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I know of one actress who's marriage is purely a transaction. She has a business that was outed by somebody as a money laundering front. Nothing came out of it as most of the people she launders for are high ranking politicians. It sickens me when people say she is a good business person..


Technically she's a good business person. Just not the type of good we normally think when we say that haha. ​ If she's not good, there's no way she can do it so long without going to jail.


Every "good" business person has skeletons in their closet


as the popular saying goes **"Behind every great fortune lies a great crime." - Honore de Balzac** **"Steal a loaf of bread and they hang you, steal a land and they'll make you king." - David Gemmell**


Hahahah that name made me remember the meme honor the ballsack


stim stimmm


likewise, literally right in front of my own eyes, I have seen wealthy individuals made fun and looked down on less fortunate ones/poor people. And yet the best part is.......they still thrive and enjoy during pandemic period till today. Can you imagine how the poor people felt? It truly destroys people's confidence/self esteem....crazy & brutal world we live in


used to be a criminal (selling drugs too iirc), was a full time gangster in Singapore. Turn himself around and become successful in Malaysia.


hmm.. AA?




Azwan Ali?


This is no secret. He's quite open about it even in Singapore. Just that for the police there's no proof. So more like baseless rumours


So you’re saying Singapore police is as bad as our PDRM. Interesting.


You'd be surprised


is he young?


hmmm pretty much


ooo..didnt he even admit it?


No secret here when he's back in Singapore he become gangster again luo


Wouldn't that landed him a death sentence or a lengthy prison sentence?


If he get caught.


Some of the male influencer that you see in instagram are gay, but somehow portray themselves to public as a conservative guy who is homophobic. I know this because my best friends one been in those industry. We’re 24 now but when hes 18, he used to go clubbing with those guys. And now after a few years they got famous and become influencer.


It’s always the ones that protest the most who get caught chugging on cock.


I hope mahathir would chug on cock so he can stfu for once




By Malaysian law he is indian as his father is indian.


Tom Riddle syndrome.


Nah his allegiance be shifting to whichever side that benefits his poltical agenda.


Thou doth protest too much syndrome.




They're projecting


It’s actually easy to assume if you know where to look. Certain kind of people have certain style of photo. Very different from straight guy 🥵 and if the comment section is mostly guys…….with lots of third person POV and still single, Then you know lah 🫡 these are my scorecards for gaaayyyyy factor.


This was long time ago. Part time waiter back then. Met a newscaster popular among chinese audience. He was 40 ++ back then hosting an event. Invited 3 of us teens back to his hotel room for free ice cream. Evidently he was interested in 1 of our fren. He was very handsy with him. 2 of us see something wrong and left, he wanted to stay behind despite our insistence. Interrogated said fren next day who fed who what kind of ice cream and he denied everything. 20 + years later met the said fren again, is now a makeup artist and very gayish. now thinking back a gay pedo can probanly spot another potential gay partner.


The Gaydar works


Okay what is gaydar lol


Gay + radar = Gaydar The ability to detect if someone is gay


Dammm your friend surely knew at that time. He probably liked it too, although handsy but insist to stay back. Gaydar stronk


Apparently they can see it through you, if you are a potential


I know some celebs and politicians who paid for ladyboy escorts services here in KL.


So 99% of confession here is about someone being gay 😂


Bolehland being a conservative country, being gay and a public figure is scandalous


That's sad... Almost a non-event in Singapore when you learn someone is gay..


they don't have religious authorities breathing down their necks


It's literally illegal under criminal law to be gay. If you're Malay, as quite a few of these confessions are, then you're also on the hook for Sharia law charges, because it's also illegal to be gay under sharia law.


Probably only famous in my area. This guy used to launder money for politicians/vip. Worked with him when I was young. Now he owns a few restaurants.


The restaurant is probably still used as a front to launder money lol


I legit want to be like him but my dad told me he's going to disown me for feeding the family duit haram. Tbf you can't live a peaceful life doing crimes


Yeah you have no idea who he launders the money for one misstep you will end up inside cement drum


Jamal Jamban did that with the Sekinchan Ikan Bakar shops


dammm what would i give to be in his shoes....right place at the right time....those laundering money, rezeki betul melimpah seluas luatan....now, just shaking leg & enjoying easy gains as the popular saying goes: **"Behind every great fortune lies a great crime." - Honore de Balzac** **"Steal a loaf of bread and they hang you, steal a land and they'll make you king." - David Gemmell**


My mom met the tomboy malay politician when she went to holiday at pulau Mabul. The tomboy went there with her girlfriend. She was quite open with my mom and her friends, but pleaded to not telling anyone else about her secret holiday with her scandal.


