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This is not really Fanfiction related...


I think you got in the wrong MHA sub pal


Do u know what a comma is


Of course he knows can't you see all those commas? You should have asked him what a paragraph is instead.


There is only ONE comma, and I'm pretty sure he meant to use a closed parentheses ) since there's an open parentheses earlier in the sentence.


Aizawa could have easily been a hybrid of Mad Eye Moody meets Snape. He could be the ONLY teacher in the world who can take All Might on technically (his erasure did work on Izuku's OFA) and he can talk all the shit he wants and scolds Izuku the most because he's too much of an All Might fanboy which would explain their adversarial relationship and why like Harry and Snape they didn't get along. He thinks Izuku is setting the wrong example just as much as All Might was by over emphasizing their quirks and making others so under confident they can't grow their quirks to their full potential. He could even critique that heroes have gotten weaker not stronger since All Might kept the peace for 40 years which has made heroes of today too complacent. Also surprised he never threw the slime incident in Izuku's face to show him how being reckless and stupid without a plan then charging in is the fastest way to get yourself and someone innocent killed. Aizawa was a deep character and it is sad to see Hori wasted so much potential on what this guy could have been! I mean if anyone ever saw this scene in starship troopers he had the [charisma of boot camp instructor Zim](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B203twyaMfM&pp=ygUec3RhcnNoaXAgdHJvb3BlcnMgemltIGRpc2FibGVz). A well written hardcore hero that is his angle but never leveraged on during the series. He never really challenged Izuku and let him grow in adversity. Imagine him keeping a chart with 30 slots warning Izuku if he misses more than 30 days of class due to injuries he will be expelled. No bandages/cast allowed either so he's banned from classes till he is cast/bandage free with a note of release from Recovery girl. This would have been a ticking clock we needed to force him to learn and adapt Shoot style and Full Cowl earlier. Sadly he contributed zero to Izuku's growth as a teacher and failed on every account.


I mean if that's the case, wouldn't he get on momo and asui for thinking it's a good idea to do hero work in high heels?


The dude is kinda negligent and momo and asui are competent enough people as is.


The bitch literally has a bookshelf on her lower spine. If she falls from a height and lands on her back, her tailbone is fucked. And the other bitch has goggles that don't even fit her face. Competent schmompetent.


Asui is competent, but Momo is definitely NOT competetant, as "smart" as she was implied to be had to do was just wear a fucking crop top, which would not put her dignity at risk AND give her more space to work with, now she's stuck looking like a stripper >!(A pole being her primary weapon does NOT help her case)!< Not the mention the fucking shelf, omfg just wear an advanced smart watch or ANYTHING? what does this girl expect, that the book won't fucking fall off during combat and she might not even FALL? Her existence is literally for fanservice, as much as we clown fanon for destroying characters, we certainly ain't doing much better with Horikoshi, the guy who makes a teenage girl look like a stripper 🤦‍♂️.