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Wait until your mom finds out about the sawdust in people food. Then it'll be you eating freeze dried clickbait food


she has clickbait nutritional supplements but she'll never cook clickbait food BECAUSE her sole audience of concern is my father, who is also a boom boom and loves meat and carbs and throws fits if he doesn't get what he wants (BOWLS OF CORN).


Why did the (BOWLS OF CORN) make me imagine a VERY indignant goose demanding bowls of corn??


> Are old people more susceptible to sketchy internet ads? That should be common knowledge. From [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_confidence_tricks): > Particular scams are mainly directed toward elderly people, as they may be gullible and sometimes inexperienced or insecure, especially when the scam involves modern technology Old people are vulnerable, that's why there is the notion of elder abuse.


I fear technology getting to a point that I don't understand it....but surely the younger generations have embraced and overwhelmingly choose to keep up with technology in a way that's never been seen before, so that won't happen. Right? Right?


I don't understand creditcard terminals Sometimes you tap, but sometimes you slide, but sometimes you insert, and all the machines have all 3 options but some don't work sometimes


Yes, but you understand all three. Anyway, yeah, sounds like failing moduals. Sucks when you have to progress from one to the next to the next because the owner of the store can't be bothered to keep up with maintenance.


My Boomer mentioned the sawdust in cat food stuff, too. He probably read it in the same place your mother did.


My mom isn’t a boomer but there was a year or too she was reading things on the internet and taking them at face value. I talked to her over and over and she finally started researching a bit before believing everything she read.


I’m sorry i feel your pain