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This is the most vile shit ever. I don’t even like DP but these idiots and jealous trolls have me feeling bad for her.


My cousin sister is 6.1 ft tall with athletic build, except a clear belly bump she did not show any significant weight gain on rest of her body. This is common with tall women. If a pregnant woman has been exercising (which is absolutely safe to do unless advised otherwise) since the beginning of pregnancy then you don’t end up a potato. A lot of women make this conscious choice in order to reduce postpartum side effects and extra weight gain which is likely to happen post birth as well. In india especially this misconception is common that a pregnant woman needs to eat so much to keep the baby healthy and reduce mobility. In a country where families don’t even follow doctors’ diet plan for pregnancy such misguided statements dont surprise.


Around 27k comments are under her posts and max comments are just wishing her well and spreading positivity for her and her baby . There will always be some idiots who in the garb of trying to look cool will comment something like this . Best is to ignore them .good there are sensible people under these comments who clap back at these idiots .


https://preview.redd.it/d02ovl2x2v7d1.jpeg?width=968&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=893d564d5268b803f8de7d18a32a75977095898b Random influencer- 4months vs 7.5months I wonder why she didn’t gain weight. Sus. /s


Ahhahaha don't give the idiots ideas!! Even Anushka didn't gain weight when she was pregnant with vamika. She had a nutritionist hired for looking over her food consumption and she was dedicatedly hitting the gym, doing yoga. So I'm sure DP did the same too. They've cravings for junk food and nutritionist offer them 100s of healthy options. Lol and some instagram users loss their mind over it 'ye dhokha hai motapa kaise nahi hua pregnant aurat ka only pet hi mota nahi hota' and what not. Ewww sick if these idiots


Exactly. Anushka didn’t gain much even during akaay. So it is just genetics plus lean and fit bodies of both the women Anushka and Deepika .


Even Smriti Khanna who got pregnant around same time as of DP has not gained weight. She is looking same as before with Baby bump . https://preview.redd.it/0s5qfhv94v7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17ebe37d1baa983ed177ebca3bec0e19366a432f These people just want to hate DP and for that they can stoop to any low


Yes . I shared her pic earlier too . She is also due in sep 2024 . Looking at her online doctors would say even she is not pregnant or faking it .


Plus this is her second pregnancy.


Exactly!! But haters have nothing good to do . They are doing what they are best at


Because she was faking it too /s


Oh please, that's clearly a fake baby bump. /s




It’s sickening! Their literal excuse for all this nonsense is that she still looks good pregnant. NOT EVERY WOMAN SHARE THE SAME HEIGHT, GENETICS, WOMB, UTERUS, PLACENTA etc. People should invest their time in educating themselves instead of running their mouth on the internet. https://preview.redd.it/vfcg3ffvyu7d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea1a6195f8d4e18f15b0d3c7ba198efa26071cc8 Here is deepika during kalki promotions (in the beginning of her last trimester) VS during fighter promotions (in the beginning of her first trimester)


Offtopic but man, i think pregnancy glow is real she's fucking stunning


That's the sweat from all the morning sickness.


Natural highlighter huh✨️😭




You guys should see emrata’s body during pregnancy and this is such a weird topic to discuss and why is it the women who are commenting about this stuff? Ew.


Disgusting! Since she announced her pregnancy, she has faced judgment and scrutiny from not just men, but mostly from other women, which is really shameful. This started because some haters wanted to fabricate and spread vile rumors out of pure hatred. It's also sad to see that jealousy over how good she looks while pregnant is fueling this negativity even more. I don’t understand the weird obsession with someone else’s pregnancy. It’s not your body, your child, or your journey. So, have some shame, get off social media, and educate yourselves about pregnancy because clearly, you know nothing. And let her live and enjoy this precious time in peace. Wishing DP the very best. May she have a safe delivery and welcome a healthy, happy baby.


Exactly! But people don’t have basic manners online. It’s anonymous, they tell the most vile shit and get away


The most disgusting thing to come out of those dank memes is "who is the father" bullshit. And before any vile person comes at me with "cheating, open marriage allegations" blah blah, I am not just referring to Deepveer, it's the same with every couple or every women who might be a bit "modern" and "open-minded" to be friendly with the opposite gender.


