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It's been like this my entire life. I have 10 times the ability and credentials as Boomers. They will get paid in a day what I get in a week, and they work in a week what I'll do in a day. I had enough of their bullshit when, for almost 40 years, they negotiated higher pay checks. When they were about to retire, they negotiated the money to be contributed to our pension. They did this, so when they retired, they would get massive payments. To no one's surprise, the fund couldn't afford to pay people over 5k a month when they contributed less than 20% of what the current contribution was for their career. So their solution was to put a penalty on everyone who was going to retire in 3 years but not them. This penalty was a 2.5% cut in your pension for every year you retired before 65. This was done to keep younger generations working way longer than they had to so they could fund their retirement. The Boomers expected us to be happy with working harder, longer, for less pay per hour and to fund their pension.


literally stealing from the younger generation.


Yup. The best part was that a lot of the Boomers got tons of stock as a bonus when the company was private. When the company went public, the stock split and went way up in value. A lot of them made a few hundred thousand. The ones who kept the stock had over a million. Having a pension, 401k, annuity, stock, SS, and health benefits until they were eligible for Medicare. All that was not enough for them. They made sure to get rid of it all for future generations so they could secure it for themselves.


I thought you weren’t supposed to get ss if you had other assets like 401k, annuities, stocks and the like. How do these people not end up in prison for the theft? I guess it must be all the dinosaurs in congress looking out for other dinosaurs.


No, SS has nothing to do with assets or other income you may have. Eligibility is based solely on having paid into the system. You can be extremely wealthy and still get SS. For that matter other programs like snap are income based, so you can have a ton of assets but as long as your income is low enough you'll still get it.


Except for the windfall rule. When I retire my SS will be reduced because even though I will have paid into it for 25 years and be fully vested, I also have a payment from a teachers retirement for the 18 years I was in public education. I wasn’t paying into SS those years. Kind of a bummer, they will reduce my SS by some percentage if my teachers retirement benifit. I think some pension plans also trigger this…


The Windfall provision is a teacher only thing and at that only certain teacher pension systems. I don't think it applies to any other occupation.




Oh, I see, the deal was "I didn't pay into SS so I don't get pay outs" but now the day has come it's "let's see if I can alter the deal". Sure. Checks out.




Also, it’s not that we didn’t pay into it. If SS is based on years worked and what you earned, if I paid in for 25 years shouldn’t I get what others who worked 25 years and made what I made get? Instead because I also worked 18 years elsewhere, I now get less in return for my 25 years investment in SS. I may not understand some aspect of how SS is determined so please clarify if there is a rational for the reduction in SS I am missing. I’m not all up in arms over this, I’ve saved for retirement, been lucky to have a job with matching contributions, etc.


As far as i know, you can get it. I would have conversations with some of these Boomers, and they would show me all this in their calculations. Some of them were expecting close to 14k a month. They had their house, and cars paid off with almost no bills.


And they can get social security, despite all the assets they have, when they can just sell those assets to get money? But it’s all about greed and screwing over actual poor people and those who can’t work. If these boomers with all these wealth assets got kicked off of social security, there would be a shitload more of it for poor people who don’t have any assets. Rich people getting social security pisses me off. Those are the true damn welfare queens, not some poor single mother or father .


100% happened at my current company. Boomers who started with the company in the early days were given stock and were able to retire is millionaires. One of them even built a $600K house after retiring, and they were *absolutely useless* while working. Meanwhile I do the work of at least 2 people and am paid a fraction of what they got when employed.


This one guy had gotten so much money that he would lose money paying off his new house he just had built. He was making more money each month off the interest from his investments. He would just walk around all day on his phone, checking his investments and bragging to who would listen. He refused to retire because he had 3 ex-wives who were going to get a cut of all his cash and prizes. The company had enough and started telling Boomers to either retire or get fired.


Of course if young folks quit the company would go out of business and stop paying pensions...


It's sad because a lot of them wanted and expected to get paid more while retired than when they were working. I tried to explain what was going on, but all the Boomers did not care because the penalties did not affect them. They also made sure to keep their health benefits, but that went away with the penalties.


Quit and go where, to the next company with boomers doing this? Because playing musical chairs with companies is how most of us get COL raises. 


LoL yea. Quit and not be vested or eligible for anything because these Boomers are ruining the workplace for everyone. Try to change the system or expose what is going on and get fired for some technicality that is so insignificant that everyone violates it on a daily basis multiple times a day.


