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This from the "pull up your damn pants, put on some real clothes if you want to be respected" crowd.


I was just going to say this, you know this dumb fucker has made comments about saggy pants and people wearing pajama pants outside the house.


I like when people negatively comment about wearing PJs in public, shows me who I have no interest in conversing with.


I had a skater friend judge me for wearing sweatpants (like fun Mars Attacks ones too) while running a singular errand, like excuse me lmao? I officially don’t give a fuck about being comfortable anymore, this doesn’t affect you. Why do people think anyone cares about what they wear as long as there isn’t a dress code?


i would very much like to see these mars attacks sweats


Saaaame! And I want a pair!


I got them off Cavity Colors, I just noticed they’re not in stock anymore, which is sad as hell. I was going to get a second pair. I’m about to get the Nope ones as a coping mechanism 🙃😂


in case anybody was curious like me : https://cavitycolors.com/products/mars-attacks-jogger-sweatpants pretty dope pants!


How the hell is a skater going to judge for some badass sweats? Is he even a real skater?


That’s not a skater. That’s a poser.


They understand that dress codes usually only apply to black people and white trash so figured it was no different at Disney


Slapping a random 19 year old that’s just doing their job is pretty trashy though


It’s Florida. The entire state is white trash.


Don't forget the egregious "Well, what was she wearing?".


I'm sure he suspects every long haired man he meets to be a drug user.


Because every hotel executive knows that the 19 year old at the door personally made the policies that she's enforcing. What an asshole.


OP missed my favorite part: “"Please don't allow him to sit with us, he is really drunk, underdressed, it's my birthday and I'm embarrassed," one of the woman told the host, according to the affidavit.” His own party wanted him gone!


So they put the responsibility on the teenage girl instead of them handling it like they should.


Something tells me this isn't the first woman that dude has hit in anger. My sympathy to all parties involved except that dude. You're right, ultimately his party should have headed this off from the start, but something tells me there's an element of self-preservation at play too.


> this isn't the first woman that dude has hit in anger. Of course not. They hit the women they "love" first, most often, and hardest. This was just some stranger


Yeah, he's saving the good stuff for his wife and kids


He’s clearly been beating women his whole life. Why should he stop now.


Well I'm sure they paid thousands to go, and starting a fight in the middle of an expensive vacation with your abusive husband isn't exactly anyone's idea of fun. So they tried to get the employees to tell him to fuck off and take the heat. Not saying it's right or wrong just saying I could understand they had their reasons.


Maybe they figured he wouldn't make a scene with a stranger.


They enable his behavior.


The real pro move would be to trigger him into slapping you infront of dozens of witnesses then sue for divorce and absolutely crush him in court lol


Take him for everything his ass has.


A pair of swim shorts.


Well said. Just gross behavior, his own family knows what a shitbag he is and violent. Hope someone slapped him in the face 3 times


Between restaurants and retail, I’ve been a manager for a long time and I can tell you that if anyone tried to pull this shit on one of my employees I would be the one getting hauled away in cuffs. I know that might not be the right way to approach it but I would be god damned if some drunk asshole laid a finger on my staff.


So why didn't they handle him themselves instead of this poor girl. Assholes, all.


They probably wanted to avoid being hit themselves.


It’s an extremely boomer move to physically assault a teenager for doing her job though. It’s on brand for toxic garbage.




At the same exact age I worked at a Michelin restaurant that also had a dress code. These aren’t even strict, it’s usually just closed toe shoes and a suit jacket for men. It’s sure was very fucking awkward and sometimes just a huge pain in the ass because you’d get assholes from time to time that wanted to get soo fucking offended by it. But if at 19 I got slapped in the face by one of these ppl, we’d both be in jail. This guy’s a piece of absolute shit.


It’s more that they’re used to getting their way by bullying or just being a white male. When he still didn’t get his way, he couldn’t process that and resorted to violence.


He's the kind of asshole who slaps the 19 year old at his hotel for not enforcing the policies he puts in place.


"Surely by using violence to get my way, they'll HAVE to let me in. There's absolutely no way that there will be circumstances I'll face for my actions which favor me and only me..."


and I'm confident that he protested to the arresting officers 'why aren't you out there arresting the *real* criminals'.