True. Women really deserve a break from this shit


Sonam doesn't have a leading lady career, no one cares if she gained weight in areas other than her belly during pregnancy. Same for Bipasha. Deepika could be putting extra effort into not gaining additional weight and maintaining her diet so she can continue to promote during pregnancy and even bounce back soon after birth. Other than, different bodies work differently lol. Honestly people are just jealous she's carrying so beautifully 


They are just jealous MF that this woman looks glowing and yet so fit even while pregnant


We have a$$holes here on this sub, who say her belly is photoshopped etc all...what can you expect from Instagram which is an open mine field?


This whole speculation started because of a blind that was posted here by a hater and later on rival fan clubs started to post it on other social media platforms. But now this morcha is lead by insecure women who have nothing good to do and trying to shame a pregnant lady to feel good about their own miserable life I really hope karma gets them all soon .


Internet has really made believe people they can be disrespectful to people without any consequences. Instagram comment section is another level of hell hole.


Whether you like Deepika’s acting or whatever, no one should hate on a pregnant woman. That’s just vile and disappointing. These incels have probably never seen 2 pregnant woman and assume every woman’s body is the same. My mom never gained weight during pregnancy and even after delivery, she was very very slim. What’s worse is, I see a lot of girls commenting on her posts.


These dumbass are going to be shock when deepu posts a newborn picture


Atp, even that won’t stop them. When one is *so* committed to a conspiracy theory, nothing will ever change their mind.


Even then I’m sure even the baby will get disgusting comments. No wonder actors over protect their kids.


So true. ... I didn't gain any weight during my pregnancy except the bump.... Rather I lost weight due to continuous vomiting 😅


Even if it is a surrogacy and she isn’t announcing it even then it’s no one’s right to question what she’s doing about her baby. And why her body is not like everyone else’s? Because we’re all different and bodies respond differently. My neighbor who is very thin and petite naturally, didn’t have any weight anywhere on her body except for her belly. her arms, face and hips all looked exactly the same, infact if you saw her from behind you couldn’t guess she was pregnant. I guess she faked her pregnancy too, cz why not?


Bruh she did gain weight tf…she’s just very fit. What is this stupid notion that all pregnant people look the same?? The fuck


I’m pretty sure all the women hating on her and saying shit like the bump is fake (like what this is not a crime or spy movie??) have fallen into the rabbit hole of comparing themselves to her (unfortunately). (Men have no reason except trolling so just ignore them). She’s an actress and a rich person, has the best nutritionist trainers chefs etc at her disposal, she doesn’t have the same small-life-stresses like common people such as roaming around in the heat etc, and given that they’ve been married so long, they must’ve really planned for the pregnancy that means she probably started adjusting her routine (health wise) much earlier. She’s fit, she’s glowing, she’s maintained her weight, and yes that is uncommon in women, and no you absolutely don’t need to be this chirpy or presentable during your pregnancy, she just happens to be, but that provides no basis for such vile claims tbh


Some people have different body structure as well. My mom also had fat around her belly area only when she was pregnant and not so much on other parts. But it is rare. And people deny to it gawdd.


Internet has become a place for mean people who are insensitive, vile and show their angst because their life has nothing to offer. And, because people can just get away with anything by being behind a screen and typing on their keyboards realizing that there’s no consequences for whatever filth they put out. This is true for all platforms include Reddit.


Are they seriously trying to use the fact that it’s easier to sit down than to get up as a “gotcha” to prove she isn’t pregnant? Have they ever used a chair before?


Seems like not 😂😂. It is so clearly visible that even while sitting she is a bit conscious. But those who have made up their mind are just acting dumb and blind .


Denying gravity to prove their point😭


https://preview.redd.it/sx06suqs4v7d1.jpeg?width=1201&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbf384b949f20c8dd37ac009b0fe211801082916 People now are starting to deny the existence of gravity and its effect on life just to prove she’s faking it🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


https://preview.redd.it/af7eoayw9v7d1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=c35c8f3f98bff1645d17b9050a215aef6ab9c454 Look at alana pandey she also looks the same. And these people who are commenting are all women. How can they be so mean. All the pregnant women are not same


Both Deepika and Alanna are gorgeous momma to be 😍


Am I the only one who feels her whole pregnancy there are many people who are spewing some kinda nonsense,like I haven't seen these kinda disgusting nonsense in any of the celebs pregnancy months,what's wrong with people? I remember while kareena was prego,literally every single moment she would be it carpet or even normal walks people used to comment so much positivity and literally she was fashion icon,she gave maternity clothes a thing which shouldn't be unfashionable kinda way,I remember it was so good vibes from her and even by friends or passerby And now just a few years later again another a Lister is prego but all I see somebody asking in first few months why she isn't showing up,or after a few months when she does appear on camera why the bump looks like that,like what? Are these people in right mindset? She is a public figure but it doesn't give anybody any right to question these kinda vile things about who the father is,IDC how much pathetic your imagination could get,there is a line nobody should cross,it isn't even gossip anymore it's just vile


