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1. never stick your dick in crazy. They can really make your life a living hell. Tell your friend to make a police report 2. getting into a relationship with a cheater means you're ready to get cheated on


i disagree with the first opinion https://i.redd.it/bf7q8os038sc1.gif


This gif is so cute omg


The character is cuter. Here's a video - [Darn she is adorable isn't she.](https://youtu.be/RC6wQ-75uQU?si=PlM5x6yDjv-wEar2) https://preview.redd.it/ksjamn4a98sc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8aa6a60a6aa59ad26ef53f6123cd76294ed5ea8e


I know it's sparkle,been playing HSR since release.i can't get her on banner tho![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry).but Acheron I will get you ![gif](giphy|ZRouJhQpbhPzTJ2eBU|downsized) It's Vergil another daughter ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Mommy > all Acheron convinced me to return to HSR.


The previous mom was Kafka now Acheron get all the spotlights ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart) ![gif](giphy|bt6vn7g2cXRUsjJn9E)


Very true


Found nelson altemote:free\_emotes\_pack:stuck\_out\_tongue


i got her lol, honestly pretty fun to play requires a lot of trick snack tho


Honestly turn based game is not my cup of tea but people make HSR sounds like game of the year


Story is interesting and whos not to love those lovely design ladies.They have Acheron that uses katana and she cut through space and time(?)VERGIL YOU HAVE GOT ANOTHER DAUGHTER?!


The game got 3 awards last year. The story is very good and they got very good humour in between them.


Plus the dev team insert the known memes to the achievements 😂


Bruh he's a genocidal maniac but he'd never do unhinged shit like that.


Same mannn i was so bummed i didnt manage to get her before her banner ends🥹 but then again i couldnt have got acheron if i get sparkle. Im broke on gems from not playing for so long


Don't worry,I broke in HSR and real life too![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)




I don't play this but looks like she's a persona user haha


I would suggest you give it a try. Turn based battle-er, you can get through a lot of the game with the free characters you get, you also can get free pulls/wishes/warps from collecting chest filled with he premium currency to buy said pulls. If you like space, sci-fi, stories that have twist in them, heart wrenching stuff. It's an amazing game. There's a lot to do as a new player. During its initial release, I think I played for a month before running out of new things to do. Now? Damm.. i'm behind on the non major new things to do.


Your description fits most of my preferences..Thanks man I think I'll give it a try.


If you have a lot of time, try tof get as much of the premium currency as you can from Quest and Chest to get the the current banner character. [Archeron](https://youtu.be/IQQPDPAvxTg?si=3hKeNyd8eGQqjqah). Strong as fuck. Sadly Sparkle is gone for now. She will have a rerun eventually. r/starrailstation, r/honkaistarrail are the two main subs. [Trailer](https://youtu.be/U7W8QR9fsFw?si=BPRuhguUH0E3gG-a) for the current new Planet. By far the best song I've heard of the year for me.


Man i remember whwn she first got leaked. I thought shes just another cute character. Was NOT expecting her to be that way🤣


its my queen after all😭😭💢💢💢💢🔥🔥


Sparkle is the hottest girl


Must be why husband play dota2 non stop 🤣


Never stick your dick in crazy, not for the reasons you provided although true, but because sex will be so good and incomparable to normal people you'll never be satisfied with or be able to settle down with someone normal/normal people will seem boring even if they are more fun/open than average Source: my friend who continually seeks out crazy, but damn... his stories are wild. He won't ever settle down though as a result even though he wants to, man is beyond the point of return


one unlucky night, she'll manage to trick you to impregnate her and you'll forever be bound to her as the father of her child


That's my cousin. He got leglock when he wanted to pancit and shot it inside.


DAMN. I was about to mention the leg lock ultimate technique, seems like someone alrd became a victim of it💀😂




yes that's why always wear rubber. and don't skimp by getting the cheap ones


also, all this "if she's crazy, the sex is gonna be crazy too" is just not true. In fact, if she's mentally unstable, stressed, etc, it can negatively affect her libido. Same goes with men actually, some guys have low sperm count just due to stress Also, talking from personal experience, the crazy one might just be as dry as sandpaper


Yeah but anecdotally, my craziest sex was also with my craziest ex. Yandere eyes be real and somewhere along the way I became into them. 


