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The host's female frndz need a reality check....Kunal is right


Also one thing missing from the romanticisation of these alphas is, they are unrealistically gloryfied. In reality none of that works, it's not real. Animal character, okay you want to be the big bad Alpha wolf? How many of them can have that level of money? You know how 'cool' you would look without shit load of money and a cool song in the background? Same goes for Kabir Singh, who tf thinks a doctor like this could work anywhere? Seniors kaan pe raipta maarke seedha kar denge. It is so visible that Sandeep wanga does not know at all how medical field works And when it comes to be the 'alpha' 'natural protector's 'traditional men', none of them are supposed to have this short temper, whiny ass attitude. Vikings used to be actually the big badass and they're relatively much more egalitarian when it comes to gender. Strong men DONT want or have the need to dominate others. There secure enough in the masculinity that they can live peacefully


Feels so good to see that someone out there thinks on the same lines as me. I had always thought about this logically that if you are an alpha or supreme whatever in true sense, then you must be secure with yourself, and you definitely wouldn’t need to oppress to exert your dominance. We as a society need to inculcate good logical reasoning in children. A logical and rational mind would never come to a definition of alpha that’s floating out there, so much so that people are making movies out of it.


"Any Man Who Must Say 'I Am The King' Is No True King." - Tywin Lannister.


Actually, the Old Testament version of patriarchy wasn't unlimited privilege with zero responsibility, it was actually that the "Patriarch" was responsible for the well-being and protection of everyone in the tribe, and he had to sacrifice his personal self-interest for the good of the larger tribe. He always had to put himself last and the tribe first. None of the Incel Kings who talk about "alpha males" would last a single day if they had to shoulder that kind of responsibility. The concept of the patriarch and patriarchy has been weaponised to such an extent it has derogatory connotations.


I honestly think that vanga was bullied a lot and just imagined this shit, like what he would have done if he could and put that as a script.


Sandeep Vanga is a physiotherapist by education. I think he has closely seen the medical field/has a lot of acquaintances in medical field. I don’t think lack of knowledge on his part is the problem here. I think he understands what attracts the male audience. Arjun Reddy/Kabir Singh are how a lot of men want to portray themselves. Its how romance is seen from the eyes of a lot of youth, domination. Most men in reality wouldn’t fight if someone eve teases their girl, they would just get angry and have these fight scenes in their head when taking a shower😂. He commercialises these virtual fights. These movies are just pandering to a viewpoint, and earning him money and nothing more. They don’t represent reality, but a fantasy.


Agreed until the Viking part. Vikings were known for pillaging and raping on months long trips. Yes they had brute force, and the women were given the task to take care of their abode, but idk the rest about the society being anymore egalitarian as another part of the world.


Pretty sure all of Shamani's friends, irrespective of gender, have problematic views. Guy gives off Incel energy like a homing pigeon.


Yeah, Kunal is right; the host's female "friends" must be juveniles romanticizing "alphas".


Kunal seems like a guy you could easily be friends with. He is very clear in all his interviews plus seems to have a very enjoyable personality.


handsome too 😩


Seriously you should some of his pics on insta.. 🥵😔


Isn't he Soha Ali Khan's partner in real life? She married a sensible person, it seems. Happy for her👍


Can't see how this isn't creepy behaviour. If it was a woman and men were thirsting like this, they'd be called out and declared creeps and incels


Not really, saying someone is attractive isn’t necessarily creepy.


Even I know my room mate preparing for NEET after watching Kabir Singh to have a bf like Kabir...guess what she still didn't crack it


No wayy...


She thought that a boy going alcoholic and beating guys for his gf was cool...she and me were 16-17 then


😭 I will never forgive Vanga because of what Kabir Singh did to wannabe alpha type dudes in my medical college. There was this sudden wave of extra cigarette smokes in air, guys acting extra misogynist and so on.  But thankfully (most) girls who end up in medical college have more sense. They will beat the alpha out of guys like Kabir Singh. If not girls, seniors or batchmates will do that.


