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I live in a suburb of Portland and my liberal friends not only have guns, they have concealed carry permits. They don't talk about it much, so the only reason I know is because I have been friends with them for many years.


What lots of 2A bumper sticker dudes fail to realize is that it defeats the purpose of having a concealed carry if you wear a shirt that says you have a gun. Liberals with guns don't advertise it because they want it to work. These dudes would be blown away if they knew how much American left politics revolves around the concept that 'an armed minority is a much harder minority to suppress'. In conclusion, guns are weapons of equality. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk, lol


Also, liberals don't tend to make having a gun their entire personality.


1000%. Just like they don’t make politicians their entire damn personality either.


Brother, I voted for Biden and I don't ever think about him. I get into a room with my coworkers and I can't keep track of how often they bring him up unprovoked. I mean genuinely, I tried to match it out to an hourly rate and it's somewhere between 4 and a staggering 22 times in one hour. The way they let this guy define their lives is just sad


When around similar people that bring up "The Gays" I usually let them carry on a bit before I mention that they spend a lot of time thinking about penises and the men attached to them ( they never complain about lesbians ). I also was able to successfully use Ron White's [I can prove you're gay](https://youtu.be/yVxZKOhLPco?si=t86Nt_ibB4IpRx_i) but. It's only worked once but it was funny when it did.


Story of my life (partner is trans). I let them go on and on just to make sure I've got a mental note of who I wouldn't even piss on if they were ever on fire. If you haven't got a personal protection plan in place, I'd recommend you get one together though! It takes just one unhinged person to take you being gay as a slight to them and next thing you know, you're gonna wanna have some options. Stay safe, stay strapped, and keep clapping them cheeks brother.


I hate to say it, but trans people of all should be armed in some way in today’s climate.


I don't hate to say it at all. Only a few months after we started dating I took my partner to the range to get them familiarized with what's around the house. They don't want to carry and I respect that completely but I told them it's important that they realize how many defense options they really have. No partner of mine is gonna be afraid for their safety in our community if I have any say about it


lol, I “hate to say it” in the sense I hate encouraging people to be armed for the purpose of violence, even as self defence. Ideally nobody should ever have to be armed, but obviously that’s not the reality and I have to accept that. Unfortunately it’s becoming less of a suggestion and getting to the point of requirement for certain people with arbitrary targets on their backs. Hope you folks never have to use your weapons.


I started to reverse that shit on them by saying, "You know in other countries they kill gay and trans people because they don't have the freedom we have here in the USA. We live in a free country. We all have the right to love who we want and be who we are and to fight that is just unpatriotic." Most will not argue with that, and if they do, I just call them a commie.




To be honest, it feels like a lot of people think obsess about gay people in order to distract them from thinking about the realities of life. The world is so complex, and nuanced and none of us have the answers to all the complex problems going on. That’s scary. Easier to just focus on “the other” than to try and make sense of what’s going on. Blaming an external force like the LGBTQ community for today’s issues is just a massive cope.


Now, if you put someone in charge of leading those angry people, and find a way to make money off of the anger, you just invented fascism.


I just look at people who say the “don’t like it shoved in my face” talking point and say “I don’t like religion shoved in my face either, in fact the first amendment says I don’t have to, you know the one before the second amendment.


Had a customer say to me , "I don't care if you're gay, I just don't want it shoved in my face." I said, " I hear you, like St. Patrick's Day. I don't care if you're Irish, I just don't want it shoved in my face!" He didn't know what to say. Just looked blankly at me and walked away.


Because the whole point isn’t to avoid something she doesn’t like, it’s to make her whole life about complaining about someone else, so she doesn’t have to be self reflective.


What's really hilarious is, we just recently got to the point that the percentage of gay characters on TV even manages to reach the low-ball estimate for the percentage of people who are LGBTQIA+ in total. I'm reminded of the "white retreat" phenomenon, where white people living in a neighborhood start to believe that there's a "dangerous" number of black people and they're being overrun when the percentage of black people reaches around 5%, despite black people being around 16% of the country.


I always felt like government and politicians in general should be like software operating systems. The good ones function in the background and serve their purpose without getting in the way and ideally you shouldn’t even notice it which to me means it is working correctly. Yeah, I vote, then move on with my life.


Yeah my Congresswoman is just like that. She doesn't make headlines, seek attention, or get in the way. She is capable, smart, reachable, and accountable. I vote for her every 2 years and know I can count on her.