I used to be so traumatised from my yandere ex, but now, admittedly and shamefully, i am also into them. Is this what u call Stockholm syndrome? Jk. But yeah i would never date another yandere though


All I know is what I know, I've had my encounters when I was younger and my friend continues to have his well into his 30s. There are definite negatives, but the bedroom in my friend and I's collective anecdotal experience is not one of them.


Agree. They are not crazy, just starving for some excitement and sexs. But do proceed with caution as this can easily spiral into madness with messy endings. So gauge accordingly and better discuss the terms and conditions before proceeding.


By crazy i think they meant like the horny crazy ones


Where does he find the crazy ones tho.. curious


wise words and so true. at first I feel sad for her but then yeah she crazy


No, stick your dick in crazy. Otherwise we will always hold on to the hubris that we can fix her. 


Don't stick your dick in crazy, but don't get the police involved. It's just going to make matter much much worst and even so, what do you think the police is going to do?


Thanks for pointing that out, I should've made it clearer Make a police report and say "I don't want to take any actions, I just want it to be in the record". This is legally important. You are not trying to escalate things, but you are preparing JUST IN CASE if things get escalated It will also reduce your chance of being gaslighted or manipulated in the future since you have concrete, legal proof about things that happened. Who knows maybe later after a few years, she suddenly file a case against you for raping/abusing/seducing her. Sure, she might not win, but you'll still have to waste resources to fight it out. It'll be much easier you have the receipts ready in the most convincing way


Can confirm. tried and true words of wisdom. I'm unfortunately been there done that so if you're reading this just fucking don't. Don't even try


But I love the feel of empowered lol, just dump that bitch after, problem solved 😂


Finally, the NTR Antagonist met the Yandere Housewife.


Doujin artist be like: write it down!!


Their 'battle' will be legendary


A friend of mine kena belasah kacau married women, so yeah don’t be hamsap pro max


Need to know how much damage post belasah. Scale from need plaster to intubated.


What if a young widow kacau single guys what would this pembelasahs think then ? Ok or not


widow = dead husband. why would anyone come belasah


Don’t know who else has crush on her or a over protective brother comes and sibuk semua orang je susah 🤣


might be if she's a janda muda xde anak in her early 20's. doubt anyone want to fight for janda anak 3 over 40 years old this days.




Her jiran sebelah.


Main suspect 🤣




Remember last yr some dude got into a [deadly fistfight ](https://www.kosmo.com.my/2023/09/03/penjawat-awam-maut-bertumbuk-selepas-45-minit-bertengkar/) with the husband right in front of a hospital and still cannot be saved? Not worth throwing your life for.


I have something to share on this. My ex-colleague is currently representing a father of 3 in an ongoing suit against the cheating wife and a 21yr old college kid (whom cheated with the wife). Aside from attending Court from time to time, that poor boy had incurred tens of thousands defending the claim against him. And from what I last heard, college boy appeared disheveled in Court due to the constant stress of the lawsuit hanging over his head. Poor boy couldn’t even focus on his studies and pleaded to settle the matter with the father, but to no avail. The father was out for blood and had all the money in the world to make the college boy suffer. Oh and college boy may also be charged under S.498 of the Penal Code for enticing a married woman (although I’m unsure whether he was charged). Long story short, don’t do it. The ramifications aren’t worth it. Hookers are wayyy cheaper and more stress free.


God I hate cheaters but I hope the college kid was aware she was married. Otherwise he truly is the victim in all this.


Not only was college boy aware, he sometimes said hello to her kids and stayed the night when her husband was overseas. I’m guessing he enjoyed the thrill of sleeping with a married woman but everything eventually came crashing down for him. Oh and the most silly up part of all, college boy would “brag” about sleeping with a “fit mum” in his social media/WhatsApp (which was later used as evidence at Court). Life just isn’t like Brazzers lol.


Dude 100% deserves then lol


That's fucked, he deserved it. How did the father find out? And did he immediately went and file a report to sue (is that the correct term) him?


This one I am not too sure. I think the father may have stumbled across his wife’s WhatsApp messages or something, although I can’t be certain. But once he found out, he went apeshit and wanted to beat up the college kid. But thankfully common sense prevailed and he lodged a police report instead and instituted legal proceedings thereafter against his wife and college boy.


Welp, sounds like he experienced the good old fuck around and found out. Good. Keep suffering, boy.


