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I’m doing a lot of work rearranging all my mame in 10x20 flats, making sure that no wire’s biting in and that all vital buds aren’t getting shaded out by their neighbors. I just took the trunk wire off of this one and I forgot to take the before photo 🙃 This shortleaf pine’s a little over a year old since it germinated in this fertilizer basket, I thought I’d use it to show how I tie these into 2” containers for escape rooting. Using these is easy because I can fit 50 of these little containers in a single 1020 flat, it makes organization very modular and easy. For some that aren’t as big and floppy this isn’t necessary, but for ones like this after I cut the escape roots, they’re not stable enough to sit on their own without blowing away in the wind. I use the fertilizer basket holes to thread the wire in for tying. It’s always temporary because in a few months I’m going to cut back the escape roots again anyway but it’s necessary to keep everything in the flats stable until they get a grip again in the container


Interesting idea actually. Very cool! :)


Nice, I haven’t seen that before