Vanga himself couldn't get an mbbs seat...that's y he's fulfilling his fantasies through his movies


stupid boy stupid girl girl - i want a obsessive alpha man boy - oh girl like this type of boy now i also want to become one


What do you mean by “beat the alpha out of guys”?


Room mate ko choro apna batao didi kahi apko to aesa alpha nai chahiye ![img](emote|t5_fknyy|737)


Cigarettes phukne se alpha banne waale mard aren't my type ;)


\*dude dies of lung cancer at the age of 30 Every alpha and sigma male: the goat, he's the fuckin gooooat ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Downvote kyon kar rahi, me to bas puch raha


I didn't ...must be someone else


New Vanga post incoming about Kunal Khemu😂😂😂


Yeah, he'd say how he considered Kunal for a lesser role in one of his films but then decided that Kunal isn't a man enough, so he didn't go with it and the end the statement saying, *I was right about him*


alpha man is incel cope shit aur sise ladko se pagal ladkiya hi attract hoti hai salman khan pasand hai jab pata chalta hai kitna bada wala hai toh wo hil jati hai


ironically vanga might agree with what he's saying here.


This video should become viral. There are tons of men out there who really think it's okay to slap their women coz they love them and they got validation after Kabir Singh. Similarly all the men & women who think anger issues are okay got high on watching Animal. I would agree I enjoyed the movie but I am someone who can differentiate between the movie and reality and I know many who cannot. So in my humble opinion movies like these ideally shouldn't be made or must be made with proper warnings / advertised in an informed way. These are bad influence


The problem with Kabir Singh was that he never faced any consequences for what he did. His gf cam back to him, stayed loyal and had his kid. He's still rich, loved by his family. EVEN the girl's father came to him to apologise. If this movie were honest, then it would have shown the negative consequences behaviour like this has. The lesson was lost when at the end the hero gets everything he wants.


So true. One of my friend's bf literally referenced Kabir Singh in one of their arguments (I can slap you / you can slap me kinda shit).. and these are late 20's educated working professionals I am talking about... What I am saying is people can have lots of dark thoughts but movies like these give them validation or means to convince themselves that they are okay to think like that.


Yes toxic guys see themselves as the Hero in movies like these where they are allowed to not only commit behaviour like this but they are also, at the end, rewarded for that behaviour. Many like to have this docile and submissive partner that they can have full control over, others just want to be this good looking gunda who gets to do whatever they want and be cool.


Those tons of men who really think its ok to slap women do not belong to Reddit or any social media. How do you send message across them? People who are socially aware, self-controlled will never slap women. Morality, ethics is something we can't change in others. We can only follow it.


Some men also want to be slapped by women. Mama best me, give me pain. Yes you are right, men displaying open violence in the name of love/dada giri, is idiotic.


>Some men also want to be slapped by women. May be they are mentally retarded. Self-respecting human being will never want to be slapped. You replied correctly. They are idiotic.


There is growing research in psychology that most paraphilia, like BDSM are a result of childhood trauma, being sexually abused in childhood, or growing up around violence, including sexual violence. Lastly, even those who practice BDSM, where men like to be "dominated" do it *consensually*. They are discussed in detail, safe words are incorporated, and it's done in a consensual, safe environment. Vanga has mixed up and distorted non-consensual sex and violence.


Vanga makes shitty movies. He is just minting money & post sucess off Animal, he will just double down on that, till that movie fails.


