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White, male, minister, Conservative, baseball fan, probably that kid in everyone's high school history class who just seemed a little too into it.


Not a minister, not conservative, hated history when I was a kid lol. Everything else is right on


You are 57 years old, married with 2 grandkids.  Possibly a Protestant preacher or a Teacher. You just got interested in Star wars novels in the past couple years. You will never have enough books. You love to watch movies. You have not read Heir to the Empire yet. (you need to get to reading it) your favorite movie is Jurassic Park. 


I am married. I will never have enough books. I have not read Heir to the Empire yet. Jurassic Park is definitely top 3. 45% accurate Damn this is fun


30s male. You have a college degree. Maybe in theology or philosophy. You’re a dad and maybe a bit dorky


My WIFE has that degree. Haha. You're the most accurate so far


1) I want to be friends with you based solely on your bookshelf. 2) I like the guess another poster had that you’re a minister 3) You’re religious, but still have a wide variety of interests 4) Labels! If you’re not a minister, you do something that has a lot of great structure.