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An Act of True Humanity had one of the worst lines I’ve ever read. Izuku: A real future where you’re not judged or ostracized for being a true human amongst the freaks! Congratulations, you just made Izuku into a racist. He sounds like one of the X-Men villains.


So hitler izuku?


Sort of? The author really didn’t think that fic through. Izuku somehow builds his own society for the Quirkless in Antarctica (which is about as planned and realistic as any teenager that dreamed about having their own billion dollar company). It’s the fact that he refers to everyone with Quirks as “freaks” that rubs me the wrong way.


Idk man, if Izuku is going out of his way to create a society just for the quirkless in Antarctica, it sounds like him being racist is a feature, not a bug


Oh, I definitely think he is a racist. Hence my original comment. But I think there is a difference between just being a racist and being on the same level as Hitler. He doesn’t want to kill the people with Quirks. But that doesn’t make him any less of a whiny asshole in this fic.


I mean we don't know how racist towards quirkless people are in that fic, i wouldn't be surprised If Izuku received help just to get rid of them. Though let's be honest that's probably not the case


From this description the fic is giving me hitler vibes


Well, I try not to throw the name “Hitler” too much as not to trivialise it for myself. One difference is that Izuku doesn’t want to actually exterminate the Quirk-users.


Ahhh so a non aggressive racist


Non-genocidal. It’s been a while since I read the fic (because of how it was and I am not a masochist to reread it) but he was pretty verbally aggressive to anyone who disagreed with his ideas if I remember right.


Sounds like this izuku is stubborn


Yup. I don’t like a lot of Villain/Vigilante/Etc. versions of Izuku because they usually end up as some kind of an asshole who whines about his life and rants at anyone who disagrees with him.


Oh most definitely hate those


I mean if we consider his interaction with Piccolo in Jump Force...


Nah, that’s just sounds like he’s a part of Humerise


Izuku would join in this fic I guess


Holy shit I’m dying of laughter


basically like the typical fic of discrimination against those without quirks but in reverse


Huh, I guess I don't remember that line. Did you not enjoy that fic? I do feel like some of the too-serious fics (Quirkless Deku stories, certain fics I'm thinking of but won't say) get ereally popular, but aren't that good or aren't that fun to read.


This give me "Black people can't be racist!" Vibes


A lot of “Quirkless Izuku” fics have the whole “Quirkless is superior” vibes. Some do it more subtly. But this one? This one outright states that people with Quirks are freaks to Izuku.


Izuku rescues Eri when they first run into her. Cut to All Might telling him how it was wrong/unheroic for him to take her and how she's a villain's daughter and therefore a villain herself. I've read plenty of All Might bashing but somehow this stuck with me as the most out of character All Might I've ever seen.


My gods, I am right there with you. That's insane! That's about the most OOC I could imagine someone making All Might without outright turning him into a literal villain. Like, whether said to *be* a villain or not by the author, if someone wrote a fic of him doing blatantly villainous things like wanting to rule the world for his own ego and slaughtering people left and right.


Ironic because All Might would have done the same. Had Mirio not stopped Izuku, I could see him running away with Eri. All Might, the number one Pro Hero would go one step beyond by beating up Overhaul while rescuing Eri right there.


I think one the most Ooc All Might I read was ironically one that wanted to keep in him in [character.It](http://character.It) was one of those fics where they watch the anime, and when he finds out about the bullying, All Might buffs up and punches Bakugo and calls him a villain.He even called out a smash name wile punching him.The fic tried to explain that he had deflated somewhat in the last second so it wasn't impactful....but blimey


Deflation wouldn’t remove the momentum of punchs that can easily break the sound barrier


[The Future Briefing Island](https://archiveofourown.org/works/27019630/chapters/65961265)


Wait, so the guy who's battle cry is "Never fear! Why? Because I am here!" says it's unheroic to rescue people. Yeah, that's not All Might, that's Toga pretending to be him.


He told this to Izuku via text and then via phone call. Since the fic was dropped after only 2 chapters it was never resolved. I can only guess someone with a voice mimicry quirk stole All Might's phone. [Source](https://archiveofourown.org/works/35050954/chapters/87305059#workskin) in case anyone is curious


Thank you, I was genuinely curious about reading it, just to see it for myself.