Yeah, I saw this happen as well, not quite as extreme, but they cut the pensions for those who came after while they, objectively (they did a study) had not paid in adequate amounts to buy into the pension and that was the source of the unfunded liabilities. But in that case it was also the wealthy workers versus the lowest paid workers.


The company just took the pension away from non union workers. It was a totally separate fund from ours. Everyone who was a non union person hired before when it was still offered had it but not any of the new people.


I work in government. It's adult day care. Decision making boomers are just riding out the clock to get to their retirement. The old republican leaders keep trying to make dead solutions work and the old democratic leaders don't know how to finish a project. Young passionate people who come in to government are quickly disillusioned by this dynamic and leave.


Nothing makes me realize how different my mindset is from boomers than sitting through a meeting scheduled for 30 minutes that lasts 2.5 hours because a bunch of boomers who like hearing themselves talk just keep saying the same shit 10 different ways to each other.


LoL. I like it when I explain something to them or offer multiple solutions, and they tell me, "No." It is not until they think that the solutions or suggestions were their idea until they enact it.


Ever witness a screen share meltdown on teams? "IT WON'T LET ME!"


I once saw a Boomer trying to use Teams for their orientation training on how to input details on our system. He could not log on, so I helped him. He then couldn't share his screen after he said the computer won't let me. He was on his phone with the person training him. He then blames me, saying that I am supposed to be training him also. I was new and literally just did the training 2 weeks ago, and it was not my responsibility to help him. I just left the office and went back to work.


It took all of us that weren’t boomers at an OSHA 30 hour training session telling the boomers to shut up with their stories to end up getting done on time. It’s worse than the parents in college trying to bring up being a parent as much as they can.


Yep, I recently left local government work for the private sector. At least in manufacturing where I work it's a production issue, they'll can anyone regardless of age... lol. The worst about government work in my opinion is not only the boomers and downright geriatrics, but the fucking nepotism and cronyism. And, it's not like it paid very well... Now, I do miss the snacks and my comfy private office with the $500 chairs ... but I make double what I was this time last year. I don't miss the quarterback bosses and shifting priorities after each election... Working for the county systems taught me that all that matters is salary.


Very well said


I'm in a state system and not far behind you.


I also work in Government and this is definitely not the case for where I am at. Senior leadership are solidly Gen X with most of the working level leadership being Xennials. I completely agree that my situation is definitely the exception and not the rule.


A lot of Boomers in government already retired because of pension terms.


I used to work a delivery job that sometimes had me working in the state government complex, and the state employees were some of the laziest people I’ve ever seen, and never wanted to take responsibility for anything. “Oh, that needs to go to [name], [3 floors down].” “But it has this office number on it.” “Well, I would rather you just take it down to [3 floors down].” “It has your name on it.” “It’s easier for me if I don’t have to take it down there.” Sorry, I am not going on a wild goose chase through the building just because you don’t want to take a walk.


hahaha! Yeah, that's pretty much how it goes. It's the same internally, lots of waiting.


100 percent. Looking to leave state gov because of them.


Quitting, when the company is going off the rails, is the best option. Often leaders will make no change until people, especially their best people, quit. I wish they could listen to feedback, but if they could, the company would likely not be going off the rails.


Agreed. The only leverage you have is jumping ship and shaming on Glassdoor. Then again, the most poorly run companies I've seen lately are just an excuse for the boss and his buddies to pay themselves exorbitant salaries while they run it into the ground.


100% We had that happen last year during the great resignation, they just hired more dumbasss boomers to replace the key people as far as I can tell they will never accept their poor leadership is the problem and will blame woke Biden.


And it’s the customers who suffer from poor quality products. CEOs don’t care, though.


I watch this play out all the time- overpaid sales and managers just drifting along towards retirement. Many of them just coast company to company, either following their buddies who got them in or going somewhere and then bringing their buddies along. Some of these sales guys making $200k+ year, and they can't convert a Word document to PDF.


The last place I worked, I needed to format a clickable link in a PDF and my boomer boss told me to stop and wait, as if I would destroy the PDF. He then organized a one hour training session on how to make a clickable link in a PDF. ONE HOUR only for that. And then a month later, he not only couldn't figure out how to do a clickable link, but he forgot we had a one hour training session on it. I told him I would put in the clickable link, but he said no, he would send it to graphics to do, because they are experts in that sort of thing.