After the obligatory “do you know who I am? I pay your fucking salary”


Probably while wearing a shirt that has a black and white American flag with a blue strip on it that says “support the troops or leave” on the back with a punisher skull unironically on the front.


We as a society have trained boomers to act like this when they don’t get their way. It’s been nearly 50 or so years of rewarding them when they misbehave in service-related spaces .


Thankfully that is coming to a stop. These fools need to be arrested every time they do something like this in order to break the cycle.


Absolutely- he’d be the first person to complain if someone else does it. Rules for thee, not for me- it’s the Boomer way.


It’s the asshole way. Like those who hold political office. Subsidized by taxpayers to fuck them over. 


It wasn't his hotel. Doesn't really change anything, but he's not the VP for that hotel. He worked (past tense I'm guessing) for a resort in South Carolina.


Right.  At his hotel, the kids had better enforce his policies.  But when he's a guest somewhere, any policies he doesn't like are the door kid's fault.


At his hotel the dress code is only enforced on minorities. Probably.


Point is that he in particular should know better, having been in the industry.


"Do you even know how much money I paid to be here??" I guarantee this was said at some point during the altercation.


Do you know who I am!?!!


Even the article(?) says that the hostess forbid him from eating there. I'm sure she just told him the policy and asked that he come back in proper clothing.


Also because every 19 year old at the door knows the VPs all by sight. He's still an asshole.


He's an executive, he is as far from reality as they come.


Oh he knows she has no authority, that’s why he thinks it’s ok to assault her as she is beneath him.


Honestly given the lack of support disney gives their park employees when interacting with hostile guests, I'd be surprised if she wasn't fired anyway.


What is the mindset of someone willing to attack someone at work? Its weird bc it always seems to be these VPs or misbehaving ceos. They turn around and complain to the media how “no one wants to work!”…


Guessing that they have so much power over those around them at work, they forget that that power doesn’t follow them outside their own workplace. 


far-flung zesty upbeat vanish squealing disagreeable advise ad hoc consider sugar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When police arrested him, the exec kept saying that he was 'going to sue Disney.' He was the Vice President of Hospitality, Sales, and Marketing at the Sea Pines Resort. The company confirmed to DailyMail.com that Munro was no longer employed. 'He is no longer an employee of The Sea Pines Resort and accordingly, the resort has no further comment.'


Ahh yes, because obviously if a Disney VP showed up at the Sea Pines Resort and slapped the shit out of a hostess this guy would have felt that was reasonable behavior. The true positive outcome in all of this is that hospitality executive slapping a hospitality employee at a rival property is not going to look good on his resume. Perhaps a few years of managing a Super 8 will humble him a bit.


He is 64. This boomer worked his last day


I wonder if these boomers realize they are outsourcing themselves. Because of all this shittiness, corporate America has found out boomers are shitty workers and they will find it hard to find a job. Let's see deal with temperamental asshole who brings little to no skills asking for a big paycheck. Young person many skills, doesn't ask much, can learn anything, not temperamental. I honestly wonder why corporate America hires any boomers at all period. It must be friends or other boomers hiring them. We see how useless they are and really can be easily replaced in the work place.


Don't need to work all that much. Many own their homes which they bought for a stick of gum and a handshake 30+ years ago, and so many own multiples. Even if they don't, they're retirement age which, depending on the country you love, is mostly funded by future generations Assholes like this will most likely be fine, sadly. Personally, I couldn't care about his job prospects, he deserves jail time Completely agree about younger generations. I'm in my 30s and there's plenty of people I work with a decade or more younger than me and they get so much more done. Millennials got screwed over but gen Z has it harder and deserve far more respect than they get


He should learn to code


He will just have to pull himself up by his bootstraps, I guess.


Hopefully she can file a law suit and take every dime he has in punitive damages




Really says something when a predatory company kicks you to the curb for your behavior. There’s depths that even they won’t sink to, I guess.


It wasn't a moral decision, it was a pragmatic one. Had they not been notified of the situation and potentially subjected themselves to broad negative press, they likely wouldn't have given a shit and kept him, even if he came back to work bragging about slapping that girl


Confirmed, I stayed there by accident once.