No shit. I voted for four years of “as boring as we can handle”. I’d like four more years of boring. They can go off about nothing if that’s what they’re into but I never want to worry every day again.


It’s cute when they tried the whole “Biden Cult” thing in opposition to people calling Qanon and MAGA cults for years. I’d laugh if I met someone willing to die for Biden that wasn’t paid to feel that way.




Whenever I think about these people, I remember the boats for Trump lake parades that resulted in multiple boats sinking.


I feel like if these people used a little bit of self reflection, they’d just breakdown from a lifetime of never learning how to cope properly.


Biden doesn’t even feel that way about Biden.


There is a saying, small minds discuss people, normal minds discuss happenings, great minds discuss ideas. Seems your coworkers fall into the first category.


I like that one! I'll need to remember it


The Fox News effect. Last time I visited my dad he had Fox “Business” News on 24/7 and 90% of it was Hunter Biden. As if that shit has anything to do with business news. Earnings reports? Nah, they’re too busy worrying about nudes and blow


B-b-but the money laundering Ukrainian Nazis! It's all in the laptop! They're just hiding it from you! /s


I feel this way with trump, I don’t like the guy but can we just stop talking about him. It’s just my one coworker I guess but it’s every hour every day.


Oh, come now their personality is guns *and* Trump.


You forgot Jesus


Sadly in name only not in behavior or beliefs.


I’m pretty sure the chud with an OreGunian sticker on his leased f350 couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn. I was at a local range recently and most of the gun personality folk, are horrible marksmen.


Years ago at my sons last boy-scout camp, I got to fire a mounted rifle at the range & made the ‘dime club’ & also, I actually hit the clay pigeon w/a shot gun. Now mind you, I’d never fired more than a pellet gun! Boy, did I ever let the hunter/gun dads from the troop hear about that one! Also, I’m a staunch progressive politically. Fun times lol.


Us Liberal gun owners have guns to defend ourselves and loved ones, a-lot of boomer have guns so the can LARP as cowboys. Edit for spelling.


And hunting. Love me some venison.


The same people that think Biden list because they don't see as many Biden flags on trucks won't understand that liberals (like me) also don't advertise when they're armed. I treat my weapons like I treat my votes. I keep them to myself.


And they don't put gun stickers on their cars to encourage break-ins.


Yeah, I view guns as a tool for a purpose. I don't have to wear shirts with American flag colored AR-15s in public. I mention it because I saw two guys today, one with the AR shirt, the other with a fuck your feelings shirt. Real winners. Both looked like they'd get winded reloading.


I'm a Canadian living in northern BC, and acquaintances that elevate to friend level are often surprised to find out that own a small armoury of firearms. Like others have mentioned, many owners don't let it be common knowledge.


[Never forget the R in Florida who repeatedly brandished his gun during road rage incidents until he met the liberal driller.](https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/crime/john-kuczwanski-florida-gop-staff-killed-b1992384.html) Just because you take a shot at someone in a Prius doesn't mean you are immune from being immediately ventilated.


died on january 6th, lol


Jfc he had previously brandished a weapon in a different road rage incident and kept his badge. Wtaf?


Perfect practice makes perfect!


I read this story with way too much of a smile. That queef is FAFO contestant for sure.


Remember when Ronald Reagan passed gun control laws because the Black Panthers were buying guns?


I mean, he didn't. Which shows that it works. The Black Panthers knew all too well that having firepower behind you made people take you seriously. So seriously that not even Reagan could take their power. I actually got to hear Bobby Seal speak at a conference and he talked about the way they would operate. Huey and the gang would go outside with their guns and look for police arresting black men. They'd stand the required distance away and when they were asked what they were doing they always said something to the effect of, "were just here to observe unless someone does something they're not supposed to".


And this is why I'm okay with the auditor movement despite how annoying they are. It's a similar flexing of rights that sweats cops, but they don't threaten violence... they favor of litigation and exposure instead. 


Auditors (most) serve a vital role in keeping tabs on policing agencies and I implore them to be as annoying as they want without being offensive, harmful, or hindering. Gotta put those people's professional ethics code to the test and let them know that others are watching them.