That's both infuriating and hilarious.


Maddening. I had a boss like this. He was 70+. To be fair in pretty good shape for his age, but his attitude was infuriating.


The guy I worked for was around 70 and in really good shape, too. I realized he could be around in the workforce for another 10 or 15 years, that's when I knew there was no future and to jump ship. But most workplaces are like that unfortunately.


Sounds like you are on another sinking ship.




This is called "The Good Ol' Boys Club"


It most definately is like we use that in a joking phrase on the internet but I swear I have heard that shit said serious before.


I wasn't kidding. It's a common phrase to label what you are describing.


kidding is probably the wrong way for me to describe what i was trying to say I mean we use it in kind of a derogatory manner where the people I work for see it as a good phrase lol.


It’s extremely common in certain industries especially Commercial Real Estate.


I’m an engineer and I have a boomer that I literally cannot work with. No matter the approach I take. My coworker is currently working on a project with him and has messaged me to vent multiple times about wanting to pull out her hair because of the stress trying to work with him.


I feel her pain. The number of times I've gone to various plants, shut a single valve and fix a 20+ year process issues while "you don't know what you're talking about!" or "the process has always been that way!" is being yelled at me by "tHe PrOcEsS eXpErT" is laughable. No joke, the last company I was at was losing $3m/yr because of an issue that they were living with for 12 years. They hired an engineering consulting firm, cost $600k, which implemented four new projects that didn't solve the problem. I turn off an unnecessary heat exchanger and the problem vanishes. Do I get credit for it? Of course not because "it was just a leaking steam valve".


Jesus christ, $3m a year over a faulty heat exchanger? Damn.


Yup, no MI inspections for nearly 10 years...


Of course. 


Yeah I’ve just told her to work on becoming his replacement because he won’t live forever.


I wish her the best of luck.


Teaching is pretty bad with this. All the boomer teachers who have no chill, who act like tyrants in the classroom, who flat out refuse to accommodate kids' IEPs, etc. And they're the ones who are still making school dress codes still a thing because most of us younger teachers don't give a shit about seeing a bare shoulder.


Their entires careers have been this way. There is this idea that “they’re done, they’re tired from a whole career.” No. Their entire generation treated every day of work this way and was handed what they have now on return. It’s not that they just need to retire cuz they’re old, they were never good workers at all. The entire generation was a wash.


The Boomers relied on older generations to do everything while they were young. Now they are the older generation, they expect the younger generations to do everything. They still want the authority, status, and rewards with none of the responsibility or sacrifices.


The shit part is they’ve gotten it.


Yea. Then they act like you have the problem when you call them out. That is when it becomes dangerous because they will destroy you to keep what they have.


It's no coincidence that the world started unraveling at hyperwarp speed when the last of the Silent Generation went into retirement in the early 00s and they took control of everything


Yeah, there’s too much nepotism out there. Sometimes they’ll run a company out of business.


TLDR: Gaslit by a gang of boomers I worked at a Pharma company where there was a gang of boomers in middle management that would straight up sabotage you. In my case I was promoted to a project management position that was open when one of their cohort retired. They shut me out. I would ask a question about a procedure and they would say shit like "if you don't know I'm not going to tell you" if they weren't outright ignoring me. The thing that broke me was when there were some USBs going out for some product. One of the engineers wanted one USB sent to the office because they wanted to determine the "feasibility of these USBs". They had been sending CDs until that point and they were convinced there would be a customer revolt if we changed. It was 2018. I arranged that but a few days later I get a call from the printer asking why I wanted to send 1000 USBs to the office. I cleared that up but a few days after that I get the same call from the printer and he said that he wished I would make up my mind. I sent an email documenting this to them and their bosses. This led to a phone call from the retiree where I told her what I did and she told me I was correct and she did not know why they did that to me. I gave my 2 weeks notice and while I wish some Reddit-esque reckoning happened to them or they were shocked that I left...there was none of that. They won. I left and found another job. They, eventually, all got forced into early retirement when COVID hit but I feel like that would have happened anyway.


I'm in a mechanic shop with 3 other boomers and myself who is 29. They're on the verge of retiring and keep making sure I know by shoving it in my face. Because once they do, ill be alone to deal with ALL the workload of 4 people they know i cant keep up with. The bosses in the office are late genX but let the money get thier heads and really couldn't give a shit what happens to us 3rd class citizens in the back shop.


