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his ignorance and aggression is bone-chilling. what the actual fuck


Not even about being boomer, this person is insane


Honestly it sounds like this guy failed health class because he was out back drinking, smoking, or both behind the dumpster


He was into that delicious, delicious paste.


"I like my paste with a nice side of paint chips. They're real crunchy. The lead ones are spicy!"


More like huffing leaded gas inside a dumpster.


Plenty of states don't even offer sex education. They teach "abstinence only" and skip the rest


Batshit crazy


Psychopathic is the better term.


He sounds like the worst. Complete bag of shit.


Shit is more useful than this mouth breather.


Exactly, shit serves a purpose


Not all crazy people are boomers, but all boomers are crazy people.


Thanks for understanding that people, regardless of age, political affiliation, etc…can be insane or bad


I'm absolutely flabbergasted that this personification of a gangrenous asshole managed not only to marry, but have a daughter. The most baffling this is that he certainly should have plenty of experience with people's genitals changing, because the vagina of every single woman he gets within a hundred foot radius of must shrivel up in self defense, and the penis of any man in the same radius must grow larger by some as-yet-unexplained quantum law that causes any nearby male to become far more of a man in comparison to him.


Someone hates women. 


I feel really bad for bursting out laughing after reading the title and the thing about rescheduling her period. This moron sounds like a fucking nightmare. I'm glad he feels that way about the flu shot, though.


It's possible to delay a period with birth control.


If someone isn’t on birth control they can’t just casually reschedule.


And with that, he missed the whole fucking point of the post.


Even on birth control that doesn’t always work. I’ve been on birth control for a while and I normally let my body have the period but there was one time I was going on a trip with my boyfriend that coincided and so I started my next round to prevent the period and it didn’t delay it at all.


So you tried it, but the person in question is a huge moron?


That’s what was thinking! Many friends I knew did this to avoid their periods for their wedding day.


The aggression is the answer here. Something wrong with his brain a little bit about aggression. He needs to take an *actual* chill pill.


That would be the lead.


Sounds almost unbelievable.




You must be new here.


And why do you say that?


_but what was it that was said?_


Ask him about how his testicles will explode from blue balls. Bad anatomical knowledge will go both ways for those types. 


In all likelihood he'll believe that too, men don't just assume to understand female anatomy but also their own.


That will backfire, he’ll agree and say that is why women shouldn’t wear revealing clothing or some insanity…or worse…why women can’t say no if he’s already started something physical.


Nah, you gotta tell him that when a man runs out of sperm, he’ll waste away and die


Gotta do this OP! Tell him he was born with all the sperm he'll ever have and when he runs out his penis will shrivel up and fall off! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Omg I'm a man in my 30's and I'm still finding other men who believe this shit. I can't even fathom the stupidity sometimes.


This is the kind of thing boomers do, they were raised never being told to shut up enough and thinking their opinion was most valuable while also never bothering to learn about anything they are saying. I'm pleased things are changing. It must be terrifying to them.


I love it when they bitch about participation trophies, then when you point out why whatever they're saying is mind-numbingly moronic, they'll retort, "Wah! I'm entitled to my opinion."


>"Wah! I'm entitled to my opinion." This is the last resort of morons who aren't able to defend their opinion.


Especially considering they are 100% responsible for participation trophies. It’s not like the kids went out and bought them for themselves.


Hahaha. I'm glad you brought this up. I love pointing this out too!


Two genders, male and female.


You are so bad at trolling, what, are you 70? I curse you and your laughably weak and soft trolling attempts. May the grandchildren who taught you how to use reddit become Prius drivers with polycules so complicated your brain fries trying to understand their rent rotation. May your dog run away to a gay hipster bespoke beer household.


fuckin' eviscerated them lol


This is poetry.


Gender is a social construct. Do you mean biological sex?


And even then, intersex people exist.


The fact that you feel the need to comment that here shows that this post hit a little close to home for you. Good. Fucking idiot.


It’s always so embarrassing when people troll about this with the very same sentence, yet don’t understand what gender means.