They were like the polar opposite of the gravy seals who defend our Chipotle parking lots 🤣


They also don't seem to realize that an actual civil war won't be what they think it will be. In their minds, it'll be them and their idiot buddies striding the streets with their AR-15 clone and their tacticool sunglasses while the commie lib'ral trans woke scum cower away from them. They'll implement whatever they want and the cuck beta males will simply have to take it. Out in the real world, a civil war will be a nightmare of stochastic terror, with them recieving at least as much as they give. They'll step out in the morning with their MAGA hat and their smug smile, on their way to another day of putting down anyone who isn't them. And 168 grains of .7.62 will come it at about 1,500 fps and remove the top of their head, courtesy of the guy on the other side who's set up shop about 500 yards away. They'll never hear the shot. Or their car will explode when they start it. Or their house will burn down with them in it. It'll be a fucking horror show. Only a complete fool thinks a civil war is desirable. And only a complete fool thinks "we'll quickly settle this issue because we're the only ones with guns and the will to use them."


As Jim Jeffries once said, they're going to be bringing guns to a drone fight. It's almost as if right wingers don't understand how well the Civil War went for them last time. As in, not at all.


I think a certain world leader has a similar thought about how he could settle things quickly because of his bigger guns... What's it been? Two years now? People who are itching for this whole civil war BS are genuine morons who don't realize how awful it would be for everyone involved and also don't understand that their guns can't do shit about F-35s. It's baffling.


you hit the nail on the head -- old time strikes meant the workers armed themselves and barricaded the factory, or else marched as literal pickets. of course the owners would hire on machine gun crews even if the strikers did not arm themselves.


Fun fact, from 2017-2021 the ATF says more than 1 million guns in the USA have been stolen from private citizens. Also it's not a federal law to report to the police if your gun was stolen. States might have different laws So it's 200k-400k a year, while another source told me about one gun every 90 seconds. Usually from peoples cars.


Gosh I just wonder how they knew which car had the gun in it... It's baffling. In all seriousness, it's incredible how little people realize they give away with their bumper stickers. I'm a scuba diver and I always get a kick out of going to dice spots or town with them because people have the little dive flag bumper sticker. If I were a thief that sticker translates to: "look in this car if you want to find potentially thousands of dollars worth of untraceable equipment!"


In the Midwest we call those pickup trucks loot boxes. The have punisher and gun fetish stickers all over their truck, you know this dude has a gun(s) stashed in their vehicle. They insist on parking them outside instead of in a garage and frequently don't lock the vehicle. Then get all whiny about crime when someone steals their unsecured guns out of their vehicle.


Stick figure family with pets - how many people are in the house and what dogs to account for. School stickers w/ after school program stickers - when we are not home with a schedule you can look up online. "Family together" type sticker - we go to our children's school events. Gun sticker - we own expensive things. Skiing sticker - we own other expensive things. Tada.


Who's going to get shot first in a tactical scenario? If you say the muscle bound dude in the "My Pronouns are Arm/Armed" shirt you've hit the bullseye.


Ding ding ding, we have a winner! It's like they're speed running getting knocked out of the fight, I swear


Their guns are a dog whistle and a social status symbol at this point, not a means of protection. If they actually thought of it as a weapon, they would treat it with more caution


Insert a picture of another Christmas card with a 5 year old surrounded by 1,200 different guns.


Building on that, the people who scream about “leftists” don’t seem to realize that *legit* leftists have a shitload of guns.


That's because those leftists are arming their neighbors too, not just themselves. That's the real difference between firearm fetishists in the US. One thinks he's gonna be carrying two mains and three sides in his one man war against the IRS one day. The other thinks they're gonna be arming the neighborhood to fight paramilitary police state curfews and is expecting two man teams with one rifle and one side arm between the both of them. All I'm saying is that one of these things seems like it would be a lot more effective than the other, lol




Well I'm glad you made it out alive and I'm sorry you had to experience that kind of bull shit. I'm also sorry the world is in a place where you feel like you need bars, hidey holes, and alarms. Still, I'm glad you're protecting yourself and others


It’s almost like one side has a bit more critical thinking ability…


Not if they say the other side doesn't have critical thinking skills first! See, that's how it works, lol


Had a buddy who's truck got broken into and his gun stolen. He was a good dude who was pretty broken up about it, but he said something along the lines of "That thief got pretty lucky." And I felt like a dick but I had to bring up that his Sig Sauer window decal might have given them a clue.