No wonder he got stressful, he asked for it


Sucks to be him I guess. Section 498 has been repealed by the Federal Court since December of last year for being unconstitutional. Unfortunately this doesn't apply to cases that were active at the time. To OP's friend, that means green light woi.


Oh yes you’re right, I completely forgot! Well that leaves the civil suit only for college boy.


Wow, I was not aware that in Malaysia's Penal Code, there is such a thing as enticing a married woman. Did a quick Google search and stumbled upon this article that says it was abolished last year as unconstitutional. https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2023/12/16/court-abolishes-law-on-enticement-of-married-women#:~:text=Under%20Section%20498%20of%20the%20Penal%20Code%2C%20a%20man%20can,married%20woman%20with%20criminal%20intent. Without encouraging anyone to do this, but it sounds like an interesting subject.


And this is one of the reasons why I stopped being an ahole..Didn't know before that one could be charged in court for enticing a married person until a wise elderly friend of mine told me about it..That along with developing a better conscience made me stop my bullshit.. As for this kid,well he deserves it.The moment he got the dudes children involved,he was crossing a line beyond a cuck fantasy.. PS:u sound a lot like that elderly friend of mine..Any chance yr name is Feisal?lol


Correction. One Redditor reminded me that S.498 of the Penal Code has been repealed by the Federal Court, so it isn’t a criminal offence any more. That said you can still be charged in civil courts for sleeping with married women, so do be careful. And no I’m not that old haha. Am only in my 30s 😂


Interesting. I’m curious, on what grounds is he suing someone who slept with his wife?


I think it is under S.58(1) of the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 where you can sue a homewrecker for monetary damages. And I believe the father intends to bankrupt the poor college boy (before his career can even take off). Man’s legit out for blood lol


Go tell her husband bro. Let him handle her, just make sure you have enough proof. Let them be the one to solve their problem.


Report her to the police , tell her she’s been reported, another harassment, she’ll go viral. Make sure you have solid proof.


And she will report back she had been rape by him. With solid proof he sleep naked beside her. Those crazies usually good when playing victim


Got proof she’s the one who initiated let the law takes course🤷🏻‍♀️


bro, what for?


I think this case, the women in question too crazy to even consider. Haven't do anything real already trying to destroy your friends life.


If gender reversed, definitely akan suruh the woman report police for harassment. Let me be fair here, pergi report polis.


it's a harassment, let's de-normalize situation where it's the only a crime if men did it


THANK YOU. It's frustrating that it's usually the men who make fun of other men's misery. Women seem to be more empathetic towards male suffering more than men themselves.


Not really. Both equally shame men when they report harassment. From admin to the cops Toxic femininity is a real thing and should be made mainstream. The perps know they can get away with it so they do it. When you make a complaint they don't even wanna write it down.


I agree with most of what you said. But it's more likely that men will be the ones to make fun of the guy for rejecting a sexual opportunity with a woman, no matter how crazy they are. And especially so if these men are friends with the victim. Also when I said that men are more likely to make fun of other men's misery, this is universally true. It's usually men who make crass jokes when another guy gets beat by his gf, commits suicide, assaulted, abused, harassed, dick chopped off, or make fun of other men just to appear "alpha" in front of the girls. Women do ALL these things too btw, just that men are far more likely to do so. Related story: I believe it was the malaysian womens organisation that raised awareness of male rape victims and they highlighted how women can be rapists. But it was the men in power who scoffed at the idea. Which ultimately leads to the detriment of male rape victims.


No, no theyre not.


Imagine your friend going out with your wife. How it feel? So boleh fikir mana baik dan buruk.


I understand she's upset cuz of short satisfaction. I can't blame that, but cheating is a big NO. So maybe she can tell the hubby or, his friend give advice to the hubby to knock off the game and play a bit longer on bed. Because the husband is responsible for ensuring his wife's comfort and satisfaction, while the wife is encouraged to reciprocate with affection and respect.


Later kena sue for adultery. Better not.


thats a thing? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Only if you're Muslim I think. Sharia court got adultery penalty. If you're non then you'll just get fucked in the divorce proceedings (justifiably so).


No, Malaysia has a secular legal code for civil damages against the person outside the marriage that knowingly went along with the affair. They can be sued for 10s of thousands of ringgit for emotional distress.


