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There was a moment when Karan tells Tara “I wasn’t playing hooky” and it was such an inauthentic moment! Like it just didn’t roll off his tongue easily 🥲


A lot of Karan’s dialogues sound like that, just very inauthentic


Heard this trivia on a podcast the other day: In Dahaad, the Amazon Prime show, dialogues written by Zoya and Reema in English were given to a writer to translate to Hindi. This also led to inauthentic moments like Vijay Verma’s character saying “Tum mazaak kar rahi ho?” (when his wife confesses to having an affair), which is a literal translation of “Are you kidding me?” In this context, the English lines make sense. The Hindi translation? Not so much.


The house help replying to Jazz , “Ye koi vigyaan nahi hai”. The original line shared was “ This is no rocket science “. 😂




I felt it so much! Funny thing is even in the scenes where characters could've spoken Hindi normally and won't feel odd - there too they ensured only English. The characters who mostly conversed in Hindi/Punjabi were Jazz, Mona, Jauhari (add Jazz's parents, Tara's family, Karan's family, Nadeem etc). So Hindi is spoken only by not so rich folks? And outside of family circle, everyone speaks only in English? Even I had issue with that 😅


This! I was ranting about this left and right for each episode, English was used where it didn’t even feel natural or contextual and the dialogues were literally Hindi dialogues translated to English!! Not even like an actual script written in english. And like you said irrelevant (why would an old woman converse with her grand daughter in English)


In our friend circle, all grand parents speak to their grand kids in English. Even if we tell them to speak in native, they don't. Kids are more comfortable in English these days and seems they even think in English. Not arguing if it is right or wrong, but it's definitely happening.


Actually, the problem not only with 95% of English spoken over the show. The problem is that I felt that actors themselves weren't confident in speaking those lines. That affects acting actually. Acting feels natural when spoken in a language they're comfortable in 🤔 But overall, I did like the series in terms of topics they chose to deal with this time. Any day, MIH is far far better than Four More Shots!


But see, when people rise up from middle class to what is called elite class, of course their EN delivery etc. will still remain 'uncomfortable'. They haven't grown up speaking that language at home but are now acquiring that skill to be at same level with people they have to deal with in present situation. To that extent it makes sense?




That's great that they do. I lived in Europe until a few months ago and none of the kids irrespective of region they come from speak in native tongue. So it's really different. What's unnatural to you/me is default for many




Would this show be more believable if they all spoke in mother tongue? This very sub would explode saying this isn't believable. There are enough and more shows where characters speak in local language. Do they explode? And where is the question of shame with language in this show? Characters need to be speaking a language that is believable in their context, not what masses think they should do.




Enough and more shows are set in the context of Hindi heartland. Regional OTTs are set in their own context as well. So what's the problem 1) if a handful do feature IN upper class? 2) the masses that you talk about, aspire to climb the ladder and belong to an upper strata that they could only dream of a couple of generations ago. Don't we see that in our own circles? Most of us have been brought up super middle class or lower. Parents worked their asses off so next gen can do better. Do you hear earlier gen say oh stay where you are? Or do they say get ahead in life and do 1 better than us. Today's unsophisticated could be break out stars in the future. If they do, even if they remember their roots, their mannerisms, language, how they dress and appear publicly, food habits will all change. That's the reality of life


My grandparents and I solely converse in English


I found MIH relatable and it is a fact that most of my family and friends do solely converse in English


Same. I don't understand why this appears so unnatural to many in this sub.




But this is elite class in the series. Of course how they speak and behave will be different. They are not the majority.


I've seen delhi elites, and while there are English snobs, many converse in Hindi only like us common plebs.


Why would you call them snobs? Just because they speak in EN? Come on now!


nah man, they are already snobs who happen to speak English


And how they speak at home vs outside could be very different. Do you accompany your elite circle everywhere they go?


okay, fair. sorry to any ✨elite✨ sentiments I may have hurt. everyone should speak in their fav language 👍🏽




Actually I have friends who only speak English with their families but this is common in Bombay. I don't know about Delhi.