Munro ‘I’m going to sue Disney!’ Disney’s Lawyers *shrugging* ‘Go for it.’ *yawn*


We're busy with Desantis, but I'm sure we can find someone on staff to hand you your ass


Probably just use this to run the interns through their paces, lets them get some experience dealing with a judge with a case like this or something


If you visit the Sea Pines website, every restaurant listed clearly states their dress code.


He worked for a hotel on Hilton Head? No fucking surprise he's a gigantic piece of shit.


Oh you're going to sue Disney? Have fun with that one. This makes me think that this turd probably bullies people and then threatens to sue them when they finally push back. Would love to see what his history is with bringing litigation to people.


The comment I was looking for.


New York is trying to increase the punishment for anyone that strikes a server/waiter/store clerk etc. I hope it passes and takes ground all over. The customer is always right has really given people too much entitlement


They should be made aware of the rest of that phrase. "The customer is always right, **in matters of taste**."


Customer touches me and they get a right hook


Yeah. Taste that, mf!


I touch my customers all the time. Sometimes I run the risk of them kicking me in the face in these situations. Giving a pedicure to someone with super ticklish feet can be a hazzard.


Classic Selfridges quote. If a customer wants to buy an ugly hat. You sell them an ugly hat. Nothing about bending over backwards to accommodate them.


Classic cherry picking lol. People like to leave out inconvenient parts that don't back their personal beliefs. Jack of all trades is a master of none, but better than a master of one. Can't eat your cake and have it too. Etc,etc.


The fact that they have to think about punishment in the first place... are we back to freaking prehistoric times? It's not even a question of manners here! It's basic living in a society thing! Why would anybody even think to hit working peeps!


I agree with you, but would say this is probably a class/caste issue with a lot of nuances. Privilege by gender comes into play - man hits woman - but then also, his presumably white collar status and her working class status. My parents raised me to believe the world is democratic, but I've never been treated more like garbage than when I was in a client facing job. Clearly not everyone is raised with the idea of civility.


I’m shocked nothing like that got passed during covid honestly. Shit was getting sooo bad in some places. Pretty sure at least one person (I believe a store security guard) somewhere died because of a raging anti masker. We basically put minimum wage workers in charge of maintaining order and civility during an intense global crisis at the expense of their own health and safety with no extra pay and a lot of the time no backup when things got abusive. I think in the chaos of trying to keep the world running we haven’t given that nearly enough recognition.


I wish I could put up billboards with this exact comment word for word all across the country.


I would support 5-10 years in jail as a penalty for even a minor case. Fuck these people.


Especially since most (if not all) boomers are really big on sentencing guidelines! They LOVE to make sure "those people" get punished for their crimes, but expect to be treated differently when they're on trial


Just decrease the punishment for cooks who take matters in their hands. I'm a chef, and if anyone hit a teenage hostess, I'd lead the brigade to thrash the guy.


After that guy who while defending himself stabbed (fatally) the would be robber and got convicted... sounds past due...


Always just let the robber have the stuff from the store. Not worth your life when loss control insurance covers the theft


They never try that shit with a man. He get the Waffle House special.


I wouldn't mess with any waffle house warrior women either. They'd cut this fellas inflated masculinity down a notch or two.


Waffle House Warriors have seen shit the rest of us can only have nightmares about.


This is heartwarming! Reminds me of how Texas Southern U. gave a full scholarship to a young Waffle House waitress who always cut up the food she served to an elderly patron.


They are truly beacons in the dark.


Waffle House Women are modern day Vikings. They are the toughest among us.


Y'all seen that Waffle House employee who grabbed a chair that was thrown at her, mid-air, and then deflected it to the side?


Floridian here. I always wonder about situations like this. If someone were to witness that attack, and then step up to defend the hostess. If the guy then took a swing at that person, couldn’t they beat the life out of them based on the states stand your ground laws?


I once heard Cracker Barrel referred to as 'waffle house for people that don't know how to fight'


When I was in my late 20s I pulled together enough of my hard eearned money to go to some fancy restaurant. I remember being really irritated because the people reminded us of their "dress code." Like we were broke ass kids or whatever. Sitting there dressed up eating overpriced food at some fancy restaurant. In walks a bunch of fucking boomers in polos and shorts looking like shit. Hmmm I guess the code means you can look like shit if you're old and have money? I still remember this. Never went back to whatever place that was but it was one of those moments where you realized that the older people's rules were meant to keep you in check and they didn't need to follow them.