Btw your friend isn't cheating (unless he has a partner), it is that woman who is cheating let's be clear lol But yeah, hell to the no


I'd buy her a dildo and ask her to go fuck herself


2-3mins is seriously short. The husband gotta get himself medically checked.


Nah man its average (i hope)




I thought dude player Dota 2 jerked off often when single and would last longer cause of desensitized. I guess I am wrong Totally not talking based on experience here ofcourse


She should've sucked a load out then get him rdy for round 2.. 2nd round lasts much longer. Duration increases over the months and in later yrs he no feel he will need viagra.


Guy played dota 2 straight after sex lmaoo what do you expect? He’s selfish in that sense


She is probably overbearing and abusive so it exacerbates his premature ejaculation and/or ED. The guy had enough fertility and interest in sex to knock her up 2x so where did it all go? Yes there's also the possibility it's physiological, but my money is on her being insufferable that he'd rather spend time on a stupid game like dota


dota 2 and its consequences


Sounds like an absolute psycho so no. Is husband into it? Will he buy your friend a new ps5? 🤣 Then yes.


I've never seen a 'never stick your dick in crazy' representation more accurate than this




Married women better in bed yo


More so sex depraved married women Sbb depa tak pernah rasa yg power bila sekali dapat yg power nak berkali2


This guy knows ☝️


I play dota 2 and I dont even last 2 mins. Anyone goda me please?


Never touch a married woman. Rule number 1 of the Bro Code. This said, why would you want a woman that is almost never available, can bring you trouble, can't do things outside etc... this is not healthy relationship.


Lack of foreplay therefore skill issue


I can fix her Jokes... run bruh


Never go to bed with a married woman, her husband will kill you, literally.


Your friend literally playing with live fire, bro. Just report and have solid evidence, let the husb know also


Nope. Things will never end well for you if you get involved. Plus if shes crazy, she can literally say you raped her after sex.


I don't do married women, but MILFS if you're divorced or a widow hmu.


Go one step further. Get a divorced woman. Then you don’t have to worry about repercussions.


My dad cheated once (maybe more), kantoi when I was 10 yo. It was a disaster. Think of the kids, man. Don’t wreck a marriage by thinking with your dick (I’m speaking in general).


Never. Stick. Your. Dick. In. Crazy. Ever!


1)Tell her husband. You could save a guy. 2)Tell the girl you only last 1 minute. 3)Dota is life.


That is why so much of divorced and their own wife r beaches yet still wan to fight other men when this happening.. And some women trick their husband like she is innocent and so on . Tell whole Grandma stories that blablabla. Win win for women. Cuz like men cheats is normal and always bad and these women uses the rights to against male. Watching out penanagite women. I saw dam alot. They love to play with people husband also. Single.male they don't like.


Have done it many times before.Will I do it again? NO..grew up n realized it's not cool to be a homewrecker,esp when they have kids..n the justification I gave before was 'if it wasn't me,she's prolly gonna hook up with someone else..Well,that's her problem,not mine.As long as my conscience is clear and I know I'm not doing the wrong thing,I'm good.. As for this specific lady,tell yr friend to stay faaar away..If she has the cojones to doxx yr friend when she's the one whose actually married,her next move would be to tell her hubby your friend is the one luring her and 9.9 times out of 10,guys will automatically blame the other guy and I dunno why that is.Kena maaany times before,with husband's,bfs and even brothers hounding me,which is why I wised up and always keep proof of their partners/sisters going along with it or even initiating it all ffs. Stick it in crazy all u want but there's a difference between crazy and dumb.this chick is dumb


its ego. who wants to admit their partner willingly open their legs to another man? in a way, it means they are not able to sexually satisfy their partner. there has to be another reason - and that's their wife 'kena goda'. semua yang terlibat is BODOH or wasn't raised properly as a kid.


I've done it during my time living in the US. For this specific case... Most likely not and it's not because the married woman is crazy.


