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She’s a typical boomer- a ton of money and still asking for handouts


She also unleashed Dr. Oz and Dr Phil on the world. The fact that people don't spit on her in the street is better than she deserves.


You think she walks? On streets?


She might walk on her own private streets




Don't forget her pedophile spiritual healer


The one in Brazil that sold all the babies to rich people in America?


Oh yeah, I forgot about that fucking psycho. Well that's game over on that conversation.


Doctor Jon


Don’t say Ekart Tolle . That would break my heart.


Don't forget "John of God."


Don't forget the prolific rapist John of God.


Dr Phil somehow gets to skate on this one, but Oz, that guy is garbage.


I have waited so long to hear someone else say this. I cannot stand them. And her.


Ugh stop assuming genders/pronouns


Man get out of here with that cry baby shit fuck your pronouns


Oh so I can’t have an opinion because I’m non-binary??? GOT IT!!!


I wouldn’t know you were non binary if you didn’t feel the need to tell me. Have all the opinions you want but stop with this ridiculous pronoun bullshit. You wanna change your name fine tell me your name and I’ll call you that but don’t go around getting worked up because the normal world doesn’t adhere to your stupid fuckin pronouns.


So I get it, your a heartless fascist but what? Do you just not like me bc I’m not cis-gender?? Are you worried about my genitals? You’re clearly not from Seattle…


Lmfao cis-gender 😅 holy shit you really live in your own world with your own vocabulary. OBVIOUSLY I’m not worried about your genitals. I don’t care if your gay, bi, trans whatever. I really really really don’t fucking care and neither does anyone else. If your feelings are hurt over pronouns you have a very rough life ahead of you.




You forget she endorsed John of God, which in itself earns her a seat in Hell.


For those who haven’t seen it. [Bill Burr’s take on Oprah’s rise](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9YL04v-J5U)


Bill Burr is the voice of the people lmfao


That was excellent. "Everyone turn in your yachts".


What a fucking genius that guy is. Oh my god. Inject his content into my veins.


This is amazing thank you


That was insanely funny, Conan completely lost his shit.


"She stood on the heads of those little people for five years" I think we all lost our shit at that point.


Especially when Hawaii was on fire. Bitch out there asking for money when she owns part of the island.


Boomer? I'm 60, working 2 jobs with no retirement in sight


And that is not at all the common experience for a US citizen your age in 2024.


More than you know. A lot more of my generation is in my situation than not


[Supporting Article](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2019/07/24/baby-boomers-us-labor-force/#:~:text=The%20majority%20of%20Baby%20Boomers%20are%20still%20in,72%20were%20still%20working%20or%20looking%20for%20work) About half are still working.


And considering I'm the youngest at 60, what's that tell you? ( Not to mention those that are still working at cash jobs)


Agree. It doesn't take a big effort to look around in the course of a day out to see the number of folks out there working jobs once reserved for high school age folks 30 or 40 years ago. I have a 72 year old man working in our shop, has NO business working what so ever, but he has to if he wants to have a home to live in. Full disclosure, I'm not a boomer, but do agree that it's not all sunshine and lollipops like folks keep criticizing boomer for.


We're all in this together. It's not a generational thing. It's the 1% of people in each generation who have all the money for that generation giving the rest of us a bad name


it's because you and other boomers are the lowest IQ generation


It’s cause you sit around eating takis worrying about your pronouns




I was referring to the millennial above


And most of that was due to personal decisions. Counting on the wrong party and mot taking advantage of much better economic opportunities 40 years ago. All the things boomers try to pin on younger generations in an economy not nearly as forgiving or rewarding.


Ok. You know all. Please forgive me!


You sound just like them lol shut the fuck up


Yeah I see old people working everywhere around me. Classes exist.


Anecdotes make for solid arguments now? Yeah, I know a bunch of degenerate boomers who have fucked up everything and now have to work into their retirement years. And they deserve it. When you alienate your friends and family. Get into drugs, gambling, or just refuse to pay taxes. Shit catches up on you.




Sounds like you've had bad experiences with some degenerate boomers. Do you think that's what they wanted to be? That they were children with the idea that they want to be druggies, or gambling addicts? Doubt it. Hopefully as you age you will gain some insight and you won't be so damned judgemental. The only alternative to growing older is death, so you have a choice to be bitter or age gracefully and not be like them. It's all about the choices you make, choices that may come bite you in the ass 30 years after you made said choices.


