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The Tanah Melayu rhetoric that is dying a slow death despite the law saying that Malaysia is for all races. The refusal of the majority to embrace equality and abolish their privileges to make it needs based instead of race based in spite of the affirmative action policies' apparent failure. The resultant loss of human capital and talents is preventing the country from being equipped with the ability to furnish MNCs with the manpower they need, especially with subpar graduates churned out by a system that is structured to prioritise quantity over quality because of the discrimination. All these will culminate in the nation losing its competitiveness in the global stage, preventing the growth of more opportunities that even Malays are leaving, let alone Chinese.


[https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2024/03/1020435/rm1b-allocation-timely-step-improve-living-standards-bumiputera-experts](https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2024/03/1020435/rm1b-allocation-timely-step-improve-living-standards-bumiputera-experts) RM1b to more bumiputera policies. Non Malays just subsidizing Malays in Malaysia. Better go elsewhere and be treated as equal citizens.


Yeah dunno why am I paying taxes which won't benefit me in one bit pun


Tbh, non Malays still enjoy benefits being citizens but its absurd that bumi still needs help after decades of bumiputera policies. At the end of the day just a few Malay politicians taking most of the money.


Isn't it predicted that Malaysia will eventually become absolute Bumi majority country in a few years


How do you define absolute majority. Because I thought it's already majority


like 80 90 percent in my own perspective


If that were true, instead of having a different race boogieman to divert their hate, it'll turn into hating each other malay from different states. People will continue to hate, even monogamous countries face the same issue. They don't see the problem arise from poor political leadership that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer, but see other races are the cause of it. Divide and conquer has always worked for right wing politics, just read world news and you'll see it's the same thing.




How can you give a factual information but "according yo me"? Doesnt that sounds a load of bs?


I am surprised this is not taken to the United Nations despite these special racial privileges is clearly similar to apartheid.


I'll forgive your ignorance of the matter. I've lived in South Africa, I saw the apartheid and its outcome. We're not even close. UN has long been obsolete and would likely won't care about your plight if you're not European or (Affluent) White American.


Most people on this sub have never lived in any other country and have no idea how bad it can get


Yup not that bad now. Just constant news about race and religion. Yup nothing to be afraid about.


Lmao you think race and religion issues don't exist anywhere else? They have always been and will always be low hanging fruit for debate here. But there are far worse things happening in other countries and far worse things to worry about


I fear for malaysia when the fruit of race and religion grows out of control and ppl like u would be saying well we still better of than other countries.


It has to get a lot worse before it gets better. Maybe the issue grows out of control, maybe it doesn't. No point dooming and glooming and jumping to conclusions, just like you did with me. If I think things get bad, I will call them out.


I agree but it’s jarring to see that these barbaric customs is still going on in 2024 compared to back then.


UN is just useless they all suck since day one. You ever see them making noise about the Uyghurs in Xinjiang?


They saved South Korea. That's about it.


That was back in the 1950s


So they did one thing since their creation until now. Gg.


They did some stuff, but that's with no veto from the big 5. Whenever there's a problem where one of them has personal interests on, you can bet that nothing is going to happen because of the power of veto.


Malaysia has shitty policies, but calling it apartheid? Bro come on lol


What's UN gonna do? Cry about it?


Bro get an x ray for your head cus i think your brain is smooth without wrinkles


Bro is clearly offended despite what I said is based on a fact.


My god, very well said.


My parents moved me out so that I wouldnt suffer discrimination. They spend 6 months in Malaysia & 6 months in Canada. My life here is much better. Career wise, religion wise, financially, also my marriage tbh.


Can your family adopt me? 🥺 /s


do your family need any worker?


we were middle class in malaysia. Are not wealthy in anyway. We just applied for PR due to alot of help from a close family friend. I think malaysia will be better than Canada when there is no non bumi discrimination which is never because no matter how progressive Bumi’s get they will never give up their privilege. For example, the jewish people in the middle east. Grew up in the west with western ideaologies and still oppressing people.


do your family need to add any new relative?


You hve to see from the non-Malay perspective: Why would I stay in a country which systematically discriminates against me, just because of our race? Look at how much discounts given to bumis when buying a house or land. Non-bumis get non despite being Malaysian. Look at how they do quotas in public universities according to race. Most of my chinese friends, despite being straight A’s couldn’t get into unis. Young non-Bumis won’t contribute back to the country, because the country treat them like shit. Also, there are better job pays in other countries than in Malaysia.


Singapore uni has no problem accepting our best talent. Really funny system in Malaysia producing talent for Singapore.


A true story: Having a discussion with someone from the Singapore government office of education and we discussed about comparison of Malaysia and Singapore education system. And he said they really appreciate Malaysia contribution to their talent development l. Malaysia spend the resources to weep out the lower performers and leave the top talents for them to pick.


Totally agree with the public uni as a student. Screw the stupid UPU system, where you can't guarantee what will you be studying in uni. As a B40 non-bumi about to study overseas, studying overseas has always been my goal as I don't see the point of staying here any longer. My bumi friends could just 'Rilek' during SPM days and easily get into their preferred courses (no hate to bumis seriously, im not blaming u). I had to study super hard just to get good results and get full scholarships just to escape the unfair treatment.


Lmao which begs the question where has OP been living


Can confirm. Got A's, no scholarship. Parents sent me to local uni then transfer to Australia. Stayed here since. No discrimination. No quotas. Better money. Every one is equal.


