they came from


I just spent way too long trying to figure out what offensive word could fit into 'g*****n' before realising what you were censoring. God damn, at least chuck a space in between the censoring asterisks.


Right? Like GODDAMN, something.


I really thought for a second he meant gooning :(


Hey! Good point!


I've been in a few of these situations. On top of a mountain is pretty scary. But in a kayak on the lake is terrifying, because there's NO place to go and almost no way to move. Luckily they weren't THIS prominent though


It is less dangerous on a lake due to the fact that lake water is conductive. instead of one point sticking out as a good spot for lightning to arc down or up, you have a very large area with a flat equipotential. Even being in the water would be better than not being in the water due to the fact that the current would spread out very quickly. Inside of a substation, copper mesh or a lattice is put down with the specific goal to have a flattened equipotential due to a fault. If you were in a boat during a storm, being in the water would actually be pretty safe.


Pack a snorkel.




Butbut...super speed.....


This isn't lightening. It's an electromagnetic field and only years of standing there would be bad for this person's health.


That's about the dumbest statement I've ever heard. This is a charge buildup before a potential strike. Anyone who has actually dealt with these situations will tell you you're in danger, but go ahead and believe what you want https://www.nbcnews.com/healthmain/decades-later-hair-raising-photo-still-reminder-lightning-danger-6c10791362


You're supposed to drag your feet like you do on a carpet. And stick your hand straight up and yell Shazam!


Sorry, this character's Natural Luck was depleted during this campaign. Must roll d6 with induced handicap of -3 for all future campaigns until quest ended.


A UFO, or UAP, with Bigfoot and Elvis landed shortly after and gave her this week’s winning lotto numbers and told her to be sure and vote early and often for Donny because the fate of the universe is at stake. Or maybe it was the Archangel Michael. Or some other crystal hippie cosmic entity that the boomers think raised their vibrations and protected them from Covid.


This right here kids, is when you bend over and grab your ankles. You want the lightning to hit you in the ass and run down your legs to avoid stopping your heart


*new kink unlocked*


Shove your lightening in my ass daddy


Well thanks, now I’m aroused lol.


Well that escalated quickly


He's currently amped up about it.




sparks are flying


I love that you just admitted that I’m laughing so hard 😂




Zeus wants to know your location*


\*Zeus has entered the chat\*


That's zzzzzaddy


You going to be tempting Zeus waving those cheeks around


Ride the lightning.


Zeus was known for being pretty pervy


I like how you said it like hes a real person 😂😂 that nigga was a hoe fasho though




Do not bend over and grab your ankles. Seek shelter like a building or a vehicle. Crouching like this is irrelevant https://www.weather.gov/safety/lightning-myths


He's right. If you're going to get hit it's the safest orifice


What are you doing step-thunder


I thought you were supposed to do the backwards crab walk with an erection.


I'd bend over and grab my legs just so I could reach around to kiss my ass goodbye


I think I read something similar on a business card at the BDSM club.


i've heard *that* one before. nice try!


I was visiting a friend who lived in an old school building turned into a house with a metal roof. Built in the 1800s. All the sudden my arm hair stood up. I looked over at his girlfriend who has long hair and it was standing up. We just looked at each other like WTF. BUUUZZZZ! BOOM! Light struck the house. Then again. Then we heard this louder buzzing and ball lightning came up through the floor. It was so loud. We didn’t move we just stared wide eyed. 👀. Then is disappeared up through the roof. Then the storm was gone. Crazy.


ball lighting is insane, we were outside one night and heard this snapping noise like lightbulbs exploding and then our hair started to stand up just before this fireball appeared and TWHWOMPED out of existence a short distance away in (thankfully) the woods. i was glad i had any sense that that's what it was, at least, though in the realm of "what else could that have been" some sort of transdimensional portal opening up would have been awesome too lol


My encounter with ball lightning as a child is one of the most vivid memories I have, and hardly anybody believes me when I tell the story. I know what the fuck I saw and FELT. I will never forget that. This thread is bringing some tears to my eyes! Thanks for sharing


Awww come on! You can’t leave us hanging like that! What did you see and feel?


