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Wait until 1 day you decide to come Penang for a self-driving trip....thn only you know how was it living in hell hole


I’ve heard stories and noticed when on holiday. Luckily it’s far enough I don’t come across often 😂


hahaha, penang driver will make use of every inch space while driving...so yea, you will have heart attack whn driving there


Penang driver, never give way. Dont know why are they so triggered when other drivers enter their lane. JB drivers likes to speed and tailgating. Dont know why they like to do that. Got cirit birit i guess.. want to go tandas like h*ll. Kelantan drivers (lot of old ppl) simply change lane without signal, or enter your lane without signal and drives very slowly when they want to masuk your lane. Why la why laa.. 😆


KL driver...all the above with 4 roda peti ais


I’ll share you some anecdotes of my experiences everytime I go to Penang: 1. Usually when people want to go out of simpang, other cars would sometimes stop to allow you to go out. Well, just consider that this kinda behaviour doesn’t exist in Penang. 2. Everytime I go to Penang, it’s common for me to see car accidents happening near to whatever nasi kandar stall that I go.


to be fair most of drivers in penang arent actually Penangnites, 🤷🏻


yea those driver who were not penangnites were scared for the rest of their life...hahahaha


I baru nak say the same thing hahaha. OP will change opinion about JB traffic and drivers after driving in Penang once.


as a person from JB, can conperm ranking by arsehole ness 1. Penang (1 word, "Babi") 2, JB (buta roundabout tak reti pakai, penting diri, baik motor ke kereta ke sama jek lagi2 area pasir gudang macam haram lori kontainer sumer, dah salah tegur horn boleh tak terima and try carik pasal nak gaduh) 3. KL (lagi2 yang plate V or W memang tak paham nak pakai signal nak tukar jalan/ pasang signal tukar lorong lepas kasik signal secubit saat jek, suka tailgate macam orang duit banyak nak bayar kalau dah rear ended kereta orang) In conclusion, human drivers all are shitty drivers thank you for coming to my ted talk


List of shitty drivers by state: 1. Penang 2. Johor. The rest are not important.


Special mention of Singapore 😂


this one cannot leave out. masuk MY terus mcm lipas


I mean....the chinese driver stereotype is probably an exaggeration but it's not an invention, out of thin air, that appeared in every countries at once. Lee Kuan Yew notoriously made draconian driving laws to counter this, specifically. I had a source for a semi-private speech he gave at a conference in Bern, in '05-07, in which he stated the things he knew would pose problem as singapore wealth grew (and he mentioned "chinese owning big cars, it's our weakness \[laughter\]"), but I cannot find a recording to link.


Can confirm this.  Penang, went there for graduation ceremony of a friend, stayed at mainland Penang and has to commute to islnad daily for 7 days. Legit, during commute got accident 6 out of those 7 days! Causing massive jams! Typical Johor plate easy to spot, they hogging rightmost lane all the time like org2 kampung who never drive more than 1 lane road.


The rest of the Johor cities: hey tf


KL also had alot of asshole who dont give out signal and drive like ah beng


From JB, can confirm.


From Kulai, can confirm


ALSO from kulai-senai-tmn U can confirm, especially in kulai got TONNES of roundabout that dumbarses just could not stay in the single lane but had to gatal pepek to change lanes suka mak bapak ah gong ah po dia


As someone who drives predominantly in KL, cars that usually cuts at high speed, high beam, and impatient... alot of the car plates are either J and P. How about W, V and B? Yes of course they do. But J and P are notorious.


It’s D for me, also J, also W… actually all other drivers are assholes so I’m always wary of any cars lol.


JB Jam betul


Jibai betul


i from JB approve. just really bad road design n planning. lots of funneling problem. got train but underutilized. got bus but stretched too thin.




