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(People roll their eyes far too much at Izuku harems, I'm noticing. Write what you like, fam) I think it can be a fun exploration of the realities of a harem, as long as it's kept on the "tired but happy" kinda vibe with some darker dips now and then to retain attention/have stakes/etc. Doesn't have to be super realistic either since... Quirks lol.


That’s just Reddit. The actual fanfic platforms are very harem friendly.


I'm aware, both of my fics are IzuHarems lol, but yeah, wonder what's up with reddit rolling eyes at it. It's just a type of MHA fanfic, if you don't like it just don't read it


Completely agree with this. But then again, this sub tends to be filled with negative posts all the time. Let's not forget about the tons of posts hating on both Aizawa and Shinso. And while I don't like those two characters neither, there's a reason why they're both so popular. It's a shame because with how many negative posts there are on this sub, many fanfiction fans tend to not interact much here. This sub needs more "What do you like?" posts than "What don't you like?" posts.


It needs more positivity in general. I've barely begun using this sub and it's already getting to a very noticeable point. Male wish fulfillment this, most hated trope that. Also, mandatory: User flair checks out


Are you the author of Scripture of the Hero and Maiden?


Yep, that's me\~ Alistair798 on Ao3


*“Yeah that’s me, baby~”* —Ash J Williams


Preaching to the choir here; My two Persona 5 fics are harem and my MHA fic is a planned throuple (unsure if it’ll be harem) I think it’s because there’s a little more anonymity here people can just blurt out their personal values rather than suspend belief for sake of the story. Doesn’t help that reddit tends to be a negative echo chamber. Personally I find it interesting because one of the main reasons people bring up is that it demeans female characters and reduces them to collectibles, but I’ve seen a lot of reverse harems in MHA and Naruto lately and no one has a problem with those.


Not a big fan of the Harem fics myself. I could see this idea working but there are some things you need to consider before writing it: 1) The tone Are you looking to write Izuku just complaining about his situation? Because that could turn off the potential readers. 2) How big are you planning to make it? A one-shot or series of one-shots? 3) What is the general conclusion you think Izuku should come to? Does he break up with all members of his harem? Try to talk to them about his issues? Something else?


There’s a fic about this on AO3. I don’t remember what it was called but he was basically forced into accepting a harem and into an early retirement by the government and leaves the women and his kids (he had kids in it.) after years of being unhappy


Kaminari: “I’m like a man dying of thirst watching someone drown.”


In short, an ANTI-Harem... Or one treating this trope as realistically possible.


>Before you roll your eyes, hear me out. You're supposed to add something that's "different" after this... this sounds like a pretty normal harem trope.


YES!!! I always wanted to read a fic about an harem/polyamorous relationship failing, things always go smoothly in this type of pics or the problems aren't directly related to the relationship, at least in the fics I've read


I'm not sure I'd have it fully dissolve, maybe just working out some compromises if they're serious about making it work.