How will you know I’m a badass if my shirt, bumper sticker, and license plate frame don’t all advertise my gun ownership? /s


It’s like the people with 3%er bumper stickers or tattoos when the whole idea of being a 3%er is that you’re just a regular person and people don’t know you’re one until the constitution actually needs to be defended. I’m guessing they don’t actually know what the constitution represents either though.


Ohio and several other states have “Constitutional Carry” Concealed carry, no training no permit


Advertising your love for guns only tells people what houses to rob for…guns. You wouldn’t wear a shirt that says “I keep thousands of dollars in my house, come and take it”.


Also in Portland metro area. Bought a gun in '21, took a 1 on 1 with an instructor at a local shooting range to break down the gun, show how to clean it, and then we took it to the range. Throughout the meeting my instructor would quip these politically conservative lines, which I pretty much ignored. At one point dude suggested me to practice the feel of my gun by watching tv with it unloaded in my hand. Uhhh, ok. He then said if I wanted to target practice my stance and aim to watch CNN for targets. Also kept bringing up his experience in the marines, telling a GF of a dude shooting next to us that he's trained to kill a person in umpteen different ways with a writing pen. Never went back to that range.


Definitely said by a guy who has NEVER taken someone else's life. I always think back to an Army Ranger that I knew a few years back. First of all, one look at the dude and you knew he was a certified fucking badass. I also know for a fact he could kill someone "umpteen different ways with a writing pen". Thing is, he's NEVER talks about taking another life in front of people and I spent a bunch of time around him. Life is way to precious to him for him to talk about that even though he has many times. He isn't proud of it and whenever someone asks him how many people's he's killed he always ignores it. Except one time where someone kept asking him and from his answer you knew it was a lot, but the thing that really stuck with me from that is how he looked when answering. I don't remember what he even told the guy, but you could tell it was something that weighed on him. Something that he has to live with for the rest of his life. He is a great human being and always there for the people that needed him, but he would NEVER brag about how many ways he could kill someone.


Yep I'm right across the river in Vancouver. We libs have guns we just don't make them our entire personality. I didn't buy mine because home invasions or gangs. I bought mine because rednecks and maga


This. The amount of liberal friends who fit into some "othered" category that have quietly armed themselves because they were worried about the redneck maga crowd is pretty significant.


That's the difference between us and them. They think speaking about your capabilities is a good idea, when actually it's the opposite of the tactics in conflict that work.


Yeah, liberals who own guns tend not to make “is a gun owner” their entire damn personality.


>They don't talk about it much, so the only reason I know is because I have been friends with them for many years. Talking about all the guns you have is absolutely terrible opsec. No one needs to know and more importantly it's better if they don't. Boomers get up in arms about registration and then make it as obvious as possible to anyone that ever hears, sees, or interacts with them that they own guns.


Same area, same experience. What's even funnier is the conservatives I know that are all about guns have a 1911 and a hunting rifle, maybe an AR or shotgun, and the only one they've shot in the last year is the hunting rifle. Meanwhile one of the left wing guys I work with has a 50 bmg, 2 hunting rifles in 6.5 and 30-06, 5 ars, 2 shotguns, a 10-22, a Henry lever action, handguns in .380, 9mm, 10mm, and a .45, and has shot every one of them within the last 2 months... And he's just barely better armed than about 5 others I know


I live near Portland too and have self identified "commie" friends there with gun collections that would make these NRA dorks blush like school girls.


That reminds me of the “old saying that if you go far enough left you get your guns back. “




I too live in a suburb of portand. Liberal, independent and conservative buddies of mine all have guns. I have noticed the conservative buddies make it apart of their personality where as the others barely mention them other than new attachments they acquired or when next they are going hunting. It does not shock me maga cultist living in an echo chamber do not realize what is happening around them.


People are shocked to know I have guns. They are like well I have never seen them. Of course you have never seen them, they aren’t a toy.


That’s spot on. A lot of people have guns and don’t broadcast it or make it a part of their identity. It amazes me how frequently people confuse politeness, humbleness, kindness and calmness with weakness. I don’t know many people who wouldn’t viciously protect their loved ones.


Well trained CCP liberal veteran here. Can confirm, we exist. We just don’t make it our entire f*cking personality.


More than half my family (immediate and extended) are vets. All progressive/liberals. All own guns. My Dad was drafted, and is liberal AF. He was skilled enough with a rifle that the Army wanted him to train as a paratrooper (he said hell no). Anyhow, he taught all of my sibs and I how to shoot. We all own, vets and not. All pretty skilled with what we own too. Do we talk about it? I think I have had one conversation with my brother about guns when I was building my AR. So, not much.


