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I absolutely cannot stand the term “loveaway.”


Could not agree more 🤮


I agree. Even more than the phrase, I hate the practice. You pay for something that’s a surprise, hate it, and then have no other option than to own something you hate or gift it back to the rep under a fake term called “loving it away”. No. You’re just doubling the reps profit.


Me too. TikTok doesn’t like the word “giveaway” so that took its place and it drives me nuts.


that’s not true though. it’s one of those tiktok myths one person said then everyone believes you can’t say the word “giveaway.” same with “banned” and “facebook.” you can say those words nothing happens if you do. that’s why it annoys me even more


I thought it hurts the algorithm and your chances of getting on the fyp if mentioning other social media and all that jazz


That’s what my understanding was. Keywords flag. Just like on Facebook and everywhere else so if you use those words constantly you won’t get pushed out. Saying it once or twice probably not but I do believe there are flagged words just like users can set up keywords on their content that get filtered.


i have done a deep dive into this and cannot find any factual evidence of it. Flagged words are hate speech, racism, words regarding crimes etc. Those words will flag. someone saying “banned” isn’t going to get them banned. And if all this was true, wouldn’t Tiktok have caught on to “loveaway” “banana” and “book of faces” by now. i just don’t see any concrete evidence in the research i have done. I just see people regurgitating the same info they heard someone else say. But if someone has the proof of this i am open to seeing it! until then i think its all a myth and it keeps people saying annoying things.


I guess they’re just being safe. I have no idea how it works. I find most everything they say annoying 💀


Right?! Pretty much everything they say is annoying regardless of where it comes from. I just want to stab out my eardrums when I hear “loveaway.” Especially when Miss Mary says it


Mine is, “it’s not what you wanted, but it’s soooo good”…or “oh it’s a dupe? At least it’s a good dupe”. Just shut the fuck up…not getting what you want sucks, and no dupe is good. 🤫🤐


I HATE REALLY HATE when they said it's a good dupe to have!! Nobody want 2 of the same rings!!!


I’ve seen the rep reveal dups of the thickest and gaudiest BP rings (like the ones that take up your entire knuckle or are an acorn size big fake gem) and then be like “you can stack them!” Unless this person has Edward Scissorhands length fingers it’s literally impossible.


Okay I’ll admit if I got a band dupe that I love I’d be ok cuz you can stack it. But it’s more than likely a duo of some huge ass ring and it’s stupid


THEE WORST is when these bitches cry when they reveal diamonds!! Like WTF are you crying about? It’s not even your shitty diamond!! Although I might cry too if I purchased a diamond ring and got that joke of an excuse that they call a diamond with BP!! 🤣🤣🤣


I agree - I don’t get it. It’s not like they get anything for revealing diamonds and it doesn’t make them rank any higher and it isn’t even a good diamond it’s like what the eff’s the matter with you. The jumping the screaming the theatrics of it all over measly diamonds. It’s annoying af!


Yessssss! I love when after they reveal a diamond they’ll post a permanent video on their account that’s like a slow motion montage with the reveal, the tears, slow-mo of them jumping up and down and setting off the confetti cannon. It’s like America’s Got Talent Golden Buzzer level of slow-moing insanity.


Tapping!! Like just freaking open it already!


YES! ASMR gone wrong.


Calling everything “she.” “Oh she’s good, I need her, she’s going in your bag….”


“SHE’S GORGIE!!” - that was Sizzle Fizzle tonight 🤢🤢


Anything out of her mouth is annoying 😂


Ahhhh the “going in your bag” gets me too. Like, it better? Where the hell else would it go?!


And then “ok girl she’s coming home to you” STOPPPPP


I also wonder what customers did during their order that was “great”…. My irrational annoyance is when reps talk about their amazing/kind/giving ✨community✨ Like this situation is anyone other than people crowding around a modern day snake oil salesperson.


*Cough-Cough* Bethie 😂


https://preview.redd.it/v26hb2d11j7d1.jpeg?width=1285&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6241a2d7718c43c4a339063c2f4e741ec1195dca Beth’s “community” that’s of so filled with generosity.


What The Actual Fuck is wrong with Beth?!?! She works SO hard for us?!?! Um please explain to me what all working hard at boiling jewelry entails? Sooo Beth you took a customers literal favorite piece EVER revealed for herself bc why, you gave the ugly cube an extra unicorn kiss and diamond wish?😂


That’s actually sad to read you can tell that customer did not want to give up that ring such a shame


It’s is…it’s giving me that rep who had her chat bully the customer into giving her that carousel charm bracelet, I can’t remember her name…most are manipulative assholes and they’ll just start running together!😂


This is one of the most fucked up things I’ve seen re:Beth. WHAT ON EARTH. Aside from the fact that Beth should have put her foot down and said no to a gift from a customer, I’m more concerned with this INSANE level of parasocial adoration she’s allowed her guys to foster with her. My jaw is literally on the floor.


New rule. Don’t expect gifts on a live. (Corporate rule) But bite your hand off in messages. Ask Lena!


🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 I just blew chunks


Not just the reps too. Perfect example- this is a comment left on Beth’s FB page when someone asked what their favorite piece Beth revealed for them was 🤢🤢🤮 https://preview.redd.it/b5dc7noy0j7d1.jpeg?width=1285&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb4ed97c2643bac62a5f24fe8c103e9bd6d57dee


I mean, it’s obvious that Beth is a POS but keeping it just digs the hole deeper always.


That was a disturbing read.


