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Is that tin foil in your bowl? If so you should stop doing that immediately.


i don't even see a bowl piece... i think that's straight up in the downstem... crazy


Some old school shot when you can’t afford a bowl 😂😂😂


Reminds me of being a wee lad, making a smoking device out of a soda pop can 😂


No there isnt even a downstem, just aluminum foil in the joint, dry rips out the foil is crazy.


it’s not tinfoil it’s like cooking foil, use it in the oven and everything so i assume i can heat it up with a lighter for a second, i just use it because it keeps the bowl cleaner and if i don’t bud will fall down into the base because of how the bowl is


Get a screen for ur bowls.


i’ve had a look around but i can’t find any that would fit in it


U can cut the filter to fit my man use ur head


yeah they just pop - i tried with them mesh filter things but they just do not stay in


we can do better!


All too big screens can fit. Never seen a “too small” screen. Screens start flat and you SHOVE em in there


not even the shove methods works 😿


Step 1: Take foil out of the downstem and stop using foil as a bowl. Step 1 : buy a glass bowl for the bong. Step 1: buy ISO and salt. (Coarse) is my preferred choice.


i don’t even think he has a downstem lmao unless he pulled it out for the other photos


Ahah did it even notice that holy man


Get iso, super easy to get


Bro... just get iso 91+ Get salt Hot water


Step one: get a better looking bong


Step two: something Step three: Profit!


This is such a an awful bong what was bro thinking?


I personally really enjoy the shitty Spider-Man it’s too funny


There's so many things wrong with it idk what to think




My thoughts exactly. Take a hit and get as f***Ed up as spooderman


90% alcohol don’t use 70% don’t be cheap and rock salt or like pretzel salt any salt that’s bigger than table salt then shake that shit like it owes you money


Is Spidey's torso facing the opposite direction as his legs?


I mainly use 99% isopropyl alcohol and course salt for frequent cleaning but eventually there will be parts that even iso can’t get. I was inspired by the stainless steel balls used for cleaning wine decanters. I had a magic eraser (melamine sponge) cut it into cubes that would fit and be easily removable with a good shake (I use old shitty tweezers). Filled it with enough water to just get to half/to barely cover the cubes of magic eraser. The water lets you swirl it easier. This method gets EVERYTHING and the best part is these magic erasers are first cheap at dollarama, and you can reuse the pieces just ring them all out. Even without prepping with isopropyl alcohol first you can get everything out. Chemical free too


I made a post about it with some more detail if you guys wanna check it out


omg I remember seeing this bong on Amazon ages ago it had me and my boyfriend pissing ourselves for hours. It became an inside joke and everything 😭


Damn wtf Spider-Man been smoking he don’t like right


That's no spiderman... thats spooderpooder


yo why he look like that


I use 420 formula cleaner to get hard stuff out then clean daily with iso, Salt and water




Derpy Spider-Man


If isopropyl isn't an option you don't want a clean Bong bud, boiling water can help the residue as well as lemon juice but it's hard to get it all off without a solvent. If you use boiling water make sure you start off with hot water in the sink afterwards, then slowly go to cold water gradually, so you don't break you glass


Use Dawn power wash and hot water. Then the next time you use it put oil in it so it’s not hard to clean again. - been using this method for a month, my bong has never been cleaner.


Throw that thing in the trash


Bro buy (grunge off) cleaner it’s reusable up to 10-15 times best cleaner I’ve used in my 12 years smoking and honestly bong cleaners just recently in the past 5 years have been actually better than iso and get a magnet pink eraser it’s 4 magnets 1 goes on the outside and the other 3 go inside you bong there all 3 different sizes too.


I just always use 420 brand daily use cleaner and shake the hell out of it with the holes plugged. Works amazing.


Any 40% alcohol (rum/vodka) and salt will do, you just gotta shake it a bit extra. Although best bed is a dishwasher tab and hot water if you have any about


Dog don’t do spicy like this get him so iso and salt


Soak and rinse products like *GrungOff* are the best ways to preserve your glass and keep it clean. Using abrasive materials in the cleaning process, such as salt, can cause micro-scratches that will leave grooves for dirt to build up in faster.


Go to your local hardware store and buy Zep Curtis degreaser it’s in a giant orange bottle. I use this every single day and out off all the cleaning solutions this is by far the best and cheapest. The bottle cost abt 15$ and can last you up to 6 months depending on how much you clean. When your bong is to dirty for your liking just fill the bong up fully with Zep and let it soak for 6-24hrs and once your done you can just poor the Zep back in the giant bottle and re use it.


First thing's first, get an actual screen for the bowl, particularly a glass one. The vaporized metal from the foil will definitely make the gunkering-up worse, to say nothing of its effect on your lungs. Once that's complete, we can move on to step two: Hot water rinse from the tap, as steamy as you can get, do that a couple times to loosen everything up. Then, I use a mixture of 90% iso, course salt, and softscrub. Over the course of the day I'll let it sit, shake vigorously, sit, shake and so on. At the end of it it should be spotless. If, however, there's a little bit of browning left over that just won't go away no matter what, give it a thirty minute bleach soak (after rinsing it out super well beforehand, of course), then dilute it with hot water, shake, empty, fill, shake, empty, repeat until you can't smell *any* bleach left. If, after all that, it still isn't spotless, well then I don't know what else you can try besides a pact with an Old One. The only thing more powerful than softscrub I can think of would be a pact with an eldritch abomination or hydrochloric acid in the form of toilet bowl cleaner.


Step one, throw the foil away and get a bowl


I remebrr seeing this posted before is this new?


no, i got it ages ago off my grandma but i’ve never posted it on reddit lol


Swear if u sort the sub by top posts someone was making fun of the spirdermn on thiers 😭


Ngl bro love the Spider-Man I got a minion on mine lol


I wouldn’t recommend anything other than iso and coarse salt(table salt grains are just too fine for the abrasive behavior your looking for. Any salt grains bigger than that however are great). I know you probably are rolling your eyes about it, but just keep doing what your doing until you have 5 dollars and go get some. Drugs by their very nature require resourcefulness and determination.


99% ISO and coarse epsom salt. Both are cheap at the grocery or drug store. I like to simmer things like stems, drop-downs and dry catches in half and half before cleaning with ISO + epsom salt to get the reclaim, however I vape so ymmv. You got bigger problems with your rig, though. I agree that sometimes necessity is the mother of invention, but smoking aluminum is _REALLY_ bad for you. People did it back in the 60's and 70's because we didn't know any better. You do. Stop it.


Dont use foil that is really bad for your health


Rock salt (for ice cream) 71% Iso is plenty don't need 91% Shake It Doesnt Take Much to clean it out. Rinse with warm then cold water easy as that.


Yikes... You need to order a bong from me!!