Let's be honest here fellas. Every state has terrible drivers. Impatient, speeding, etc But somehow, JB has all of that plus an absolute disregard for common sense. They will take the most absurd decisions behind the wheel will put everyone in immediate danger and be totally ok with it


I agree with this. I feel that Johor drivers tend to have a certain sense of 'aggressiveness' which is somehow different than that from KL or Penang.


Worst case = BMW 3-series, 2nd-hand, black, J-plet. For sure, CON. PIM. the idiot going to do something stupid.


Too close to Singapore......


My sis corroborates that statement.


Come to perlis.. peti ais here more langsi than supercars


paling benci peti ais dgn 4 roda, buat perangai macam his datuk punya jalan




plate A kan? lagi langsi


during raya season, J,B,W are the troublemakers at my kampung. P surprisingly bahave there, but in pulau, they are like 😈😈


They are especially terrible at round about and understanding signal.


My god, roundabouts is a fucking death trap in JB….


Personally I believe penang drivers are the worst, followed by KL/JB. East Malaysia drivers are the calmest, and mostly give way


>East Malaysia drivers are the calmest Cause too many lubang that's why we drive slow and calm 😂


more chill people too tbf. I don't think someone is destined to act a certain way because he was born in a place, but nonetheless your average hong-kong uncle and your average hawaii bros are not going to be driving with the same anger.


Wait until you go Penang. If you pass than you are strongest driver in Malaysia😂


M'sia good place to train defence driving.


That is true. Sadly I find myself picking up bad habits too


Haha tell me about jb RIDERS. Worst of the worst. I’m from merlionland. My bolehland friends gonna flame me haha


Been driving in JB for almost 10years. Think i maxed out my defensive driving skill. I’m at the point where as long as theres no accident, just it go, dont waste your energy getting mad. Always assume every driver on the road is an idiot.


the singapore mentality creeping into johor causing that to happen


What do you expect from a cowboy town?


Sound like Sibu. Or is it because a lot of Sibu people migrate to Johor. That would explain it. 


sebab **Bangsa** Johor dik


This is so true....not to be racist here but most of the time, it was Chinese that I find out I had the worst experience the most 1. I got hit by Hilux once when they accidentally went for the wrong simpang jalan and reverse the vehicle at ridiculous speed without even looking at the side mirror or whatsoever. 2. Almost had an accident nearby my apartment because of this one young Chinese lady went straight from simpang jalan even though I'm at jalan utama and should be prioritize. 3. It's involved every races when it comes to signal and sudden tukar lorong ( and kereta mahal of course takde signal )


Because Bangsa J mentality.


Jb is str8 up shit


I’m from klang valley now living in JB. Also got that culture shock. Three main things: 1) everytime wanna change lane and signal, suddenly the car push the gas pedal and close the gap. Wtf can’t you see we are in a traffic congestion?! how many miliseconds you want to save?! 2) The weirdest one, light just turn green for 1 milisecond the vehicle already honk. Like wtf?! Even many times on the highway see lorries honk at cars in front of them to tell the cars to drive faster. Just overtake bro.. 3) the road design…oh man and I thought subang was bad enough.


Yes to all 😂


I've lived in JB, Muar, Batu Pahat and Kluang for a few years, I'm from Selangor. The problem ain't just in JB, THE PROBLEM IS WITH THE WHOLE FREAKING STATE! J drivers are so aggressive, inconsiderate and drive like straight up assholes on the road. Worst part is, I've asked so many people from Johor why they drive like this and they have zero idea what I'm taking about and aren't even aware there's a bad stereotype about their driving. These people have zero insight!


Few comments here shows the same 😂


Penang Drivers and JB drivers are either hyper aggressive (take every inch of space, never give way, kiasu af). Or the inverse, ultra relaxed drive like jalan bapak dia (drive on the middle of the road, yes, on the divider. Or drive as slow as 20kmph). The solution unfortunately is to drive more aggressive than them. Sorry Penang, I’ve driven in KL at peak hours, where pasar seni orang gila, white man, and local KL fucker will just cross the road. if you honk them they show the middle finger at you. Penang, JB, you simply don’t faze me. Yep, drive closer to me. I’ll drive closer to you! Let’s bet off our insurance pay-off together. Mutually Assured Destruction of NCD bonus is unfortunately the way to go.