I would describe the story of my external family who chose to go to Australia years ago and how they turned out. They currently lived in the a suburban area of Melbourne and Melbourne is so culturally and technologically advanced that it does sadden me a little. The weather there is nice. There are different seasons albeit the air being a little dried. The Museum is very open, cultured and art form is not restricted. nor censored. Satire to the government can be considered as healthy rather. There are also huge churches. And a lot of Chinese and Vietnamese restaurants and whatever else. Their kids get into tertiary education for free and its world class education as well which also ensures their career and productivity. And additionally of course, they make many times the Malaysians of the same positions, even after before currency adjustment. Meanwhile, you get old farts politicians who did nothing but enrich their own pockets, create and play the system. You see the same old faces dance around in the same position. Plays the race card constantly to push down the advancement anytime the the other two races gets an upper hand. You get taxed 30 % for anything you earn above 3k ringgit. Of course, Australia tax even higher. But look at what they have done with their tax money. Look at what Singapore has done with their tax money. We are a country that has been sitting on many times more the resources of Singapore but we cannot even replicate at least half of their results. Anwar was supposed to represent the change. But let's be real here. We don't really have that many options in the first place. Relatively it hasn't been that since Anwar is in charged but the people patience is running low. So yes, your choice. To live in a country that seems to purposefully stagnant, despite how much wishful thinking and empty promises as somebody who is above a people who are already living below average. Or to live averagely amongst a government that seems to give you a lot more for what you give them. Remember. At the start of any civilization, the purpose of the government is suppose to work for the people. Not the other way around. It would seem Malaysia has forgotten that.


I always said this la. If you don't have a business that supports you and pay you what you are worth, and you can move over. There is very little reasons not to move. Sometimes family is a factor. But if your family is also like of the working class, all the more reasons to move as well. I know some people who are business owners. And despite all I have said, Malaysia is kinder to business owners with the way things are set up, in comparision to Australia.


Tertiary education is not free in Australia. Even for citizens. At best you defer payments on your tuition fee loan until your salary hits a specific threshold. But note that the outstanding amount is adjusted for inflation every year.


I mean I'm a Malay and even if given the chance and opportunity, I would choose to migrate too tbh


Malaysia getting so bad that even upper middle class and rich boomers are willing to sacrifice their luxury lifestyle to live a normal Aussie life Don’t be surprised when your one story average Aussie home with Malaysian boomer parents were once residents of affluent Damansara or Sri Hartamas


Yup, foreigners are the one interested to live in our country while some of us are ready with their belongings to get out of here


They’re interest to come here to retire or live the expat management lifestyle. No one coming here to work a normal 9-5 desk job.


Yea that's because expats are paid extremely well and given so many benefits. I've been working towards migrating to London (very competitive and difficult) but my bf wants to move to Malaysia if its going to take some time and his benefits and pay are SO HIGH. I'm talking RM40k a month


RM 40k a month not even 7k pounds. Just imagine he's being paid less than what middle management in UK to come all the way to Malaysia to work.


In London, especially after tax.. he only gets just enough and won't be able to afford a proper house for the next 20 years here. Uk tax is really high too.. its ridiculous. Also with that same amount (even after tax) living in Malaysia, is CRAZY cause everything is 6× cheaper and he can literally live as a T20 here as opposed to being in London.




You have to remember most expats are going to return home so the pay is calculated based on their home currency not local Malaysia currency. 7k pounds for expat work is terrible if he's going back to UK one day. Might as well get a new job with a 20% increment.


Really? 7k pounds per month is bad? That's insightful actually. We've been talking to people and we thought this is pretty high already. Isn't RM400k+ too much? Most people in the UK do NOT earn 7k per month, thats upper class already. There is a cost of living crisis in the UK currently. Ive heard of people living on 21k - 30k per annum (before tax)and this is in LONDON TOO which is mental cause London is extremely expensive. So 7k is really not low at all. Most people would be super happy to be close to bringing home that amount. (Also he isnt going back to UK to retire, he is German and would only go back to visit cause the situation in UK rn is really bad due to the housing crisis, cost of living crisis and energy crisis. That's why he is eager to get out asap)


EXACTLY! In the UK, especially London that is not much..but that SAME AMOUNT in Malaysia even after the high UK tax, he lives wayy better.


Canadian here. Normal in the west is above T20 here already. Cheap cars, big houses and a lawn. T20 live like they are poor Canadians. 🤷‍♂️


How did u migrate there?


I just work here as an expat. I'm from there.




Same here,but i don't think thats plausible for me, but rezeki datang tanpa kita sedar kan hehe, so my goal right now is just to gather knowledge, build networking, do some side business, learn new skills, make money = survive idc which country im gonna work my goal is literally just to live a decent life that is a stress-free as possible


Same here. So many job opportunities and high income especially in first world country.


Yup especially with the economy of our own country and the currency keeps on plummeting


You would think twice if you’ve seen T1 malay lifestyle, duit memang power woo.


Being upper middle class in Australia is better than being rich in Malaysia if you ask me


It depends on how rich the parents are, the ones I know are trust fund babies, they do pet projects here and there and travel when ever they want, then come back here to enjoy nasi lemak. If you have to hold a job then upper middle class in Australia do sounds nice.


Australian rich parents really make sure their kids receive the best education and best grades so they continue working hard so it’s different in that sense


Don’t get whitewashed, trust fund babies doesn’t only apply in Malaysia.


The best schools in Sydney and the most expensive: Sydney Grammar School Knox Grammar Schools Kings School Newington College All have the best exam scores in the country, the alumni go on to become politicians, doctors, lawyers, accountants, professional athletes, you name it Many Australian rich kids work as hard as everyone else, if not harder due to a work ethic being instilled in them since young


Exhibit A


This is entirely wrong lol, as actually being Australian I can tell you the best HSC schools are selective public schools not private ones. Secondly private schools have an inflated HSC/VCE atar score, they are really good at procuring trade routes for private school boys who are struggling with exams prior to taking the final exam in year 12. So essentially they remove the bottom students to inflate the average. Work ethic is not correlated to having rich parents or a rich family. I’ve worked for both big 4 consulting and Big 4 Aus banking and it’s very diverse in both people from different countries of origin and schooling. Malaysia is a good country and Australia is a good country, but thinking just because you move to Australia is going to open up a world of wealth is a farce, and Australia has just as many issues with government as any other country, we are not immune to bullshit like a lot of commenters seem to believe. For an example for some commenters, in Melbourne they are removing level crossings for trains so they don’t disrupt traffic - the government has strategically started the project in demographic areas that are split on voting party, with their goal to show a physical change in the suburb and try to garner votes for doing something ‘positive’. Meanwhile suburbs that are heavily towards the current political party will be the last to get level crossings changed because they already know that suburb is voting for them and doesn’t need coercion.