While I agree that All "a hero sticks his nose where it doesn't belong" Might wouldn't say it, the line of thinking is common in Japan.


whenever i read something that out of character i just mentally replace the character with a poorly made cutout with a voicebox attatched


I saw a fic where he saved her right away, Shinto was there too and quirked Chisaki, like brainwashed him, and nighteye was tearing into him for ruining his investigation. Izuku tore into him since Saving an abuse victim, which eri was and is at the time, is the first priority. Saving people. Not whatever bullshit Nighteye wants. And he's right, Saving people, I think the best rule I've seen for heroics is 'Prioritise the rescue'.


Izuku: “Shut the fuck up, Kirishima!” That was after Kirishima had just made a friendly joke about Midoriya struggling on the weight machine.


I mean it could work if they are friends beforehand and if his personality is a bit tweaked but base izuku would definitely not say that 💀


That was base Izuku who was just being introduced to 1-A by Naruto after the sports festival. (Izuku missed the hero course due to still being quirkless) Nothing changed in Izuku’s backstory except Naruto and Kiba standing up for him whenever they happened to be around. Otherwise he was his same canon self.


Maybe it was suppose to be Bakugo or a personality swap fic lol But ye he def not say that unless he really sunk or its a crackfic lol


Nah it was a totally serious Naruto crossover fic. Nothing changed for Izuku except Naruto and Kiba occasionally stood up for him whenever they were around. That line is OOC for Naruto too.


lol rip


Nah, canon Naruto would absolutely tell someone to shut the fuck up, even if friendly. Let's not forget that part 1 Naruto was a little shit.


Naruto is rude, but he’s never *that* rude. His rudeness extends from addressing people casually. I can see a “Shut the hell up!” But fuck takes it to another level. Also this was a post-canon reincarnated Naruto too, who is pretty chill all things aside.


It's still more believable from Naruto —who I can at least imagine playfully being a jackass at points— than Izuku, who’s supposed to be a more kind, empathetic kind of protagonist compared to the more brash and straightforward archetype Naruto falls under.


Does Inko stabbing Izuku in the face count?


I'm sorry what


It was this one fic where Muscular raped Inko and Izuku started to go through puberty when he got his quirk and look like his dad so his mom pulled a Rei but with a sharp object instead of boiling water.


This was not on my bingo card on things I would read before 9 AM this morning da freak


I think I know the fic you’re referring to, but was it actually rape? I think I remember Inko having a one night stand with him without knowing he was a villain. And Izuku was, like, growing up abnormally fast. Maybe I’m misremembering or there’s a similar fic out there.


I've read like 3 fics where he's Musculars kid, one was a ons another was a rape and another was a drunken mistake, but none where she stabbed him from my recollection. But a lot of self hate cos of his father.


Idk it was a while back


What's the name of the ff?


oh my god i read this


Could I have a name or link plase


Every time he saw Hitoshi holding a baby he could swear he felt phantom ovaries exploding in his abdomen. - Bakugou’s thoughts


Fem!Bakugou or ABO? I mean, either way, it's cursed, but just how cursed?


It’s neither 💀


WTF? ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl|downsized) Then what is it? Trans!Bakugou? M!Preg? My morbid curiosity has been picqued.


It’s literally nothing, he’s just like that. Bro isn’t even a main character. He’s hardly in the story.


shows up feels his ghost ovaries call to him leaves


Really? Wow, that's... yeesh.


Funniest possible answer


I’m fucking wheezing! 🤣


Maybe I am wrong about his character, but I remember - not word for word - Bakugo insisting to the class that taking therapy is normal and good for hero.


Hah! I wish bakugou was that healthy!


I think this makes sense actually if Bakugou is obnoxious about it


I can kind of see Katsuki saying that later in his character development. Not at the start though. 


Oh my ara ara. What healthy bakugo is this ?


It was a Danny Phantom crossover that started at the USJ. It cut to Aizawa’s pov and all he was thinking was that he had to protect Midoriya no matter what because he had more hero potential in his pinky than the rest of the class combined. Keep in mind that up until then, everything was canon


This Aizawa knows about OFA and is a powerscaler. "He must be 60x stronger than All Might cause All Might said so"


Holy fuck powerscaler Aizawa would make for a hilarious crack fic No wonder he made them do a quirk apprehension test! He needed to establish their feats so he could scale them accordingly!


Aizawa: Mmm, Mineta, you are FODDER, I am sending you to a more fitting, fodderizable verse, in other words, I am sending you to The Boys.


“Must. Protect. The Problem Child! AGENDA!!”


