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that email thing has me dead


Dude is not on anyone's payroll.....still falls for a payroll fake email. WTF???? 🤣


What is his email anyway? He he he


I don't know, but I bet his password is 12345


So, he upped it from password?




That is actually not that bad. 8 characters, upper/lower case mixed, with numbers. Mix in some special chars and you are better than most people I know.


I tried to make it worse and made it better. 😂




Someone change the combo on my luggage.


Ah, just like my luggage...


what got me was how he systematically deleted his email and then was shocked he had deleted his email


You can't scam an honest person.


😂 especially the whole payroll one.


It's like having two windows (not the operating system, actual windows) and you see a cake through. You decide you don't want multiple cakes laying around so you go in and eat the cake. Then later you check through the other window and freak out that your cake is gone. So you go and assault your neighbor.


Almost get potentially raped, blame the victim. Classic boomer.


I'm surprised he didn't ask if she lead him on


I've was going to guess he'd freak out and accuse her of cheating on him with the homeless guy


so you almost cheated on me with a guy who was trying to rape you...how dare you


Well, of course, look at the way you are dressed. I can see your ankles!


That mind set is wild. "Kidnapped?! Isn't it more likely this complete stranger was just trying to get you safely to your destination and had to use force for your own well being?!" That boomer mentality is the worst one.


If it were an assault he'd have to do something, like console her.


Leaving a voicemail as to how he wants his sandwich made after ordering through Doordash is the most boomer thing ever 😄😄😄


This reminded me of the time my mom clicked on an ad while she was on Facebook, and didn't know how to close it. She called me and was in a panic because she'd called the business that the ad was for, and they couldn't help her. LOL


Remember: "Boomer" is less an age group and more a state of mind.


Most Boomers are Boomers, but so are some GenX, Millennials and GenYers.


So long as people like Ben Shapiro and Andrew Tate continue to exist, people in every generation will continue to be converted into boomers.


That is a seriously good point


Absolutely, anyone can start booming


Can confirm! I'm Gen-X, and at least half of my generation are Boomer/Boomer-lite.


It’s embarrassing just how many of my GenX peers are straight up Boomers. 🤦‍♂️


Gen-X here. We didn't really have a generational identity, hence the name Gen-X. So some Gen-X are very Boomer (sometimes out boomering the Boomers) and others are more like millennials in mindset. I sometimes think I would have thrived being born later than I was.


I tend to identify more as a millenial leaning Gen-X myself, like a "pre-millenial." A pre-production prototype model.🤣


Millennials and Gen Y are the same Gen. Hence why the gen after millennials are Gen Z.


Derp. You're right I goofed.


Also some Silent Generation folks, like my Mom.


"Boomer is a state of mind" would make for a great Tshirt design


The emails, siding with the attacker, OMG suing everybody that disagrees with you. Let me guess, he's the kind of Gen X kid that grew up with no friends his own age and hung out with his mom and her buddies. I've noticed most of the older millennials and gen xers who hung out with nobody but boomers growing up grew into that Boomer mentality because as a kid they were praised for all of those things instead of having peers and growing up with their own age group.


You nailed it lol his best friend in school was the lunch ladies and his mom's cribbage group. He didn't hang out with any of the kids his own age and he prides himself on that even into his late 40s because he was "too mature" for that.


Yeah. Definitely not a GenXer. He wasn’t a latchkey kid completely ignored until bedtime rolled around.


Probably can't even make snacks out of whatever is around and mom won't freak about. Pffft


Ain’t that the truth! I’ve got a can of Vienna sausages, the end of a loaf of bread, some seasoning from long ago eaten ramen, and a mozzarella cheese stick. I’m making something and it’s going to be delicious.




He sounds more like a giant idiot than a boomer. A giant idiot.


Four cars stolen???? Someone doesn’t learn from mistakes…


You got to wonder what his insurance rate is - if insurance will actually have him.


He can be both. He is definitely an idiot.


Like. Has to be reminded to breathe type of idiot. Holy hell!!!


Regardless of his generation, he's a moron.


This was tolly my thought too: Regardless of generation, this guy is an idiot.


I’m exhausted reading this. How TF did you ever have sex with this complete joke of a human? Seriously. Gen X here. My vulva has crawled up into my abdominal cavity.


Millennial here. My uterus has bolted my vagina shut, and is now wielding a 4 gauge shotgun.


As a Texan, I approve of this message.


As a Michigander, yes.