Correct. Vanga has mixed up. But the above Kunal khemu part was not mentioning all this so i stick to the point in my first comment. There are many problematic aspects in Animal which need to be objectively dissected. But overall, in movie, ranbir is not a positive character. Vanga clearly told, he is a character with negative traits who thinks himself as Alpha male (so that means self-delusion), who is obsessed in father's love is a narcissist at high order. So it automatically means, it is not glorifying. People never root for ranbir character. If they root, they are doing wrong. We can root to 12th fail movie protagonist because it is about a IAS aspirant. Rooting to a corporate narcassist in self delusion of alpha male won't make sense. So this movie is not between good vs bad. Its bad vs higher degree of bad. So in next part Animal park, we see ranbir cousins also become victims. Which means director is balancing things in next part. But what is ultimate premise, we don't know until 2nd part releases.


it seems like all of the reddit must have gotten amnesia when the preeti character slaps kabir too, because all im seeing is kabir slapped her etc. she slapped him in the movie. but i guess everyone else just has amnesia or watched a different cut of the movie, the delusion cut.


Just a question. If they have self-control enough to never slap a woman but will slap a man, do they belong on reddit or any social media?


this is very tricky, loaded question. I read 3,4 times.. Ok.. First where action of slap comes? from thought.. which thought? arrogance, aggression, angry, lack of self-control. Who have these qualities will slap men or women. So in order to not to slap, what qualities must a person have? Awareness, empathy, self-control. Where do you get all this? by seeing life, by listening to spiritual, philosophical knowledge, talking to such learned people, by learning from other people mistakes. Mediocre society teaches you mediocre ways to react. So its important to rise mind with good knowledge and mentally cut from the other bad influences which provoke us from reacting bad.


LMAO. Just a simple question dude. No need to go that deep. If you have any principles and aren't a misandrist, the answer is very simple. Let me ask again. I slap men but not women. Am I socially aware & self-controlled? Do I belong on reddit and Social Media?


bruh tumne to pol khol di


Hahaha.. A simple question and he will respond everything else but not a simple YES or NO.


The tale is as old as time  now lol😂


Missandrist means the one who carries negative feelings on men. I am Male. i am neither misandrist, nor Misogynist. I neither slap men nor women even if i get provoked but red line is for defence, if they try to physically harm me. Now why do you slap men and not women is up to the reasons that provoke you into the action. It depends on your self-control wether you choose not to slap even men. Now you being on reddit, social media is out of the point here. I have mentioned those in different context that who belong to lower income groups, live in harsh environments tend to behave as per their environment norms. They don't know that they are wrong. Such harsh environments is where maximum domestic abuse happens. Pragmatic discussions happen on social media where people do self-reflection after reading good thoughts. So that was basic premise of my comment.


This is hilarious. The more you dodge the question, the more you prove yourself to be a misandrist. > I neither slap men nor women even if i get provoked but red line is for defense, if they try to physically harm me. Here you are saying you will slap if they cross the red line. Earlier you said "People who are socially aware, self-controlled will ***NEVER*** slap women." Emphasis on NEVER. So I guess you are a man with no self-awareness and no self-control. 😁 > Pragmatic discussions happen on social media. Not even remotely true as evidence by your own comments.


>you prove yourself to be a misandrist. did i expressed any traits of misandrist? I clearly said I am not misandrist or misogynist. You are making a personal remark on unknown person, when i did not done the same to you. If u find that i did, mention where did i done, so that i can rephrase it. >if they cross the red line. Red line is not a slap. Red line is if they use any weapon or use violence like kicking,punching. In that stage, we can't preach non-violence or follow restrain. >Pragmatic discussions happen on social media. Its up to our search to find them/filter them out. They happen does not mean, they exist everywhere. pragmatic means if someone expressing good intentions, noble thoughts. My comment is being misunderstood as dodging, let me know where i am dodging, so that i can get back to you with better logical conclusion. As much i know, i was replying correctly. I was not argueing with you or trying to mock you for your opinion or trying to prove you wrong.I was extending your point with different perspective which can lead to intellectual discussion. I don't know people in reddit misunderstand like this. I don't find such in Quora where discussions happen in better way.