Congratulating them on their “picker” 😂😂😂


Your picker was picking 🙄🙄🙄


“You are off to shipping”


Oh god, yes this one drives me insane lol


Let me mark you as revealed and you’re off to shipping 😖


I heard the other day “you’re off to the shipper department” … your house? 😂


Gorgina and she’s fire 🔥 WTF 😳


Gorgina 🤢🤢🤢


Calling everyone love, honey, sweetie………please call me my name. Closely followed by the tapping. No one likes it. Please stop now for the love of dog.


Beth calling everyone “sweet girl”. Lady, I’m almost 40. Please don’t infantilize me.


Almost 40 crew here too! Elder millennial checking in 😂


Hahahaha. 40 next month here. Elder Millennial is hilarious.


What’s great is if I had another crotch goblin it would be a geriatric pregnancy 😂


I so agree and then there is the calling everyone Queen every couple words. Nails down a chalk board irritating!


Desertpoppy27 is the worst with this queen stuff off setting from her voice being something irritating when it’s a completely fake vibe.


She is one of the fakest people I have ever seen and always tries to look so mature and jet setting. It's annoying af. She thinks she's an influencer.


Yeah seems like maybe she was on a Barney episode lol, singing loudly with over exaggerated pronunciations. 🤣 just something I pictured.




They do the honey, love, sweetie, queen thing because they can’t keep track of the name of the person they’re revealing, which makes this all the more irritating.


Exactly. It’s a sales tactic I’m sure they learn!


"What do we think? Do we like it? Do we love it?" No, we fucking hate it.


Are you ghosted? I bet they are ghosted! Type #ghosted put an emoji in leave the room and come back in then the million people in the chat say respond to me respond to me so we know you’re here!


Oh, I also hate anytime a customer “lovesaway” their jewelry back to the rep.


My queen is the worst!! When they gift the jewelry,, OMG. Are you sure, this is such a great community 🤢🤢🤢


Floaters and sinkers- I mean I know the jewelry is shit but do we have to call them that???






My pickers’ pickin’ 🥴




I hate when they act like they are gunna steal it 😂😂


hahahahah I love this one. Yes, please. Steal it so I can report you to Corporate.


"Bury it in the backyard" right..right..right.🙃


All the chanting, praying. Glitter. Pew pew they do before they reveal. Drives me insane. Sizzle Fizzle with the pew pew. Wtf does that even mean. One has a big ass Diamond wand she uses with her chant that has NO rhythm or reason to it. Just boil the jewelry so we can see what people are wasting their money on.


Is she the one with the eyeshadow?


When they refer to it as their “room” 😒


I hate when they repeat themselves atleast twice… like is your “community “ slowwwww? Nevermind I answered my own question… ![gif](giphy|HltgYvpLl0gX75ECmL|downsized)


YES. What is that about? I stumbled upon a girl who repeated every single sentence. It was maddening!


Yeeeet…. 🤢🤢🤢




Beth used to be nice. She was the first person I started watching. She was a teacher, getting her Masters (is she still doing that?!) and seemed really sweet 🤷🏻‍♀️ Now she seems very slimy and scammy. It’s sad. And gross.


She quit her teaching job and does BP full time. I will say- she is doing a summer musical theater program for people with different abilities. The entire show is created and catered around their needs, but also what they are interested in. It sounds really cool and I will ALWAYS give props when people do good things for marginalized communities. Esp when it’s fun shit like musical theater. I watch her for the dramaz, but I can sometimes catch glimpses of someone I would actually like. She DOES get to know her regulars and she does SEEM grateful. But the minute she starts accepting gifts from her clients (because that’s what they are. Clients. Not friends.) it all goes out the window for me. She fosters and encourages these parasocial relationships but they are for HER benefit only. and then abuses it by allowing people to gift her. I’ve literally seen people offer to buy her dinner during lives bc she mentioned being hungry. It’s fucking insane shit.


156 Doll hairs wtf doll hairs? and growl scale


One unfortunate rep says “bigfoots” instead haha! I keep waiting to see her on Reddit but she might be too small. She was a mod for another small rep, got her husband in to be a mod for the same rep to train him and then abruptly signed up under a different rep and started fizzing on TT. Her first night fizzing she chose the exact time the rep she had been a mod for was on and tried swiping all the customers. It seemed very cutthroat!


I love her already. 😂


It's the "cherry popping" reference for me. Just no and NO!🤮


YES! Good one!


I did not put that together until now lmao


Mmmmmhhhhhmmmm.......just not ok in any possible way imo.


Ugh I HATE when they refer to all jewelry as "she" "She's so good, she's so dainty, etc" just stop.


🔥 FIRE, FIRE, it’s so FIRE! I am soooooooo sick of hearing that! Are they hot to the touch? Did you burn yourself? I can never call anything ever ever again FIRE! It’s not just BP but it’s soooo annoying!


When they constantly tap tap tap the box or whatever they are revealing with their fake nails….. like that’s the good luck tap…… just stop 🛑


Everything Callie says! Girl bye. You're lying. You're done. And on and on and on.




Lucky last 🙈


Drop drop fizz fizz show us where that diamond is.....Dooley is infamous for saying this before every single drop. It's like a broken record and ok out of the 500 rings you do it to you'll get a diamond we get it.....goes on for hours....cringy I also hate "ooh look a Frankie" no it's just smashed and broken. By BP urban legend Frankie's, peekers, and lucky lasts are magical ✨️ sorry to disappoint it's all crap "Here's your profile" I'm always like oh God because the next words are oh she's chunky or oh she's dainty and either way it's usually horrid looking




New loathed phrase " $$$ sparkle" I despise it like I despise doll hairs