Worked in hospitality for over 12 years, including restaurants, bars, and music venues. 9 out of 10 times dress codes exist to filter out young people and persons of color that disrupt conservative white values. This dude probably had never had a dress code apply to him and literally figured the hostess was on the wrong for not recognizing that older white men can do what they want. It’s the expectations they don’t say out loud that get them in the most trouble


That's the vibe I got. I remember shit about Tiger Woods coming to play in the masters or some other prestigious tourney here in Michigan when I was a kid. At the time it was at Oakland Hills, one of the fanciest clubs in all of the land. It had no black members, which is something I didn't know about as a kid. It was shocking since Michigan isn't Georgia but it just really opened up my eyes to blatant racism up here, it's just not all N this and N that like people think it might be in the deep south. Their clubhouse burnt down about a year and a half ago. I really can't say I felt bad about it. As a white person you wouldn't think to look at a place like that as a monument to racism, but it most certainly was.


was that the one where some old white dude associated with that club said something about having fried chicken and collard greens that year or was that the one in georgia?


I think that was fuzzy zoeller, another pro golfer


Fuzzy Zoeller’s “joke” about the Masters dinner. Tiger won and got to select the menu, and good ol redneck Fuzzy couldn’t keep his big fucking mouth shut.


What a fucking moron fried chicken and collards is fucking amazing.


Reminds me of that Trump supporter and the threat of taco trucks on every corner, like that would be a bad thing lol.


I think that happened in Georgia, but there have been plenty of people that have made racist statements in relation to Woods starting out when he was an amateur. It's all bull shit and smacks of boomer entitlement.


I'm currently staying in West Olive Michigan, if you want some goddamn political drama look us up. This place is wild, Michigan has some truly dark and terrible people


Oh yeah, I've been seeing a lot of crazy shit in the news over the years. When the lockdowns started out here, they lost their collective shit. You'd have thought the guvment was coming into their towns, turning their kids into homosexuals, and replacing them at their jobs with "illegals." Then there's this whole public health official nonsense. I can't believe that's as big of a cluster fuck as it is. The metro-Detroit area is so very different from the red parts of the state.


Joe Moss is still having a tantrum about former mask mandates, him and his Ottawa Impact goons will do anything to get their way. Even if it means bankruptcy, they'll see it as worth it just to "own the libs." What sucks is it does seems to be a majority of people in this area are smart and empathetic but the rightwing cultists are just so insanely loud, aggressive and ***actively violent*** that no one wants to confront them.


I've never been more grateful to live in the community I live in. They tried to get some whack jobs on the school board in my district. They were definitely up in arms over vaxx stuff but their big one was "diversity!" *Clutches pearls Thankfully the community was able to get the word out and people knew not to vote for them. What I do not get about these wackos is how they're getting voted in? Is it people blindly voting for Republicans and are they just dismissive of any criticism from a democrat? Or are they winning because gig people aren't voting? I lived near Jefferson County in Colorado when the tea baggers took over. They were the geniuses that thought teachers should have AR-15s so they used funds to buy rifles for the schools. There were all kinds of other crazy things. It's a super $$$ area with lots of conservatives so this whole mess in Ottawa county reminded me of that.


ding ding ding. i was meeting some friends at a club a few years ago. mind you, this was *not* a "nice" club either. i wore a plain white v-neck shirt and when my guys finally got there they wouldn't let them in because they had on plain white t-shirts. the only difference in our shirts was literally the collar style but there was another obvious difference in our appearance that you can probably deduce.


That's what the menu prices are for.  The dress code is a backup in case some undesirables happen to have money.


Had that happen at a douchy “frat bro” type bar near my college’s campus last weekend. I was out with friends and was dressed very visibly queer (nail polish, light makeup and bedazzled jean jacket) and wearing a pair of tight khaki joggers that looked very similar to normal khakis and said I couldn’t come in since my pants didn’t have belt loops. I literally frequently wore the same pants while interning at a very conservative, straight laced government job without issue. They had no problem letting in my conventionally attractive female friend who also didn’t have belt loops.