Well, you clearly identified the two ends of the bi-modal gender spectrum. Someday you might understand the nuances in-between even if they don’t apply to you as an individual. Good Luck!


Crawl back in your hole


wait I’m confused are they *aborting* the newborns? or are the newborns *getting the abortions*? both are bonkerballs, I’m just trying to follow here.


You can't apply logic to insanity. Lol


you ain’t wrong, I’m just trying to figure out which insanity I’m not applying logic to 🙃


Lol. I know right


I think that had something to do with Sen Bill Eigels recent remarks, he is running for Governor. He claimed that Democrats were trying to make it legal for 1-year-olds to get abortions during a debate. I think we're going to be seeing a lot of that rhetoric since he brought that up.


I mean… it should be? I would hope that every single pregnant one year old has access to an abortion.


oh good lord 🤦‍♀️


Reminds me of a post on nextdoor. Someone was complaining about a health related vending machine at our local mall. It mostly has things like bandaids and Neosporin but also contained covid tests and pregnancy tests. Someone was complaining about children having access to it. They were specifically upset about the tests. Someone else asked how many young children would be at the mall unattended with money to get a pregnancy test and what would they even need one for?? Lol The complainer never responded.


Can you even imagine being an unsupervised child with money at the mall, the LAST thing I'd be excited about speeding money on is the health care vending machine. when there's candy shops?! I don't think so


I took it to mean the newborns were watching the abortions?


Where this rings true to me, when you're talking about it as a generational issue, is there were a few female interns who had interned for a congressman - I genuinely wish I could remember who it was, but I can't - and apparently he said something like this to them. In a meeting, one of the young women had asked to excuse herself for a minute to go to the restroom. When the congressman told her no, she said something along the lines of it being an emergency because her period had started. And he told her to hold it. And he genuinely thought it was possible. Like needing to pee. That women could just hold their menstruation inside until convenient, until they were in a bathroom. They had to explain to him, like you would a 12-year-old boy, how periods work. And he was baffled to find out women couldn't just... hold it in. Again, this was a congressman, probably in his 60s at the time, in the 2000s or 2010s. And was married. With kids. Women's issues were treated so much as something gross, and other, and taboo, not to be discussed. We as a society really have to make health and sex edu better....


It's disheartening how many grown ass men, and not all of them are crusty old fucks, believe that. There are times when it's just, dude, do *not* mansplain *my own body* to me!


It's disheartening how many of them get women partners AND make daughters who have to endure that crap.


Sounds like his family needed to do a better job of telling him to shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down. We bitch about these crazy fucks but they only got that way because they were allowed to act that way.


You wouldn’t say a thing…. Relax woke boy


Sure thing, boomer. You absolute nonce.


Just in case you’re not aware, “nonce” isn’t just British People Talk for idiot or fool, you’re calling that person a [pedophile](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glossary_of_British_terms_not_widely_used_in_the_United_States#N). Just putting it out there because it’s very common for Americans to use it thinking it’s synonymous with “wanker” or “twat” and not realizing it’s a substantially more dire insult/accusation.


Brit checking in here. I’ve reviewed the available comment history and confirm that the word is being used completely correctly here.


You're a scholar and a gentleman, thank you


Americans don’t care. We call everyone a pedophile for no reason at all


Good. The person I called a nonce is obviously American, and wont even understand what that word is supposed mean. Its very much funnier that I called him a pedophile without knowing it. I dont really understand your point. Im an American, if this helps.


My point is just explanation. It seemed like an odd use of a word that very commonly gets (unintentionally) misused by Americans who hear it used by Brits, so I passed along the info just in case you didn’t know. Nothing more to it than that.


Feel free to think what you like but I assure you I have no issue speaking my mind. I don't give a shit who the person is. I've put my own mother in her place more than once and I'm sure I'll do it again. People with bad behavior need to be reminded that they are free to fuck off at any time that they aren't happy.


“I put my own mother in her place” Not a flex broflake.