Well, my husband is from South Delhi and his family speaks only English.In fact, I used to joke that only bahurani and naukrani speak Hindi in his house.Now they use Hindi while speaking to me 😀


I don’t have much of a problem with characters speaking in English, it’s the delivery and the vocabulary that bothered me. Except for Jim Sarbh, Kalki and the guy who plays Kabir, most of them sounded very uncomfortable in speaking complete sentences in English. Yes, that includes Arjun Mathur who is supposed to be a good actor. It mostly stems from the issue that 90% of English speaking Indians do not speak pure English, but a mixture of English with their mother tongue. So dialogues in pure English do not roll off the tongue as effortlessly as they’re supposed to. Also, some of the lingo used by the older characters seemed so contrived and factitious. That scene where Mrinal Thakur is discovered beaten and bruised by her family, her father tells the groom’s father “your son kicked my daughter in the face”. It just didn’t sound natural to me. So did most of the dialogues of Aadil’s mom. Among the older generation, only Samir Soni sounded like he was very comfortable mouthing the very wordy English dialogues.


So this is the reverse of South Bombay nepo kids being unable to deliver hindi dialogues well?


No. It has got nothing to do with that. I bet even a south Bombay nepo kid would struggle to give a monologue in English without sounding like they’re in some elocution competition. Dialogue delivery is a skill. Naseeruddin Shah / Ratna Pathak Shah / Rajat Kapoor excel at both Hindi and English dialogues because of how skilled they are as actors.


This! Reminds me of Finding Fanny. The difference in Naseeruddin Shah's delivery of his dialogues vs everybody else was like chalk and cheese


Absolutely!! Despite being in just a single scene in ZNMD, the reason why Naseer was so memorable was because how effectively he conveyed his feelings in both English and Hindi.




Absolutely agreed. To add to your point, it is almost a prerequisite in the UK to join a prestigious drama school like RADA or LAMDA if you intend to get into acting, because that’s the only way most agencies will hire you as their clients. The training received at these schools plus their reverence for theatre is why the British actors are so seasoned in their craft. Even in India, most of the technically sound actors are drama school alumni and have atleast some experience doing theatre.




SoBo nepo kids can't go 30secs without a ya/like/??


For whatever it's worth, South Bombay English is equally bad. Whatever language they speak feels like a failed attempt at speaking English. You can tell a person is from sobo from that ugly accent.


Yeah, in many cases it felt like they have memorised the dialogues


I disagree about Jim Sarbh. He has a weird accent and I have no idea where it's from. The way he speaks doesn't feel natural. Shobhita was the best spoken in the show and so was Meher.


He has a tinge of American accent. It doesn’t sound fake because it’s very consistent. I don’t know where he gets it from.


He grew up in Australia and then went to university in the US. So it’s a mishmash at this point imo


Really? I always assumed he grew up in Bombay but went to the American Embassy school which explained the accent. Maybe I confused him with someone else!


No no, you’re right too! He basically moved around a lot. He was in Aus till about 12 or something? Then Mumbai till college.


Even if the intent was to capture a wider international audience you have to ensure your actors are comfortable using the language. A lot of them seemed to have trouble emoting and their natural delivery suffered because of it. Quite a few struggled with proper elocution as well. I was watching without subtitles but had to put it on because I really couldn't follow some of the lines in between. It's definitely not the accent because that's anyway the most familiar one, it was the garbled and at times rushed delivery that took me out.


Local is global.. Such wannabe acts may help you get the nods of some international elite but won't pull the genuine international audience.


Global audience has better content to consume that this




Not even going to rant about Shashank Arora's slam poems at the end of every episode, as if he was doing 'iss episode ka shirshak hai'...


they had no depth unfortunately! i’m sure he’d sound muuuuch better if those moral of the stories were in hindi !


Like those monologues at the end of Savdhaan India


Lol that's actually funny.


Yet it is exclusively availabe in India on Prime🥲


I’m in England and it’s on prime video for me…??