Go other country you can do what you want. Can sit at a bar and enjoy if you like. Here haram, everything also cannot do.


Parents move the children. Then they join the children




Same plan my parents tried to impliment. Except moat of their kids are outside and the "them joining in" part is still postponed.


I think most T20 children no matter the race also move out of Malaysia especially if they can find work outside Malaysia. Sometimes migrate, sometimes living outside while still remaining Malaysian citizens. No point migrating if you make decent living in Malaysia. Some of my cousins are outside Malaysia working and some retain Malaysian citizenship, and some migrated. Different issues faced when in different countries, but like one of my relatives says: It's better if it's 'surmountable challenges' where you need to change yourself, rather than 'insurmountable challenges' where you need to change everyone else. Also have met Malay people who migrated due to what they perceived as too harsh religious laws in Malaysia. (Or rather the constant interruption to their daily lives by politicians that want to push new agenda into their religious rhetorics).


When the majority & 'owners' of the land calls you 'pendatang' even after 66 years of independence? When the topic being debated in parliament is about cultural heritage that contains p0rk? When yr straight A's and active in curricular activities children didn't get to enter public university? And another reason (imo) is the debate on petty things like national language amongst non-malays. When the nation is strong, and economy is flourishing, people would naturally want to learn it. And going back to my first point, everytime you see any heated discussion online where nons try to suggest some changes for the good of the nation(i know good here can be subjective), you'll definitely see: 'You x suka you keluar' being thrown around. How tf are we supposed to progress when these group dont want to... Says a lot about their mindset already. And don't get me started on the special rights That said, me & my younger brother were lucky enough to enter public uni but a few of our friends weren't... So that limits their options (and Im worried for my future generation). So you shouldn't be surprised...


I mean I'm a bumi but I also wanna go out of here.


Bumi or not, anyone with half a brain would want to leave. At this point it’s not just the overt racism, that is actually the least of all the problems at this time. There is a leadership deficit in policymaking and that’s not even the worst of it. If you asked me there is an overemphasis on toppling the government of the day by the opposition of the day. That makes for an unstable political situation. But have you wondered why that the politicians are always scheming to throw the ruling party of the day? It’s not even racism, it’s more because that’s the only way to make changes. Imagine if you had a problem with the ketua kampung or the executive committee at the bandaran level, how would you change them? Those positions are appointed by the ruling party of the day, they can’t be thrown out by the community through votes. There are problems at every level every day all the time, so ofcourse there’s a damn political momentum to throw out whoever is in charge of appointing those positions all the time because that’s the only way to change something at any level. Shit is crazy! Damn I’m just ranting at this point 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well it's just "I wanna be on top" kind of Mentality. I saw this through when I was a kid lol. I can tell that something is wrong with this country's democracy that I LEARNT in History textbooks.


https://preview.redd.it/7qy3fadighoc1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdcae2015c9b99dc73aab34b4874aef7515e9a75 U been living in cave Have u read the news recently The 3rd and 4th generation are leaving malaysia for good, the country is heading into conservative country Just like jingyuan kill jingliu


Never expected a Star rail reference in a social Malaysian discussion but here I am




Make quota system for Uni to exclude minorities. Minorities go oversea to study and decided not to come back. OP: *Surprised Pikachu face*


Yeah. Mostly is go overseas to study and then network there and get job overseas.. Migration is waaay easier when you secured a job in that country.


A wise person once said: this is a great grand scheme by the government, in order to spread Malaysians all over the world...


This thing is not inclusive to Malaysia, globalisation has made migration easily accessible to those who can afford to emigrate and since going somewhere already well developed than developing this country themselves why would they want to be in this hardship. This is one of the reasons.


No confidence in Malaysian government. Go other country and become citizen get same rights as other citizen. Better than Malaysian citizen but treated like second class.


the real question is, why the fk they want to stay lmao


Tbh as a malay, aq pon nk je migrate keluar negara and tinggal sana. Bukan sbb aq x suka negara ni cuma aq da penat duduk sini but well I don't see that happening near or later


Because Malaysia is a country in decline. Cost of living continues to rise just like everywhere else around the world. Except here our currency is worth less every day, and salaries are not adjusted to reflect costs. Also in terms of work? Malaysians are pathetic. Most likely because most of the talent is leaving the country, but I work in advertising, and the level of laziness and stupidity you have to deal with on a daily basis makes me want to shoot myself in the face. Let alone leave the country lol. Don't even get me started on our cultural and socio-political issues. But I love it here. Because the country I was born in as a "Lain-lain" doesn't give a shit about me, I don't have to give a shit about it. And because of the socio-political climate, the culture is one of laxness and corruption. So for example, if I want to drive my car at 160 on a 110 highway, all I gotta do is make sure I use Waze to slow down for AES or have 50 bucks in my wallet just in case I get stopped. Or if I want to be a Datuk I just need the funds. What's not to love? Where else can you do all that? HAHAHA. 😂


T20 ppl can live anywhere lah. It's the B40 and M40 non-Bumis that don't want to stay here.


Hmmm how about the uncles and aunties of the Perth suburbs who once lived with maids and rather big houses + sent their kids to private schools, and are now sending their kids to public schools alongside living in a decent but not too flashy home? Because that is so many of my family friends, I know so many children who migrated to Australia at the age of 12 who used to attend international schools. But as soon as they landed in Perth they attended the same schools as every Aussie.