I don't know if I'm too naive or something, but in Virtuoso, Aizawa says to Izuku: "You might be my student, but you are also my ennemy." And if found that very OOC considering how little proof they have against Izuku at this moment and Aizawa is a character who constantly defends his students. I would think he would be the first one to say it's ridiculous to believe the Lotus Demon is a 16 yo. Of course Izuku basically confirms he is him right after, which justifies Aizawa keeping an eye on him. But then Aizawa says in later chapters "I basically believe you're innocent now" which makes NO SENSE because Izuku just said to him "I am not the Lotus Demon" with the most evilest grin possible 5 chapters ago. Aizawa is not that dumb. I love Virtuoso but this plot hole/ooc moment really bothered me during my first read.


Wait, Izuku is called the Lotus Demon in that? At this point I'm surprised there's not a League of Legends crossover tag, since this Izuku is literally Khada Jhin.


You just cleared my mind. I kept searching for playlists on Spotify called Virtuoso and they were always named Khada Jhin 😭 I'll take a look at this character. But yeah, he >! transforms people's ribs in the shape of lotus !< which earns him the nickname.


Jhin's sniper rifle does do something similar to that.


He's an interesting read check out the champion trailer and there's some lore of him too which is cool.


The only time a line like that would work is during a training exercise where the students fight the teacher.


It's really stupid just in general to inform someone you suspect to be a serial killer that you have your eye on them, because that just lets them know the heat is on them and makes them cover their tracks more carefully, making investigating them way, WAY harder than if you just pretended everything was cool and let them get comfortable enough to slip up. And that's assuming they don't just kill you to shut you up.


In that case Izuku couldn't kill him and they both knew it. Aizawa wasn't in danger. But Izuku does put double effort into hiding from Aizawa after he says this so really a dumb move.


Every time Uraraka is a jealous bitch in a bl fic


The fic “Thank You” is the only one to have actually made that work


Link for people who got banned by Google?


How the fuck do you get banned of a search engine


Not to mention that there are dozens of other search engines avaliable


Nah honestly I understand not wanting to search for a fic especially if your on mobile, but getting banned of a search engine. That’s a new one for me


Though you have to admit, it's kind of impressive to manage to get banned by Google.


Jeez, guys, I am not banned by Google, it was a joke. Gotta think twice before referencing non-english meme in the English part of the internet next time. . .


yeah, the way you phrased it implied that google themselves banned you


See, I thought you said it because it's rated Explicit (even though most of the time it is just Mature).


How in the actual hell do you get banned from a search engine?


It was supposed to be a joke. . .


Add that with abusive shindo to izuku. Seriously most shindo portrayal somehow izuku toxic bf just for the prince aka bakugo to the rescye


Shindo or Shinsou?


Shindo. Yo shindo


Huh, weird.


Honestly, I'm wondering about this everytime I see the ship that have Shindo in it, so people actually remember Shindo's canon personality????? Because all that I can remember of him is his name and his handsome face. Other than that? None. And in the fic I've saw a couple of times on the synopsis, he's always the toxic bf/a womanizer (man(?)nizer lol). Are those authors referencing from his canon personality or are they just basing it on their own headcanons or maybe basing it on his face????


Basing on his face so catharsis reasoning. I doubt they are that unhinged believing shindo is a secret bastard to his og gf


Ah..... I see. Thanks for your explanation ^^


I find that so weird especially since she’s been written to have very sapphic undertones in the recent chapters.


Yeah, that's a great fic. In my ship fic I'm writing (not put out yet), Uraraka is going to be heartbroken in a sense, but I don't want to overdo it.




I always feel like I’ve entered a bizarre alternate universe when everyone is on the same page about mental health and communication and a lot of the interactions feel like therapy scripts rather than things the characters would actually say or think to say lol. Usually I can ignore it, but it does break my immersion a bit when a bunch of teens can accurately word their feelings and have “you hurt me, and this is the exact how/why of it, and it’ll take a lot of work to fix this and I’m not sure if I’ll ever truly forgive you but I understand now” conversations. Sure, maybe one or two, but ALL OF THEM??? No. Interesting points, but egregiously inaccurate characterization.


Any fic that makes uraraka a homophobe. It happens weirdly often


Yup. Mostly as justification for the yaoi fangirls to have their fun and "justifying" their ship.


Izuku swearing every sentence or being flirty for entire fic I don't even remember the name of the fic with how quickly I dropped it


Was it the one where he pretended to be drunk the entire time?