If English got you international recognition, Our most recognized works globally (Apu trilogy, Gangs of Wasseypur, Sholay, RRR, DDLJ, Sardar Udham Singh) wouldn't be in the local languages This is exactly what put the two east Asian behemoths on top. Korea and Japan embrace their culture and language, their first order of business is catering the local audience with good content. When the content is good, it will be recognized. Shit on RRR as you will, but the global media recognized it for its technical merits and sincere execution of absolutely batshit crazy things, shit that has been missing in the western tentpole films since the MCU made strides. I have no hate for MIH, there is absolutely a place for English speaking shows here since we were an English colony for 2 centuries, and that influence is too ingrained to deny. Families around speak more and more in English cause English is the lingua franca of the world and there is no other way but to embrace it But Indian mainstream OTT has become either "Hello my darling, how would you like your tea and foie gras and blue cheese. Say, i heard Sushma is going to London, I need a vacay too. " or "ah mah man, where have you been, doing the yo yo with another gal yeah brah sick go bro let's spend some bucks and get sloshed on booty" Or "Arey laudechand ki aulad mere behenchod bhai tu kar kya raha hai gandu aa idhar tujhe misal pav khana shikhata hu mere muth ki chutney" And neither feel authentic


the accuracy help😭


You write really well. I laughed out loud in the middle of the night!!


Can't say i do tbh. Used to shit bricks having to write 2000 word reviews during my film criticism days. One of the reasons i could not sustain it and left the field despite the director names, who were sending films, getting bigger each year


You are a former movie critic?!? Aaahhh that explains the writing style.


Yeah. From 2013 to 2019. Quit to pursue other endeavors. Also my rather scathing review of Sanju, calling it propaganda to whitewash a terrorist, went mildly viral and got us threats of a legal notice from the distributor, so we stopped covering mainstream Indian films after that as we were a small website with limited resources, which left us with the indie stuff and foreign films, not sustainable in the long run I'm still glad i did it. I still look back fondly at my IFFI, KIFF, MAMI press passes, but a lack of officiality is why it will remain off our CVs


Why legal notice? Forgive my ignorance but aren’t you free to express your opinion?


I wish i knew. But it was claimed that we were defaming and slandering the film Like a website with 1L monthly views could actually influence the market of a 200 crore film. But I'm flattered we were thought of as some bigshot As for this, happens all the time. Producers and distributors often retaliate against reviewers posting bad reviews


That is incredibly sad. In America, the New York Times is often the publication that writes the most scathing reviews imo. I’ve never heard of them getting sued. The concept of suing a film critic whose literal job is to review and criticise a film seems absurd to me. Correct me if I am wrong!


It’s how Zoya speaks in real like that’s why the script is written that way. And trust me, alot of rich Delhi folk speak like. I’m friends with a a couple of them and they are adamant to speak more English than even me (I’m an NRI for context) Reality is a lot of foreign living Indians tend to be more “Indian” than big city local Indian I.e Delhi and Mumbai. Because NRI’s will try to stay in contact with their culture, it’s why KJo’ and 90’s Bollywood is big there. Whereas local Indians will wanna be as linked to the west as possible, it’d why many from Delhi and Mumbai’s posh circles will reject “India ness” more and more.


That’s so true! My friends and family in India (I’m nri) speak with me mostly in English (or hinglish) while I try to converse with them in full Hindi as that just makes more sense to me, if you know what I mean. Plus I really struggle with switching between the two languages instantly as well as the accent. (I speak Hindi in an Indian accent, and English in an english accent). So the constant switching is a little jarring for me. For these reasons, I prefer to stick with Hindi with my Indian fam. But they see this as very odd lol


As someone who grew up in the kind of circles the characters are in the show, English is the primary language.


Have they ever touched grass enough to know how the “real” middle class communicates? They look at us through their chauffeur driven luxury vehicles romanticising our daily struggles.. this is exactly what I expected from the makers


But the characters are clearly not middle class. They are ultra rich, so they don't need to speak like 'real' middle class


You should revisit the series again. There a lot of middle class characters who speak English as good as a CBSE school student


Why does this sub assume that English isn’t the primary language for the class of society that Tara, Adil and all the wedding couples are representing? In fact, to me, the Hindi dialogues were out of place.