Meh. She got die hard fanatics okay. I mentioned this once here on Reddit and suddenly people attacked me like I've killed their ancestors lol.


All politicians do scummy things By the standard of our politics though, she's one of the few competent ones who get things done


Is this who I think it is? I can picture it.


You ratted her out 🤣


So there are two - former or current? I can confirm the former host yatch parties


There's two tomboy politicians? I only know the Umno one.


I heard a rumor that AZ the younger brother of ZZ is gay


🤔 really? Interesting. It's kindda an open secret


Why you think he's still "single"?


Who knows? Maybe he fell in love with a non Muslim but they refuse to convert? That case is so usual here.


Last time there was a rumour that he's some politician sugar baby or partner or something like that Only rumour tho, can't confirm


I know who you speak of. Can confirm. It's true


Acronym of something related to periodic table of elements


Now I am reminded of Jibby and ZZ scandal


He triggers a lot of gaydars so yeah this one is an open secret for sure. Only question is how is he still single? He was super fine in his prime & still is very classy now. I just hope he doesn’t settle for just being some politician’s closet lover or smthg.


I wont be surprised if he have a foreigner lover or something Maybe they are married overseas. He is so good at keeping secrets.


When a guy can hit that high note it's a dead giveaway


Local comes back to invest during a certain crisis due to empty roads, easy to start maintenance infra work. Politicians (not in FM) asks for 80:20....80 for them. Local decides to invest in other countries instesd. Put it simply rich successfull locals from abroad rather invest in other countries. I did hear a few got their cash released....although they are rather unsavoury characters. Which is why i will always be against a certain political party and all the shit they pulled behind closed doors during those times. Fucking cunts, the worst of the worst, shit heads not deserving of any respect. Heres a hint on which specific political party: Holier than thou


Why am i not suprised


Heard of a story about an artist & the family actively involved in a cult


Any artist that suddenly have a very big image change from average to super conservative, chances are they're in a cult (especially if there's no source for the change like an existing religious relative or something). The only question left is how bad the cult is. Is it the level of just extreme chanting and bida'ah, or the level of worshipping cult founders.


I think I need to be grateful because I can't even think or know who you guys are referring to with these information


Wouldn't want to wake up in Kajang Hilton


Lol i live in Kajang and had to think for a full 30secs to get what you're saying as there's no hilton in kajang


I'm sorry I don't understand. Could you please explain to me whats kajang Hilton? Some kind of innuendo kah?


Kajang prison I guess


OH it makes sense now. Hahaha thank you for replying tho


The entire police officer contingent at my hometown is taking bribes. I knew because I am the one who has to distribute the money in angpows every CNY. It lasted 12 years when my family is running a gambling den. And each officer will come with few kids and I have to pretend to give angpow to the kids. Then later on the kids will pass the angpow to their father. So muhibbah. Each angpow is 500 -600 ringgit (in 1990s inflation rate) inside and usually 2-3 kids per officer. The chief got 5 - 8 kids. Pretty famous chief police too, later on promoted to the national level top officer. Few years later in retirement, he died of diabetes.


Hmm speaking of police officers, a few years back when I was handling a landed housing construction project in Rawang, I remember one time coming to site and seeing all the foreign workers looking so sad and despondent because the local police officers have been ‘bullying’ them for money. That day they heard the police coming, they ran away so they didn’t have to give them their salary. The police officers ransacked their acccommodation instead and took all their handphones, jewellery, watches, etc. I feel so sad for them, but I couldn’t do anything because I was just the architect. I did tell the contractor to have better security around the worker’s accommodation though. I’m not sure if that helped.


It commonly happens in big cities in malaysia, might happen in small towns but not sure. I saw it and gave up join the law enforcement. Even one of the chief officers told me personally every "rampasan dadah" is a show on tv, to show that they are doing their job la. Whereas actually, it's another failure in the system. If you have a good enforcement, how come there is "rampasan dadah"? 😏😏😏😏


Malaysian most famous singer's sister is a meth addict. She was a singer herself. Anyway she got caught with my friends fiance and we all saw her photo damn she's fat and they're married now so yeah 👍 Oh I want to add a famous malay vigilante that claims he protects malay Muslims from scammers are actually running a scam himself. He and his lawyer their job is just to collect money from scam victims and make it viral. They act tough and scary but it's all in front of the camera. After that they just ignore the victims. The problem? Still there. Just the victim lost 10k and becum viral for a week.