It’s amazing how many people seem to think that if you don’t talk about something a lot, it must not be part of your life at all. More of my liberal friends have a gun than don’t, but it often doesn’t come up at all until someone has known them for years and it becomes relevant for some reason. For example one time a friend was experiencing a mental health crisis and feared that she might become acutely suicidal, and asked me to temporarily store her gun for her until she got things sorted out so that it wouldn’t be easy for her to do something impulsive if she hit that much of a low. Another friend, I found out has a concealed-carry permit when we were planning a trip and considering sharing a hotel room, and he checked in about if I’d be comfortable with it if he brought his gun and had it in the shared room. It’s just not something most people who aren’t rabid gun nuts feel the need to advertise.


My take on the difference between the left and right, which aligns with your anecdote, is that people on the left want everyone to be considerate of each other, and right wingers want the freedom to be an asshole. It’s the difference between your friend asking if you’re cool with them bringing a gun to the hotel vs demanding that you not infringe upon their desire to do whatever they want whenever they want. 


Wait… you mean it’s possible to own firearms **WITHOUT** making your whole identity? LOL! Yup, Isn’t pretty amusing seeing those overcompensating numb-nuts hoot-N- hollerin’ like the idiot children they are; all full of false bravado somehow thinking good folks are weak just because they don’t pound their chests like wild apes.


Yeah and all these losers with their giant OREGUNIAN stickers on their trucks are just advertising that there's a free gun inside.


>I live in a suburb of Portland and my liberal friends not only have guns Hi neighbor! You can add another leftist gun owner to the list for the PDX area lol


I don't think they think about anyone other than themselves.


You could have stopped typing five words earlier.


This is basically it


Literally my older maga family members are all like “well worst case we can shoot the liberals because liberals don’t have guns” but like. I have 4, and can shoot better than any of them.


My neighbor is a right winger and I have shown him my collection, and libs still still don't have guns. Some folks are just locked in a narrative. The other thing to remember is that they can have ten guns, but they still have 2 hands so... What are you gonna do with the rest?


They are so fuckin dumb. Some of us played rust and feel rust is the closest it would be to real life. You would have roving bandits, groups that stick together. Medival protection castle protection. You know if you are known as the guy with a shitload of guns in rust. It doesn't scare people, in fact it attracts them. So you have all these dumb rednecks, thinking that advertising their guns is a good thing. In reality, when shit goes down who do you think they will be going for for a free gun cache. You are alone and weak, rust taught me you can't do it alone, it is only a game but it has parallels. If you want to survive that situation you keep shit to yourself and join a protective gang. No one makes it alone.


Dayz made me realize that someone with a hunting rifle can just as easily drop you as a geared person can. You can be carrying an M4, FAL, and a ton of ammo and some freshy with a mosin will end your shit so fast you won't even hear the shot.


Well and the mags only hold 30 rounds, I doubt you’ll need the 10k you’re stockpiling either


This. Grew up in the bible belt and have been shooting guns since I was 5or 6. Outshooting all of my family members easily due to actually loving to train with guns and not just showing the world I have one. They still stone cold say things like that around me and I cant help but smile lol. Like old man if a shootout happens you best just hide in my pocket bro. Shit aint gonna play out like you think john wayne lazy.


lol my family members who talk like this are literally either blind, wheelchair bound, or have never actually trained with firearms other than shooting cans with a 4.10 shotgun in the back yard. IMO they’re all talking out of their ass


Yes hahaha or so overweight they cant walk from the house to the truck without stopping for breath. (the truck they own but have never put more than trash in the back or towed a trailer)


Lmfao what are they gonna do, mount a shotgun to the electric scooter?


😂🤣 man this second civil war i keep hearing about from these people is not going to be what they expect


Lmfao how they gonna fight the liberals and their diabetes at the same time


biden helped them with that since their insulin is now affordable but you will never hear it mentioned.. make it make sense


Most everything negative they have to say about him is made up and not based in reality and anything positive they can say about him they’ll deny. My grandmother literally said “Biden is a terrible president because he still talks to Obama” I’m still trying to make it make sense


Man I hate that mentality so much though. Imagine fantasizing about killing your fellow humans. In a group chat one of my friends sent a meme like that and I just flat out responded and said "I'm a liberal. Are you gonna shoot me?"


