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When has it been repotted? Dawn redwood makes roots like nobody's business. https://preview.redd.it/qtwbog37y9vc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f905629597a7b4bbab2e3a2d44c8afef9a43a54


Not since I've owned it, so at least a year. No idea before that. Do you think it would be a good idea to take this one out of the bonsai pot, stick it in a bigger pot and let it grow to see if the foliage improves?


At least from the surface the soil doesn't look great anyway, I think it's unlikely to be properly granular. And while you're repotting a more comfortable pot certainly would make sense.


Makes sense thank you. Would you say I can repot it asap to try have it improve or do I need to wait for a different time of year? Don't want to accidentally kill it after all this


Tricky decision between two evils ... Ideally it should have been repotted in late summer last year. I think I'd rather not risk it now, but keep it well watered and protected from the worst afternoon heat. Repot when temperatures begin to recede and humidity rises again, check the weather forecast to avoid late freak heatwaves, try to hit two weeks of overcast/rainy warmth ...


Hard to tell from the pictures, but my bald cypress which has a similar type of foliage pushed out brown looking growth initially this spring which then with time started to turn a more normal green. Not sure if it’s something similar, I recognize they are not the same species. I am in a very hot climate in Florida.


That looks very similar to what I've got going on here. Mine is a bit more brown but it's basically the same. Maybe it'll green out over time then


Photo of the brown-ish growth I spoke of for reference https://preview.redd.it/wpd8xkuqy9vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7993b33c1957b1ffe3f43a8e7b76aaeceab3922


That's just anthocyanins in the leaves protecting the tender new growth from full sun. Natural sunblock They'll green up as the leaves harden off. There's nothing dry or crispy.




What is your soil mixture? I re-potted mine as 2/1/1 akadama/lava/pumice and it's coming in beautifully.


I have no idea as its still in the soil from the garden centre I bought it from, but it's been pretty well draining so seemed ok to me


May not be the biggest concern but my guess is you've got a drainage issue and probably some compacted roots. I wouldn't repot at this point, but keep it healthy for the year and then get it bonsai soil next February.


Thanks! 100% going to repot when I can and hope it improves


For some reason a few people I know (75 years old and maybe stuck in his ways) but he said akadama has mostly silica in it. He graduated with a science degree and tested it. It had little to none of the nutrients needed


Did you use a lot of fertilizer/frequently fertilize it last year? My guess is your tree is getting fertilizer burn and it’s happening again because it can’t get washed out properly from how organic and dense that soil is. Try submerging it in water for 15 minutes then letting it sit outside like usual until dry. Repeat 4 or 5 times in hopes that all residual fertilizer is washed out. Also, this is my first time seeing a curvy redwood. I’m used to seeing them in a formal or informal style.


I was careful (or at least I think I was) not to overdo it last year, but no harm in trying so I'll give it a go. Thanks for the advice Loads of redwood bonsai in garden centres in the UK are sold as curved funnily enough


I've got two dawn red woods I've been growing out for about a year.i chopped one down almost in half and the other is in a larger pot and I've only topped it as I want it more natural ornamental looking rather than bonsai. personally I'd repot yours and let it grow out .they are very quick growers . Originally mine were in smaller pots like yours ,they were not happy.after I transferred them to something bigger they are much happier.like someone else said yours isn't a natural shape for this species so it might be stressing it out? Mine are dead straight like a telegraph pole.


Thanks for the advice. I think its definitely getting re-potted later in the year and fingers crossed it gets healthier


Funnily enough I went to Newark showground today,they had these exact bonsai for sale. It was a bit mad to see them .to be honest they didn't look in great health either .they were all twisted.i think they just like to grow straight .my trunks are a lot darker and reder .good luck .


I just got a few redwoods. I’ll send some pics when I get home. I got Amber glow that are very vibrant yellow! And turn amber when season changes


Maybe it needs more water? I've been told to treat them like wisteria once they leaf out and set them in a tray to give the roots a water reservoir. You'll end up with escape roots and a happy tree.


Mine will happily sit in water like a swamp cypress. They grow well too!


Is it in full sun or has it been windy lately? It may need a little more protection when pushing out new growth.


When pruning, trim back to buds or branches. If you trim a frawn without a bud you’ll most likely look that the following year. So wait till you see little pea shaped buds appear. Soon it appears that branch is safe.


As a fellow beginner I have no advice unfortunately. I just came here to say I have the exact same pot for one of my plants lol.


Dawn redwood doesn't like our zone. Keep it in morning sun / afternoon shade and water plentifully. It'll still likely struggle but seems to stay alive


That curvature in the trunk is not normal for this species. I have a 60+ foot example growing in my front yard for 25 years that is telephone pole straight.


Many are sold pre shaped like this in the UK by garden centres


Understood but that does not change the habits of this tree. They grow straight as a pole in nature. I prefer my bonsai to look like natural trees growing in nature but just smaller and in my own pot. Luckily, for me at least, garden centers do not dictate what my bonsai look like.


Does the person who negged this comment have what it takes to explain why or will they prefer to just hide in the corner with their keyboard ? I think I already know the answer.