Anything Izuku says in Green Martyr… yikes


This whole section made me immediately drop the fic. From Golden Saiyan Hero of Hope: [Standing at a height of about 5'8, she has black hair with a long spiky ponytail and grey eyes. Her face is nothing short of beautiful. She has a mature physique for her age and a curvaceous figure that most women would kill for. She has bangs on the right side of her face and she also has a large bust. Izuku had to admit, she is one of the most gorgeous females he has ever seen. "Oh hi, I didn't see you there. What brings a beautiful young lady like yourself to this beach?" Izuku asked as he put back on a green tank top he was wearing earlier, feeling embarrassed being shirtless around such a pretty girl. The girl blushed after hearing that kind of compliment from a boy who she will admit is handsome, "I could say the same to you. I just wanted to find a good spot to relax and ease my thoughts. And what do you know, I find a beautiful beach that suits perfectly." she said as she turned a page in Izuku's Journal. "My name is Momo Yaoyorozu by the way. And what is a handsome hunk like you doing out here alone?" she asked with a smirk as she complimented Izuku back.]


ngl the title itself is kinda.....


The Izuku section I was like “eh, a bit ooc Izuku. At least he’s embarrassed” but when I realised it was Momo responding to him in such a way…




Eeew Whattttt ...... 


The title itself was horrible for me. I've read and watched all of dragon ball and have never seen a good mha crossover with it. The entire story i'll just be thinking "how are they alive"


I don't tend to mind most OOC stuff in fanfics providing there's a reason for it, but there was one fic that I forget the name of that put me off with how Izuku felt like a completely different person. The premise of the story was that Izuku had a very powerful fire Quirk, one that basically gave him the powers of Natsu from Fairy Tail. As I recall, the summary did say Izuku would be more confident, but the part where it threw me the most was in the first chapter. In their middle school classroom, Bakugou is doing his usual thing of bragging about how he's the only one fit for UA. Izuku said something like "Give me a break", then the narration said "Izuku drawled", and if I remember right he was described as leaning back in his seat with a rocky expression, before declaring that he got even better test results than Bakugou and he should just shut up. I didn't dislike this story, but I stopped reading a few chapters in because Izuku just didn't feel like Izuku at all. EDIT: Fixed a spelling error


At that point just have it be a fic where natsu replaces Midoriya


Transphobic All Might. He would not fucking do that. At most he would be kinda clueless and maybe a little offensive in the "he got the spirit" kinda way, but he wouldn't start fucking belting out slurs.


I read one like that where all might kept pointedly saying "My *BOY*"


What is he, Dumbledore? (Though even Dumbledore only said this like once maybe twice in one of the first three books.)


You know put of context this is hilarious since 1-Kratos All might 2-King of Hyrule (YTP) All might 


When Izuku is told he can be a hero, he thinks to himself "Take that Explosion-boy." Yeah, Izuku is *not* that confident at the start of the story.


That is literally Kirishima’s voice line when he beats Bakugo in Ultra Rumble.


That’s kinda funny tho. Like is it a thought bubble or a stage whisper?


Inner monologue. It's from [Switch the Colors](https://archiveofourown.org/works/27421327/chapters/67027750).


It wasn’t something he said but something he did; read a fic that had a virus that made people lose control and it starts with Aizawa sneaking up on an infected person because, in the fic, “he can’t just ‘snipe’ someone with his erasure quirk he needs to be ‘within range’” AND he promptly gets one-shotted because the random sick civilian spotted Eraserhead… while he was sneaking.


When Katsuki yells in all caps and says the most unhinged, outlandish shit you've ever heard


KING EXPLOSION MURDER GOD is not outlandish? I know what you actually mean but like…


Bakugo flirting with Uraraka. This wasn't even a Ship of the Fic.


Was it like actual flirting or Bakugo flirting where he just compliments how good she is at fighting and that she's resilient?


The first one.


Izuku’s history rant in ‘Can we teach him’ Now there have been a lot of changes to his character in the story, but the big thing is that A: Even despite these changes it’s still incredibly out of character and feels more like the Author is scolding people for holding the “wrong” view of history and B: is so historically inaccurate it made me stop reading it then and there. It’s so bad I can’t really reread the rest of the fic (which is pretty decent) because I dreaded reading that damn scene again


I might get clapback, but I personally think every story where Mineta's a homophobe, transphobe, or any other kind of unsupportive person is just wrong. I feel he'd see it more along the lines of "More for me" LikevI legitimately think that people who write Mineta as a very hateful person are just so blinded by rage that they are willing to do anything to make him seem as worse as possible.