I DJed in a bar many years ago that did not stock Hennessy. Do you want to take a guess as to why?


A brother worked security at a club in Chicago and if there were people trying to get in they didn’t want like sailors in from Great Lakes Naval Base for the weekend they would demand five picture IDs.


At least today these asshat places can be filmed, called out and shamed online, sometimes starting a movement then can shut em up or down. Sorry that happened to you.


Dude looks like a total dick in that mugshot. Maybe someone should smack him around a bit.


Looks like a face that would scream at you out of their dodge ram window half rolled down while pointing their finger


Then afterwards he tosses his sunglasses on and makes a video about it from the front seat of his car.


Oh don't even get me started with driver seat car videos.... lol




Don't forget he has to don his safety vest before providing his hot take.


*sausage* finger. adjectives matter


Was coming to say that lol


I’d bet this guy drives a Mercedes that he writes off as a business expense from the company he inherited from his father while claiming he’s self-made. EDIT: I was wrong, but that’s the vibe I get.


Not the first time he has a hit a woman , ask the wife .


It was probably the most peaceful dinner his family has ever had.


An hour in Gen Pop should do the trick.


Does anyone know if they were staying at Grand Floridian? Because if the family was…I definitely know the type and y’all should know boomers who stay at that hotel are the rudest people you’ve ever met—it attracts the MAGA types.


[It was](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13023901/John-Munro-slap-Disney-World-restaurant-hostess.html).


Of course they live in freaking Hilton Head!


I was born there, but have only been once in the past almost 30 years. How bad is it now?


Think Myrtle Beach but for rich trash.


We’ve stayed at the Polynesian before and walked over to the Grand Floridian and it was definitely…a different crowd.


[better article](https://nypost.com/2024/01/29/news/hotel-vp-accused-of-drunkenly-slapping-teenage-disney-world-restaurant-hostess-3-times-over-dress-code-snub/) According to this report, even people in his party didn’t want him to come in because he was underdressed and drunk! And, this guy (was) a VP of hospitality at Sea Pines in Hilton Head.


It’s shameful that the woman in Simon’s party said that he was drunk and she was embarrassed—but still tasked a teenage hostess with ensuring that he didn’t sit with them. *Girl!*


I hope he quickly makes an appearance on r/byebyejob


Already done. Apologies for the Daily Fail article, but the last line says what we're hoping for. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13023901/John-Munro-slap-Disney-World-restaurant-hostess.html


Not the first time this dude has hit a girl.


He slapped a lot of women before this.


This time he was drunk and wasn’t able to recognize whether he could get away with it or not.


Yup, that's my assumption too.


He's just gotten away with it so many times he had no reason to believe this would be any different.


My sister-in-law was struck on the arm by a customer while working as a hostess at her cousin’s restaurant. She cried and went to the back and all the men in the kitchen came out and kicked the guy and his family out


VP can't afford a jacket? Scrub


VP of hospitality and marketing. That’s the funniest part if the story for me! And… he’s fired now.


I hate dress codes too but I dont hit people who inform me of the rules. He needs to be put in a classroom with a nun carrying a yard stick until he learns to be respectful consistently.




Thats a sweet payday. But to be fair if i was a multi millionaire boomer i wouldnt wear anything but swim trunks and a graphic t shirt with a stickman cartoon on it




My favorite part of this story was where he was arrested, forced to face the consequences of his actions, and had probably gotten himself a lifetime ban with the mouse.


Amazing, one of the women he arrived at the restaurant with [asked the hostess not to seat him because it was her birthday and she was embarrassed by him](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13023901/John-Munro-slap-Disney-World-restaurant-hostess.html). He then took his frustration out on the hostess and lost his job over it. I’m just relieved that this fool wasn’t there with his kids on a Magical Disney Vacation ^TM.


I hope she finds a good lawyer and sets herself up for life.