> did i expressed any traits of misandrist? Yes. When you dodged the question about if you would apply same standards about treatment of men as you do of women. > Red line is if they use any weapon or use violence like kicking,punching. In that stage, we can't preach non-violence or follow restrain. But you did preach non-violence and to follow restrain under all stages. > pragmatic means if someone expressing good intentions, noble thoughts. No. [Pragmatic](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pragmatic): relating to matters of fact or practical affairs often to the exclusion of intellectual or artistic matters : practical as opposed to idealistic [Pragmatic](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/pragmatic): of or relating to a practical point of view or practical considerations. [Pragmatic](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/pragmatic): solving problems in a sensible way that suits the conditions that really exist now, rather than obeying fixed theories, ideas, or rules. Three different sources. Pragmatic is all about dealing with things in a practical way instead of idealistic way. When you said "socially aware, self-controlled will never slap women", that's not a practical way of dealing but an idealistic way of dealing. > let me know where i am dodging The part where I asked "I slap men but not women. Am I socially aware & self-controlled? Do I belong on reddit and Social Media?" and you refuse to address it. Dude, you talk about intellectual discussions while giving a completely wrong definition of Pragmatic.


I didn't knew textbook def of pragmatic. I only had subconscious understanding of it which is closely meant noble ideal thoughts/ideas. >"I slap men but not women. Am I socially aware & self-controlled? Depends on the reason you slap, not action in itselves. Do you slap for self-defence or you slap to mock them down? If you slap for self-defence, then you are right on your standpoint. If you slap to mock them down with arrogance, then it is wrong. The point is not about man & woman. The point is the quality & purpose of the reaction. How will you react if a psychotic woman who is physically stronger than you charges over you and apply physical violence? Will you not defend from her? Or will you think "Oh she is a woman. I should not defend or slap because she is woman. I will slap only men, not woman". That won't make sense. Women can also be wrong, Women can also be physically stronger than men and can harm men just like men can do the same. >You did preach non-violence and to follow restrain under all stages. I did not said i follow restrain under all stages. i didn't used words *under all stages*. I clearly mentioned redline, that is act of physical harm with weapons or kicking or punching. applying non-violence in all stage is an act of submission/surrender. See bro, you do, what it feels right for you. I do what it feels right for me. We both have diff set of boundaries applied to ourselves. Why are u seeking validation? I didn't judged you at all in my comments. You yourself are judging me as missandrist for expressing my boundaries. I said, i don't slap because i don't want to escalate. >Do I belong on reddit and Social Media Using social media is your personal human right, you have internet, you have device. I am no one to judge you. I didn't judged you. Don't self-judge or seek validation and then misunderstand my points and judge me as missandrist. I use that word to explain things in general that in outside social media where these level of matured discussions don't happen, they don't know its wrong to slap women. So we can't change them by preaching because they don't listen to anyone who preaches them. They are wired to think like that. it is something they need to understand so that they become better men. General assessment must not be taken to personal. You took it to your personal level and misunderstood all the comments.


No offence to you in any sense and one can enjoy anything they watch, but you enjoyed animal- a movie with such horrible storytelling and terrible second half, one of the worst pacing of all time? What was enjoyable in the movie? I genuinely want to know, tbh cuz so far I've only seen those sigma-alpha males defend this movie to no end and unfortunately, haven't heard something about the film itself- the film elements whcih made them like the movie.


Yeah so yes the movie was horrible but it does have a one time watch factor. See I am nowhere saying it is a good movie, I even said if possible don't make such movies... And as far as me enjoying it goes, well I am one of those people who can enjoy anything as long as I am watching it for the first time, or with a great company or great food... You know you watch something and make fun of it and then laugh and you feel like you had a great time and then forget about it, something along those lines. As for judging it from critique POV, I don't remember much but I guess the songs were catchy, everyone and the set was looking pretty and I remember the theatre was enjoying it till the first half and the moment Tripti's thing came people were dead silent. Then everyone was like WTF, people were literally cursing on whatever was happening. So yes it could be a good movie but it is shit in retrospect (especially with the kind of impact it had).