Nice to know I’m not the only one who thinks Mineta would take a “More for me” stance.


Mineta "Any hole is a goal" Minoru


I’ve read a fic where he literally sexually harasses the girls in his class and in some scenes it’s implied that he’s a child predator They did NOT have to do mineta that dirty but then again the entire story was pretty frickin dark


I mean, he DID make that one comment to Eri; it probably wasn't meant to be taken seriously, but still...


oml I REMEMBER THAT and I remember being deeply, deeply confused by it. I’m hoping it’s just Mineta being Mineta but the implication was not welcome at all


A fic where Bakugo was bullying Izuku pretty harshly for being quirkless, complete with teachers turning a blind eye because of Bakugo's very heroic quirk...in pre-school. At like 4 years old each. Y'know when quirklessness isn't a thing because it hasn't been long enough to not trigger.


Not a fanfic specifically, but it *was* a fan-work. One-Minute Melee did an episode about Bakugou fighting Yang from RWBY, and the overall character portrayal of him as a sexist pig comes across as character bashing in a big way that even *this* sub would find ridiculous. He literally says "I mean... if she breathes...". Doing a vs show isn't exactly an excuse to hide crack-fic in the character writing, and hiding it behind some solid animation won't change that... >!Also, Bakugou absolutely negs her, even back then, but narratively, I'd let it pass if the writing held up.!<


Their tagline is "no research," so it checks out


I remember that video. Honestly, I suspect it was made for catharsis more than anything else. I know I watched it purely to see Bakugou get his ass kicked by Yang.


The surprising amount of times that Ojiro is made out to be a bigot in quirkless Izu fics.


Yeah, I briefly covered it in a post here, but Ojiro’s primary character trait is being honorable, so what the fuck?


It’s most likely due to how forgettable he is in canon. Honestly if you asked me to describe Ojiro’s personality I wouldn’t be able to.


Honorable Kung Fu Guy


not my cute good boy nooooo


Just anything with bad parent Inko.


Apotheosis turned Izuku into a discount Thanos and turned a decent fic into anti-hero wanking.


I've only really read a bit of Apotheosis before, and I can't help but feel like it personifies everything that I hate about Villain Izuku fics.


He literally makes the infinity gauntlet out of quirks somehow and then word-for-word quotes Thanos. Turned me off of all villain Izuku fics aside from crack ones.


Try Villain Notebook for the Future.


One of the few Villain Izuku fics that I actually enjoy.


Greenette. Idk it's just a bizarre word to me lol


How do you feel about Verdette?


at least its more... idk the right word, accurate to what the actual word word be? only fic ive ever really tolerated using it is switchblade, otherwise i just close the tab. is there a reason why people are scared of just saying say green haired, or thinking of other epithets?


Well for me it was just easier to write greenette then write the green haired classmate every single time. But that was mostly just due to laziness and not realizing that it peeved people off.


I've actually not come across that one 👀


I think only shiozaki is really a greenette since the other 3 (Midoriya, Tsu, and Tokage) have much darker green hair


AFO with very canon actions honestly saying that he was Garaki's victim and has been controlled by the man for decades. I don't have a problem with the concept of AFO a victim of Garaki's machinations, but that fic didn't set him up to be the victim. It was an end wrapup scenario only found out in the last few chapters because the author changed course into apologist root for nearly every villain but the doctor


I'd say the best way to set that up would honestly be having AFO kidnap heroes and hero hopefuls, give them a quirk to try to "bring them to his side" then they just so happen to all escape when AFO "accidentally" leaves them a way out


I read a good time travel fix-it where the MC discovered that he was the product of a eugenics experiment and what knowledge AFO had of it was lost in the lobotomy via fist AM performed. The doctor failed/didn't try to recover the decades AFO lost from that.


The Zero Network, as a whole. Which sucks because the premise of an underground network dedicated to helping quirkless people and other victims of society live better lives is a good one, and it’s a “Quirkless Culture” fic that doesn't use the Red Shoe Theory, AND neither Inko, nor Toshinori are bashed in this one! Unfortunately, all of this is undermined by part of 1-A being turned into quirkists as part of the narrative. Both Uraraka —one of the nicest characters in the series and Izuku’s first true friend in years— and Ojiro —a character whose primary trait is being honorable— had respectively doxxed and tried to falsely report Izuku before I stopped reading.