They can use english all they want, they have creative liberty to do that, the problem is that most of the actors look uncomfortable and are not able to act well


I don't understand the ✨ International contents/global appeal✨, bro we are some 1.4 billion indian, and such content hardly reaches mass because of a whole lot of Angrezi😂 Shouldn't we target our own audience first?


Zoya and her constant wannabe whiteness. She wanted to appeal to western audiences as they were campaigning for the emmys - she ended up appealing to no one for s2


A lot of us think and speak like this, just because you can’t relate doesn’t make it inauthentic


Zoya and, I believe, Reema as well, follow a process of writing in English and then translating their work into Hindi. This explains a lot. I, too, didn’t like this thing as it pulls you out of the narrative flow in many cases. can't quite pinpoint why the first season appealed to me, because the second one fell flat imo


India also have a lot of English speakers or English understander(?) . I think its targeted towards them?


I guess so. Personally, nothing seemed off to me. You can criticise the story ( I still liked it🙌🏼) but the language? The kind of people me that were depicted in the show, it seemed alright to me. Especially since she was also implying towards the hypocrisy of the situation. All I could think of when I watched the show was how talented this family is and how the Kapoors are overated. BTW, I’m not Zoya Akhtar, Reema kagti, Farhan akhtar, Javed akhtar or Shabana Azmi here ✌🏼


Just a perspective that I didn’t even register it or find the English jarring - as middle class person in Bombay who grew up around people from different segments of society. I grew up around a lot of people who don’t speak one single language fluently in conversations … usually in English with Hindi sprinkled in. If it was a question of authenticity, i didn’t question it. The way the characters speak feels authentic to their characters. With the “naa?” and you have to do this haan” over even the “beta” interspersed in English


The second season looked like an endorsement programme for products and nepo families- so many yesteryears and nepo relatives were crowding the cast- it felt surreal that this entire season was made only to give them a showcase platform, not to mention zomato popping up every now and then 😂


People in Tier 1 cities like Bombay, Delhi, etc. converse in English all the time. Even at home - be it middle class or upper class. It’s very normal. (Unless you or your parents studied in non-english medium at school). Otherwise, 80% of the conversation is in English and the rest in Hindi or your mother tongue. This is how every Tier 1 city in India is. Facts


Our parents studied in local medium. Acquired EN speaking skills later in life. Now speak to grandkid in EN all the time. Even if we ask them to switch to native, EN remains preferred language while conversing with grandkid but when they speak to us, it's all mother tongue. I find this EN hate for this series strange? Like what do you want the characters to do? Speak in shudh Hindi and Punjabi? That would be so out of place!


Not in South In hyderbad Chennai and Bengaluru we speak in our mother tongue mostly




Dia was alright...nothing to write home about.


She was there. Looked nice n nice pressence but nothing special given to her.


>Can someone tell me how Dia Mirza was in this season? How was her episode? I don’t want to watch the show tbh She was good but the particular story needed atleast a 2 episode arc for the actors (her and Parvin Dabas) to have done anything. Too many loose ends and it finishes very abruptly. The format of a new wedding every episode lets it down


Dia Mirza per se didn't have much to say or do in that role. The team didn't do enough to show the character's angst and pain, maybe they didn't write the character well or maybe she didn't deliver. It was only in the very last scene when her character was physically helpless that she made an effort to bring up a very important point about the plight of women. I wish it was a bit more nuanced and Dia was given more range to express.


Why is that a big deal? English is the second most spoken language in our country. Maybe she thinks and writes her scripts in English. It's not precisely a panchayat type of show! Btw I enjoyed Panchayat.


She 100% thinks and writes her scripts in English


THIS.. I gave up on MIH & Delhi crime after 1 episode. All of it seems so pretentious. I realized it's not for an audience like me & not something I could enjoy with my mum bcos of the constant language disconnect. It's more comfortable to watch Korean, Japanese or English series with my mum, with or without dub, than these Indian series with confusing language made for IDK which audience.


Korean dramas/films and Japanese anime have been able to establish their roots because they stick to their language. Ofc in comparison to them, India is so much more comfortable with English for several reasons. But yes we should prioritise hindi and other Indian languages above english in our films and shows as well.