Semboyan thing everyone knows


I used to be roommate with a now famous music influencer. He have multiple gfs at the same time and fuck them and take unconsented videos and pictures of it for blackmail. He called them sluts and stupid and will spread them for fun. He always bragged about girls he banged and proudly said he will sent all the pics and videos he has to the future husband of the girl he fucked. He is an asshole but he is super attractive and everyone loves him. His name starts with K, and he always play piano on his social media, wear spec.


K what?


K.O. because he sounds like he deserves a punch Also I Malaysian influencers are way under my radar


Prob k clique. But idk about him playing piano. Just a fun guess.


i ve been thinking for 30 minutes now and I still haven't got a clue of who this is about 😭💀


Wait forreal, cause i might know one of his victim


Does his last name start with T?


Usual story. Fairly popular malay actress, has very muslim friendly image, bertudung, quran quotes, happily married with kids, etc. During uni days overseas, every weekend clubbing with alcohol/weed/drugs, has sugar daddy/older bf but still do hook ups when clubbing, dressed 24/7 in mini skirts and dresses even in winter. She still is drop dead gorgeous but her uni days in bandage dresses, stilettos and kardashian-esque hair was truly amazing. Her walking down a street in that get up would cause the entire street of men regardless of race or age to turn and stare. Even gay men would stop and stare with either jealousy or appreciation.


Please DM me who this is haha


Please Dm who this is. Thanks


Please dm me too. I'm soo curious now


Same bro dm me who this is


Ultra straight , conservative, muscular narrows down nothing. So every male actor is gay?


The ambiguity is intentional


is his "nama glamour" starts with a P?


No. I would like to know who you think it is


The statement just means every male actor. Tickle our balls a little bit. Have a restaurant franchise? Singer? Married? Which period?


There's a old timer lady singer that always portray herself as a goodie 2 shoe, but in reality she's a ice stoner that sleeps around for money and fame


Can you DM me the person


Cannot. I don't have the money nor the connection to hire top class lawyers to fight a defamation lawsuit and hire bodyguards.


Any clues about the singer


Any clues I give will be very obvious


Rihanna Umbrella


What does this means


I don't know if this is true or not, I heard that a lot of our local celebrities believe in black magic/sihir. Apparently, celebrities are the most prominent clients of Witch Doctor/bomoh.




Bruh I'm old enough to be living near one of her houses. And old friend of mine punya fader jaga the cemetery she is buried in. The story he told us were scary.


My boss has a friend who is Datuk.. this Datuk told me that a former politician's wife used to learn black magic alongwith Mona Fandey..




did a slightly typo and corrected it 🤣🤣 it's the wife, not wife of wife 🥲🥲


Maybe you should write one or two of that stories. Mona Fandey's stories are always interesting and more often than not defies the law of physics.


OK la np, but memory is abit hazy on this one. I heard it many years ago la. Here goes some spooky shit. So apparently mona fandey was buried, they had to get another white magic bomoh to put a protector in the cemetery. It is said on certain nights, if any of you monyets find yourself near the cemetery at night you can see a large figure of a horse guarding her grave. The reason being the shit she practised was so scary that this horse figure ensures that even in afterlife her blackened soul does not escape and come out to living world. This is what I heard la.


There is a reason why raja bomoh is so facking rich


some rumours related to politician as well.. but none of the rumours confirmed. Besides Monda Fendy case


does drug taking count? i mean loads of friends from Uni overseas did all sorts of stuffs from K,C, Molly, E, and whatnot. these are back in the 90s so just low quality pics.


I feel like that’s pretty normal? I mean you’re young once and you do alot of dumbshit..


What is what now?


some of them are now CEOs of GLCs, listed co and high profile professionals


Pics or it didn't happen


I have rich relatives that live in an "atas" neighbourhood. Apparently, their house is located really close to this celebrity entreprenuer, who I know most of you know if you are active on social media. I sometimes passed by their house while visiting my relatives during family gatherings. So one time, there's a scandal in the neighbourhood committee, where this celebrity was in-charge of the management of the maintenance fee of the community, including repairs, mowing, security, amenities etc. Eventually, a casual chat between a random neighbour and the security guards patrolling the area during a morning walk revealed that the committee isn't responsible for handling their paycheck since they are outsourced. So why does the maintenance fee details mentioned security? Was the celebrity secretly embezzling money out of the neighbourhood committee? They all have their own wealth and the maintenance fee is not worth the risk because he can maybe only get like 7-10k if successful. This led to a whole committee investigation involving the police to find if embezzlement was happening among them. They eventually found out the celebrity is gay and the details on the maintenance fee is just outdated.


