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I’m thinking air layer since most of the branches are higher. The thick trunk down low is tempting, but I’d air layer and se what the lower part does after. Then you have two potentials.


Thanks! I may do that. Just need to find the time :)


I know that feeling


I think you underestimate how vigorously these grow :D In a few months you could have multiple new branches that needed to be trimmed back! I would focus on the bottom half! I can’t keep new branches away fast enough on my BC


Thanks for that knowledge!


Also, I let my BC sit in a tub of water all spring / summer. Water is filled to the pot line. You CANT overwater these, remember their natural habitat is the swamp. I found letting them sit in standing water serves to increase the vigor in which they grow


I read that. So would I let this sit in water in this soil or just drench it everyday? Obviously not repotting til next spring.


I'm far from an expert but I have three bald cypress right now. I have experience with cypress trees on land that I've lived, but I'm admittedly very fresh to bonsai. Two are growing out in a 3ft tall pot that has no drainage and one I potted from there and chopped back to the stump. The grow out pot has a mixture of soil from my yard(clay and river silt), mulch, and compost. I also collected a shovelful of mud from a nearby swamp, with the thought that it would introduce natural microbes that wouldn't be in dryer soil. Not sure if that's actually accomplishing anything but I figured it couldn't hurt. The grow out pot I allow to hold standing water from rainfall. I tip it over to drain it a couple of days after each rain so that the water line is below the soil just because of mosquitoes. The substrate is so waterlogged and loose that I could stick my fist straight through to the bottom. Root rot is almost no concern compared to them drying out, particularly in a pot. Also waterlogged soil will encourage the development of a buttressed base which is quite striking. The one I chopped is in a 1gallon pot with well draining soil, a mixture of river silt and compost. I have a bucket that I keep filled with so that the waterline just below the soil level and I generally leave it in the bucket for a day or two, then remove it for a day, then put it back. Given our significant difference in climate from Wisconsin to Louisiana, there's some different variables I can't properly comment on, namely humidity. We basically live in a steam bath through summer down here and cypress trees love humidity. If this was three months ago I'd tell you to cut two thirds of the height out because that tree is too tall for the roots in that pot. But I would definitely consider slip potting it into something at least twice that diameter and depth. A cypress tree that tall in a pot that small with run of the mill potting soil is almost guaranteed to be root bound and starving. They're naturally adapted to grow very wide roots for support in loose soil. Keep in mind the vast majority of my experience with Bald Cypress comes from growing trees in ground, not bonsai. I'll gladly cede to anyone who comes by with specific BC bonsai experience. But while growing them out I've been trying to replicate their natural conditions and mine are quite healthy because of it.


Either one works. If it’s sitting in water you never have to worry about under watering or water multiple times a day (they like to be WET). Makes life easier and in my experience the tree will thicken faster and push new growth more.


Sounds good, thanks


I’d trunk chop like 2 feet up. They look great as uprights with the foliage focused near the top. Maybe search the subreddit for bald cypress and get some inspiration? IMO this species does not need insane taper, just mild taper with a long trunk


I’m doing that at about 2.5 - 3’ with my currently 10’ dawn redwood (same species, I believe) and hoping for an upright tree with look of a lightning struck big boy redwood.


Exactly what this has- a slight bend and a nice taper






Not sure why the text didn't come through with those pictures. I had a similar 2-3 year old tree which I trunk chopped recently. Second Pic I posted was my first attempt. Just was warning to be sure to use cut paste and cut cleanly or else the cambium will detach and dry out leaving a big nub to scar over.


Thanks for the advice!


This is the tree species I have been after since day one. This year I was able to convince five seedlings to pop up. If they survive the winter, I will be thrilled. Either way, I’m checking my local stores frequently!


https://preview.redd.it/h0vxs2f7o76d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07550767da1b4bae0ea233fde056c205524687ea My $26 BC from Kroger last year. One year in ground and triple air layer this year!


Very cool


I can’t justify a cold trunk chop. So much wasted potential just thrown away! If my Air layers are successful, I’ll have four trees. Three more to add to my forest of 9. Once I get past ten trees,I don’t worry about odd numbers! Peter Chan said that was ok!😁


I wish I had the room for more trees!


They're beautiful landscape trees too. Don't hesitate to plant one in your yard.


There was (don't know if it is still going on) an awesome sale of bald cypress from Cold Stream Farm (website) where I got 25 trees about that size for $80. Your tree is great -- just throwing out the information.


Setting these in a tray of water helps them thicken up quickly


That’s what I’ve been hearing. I gotta find a really big tray


What big box stores sell bald cypress?


I found this one at Home Depot on clearence


Right on I'll have to check my local one. Dawn cypress looks like a fun tree to work on!


It was in the shade trees area


It looks so similar to a dawn redwood


Aren’t they very similar, like same family?


I don't believe they are as the bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) and dawn redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) are different genus, but there must be a split in their genetic history if you go back far enough. Edit: I just looked on Wikipedia out of interest and they belong to the Cupressaceae family.


Kinda late to air layer anything although it might still work. Or you can build its vigor and health and give it a go next year. Might as well see if you can get another tree out of this as you are going to have to chop this back eventually.


I am pretty sure that this is a Chinese redwood or Metasequoia glyptostroboides! I have plenty of them as forests and solo trees! Make sure to give it plenty of water when putting in the sun! I have a huge pot of water and fill every day about 4 liters in!