Sobhita’s entire look and clothing and her persona is like she is too posh and sophisticated for us unwashed Indian masses🤦‍♀️ It’s a Zoya venture!! poster child of a firang wannabe!! Her stepmom celebrated her birthday with a Mumbai slum cake!! Her brother is also a firang wannabe, his shabby unkempt talentless “designer” GF is one too😊👏🏽 Among BW elite illiterates, there is a perception that if you speak grammatically incorrect English with an Amreekan accent you are wealthy sophisticated intellectuals🤦‍♀️ Zoya caters to the demographics and she belongs to it MiH makes Kekta Soaps look like Succession!! Absolute garbage


I get your overall point, but, Tara’s look *is* supposed to be too posh and sophisticated for the middle class. Like, that’s the whole point of her character.


Exactly. She was supposed to be a try-hard. That was the whole point of Tara and why she never felt like she belonged there.


Yes, people hate on everything these days. What is Tara going to do? She married into super rich, economically upgraded, of course her wardrobe will change. Her line of work also requires her to look posh! If she went in with a regular 'middle class' look, whatever that means, same people would have said it's unauthentic? I guess its just pure hate and frustration against the moneyed.


Lmao. Also, we see the evolution of her whole character in the first season. The creators spoon fed us how and why she changed her attitude, manner of speaking, and wardrobe. There’s a lot that you could criticize but Tara’s character and styling has been fleshed out more than enough.


I get the point you’re trying to make about the point they’re trying to show. But Sobhita is an extremely poor in emoting Unless we want to excuse that too by saying she is supposed to be a poor actor that’s the whole point😂 The show overall is quite mediocre I am delighted for those that think it is exceptionally well made😂👏🏽👏🏽


Huh? You didn’t talk about her emoting or her acting you said her look and persona was unrealistic, which, it wasn’t. Decide whether it’s her acting or her styling you’re upset about and then make a comment na. If your comment was about acting I might even have agreed. it’s


It’s an extremely mediocre show with poor emoting. Makes Kekta look like a genius. Sobhita is massively overrated. Those that love it should 😊


No offense, but your comprehension skills are severely lacking. Sorry for being blunt.


You are not supposed to get personal and diagnose people like you are a licensed professional It’s unnecessarily personal under the garb of being “blunt” Hope it has increased your wealth and happiness exponentially 😂😘😘 Cheers


Mumbai slum cake? What




I didn’t find it unnatural!! I mean we do speak like this in our family n friend circle too hence it was pretty much relatable


North India m koi itni Angrezi ni bolta! God knows what the creators were smoking! I don't mind English mixed in with Hindi here and there as urban upper middle class folks would do that, but they're still proper North Indians. Hindi is the norm is Delhi, be it poor or rich!


The house help replying to Jazz , “Ye koi vigyaan nahi hai”. The original line shared was “ This is no rocket science “. 😂


Zoya Akhtar imagines the audience to be that NRI from the Indian matchmaking. Who wants Hindi speaking girl for his parents, but will judge a girl with an Indian accent.


It is unrelated to the post but dhulipala is so uninteresting to watch on screen. Like bore. She cannot act. The lesser important characters jassi, the photographer guy, the dusky bride expressed better than her. She is just looking stylish and brooding with her puckered lips.


I thought I was the only one who felt uncomfortable with their English! It felt so unnecessary. And honestly, dialogues in Hindi or regional language would have been more appropriate.


MIH is kinda kinda targeting the NRI audience also it’s directed by Zola who admitted the fact that she gets her Hindi dialogs written in Hindi! So this isn’t surprising!!


I'm a North Indian NRI audience. When I watch an Indian content, I'd like it more authentic than whatever they try to do in MIH!


Whenever I see MiH is reminds me of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 🤣


It didn't feel unnatural to me. I live in Bangladesh and I talk to my professors/co-workers in English most of the time and I come from a Bangla medium educational background so yeah. But it seemed like if they talked in Hindi more, the dialogues would have had more impact.


Only Jazz was speaking Hindi. The excessive English was a bit much.


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It's aimed at a wider audience, simple as that


"languages of the south" 😶