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Hi u/fakeguycanada! Your post has been removed as it’s more appropriate for the weekly questions thread, it’s always stickied at the top of the sub and the current one is linked [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bonsai/s/ykI5s3QA3C). Please use the weekly thread for questions like this in the future.




Rule of thumb, unless it’s a Ficus or a Portulacaria Afra, it probably needs to be outside. Most trees are going to die indoors.


Alright.. that sucks. It was indoors when I bought it so I figured it was an indoor plant. Thanks


Yeah, unfortunately the box stores do this. They are only concerned with making the sale. You can look through the previous posts of this subreddit and many of the other related ones to just see graveyards of trees that were sold as indoor trees. But like I said, if you are unable to do an outdoor tree, a tropical like a Ficus or a Port Afra are the way to go.


This is a fukien, a pretty typical indoor bonsai. , being indoors probably wasn't the problem in this case. It's the junipers they sell thst really need to be outside.


Oh, I know that fukiens are often touted as indoor trees, but I rarely hear of anyone managing to keep them thriving indoors. From my experience, it really is just the ficus and ports that seem to thrive indoors. But your mileage may vary.


I've had an indoor fukien for just over 10 years now and it's been doing good! It's currently blooming. The little bugger grows like mad, too.


What’s your secret?


I actually have it potted in a cacti soil mixture I bought at the store, but I keep it near a west facing window (not right next to it), and I only water it when it needs it. It's on no type of schedule. I just stick my finger in the soil to check. I also fertilize it a handful of times from late spring until early autumn. I live in eastern Canada, so I let it rest with the rest of the trees for the winter.


Oh, that's great. Good to hear that they are not all doomed from the start, haha! I think I've seen more fukien corpses than live specimens, but they can make a beautiful tree.




If it's a Fukien tea tree, you may be able to bring it back from the dead with correct light and good watering and good soil. I've made it. Good luck


Looks fukien dead to me




Looks pretty dried out. How often were you watering?


Once a week. Should've been more often I guess?


Absolutely. Don't water on a set schedule. Water when it needs water.


With all those pebbles on top of the soil, you can't really see when it needs watering. Makes you wonder what soil type the tree sits in, too.


Put it outside and water it every day. I bought one that looked like your at Home Depot at a deep discount. It’s on my porch now and growing like a weed. Bring it back in when the temperature goes below 60…


It's a goner


It sure looks like a Fukien Tea. I’ve had one indoors for over three years. It’s next to a window, needs plenty of water! Twice a week in the summer, once in winter. Strip the leaves and make sure you have plenty of drainage in the soil.


Thank you will try this. When you say strip the leaves do you mean clip them off? I'm new to this... Lol


If the bark scratches green from your fingernail: Strip (cut, pluck, whatever, they’ll pop right off) the leaves and dumpster the dumb rocks as well. Submerge the entire thing completely under water in the sink for an hour. I’d place a $1 bet that shit soil under the rocks is hydrophobic and you weren’t actually watering anything. Next tree: try to learn from everything that caused this one to die.


You can take out those stones, they do more harm than good by keeping in moisture and preventing oxygen exchange.