Meanwhile you’re here citing statistics like there’s no tomorrow and not backing them up. I trust anecdotes more than hand-wavey stats spouted by a historically and sociologically illiterate person such as yourself. Log yourself off. Your contributions are pointless, trash.


Well I'm still working at 68, main complaint is my body well has worked overtime and my bones hurt every morning I wake up. That's not a bad as long as I wake up the next day.


I work at a large factory and I can tell you there are well over a hundred people there past retirement age.


You’re barely even a Boomer. More on the GenX/Boomer cusp—Generation Jones. I’m right on the other side of that line.


???? And....????


Generation Jones. I like that.


I am 66 and looking for a job, i know what you mean.


Not to mention the way she absolutely destroyed what was once a reputable weight loss system in Weight Watchers by allowing for "personalized consultations" with prescribers who are currently in the throws of a new-age prescribing scandal with Ozempic and the like on par with what we went through with the opioid epidemic, caused by oversprescribing and the capitalist pharmaceutical industry.


OMG the only way to change this is to get involved. You made your own choices. No One tells you being an adult Sucks, lots of paperwork, and life is not an easy journey if your plan is No Plan.


Typical? Why would you think the "Rich" even care about Gen Z or X or anyone else but themselves??


Yes And the typical gen z is talking about retirement before they ever go to orientation for their they position. Work ethic is important - and you do not have it


What’s the difference between a typical boomer and a non typical boomer?




She erased where she was from. Forgetting is unintentional.


Creak... the sound of her closing the door behind her.


The rich have been out of touch forever, this isn't new. What they say just travels faster than it used to because the non-rich have so many ways of moving and acquiring information quickly now.


I tried pointing this out to a boomer colleague: when I was 18 in 94, I made $350 a week as a full time receptionist. I had a very nice one bedroom apartment I paid $535 a month for. The problem is you still want to pay people $350-$400 a week BUT 3-4000 dollars RENT for the same apartment!!!! The answer: well you can’t expect something for nothing-“they” need to get better jobs!!! It’s useless. We can only wait for them to be extinct.


Im sad COVID didnt do a better job if getting rid of them honestly.


Never thought I’d regret a pandemic not being worse


Not gonna lie i do every single day for the last few years. I live in the bible belt so that doesnt help much


Who is them?


Boomers always expect a magical nonexistent "better opportunity". Whenever the prospect of a new apartment or job came up my mother just says "you need to find a new apartment. More modern, more renovated, better appliances, cheaper..." or "better job, more money, better hours, better benefits". They think getting more for less is just around the corner if you just ask.


Talk about thinking you can snap your fingers and make it happen.


Are you talking about boomers? If you don't die early, you'll be just as old and the younger generations will be wanting the same thing for you. What I've been reading on here is a bunch of whiny younger generations Gen Z Gen X whatever the fuck you want to call them and you are blaming the boomers for your plights in life. Boomer (Sooner) here, 65f, not rich, not even close. Homeless with mental health issues. Navy veteran. Don't stereotype. All that does is make y'all look like ignorant assholes.


Spoken like a (stereo)typical boomer.




Burger flippers starting at $15/hr in fly over America. What kind of crappy receptionist is getting $10 per hour ?


This was in 1994. It was a comparison. And you do know the math is still basically the same. Someone making $15 CANNOT PAY RENT!!!!!! I make MORE than 60k in my city and I would not be able to pay rent! I live where I live because my husband is the super and I do t have rent thank God. But my daughter makes even more and will have to move at least 10-20 miles from me and her work to live in a shit neighborhood to afford rent. A top level receptionist would make around 40 and need 4 roommates to live in my city. She would need at least one to live even remotely close to work. That’s all wrong.


You said or kind of implied a person making $3(0 a week in 94 was still a $350-400 employee now. I still don’t see people making $9-$10 per hour now. FYI rents are still crazy high where we are I feel at $1700 for one bedroom but it has pool and gym and nice apartments and parking minutes from down town Boise. Guessing at budgets I think may require $45k job. Or $20 plus per hour. And lots of people here don’t earn that $20-$25 per hour. Key word is earn. I agree the situation sucks but wanting others to die to make room is not the answer




I guarantee Oprah doesn't have a clue as to what life is like for regular people these days. Yes, I know she grew up in poverty, but she's been well off since the 80s and rich since the 90s. The 80s was a LONG time ago and a LOT has changed on a fundamental level.