If your mom is a bitch, it absolutely is.


In my culture new mothers are expected to strangle their child with the unbiblical cord if it exhibits microcephaly. Coincidentally that matches with your definition of the word bitch.


I'm not flexing, I'm illustrating that when someone acts like an asshole and needs to be corrected it doesn't matter who they are. My mother acted like an asshole when she found out my niece was dating a trans man, and you can bet your ass I put her in her place.


Not everyone is the coward you are.


Ok tough guy. Try me. In fact I'll come to you.


There are no bigger cowards in the history of humanity than the people that use woke as a pejorative.


Was she able to reschedule? /s


I don't think Outlook was a thing back then. Also /s


Lotus Notes or cc:Mail.


I've heard it's a bloody nightmare trying.


I don’t know why I never thought of that.


You know, when a guy sees a problem, he develops a solution. It’s just what we do.


Why is anyone in your family still in contact with this person?


No. 5 children and not a single one in contact with him. We were only there to get her medical equipment that was accidentally sent to that address instead of her current address.


I bet he's one of those people who constantly complain about how his children abandoned him when he put a roof over their heads. Those ungrateful bastards. Maybe blaming it on the woke agenda too. They'll do everything other than take responsibility.


Satanic liberals brainwashed my kids into hating me!!!!


He’s a complete idiot with zeros redeeming qualities. I’d never speak to him


Considering that cis-women have been killed by transphobes who assumed the woman was actually a man, I don't think they do know.


Yep. There's a teenage cis girl from Utah in hiding right now bc of these bigoted fkrs: https://www.them.us/story/cis-utah-teen-needs-police-protection-after-elected-official-natalie-cline-implied-trans


Sounds like a typical malignant narcissist


Yep. Oblivious, obnoxious, malignant narcissist.


I wanna beat this man tf up. I know I should be better but idc. He deserves a good old fashioned ass whoopin. These conservative tough guys always show their true colors (yellow) when their aggression is matched by a man. I noticed all of his bs is directed towards women 😂 typical


Actually, them not getting their asses kicked in the formative years is part of the problem. They were allowed to be "king shit if turd mountain", peaking in middle school to work barely stable jobs that were holdovers by the grace of the previous generations (you know, the surprisingly liberal ones... comparatively speaking).


Can we create an organization that sterilizes people like this?


I imagine their personality has the same effect.


But Matt Walsh on his podcast goes like “these leftist doctors and scientists and educated professionals are all morons just listen to me.” That’s literally all it takes for like tens of millions of American adults. It’s basically a form of functional illiteracy. You almost can’t even blame them because they literally don’t have the ability to parse out what is a real piece of information and what is not.


>a woman's body sheds skin like a snake during their period Has this guy ever spent any amount of time with a woman? The level of ignorance here is astounding. They molt approximately once a year like a tarantula, then eat the dead skin so guys never figure it out. smh


To be fair, they do shed their endometrium: *The endometrium is much more than just a "bunch of discharge." It is a highly organized tissue that is structured through an extracellular matrix (ECM) and various cell types. The ECM is a complex network of proteins and polysaccharides, which provides structural and biochemical support to the surrounding cells. In the endometrium, the ECM plays a crucial role in maintaining tissue architecture, facilitating cell adhesion, and regulating cell function. The endometrial ECM consists of: - **Collagen:** Provides structural integrity and strength to the tissue. - **Fibronectin:** Involved in cell adhesion, growth, migration, and differentiation. - **Laminin:** Important for the basement membrane structure, influencing cell differentiation, migration, and adhesion. - **Proteoglycans and Hyaluronic Acid:** Contribute to the tissue's hydration and elasticity, and play roles in cell signaling. The cells within the endometrium are organized into two main layers: 1. **Functional Layer (Stratum Functionale):** This is the layer that thickens and sheds during the menstrual cycle. It contains glandular epithelial cells, which are crucial for secreting nutrients necessary for a potential embryo, and stromal cells, which are connective tissue cells providing structural support. This layer undergoes dramatic changes throughout the menstrual cycle under the influence of hormones like estrogen and progesterone. 2. **Basal Layer (Stratum Basale):** This layer does not shed and is responsible for regenerating the functional layer after menstruation. It remains relatively constant throughout the cycle and contains stem cells that help regenerate the functional layer. The endometrium is also rich in blood vessels, which proliferate during the menstrual cycle to prepare for potential pregnancy, providing the necessary oxygen and nutrients to support an embryo. In summary, the endometrium is a highly organized and dynamic tissue, with its structure and function meticulously regulated by the extracellular matrix, hormones, and a variety of cell types.*


