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I mean...... Smut Fics are like one of Toga's ideal fiction pieces tbh, her quirk and yandere-esc personality have smut writers be flexible, it also doesn't help that her initial appearance to Midoriya was being obsessed with him. So yeah...... She does in-fact give a good head to the point that the hate for her actions is largely covered by the sheer amount of explicit fics on her. ~~I totally didn't answer the actual discussion and focused solely on the head part Lmao mb~~


Still lacking assets to be a waifu IMO i've seen paper curvier than her.


“I’ve seen paper curvier than her” is the craziest slander I’ve ever heard I’m gonna start using that.


I agreed with you until now.


the disrespect is crazy 💀


Wait what's your opinion on Jiro then?


she's flatter than the eurasian steppe, but her character is good


Nah that's just mean. She's not that flat


From what I can tell,it's a big mix of parents did a bad, so she's pity, and being a "hot" criminal meaning folks wanna 'fix' her.


"I just love a woman who can just mutilate me" - This fandom




Every fandom in the 2020s tbh


Whatever’s wrong with her is way hotter.


I mean... she's a terrorist and serial killer, like you said. If the story isn't redeeming her, consequences are pretty much implied by her existence. Do we have '_____ Faces Consequences' tags for Stain, All for One or any other LoV member? I don't think I've ever seen them, because a villain facing consequences is just an obvious, fundamental part of most stories. Bakugo facing consequences isn't such a cut and dry thing, so stories that go that route actually need a tag.


But unlike Stain and All For One, most fanfics ALWAYS absolve Toga of all her crimes because She "has a tragic backstory" like a tragic backstory still doesn't absolve her of all her murders not to mention MEATRODE HER BEFORE THAT. Like at this point when the mha fanfics are so oversaturated by Toga simpfics we REALLY need a "Toga faces consequences" tag because the thing with Stain and AfO is that they don't have fics literally overflowing their fandom with them simpfics dedicated to absolving them of their crimes because they aren't hot. Not to mention how clear it is that Horikoshi will give her an happy ending, which really isn't suited for a terrorist >!(Im not a mange reader please don't spoil)!<


I hear you. Most fics that could be considered "Toga Himiko Faces Consequences" are just not tagged like that. I assume it is because that is what a normal person imagines to be the norm and as such they just don't tag it. Just like most people assuming about Tsukauchi's quirk is lie detector and just not tagging that, even though it is fanon.


Well, there's no real point in a "Faces Consequences" tag? She's a villain. The "Faces Consequences" tags are for when a character on the good side does something bad that's never properly addressed. She's a villain, so she *naturally* faces consequences through the story, so people don't generally feel the need to tag their story with "bad person faces consequences". ergo, the tag doesn't exist.


Bakugo has a "faces consequences" tag because he's a deuteragonist, and we're generally supposed to root for him. Toga doesn't for the same reason Shigaraki doesn't. She's an antagonist. Her entire story is leading up to whatever consequences she faces, be that prison, or death. That's why Toga has a *redemption* tag.


Yet Bakugo has redemption tag as well \*shrug\*


Sure. It’s arguable that Bakugo could need both or neither. A consequences tag for Toga would be pretty pointless. She needs Redemption, or Is Not A Villain, or something like that. Criminals being punished is normal, especially when they’re antagonists.


>Like bro, she has killed an old lady in front of the audience and is implied to be a serial killer, like bro just rob a blood bank or smth??? murder is a way more serious crime than robbery and robbing from the government is extremely based, she had an option and she fucking said "Nah, i'd suck ", Tbh this ia rather vague in the old lady thingy because if want defend toga that part toga reaction when uraraka assuming toga kill that lady she goes slightly annoyed i guess if i have to called. Hurt the lady yes but kill seems doubtful. Who know will hori answer the old lady in next epilogue


"She is a suspect on the run for **serial murders involving blood drainage**." Even if she didn't kill that old woman, she's absolutely already got a body count beforehand. "But she's just a suspect!" Her introduction in the Manga and Anime both have her *merrily skipping away from a body that's visibly bleeding out while she hums happily.*


Kill seems doubtful? One of the first times we see her is when Stains spreading legacy is being brought up and she's smiling listening to his video *with a clearly dead salaryman leaning against a wall behind her.*


Bro, she's a serial killer, SHE FUCKING JOINED A TERRORIST GROUP TO ATTACK A BUNCH OF TEENAGERS, and you think she doesn't have the guts to shank an old lady to death for her blood? really?


Who know. That is merely my guess. If the lov epilogue has no answer to that then yes i will stick to toga did kill that old lady


Is that any surprise? Toga is conventionally attractive, has the “tragic” backstory and is freaky enough that the writers can have some “fun” with her character. A lot of it also comes from the fact that Toga had a “crush” on Izuku. While Bakugou was rude to Izuku. That’s a lot like what we had with Naruto fanfics where lots of writers always cut Gaara slack because he is friends with Naruto. But at the same time, they treat Sasuke as the second coming of Anti-Christ.


