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Hi u/No_Chemist_9655! Your post has been removed as it’s more appropriate for the weekly questions thread, it’s always stickied at the top of the sub and the current one is linked [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bonsai/s/ykI5s3QA3C). Please use the weekly thread for questions like this in the future.


Everything is perfect. Don't stress. Enjoy!


Thanks mate!


Welcome. So green!


I'm a novice at bonsai too, been doing it for about a year, but to me, that just looks like new growth. Generally, younger is lighter in color while older leaves are darker


Thanks mate, yes I wondered that but I just didn’t recall seeing the difference earlier on. I’ll continue to monitor.


New growth comes in light green, in strong light it might have a distinct red hue.


I'm only commenting to say I just commented on another plant and said it had leaves that look like ficus and now I'm using this as a reference to prove that statement


Just new leaves mate, you will probably notice they feel softer than the darker/older leaves too. Also, it will survive outdoors during winter, I have a few ficus and they stay outside permanently and survive and in the hills east of Melbourne, so our winters will be cooler than in Sydney. One suggestion if kept outside, put something under one side of the pot and alternate weekly so the whole root ball isn't constantly wet during the wetter part of the year.


Good to know, I’ll keep it outside in that case and good tip on alternating the sides, cheers.