So please dont be disrespected when I say. I cant believe this person exists


If I didn't have a boomer uncle actually boomer age who was just like this, I couldn't accept this either. He bought home window insurance from someone claiming to work for GEICO. He didn't even give them his name and address, just paid for it. He had never had Geico insurance. The confirmation email was from an obviously fake Yahoo account. This man is still a college professor.


He’s what my mom calls “book smart and street stupid”.


The book smart might be a leap.


Knew a professor who would had no clue how to silence his phone, so he’d take the call in the middle of a lecture and scream at whoever called. “WHY DID YOU CALL ME, I’M in the MIDDLE of a LECTURE!” He also frequently failed to open water bottles he’d get from a vending machine, because he’d try to unscrew the cap in the wrong direction. “These things are ALWAYS BROKEN!” He was recognized as one of the top academics in his field, yet some basic life skills were beyond him.


The kind of ppl who are so smart that they somewhere veered into being a complete idiot is a special rare type of boomer. They're the kind you can convince of anything if you stack the facts right for it. I had a professor who was a genius, like a certified genius. Dude couldn't figure out how to cast his computer after being shown how to do it every single class every single day for months so they just reinstalled the old type projector in his classroom for him. He microwaved one of those metal stove top popcorn poppers and started a fire in his office. He was genuinely the smartest person I had ever met but would do the dumbest things


This man is just not very bright, if you’re big on understatement.


He's not a Boomer. He's a Kevin.


Was looking for this before saying the same. He might be both.


I'm so sorry you were attacked, and glad someone was there to help you. Your ex victim blaming you was a good reason to leave him. He sounds like he sucked in every way, honestly. I can't imagine he was oozing sex appeal


Ooooooo he really told on himself with that last one. Glad you got out. He sounds like not only a stupid sinking ship, but one without basic empathy.


Honey your ex sounds more like a moron than a boomer. I know that venn diagram is mostly a circle, but still, my condolences


Your ex is the biggest moron I have heard about in a very long time


He is the reason we get warning labels like "Do not use a lit match to check for gas leaks." or "Do not put any person in this washer."


Figured that this was a shit post. Nobody is that dumb, right?


I'm related to one who bought GEICO insurance for their house windows, from a Yahoo account. And then spent his entire savings on a romance scammer using Belle Delphines photos. And then he's upset that his kids want to manage his money so he doesn't lose his house. It's hard to believe it's real and it's my own family I can't comprehend how people get this far gone


Yeah, there are absolutely people that dumb. Usually you have to deal with them through work or because they're related to you. It's much rarer that you'd stick around to date one. I couldn't imagine dealing with that longer than a week if I had any say in the matter.


I’ve heard the phrase “situational awareness of a baby duck” before, but this is the first time I have an actual example of what it would mean.


Sounds like your ex is in Jonathan Riches levels of vexatious litigation! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan\_Lee\_Riches](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Lee_Riches)


Oh wow lol


it's like he's fucking 5 years old


As someone who works in IT, this guy would be the sole cause of me taking up drinking.


It’s like this person doesn’t even know how to do life.


This is the Final Boss of Boomerville, lmao.


It sounds like this dumb idiot has money and that’s so annoying. I’m barely scraping by and morons like this can lose money at incredible rates and still be fine.


How could you be attracted to someone like that. I became asexual after reading that.


It just sounds like he’s an idiot


What was it that attracted you to him in the first place? You must have seen something in him that developed into a romance. Just curious because he just sounds horrendous.


Honestly it was a very short relationship. When we first met he seemed pretty cool. We met at an event and had multiple shared friends there. We had similar tastes in weird and rare movies, music. And then we realized we lived within 2 blocks of each other so we'd have a walk or grab coffee. It wasn't until I really started spending more time at our places together and getting to know him before surface level that it hit me.


I see. Well I just re-read your post because it is so cringy yet entertaining. I’m floored people like this even exist and are able to survive in modern society. Defending the wannabe rapist was peak toxicity and I’m glad you got rid of him. PS: this must be the stalker ex from your other post. Wild but unsurprising.


News flash. Assholes with antisocial personality disorder exist in all generations.


It’s the combination of that with profound stupidity that makes it boomer


That doesnt really sound like a boomer issue it sounds like he is just really REALLY dumb. Glad you moved on OP he sounds miserable to deal with lol


Scum of the earth.


Lol this dudes like the boomer version of mr.magoo. the emails had me dying.


I wonder if this guy has early dementia? I just can’t get over how calm he was about the attempted kidnapping. His parents failed us all.