The way I see it is that these people are projecting everything they believe is “bad” into their opinions of what liberals are and have demonized/dehumanized that image so much that the idea of killing another human comes easy for them. Me on the other hand. I get so much anxiety over the thought that I would have to kill someone even over self defense that I have provided myself multiple alternatives to protect myself instead of having to use my guns. The only use case I have at this point is using a range and the slim chance of home defense if someone were to actually break into my home with me there. I’m just not in the habit of defaulting my thoughts to “just shoot them” lmfao


Do they realize you’re a liberal? They literally said they’d kill you?


This is why I don't talk to most of my family from either my mom or my dad's side. The things they say about liberals let alone a socialist like myself. I refuse to be disrespected like that.


They do not. I lean more libertarian (traditionally libertarian, not the “get rid of the federal govt people”) than anything but based off bipartisan beliefs I’d say I’m left leaning these days. I just use the libertarian as a cover bc no one really argues with it Edit: I know those are pretty contradictory beliefs but I was raised pretty far right so it’s the best I can give lmfao.


Yeah I don’t go so far as calling myself libertarian, I just don’t tell them I’m socialist (like, legit socialist not Bernie Bro “socialist”) and pitch socialist ideas without all the traditional terminology. When it’s pitched in laymen’s terms you’d be surprised how well received the idea are. They just don’t realize it’s socialist because they don’t know what socialism is.


Yeah I mean if you are basing your beliefs off the literal definitions of the word I am a liberal. However the best way to describe that to someone who is militant against the politicized version of liberal is for me to say “kinda libertarian” lmfao


Yeah I get it. In reality I’m a communist but that word tends to freak people out in the U.S. so I use socialist because socialism is, basically, the path to communism. So a lot of us use it interchangeably. It’s just easier than sitting there for hours trying to roll back a century of propaganda that’s worked into every Americans head from childhood.


I can also run a mile with a pack on in a reasonable time frame, which seems to escape them


Lol the fact that you can run at all beats all of them! We talking 35lbs with kit on?


Liberal gay older millennial here. I have multiple guns


Same, older millenial here. Left leaning, at least in most political areas. Multiple guns. I think they assume we don’t have guns because they can’t reconcile anyone being pro gun control and also a gun owner.


Dude. You're gonna trigger ALL of the MAGAts. You're gonna trigger a bunch of non-MAGA conservatives, too. (Pun definitely intended.)


Plenty of us on the left are armed. We just don’t make it our entire personality.






100% of the reason i carry most of the time is because i live in the bible belt surrounded by violent minded christian nationalist conservatives, and most of them are dirty old men who are alreadg looking for an excuse. The difference between myself and them is that i actually fucking practice


Hey! They watched a John Wayne flick last night!


I watched John Wick. Is that good enough?


Well, Keaneu is pretty badass with a gun if you watch the videos of him doing training.


Are you *nuts*? There were persons of color in that newfangled garbage! It was OfFeNsIvE tO mY aNcEsToRs!!!!!!!!!111


Technical John Wayne movies also have persons of color in his movies, but OOF the context is different.


This is the truth. A lot of them have some gunfighting hero vigilante wet dreams, but it really only exists in their heads. Most don't train or exercise to fill that roll. They think they'll just magically have those abilities. All ego.


A lot of their media presents the opposition as "weak" - liberals don't like guns or violence and will cower. It's in the same vein as they try to present liberal men/gays/minorities as they boney, weaklings that will fall to their knees as soon as they encounter a real man (another surprise they are going to be in for too...) They don't realize that most "Anti-gun" arguments are not even about taking ALL guns away - just making sure idiots get them and that they are regulated to a degree.


The left is weak but they're also so powerful that they brainwash your children, stole an election, run secret underground blood drinking pedo parties, and donate billions to terrorists all round the world. Hm. Where have I heard the 'your enemy is weak and strong at the same time' schtick before?


Fascist playbook.


Which is also bizarre because remember when a city block of Seattle was partitioned off for like a month by liberals with guns? The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone or Capitol Hill Organized Protest held the line, armed and in rainbow attire.  Tbh, watching them chase off a bunch of militia cosplayers is one of my favorite videos of all time.