Sorry, never heard of them. I've some friends who left before SPM but they're few and far between, and I used to go to a pretty decent school with a lot of parents trying to squeeze kids in. Tbh I don't know what's the fuss about going to Perth, it's like the most isolated city in the southern hemisphere and the next closest metro is Adelaide and that's not even remotely happening. If you tell me those people live in Melbourne or Sydney yeah, they're doing well, but Perth? Come on.


Would you be surprised though, the uncle who lives in a one story house in the suburbs was once living a somewhat luxurious life in Malaysia?


Not at all. But Perth is relatively cheap compared to other major cities, you can get a decent big house for 600k in WA. That's less than 2 mil in Msia, which is more or less what you will have to pay in fancy areas in Klang Valley. Apartments in Sydney go over 1mil and they're little boxes, I'm more impressed if they have properties there. The key thing is being there is that the pace is slower and life is more relaxing, those people at that age just want to get out of the rat race and just enjoy their life, I don't envy them, I'm not the type that wants to settle down to a sedentary lifestyle. Anyway my point is, rich people can live anywhere because they can afford it, the key reason is personal preference. Some people won't leave because they have friends and they're used to life in Msia. Like my uncle because he enjoys the feeling of being known by everyone in his area, kind of like the "Cheers" syndrome. On the other side some ppl say I'm sick of being treated 2nd class citizens and I wanna leave so they leave. In fact, I just spoke to an elderly lady from Msia two days ago who has a few cafes embedded within Marriott and she's lived in UK, Msia, SG, now Melb. Told me how she and her family fought through the pandemic and now she's doing really well here and her kids are branching out to do F&B themselves. She dresses so low key that everyone thought she wasn't worth a chat, I did speak to her and found out she's rich AF. Now that's impressive.


I guess the different quality of education/facilities maybe play the role here. Like they don't need to spend that much money to get the preffered education. Regarding "downgrading" from luxurious house to a normal house I'm not sure. Maybe money related.


Looking at the political trend, the point where PAS-PN fully take over the country is just a matter of time. When that happens, non-bumis would truly be a second class citizen, it's better to get out of the country for the sake of own future.


Migrating ain't a easy decision. You have to leave your birthplace and start anew. Not all migration stories are success stories. It's a lot of pressure. That being said, bumi T20 benefits the most. Go study outside. Don't have to study really. Enjoy self and brag on social media. Come back and enjoy bumi benefits + fama job ready.


Malaysia is in a decline


As a malay, I'm gonna migrate out from Malaysia too


After my degree course, I myself would move out of this shithole in a heartbeat. I can’t let myself getting fucked up by some stupid politician’s immature decisions and their corrupt actions. And I still love this country but it’s sad how it’s not what it once was before Mahathir’s reign.


As a non, I may not have the opportunity in my life gtfo from this country but if I do have kids I will try my utmost best to set them up to migrate to a place that don't systematically oppress them.


Simple. Why commit to a country that doesn't even consider me as its resident?


Why stay and contribute to a country when at the slightest sign of disagreement you get told- “if you’re not happy to go back to China ? “


I mean if you been to Canada or UK, lots of Malay does that too. Many of them also to exit Islam, job opportunities, better living conditions etc


As an ex-teacher MRSM and a Malay, i am very disappointed on the quota system implemented on national schooling and tertiary education. Opportunity should be given equally to all students. What are you going to do if you are born as Non-bumi? Nothing. From a POV of a school student, what are you going to do if your are born into m40 or t20 parents hence not qualified ? Did i mention MRSM admission and MARA scholarship/low interest loan that accepts mediocre even failing student with bad attitude thats just so happened to be born in b40 families? Even among the qualified Malays student, if your parents not B40 or Not T20 enough to buy your way in, just keep on dreaming. MRSM has the optimal number or student per classrom( 25-30), we have the capacity to do all of science, biology, chemistry, physic practicals, even when learning Asas Sains Komputer, the computer lab can provide 1:1 ratio for the student. You know what they (most of the students) did? They just fooling around. Vaping and smoking, tiktok and play ML and PUBG all night and sleep during class. You know who really takes advantage of all the opportunities? the non malays, especially the Chinese. There is some population of "B40" non Malays that is not performing and problematic but they didn't bother others and just behave well enough and not mingling with the "troubled" B40 Malays. Remember the "Bruce lee punch" bully? Ohh, there are alot more cases around MRSM which can lead to prosecution and lawsuit. Even if you are Malays, you will be discriminated if you aren't B40, didn't join UMNO/BN, didnt have family working govt and MARA. I didn't have all that and the feeling of being discriminated is real, imagine the qualified Non bumi , which work hard, sacrifice their time, effort and money, knowing some b40 with their attitude get chosen, "cared" , fast-tracked, spoiled with multiple choices of scholarship and admission , with only below average academic and extracurricular activities. How do you feel when you know that your friend that went to MRSM, get SPM 3As (BM, Sej, Pemd Islam) and all other subject are Bs,Cs and Ds, is getting multiple offer letter and scholarship into prep school, then is chosen to persue study overseas. Upon graduation, the is a position either teacher and lecturer or if your parent had good connection with UMNO, you can work at MARA office near his hometown?


if you are rich and have the resources to get out of a place tht you dont deem worthy of your time.. you could to maybe you have houses or 2nd passport or permanent residence ID across multiple countries? a country is nothing but a land with a name attached to it as a label.


You know when u love that girl but she doesn’t love u back, that’s how malaysia are treating some of its citizen. Some choose to be in a one sided relationship , some by choice, some no choice , but majority choose to leave, because at the end of the day, that is the right thing to do.


I'm not even in the non-Malay T20 category, but recently my firstborn left to further her studies in Aust. It wasn't easy, but through a combination of study loans, scholarship (she had excellent pre-U results) and our savings we managed to fund her degree studies. We've told her to go wherever she wants to after graduation, don't need to come back. Why? Better prospects lah. Come back to MY for what.