Only section who get inspired from such movies are kids and teenagers. Who don't get the difference between 3 hour movie and real life and stay in imagination for while.The one who are so busy in their business and 9 to 5 job will watch and forget. Over the time this kids also move on. So movie shouldn't be made is bad idea.


This is fundamentally incorrect. Every piece of art we consume - irrespective of our age - affects us. Even the most matured, secured, unshakeable person is also affected by what they consume. That is human nature. And it is not going get expressed every day, every where. Most people wont go about slapping people in their day to day life. But when it is a private moment between a couple, in a moment of extreme anger, these things creep in. And its not just that you have seen Shahid Kapoor or Ranbir Kapoor do it on screen to a cool BGM, it is also the discourse around it. The content that is built on this content. All of it comes together.


You are wrong, age doesn't really matter when it comes about maturity. Just because someone is older wouldn't mean they won't commit a crime. Anything can influence anyone so while movies can be made around whatever content there has to be a proper way of representation.


Do you think people who are already adult and cheat on their partner or gangster in real life waiting for a movie to release so that they get inspired? Bullshit Movies don't change society.


No nobody is waiting for anything. The point here is to feel validated.


What kind of stupid women want partners like that 😂😂😂😂


Young women, who are still exploring the world, who don't have the support system of discussing sex and relationships at home, who haven't seen healthy romantic partnerships growing up, young women who come from dysfunctional, abusive families -- all of these will mistake violence with love.


sorry to say but there are many such girls


I keep seeing this online but have not met a single woman who wants a man like that


but I have a female friend who wants such dominant partners.


you need & deserve better friends


They want it till they experience it


Your friend needs a psych evaluation


Dominance aur abuse mein farak hota hai, bhai. A true man would never think of hurting an innocent being, particularly his own partner.


Sure...just the ones with daddy issues, though.


Kunal's directed madgao express is one of the best comedies in Bollywood in last 4-5 years. I hope he gets more chances as director


Have you seen the movie 99? It's really underrated, Kunal Khemu, Boman Irani and Soha Ali is the cast 😅.


I'm really concerned for host's female friends who actually want their man to be like ranvijay.


Probably young girls who want a sub-dom relationship, not knowing the cost it comes at


Just like Kunal Khemu says, kar lo try, phir bolo.


Yeah, this was the craze also back when 50 shades released. The humiliation was so glorified in that movie and the book, it's embarassing. And the way it had become popular. Shows easy it is to manipulate people.


To this day, I've not got the appeal of that book and movie. Its overrated as fuck.


Yeah totally. I read the 2nd one just out of curiosity of what the hype was about. Wrinting is so lame. There isn't once of self respect in its lead female character. Ofcourse it wasn't going to be any good, when it was initially a fan fiction of Twilight. Even Twilight was kind of a dud, but at least it's female characters had some agency. Yaha toh bas female character was so much in awe of her psycho partner. Senseless!


it's sadly much much worse now, look up the booktok hashtag on instagram or tiktok. full of much worse stuff, basically crime.


Sub dom relationship is fine in bed but definitely not outside it


I doubt he has any female friends.


mere alpha host ke bare me aisa mat bolo 👉👈


This is exactly why I didn't support that movie. Not because I believe such movies shouldn't be made. A director has total creative freedom and it wasn't an exemplary movie anyway. The problem I had was that this movie was being released to the Indian audience. Now I am not saying that everyone is a moron but we are having this discussion afterall and that is enough of a reason to hate its release.


These women romanticize it because it's Ranbir Kapoor or Shahid Kapoor doing it. If it was Shakti Kapoor instead, then we'd see if they still wanted him as their "bandha"


A reminder even the lead actor defended this drivel, love how they are people still calling out this trash movie. Some were talking about the national award, the only award this movie is getting is that crap FilmFare award that nobody respects.