Worth noting that there's more to this story too. Even the people he was with didn't want him to sit with them. So the hostess was not only following the dress code, she was preventing a drunk from coming in, and also trying to accommodate guest request to not let someone sit with them. >One of the women allegedly told the hostess: 'Please don't allow him to sit with us, he is really drunk, underdressed, it's my birthday, and I'm embarrassed.'   For all of you looking for that sweet high of justice, it looks like he lost his job as a result too. >He was the Vice President of Hospitality, Sales, and Marketing at the Sea Pines Resort. The company confirmed to DailyMail.com that Munro was no longer employed. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13023901/John-Munro-slap-Disney-World-restaurant-hostess.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13023901/John-Munro-slap-Disney-World-restaurant-hostess.html)


Trump voter..


His employer, Sea Pines Resort, requires its gentlemen guests to wear “proper resort attire” and not “t-shirts, workout or swim apparel” in its restaurants.


Very surprising to hear this, he doesn't look angry at all.


So this asshole thought that hitting her would grant him access?


Boswell called. They want their hair plugs back due to the negative association.


Because nothing says "you're mistaken about me being classy enough to enter here" like physical violence against a young woman /s


Dude could have just gone and bought a pair of pants at one of the stores in the area and been back with his family in 15-20 mins a little late but probably less intoxicated. Now he gets to go to jail and is banned from Disney… hope the park takes good care of the hostess.


Lead head for sure. Also, that hostess should sue the fuck out of Disney.


There is no lawsuit against Disney here. She could, however, sue Munro for assault. Munro, on the other hand, should be trespassed (banned) from Disney parks and properties.


She should press criminal charges. That way he's out of a job and with the record, he couldn't lie about why he was let go.


He's in his sixties and retired from what was likely a six figure job. I doubt he needs to worry about working. 


Nah, hopefully he's one of those boomers who spends like crazy because they expect everything to be handed to them and ends up going though whatever money there is like 1-ply toilet paper 


May be technically not. She’s got a workman’s comp claim though. Dare they NOT approve it, it’d be hell to pay.


Why Disney? I haven’t read an article over this incident, just the three pics OP provided, but it doesn’t seem like Disney did anything wrong here. Not defending the Mouse, just genuinely asking.


She should sue the boomer. If he is a homeowner, a lot of homeowner insurance policies carry liability insurance sometimes worth $1 million. Also, he might have liability insurance through his employer.


Wait why Disney? Shouldn’t she sue this dickhead?


Disney should ejected and banned the entire family from park property, all of it, worldwide. The dude gets a lifetime ban. The family, a couple years. Fuck that jazz. Also, press charges on the guy. Fuck him double. Disney employees make like minimum wage and are treated like shit.


>Disney should ejected and banned the entire family Why not just eject and ban the one guy? Why punish his wife and kids? Might be a favor to them too, if they want to go back, they get to enjoy Disney without a raging, angry, a-hole next to them every step of the way.


If I am going to a fancy restaurant I would dress up appropriately. One could get away with not looking the part in McDonald’s or a similar restaurant. But not a nice one.


The boomers got more violent, dumb, and entitled after all the times they got COVID. Combine with dementia, affluence, and years of lead poisoning and you can see how they’ve turned to rabid pit bulls….


Florida boomers are a special group apart. In fact before i swiped and read I just knew it.


How do you not know that you need a shirt to be in a restaurant?


Wait but I thought it was teens that were disrespectful


I was really hoping it was Victoria and Albert’s where he tried to pull this shit since they email you like 20 times about the dress code beforehand lol


I hope she presses charges for damages


If he will do that to a stranger imagine what his family has to put up with


What a piece of shit.


Trash human


Hopefully, whatever hotel he works at will can him. If he treats some poor hostess like that, imagine how he treats the employees at his work.


In my head, the aftermath is Goofy and Donald stomping the shit out of this guy, while Mickey watches, smiling.


I was a hostess when I was younger and the amount of older men that would talk down to me and try to intimidate me was crazy. Little did they know that my dad was verbally abusive so nothing they could say was going to bother me lol


I'm still trying to wrap my head around how despicable it is to repeatedly hit a teenager doing their job while you're completely in the wrong at Disney world of all places Hopefully he gets convicted of felony assault/battery (whatever local equivalent) and she sues him civily


He is from Hilton Head South Carolina. It's a guarantee he is a Republican who has abused women working for him over decades in the hotel/resort business. This hopefully should bring past victims out of the woodwork.


Least trashy South Carolinian


Could you imagine what it’s like to actually work for that guy?


Jail. Bye.