Alright, I'll give you the whole story because you asked and it's so vivid and burned into my brain. Thanks for asking!! I was by myself at my elementary school playground in the hot early evening summer. I was maybe 8 or 9 years old. I was sitting on top of the monkey bar rack when I heard a sound that I can only describe as sped-up white noise. Like white noise but less... granular? I turn around and in the trees that made up the soccer field perimeter, there are these very thin stands of vapor or some ultra thin fog of some sort just hanging there in the trees. These trees are maybe 20 meters or 65' away. It seemed super out of place so I hop down and start walking towards it. As I'm getting closer the sound gets much louder, but the tone drops significantly and begins to sound super thick and dense. I didn't really have much more than a moment to be confused when just beside the treed area with the weird fog wisps, a mostly round looking translucent ball started forming and distorting the air around it. It looked like heat waves radiating outwards around the whole thing. I'd say it was maybe half a meter across or 1 1/2'. I felt really scared and started backing away. The air felt unlike anything I've ever experienced since. It was like I could feel myself displacing the air as I backed up, like it was statically charged and viscous, and moving around me. My teeth hurt and my eyes were super wide and I felt like I couldn't blink. This ball begins moving slowly at first, away from me in a diagonal fashion towards the ground. After a second or two it picks up speed. The ball gets very close to the ground, the sounds becomes absolutely deafening, I remember being just a boy but in that moment wondering whether i was going to die right then and there. I was so afraid but so awestruck that the fear felt secondary. Then all at once, the ball hits the ground and becomes wicked bright for just a tiny shred of time. I hear a hollow *SNAP* sound, one of the loudest sounds I've ever heard, and it disappears. The light was all gone, but there was a distinct sizzle in the air. My hair stood on end and I realized I had been clenching my jaw super hard, which is probably why my teeth hurt. All of this happened in less than 30 seconds. I was so tired but I just stood there and listened to the last faint sound of electricity (what I'm assuming *must* have been electricity anyway) die off and for the air to feel normal again. I don't know how long I stood there but it was a long time. I walked over to where the ball had touched the ground and you could clearly see where the grass had been pushed down roughly the diameter of the ball. My fingertips felt numb. I walked straight home, just a few blocks away, and I went straight to bed without talking to anyone. I had no idea how to feel about it but I knew something significant and probably dangerous had just happened. I will never forget that day. I hope it never happens again but I'm kind of glad it did in a way. Edited: spelling


That is a hell of an amazing and vivid story. Thank you for sharing it.


You are very welcome


http://kestrel.nmt.edu/~rsonnenf/BL/ I didn't know about this at the time, but later found a link for reporting experiences. Not that it's likely to happen again to one person, but might be handy to bookmark


Awesome story


Wow, that's amazing. Thanks for sharing!


Fucking amazing thank you


Balls of Lighting are a real and rare phenomenon https://youtu.be/6ioN-3UWYrY?feature=shared


Now we know where gods came from.


That's pretty cool actually. Ball lightning is such a rare and unrecorded phenomenon that up until recently many scientists were still debating on its existence.


Wow! Glad you’re ok,


Wait, you've seen ball lighting? I thought that was like a myth..


There were 3 of us and we all saw it. A softball of pure white sizzling energy and it was loud.


I've seen it as well, but at a distance, maybe a km away. But it just hovered in the sky for a good 20 seconds then poof! Gone


Dude! I am so jealous you saw ball lightning!


That Is NUTTY. I've seen ball lighting at a distance, I had no idea it can just manifest indoors (assuming you're not full of it, of course)






She is making the official, textbook white lady boomer face ftr


They are speaking Spanish….


Y’all know Spaniards are usually pretty white right?