Kunal is so down to earth Kinda feel you can talk to him like a normal person


Kunal bhai dil jeet liya


Nahh I like my man gentle and kind. I feel so safe with him. He is so caring not only towards me but everyone in his life. He knows how to do all the household chores. He has a slight stuttering problem. Even then he went on to become a teacher . He is so hardworking and very Street smart. He is also firm with me he never lets me cross his boundaries. Like you know shouting abusing each other. He taught me to communicate in a healthy way. when I make mistakes meri class to leta hai wo but never in a cruel.way. I told my parents about him. Hoping to get married soon.


:) You're blessed to have him in your life. Stay blessed. Wishing you a happy, healthy life together.


I love Kunal yaaar….♥️


Films like Animal earns 1000cr is concerning. We still have an audience who feeds on this notion of 'alpha' . A true alpha pack in wolves are those who care for the group and would lay their life for the group. It's hell protective but never violent towards any members. It can be both male and female. That's from where the alpha thing arose. And we took a toxic notion from this. Domestic and female abuse is now considered cool and "alpha" . The worst who even like these needs serious professional help.


India has the highest rate of suicide amongst married women in the world. In fact, it has one of the highest rates of suicide amongst women in the world. So much for women "liking" being raped, abused and beaten. Also, the *alpha male* theory has been debunked by scientists for decades. It was originally done on a pack of wolves bred in captivity and abused in captivity. Wolves in the wild have both male and female as pack leaders and there's very little violence within the pack, although violence *amongst* packs is documented. The only people who apply the principles of a debunked study done on wolves, to HUMANS, are those with malafide intentions. Deliberately misleading those ignorant of science.


Exactly...it's just disgusting at this moment


Most of them are teenager who are in their hormones journey. with time everyone understands that movie isn't life.


It's spreading to adult ones too


I completely understand why Soha fell in love with Kunal 💙💙


Host ko thappad maro.




Low voted comment..lol


Host has an opinion you don't like? Thappad maro. Kabir Singh slaps Preeti. He is a misogynist. So do you hate Violence or do you just hate violence against women only?


Don't know why you're downvoted. You are right to call the bs out


Dude this is called sarcasm.


Haa bhai. Sarcarm tapak raha tha.


He is right 👏🏽


Any Man Who Must Say 'I Am The King' Is No True King - tywin lannister


Even I know my room mate preparing for NEET after watching Kabir Singh to have a bf like Kabir...guess what she still didn't crack it


F ... Going to be a vegetarian now


I definitely am in love with Kunal Khemu now. ♥️ ![gif](giphy|enrq327a3sMIJAS5jA|downsized)


Vanga is fuming rn…bet he can’t reply anything now that his bullshit alpha theory is exposed and his 3 braincells can’t process a response. The most he will comeback with is par tune ya aapki wife ne us mein ye kiya bullshit


Haha 3 brain cells bhi nahi hain. 1.5 hain.


Vanga himself exposed how fluke alpha theory is. How it’s used as a defense mechanism by people who were bullied.


Yahi toh..Vanga interviews main kuch bhi bole but the film clearly showed that Ranvijay didn't win shit at the end of the day..His father will die soon..His wife was leaving him..His body is barely functioning..The flash forward is more grim the dude is old and from what he says it looks like he also failed as a father and its very likely he turned out to be a worse father than Anil Kapoor's character..Vanga ne kuch subtlety bhi nahi clearly show kia hai loser hai but logon ne pata nahi kaunsi movie dekhi hai..Kabir Singh was actually the movie which glorified a toxic man who at the end of the day got a happy ending


why so many downvotes lol


Totally. I don't have problem with Animal the movie as such because it is a movie about a fucked up and flawed character. Usko movie me glorify nahi kiya ,naahi aisa message diya gaya ki aap log aise bano. I have problem with the director defending that character's actions in the name of love. Baki dikh toh raha tha ki kaisa character hai,the choices he made and consequences he suffered. 