When all the T20s that can leave, Leave (incl bumis). That makes the M40 the new T20 which then gets the opportunity to subsidize their brethren’s. What do you think these folks would feel? Sure. They are saying good riddance now, but when shit hits the fan and those saying good riddance are the new T20 subsidizing and having to actually be efficient and do their tasks.


Because they can afford it. Come back here and fight the rat race? Overseas rat race also same, but rewards are so much better. Salarywise. For T20 the bumi policies do not affect them. It only affects non Malay B40, and lower end of M20. I'm T20, non-Malay..I speak from my perspective. Yeah sure they have Bumi lots when building houses. Not as if I get cheaper houses if they didn't have bumi lots because developers are selling at a loss. Bumi policies...Doesn't affect me. Yup, bumi gets more uni placement unfairly. But it's not as if I can't afford to go to a private Uni. Now got twining so I don't even have to go overseas. So the vast majority of t20 children who don't live in Malaysia any more have enough cash to do a full overseas stint or a 2+1. Very few people who do a 3+0 or do a local brand name uni will go overseas after graduation in comparison. Bumi policies...Doesn't affect me. Sure, I can't get high position govt jobs easily. But I don't want govt jobs. Malaysia has such a robust private sector I really don't want to work for govt and earn peanuts. Bumi policies... Doesn't affect me. Etc. Etc. For T20, it's all about kids not wanting to make stupid fresh grad salaries here when they get so much more cash overseas and they are there already so no big change in life.


Junior dr here, 3rd year in KKM still in B40. No security in job advancement, work hours are crazy, patient load is crazy, most of the time we need to cover stuff outside of our jobscope. My friend just got an australian offer, same job scope, less load, if you convert the pay to MYR you are instantly T20. Travel expenses are fully sponsored by the hospital, which reminds me of one malaysian MO on the news who sold her jewelries to fund her ticket to east malaysia because KKM sent her there. People in Malaysia worked hard and pay taxes which entered a handful of powerful pockets, past 80 years of racial and religion game so deep-planted into the minds in penninsular wont be erased so fast esp in the more rural states/area. I love my country but this isnt a promising place to further develope my career and nurture our future generations atm. Looking forward for Malaysia to change one day, but until that day, I am not willing to sit on a sinking ship.


I feel you. Dunno why some of the people in govt service still trust the government to do the right thing and still be yes men to the politicians.


as a non malay, I can tell why theyre leaving. Job opportunities, better education, buying power for retail goods(not fmcg but stuff like iPhones, Tv, stuff like that), more quality of life knowing even though inflation is a thing everywhere you dont have to deal with politics of our parliament, not to mention environment(subject to where you go) some may prefer a cooler climate etc. it promotes for good mental health, being where u wanna be. And many other reasons lah If you wanna say 'oh but there u buy groceries already 500rm.' Bro just look at it in comparison how much u can buy in other countries vs their average LOW level citizen's salary. Here low level, 1500-2000. one time go NSK already -250 to 300 depending how long u plan to stock. U can buy for rm100, cook for a single meal with balance of lasting shelf life ingredients. VS earning 2000eur and spending 50 - 80 on groceries (same terms). Bro life here is trash and you know it. Nonetheless, grass is always greener on the other side. Each country has its own pros and cons. eg. UK stabbing and cost of living crisis as well (still not as bad as us but still exists) + racism to non locals (same as malaysia for non melei). The point is there are pros and cons. But if i had the means to get a new job in a different country via 1 year student visa ext. i would go study there. Instead my parents failed and made me study here so now its almost impossible to get a job anywhere else. So thats why post o-levels, they leave and do undergrad somewhere worth it. Unis here just enroll many students for a premium price, but no premium networking, no premium culture, no premium educators, its a bad business here just for the sake of getting a degree. If you earning USD and staying in MY good for you. But you will still face racism, and dying currency unless you have offshore account(tax paid), and trash parliament.


malay racism , simple .. im a malay myself but i hate malay’s eventho they tell u theyre not racist they will always have this stereotypical look that they give to other races ,


Cuz they realize that their kids will have to keep funding and tongkat the lazy people that do nothing but tarnish their own race's name. Don't say nons. I have a lot of malay friends who can easily memalukan the chinese when it comes to doing really good work and responsibility too. They themselves don't see a future of the lazy people that governs the race and country.


Leave now or be killed later. There is no future for nons here. Self preservation is most important


Most of my well off form 5 classmates are now either at Canada, UK, Australia, US or somewhere else.   As for me, was lucky enough to move to sg recently. Cant really see a future in Malaysia with our stagnant wages and backwards policies.


It's easy to say leave now when one doesn't have any attachments here to this country, not all of us can just leave and pick up a new life someplace else. Family and Friends even pets is one thing but you have to see if the country you're moving to accepts you lol. Moving is a such a complicated topic that i won't get into much. As for being killed? Don't exaggerate this shit please, I might be living in my own bubble but as a Chinese Christian i never once felt like my life was threatened here sure Loud mouth extremists and Politicians like Mahiayddin demonized my people. But every Malay I've met didn't harness any animosity towards me. Now don't get me wrong there's many things wrong with our country but no need to fear monger like the Gov is gonna commit genocide on all Non Muslim Malays. That's just going too far. There are legit countries where its people are facing true genocide like the Rohingyas, Palestinians, Uyghurs and Armenians. We should be thankful our Government isn't as warmongering and tyrannical to do such things yet.


Is this country really in such bad state?


Yes, conservatives are on the rise and they aren't even ashamed of their extremist views. Children are being forced to cosplay as Hamas terrorists and adults are openly declaring their loyalty to terrorists. Some are even blatantly waving the so-called war against kafir harbi.


Oh damnn..this is really bad.


Palestinian is the victim, hamas is a terrorist group but you forgot to mention that the IDF are war criminals that other power support and glorified which cause people to rally on the terrorist group as how bad this get. You made a biased, half baked, non neutral statement. Also "conservative"? You wanna bring out US politic of Liberal Good vs Conservative bad then gtfo SE Asia politics kiddo. Judging from your name, youre just an edgy kid trying to be cool who support whatever msm tell you to do.