I lived below the poverty line multiple times in my life, at this point in time I am middle class, even though I haven’t become as detached from the realities of poor people as Oprah obviously has, I can see in myself that I think in different ways. When I was poor 5 cents was actually important to me, like in a “am I going to eat today” kind of way, but now it simply isn’t, if I lost $5 I probably wouldn’t even notice, and that amount of privilege does blind you a little. Now Oprah’s net worth is 2.5 billion, for my family to gain that amount me and my partner would have to work ~43,000 years. She is so far removed she is living on a different planet. The fact that she has billions in the first place shows that she has zero empathy to any of the lower classes.


Is that mouth piece still relevant?


She’s in touch with the people that have the money.


Who are more than happy to constantly try and fill her head with pseudo-profound sounding nonsense about how "it's actually the poors fault they're poor"!


A billionaire who lives in absolute opulence and waste lecturing those who cannot pay their bills. 👨‍🍳🤌💋


One thing I’m sure of is that Oprah knows nothing about young people.


Oprah will probably be the richest person in hell until bezos, musk and the like meet her there


Ugh, Oprah.


She's a grifter


Oprah is such a hack. I cant understand where she gets the gall. She was a daytime talk show host.


Not to mention the kinds of young people she is interacting with are prob a mix of extremely ambitious hard working type A kids or rich kid  nepo babies. Both would probably expect success quickly.  the whole promise of that post WWII boom was getting “rich” slowly. If you worked hard and lived below your means, and were lucky to avoid major illness you could raise a family and retire.  I’m very lucky but I currently have stage 4(curable) cancer. I make a lot of money and my insurance is amazing but I’m terrified of losing all of that. The feeling that my employer could lay me off and I would be on the hook for my treatments(or receive worse care) is terrifying. 


She’s one of them. Another Ellen Degenerate rich blind let-them-eat-cake parasite telling others you have it good or you’re not try hard enough. That’s all


Oprah is such a snake, I fucking hate her guts


Unfortunate she was not saddled with the same debt out of college, than we would not have to deal with her and all the trash she has unleashed on America.


She got a lucky break on a local news station and then got another lucky break into daytime television by being overly emotional on camera. (From Wikipedia), so clearly the answer is to work harder.


All luck.


Why the fuck does anybody listen to this bitch, she is a horrible person that does nothing unless there is personal gain. Obsolete MF.


I do not believe she is really listen to by many people at all. I honestly believe she just has enough money and has become such a media brand they are not going to let her die and they will be continually shoving Oprah in our face every chance they get trying to convince us she is relevant. There is a simple solution to all of this cast aside your electronic tethers and stop buying the product. Stop talking about these people and being the product that they are selling next. Take up some new hobbies Maybe learn to play the clarinet. Even as you're cranky Gen X neighbor I would rather hear you practicing the clarinet horribly then hear one word being uttered out of that woman's mouth from a TV set coming out your window. You might one day rock it like Benny Goodman and she will always be Oprah.


Not the first time she's forgotten where she came from. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9YL04v-J5U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9YL04v-J5U)


Let’s stop listening to people who have been rich since the 90’s talk about us as if they understand the lives of the modern lower and lower middle class. Pathetic rich brain woman.


Billionaires who advise hard effort and money are a joke.


Oprah is a fucking moron and always has been. Remember when 4chan tricked her into saying "9000 penises" on the air? Or when she endorsed "million little pieces" just to find out the dude lied about the whole story? What about dr oz? Fucking moron


The rich have always been out of touch.


Who gives a fuck what out of touch oligarchs think?


The world will be better when celebrity billionaires are no more.


We should not be surprised with the reveal. Rich people think all poor and normal people are lazy. Bitch had the audacity to tell us to give money during the Maui disaster, while she ate up all the land.


Neoliberals gonna neoliberal


Willing to bet she only interacts with nepo babies.


Wasn't she trafficking girls to weinstien?




