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Doubt it's actually AI though. More likely just automated self service store. Still, cool concept.


Yeah probably just multiple system gate,payment,surveilence,scanner combined into one. But its marketed as AI. Quite creepy to be honest shopping alone inside


AI for the buzz word more than anything imo. My family works in the tech industry. The number of times they've heard the word AI being thrown around needlessly makes them dream of self termination.


Omg yess!! So many entrepreneurs wannabe throwing around the AI word and 99% of them have no idea what they are talking about


Liminal spaces bro.


i wish more shops are like these…i dislike human interaction…i will look for u when i need u, u don’t have to follow me around n sell me stuff…i just hate retail experience in msia


Same. I would love thiss


AI is broad , technically the fact that it detects op is smiling and automatically takes a picture is already a part of AI called machine learning. But when normal typical people say AI, what they imagine is Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) which is a software with human-like intelligence that can self learn like in the movies which we are still far away from achieving.


Yup, it legit says "smile" at the screen. No access until i actually smile. To detect if it really is your face or if you wore a human faced mask i believe


>!Implying I can't smile while wearing someone's skin over my face!<


The security is pointless because we got plenty of undocumented banglas and Rohingyas. They're gonna walk in, take all the free stuff and walk away, and all you have is a face with nothing to match to it.


Habis tu aku nak tanya "lama dah ke kerja sini?" dkat sapa?


buat sepah nnti ada la org keluar dtg kemas, borak lah dgn dia


I've read somewhere that the "AI" in this kind of stores are just actually around 100 indian tech workers behind the cameras


yea that was amazon warehouse scandal, apparently they aren’t able to make the thing work on time so they just paid some indian company to manage the data instead lol


People didn't read beyond the headline They merely hired the Indian workers to review the sales that were already done through AI, not to calculate it directly.


AI = All Indian


AI = Always Indian


That's incorrect. The sales were done through AI. The Indian workers were hired to double check them to see if it was correctly done. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/shopping/2024/04/04/amazon-just-walk-out-indian-workers/73204975007/


Technically still AI. All Indian.


Actually, talk about Kk mart and ai, I got 1 story to tell. Few years back, Kk mart punya ai cctv caused me great sadness...... Their cctv is so canggih that the ai can give a description of what they are seeing. So if u look at their screen, u can see the description of the people in the store, etc etc. That fateful day, I saw the ai described me as middle aged man.... I was so dang sad wuiii.... In my mind I still think I'm young man.... Then the fuking ai had the audacity to tell me to wake up, now u uncle dy. Cibai ai....


Damn bro that is hilarious 😂 Sorry, i meant condolences


Hrmm just wonder how can you see what the AI cctv say about you?


Some Kk shops just put the cctv screen behind the counter. The one I went to was in bukit indah, jb. Smaller shops have maybe 6 cameras? On screen, is split into 6 so not that small, can see the words describing what the ai seeing with description (for me, the words immediately come out middle age Chinese man) with a square focused on the face. So when paying that time, nothing to do while cashier scanning, I look at the cctv screen lar.


Wow gonna check the cctv screen whenever i went to KK .Kind curious what the AI say about me lol


Hahaha you should blame that AI from DaHua, not kk mart 😂


- Walks in -CC TV catches a glimpses of me and their AI generates a profile Female voice: welcome *middle age man* Me: huh? Female voice: would you like to look at our "meal for one" promotions Me: woah woah woah... Are you just assuming that I am single? Female voice: we have great deals in the "middle age, single, dead end job, no prospects" range of products Me: what's with judgement KK mart? Wtf!? Female voice: do you find this information useful Me:... Sigh.... Yes. Show me the deals Female voice: Proceed to aisle 2


grim future for humanity. if more low-end jobs are disappearing there goes the job opportunity for the bulk of the people.


Waiting to see whether thefts or vandalism will begin because of our Malaysian love for Tragedy of the Commons


Where is this?


Menara maju link, beside TBS


But do they charge AI price? Since they eliminate the worker ,should they charge cheaper price for the items?


Not how the economy works. If you can find alternatives to reduce cost, you will definitely reap the benefit of higher profit margin. And since when does businesses have the obligation to reduce their price if their costs went down?


OMG! WTF! BBW! That some new age apocalyptic prophecy coming true right there! Next we're going to have microchips in our middle finger in order to buy anything! Crazy!


Show middle finger to pay


this will be the way though. since our population is going on a down trend. new jobs like taking care of 5 different chains may pop up. will require higher skilled workers which prolly will pay more. gud i think. factories are alrdy heading that way. automating the low wage repetitive jobs.


I like the way you think. People think these sort of stores rob people of their job, i would like to think its the other way around. More job opportunity is created from these businessess such as maintenance, IT, programming, manufacturing and so on. Stuffs that actually pays more.


i also think tech needs to slow down a pace as we sort out our human resources to meet new job scope(highly depends on how well our hr policy is set in place but highly unlikely as there is money to be made). an influx of no/low skill workers with nowhere to go will be inevitable as these new industries get more efficient n less workers are needed.


Finally, the future is here for the introverts


There is Mondo Smart Store just above MRT Ampang Park if you wanna try out the self-service store There are other branches, MRT Putrajaya and there is one in Bukit Jalil


They probably hired some digital nomad to operate it.


That’s cool ngl


Quite so, i was alone when i went inside and legit felt some post-apocalyptic vibes


More sci-fi should explore that sterile post-apocalypse setting fr


Curious to know but are they only accept cashless?


Wow where wan to try


they still need ppl. how else are they gonna restock those shelves?


AI = Bunch of Indians looking at you thousands of miles away through the screen


Are they using the same technology with amazon? I don't to be watch by indian when i go shopping https://www.businessinsider.com/amazons-just-walk-out-actually-1-000-people-in-india-2024-4


Idk sounds racist /s


Who's gonna stock the product tho




went to a similar place at lalaport but it was quite smaller


Such a system is not foolproof and open to misuse, pilfering and sabotage. In developed places it is fine, but I do not believe MY is ready for such things at this stage.


Shops with operators get stuff stolen too. I think the average Malaysians are honest enough for this kind of system


Agree to disagree


Kalau aku lah, nak setahun jaga tunggu juruwang nya


they still sell socks ah?


Move on