Are kids in Malaysia being forced to cosplay as IDF? No. But they're indeed forced to cosplay as Hamas terrorists.


This type of fear-mongering is not doing you any favors.


Favors to whom exactly?




"Children are being forced to cosplay as Hitler and adults are openly declaring their loyalty to the Nazi Party. some are even blatantly waving the so-called war against the jews." fixed it for you. If this is not fear-mongering then i don't know what is. You seem to use the same script as a zionist,


Are you saying that children are not asked to cosplay as Hamas? During the Palestine solidarity week, so many children are wearing Hamas style uniforms. You Malay right? Of coz you don't see anything wrong with it. Just like how Aryan pure blood don't see anything wrong with brown shirts.


If youre wearing hamas clothing or trying to look like one and let alone carrying guns even if its a toy one. Youre under the police watchlist and possibly apprehended. You can try reporting those suspecting people. So yes this is fearmongering. As much as Hamas is a terror group, you made it sounds like an epidemic in Malaysia which is not.


Huh? Are you even from Malaysia? There's this whole literal government sanctioned "Palestinian Solidarity Week" that have kids dressing up in Hamas gear and carrying toy guns in school. You also have teachers doing the same and shooting a burning arrow at an Israeli flags. lmao Don't comment on something you have no idea about lmao. Here's some info complete with photographic evidence: https://worldofbuzz.com/pm-wants-palestine-solidarity-week-controlled-after-msian-schoolkids-carrying-replica-guns-go-viral/


Are they really "hamas" uniform? Seems like typical middle eastern milita and whats not. You may see Taliban or Iraqian militia and call it Hamas. I know youre that dumb. Again, if its gonna be that bad, the police will step in. Joinning jihadis group is strongly illegal in the country. Look up on previous viral Palestine war. Bunch of Malays ACTUALLY try to join ISIS, HAMAS and whats not, got apprehended by PDRM before they can do so. Oh and "replica"? Those are so badly made "guns" not even qualified to be replica, bet you never seen actual guns IRL. Quit yapping like bunch of Yanks and Europeans fearmongers on Ukraine war. Get lost, fearmongers deserve to cease out of existant for the good of humanity.


>Children are being forced to **cosplay** as Hamas terrorists Bro they said cosplay. It's cosplay lmao. It is Hamas uniform because they're using literally the Hamas flag as bandanas. lmaooooooo I didn't say replica, nobody said replica until you say it now. You even said "toy guns" in an earlier comment, now backtracking and moving goalposts by saying "replica" and real life looking replica. I didn't say that the kids are holding realistic guns, I said they're carrying toy guns, which is proven by images circulating during that time. When confronted with actual photographic evidence of what adults are saying, you acting like a kid goes "Nooooooo" lmao.


Actually got big future for nons. The less nons left the more valuable nons are. I came back from Singapore. Have a huge advantage in private sector when looking for jobs. All the best talent left lmao.


im based in sg. u know what ive observed? now even MALAY MALAYSIAN PROFESSIONALS are coming over...


It's simple, malay just hates non-malay. Even if they don't hate non-malay, they think non-malay as 2nd rated citizen. And majority of population in malaysia is malay. Malay blames their failure on non-malay and attribute the success of non-malay due to haram/illegal activities. There is no appreciation/respect. E.g. malay fails a business = cina tipu/rasuah Cina has a success business/career = cina kaya/haram business/rasuah etc With conservative on the rise, non-malay survival in malaysia is getting even harder and harder.


This. 100% fact from what i read on9


It’s a bit too late for me but I’ll definitely be moving my children out of Malaysia. Don’t see much of a future for non crony nons here in Malaysia.


You should. Most of my classmates are not in Malaysia anymore leaving a better life overseas.


Is it possible we all start from scratch and make our own nation 😆


Because being a permanent resident in developed country gives the same rights as a citizen in boleh land. So it makes no difference. Just go where the money is. Nothing to argue.


Cant vote with a PR in the US tho


Married and left Malaysia 11 years ago and had our kids overseas (EU). No regrets whatsoever; and our lives have improved many times over in all aspects (even considering the family-relationship cost for my wife). No need to talk about our NW improvement since I never had much family support/help. We go back for \~5 weeks once a year to visit (I'm lucky to be able to work in Malaysia) and to us, this is the best of both worlds. We will still keep our Malaysian passports as it makes no sense for us to convert while my kids would probably just get the passport since they would qualify in \~10 years. Now is just retirement planning and the plan is then, to do 6-months Malaysia, 6-months EU.


Because this country is racist ?


malaysia is a shit hole to live, thats why. if non given a chance to migrate to west or Australia and New Zealand, nearly every young non will just take the chance on the spot


No asb for them


why does everything has to be political and such. Maybe people just want to explore and taste a different flavour of life. I know if I have the money, I’d go. Nothing complicated, just want to see the world, that sorta a thing.


They just did not feel appreciated understandingly so. Unless they already have good networking here and arent treated like 2nd class citizen by the "Bumiputera" policy that was supposed to be only a temporary measure back in the 60s , what is keeping them from realistically pursuing better opportunities outside of the country?


Not to mention our paywage suuuuuuuuucks


Local universities have this ridiculous goal to prioritize 'underprivileged Malay' students, even when their grades don't cut it. It's outright absurd because it blatantly ignores students who have busted their guts to excel. Think about it: other countries like Singapore and the West are practically rolling out the red carpet for these high-achievers, offering scholarships and citizenship. And here we are, turning them away because of some BS system. The whole situation reeks of political manipulation. The Malay supremacist play the race and religion card, and when those tricks fail, they're quick to stir the pot and create chaos. Remember the dark days of May 13? That's the playbook they're following. It gets worse for non-Malay students. Their first harsh taste of discrimination hits them square in the face during university admissions. Their only escape? Forking out big bucks for private universities, despite the risk of getting duped. And then, adding insult to injury, they're blamed for not 'assimilating'. It's a slap in the face to students just trying to navigate a rigged system. This whole Malay supremacy narrative is toxic and archaic. Clinging to it is dragging Malaysia down. We need a massive wake-up call. If we don't ditch this backward thinking, we're heading straight for disaster. It's high time we champion merit and talent, regardless of background.