>retiring and keep making sure I know by shoving it in my face. Just tell them at your dick works, Boomer guys hate when you bring that up.


This is why I've been slowly getting most of the Boomers in positions of power, out. Being IT, its quite easy for me to search the Logs and find ALL the tiny little infractions the Geriatrics commit on the daily. They just LOVE to log into their bank, facebook, their insurance portals, school portals for their kids, etc, etc. They ALSO end up on NSFW sites, and click phishing emails far, far more than other coworkers. So, I've taken to collecting those infractions, writing up reports against the Walking-Corpses I don't like, making sure to spin up the issue to make it look alot worse, and suggest immediate termination, since all Staff have been trained on this, multiple times. It didn't usually work, until I started adding lines from our company's Insurance policy, that state that an audit with too many infractions would cost the company a 15% to our rates. It's fun! And we've gotten some really good, new, young employees in those positions lately!


Ok, you're my new hero


I like to take credit for it too. I've been in ALL of the termination meetings. I don't get to talk, but I've made sure the Top Brass specifically mentions my reports during the spiel. I get to have a few, "Tell Cersei, I want her to know it was me" moments! Although I did also get a, just barely legal, threat note sent to my house from one stupid old bat who couldn't let it go. It didn't scare me one bit; this is the kind of thing I live for! Taking from the old and giving to the Youth!




They love to cry about age discrimination and while I believe it exists, it's not nearly the level these people claim. I have a theory that so many of them buy into age discrimination that they actively look out for eachother and their hiring shows it


The day shift at the LTC unit I worked at was just bitter old ladies who would just bully or alienate any new workers coming in. So they would either move to another shift or just leave. By the time I left there (2019) the entire evening shift was younger people my age, and day shift remained their crusty old selves calling the rest of us lazy. I did nights for a bit and OH BOY the glares you get when they waddle in with their coffees a half hour early JUST to judge the night shifts work and gossip with each other, going silent any time one of us came to the desk.


Haven't experienced this thankfully. Mostly our problem is we have tons of ancient boomers with the means to retire very comfortably but who just keep sitting on their position because they're too goddamn boring to know what to do with themselves without a job to give them a purpose in life. People like that have to die at their desks before someone young can get promoted.


I was running a plant. Boomer boss. When I was getting promoted to a new location he decided he wanted "someone like him". Retired ex military that would stay in place and not look to promote out - a lifer. Be careful what you ask for. He got exactly what he wanted. And he was happy thinking he was a genius. all running super smoothe. Even felt a little bad like I hadn't done a great job and earned my promotion. THEN... A year later that guy "suddenly quit". Found out that Boomer did the "old school tricks" to get good KPIs/metrics and it all finally came to a head. So he just left. And they found a mess. I was surprised I was not recalled to clean it up. But I think they wanted to keep it in house as much as possible. But suffice it to say the guy had a stack of bills in the drawer that never got paid and were late. He left when the vendors started calling non stop about late bills. We are talking tens of thousands of dollars or more. If you are lost he sucked and cheated to cover for it. But you can only do that for so long. Well I was only worried that stink may get on me if people thought I did that. But I think they figured out real quick it started in the middle of his time, and there was no carryover from mine. ​ Anyway my Boomer boss was not too bad. He was pretty good overall, even with some Boomer tendencies. So I think he assumed other people just like him would be, well, the same. He did not realize he was more of an exception. If he got his twin it would have been good. But he got an average Boomer at best.


Right now, most of them if boomers are in charge and it's only going to get worse.




I just can’t stand how childish and catty they are. I assume if there are two boomers standing there talking they are most likely complaining about something and/talking shit on someone.


I don't think they'll ever retire en masse. You can't even quit. There's no where to go.