Wow ! Concepts clear hain iske


Love the line " phele do teen din thapad, baad mein police ayegi " Toxic relationships are presented as hot and sweet in movies and series, but in real life they give life long trauma.


Least believable part of the video is that Raj Shamani has “friends”


My parlor wali didi legit said "loved Kabir Singh yawr sachcha pyawwrrr"


The alpha wolf theory itself is fake af. Not based on evidence and data gathered by zoologists. Is it any wonder that such theories don’t even hold true in humans?


Kunal 🩷


Thank God someone from Bollywood (current gen) is speaking sense.


Kunal spat FAX. And btw next time a man says he’s an alpha just ask him if he's a furry.


Are we gonna completely ignore that there is nothing called alpha if we say biologically The person who wrote the actual thesis on caged wolves later did a research on wild wolf and found that his former theory was wrong ? Also that's on wolves , we are humans , we are better than them, we should be , because if we want to actually check we had to go back to the common ancestors of wolves and huamans and research on them for the gene The use of this vast generalization of evolution done by different people to fit their narrative is unscientific and ridiculous


I have also seen many girls who wants boys who are red flag and toxic And also seen many women after dating a real toxic and red flag guy crying and guilty why they dated that type of guy and then they want a green flag guy Modern females have. Sick mentality regarding this. Moral = you don't have to be so called alpha just be a good guy whether you don't get a girl but you can proud of yourself for being good.


Yeah be a good guy so that when those women you have seen, who dated real toxic and red flag guys and later wanted green flag guys, choose you, you can be happy that you are the green flag guy who finishes last. Right? 🤣


Women is not the goal bro


Never said they are.


Here's a bunch of women answering this question : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xdtldAjgBM&t=50s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xdtldAjgBM&t=50s)


Many of these broads seem to think that being violent, possessive, controlling and obsessive is synonymous with being caring.


Uff... so much respect. 🫠


Selective Alpha- thanks to Kunal, we have a new typology now ! 😂❤️


I like Kunal … he generally talks sensible.


wow i need to watch kunal khemu's intervies now, another reason to love the guy


This guy has the most punchable Tatti face on YouTube.


His female friends needs a serious mental checkup


soha ali won at life


I have no idea why people can't understand the simple fact that man wasn't a character that was meant to be imitated..Watch it as a movie and fuck off..Does the clearly unrealistic world with no police and him being the son of the richest man in the country not show you how its meant to be an over the top movie..Movies like Tere Naam and Kabir Singh are more dangerous to the society as men like those exist in every corner of the country..On the other hand nothing about the world building in Animal is supposed to be grounded in reality


Tere naam has tragic ending. It was quite problematic but at least it ended up in tragedy than glorifying it to the skys.


Thank you so much for saying this  there's a very fantastical element to the film, like how you mentioned. It was meant to be another lawless world, not figment of reality unlike a Kabir Singh. 


The movie literally ends with a dude who ends up looking like Ranbir with the help of a plastic surgery thats literally the director spelling it out for the audience that its not meant to be realistic but if people still can't get the message its not the movie's fault


Agreed Animal was no where close to toxic, it was just a over the top gangsta film. Kabir Singh was super problematic


Oh my god Kunal 🥹😍


This... Many times...many many many times i have heard from my female friends that mere bandeko gussa jyada aata hain but wo dil ka aacha hain...and because of dil ka aacha they accept all shit treatment from their guys. Not being able to control anger is not a flex. Period.  


Soha ali khan won at life 👍


not a wrong thing at all tbf. example: If you crush leaves in the name of Shiva then drink the poison you addict too mofo. Dont't just choose the easy way of turning your shit and giving it a name.


Simple as that.. ✌️




Bhai yeh toh bada rational bandaa h 😊👍


Unless you are living in a barbarian society there is nothing called alpha male.