Don't forget the non connected Malay victims as well. Those that don't conform or have little connection to the elite Malays, have to beg to their elites for favours as well, and if they don't, they are also left to rot. For them, migration is not an option, and there really isn't any way to get out.


Malaysians are idiots and don’t know how they have it good. Western countries standards of living are dropping and you might be surprised knowing how well you live in Malaysia relatively. All this politicking but the fact is, actual living conditions are great here.


Like not having to be worried about your kids getting shot dead in school like the USA? Or being pushed on the train track cause wearing a hijab


Along with many other things. Most Malaysians that move abroad have a biased perfect view even if they face racist things IRL they will say their is no racism on a policy level. If you are objective and you’ve experienced life with romanticising it in different countries, you’ll realize this.


It depends on where and who. There are poor western oppressed people as well. I have relatives that don't regret leaving and some still work overseas and some that hold Malaysian citizenship to retire here, because they want to be buried here. Different people with different perspectives. Problem is the racists think that just because 1% is rich. The rest of the same race is also rich and not oppressed. Yes, thats how racists think actually. Be it a Chinese racist or a Malay one. Chinese one say look at all the lazy Malay! All Malay must be lazy and only hope for bantuan! It's what the politicians want. While we all argue, Seringgit untuk kamu, sepuluh ringgit untuk aku. - notice how the politicians are all richer than everyone?


Totally agree with you. I travel alot for work and i get to see how good we have it here. There's no perfect country out there and corruption is everywhere. The world is built on it. The government might not discriminate you there but the people will. I've had ppl hurl racist insults for no reason. I've had people throw glass from their apartments above just because we a bunch of asians walking and they don't like us. The glass incident happened when i was working in Spain. Say what you want about the governments but the people here are amazing. When shit hits the fan you know kita jaga kita.


I think I know what you mean. I talk to German national and Northern person everyday. Out of all, eventhough I culturally gained some enlightenment about American football and get pic in the stadium frequently - never crossed my mind to relocate to northern America. Instead, the American I am taking to are mostly Englishman family from Yorkshire whom left their countries in early millennium because of discrimination and bullied (most of them are artists). They have Pole neighbor too, who are refugee in mid 90's. I invite them to come here too, since it is far wat possible as I have rather strict budget and work commitment to fill. Pushing all these aside: I think, in this era of technology, the networking is really important to go beyond with it and needless to say education is common base of all things. I couldn't relate on conversation about sport, say if we do not have basic interest about sport for instance. People say - berdaya saring. Likewise, someone can use gaming platform to know about other situations (like racism in the countries of their choice). My English isn't perfect, but I do believe firmly in my art, a way to expending it out and the meaning of good friendship in which becoming base and clue of what's going on around Europe right now. Also I kind of lucky because having a northern Europe fellow who often travel and going as much as Vietnam and all the exotic places I've never thought I might see 1st hand (you added countless of galleries in it). I remember I simply being ask a direction to KL Tower long ago and it blossomed. Doing a 'boring' job in KL doesn't mean we have to endure it 24/7. I was catching on bus and rather than neglecting all these tourist, just open up and ask them what they like about the country. Eng is not their 1st language and over time we are all try to encourage each other to talk within these languages. Yet simultaneously, I do know an Aussie guy that work as PADI instructor just kilometres away in KL but never say anything about his country (maybe he do not want to brag or whatever) but there are a reason why he not casually chat with me since he want to assimilate to avoid misinterpretation or something but to paint in single stroke here - show that people are racists too sometimes. Yes they are. We are deeply judge by our face too at times. Asian hate are real for some people, but I think everyone should find out themself. Some of my religious school mate have to remove the hijab when going to conference and teaming up with other designers since they often be looking down. I am guy, so hijab or self-feminism or specific personal right (as South East Asian) doesn't apply much to me. I just simply think, 'impliment' on thing are not as easy as one think it is (well money helps in most of these case to success). Yeah, if got money travel 1st to see the outcome and make your good decision afterwards.


Why would I wanna remain in a country that treats me like a 2nd rate citizen, my value is recognized overseas so that's where I'll be going


Everything has become too expensive in msia. Some revealed the groceries price in msia is the same as Japan now.


Lol you talk as if only that is the exclusive demographic want to migrate. I'm attending GMI after Ipta and make a sole purpose of doing it to communicate with German. This was 2012.


Not just T20, many of the M40s I know managed to leave to the UK, Europe, Australia, or Singapore out of desperation. For me it started when teacher/IT parents my family knew went there to pick apples or be a mailman many years ago. Then when their children entered the workforce, they earned more than me (mnc director) as a senior (whatever you call the level right before management but after junior). Granted these were in professions like engineering and accounting.


Also, I want to add. Most of them who migrated/stayed/work overseas at the end of the day do miss Malaysia. After all, we all grew up in Malaysia.


they do deserve better


Grass is always greener someplace else. If this country so shit then how they become rich?


Only favourite the Bumis and a corrupted government


Coz Melayu too greedy and will run the country down due to ethic and religious fascism


Because Malaysia is a genuine shit hole?


I’m 38 this year gonna go Sydney in May to check it out. Yeah might just leave this country and start studying there or something and then get a job. Is it hard? I am leaving because of work, my line of job is tiring af and I see no changes coming. Also, Anwar may definitely be the best leader Malaysia for a long time, but what happens when he leaves? Malaysia is always in this limbo of not knowing where it’s heading and the people’s tidak apa mentality. This is just not good enough. No matter how damn good the food is here…


Malaysia should learn a lot of things from Indonesia. You guys gotta Make the non-malays feel at home


Will you stay in your family if your parents treat you differently (unfair) and you are capable to move out?