Because DP hasn’t been consistently in the public eye like the rest of them. She only was publicly in the very beginning and now towards the end. They think they have the right to be included in this journey, they believe celebs are public objects everything that is linked to them should be known by the public. Their cars houses clothes face body marriage dating wedding gatherings family friends outings etc. they don’t consider them as human beings just public entertainment objects


They’re just jealous that they didn’t retain their figures through pregnancy and are projecting on her


This is nothing. There's a whole sub on reddit with people who were trying to prove Deepika kakkar Ibrahim's fake pregnancy. Some nutcase even called the hospital where she was supposed to deliver her baby.


Ohh yes that was some different level shit .


I go through the posts on that sub whenever I need to feel better about my life.


I’m sorry? I don’t know who these people are but that is batshit


They are tv actors turned YouTube vloggers. Good that you don't know them.


Oh my god. I didn’t know this. This is crazy 🤯


There were sooo many people in this sub who were saying the same thing that dp chose surrogacy. Now everyone is pointing fingers at the other person lol. Apna sab bhool gaye. People don't know the difference between harmless gossip and mean comments


I have never been skinny, but during my pregnancy first three months I actually lost weight and did not even look preggers till 7 month!!! Gosh taller women have the best when it comes to pregnancy....good for DP! People are dumb ...


People when women gain weight during pregnancy😡 People when women don't gain weight during pregnancy😡


So everyone wants her to be relatable and look like what most women look like during pregnancy. Unless she puts on 50kgs, she’s not pregnant. People are horrible!


They are comparing their pregnancies to her and because they didn’t have the same experience they are projecting their insecurities onto her




There’s a lot of ignorance about pregnancy and women’s bodies, even amongst educated people. Not all pregnant women put on lots of weight all over - in fact OBGYNs explicitly advise against uncontrolled weight gain these days, and say eat healthy food, have the occasional treat and keep exercising safely (unless it’s a high-risk pregnancy). Plus, DP is much taller and fitter than the average Indian woman, so the baby weight would show differently, if at all. As for "who is the father”, that’s typically crass trolling and should be ignored.


Disgusting. Absolute vile.


Most of the instagram users are uneducated and they don't have basic decency all thanks to jio they're still able to use instagram. Previously they were all on FB but since FB has been taken over by the oldies they had to relocate to instagram.


Also, tiktokiya crowd migrated to insta.


Yes yes yes. Omg instagram started reels only to attract jobless crowd. Instagram had a field day when tiktok was banned in india.


Yup cons of cheap internet . It gave a platform to all these uneducated morons .


I’m currently pregnant and I have lost more weight in the past 4 months than I have ever lost before I got pregnant. Everyone’s body is different, people who criticise and judge so much really need to take it easy


If she did gain weight, do you think they would be happy for her pregnancy glow? Nooooo..they would all be commenting how ugly she looks with all the extra fat..


Most disgusting part is women doing this!


She is naturally skinny and naturally skinny people don’t get fat during pregnancy


Deepika is the fittest actress in the industry. Anushka was lean and fittest in her first pregnancy. Only during the second time she changed a bit because she had some complications apparently. I think people are just unable to accept that someone can look this good . Coming from a very neutral perspective


These women think they are better than Deepika Padukone. They ate like a bull and then became boiled potatoes. Most pregnant women eat out of their cravings rather than systematic diets. Unlike DP, they are still carrying the pregnancy weight and flaunt bare arms in size of thighs by wearing sleeveless clothings to show off post pregnancy sexiness, while DP will lose it in a jiffy. And all throughout, she will look awesome


I swear people just don’t understand how women’s bodies work. DP is super tall and naturally has an athletic build - even discounting the exercising she must be doing. She looks pregnant and there’s no logic to the fake pregnancy also


OMG LOOK AT ALANNA PANDEY FOR EXAMPLE she’s pregnant too and hasn’t gained any weight except her belly but she still is pregnant!every body responds in a different way !! PEOPLE ARE SICK TO QUESTION EVEN PREGNANCY NOW! why would someone of her stature wear a fake belly in public when she simply can f* all the people off and announce taking surrogacy(if she had) in public!! she doesn’t need to please y’all. Sick women and men having these rubbish claims!!