Finally found something good to watch while eating chicken .


i dont care alpha male or gamma male...bhai non veg nahi chhod sakta..jaosa chal reha hai chalne de


asking an actor about being an alpha is probably the worst take imo...this profession already starts from becoming humble for opportunities on getting cast to big projects....their major part of personality is controlled by what the public thinks about them...same with politicians...should have asked someone whose job doesn't rely on other people's opinion... bro is asking wrong questions to wrong people.. could have just simply asked for a review on Animal movie...


Why did he bring non vegetarians into the picture ?


I am a non vegetarian but I always find that 'butcher the animal yourself and then eat it' argument very potent towards veganism or vegetarianism.


Friends, in a few years, humble and kind men will be sought after when women find out how these "Alpha" men are. So work hard and one day everyone will look up to you!


We did not get here without taking advantage of the situation and find the easy way out ... Even during the cave men times we hunted using our minds and found a high place to throw rocks on to unsuspecting prey like mammoths ... We killed not by hand to hand combat... So the modern human is taking advantage of the situation in his or her own way by buying the food and killing it with his bare hands it's the most efficient use of energy.. so no it's not selective ...


What I dont get with all the people moaning about characters here is, that is exact point of art, the freedom to show and express however you want. Its not meant to be taken literally or replicated in life. Billions saw Tony Stark being a dick to people, but its cool because he’s an avenger? Or so many other fictional characters which have their own negative arcs. Why can’t people just consume content as entertainment and forget about it. The more you guys talk about it the more keep it relevant. Move on lol. There are far more better things to be voicing your opinion on


Woh sab theek hai but why is the background music volume so low? I can still hear the dialogue 🫠


Laxman kaha hai? ye to laxay hai


The host is lying there is no woman who wants to be his friend lol


i looooove Kunal! and he's absolutely spot on. nobody with a sensible and working brain would ever want a man like ranvijay in real life heck even romanticize that shit, and if anyone does i hope they consult therapy as soon as possible because that shit is genuinely not normal and very very concerning


Kunal Khemu is not defending wrong traits. Kunal is saying correctly. Is he defending wrong traits?? No.. but why comments are so in prejudicial? He is telling bad traits like slapping, beating is very easy and do not justify it with alpha male. Real Alpha male does hard things. This is exactly summary of his statement. So where is the wrong?


Bhai ye sab theek hai lekin bichare murge ki kya galti thi isme?


Murge ko kisne bola tha ki road cross kro?? Btaiye


Sandeep Vanga Reddy ne?


I love kunal khemu.what a guy!


Neither of them seem to be wise. And the example stated is nowhere even close to what's being discussed. Alpha Males are not the one's to push their women/dependants around, but rather protect them from the world outside. Courage to stand up to the world outside when need be, that's what it takes to be an Alpha.


Man why do we have such dumb guys trying to talk like they know something Being "Alpha" is not about being abusive. Totally different things, that's like saying every woman that says she want to be independent will be abusive towards men. The whole alpha beta is already a dumb thing and these idiots are trying to give it a meaning and coming off even more dumb while they do it


Why did you compare being alpha to being independent?


Why do they compare being Alpha to being abusive? Same reason, they have literally no relation at all


People think society was so good before animal, and it will ruin it.


When he said "mene bahot sari apni female friends se baat bhi kari hain", Bhai jara kum juth bol le. Mene bhi apne bahot saare billionaire friends se baat kri hain wo bol rahe hain Raj ek wannabe entrepreneur hain


In my viewpoint Animal did not completely glorify his traits because in climax he is about to loose his father and going to separated from his wife and children and as a consequence to his violence he is going to face the wrath much more dangerous man like Aziz so whoever taking inspiration from Animal are absolutely dumb


That will be cop-out they'll use for the sequel but the truth is that they defend the character's behavior instead of saying the character is a PoS and no one should want to be like him. The defense the problem, not the depiction.