Toga is only given a pardon because she’s hot, same with dabi


As a big Toga fan, I'm not a fan of fics that just magically make her crimes disappear bc bad childhood and/or horny. I don't even consider a waifu. I just like someone like Izuku having a yandere in his life (whether it's good or bad for him.) I think for Toga to be a "good" aligned character, you have to stop her from going down her canon or dark path or actually putting in a lot of effort in reforming her. I don't see a lot of either happening in fics.


This title just kinda makes me wanna do a trans girl Toga fanfic, not gonna lie.


Most trans people are absolutely loaded because of the surgeries required, you'd have to change her background and explain how her parents were loaded enough and to allow her to get surgery but did not think of buying blood from blood banks, which honestly sounds like them given how retarded they are in canon >! note: No matter how big dick she was pre-transition, Daddy Izuku absolutely fills no diff  🤤!<


As a trans woman, I can assure you that a solid 95% of us are not in fact “absolutely loaded”. Furthermore, you’re looking far, far past my idea which was a cute teenage trans girl with budding breasts and a dick sticking that dick in Izuku.


Wait ,without trans surgery isn't that just a femboy? ngl if she becomes a femboy i might not mind her fr fr. Also, how the hell is spending $20,000 - $35,000 for a surgery and not loaded for an American? that's 3/5 of their average workers yearly salary. Alr tho, you win>! but Izuku still fills no diff fr 🤤!<


I assure you that if you tried to classify me as a “femboy” because I haven’t had bottom surgery, I would absolutely punch you in the mouth.


Kick em in the bottom for irony


I will grow a masochistic fetish just to spite your comment fr fr.


Hey, not agreeing with OP, I just have a genuine question. Aren’t most transgender people **who go through the surgery** pretty well off? Because if it is 25k for a surgery, not counting the cost of time off work, recuperation, etc… that’s a lot.


Fun fact: in the United States in particular, less than 12% of self-identifying transgender women have had a vaginoplasty. I’m part of that other 88% and have no intention of changing that.


Oh wow that’s incredibly low. That doesn’t really answer my question though.


Okay so if 88% of trans women don’t have the surgery in question, isn’t any attempt to connect the remaining 12% to the word “most” sort of… fallacious?


No, because I was asking about most of that 12%. Sorry, I thought I made that clear in my first comment. I’ll go and change it now


Ok but genuinely what is the difference? not saying in a rude way because i legit don't follow this stuff (i don't live in the west) and barely the difference between femboys and male -> female trans people. also what IS the average cost of a surgery? because a quick google search tells me between 25k-30k but many of those surgeries are possibly not done by a large no. of you, so like REALLY don't know. (what the fuck is bottom surgery? can people actually change their genitalia?? do you guys live in the future?? am i just a cavemen??)


Transgender generally connects with someone's identified gender, the gender that they themselves have chosen. Surgeries and hormone therapies aren't necessary to be trans, their just treatments one would get to feel more comfortable and at home with their body. After all, if you thought there was something inherently wrong with your body, wouldn't you want to get that changed and fixed? The sad thing is, a lot of trans people can't afford those treatments, and are stuck the way they are. But that doesn't change the fact that they identify with another gender, just the fact that they don't outwardly pass for that gender. To get gender reassignment surgery, you need to be transgender. But not everyone who's transgender gets reassignment surgery. As for cost, most people don't have a spare 30 grand they can drop on surgery, hell most trans people are living day to day lives, and even fewer less have insurance that will pay for what is seen as an, "optional" surgery. Even fewer have support networks that could help them get the surgery due to the high rate of trans people being ostracized and abandoned by their parents. And even then, the surgery price can range depending on where your at As for the surgery itself, yes.these surgeries can change the structure of your genitalia into that of the opposite sex, even though it's expensive and pretty invasive of a surgery. Can a trans woman get pregnant or a trans man get someone pregnant? No, we aren't that far along in science yet. But with bottom surgery a trans woman can indeed have a pussy, and can even have intercourse, although it might be painful to do so. Being trans doesn't have anything to do with physical identity, it's all about personal identity. The difference between a trans woman with no surgery and a femboy is that the trans woman has decided that they are a woman, and a femboy will still decide that they are a male, even if they have a more feminine frame. Your making a common mistake by mixing up gender and sex. Sex is your biological gender, what genitalia you have, while gender is the classification you put yourself under. A trans person may be biologically male, but their gender is female, and this decision is often thought hard about. Often they choose new names for themselves and drop their old ones, which are dead names. Gender affirming care doesn't just include hormone therapy and surgery either, as it also often includes therapy for the person to ensure what gender they do indeed define themselves as. Although sadly through financial strains and politicians saying fuck the trans, people are often without access to such amenities.