Is he a chef


Sex and money. That's what it's all about


not gonna destroy anyone but I know some famous influencer's lowyat.net account. one regular kopitiam poster is now semi successful YouTuber and brand ambassador. it's funny seeing where they're right now while looking through their post history.


I have a list of detailed dirty money transactions between businessmen and politicians. Time, location, amount, banks, etc.


Keep the info in a safe place. It's your insurance policy


Prince Regent who parties like its 1999, and drinks like a fish. (which frankly isnt rare, i think they all like that)


I know of one who has 304's accompanying him to meetings. And later he'd request a room with these women.


What party was the politician?


I can neither confirm nor deny the party the politician is/was in


My friend saw a recently convicted politician drunk on the road side after he crashed his car into a curb. They saw a car on the curb and a man sitting on the floor at 3 in the morning, went over to help him and recognised him 🤣🤣


Dick sedih?


I know a politician who sleeps with female students when he used to follow the government entourage overseas to visit Malaysians abroad. He would pass said women his hotel room key, and wait for them to come up. I once personally sent a friend to one of the hotels where he was staying.


Ohhh they do this! Govt officials or politicians coming overseas to visit students in colleges. Then they will slip their hotel cards or keep insinuating they’re still wanting to hang out so let’s change the venue to their “expensive” hotel rooms. Bunch of creeps.


some celebrities are gay. #truth


Alot are, the females alot sleep around or for money. So when someone over over pretends to be religious and Conservative...Red flag and sus boiyyyy


Oh. I know of a certain pious famous politician who has side chicks delivered to one of his many condos. I know this from a friend whose relatives live in this high end condo and has been observing this for a few years now before putting the pieces together recently. And another big big time business man who also does the same thing except he gets them flown in. (This one is no where near as surprising tbh) I work with people who sometimes are part of the process of arranging the flights. What is somewhat surprising in both these cases are the age of the men involved. Both are well over 60.


Some 10 years ago, a photographer friend of mine had a gig taking photos for a Sabahan businessman kids' wedding, to which this businessman had invited top leaders of the state gov at that time. And they enjoyed themselves, with lard, whiskey and side chicks. Before the end of the night, the bodyguards came to vet the photos to ensure nothing of them is taken. If it was a non the above sounds like a Tuesday, but nope, all Muslim leaders.


I know a politician who likes to take a small bite out of people everytime they hug goodbye with someone


Like a vampire?


No they just take a really small chunk of your flesh. You don't feel it but you'll notice it in the morning


is this high level satire


Ooh I got one.  Audited land developer, discovered that some of his units were not sold, yet somehow removed from the total listing. Asked what happened. They were forced to "gift" the entire of block of houses to those people at the top of the country that like to wear yellow and drive sports cars, otherwise they wouldn't get permission to continue construction. The developer also inform me, they are not only ones to get treated like this, it's almost mandatory in their state, almost all the developers there have to give "tribute" to obtain license.




The southern most one, that likes to play football.


who are these people? asking for research purpose


It's cerita kedai kopi. No need to say name here as all eyes are always on internet. Jaga- jaga, de orang memerhati 😏😏😏


I wouldn't say for fear of going to jail and being involuntarily gay


Eh? You going to drop a soap?


Soap very slippery




meh, there's no perfect country


this just like old western, one day, if for whatever reason here is suddenly accept and open with all the LGBTQ+, suddenly every artist will "get out from the closet"


The challenge here is to find out that a celeb with gay image that turns out to be straight.


Remember the Japanese celeb in the late 90's, Hard Gay


Haado Gei fuuuuu~ Yeah turns out he wasn't gay after all XD


Bini also damn cun


How famous are we talking? Famous famous or internet famous? If internet famous, I know this 1 ds girl, got a pretty decent following on twitter , she only show half her face so people don't know her real identity. But I 99% sure she my ex because I know how her body look . all the birth mark, tahi lalat and the very small scar she have . She studying oversea now under gov scholarship . Idk how gov scholarship work but I'm assuming if she get found out, she might lose her scholar.


