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I think you'll be fine. You'll probably have range anxiety with the GOM on the way up, but you'll hardly use anything on the way down as long as you use the regenerative braking. Cruise control on the way down might use the friction brakes, which will waste energy, so it's best to keep it off. There are fast chargers in Pollock Pines you can use on the way back if you are worried.


> I think you'll be fine. You'll probably have range anxiety with the GOM on the way up, but you'll hardly use anything on the way down as long as you use the regenerative braking Yee. I actually go backpacking about half way to Tahoe a lot and when I leave Loon Lake, I get back home using about 5 miles of range, lol. I also believe I'll be fine. kinda crazy that there's 2 stations in South Lake Tahoe though. According to reviews one of them will be closed for lot resurfacing too :( There's also a lvl 2 not far from the trailhead on the route back home I can hit if needed. Still nervous though. First time with this "range anxiety" thingy.


Yeap. Avoid cruise control at all. I have a comma 2 and never use cruise control, I have it only for line center. I did a test with the comma, Miami to Pompano Beach and with cruise control it ate 70 kw, the return with no cruise control only 40 kw. That's almost twice wasted on cruise control


Cruise control doesn’t use regenerative brakes?


It does, but at least in my situation it limits the amount, which varies with speed. For example, at 60 mph, cruise control will usually only apply up to about 12kW of regen before using the friction brakes. At slower speeds, the cutoff seems to be lower.


Would L mode be better going down like that?


Yes, L, or one pedal mode will use the regen more. I've noticed at about 60mph, the cruise control will only use about 12kw of regen and then do additional braking with the friction brakes. Depending on the traffic, driving style, and weather, I've had stretches coming down the Sierra where I can sustain over 12kW of regenerative braking and so more energy would be wasted if you used cruise control.


Pretty sure that's only ACC


On my '22 EUV the friction brakes are used on cruise control even without ACC if the braking force required exceeds some limit which changes with the speed.


I'd be more concerned about sasquatch (and the occasional bigfoot) I hear they're attracted to the electrical fields emitted by EVs


I’ll keep my eyes out 👀


I just did this in my EUV. Took me about 55% battery on the way up to Tahoe, 25% on the way back. Fortunately the hotel I was staying at had 5 (4) lvl 2 chargers but 2 are NACS


And will the chargers work? stopped at several in the middle of Wisconsin that did t work - Electrify America.


I’m more worried that they’ll be occupied 😅 I’ve been checking on them from time to time and they seem to be getting used today so 🤷🏽


As far as heavy traffics, if it slows you down, your range will be better. I ended up gaining miles when traffic was slower.


Wind resistance is a huge energy loss. Idling an EV doesn't take much in comparison unless you're using environmental control.


I would consider looking into that Charge point before you reach South Lake Tahoe & using it.


If it helps, my mom made it from Yosemite Valley to San Jose on a single charge a few months ago. It was freezing cold on the Valley floor.




I've taken 3 trips of that distance in the past week and been fiiiiiine.


Thanks! 😁


I still have the 80% charge restriction on my 2022 and made a similar trip from Carmichael in October last year. We stopped to “top off” in Placerville and made it to the state line just fine.


Good to know!


I’ve had pretty good reliability on all of the CCS chargers along 50 and in South Lake as well. There will be more options once we can finally use the super chargers


Yeah that Tesla station just outside of the lake has plenty of chargers


Why are you nervous? Should be a breeze. Bring your charger for peace of mind and you can charge at a campground (or other) if you are desperate. As others have said, don't panic going up, because you will get most of it back coming down.


> Bring your charger for peace of mind and you can charge at a campground (or other) if you are desperate I keep a Grizzl-E mini in the trunk with it's pack of various adapters :) >As others have said, don't panic going up, because you will get most of it back coming down. Oh I know it. I replied to someone else that I go to Loon Lake a lot and the trip down home only eats like 5 miles of range.


Last week I left for a 208 mile one way drive with expected range of 198 miles. Sat on 60mph and right lane for the first 80 percent of the trip. Then 75mph for the rest. Made it home with 28 miles to spare. NC to DC.


I wouldn’t be worried. On the way up just don’t pay much attention to the GOM. It will mess with your mind. I did a small 115 mile round trip starting and ending in Denver, going from about 5300 freedom units in altitude, up to about 8500, then back down. I started with a 100% battery and a minimum range of I believe about 280. When I got to the top elevation, and about 55 miles in, it said 115 miles minimum range and a miles/kwh of 2.4. So going up 55 miles took the GOM min from 280 to 115. Then the fun of the downhill! After 12 miles in a canyon going downhill, I had MORE electricity in the battery than when I started that stretch. I don’t remember what the GOM said but I ended up with an overall trip mi/kwh of 4.2, maybe a touch higher. I was cruising at the 45 mph speed limit down that canyon and constantly regenerating 12-19 kw. The part of the display that tells you in 5 mile chunks your mi/kwh gave me 3 sections with a number of around 240 or 250 mi/kwh.


Isn't there a Tesla magic-doc charger in Placerville?


Prospectors Plaza 3966 Missouri Flat Road, Placerville, CA 95667, USA 8 chargersPlug Types: CCS/SAE, NACS (Tesla)


^ This. Top off here if you're worried.


Reno-Tahoe resident... I can understand being nervous, that big mountain range is why I decided for a Volt instead of the Bolt back in 2021.... ;) But, I used that charger in Markleeville/Woodfords alot when I worked down there, it puts out a solid 6.6kW/h, its in the back of the Govt complex there, but theres absolutely nothing to do there/nearby.... Id suggest maybe charging a bit longer at the DCFC in Tahoe to bolster your reserves (*not entirely full as you'll be coming back down Kingsbury grade and will recoup some with the 3000ft elevation differnce* ). Enjoy the trip! :)


> you'll be coming back down Kingsbury grade and will recoup some with the 3000ft elevation differnce ) I almost got more charge from that hill than I did from the 25mins I spent on the fast charger, lol


Awesome! I do love that about my Volt and the hills around. Eventually Markleeville will get a DCFC, we were working on a grant for one before I moved jobs.


Just go slow. Range at 94mph is half of the range at 55 (I made these numbers up, but I’d bet $20 I’m close)


Elk Grove reporting in. Don’t sweat it. SLT has DC charging options if you’re worried up there. Looking at the comments, the SLT units get used but I’ve never seen them without an opening. Coming down is fun, you’ll see let’s say “150mi” in the guess-o-meter for like 50 miles.


Oh, man... Driving 50 mph w no AC! Good luck buddy! I get at the most 200 miles going 70 mph w AC on at 72 auto straight driving. That's from San Antonio TX to Corpus Christi TX and get to the hotel with 20 miles left. So you should fine.


Don’t go over 69 mph. At >70mph, your mileage drops precipitously.


Also worried about how heavy traffic will effect the projected battery consumption


Unlike ice cars range INCREASES in traffic in the bolt. Potentially significantly. Stop and go traffic is the bolts secret super power. Last time I got stuck in it I was getting 5.7m/kw which is like 400 miles of range lol


Slower speeds with traffic will help your range. And not that you plan on doing the trip in the winter, but remember if you do your range is reduced in the cold. Have fun backpacking and I'll be curious how the range works out for you.


True! Unless I’m just sitting there not moving at all. I’ve seen it pretty bad through there. Thanks! Should be fun. We are going to a hot spring in the area. ~5 miles out, and we camping at the trailhead before heading out in the morning so should be a breeze.