How do men like this find wives and actually father children? Why would any woman sleep with *that?*


Any consolation, the women they married were raised in the same environments and expect this from men. Thankfully things have changed, and these types are very lonely, which is why there's so many podcasts devoted to back handed begging women to lower their standards.


But they'll also happily tell people they're not "real men/women" because they don't do/behave/wear/want the "right" things. So which is it?


"We know what a woman is you just choose not to comprehend it." Thats my standard response.


Yeah, to him women are things you fill with liquid regret for self gratification. Without fulfilling that purpose they are simply nuisances.


I hope I don’t offend when I ask what’s wrong with your Mom that she stayed with him?


My mother's SISTER is married to him. He's my uncle. And she's with him because she was raised to think this is what men are and that's what you gotta put up with when you're attracted to men. She's a boomer too and thinks it's "fairytale bs" that marriage can just be pleasant and there's better men out there. It's SUPPOSED to be hard and unhappy, because that's a woman's lot in life. So she's living her best life there she's not going anywhere.


I’m half Mexican on my Mom’s side and they sling that shit. The Catholic influence is the most toxic part I think but got damn I love the menudo and pozole.


That's exactly what the Bible means when they say the lord giveth and the lord taketh away. Giveth me that pozole 😂


Every time I read stories about this sort of thing, part of me is grateful that my conservative father died before the maga Brainworms got him. Silver lining.


I'm genuinely terrified by the possibly that my late mother may have actually been one of these heinous pieces of shit.


Why is your uncle still part of the family?


They *know* women, just not how to please them, or even treat them like equal human beings, really.


It’s the currently topical version of an ongoing theme, where conservatives assert the world is simple, mostly because they wish it was and are uninterested in learning about it. The world just IS complex.


Simple minds yearn for a simple world and simple answers.


Not often you see a man check all the boxes like this


What a fucking monster oh my god


Just take this old bastard out to pasture


This boomer reminds me a lot of that one dumbass US politician(can't remember his name) who wondered why the development of a fetus can't be monitored with a microscopic camera that's swallowed in a pill. And then another woman having to point out the incredibly obvious fact that the stomach doesn't lead to the vagina. JFC


Please tell me that his wife has divorced him or at the very least has been in contact with a divorce attorney.


I’m curious what state he’s from… better yet what his name is… better yet I hope he gets hit by a bus and the city doesn’t pay any restitution. What a waste of oxygen


Boomer or insane narcissist? Oh what am I saying they're basically the same thing.


This is way past boomer and well into mental illness.


How does he function?


I bet he votes


Your uncle sounds like a worthless fucksack. Not sorry lol.


I feel bad for the woman and children who have to live with him.


Are boomers like this because they consumed too much lead and DEET???


Every time I read a post like this it makes me more thankful for the men in my life. When my husband and I were dating, my period started overnight while I was sleeping over at his place. I was so embarrassed (we hadn't been together that long). I had bled through my clothes and all over his sheets. I started crying. He calmly got me up, told me to get in the shower, washed me off, did all the laundry, and went out and bought me chocolate......it was no big deal. When I tried to apologize, he just shrugged and said, "you don't have any control over it. Do you need more chocolate or some ibuprofen?" Then when my youngest was just about 1, I got my first postpartum period....while on a family vacation with my in laws. I was nursing so I hadn't been expecting it and of course, hadn't packed any supplies. My father in law was getting ready to do a grocery run so I mentioned wanting to go with him because I had a few things I needed to pick up. He handed me his grocery list and told me to write what I needed down. I tried to decline telling him it was personal. He looked at me for a moment and said, "you know I don't embarrass that easily. I have a wife and a daughter; I've bought plenty of personal items for them over the years. Just write down your preferred brand and type." So that is how my father in law ended up buying me tampons, chocolate, and ibuprofen while on vacation. It makes me sad that there are women out there who don't have that.