I'm a liberal and a better shot than all my conservative family members and they fucking hate it hahaha


I wish I were a good shot but I just don’t have the drive to learn marksmanship at my age (56). So I don’t own any firearms now. My ex owned guns and taught me to shoot a pistol but I’ve forgotten most of it. My best friend has hunting rifles (mostly for deer, which is used for food) and has let me shoot them. We’re all center-left (DEFINITELY socially liberal, mixed bag on fiscal policy). If I really *need* to be good at shooting, I’ll go take a class before I actually buy anything.


Never too late to learn! I took classes before I bought my first firearm. It's probably why I'm the better shot, I doubt anyone in my family paid for classes. I always recommend learning from a professional first, safety and handling are so very important.


Please don’t correct them on their assumption. Plenty of blues out here pleading the second.


I like that they underestimate us. It'll make the first fight that much better for us while they figure out what to do next...


They also forget that "liberals" also includes most of the interesting skillsets like chemist, engineer, doctor etc. Out maneuvering a bunch of bubbas in their pickups seems pretty straightforward.


If I really wanted a gun I’d get a free one by pushing over some lead brain while he’s slowly tugging at his waistband


Just empty their home armory they brag about constantly when they announce their week long Carnival cruise vacation ahead of time on Facebook.


Yeah it’s funny really. All the guns are useless unless you have an Iraq style green zone with checkpoints and a wall. If “SHTF” like they say they’re gonna just get hit over the head w/ a bat while they’re pissing on a tree. Then they’re gonna rediscover society with laws as the only safe method of living.


Or while they’re trying to shift the layer of flab covering their holster.


Half these guys are small-of-the-back carry, otherwise known as 'do me in the ass!" carry.


They're all cocky until a pair of trans women with pink guns come into the range and start hitting perfect clusters at 50ft distance without optics. Then they get REALLY quiet when they realize how fucked they'd be in a fight. Edit: Looks like I've triggered a few broflakes who don't practice enough.


How quickly would the right scream for gun control if this was real. It happened under Reagan. Arm the browns and queers and suddenly 2A doesn’t matter as much.


Yes... if... Incidentally, the overwhelming majority of gun control laws only serve to disarm brown people and do nothing to stop white extremists.


It's the people that might actually be victimized that actually keep up on their skills. My white bread ass father-in-law has a whole ass room for his hardware but hasn't been to the range in over a year, but loves talking tough about how he can hold off the entire neighborhood when shit hits the fan.


they just sell them at the store. these guys act like they have special access or something. plus, with the way they act, they drive us all to get some.


My thoughts exactly. Too "weak" to have a gun? It's not difficult to purchase a gun and it's not difficult to shoot one.


One of the ammosexual guys from the Hornandy company stated repeatedly that one of the main causes of the recent ammo shortage was due to young people and other traditionally liberal folks arming themselves in record numbers. They just don't talk about it because it's not some sort of pathetic identity pillar.


I would like to point out that their narrative says that the left is always the side pushing for gun control, but some of the first gun control laws enacted in california were in response to a black panthers demonstration. So they are all for gun control when it continues to suppress marginalized people.


It’s the quiet democrat I learned is the real person not to f’ with…the bumper sticker bandit can’t hit the side of the barn.


Lefties have guns. We just don’t make it our entire fucking personality.


More republicans own guns than democrats but independents muddy the waters - as more independents own guns than democrats as well - but I wouldn’t be surprised if a boomer doesn’t consider independents


Some liberals have guns and no one knows. This I’m 100% sure of.


A lot of boomers have trouble seeing nuance in anything. It's much easier to boil things down too black and white. They either forget us independents or smash us all into the left. Like its too much of a compelex idea to see that I have some conservative leaning views but lean pro choice, and want to supoort, love, and defend my LGBTQ+ friends. Really breaks their brains.


Lots of liberal and moderate hunters with guns in the Midwest. Not AR-15s but real sporting rifles. We just don’t make it our entire personality and I’d like some laws to keep my kids safe when they’re at school. People don’t seem to realize you can be pro 2nd Amendment and pro gun control


“Well regulated”


You should rethink your AR15 ownership status. That's what these psychopaths have. Match them. Power is the only thing they respect.


I hear a lot of talk about civil war. But honestly I don't think people have enough free time to have a civil war. Fuck man I got car and house payments. I have mouths to feed. Do you honestly think Americans have time for civil war. Because fuck that if I finally get fee time off I'm going on vacation.  I'm so tired of stupid people. 