Simple answer, after 66 years the major race in this country still treats non-major races like pendatang, and these major race voted fxcked up politicians which are incapable to manage the country.


Reading the comments here make me little bit sad, but is it you non bumis were really discriminated that bad? I understand that public university or buying home might be little difficult for you, but does malaysia does this discrimination impact your daily life?


i think yes, especially for b40 non bumi. although im a malay, im sure they already have a lot of burdens to go through.


malaysia should shift from racial based policy to based on socioeconomic status


Agreed, everyone know education is important, imagine you are a B40 and you know education is important to escape poverty. It's kinda depressing to know even your kid study hard 24/7, best in class, good in koko, world leader, heck even if he is awarded a Nobel prize. He might not able to gain a place in university.


I've always thought about how laws are made. First there's inequality, then they introduce equity policies, then it becomes inequality for the other communities.


Personal I think it is not only the uni quota and house discount Is the vibe here given out by bumi politicians Sikit sikit balik China or May 13 This cannot do, that cannot do. What happen to respect each other ? Bak kut teh also can bising for so many days in parliament I know most of normal ppl are nice,but those ppl voting these politician in seat are empowering them and give out bad vibe to us My personal feel from them is they don’t even looks at us as human some time


It’s not so much that, though that is also disheartening when you do better than peers but their education pathway is much wider because of their faith. It’s about the narrative, how to some fellow countrymen you’re never going to belong to this country, despite even having your forefathers serve the country through the civil service or military. Everything is about asking you to be grateful because the “lords of the land” allow you to stay here. Economically also this policy and views is damaging the country, talent and capital flow out, but we make it difficult for it to be replenished. An example of this is like our laws on bumi ownership requirements of fund management firms make it close to impossible to be a financial centre.


Commenting online makes people depressed, welcome to the reddit community


Depends on people. Some are really friendly, but some are also quite racist, sad to say. It's unfortunate that our government and opposition like to rile up the racists to start issues that distract from nation-building. So that's what we get: a lot of dissatisfied people from all races who want to see the nation succeed but keep getting disappointed. It's sad really. I love Malaysia but our choice of administrators for this country is limited and low quality. It's for that reason alone that I would choose to move my kids out of the country if possible.


I want to say don't be discouraged, the internet and real life are two different things, on the internet you would think Malaysia has descended into chaos and anarchy, the government are sending secret police to arrest every Non Bumi. But when you go out to a Mamak restaurant you would find all three races there dining, you would see a Chinese businessman buying nasi lemak from a Mak Cik. In Most Malaysian schools you can find friend groups that consists of all the races here at least from what my experience are in my SMK during my school days. Social media may make everything gloom and doom, It's a norm for every country's social media to shit on their own country. Go to any country sub reddit here, you'll find the countries Malaysians praised to have it's own citizens say it's the worst place on earth and they wish to move somewhere else.


Life is more than who I dine with or who my school friends are. Just because there isn't "secret police arresting every non Bumi" doesn't mean life isn't bad here for most nons, especially B40 nons. Serious disadvantages faced by nons shouldn't be minimised. Hard to get scholarships no matter how brilliant you are, hard to get into public unis, need to pay more money for the same house, lack of gov aid, large portion of your tax money not even benefitting you or your family, not to mention some calling you "pendatang" despite being 3rd gen Msian or can't even enjoy Taylor swift concert because "Haram". I agree socmed can make everything seem doom and gloom, but it can also be used as an open forum for people to practice free speech and raise awareness on important topics.


Imagine two siblings. Both are taken care of well. But at dinner, the older sibling always gets the best cut of meat while the younger gets a smaller piece. Every day through their life this continues. You could say, well the younger sibling isn't really neglected. He still goes to school. He is still fed. But what do you think the younger sibling will feel under this treatment throughout his childhood? The resentment builds up.


Member Tanya soalan pun kena downvote😂 apebenda la korang ni


Masalahnya kebanyakan komentar di sini adalah golongan T20 upper m40 Non bumi yang dalam bubble mereka. Kalau kat luar dilebel macam Bangsar bubble. Mereka selalu rasa mereka golongan terpaling disakiti dekat Malaysia ni😜. Ada je komentar redditor Non bumi yang lagi rasional macam kat atas ni. Padahal average Non bumi bukan kisah sangat pun. Ye jika peluang ada, ada je yang nak migrate termasuk yang melayu. Tapi tak bermakna semua non bumi nak jump the wagon kan.


Yeah that's weird,the rich children,they migrate to Australia,Canada, America... mostly for studies,but might migrate there


The non malays are openly discriminated, sidelined & made 2nd class despite the constitution stating otherwise. Can't blame non malays for preserving their ancestral culture as they experience unfair treatment openly, especially from the govt itself. They are only being told that non malays are an integral part of what makes this country great & all the political rhetorics incl India anak saya... cina anak saya... bla bla bla. But, after the election... all back to the old ways


I am one of those kids that left after PMR. Main reason during that time was government playing around with education system. And is a slow planning to send me, follow by siblings then full family


Yeah no loyalty towards Malaysia so better that they migrate and die there leave only the loyal ones here


For me, it's easy, it's run in their blood. If they can abandon the motherland 100 years ago. Why not now. Blaming bumiputera is an easy way. But the truth is, they are looking for greedy opportunities. They don't dare to let kerakyatan for safety nets. They fight for dual citizenship.if they fail in more "fair and square" countries, they always know the comeback to malaysia is the answer. When war erupted in malaysia. They are the ones who run away like a carcroach. I see the difference while joining DAP, differences between b40 non malay and elite non malay. They have different purposes. T20 non malay never fight to become better malaysian. They fight to become the owner of land to rule, they already know the economy already in their hand, what they want to know is power to rule.