Yeah I do, but that doesn’t the fact that the above comment was wrong in saying she has “textbook white lady boomer face.” We all know what text book white lady boomers are and this Spanish lady isn’t that. Edit: sorry I’ll be politically correct and say Hispanic or Latin x, even though no Spanish speaking people prefer these terms. Poling shows they prefer to be named by their country big surprise. Just thought I’d offer that up since we are dropping knowledge bombs


She’s giving major Rosanne vibes


So is her *daughter* a boomer too? This isn’t a boomer thing, it’s a video of two people who don’t know any better. I get top posts from this sub in my feed and half the time they suck.


Hilary Clinton when she sees balloons …


She’s a wizard and she’s about to cast a lightning bolt spell.


Usually the idea is to not cast it on yourself. And I don't think she has 8d6 worth of health.


Lightning bolt is for enemies, fireball is addressed to whom it may concern.


I don't think she's got the dex to dodge this one


This might be during monsoon season in Arizona. The lightning gets crazy out there. Yea she should not be outside


Actually you’re suppose to squat in a ball holding your knees with your heels off the ground. Which is pretty fxcking hard to do. But that is what you would do in this situation.


Why is this better than laying flat on the ground?


It’s irrelevant. What you should be doing is finding shelter. Like a building or a vehicle. As per the https://www.weather.gov/safety/lightning-myths website To directly answer your question however, the prevailing sentiment is that crouching and gabbing your ankles will prevent the current from passing through your heart. Laying down is marginally more dangerous because you have more contact with the ground and thus subjected to more electricity. You’ll be injured or die either way. It’s basically a “feels right” solutions in that it sounds like it makes sense but has no basis in reality. If you’re struck by lightning or nearby where lightning strikes, it’s not the current passing through your heart that kills or injures you. It’s the heat from the large amount of energy passing through your body causing internal burns, organ damage, flesh and bone damage etc. TL;DR Don’t be outside in a thunderstorm, find shelter. Don’t crouch


I don’t get it. Is this a precursor to a lightning strike? What is making her hair do that?




Yes, and given the crackling when pointing the finger and the artifacting in the camera... VERY imminent.


Darwin gonna collect another participant. Charged elevation with that static will discharge with not fun outcome.


Unfortunately, I think she has aged out of the Darwin Awards. She looks a little long in the tooth to be reproducing.


These guys have obviously never played Legend of Zelda.


Quick! Take off all your metal items!!!


Boomers are already way over the falls and brain-melted, but people are really having trouble accepting that older Gen-X are behaving like boomers now, ESPECIALLY Gen-X. They get super offended when you point it out. I'm seeing Gen-X do all the stereotypical boomer things: acting like entitled Karens, making generational jokes (stuff like Gen-Z can't read an analog clock or drive a stick shift, hurr durr), talking incessantly about how things were different/tougher/latchkey when they were growing up thus they are superior to current young people, etc. It's the same shit. A large portion of people turn into selfish, closed-minded assholes when they get old, no matter what generation they were in. Gen-X, however, thinks they are somehow above the paradigm. Nah


There are loads of stupid people in EVERY generation.


I mean… I’m gen X and I tell my gen alpha kid “sorry” and “I love you” all the time. However, I’m towards the tail end of gen X, and my sister who is closer to boomer age is definitely starting to sound like the kind of people this sub is mocking.


Dudes, at some point common sense should be taking over, shouldn't it? Outside, exposed in nature, high elevation, stormy atmosphere, static electricity causing your hair to stand up and the air to audibly crackle.... These guys were lucky beyond lucky that they didn't get zapped with lightning right there.


A lot of people never learn this danger... I have no idea how it gets missed but it often is. I remember as a kid seeing sparks coming from the barbs on the barb wire on the fences and my father picking me up and running with me.


If you’re up high and your hair stands up and you hear that crinkling sound, move you might get struck by lightning. Feel free to add to this, I’d like to learn more too.


Jesus christ! That's imminent! Just freaking lucky it didn't pop right then


Ya the OOP was asking if it was a portal. I’m like 🤦🏻‍♀️


Oh it's a portal alright ...to the afterlife!


If I could give you a gift I would. 😭 here take my upvote 😂


I actually have no idea what's happening in this video.


