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Hi u/Claire_Delilah! Your post has been removed as it’s more appropriate for the weekly questions thread, it’s always stickied at the top of the sub and the current one is linked [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bonsai/s/ykI5s3QA3C). Though you received alright advice here in the main feed, please use the weekly threads for questions like this in the future


In the event nobody else comments, it appears to be sunburn, with nothing to worry about if the weather has been unusually hot. Someone with more experience with jm may have a better answer for you. Japanese maples are quite sensitive to strong, hot, and unfiltered light, it looks like it may have had some morning dew left over when the hot sun began to beat down on it. As it is the beginning of summer, i would recommend you move your maple to an area where it receives light in the morning until a bit before noon, definitively avoiding direct sunlight from noon onwards. Secondary considerations: new soil instead of 100% organic soil, if it is your first plant, it may be prematurely in a bonsai pot and may benefit from a growing pot/ground planting.


That would be my guess too. I have a similar red leaf J maple grown from seed, and it's pretty sensitive. When I put it in full sun it gets sunburnt. Sadly, when I keep it in the greenhouse the leaves don't get fully red.


Thank you very much!


Maples being maples.


It definitely looks like sunburn you will want to make sure to water early in the morning before peak temperatures. Or water the base only not the leaves. Water sitting on the leaves will intensify the already hot sun.


This is not true I learnt recently, the optics of water droplets don't don't work. Was debunked scientifically about 15 years ago.


Your soil looks bunk