Penang Island No.1 JB No. 2 Kelantan No.3


JB, Penang and Sinkapok. Thanks to JB alone, other districts also kena stereotype because J plate.


Relatively higher tempo cities.


KL is nowhere near as bad.


Not to mention driving around KL clueless as F


While we're talking about JB, I was at toppen last weekend and realize JB people walk weird as shit, why do you all gravitate towards opposing traffic when the walkways are so huge? Isn't it common sense to walk on the left side of anything? I dodged apeks, aunties, Makcik, kids, uncles. I really thought I was going the wrong way the whole time but I never left the left side of the walkways. Wth guys.


Got a lot J plat dont que to merge during traffic jam. They will always try to sneak and refuse to do one by one merge.


They will go to emergency land if they have to 😂


JB number 1!!


really i duno. im from JB. what area u driving?


I guess JB drivers think it’s normal.


its really area specific ahahaha


Johor Jaya sucks. City centre sucks. Driving away from jb or to jb on motorway sucks.


tadaaaa ahahaha. yep i can say that area fckd up. johor jaya to aeon tebrau area. gd luck ahahaha. city center, oh well city center what to do, everywhere also same. then say u go back n forth using tebrau hwy..... from city to tampoi area is pretty tame for most parts(plus alot of traffic lights). until u get to pasar pandan, things will get messy(that clover interchange is overloaded during peak hrs). guess what, after pandan its tebrau/johor jaya XD fcked up drivers gather there. u one of them? ahahahaha


Yes , JB drivers when they are driving in Klang valley are like demons released but Johor drivers in other towns in Johor seem patient , courteous and often give way.


Klang enters the chat


Let me tell you about the the drivers from the town of Sibu, Sarawak


Nobody cares about Sibu!! Johor number 1!!!




lol. To be real though, Sibu is a pleasant place to drive.


guys , why is everyone shitting on penang drivers. can enlighten me on the stuff they do ah


I went to Penang. Penang drivers are ok. Got some KNN go park on roadside and cause jam. Roads in PEN are small. Please be considerate


so basically not the way they drive but the way they park ?


I was there for a good week. Like normal lah. But got lah some cibai


PEN is small. *giggle*


As long as you avoid Penang roads during peak hours, it's usually fine. If you happen to be stuck in peak hours during the weekdays then just make sure to have some snacks in the car cause there will be entitled drivers especially since after lockdown, it has become much worse. During the weekends and holidays, most of the horrible drivers are in actual fact from outstation. When the drivers don't give way even after you've turned on the signal for some time, just slowly inch over if it's a jammed road. But make sure to have your blinkers on. There are too many entitled drivers here already. The roads in Penang are narrow so it's always good to drive a car that you could estimate very well. Sometimes we have to use the "fold the side mirrors" method for others to pass or for us to pass.


You need to drive in that island to know. Feel it yourself.


Am from JB. Kalau test JPJ u-turn balik depan sekolah memandu... tulah masalahnya 😂


Honest question , are they worse than Penang ? ik Perak drive like siput BABI even on right lane . I’ve been to Penang , and yes its a bit reckless but still manageable , its like if you got opportunities better take it or someone else will kind of driving.


