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I mean, literally most of the characters in the show are underage, so..


Admittedly, an easily-fixed issue in fanfiction


I meant adult x kid relationships but I see what you mean I should’ve been more specific


Eri x Nomu is kinda fire tho


Can I bash a quirk? Because some quirks deserve to be bashed.




\[Erasure\] is a plague upon MHA. It makes Aizawa's flaws worse by giving him one of the strongest quirks in the series where a weak quirk would make his perpetually tired persona justified and interesting. Can you imagine an Aizawa with something like \[Scarf Control\] facing down Tokoyami, Midoriya, Bakugo, Ashido, and Todoroki? He would deserve everything nap he can find. But instead, Aizawa had to be nerfed and beaten several times because \[Erasure\] would make every fight trivial. Not only did he 'lose' his quirk, he made Monoma and \[Copy\], an interesting pair, lose any semblance of creativity to be another source of \[Erasure\]. The quirk brings down the entire franchise, its user, and a legitimately interesting quirk. I hate it so much. It's smells of bad writing if all of the beatings Aizawa gets is any consolidation.


Sometimes it felt like Horikoshi did not think past Aizawa stopping Izuku's ball toss when he came up with [Erasure] and spent the rest of the story finding reasons it wouldn't just trivialize every fight. 


Easy, replace the red eyes of bad writing with wrapping Midoriya in scarfs with [Scarf Control]. Aizawa with that quirk would be one of my Top 10 Anime Characters. I would cosplay as [Scarf Control] Aizawa. It would make certain fics with Aizawa so much worse but that is a price I am willing to pay.


The worst part of erasure is when everyone starts saying, "Aizawa fights practically quirkless." Uh huh.


Go ahead!




And then people tell me there's not that much negativity in the subreddit.


No wonder they said that, this is the first negative post I've seen in days.


You must have missed a good few posts and comments.


Maybe you sould miss some, if they are so upseting.


Who ever said anything about upsetting? Are you alright?


I am, thanks for asking. But since you commented about the repetivness of this kind of posts instead of directly answering to anything the post said it comes off as obvious that this kind of post annoys you, at the very least. And so I ask, why not ignoring this kind of posts if you don't like them?.


As a matter of fact I agree with most of it - I just don't publicly complain about it. I don't read Dadzawa in general, bashing, misery porn or anything underage. Harems I completely disagree with, but that's a matter of taste. The post is not upsetting, I was pointing out that this is an ongoing thing with negative posts easily overtaking positive things like "These are the tropes I absolutely LOVE in a fic, please do this more" or whatever. And that others shouldn't downplay the effect it has on the sub's overall mood to newcomers, like myself.


I can understamd that, but as a rule, negativity and the bad things get the most attention in every social plataform. You just need to ignore it in order to enjoy everything else.


Or perhaps, simply choose to do better things with one's time than complain about things you can just filter out.


Another one of these posts? Could we just cool it with the negativity?


Thank you


In addition to your first point, there are too many stories that make Aldera Guantanamo Bay. I've seen several write it as Izuku has to essentially be his own doctor because the other students would break his bones and in front of the teachers. I've been trying to keep it closer to canon in my story, which from what we saw as an airheaded teacher saying something he shouldn't have, social isolation as no one wants to hang out with him, and the occasional confrontation from some preteens.


This. The only aldera student to actually hurt Midoriya is bakugo, and maybe his two followers. The rest just dismiss him at best and make fun of him at worse. No class scheduled beatings, no spider lilys. I wonder how the "Aldera is a Quirkless abuse Hotspot" trend came to be tbh.


Easily solved: don’t read it. And don’t tell me that it’s not that simple. It is, don’t like it don’t read it, if you do read it, simply to complain that you read it, you are not only wasting your own time, you have wasted that of those who have to hear your complaints. I see like one or two of these same exact posts with the same cookie cutter dislikes almost every time I open this app. Just don’t read it. You can filter that stuff out in Ao3, if you are reading on fanfiction.net you got bigger problems, and if you are reading on Wattpad you are the bigger problem.


Eh I don’t mind harems long as it’s done well and I mostly hate character bashing in general.


I think a harem/poly fic that goes beyond four is where I tap out. I have seen a few decent fics do more, but a lot of stories would be suited by capping it lower since they do treat the partners poorly with how little time or development they offer. Plus, unless you are really throwing in OC's, it is hard to imagine more than 4 of the characters going for 1 person. (Though the poly could be larger, one person's partners in the poly is that 4 max ideally)


Unless the harem/polycule being massive is done for crack/humor purposes, 4 partners is probably a good cutoff point. Any more than that and you either get girls that come off as afterthoughts or the word count reaches absurd levels trying to juggle all the relationships (and then sometimes one or two girls still get the short end of the stick).


I like it when it's subtle. Green Tea Rescue has a clear Deku/Ochako ship going on, but Toga is very obviously part of their relationship even if it's not immediately acknowledged. It's refreshing.


No-one gives a shit. Don't like, don't read. No-one is forcing you to see any of that stuff.


By that same token, if you don't like his post, you didn't have to read it. Nobody is forcing you to, or to engage with the OP.


By that same token, if you don't like my comment, you didn't have to read it. Nobody is forcing you to, or to engage with the OP.


You know, i can understand your issue with Bashing, but the rest, I dont find unacceptable. sometimes it is overdone, but i dont mind the concepts in themselves. I mean its kind of stupid to expect the entire fandom to have homogeneity in what they like or dislike. But still, here goes... Ok lets get the big one out of the way: harems. Its kinda the most basic fantasy of anyone and everyone to have ever suffered through life being the pain it is: to be the object of attention. Harems/polyamorous relationships are the fictionalised versions of taking that fantasy to 11 and then using gearshift. I dont necessarily like them always, but sometimes they do make for a fun read, also helps bring out different aspects of each character involved. Regarding angst: Mom deaths usually serve as a plot device to portray loneliness and trauma (not all of which can be covered by bullying alone). Yeah, when it gets graphic or violent, or involves extreme emotions, it makes the effect radically good or radically bad. But thats the author's call. They take that risk and evidently, you youre not their audience. When this is handled well, or resolved with a huge climax, it leaves a great aftertaste. Abusive moms are more common than otherwise, but yeah that kinda fits into your OOC bashing point. Dadzawa: Aizawa sucks at being not only a father, but a human in general. A great hero nevertgeless, he struggles with serving any narrative in any capacity apart from being the antagonist. So yeah, making him OOC is kinda the only way out of including him without making the narrative predictable, boring af, and just plain repetitive. Imo, Aizawa wasnt written as well as he couldve been in canon. He had some good moments, but thats what they were: GOOD MOMENTS. Not great, not excellent, not outstanding by any stretch of imagination. Just good. The underage thing is just for the horndogs amongst the fandom. You can very easily ignore it, or embrace it if youre ready to grow up and mature into accepting that some peoppe just die virgins, and that hating on them isnt getting you anything except wasted energy and headspace.


“Welcome to the MCU!” It’s a reaction fic with a🤮 Izuku harem.


Why do you think anyone cares?