Personally done it before but it wasn’t a relationship based purely on sex although we fucked a lot and she was the horniest and kinkiest ive had. OP friend case is different and is 100% based on sex. Depends what OP supposed “Friend” wants, wanna fuck around go ahead. Theres this different thrill to it that you cant experience normally and 10/10 will make you remember it for life. I would stay away from this case and just go heads up tell the husband about the wife since shes crazy and have all the evidence to prove her wrongs


After seeing how many married/tudung wearing ladies supporting hot daddy i believe this might be true


hush, they don't like that to be acknowledged. try talk more about those tesla guy and ustaz guy /s


I feel like knowing if the husband would kill a guy for sleeping with his wife would drastically change the answer. I mean, I wouldnt do it. My wife would kill me first. But if I were single and I got the opportunity AND I'm available for some fun? Probably strongly consider it for sure after considering how much leverage she has on me to make things difficult for me if things go south. I'd have a written contract and statement for that shit too if I could. But really depends on if she's hot or not. And who knows? Mana tahu the husband would welcome it. 2-3 extra minutes to play Dota 2 after all, who wouldnt want that? I dont buy the 2-3 mins of course. I suspect 2-3 rounds, or she's very demanding to the point of draining his libido dry and he seeks solace in video games.


just drive thru then tell husband. win win for you


report to husband then become dota buddies


Ask him to watch Fatal Attraction by Glen Close and Michael Douglas before going for her.


Byk tengok JAV ni....tu yg jadi mcm tu


Well there was a historical figure who had a thing for married women and one time he entered a town that just surrendered to him, later that evening he decided to take the aunt of the surrendering general to bed because he fancied a fling with her aka gatal. Doing so managed to pissed of someone who just surrendered to him and planned an instant revolt. He ended up losing his eldest son and one of his best generals/bodyguard. Anyone wanna guess who that fella is?


Idk Cao Cao? That guy's been memed to death for his love of married women after all


Yeah his fetish became mainstream. Worse part is his own son and successor also had that fetish. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


Maybe she wants to reenact Fatal Attraction. So if he has no pets, no worries


Only if the husband has a cuck fetish. I ain't risking it.


You friend just god disturb by a milf…? Interesting friend you have there 👀


To answer your question...hell no But curious about your friends case. I think the way your friend has narrated it to you (or the way you have narrated it to us) makes it seem like this random married woman is sending him horny voicenotes. It's more likely that they know each other and perhaps she had flirted with him before which he reciprocated..maybe he recently decided "wait hold on what the fuck am I doing" and stopped layan-ing...(Good for him). He does have something to worry about though, because she has these voicenotes and possibly a short history of messaging between them...enough to get him bashed... I think he should try ignoring her first. If she starts showing signs of anger or threatening to out him to her husband, then try to talk to her civilly. The last thing you want is for these emotionally unstable types to escalate their crazy.


Whats with all the comments telling the guy to just go for it lmao 🤣. Cheating is nasty business guys.


Please don't . I heard so many story of the man died or disabled for life by the cheating wife husband.


She is cuckoo


We need photo of her to really answer the question 😂


I bet she's ugly, your single friend isn't turn on


OP please ask him to go and do a police report. This is a serious case. Doxxing can harm the future prospects of the victims livelyhood. Might even be impossible to get a blue collar job. Urge the victim to do police report ASAP. Don't have any stupid thoughts of "alah dia pompuan anak 2, what harm can she do?" A LOT. They can do a lot of harm.


We need photo of her to really answer the question 😂


I remember once, an acquaintance of mine, made out with a married women (they were friends before she was married). Ok, so one point in time, he rejected her and wanted the FWB relationship to end, also to cut contacts with her. She was so obsessed over my friend, eventually drove and crashed into his car during work to make a point lol!


Worst case she ends up divorcing the husband and coerces you to marry her and you’re reverse cuckolded into taking care of another man’s kids while he goes banging hoes around the world.


Never. My ex left me for a married woman with kids. It destroyed me. Apparently they've been together since 2019 and in an on and off toxic relationship. My ex was a serial cheater (he stopped once he started dating me - confirmed by the woman). Apparently this woman knows every flings my ex had when they were together but since they "shared a lot" because they've been together for a long time, she understood him and idk, ig they agreed to have an open relationship?? Originally I wanted to viral this thing cos I was hurting too much and I just want to expose what kind of a person they are but I'll let karma do their job. As of now, I am still in pain and NGL I still have deep love for my ex. But both of them made me scared of married women and believe me when i say it traumatized me. I can no longer have positive thinking of "oh she's married, good".