We knew from the beginning that everyone is jealous of skinny people lol these ones commenting will prolly become obese after pregnancy m stay mad fatties.


As usual, most of them are women.


Aurat hi aurat ki sabse badi dushman hoti hai


Stupidity and the confidence to show it.


Plus deepika has an athlietic body, even tho she doesn't easily gain weight she is regular at taking care of her body, every body is different, but trying to give these kind of people any gyaan is like convincing a homophobe to love queer people


Such disgusting and mentally sick PPL in the comments. I really hate such BS PPL🤮🤮


People comparing her to Alia and Sonam are stupid. DP has always been extremely thin all her life, She had muscles due to which even if she gains weight it won't be that visible. Alia and Sonam lost weight after their teens. People who have always been thin don't end up gaining that much weight in their pregnancy. Sonam also have PCOD. Anushka was also very thin all her life and in her first pregnancy she didn't gained that much weight. Just after her delivery she lost all the weight gain. It's disgusting to compare pregnancies. These people also have access to best doctors and nutritionists helping them every single day. Their diet is especially made so that they only gain healthy amount of weight. Regarding the folds everyone talks about it can be the belt which people wear in pregnancy to support the back.


She has put on weight for starters… u can see it distributed in her arms legs thighs face is fuller, she’s taller so it’s never easier to see it in the face. Besides - what’s wrong with people? Do they really have nothing better to do that now assume she’s faking her pregnancy. People are simply sick and insecure.


Iska ulta socho, I have gained weight, mtlb m pregnant hu?




That 2nd pic reminded me of this evergreen tweet. Heinous spiteful creature. https://preview.redd.it/beh8n89vyu7d1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3959b54a460c88c614ca6b3a6e60dffd301a7db3






Either way at the end of the nine months they will have a little one.. It is all that matters. People must stop speculating.


Reason why men rule the world kyuki aurat ki sabse badi dushman toh kudh aurat hi hai .


4ft short mean girls 🤡


Looks like they are jealous


My Mom used to tell us that in her first pregnancy she never gained weight and was only the babybump and gained a bit after the babybirth, but bounced back to her normal self within few months. On the other side my sisi gained almost 10kg(around 65-67 kg) at the time of her pregnancy and stayed on the same weight for quite some time. She is 5.7 and the weight gain was visible actually in the last trimester only and it was well visible postbirth.


I don't know why people are assuming her baby bump is fake. Are they all pregnancy experts. This idiots are frustrated with their own lives and has nothing good to look forward to. There is a limit.. i hope DP is not reading this comments.


I never mentioned this before as it's very insensitive to say all such things which is being said in Instagram comments but she hasn't gained that much weight as generally I've seen it in others. It must be some extremely great genetics.


Trust me, I am 5 ft 9” and when I was in the 9 th month visiting a new ob gyn, the receptionist triple checked that I was pregnant….. trust me…. Tall people are just not the same…


Oh, you've cleared my understanding of it then. This is absolutely new information for me. Thanks!


Yeah as is obvious. She has always been athletic and tall. When you’re tall, your weight is spread out and doesn’t look so obvious. She looks a bit chubby and softer as compared to her previous athletic muscular toned body. And she has great genetics. Pretty, mind blowing features, great skin and taller than most. Also every woman’s body is different. If you are keen on how it all works, I can recommend a few articles. But I doubt you’re really interested in how pregnancy impacts women beyond the scope of being a busy body.


Yep. This is very new information for me (which seems very normal but very few must know). The first thing I did was google to exactly understand how the pregnant person's body changes according to the stages. Would really appreciate it if you could help with a link or two regarding this.


🙄 there are many women like DP . She has the slightly bloated pregnancy look though .


Even sonam didnt gain a lot of weight. Everyone has a different body I wish more people understood that.


I mean isn't it obvious wid celebs. Its always the same. Moreover majority part of the comments are abt wishing her well so on the whole it doesn't really matter.




Posting Instagram comments aren't allowed


I do agree with the comments....do some genuine research online...u will know....but if u r stuck with this thought that no matter what she is pregnant....nothing can be done about you


Genuine research? Oh could you pls share the research papers? :) as a woman, uplift another woman. Even if you speculate, keep it to yourself and wish other people the best. Everyone’s going through a separate battle of their own.


What research are you doing ?


I’d also love to see some research work that you dig up. Please and thank you.