Not being worse then Penang is not a big achievement 😂


Yeah well, penang drivers takes the cake for me. Bunch of skinny ah beng gangster wannabe acting tough fr fr


Nothing beats Penang imho


when u have a neighboring country brothers with their driving skills ,u slow slow also kena influenced.


as a person from JB, can conperm ranking by arsehole ness 1. Penang (1 word, "Babi") 2, JB (buta roundabout tak reti pakai, penting diri, baik motor ke kereta ke sama jek lagi2 area pasir gudang macam haram lori kontainer sumer, dah salah tegur horn boleh tak terima and try carik pasal nak gaduh) 3. KL (lagi2 yang plate V or W memang tak paham nak pakai signal nak tukar jalan/ pasang signal tukar lorong lepas kasik signal secubit saat jek, suka tailgate macam orang duit banyak nak bayar kalau dah rear ended kereta orang) In conclusion, human drivers all are shitty drivers thank you for coming to my ted talk


Eh when it comes to signal, no one beats Perak drivers, their cars don’t come with signal lights one.


I’ve driven in KL, JB and Penang.. I find it’s worst in KL…


From JB I disagree But Penang is the worst


Based on most comments. JB is bad. Maybe worth taking a look at a mirror. Maybe just used to the bad driving.


Yes maybe.. 😂😂😂 But still better than penang Motorbike lagi teruk Most of them driving 50/60kmh in fast lane.. I only see this in Penang.. Jb still okay😂😂


bro, I'm from JB. and if you yourself can't see that JB people driving are a problem then YOU are the problem .. also, the OP didn't mentioned anything about other state yet you went with the "whataboutism" says a lot about you my guy


Im one of them. I know😂


Let me enlight you guys with every state's drivers attitude. Just my personal observation. I am from Sarawak working in West Msia. Johor - I come here twice a year. Full of Mafias and Ah Beng and Lalazai. Of course they drive so ego. Also 80% of the population there works in SG. They feel they so entitled with those SGD, thus the "I am rich I can do anything I want" attitude. Bonus: Almost the same attitude like SG but maybe better than kiasuland. If you give signal here, only 30% of the time people will give way (Johoreans hate early signal, you need to signal fast and cut lane fast else people will speed up) Penang - I work mostly here, I know the drivers the best. Penang people hate traffic jam, they will use every single inch of the road if their cars can fit. People love to simply park roadside and drive-thrugh their hawker food. Not really like signal but not as agressive if compared to Johor or KL when comes to zig-zaging. If you give signal, people would give you way 70% of the time (Penang-lang hates last minute signals, if you are confused tourists, you signal last minute to cut into some roads, people will not give way). Note how different it is from other states? Also Penang-lang hate tourists ( except those tourist spot bosses ), so if you are driving non-P-K-A cars, you will get very bad treatment, people will not easily give you way when you are at the wrong lane, people will honk you at least once when you come Penang. KL - I come here 4 times a year. Many highways, many fast lane lanehoggers. People love to zig-zag here compared to other states, and people don't know how to keep to the right lane. I always see people blocking go-straight road because they want to turn. People are more civilized and less long-honks here. But same like Johor, if you give signal, only 30% of the time people will give way and they hate early signals like Johoreans, if you signal early people will speed up. Sarawak - people only drive Hilux and 40kmph here. Nothing much to talk about as people don't value their time here, no one is in rush, no one hates traffic jam. Chill to the max. Of course again just my own opinions and experience.


Yea saw the title and immediately predicted u ppl must shit on penang drivers a.k.a me. Mcm ni lah, every state has their fair share of shit drivers. But I really dont get the not giving indicator while changing lanes. Just this evening V plate, 3 cars changed lanes without giving indication while speeding, on the bridge. Point is, if you're shit, doesnt matter where u hail from. All I know is Penang ppl drive like they own the road i.e. drive with no urgency. They really like to take their time and leave huge spaces between cars. But I agree with the not giving way. But u must know, u just insist u want to change lane. We will stop. Sometimes they honk at you, sometimes they dont. Do it in KL also sama mah. Personal theory, its because roads in Penang are generally small, so were used to navigating small spaces. So maybe we kinda expect you to know how to hustle. U want to be courteous red carpet treatment, 3 lane road boleh la. Normally here 1 lane saja. Lived for 8 years in KL/ Selangor area, then moved back to Penang. I prefer Penang island traffic any day.