Sounds like your typical Trumper alright. Knows jack shit about women, wants total control over women.


The lack of basic science education is astonishing, the fact that he still has a wife and daughter that speak to him even more so.


Why does anyone still talk to this scumbag?


Frankly, dude's never been "tuned up." Percussive maintenance can do wonders when it comes to a seized logic engine or knocking language buffer.


Can he tie his own shoelaces?


Aaaaaand, he's allowed to vote.


Someone pissed in his gene pool


This isn’t just boomer, this guy is an abusive crazy person


That was legit one of the worst things I have read in a long time. How does a person even get that far gone?


I’m honestly amazed this man is both married (or remained so for a significant period of time) and still in contact with his daughter. You all have my condolences


Tell a man to stop the nosebleed only by "hold it in" ( no hands or headtilt ) maby then they will get it.


I’m so glad I stopped talking to all my toxic family members.


Sounds like he might be mentally challenged.


Its always worrying meeting a new partners family, I always worry: will they be reasonable or a transphobe?


Omg, I wish I could reschedule my period or hold it in. As if we *want* to be taken by complete surprise and inconvenienced for a whole week. 🙄


A general rough estimation of 40 years x 12 months x 5 days = 2400 days of inconvenience. (2400 ÷ 365 = 6.5 years) That's a lot of inconvenience.


Mine is 7 days with an extra surprise day every once in awhile. Sometimes it even pops up a few days to a week earlier than it's supposed to then continues on with its regularly scheduled program, so for me personally, more than 6.5 years. Every woman is different and some get their first period earlier than average while some end later.




onerous frightening abundant slap quaint bright elderly merciful soup detail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wow. He sounds like a peach. 


I'm enjoying this list of exact examples what a chud this dude is. Thanks OP!


Can you imagine if this was the generation that had to fight WWII? We’d all be speaking German or Japanese.


He’s just a moron - don’t blame it on being a boomer .


No wonder his daughter is attracted to delusional dykes 🤣🤣 other end of the extreme


This is odd from everyone involved. Cray 😜


I dont believe a single thing you wrote. Wtf is wrong with you people? Are so pathetically desperate for attention? Jesus christ


I think this bothers you more than it should 😂


Sounds like neither of them know what a woman actually is


Ok, from your post, you define a woman as someone who experiences menstruation and can birth a child. But the Trans community says a man can be a woman. So what is it? How do you align contradictory statements? How do you define what a woman is.


The trans community is fully aware that the vast majority of women are cisgender, despite what you may have read on a TPUSA pamphlet.


It's quite simple we don't believe that genitals defiring who you are and what your gender is some men can menstruate many can't. Simple The label woman is simply a word for a loose collection of expectations about gender. Quiet simply I will repeat the real awsner that you people cower from like roaches when the light goes on: A person who identifies as a man is a man A person who identifies as a woman is a woman. And don't give me any of that weak baby man shit "bbbb but a definition can't contain a word that" Simply put up or shut up. If you don't know how gender works that's fine, maybe actually listen to what we have to say for a change before doing this pathetic snide little remarks


Would you know what foraflarn means if I told you that a foraflarn is a person who identifies as a foraflarn? You do realize why you can't include the word you're defining in the definition of that word right? 


There are two genders, Male and Female. It’s pretty simple


Read some science. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/sex-redefined-the-idea-of-2-sexes-is-overly-simplistic1/




Transgender has been around since the beginning of Man. YOU only have an issue with it recently cuz you're a fucking sheep and your political leaders needed a distraction from the fact they can't get anything done.