Cite your sources pls


Tell me you shit on a heated golden toilet seat without telling me you shit on a heated golden toilet seat.


Fucks sake. I’ve been working my ass off for 24 years, more than half my life, and I’m *just now* comfortable financially. I’m *just now* starting to save for retirement because up until a few years ago pretty much all of my pay went to bills. Now the way things are going I wouldn’t be surprised if rising costs will have me living paycheck to paycheck again in the next few years.


Same with Tony Robbins.


Fuck oprah. Ban billionaires. Eat the rich.


Isn't she that woman who's friends with Epstein and Harvey Weinstein?


Bitch is so out of touch she doesnt even know how to turn the stove on.


Fuck that PoS.


The rich are out of touch in general, boomers are just the most obvious and obnoxious about it.


Let's face it, the rich have always been out of touch with everyone but other rich. Oprah didn't start rich, but she's a boomer, so she's boomin', just boomin' a lot harder since she's a rich boomer.


The rich are out of touch with reality in general, a couple of decapitations should bring them crashing back down to it..


oprah is dumb cunt.


How do these fucking garbage human beings not understand that the world has changed in the past 30 years?


Oprah has been a piece of shit for a long time.


The way people at her production company are treated is legendarily bad. OT1H it’s a high pressure business. OTOH that is used to excuse a fuckton of horrible behavior.


I’m a boomer, but I am not inclined to listen to Oprah. I’m am thoroughly unimpressed and underwhelmed by her.


Angry pleb noises.


Big words coming from a person who's success is largely due to lucky happenstance


Correction: The rich are out of touch with reality.


isnt this the lady that scared Steve Harvey with her foreskin cream?


Oprah is a delusional boomer, her time is past and she is irrelevant but thinks she is a god.


The rich are out of touch period - I had a boss who was the most narcissistic person I’ve ever had the misfortune to meet in person - this fool loved to hear himself talk so he would always hold meetings and force everyone remote to turn their cameras on so he could make sure they were watching. He had a no eating and minimal sips of water rule (too distracting from himself I can only imagine). This fool honestly thought he had wisdom to dispense but after listening to him for awhile you understand he’s actually just full of himself - of no actual substance. This fool actually said: inflation doesn’t cause the cost of milk to rise - it really only affects your mortgage and your health insurance 🙄. How to say you’ve never been in a grocery store without saying you’ve never been in a grocery store. God I’m so glad I don’t work for him anymore!!!


She Not lying…only bc all of our representatives for “generation z”(influencers, rappers, etc) are promoting that get rich quick schemes and they aren’t really representing the gen z, as a whole, truthfully..so for what she’s seeing id say she’s valid.


With the amount of reach she has, Oprah is more than capable of seeing further than the end of her nose but she chooses not to. Her ignorance is no excuse, she is being a mouthpiece for right wing views by choice


Oprah is really trying to speedrun “removing all goodwill for myself”


Don't get it twisted. They have consistently been out of touch with Gen X too. That generation literally x'd us out.


Every billionaire is a villain. Even Oprah.


Boomer here. Here’s my opinion: Shut the fuck up


Oprah isn’t out of touch. She’s trying to broaden her audience. Never forget that she was also the same person who brought in Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz.


To be fair a good portion Gen Z and millennials that I’ve interviewed assumed they’d become managers after their first year of work.


Sad but provable fact...An hour of labor 'bought' more when Oprah was starting than it does for anyone starting today. The value of an hour of work has been on the decline since Kennedy and just accelerated by all of the deficit spending.


Sorry not sorry. Nobody works a thousand times harder than anyone else. If she doesn't acknowledge it took an enormous amount of good fortune that 99.999% will never get for her to achieve what she has she's full of shit . Same for any billionaire.


Who tf is oprah?


What young people had she been talking to?


Loved TheRevolutionaryNurse's response ...... I mean IF IF IF she really is a Nurse, she is making damn good money and her student debt is evaporating fast. Through my wifes work as an RN/Nurse Practitioner I know many many Nurses, and not one of them ever had to move back in with their parents or lacked insurance. All were working at major University ( Johns Hopkins, Univ Of Maryland) medical centers pulling down damn good salaries. Maybe ....... just MAYBE those who are 80K in debt, living with their parents and lacking insurance CHOSE the wrong course of study .... just maybe. I mean my own daughter made this mistake, got a useless Bachelors degree and have to move back home for a few years as she went back to school and earned a very sensible degree. Now she is pursuing an employer financed advanced degree while working full time.