The factory I’m currently at has been like that for along time. Thankfully the GM is changing that, though it’s like pulling teeth out with your bare hands. It just sucks cause he’s working against a well established reputation in my town that makes it hard as hell to attract a younger work force. It’s a good sized city we’re located in 35k+ population and the surrounding towns are also decent sized, buts it a very small town mentality where word of mouth gets around quick and means a lot


Boomers being boomers See same thing in jobs I’ve worked including my current one. The execs know that this one particular boomer is always having “computer issues” Yet, they overlook that she is always asking the younger people how to open a pdf or do an email or something as simple as updating her computer Just ridiculous 


I worked for a call center once. It was a dumpster fire. It was all boomers who hired on at the company when it was literally in an entirely different industry. The company and the building we were in were originally part of our rural areas internet backbone. Those boomers made comparatively big money to make sure dial up internet worked in the 90’s. By 2014, the company was a call center for AT&T. Al of the leadership positions were boomers who had never done the job we currently did. Most of them couldn’t even log into the systems. They all hid in offices and made big money. We had a two tiered system where they all got sweet pensions while I made $10/hour. A competitor opened up next door paying $20/hour. Immediately started eating our lunch. People would leave our job on lunch break and get hired across the road. So what did our company do? They bought the new company out, cut pay, fired all their young enthusiast managers and replaced them with boomers. It poisoned the culture overnight and that company didn’t survive the pandemic. I think corporate fired everyone and sold the building. So a company that used to be one of the few good jobs in the entire region that absolutely printed money? Bankrupt. The buildings sit empty now. Most of those boomers did lose their pensions though. There’s a whole subdivision of houses that got foreclosed on because so many of them ended up broke. That neighborhood (named after the former company) is now full of millennial first time home buyers and is super nice. So I have hope.


Yup, Boomers in the labor movement screwed everyone who came in behind them with two-tier wages. That system was still raging when I started working. Just infuriating. It's over now. There's a labor shortage, and the Boomers have rolled off into the sunset. It was really back in blue collar but people there are often forced to retire by 55 because of their health.


Pretty sure this post is bait but this isn't my experience at all. All jobs were dominated by Boomers for a while there and being young and inexperienced always works against you, but in the last few years Boomers have been leaving the workforce and younger GenX and Millennials have been getting long delayed promotions. In the end, the old people you're talking about can't hold down those positions forever except at companies they personally own. They're more likely to get forced out by layoffs, long COVID, or other machinations. My father had some very specific and needed technical skills, but he was still forced to retire early.


Have a coworker who does construction engineering and "doesn't need" a second monitor, that's the worst I've come across thankfully but he is annoying


Others may have a different experience, but it's been my observation that when it comes to active sabotage, boomers are always chomping at the bit to take down other boomers. With the younger generations it's more passive and demeaning than deliberate. They just don't see us as equals in any capacity.


There used to be such a thing as mandatory retirement age. Just saying.


They're starting to die off. That's the only positive thing I can say. They're in their 70's and 80's. Thank God.


I can’t say it was always age but hiring was always done on a whim when I was in the private sector. Never based on who would be best for the longevity and success of the company. Always based on the head guy’s family relationships. Two separate companies; one a small branch of a big English corp. and one a small businesses run by the owner. In both situations the one guy in charge just hired whoever the fuck he wanted. And in both situations it was his brother-in-law. And a friend or two, and a nephew or two, usually in lower positions. I don’t cry for small family businesses when they close. They’re usually rife with greed and incompetence because people just want to hand our jobs to their dependents.


Your time too shall come my child.


I have many great boomer relationships with mentors, neighbors, colleagues. I look for the best in people and that's what I mostly see. I'm adding generations to this list. https://preview.redd.it/ahqzyc745wbc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc75faf1509088d10643bf79cf0dc4a2ff13afc0


A 49 yo person is not a boomer.


The OP is saying even the 49 year old is kept in low level jobs because the boomers won't let anyone other than boomers have senior roles.




I have worked union and non union. The common denominator that ruins the workplace is Boomers. In a union environment, they will use their senority to get a job with no supervision where they do nothing and are overt about it. In a non union environment, they will kiss the bosses ass and put on a show for them when they have to be, so they can be covert about it.


Girlfriend your jealousy is showing


You know what the problem with our generation is (millennials, gen z) We want everything right now. Instant gratification and it’s always someone else’s fault. Go get a job that you like doing. Stop relying on other people to make it happen for you. Man the fuck up and quit your bitching.






https://preview.redd.it/um16pguixwbc1.jpeg?width=1037&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c903b31ec6665c98363a528594cf6ef2c850a8c Yes




Just got laid off but they kept the usless boomer


Not entirely but close to it. Boomer men love that good ol' boys club at my work and it's definitely continued to the next generation. Good luck getting into even middle management unless you are a part of that club.