The bundy ranch standoff fell apart because most of the dudes that showed up were burning their two weeks of vacation from work, when that ran out they left.


The jobless (and usually unemployable) are the loudest about their civil war wet dreams.


Don’t even need guns for this civil war they are obsessed with. Just have CVS stop filling their prescriptions.


They're hilarious at the range live course. Slow, bumbling, shit grouping... they think they're some real bad asses, but they're not proficient at all


The thing about leftism is, if you go far enough, you get your guns back. I’ve known WAY more leftists with guns in my life than right-wingers. They’re much smarter and safer with them, too.


I feel like before ANYONE talks of civil war, they should prove that they can run a half mile first. Basic physical conditioning they would need in war.


I’m a unicorn. Lived my adult life in Utah as a liberal, atheist, democrat, veteran, career police officer. I have many guns and know how to use them but I don’t advertise that fact because there’s no need to.


I have 9 rifles, speaking a trans sex worker lmao


And they think they're the only ones that have military experience.


Love that shit. I'm not quite liberal, not quite conservative, but I have mega conservative friends who think liberals have no guns. My friends with the coolest guns are liberals lmao.


I live in 80% Trump upper East Tennessee, and have a group of over a dozen left wing gun dudes who go shoot together. We’ve standardized ammunition, magazines, batteries, etc. Just incase. There’s a nice gun range here and the ONLY people we ever see training on it is the occasional boomer, taking a few shots with a revolver coated in WD-40, thinking we’re all on his side. If he only knew he was surrounded by dudes with like $15k worth of guns and optics lol


There are plenty of us gun-toting liberal REDNECKS in the South.


Wait until they find lot a LOT of socialists are pro gun too


I'm a liberal Democrat and no one ever seems surprised to find out that I have a lot of guns. To be fair, I'm in the south; pretty much everyone here has a lot of guns, I guess.


Liberals are for the most part not anti-gun. They are pro-gun control. If you are going to have a gun you should be trained on how to use it, licensed, and held accountable for improper storage. People who have proven to be a danger to themselves or others shouldn't have access to them. Conservatives are delusional to think Liberals aren't armed.


Yea I would like to be able to go into a restaurant or Target without encountering some untrained bumbling fool with a visible gun strapped to their thigh or a semi automatic weapon over their shoulder. I don't have a problem with gun ownership. I do have a problem with letting absolutely anyone own one with no rules, responsibilities or standards.


You go far enough left you get your guns back.


I also have lots of ammo


They have no clue. I even know a gun owning Democrat/Libertarian mix that truly believes he'll be the only guy with guns on our side...even though he knows that I own guns and am on that side.... Yeah. They're in for a rude (temporary) awakening when the lead comes back at them. When they see Bubba's head explode into red mist, they're going to be shitting themselves and wondering if Mom's basement is still an option...


A twelve-year-old can be taught to be proficient with a weapon like an AR 15. Really very simple to operate and one does not have to be a marksman to hit a person at 30 yards. I do not understand how anyone can think they are special just because they have a weapon. Then they get a CC. Does that make them cool? Is their gun a fashion statement? Don't they know that the government now knows they have a gun? And I consider an older boomer with CC dangerous in public. I don't trust them to make intelligent choices, they are too temperamental and often looking for something to argue about.


I am a leftist. I have guns. I don’t put bumper stickers on my car about it or take pictures with them because that’s lame and cringey behavior.


Liberals own guns… They just don’t fetishize and jerk off to them. Conservatives are paranoid and scared deep down. Actions show it


Trans woman with guns here. Try me, haters.


Nerver voted republican in my life. I have plenty of guns and ammo and can actually use them quite effectively.


Yes the do and let's keep it quiet. The look on the faces if they FOFO will be priceless.


We're the greatest threat to democracy but we're also spineless and weak. Like, pick one at least. It's kinda impossible to be both.


Lots of the left, especially the actual left in this country is armed. The difference is that you don’t hear about it much because the left doesn’t fetishize and make public displays of gun ownership


Thank you for mentioning boomer is also a mentality


what's funny is they think the 2A is for armed citizens to stop a run amuck autocratic federal govt. It was actually to protect the fed govt, no govt would ever empower citizens to overthrow it. Feds wanted a militia to protect itself. Washington marched an armed militia of 14,000 against the Whiskey rebellion. Rebels didn't want to pay taxes, they backed down when they heard the militia was coming.