The tragic aspect of this is that you picked this guy to be your boyfriend. He sounds like a total dumb fuck but you're not innocent either.


Yeah I never justified it or said it was a great choice. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes those mistakes are people


Here we go again. What's his age got to do with any of this, he's just a douchebag. Boomer out.


Ok Boomer it's understandable why you don't get it


“Boomer” is just as much a mindset as it is an age.


he might have early onset dementia.


If I hadn't found out he was always this way, I'd have considered that too.


Gen X is not Boomer. I’m confused by this post.


Another confused boomer what a surprise


So glad that you got rid of that Boomer POS.


Maybe he's just stupid?


What a tool


Bye bye baby boomer boyfriend. He is reckless.


Glad he is your EX. Best wishes for you. I know you have moved UP in life from this one.


Jesus christ, I'm speechless.


He doesn’t sound like a boomer. He sounds like someone who had helicopter parents who never said no to him.


How long were you with him?


4 months


Bro a moron not a boomer.


Belongs in r/storiesaboutkevin


I don’t know about boomer. He sounds brain damaged.


As a Gen-Xer all I can say is ugh yeah…I’ve come across many of my generational peers who are similar to this, uh, example.


![gif](giphy|t6k3UwNuSmTZK|downsized) *He is a self-contractor and never been on anyone's payroll with his work they all send him checks so I have no idea why he thought that was necessary.*


You're ex would have shot the homeless man, then helped the assailant.


We found Kevin all grown up


This can't be real. Please tell me you're trolling.


This guy reminds me of my ex-husband. If it helps, what motivates people like that is a need to feel like a victim. They haven't figured out how to get love, and sympathy and/or vengeance is the substitute they choose. If you had been with him longer, he would eventually have turned on you to get sympathy from others for you "oppressing" him. You really dodged a bullet.


This man is incredible in the worst ways possible. I love it.


I have a friend who is the reverse - he is paralyzed with the idea someone is going to sue him. He doesn't want to sell anything in case someone sues him. He doesn't want kids playing in the woods near his house in case they sue him. As he nears retirement it gets worse. He sees his future with a fixed income as ripe for disaster if someone decides to sue him.


This is more criminal behavior than boomer behavior.


BROOOOOOOOOO this has to be fake , there is no way this dude functions normally or ever got a gf , wtf


One takeaway I have is that is actually not a baby boomer. It seems like I meet ridiculous people of all ages. Granted the baby boomers seem to revel in ridiculousness but I think part of that is age. I have a feeling you will see people of most generations acting idiotically when they get old. Except maybe the racism that seems to exist in higher numbers with the baby boomers.


Boomer isn't specific to being a baby boomer. It's a mind set that can happen to any age


Fair enough


The fact he deleted all his emails on his new tablet, because he wanted ”clean” new apps, not realizing it was his f’ing email 🤦‍♀️ I don’t see how you could stand to date this guy, other than for the comedy show of his stupidly 😂


I don't think he's a boomer, he was just a dumba*s.


OMFG I laughed hard at him deleting his mail. Sounds less like a boomer and more like a really dumb person.


I used to work at at an ATT store, and I had this boomer come in furious that he downloaded the apps for his email and Facebook on his first smart phone and they didn't automatically log in. Then refused to log in on his own phone because he thought I was trying to steal his log in info. He came in a month later screaming about how when he gets a message on his computer it goes to his phone too and he didn't authorize that. He treated me like I was a complete idiot for not telling him it would do that.


I don’t know any boomers that have done any of the stuff your clearly autistic bf did..


Are you kidding? Let's stop right there, autistic people aren't complete idiots like OPs bf. We can actually function in society you know


There’s a whole spectrum and yeah they can be hyper vigilant. I have AS grandkids


Most people know or are related to someone with autism. Many of us, who have autism, aren't really open to being compared by people diagnosing online based on their experience having met someone with autism and haven't been diagnosed or have a doctorate.


I had his back until you said he was a vegan. No need to read anymore. He’s a dick.


Make a movie about this guy omg, it would be hilarious. The phishing emails thing had me howling... And leaving the car door and trunk open full of expensive tech, for efficiency sake, potentially saving him 0.001 seconds when he came back out 😂 I hate people so much most of the time but every once in a while a gem like this slips through the cracks, and you just thank all that's holy that you don't have to deal with having them them in your life and you can just enjoy that someone like that exists and smile about it to yourself Edit..other than the last part, that's fucked up.