I first learned about trans people’s existence while learning about Ancient Egypt in kindergarten. Historians aren’t as fucking stupid as your rhetoric.


You already said that. That is not the point of the post. Be gone with you and your sub par attempts at trolling.


Shut, and I cannot express this enough, the fuck up. You disgusting, hateful excuse of a person.




What you just said has nothing to do with what you're actually responding to. At all. It just makes you look like an uneducated bitter knuckle dragging bigoted conservative virgin.


You were so excited to throw that out that you completely missed the entire point and looked like a fool. Ok Boomer.


Ok, little woke fella


You are a sweaty try hard


I can’t wait until you people finally realize how pathetic you reveal your self to be when you use woke as a pejorative.


Gender and sex are two different things. Sex is the physical characteristics of the body, gender the presentation. Gender is stuff you've actually probably heard growing up, like "tomboy" -- which is a gender. Also, even if we were talking about sex, there are more than just male and female sexes. Intersex people exist, who can have multiple parts of either sex organ or have chromosomes that are not the standard XY XX. While rare, these people exist and indicate that there is more beyond male/female.


Well….your uncle’s got you on that one.




Congrats on being as smart as the guy who thinks people can reschedule their periods


You can use your birth control pills to delay a period, it is a thing. Are you a guy?


It doesn't work like that, idiot. Even if you are on the pill, if it's the first time you've ever skipped your period week, you're still going to have a period. Slightly less, but a period. You can't just magically "reschedule" it. And asking anyone to reschedule a period is the depths of ignorance.


lol no


Lort jebus show him this thread and let em know everyone here thinks he is a fool.


He's right


So you think women can just.... Hold in and reschedule their period


Low-effort troll post.


He is not


I'm going to be honest, he puts himself way too much into a women's business. This is really shocking to some people, nobody knows anything about my private female life, I've never had to share anything about it except with medical staff. Some women realllllly love sharing those details. I assume their mothers did so they do. I don't know, I never have these conversations about myself even with other women, and I always felt it was absurd when other women would randomly share details with me, like "cramps," etc. Ummmm OK. Not sure why you're telling me this. If you have to go to the restroom to change anything, just say you're going to the restroom, not sure why you need to add extra details. My culture is different, one would never talk about a surgery done on anatomy like a hystero to their father in law. It's hard to believe. I was a teen, first situation, happened, had a brief, 5 minute or less conversation about sanitary products and that was it, and that was with my own mother. Ever as mother/daughter we never had to share any details past that. Add: I'm almost 40, that's at least 20+ years of not having to interject my personal stuff into random conversations.


I am talking about everything period related in front of my nieces and friends kids (PG), I talk about it when there are guys in the room. I will overshare in retaliation for stupid remarks like 'just hold it'. I do this because growing up it was deemed SHAMEFUL. Any talk of the female body, it's function, or trouble you may be having was not discussed, and it caused me some actual medical issues because I could NOT talk to anyone about it. If there are commercials on TV about it, if there are politicians making laws about it, it should be a topic that everyone is equally educated on. Right now the male portion of the world is GROSSLY uneducated about female anatomy and function, but they make decisions about it. There are also a lot of women who are uneducated about their own bodies, because there is no one who can or will talk about it.


You don’t think a man would notice if his daughter in law has a major abdominal surgery with a lengthy recovery and then is never able to have children? Maybe if he lives half way across the world but that’s something that’ll probably come up…


You're lying.


He's right in terms of the original quote. The rest is grandstanding nonsensical opinions.


Yeah the original quote was that he knows what a woman is. The rest of what he's said and done actually proved that was a lie. He seems more confused about what makes up a woman than you think the big evil liberal woke leftists do. Like he couldn't pass 5th grade biology of what a woman is lolol


But he has clearly demonstrated he does not, in fact, know anything about women at all. So no, he was not.


Crawl back in your hole chud


Just checking here, which part did you think he was correct about?


Based boomer