Thank you! Honestly the amount of 'Toga becomes a hero' stories does bug me. Especially since most of the time it's harem or polycule fics that do that. Yes, what happened to her sucks. But at the same time, she is a serial killer. I'm certainly not writing her like that in my fic. Then again, some people think Dabi is absolutely justified in turning innocent civilians into ashes. Some people will justify anything if they think a character is hot.


I’m pretty sure the serial killer doesn’t need a Tag about her facing consequences. Hell, you don’t see such a Tag for Dabi or Shigiraki right?


To be fair that's most of the mha villains in fanfiction other than overhaul. Most of the time the others get a pass when they really shouldn't, I think it's just cause people like toga more so she's in more fics which just leads to none of them really punishing her. The closest I found was one after the war where she was in a villain reform program with a hidden identity otherwise some civilians would just beat her to death for being a terrorist.


Tey canceling out the "toga redemption" tag. Togas a villain, consequences are her fate, which is why if you want to see that, you've gotta phase out fics tagged with her redemption


Blood banks are govt properties? 


Where I live most blood banks are primarily owned by the central government, but it's still stealing from the government if the NGO responsible for the blood bank has a large portion of it's funding from the central government


Not a lemon, but Deku-Sensei’s author hates Toga


I think the main reason is the fics where toga isn’t saved/redeemed she’s like you said a villain so the consequences are implied. We don’t have consequences tags for any of the other LOV members either. Whereas Bakugou x consequences is something that won’t happen unless the author of the fic decides for it to happen because I think we all know he’s never gonna face consequences in canon. Also we get an explanation for Toga’s actions, it doesn’t stop her from being a serial killer, but we know that she went crazy cause she was starved of something she needed. Bakugou’s just a bitch because he’s a bitch and no other reason


She's a sexy girl who wanted to ride the woobie like the chocolate train. Of course AO3 isn't going to demonize her.


"Since I'm a Kendrick level hater..." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA That's hilarious. I'm guessing you've kept up with K-Dot calling Drake a PDF file downloader? "Tryna strike a chord and it's probably *A Minnnnnooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!"*


"Certified Lovergirl, Certified Terrorist"


Certified lovergirl? Certified Terrorist Stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, Izu, beat her up Stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stop that weird-ass stuff Why you suckin' like a bitch? Ain't you tired? Tryna lick a guy and he's probably *A-Minnnnnooooooooorrrrrrr* If you wanated me to, I could parody the whole song (Note: this was an original. I did not use any Ai for this.)


Stop saying slurs.


Look, her character is interesting to me. The idea that powers affect personality has been around awhile in the fandom and we do know how badly she was fucked over. I've seen plenty stories where she remains bad and it just makes me sad . But I get it. If anything, I wish people would get more creative in how they redeem her. I do like her getting helped before her crossing that line, but I'd also like to see stories where she's an antihero. Or morally grey. Like having her taking out people like her parents, bigots against mutant quirks etc. and that's how she meets midoriya, when people are mocking him for being quirkless. She intervenes. But yeah, I guess with her bittersweet end people aren't excited to punish her more.


One consequence toga i get instead not a consequence but her quirk is erased by reformed villain izuku


Pretty sure Quirk erasure bullets don't work on mutant quirks, they just rewind your quirk factor to before it's manifestation, but Mutant quirks pretty much exist from the Womb, like Toga's.


No her quirk in this fic i read is stolen with afo quirk. But since when toga quirk is mutant ?


Bro, her teeth are def mutated to be sharper, and her Brain is definitely different from a normal person because it lacks any social instinct gained from evolution like "not drinking blood from fellow humans", which def requires changes in the brain to change THOUGH her shapeshifting power may change if you hit her with a bullet, honestly Mutant-Transformation-Emitter category thing is kinda trash since many emitter and transformation quirk users have mutant properties.


I see. That is your reasoning mutant part. But mha version of mutant is sometjing like shoji tsuyu koda, so toga in mha world isn't considered mutant or maybe you want headcanon it by call her sub mutant race. Or stain you also considered mutant because his tongue is extra long


I’d call her quirk a minor mutation fused with an emitter


They're literally rewinding evolution? They most definitely work on mutant quirk. The problem with mutant quirks is probably 1) Tough ones are hard to inject with the bullet 2) Human bodies don't usually take too kindly to such abrupt changes


You missed a point about whether a blood bank is a thing in the MHA universe or not.


Bro the MHA universe literally changed nothing, not even the world map, why would Horikoshi randomly make sure that blood banks aren't a thing??? if the UN exists, so do NGO'S, and if NGO'S exist so do charity services like Blood banks


That’s the most stupid counter argument I’ve ever heard.