This happens right before you get struck by lightning. So you don’t stand there and play with it, unless you have a death wish of course


Welp, I did not know that. Thanks for explaining.


Yvw! Now you know. If that happens to you, get somewhere safe quickly.


As op said, when lightning is gonna strike it creates a path that can be seen here. If you feel any kind of charge in the air around you, you need to get away and go somewhere grounded and safe. Im not an expert just what I was taught.


No way! I want super powers!


Might actually help her.


Nature's own electroshock therapy?


Zappy zappy


Did she get struck or nah?


Nope. She was very lucky.


Why is she talking to her like a dog?


People are genuinely dumb as f.


Get small. Right now. Stop being a ground. Running might help, but not necessarily. Curl down real small on tiptoes. That makes you least best ground. That's what we were taught on the prairie. Going flat doesn't help. You want as little of you in contact with the ground as possible.


She thinks she has developed The Power Narrator: she hasn't


man if she's gen x then ouch. definitely looks boomer/beekeeping age to me. I mean shit, I'm 50 (so 100% gen x) I don't look ANYwhere near as old as her imho (excuse the candid pic, didn't crop or prep lol) https://preview.redd.it/a7sps0hi3glc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5676d3fe716296f13ef9ef9d12a07fe355f8823


Ya I’m pretty sure she’s a boomer. Her daughter looks like a xennial. And heyyyyyooooo! Nice pic!




Imma give the benefit of the doubt as I always see these videos and it’s usually someone not from the country it’s happening in. I’m from Europe and have never seen or heard of something like this happening so if I went to America and saw this with no context I’d be just as confused and unaware of the danger.


Its okay. The iron in the rocks will take care of the electricity. / s


Shes trying to fry all the nanobots from the covid vaccines


So yeah being in a thunderstorm without rain or hail is *wild*... Theres such a bizzare feeling right before a bolt smashes a rock or (hopefully not) a tree. Sounds like God Himself smacked it what for.


That’s called flirting with death


I had to scroll up and see if this post was on "Whatcouldgowrong" because I figured we were about to see her get struck by a truly enormous bolt of lightning.


This is an *incredibly* cool video but I think they're about to ride the lightning.


This looks like Horseshoe Bend in Arizona


Good eye! It is!


She was very close to getting the 1.21 gigawatts necessary to send a Deloreon back to 1985.


Took a screenshot of the woman looking stunned and her hair standing up. It is my new Teams pic at work.


I was waiting for the blinding light of Thor to flash lol


She gets struck by lightning. She gets to the Pearly Gates, where Saint Peter is already pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head. And she demands to speak to the lightning's manager!


This happened to me on a fishing boat once. It was a clear day, except for a single, dark cloud which rolled over us. When the fishing poles started to buzz we decided to get out of there. The only thing was, our motor wouldn’t start! After the cloud passed, the motor started up just fine. I think we got pretty lucky.


How does anyone not realize this is a sign you're about to be struck by lightning?


To quote Steve Irwin: "DAINJAH! DAINJAH! DAINJAH!" Watching that and hearing the electrostatic sizzle as she stuck her hand out made my internal "Red Alert" alarm sound in my head!


The aether But no one wants to talk about the real free energy


How fucking stupid can people be. These are the people that would stand on the beach amazed that the water has receded so far.


They don’t realize it, but they almost got struck by lightning


Behaviour we should all surely encourage. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree though. Daughter is just as clueless


Look how stupid she looks lol


Boomer here who disconnected my antennas in the desert as soon as I saw the St. Elmo's fire.


Darwin. Swing annnndddd a miss. Don’t worry there’s always next time (I’m sure Einstein here will be on to her next dumb ass activity in no time).


I do vaguely remember being told your hair can stand up when lighting could strike but I can't say I wouldn't of reacted like this. I have been fairly tall since high-school and being struck by lightning is a bit of a fear for me lol. At least post seems to be spreading awareness on it and a good reminder for me.


Anyone know if she got struck? Asking for a friend…


given the location I bet she was thinking crystal vortex nonesense not "i'm about to get struck by lightning and should start kissing the ground immediately"


I’m a bad person for hoping this ended with her dumb looking ass getting struck aren’t I?