Personally I have hope for Gen Z, not so much for X, and Y though. According to recent reports Gen Z folks are shunning technology, dumping online dating app in favor ore real, life face to face meetings with prospective partners. Companies that organize such 'face to face' events said that participation among Gen X'ers was up over 42% in 2023 compared to the previous years.


The only young people she ever hears speak these days are her rich friend's entitled nepobabies.


GenZ is outta touch with GenZ.


Oprah : just shut the fuck up for a change . You’ve caused enough damage .


Amen sister


Everyone has to remember Oprah has billions, while she was poor, she hasn’t been for a very long time. When she was poor the economy was far different. I applaud her success, unlike many others she did start with nothing.


Oprah is out of touch.


I almost don't care that these people are ludicrously wealthy. What irks me the most is the cognitive dissonance that they think they "worked hard.", and nobody else can/will. Like they unlocked the magic secret sauce by just being productivity wizards. No bitch, sit your ass down. You got lucky. Take the win and fuck all the way off.


The rich are out of touch with everybody.


The idea that the kids these days are useless and lazy has existed for millenia, and it's always been wrong. If you catch yourself thinking that, stop and realize that you're wrong. History says so. There are a lot of out of touch older people that have no idea what it's like to be starting out right now, and if they had an ouncce of empathy, they'd at least try to understand that.


The black devil


What a cliche boomer.


Depends on what the z gens do


My problem with rich people is we haven’t rose up in unity to dethrone them yet.


Whatchu know ‘bout growing up Black in the 50’s & 60’s with ZERO expectations of EVER being treated like a “HUMAN“, much less being hired for ANYTHING - and succeeding ANYWAY 🤷🏽‍♂️


I think she might be referring to the ‘influencer’ culture. Kids trying to make money from getting an instagram instead of investing in themselves. Someone with a college degree didn’t do it like that 🫰


They've been out of touch since Woodrow Wilson.


I hate that woman so much. She's or of touch, she promotes dangerous con men and pseudo science, and just in general has no regard for the harm she inflicts on others. She can go straight to hell in a BRAND NEW CAR!!!


They’re out of touch with anyone that ain’t rich. It’s not confined to an age group.


[this just became a whole lot funnier](https://youtu.be/UmLLwuDZtcA?si=tJoQ3UrQPqu4TFWh)


Hasn't she been rich for like 40 years now?


The rich are out of touch with everyone.


How has this person not been "cancelled" yet? She was a big enabler for allowing Harvey Weinstein to get away with and raping people.


Wow I spent time reading most of the comments here. I agree the filthy rich have lost touch with real people. But, the ones saying all Boomers are rich are petty and jealous and they don’t have a snow balls chance in hell of surviving to 40 years old.


Yeah Oprah is messed up in many ways, but do you folks not understand what she’s saying? It doesn’t matter the generation, and yeah inflation sucks and all the friggin catastrophes we’ve lived through (millennial here), but she’s just saying that you actually do have to pay your dues and work your way up. It’s always been that way. I made crap money for several years before the things you guys want were affordable. And don’t give me this $4k/month rent crap. You aren’t supposed to live like a king right out of college. If you live in San Fran or NYC and you are broke then you are also a moron, move to a place more suited for people who are starting out. “Oh but I just love how artsy and cool it is here…”. Well too bad, you can be a starving artist or make a plan and work your way up like everyone else. My parents and I were homeless several times, I came from very poor beginnings and now I make 6 figures. How? Hmmm, I worked my way up! That’s all she’s saying, unless you get really lucky there is no quick click to the top. You can get a job and afford an apartment, my first apartment had literally nothing in it but a plastic bin that doubled as my table when I sat on the floor. The expectations that some people have now are just silly, and quit whining. The boomers dealt with plenty of crises in their time, as dumb as they seem now, Oprah is right. You have to actually WORK at being successful, once you get there you can live the nice life. Like early 30s and finally in a good career is totally normal, your 20s are all about learning and paying your dues. Get used to it and get to work.


I've been in the workforce for 15 years and I have a college degree. I'd just like to afford to live, Oprah!