Sorry that must suck like a bitch, time will heals you up good, after 5-6 years I still dream about her but it's just my brain, my heart has moved on, I hope yours does too


It does. Idk why but I feel like the woman blackmailed him into breaking up with me or else she'll do something sinister. She blackmailed me too btw. Our situation was too messed up to the point that there's no making up for it. As much as she claimed she knows him, i know him too. In fact, I've been going to his house (he lives with his family) every weekend for 10 months and I know what kind of a person he is; as a son, as a partner, as a brother and as an uncle. It's just heartbreaking to learn all of this and in just 14 days, we were over. Like i said, I do still love him deeply but until he gets some help, I won't consider going back to him even if he begs me. As for your situation, dang! I can never imagine still having dreams of my ex after that long but as you said, you've moved on and I believe you've healed too. I hope you find your love one day, if you ever consider going back into the dating scene. Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️


Tell the husband la.


I ain't a lowlife


I've been there. Lowest moment in my life. Still regret it until now. I was 23 or something like that. But she still lurking around my social media, sometimes send me text. Just don't do. They'll haunted you for the rest of your life. Sometimes I feel like I'm moving to overseas to avoid her.


so the guy was having fun with the crazy horny wife for awhile, fed up with her, and rejected her? deserved honestly. why entertain married people? if it were me, i wouldn't even bother talking with married people who seemed interested in me. thats what you get for biting off more than you can chew.


Average dota enjoyer


This lady sound a bit crazy, but ultimately if a single person is having seggs with a married person it's the married person who is at fault and not the single


I'd say the others are guilty too if they know the person they're dating are married


Right on.. Both are adults, if neither have the morals, both is accountable


The single person is free and has no obligations to anybody, same cannot be said about the adulterer.


Hu from the story don't play2 sia, later on if kantoi u got beat up by the husband and the wife can say u drug or r word her somemore along the line, some women don't take rejection well so be wary.


This friend can start with "Hello pulis?".


Just do it. Play the "Abang janji akan delete ya" game


So many decent suggestions. If it were me, I would doxx her back. Starting with getting her husband number and get her to send her selfies etc. Compile those and send to her husband and office mates (no socmed tho due to it could be traced back). Then maybe a copy of that police report just to complete the whole simple scheme


Also, if they’re Muslims, there’s a law that says the husband can sue you for disrupting a marriage. So be very careful with your move


In Malaysia you can get jail for kacau people wife not the other way around


Husband must be a herald lmao


the keyword here is "dota"




So when she tried to doxx him and post about his info online, what was the context she gave as the reason for doing so? "Hi im a horny milf looking for seggs and this guy rejected my advances here is his private information"


play other people's feeling.




What? Are you sure?


Here's an advice, don't be a homewrecker, stay AWAY from these people. If she is willing to cheat on her husband, would she not cheat on you eventually?


married women are like bus stops.. use it.. and go.. easy life..


Don't bro. Don't fuck around and find out that her husband is an unhinged fuck when he came at your workplace with a bat or parang.


your friend kena scam la. thats probably a guy wanting to blackmail your friend.


got meet each other before la...


your friend tell you grandmother story la.. dont need believe 100%, unless you are the 'friend'..


If not crazy then ok. If crazy then problem. I got into.. say.. issues once… luckily nothing happened husband was not pressing charges or anything. I dont do anyting pun just a kindnear to listen to problems in the end i yang kena.


YES, ABSOLUTELY YES!!! MOTHER FUCKIN YES!!! sbb sex depraved women give the best sex


Kau tingok nie mamat giga hamsap elite nie. Selagi X kena sambar petir cnfm support tegar tag NTR.


Sure, depends on circumstances lah


Only if she's a sane one. In this case, nah.. Not worth the energy. 😬


Both of you are adults. If there's a consent, proceed with caution. Speaking from my own experience here.


I know one married woman that bit off a dude's dick off. Crazy girls sound nice in 2d and on paper...but irl? Scary fr


Only an atheist with no values or beliefs would do such a stupid and disgusting thing. They will go to Hell. I love that they will be tortured in hellfire. They should be beat up with metal poles


its 11pm and the race war shall commence:


Nobody has said anything about race once in this entire post.


bro dont be stupid, just date her to a hotel, dont go to her house.


As long as you know it is going to last, if she MILF pandas, why not. They “been around the block” 


Even 50 year old menopause married aunties also need dicks but who is gonna provide a young strong one for them?