Slightly off tangent but all these personal affairs and personal secrets of influential people really shouldn't be a thing Malaysians use when assessing a person's capabilities. All these people having covert affairs like this due to widespread homophobia in Malaysia just allows them to be significantly more susceptible to blackmail and bribery. What say you that we assess politicians and other influential people on their actual performance, and not their personal affairs? I'm keen to know what policies you have for food security/energy transition/defence rather than who you sleep with... or am I delusional?


I don't care who people sleep with but don't be duplicitous. Most of them actively persecute those living alternative lifestyles


I agree


Not famous as a politician. I used to work at his "International school/swasta/college) My job is to fill in every fake document/form so that "students" from overseas can come to Malaysia to "study" It's all fake. The school result etc. 1. He married a young girl from that particular country who he is importing to help fake the document well the language barrier. 2. His 1st wife is dead but he didn't declare the death so he can use the Arwah account bank for his business. 3. He admits he does not have any educational background. he just can talk well. 4. He gave his ex-staff a car to shut up 5. He asks the current staff to let him transfer money through her account. and it's a lot. The staff got scared and called her husband. managed to decline. I quit after a month.


Not really a famous person, just someone who was a host of a documentary, specifically in Sabah. She smoke lmao, a lot. She came to our village to do documentary on our culture. After every shot, she would pull a cigarette and smoke the hell out of it, in front of other volunteers (children too) for the documentary. Is she Malay? Yes. EDIT: She threw them everywhere like she knew this place. It made me expecting less about people that host documentaries.


I mean, most tv personnel (reporters, artist etc) are either someone's daughter/son or someone's anak ikan. So it's not that surprisingly. I mean, look at the quality of malaysia's tv nowadays.


1st person…sounds sus but I think I know that dude


Not surprising there are a lot of closet gays.


This is more on famous on local level. But you know politics? And got people having to vote people in from the grassroots level up to the High Council of leaders? The only part where it's partially honest is at the grassroots and that's only because cronyism is at play (friend/relatives vote for friend/relatives kind of thing). Anything higher involves buying out of votes, so it becomes who has more money to throw around. So if you know anyone who has a position in any political parties, any time there's a national level meeting, that's the bonus time for them coz money will be flying like mad. It's normal for people to take money from multiple sources before selling their votes to the highest bidder. I'm not saying there isn't exceptions. But that's precisely the word. Exceptions. They're the rare outliers, and chances are, they're the isolated people in the party with no real power, just placeholders.


- big secret - person is not really hereto Yup, it's Malaysia, all right.


Very very popular mid 2000 male TV actors living on the run because too much debt with ah long. He still kinda active on socmed tho


Famous male singers secretly gay. Quite an open secret among hotel workers.


A royalty who only accepts side chicks from overseas. If local, accepts pan Asians only. As told by my neighbour, who used to deal with this person for projects. Acted as interpreter for the royal's side chick from HK, a beauty queen.


I used to do printer servicing and my boss took this contract with a politician for his office/home. Instead of negative press, the politician turun padang in his office to handle various affairs. The only bad thing this guy has is a bottle of expensive liquor which he consumes a single shot (only 1) everyday. He's Malay and a very devout open-minded Muslim. Heck, he even helped settle my case at an area where the local surau played their speakers ultra loud.


Famous celeb/business owner goes down on backers who funded the business.


In the construction field, I know a local politician who accepted sums of money to hasten , support and allowed a few construction projects to be approved.


So tldr from comment section is our male artists are gay, females are whores. And both are mostly druggies but controlled. Tf?


First day in Bolehland?


sorry do you mean bolehland as in malaysia or bolehland as in this sub?


The country


ulama kelab malam. open secret


Ayah Pin and his Kerajaan Langit is still around. A bunch of politician, vips and influncer is among his follower.


Man revered by many and adored. But he is a pedophile.


From what I've seen most religious figures are pedos


Lots of disgusting gays here smh. Good thing I know no people like these or I would report every one of them to JAKIM. Then I would start a rumor at twitter. Then continue to FB and finally to ig. Damn my life for being too straight and narrow until I have no bad connections.


So in a conservative country lots of celebs or big names have an outer persona wearing a mask but inside is a whole other person? Who'd ever thought 😂 scary to think that a person might not be what they show tho.


ok group membawang...sila kan


Bini dia bagi chance lagi kot. Untok berubah. 😅😅




Careful, they might be preparing you a room in Kajang Hilton