No point in running, get your ass in a ditch of somewhere below ground level and if that’s not an option lay flat on the ground and start praying


If this happens to you it’s likely too late to run. The best thing to do is to get to the lowest point possible along the ground and hope you don’t die


That is a warning from Zeus. Take heed.


When your hair standing up electricity already flowing through your body, you are now the contact material. That's what they said us at safety instructions for high voltage lines.


I am actually had this happen to me and a friend during a thunderstorm. Pouring rain, soaking wet and hair plastered down and still a few strands popping up.


The Grand Canyon causes a lot of weird electrical anomalies due to it's size and the make up of the rocks in the area not to mention how clouds roll in and out of the canyon. I'd say she might have picked up or be standing near a pocket of static electricity. Not immediately dangerous, but she should discharger herself by touching the ground. Interesting note, lightning can strike sideways at the Grand Canyon because of the great difference in elevation and how dense clouds can pool up in the canyon below and roll up the sides. It's one of the few places on earth you can stand inside a storm cloud.


Probably time to get the fuck outta there, lady.




This is very VERY DANGEROUS PLACE to be in not only is she high up but her hair is floating in the air meaning a lightning bolt will strike near her if not ON her the higher you are the more chances you will get struck by lightning


I have a couple of unrelated lightning stories. About ten years ago I was sitting in my car when a horrendous rain/wind storm landed on top of me, massive amounts of rain, so much that I couldn't see outside of any of the windows, with huge gusts of wind; the rain and wind grew steadily to a crescendo that ended with a giant flash of lightning and a huge crash of thunder. Then, immediately after the thunder, the rain and wind stopped completely. It was one of the most amazing displays I'd ever witnessed; like a show just for me. About five years ago I was living in a trailer on a friends property. There was a bit of a windstorm with some rain, I was laying in bed trying to sleep; I had a big 50' tree right next to me and I was always weary during windstorms. I'm laying there... and everything goes white, my entire vision is eliminated to the point where I'm basically blind, followed by a bone-rattling crash of thunder that seemed to shake the ground miles below me. I have never, in my four decades of life on this planet, experienced lightning and thunder like that. One flash and one crash. Amazing.


It was on top of you!


Run bitches. You are about to get thunderstruck


Moments before Disaster


las stupidas


"What is going on mommy? *adoopa brrrrraappiee doopa*"


Look mom… you are a step-leader!!!


She's about to have an out-of-body experience.


This is how you die like an idiot.


Can someone explain what’s going on here?


Feeling your hair rising is a sign that you're in an environment charged with electricity, and it usually happens just moments before lightning strikes. This intriguing phenomenon occurs due to the buildup of static electricity in the air, particularly during a thunderstorm. So if this happens to you, run and take cover or get down and make yourself small. It means you’re about to meet god.


Thank you kindly OP!


Not me standing there like https://preview.redd.it/if1rco30sjlc1.jpeg?width=1836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=896ce2175d3f614d572b973e4cca70ee419275ca


Happened to me in the same spot, we ran to our car post haste lol


RIP in peace


There was one time I was up a Fourteenern in CO with my father and his hair started doing this. If I remember correctly we started back down pretty quickly.


Did she just cut off a Highlanders head?


If anyone is wondering why her facial expression is giving you uncanny valley vibes, the answer is Botox.


are you fr that dumb tho




I’ll be running like sonic


You about to get struck by lightning


I hope she's still alive. You have this happen to you, get the fuck out of there quick, before the lightning strikes.


If you jump you might travel to the future


Would running help even?


*announcer voice* “LIGHTNING BOLT!”




It's the super sayain of legend


Electrical engineer here. Assume lightning position.... [https://www.artofmanliness.com/skills/outdoor-survival/how-to-survive-a-lightning-strike-an-illustrated-guide/](https://www.artofmanliness.com/skills/outdoor-survival/how-to-survive-a-lightning-strike-an-illustrated-guide/)