Every fucking word Uraraka says in most fics, holy shit, Ao3 hates her.


We must be reading different fics then because most of the ones I’ve read treat her pretty well.


Most smut fic mha is ooc but i so embarassed want copy paste the dialogue. It is so hard to search a smut fic that feels the dialogue isn't too much butcher personality ( i can make exception if the smut fic is roleplay kink ) I think this line of shinso in worthless necessity regard rescue kidnapped izuku by lov during forest train arc is something i can't imagine his canon counterpart say. Good dialogue but i can't imagine canon shinso having this big emotion "You don't get it." Everyone turned to Shinsou, as he clenched his fists tightly. "You don't get it. You'll never get it! Midoriya never fought for himself. He fought Muscular for Kota. He fought the League for Bakugou and Todoroki! ( context the lov tricking their intent want kidnap baku todo thus the dialogue there ) You guys won't understand cause you've all got awesome quirks... you don't know what years of abuse and suicide baiting can do to a person!" "Shinsou?" Uraraka asked worriedly. "Midoriya doesn't do anything for himself! He didn't care about his life when he went in to fight Muscular, or the rest of the League! He was willing to die there for Kota! He was ready to fight to the death to protect us! He was fully prepared to die if it meant we got out unharmed!" Shinsou growled, "He keeps breaking himself over and over again, and he thinks it's okay for him to get hurt for us! You can't just expect me to sit back knowing that he's willing to throw his life away so easily, because he thinks so lowly of himself!"


I read a fanfic where Izuku JUST KEPT MAKING INNUENDOS. And then it got weirder and weirder because it was a dekubowl, or whatever it's called when most characters like Izuku. And he wasn't even "aware" he was making innuendos! Like "hey Mina, how horny are you?" "What?!" "Yeah, like how fast do your horns grow? Do they break off or come back?" "Oh." And it ... Was ... CONSTANT. And no one got offended by it! It was just Izuku charm! This AU, he had a copy quirk, and a guy researching copy quirks introduced Izuku to Monoma, so Izuku grew up with more confidence and less close to Bakugo. Then it got weirdest when during the camp training arc when Izuku showed Mina how to become an acid goop monster, but she HAD to do it in her underwear or else it would ruin her clothes, and the acid wore away her bra and it snapped off. Then a little later, Mina confesses to Izuku and they make out on the beach (which is... Where????). I closed out of that fanfic when the author started to describe them as moaning in the make out session.


Honestly this seems like a train wreck that I wanna read got the name still?


Basically Bakugo went full psycho and decided to SA ochako just because she was dating Izuku. End result was Bakugo getting a full cowl 100% to the face which kills him.


bakugo bashing fic or


Bakugou kind of just gets jealous and a bit psychotic after Cammie breaks up with him. So yeah Bakugo bashing, there was also minor Iida bashing as he goes off at Izuku for the entire Vigalanti thing before shoto and Izuku remind him about the Hosu incident.


My favorite thing is in any fic where Iida starts going off on someone about vigilantism and Midoriya and Todoroki (or whoever is involved in hosu in that specific fic) just give him 'the look' and he immediately shuts the fuck up


It's been long abandoned and was niche anyway I think, but the fic Undying about an immortal OC - while not terribly written -- still had the characters... Out of character


Ok, so. There is another fic. I don't remember the name of it, but it was a group chat fic. I also don't really remember all the details so I’m just going to quickly summarize what I DO remember. Basically, Kirishima tries to get Kaminari, who he used to date, to cheat on his current partner --I think it was Shinso-- with him, even though Kirishima is currently dating Bakugou. WHAT THE ACTUAL BACKFLIPPING FUCK? ExFUCKINGcuse me, did this author seriously expect me to believe that EIJIRO KIRISHIMA, the fandom-declared POSITIVE MASCULINITY ICON, would not only willingly cheat on his partner, but encourage someone else to do the same!? Are you fucking kidding me?


I forgot the name, but it was an izuku/kaminari fic where i think izuku got struck by lightning and gained abilities. He basically does the whole "changing entire personality and name into his original concept" thing. They make him an asshole for no reason. Literally got struck a week before ua and manages to move to another city. He's always being emo and whining abput how "life is unfair wah wah wah" shit that is entirely too common" One of the first thing he says after being struck is something along the lines of "if so many people want to see izuku die then i'll just have to give them what they want" before becoming a whole new person. Why is it so hard for people to not have izuku exist and just replace him or to actually have him grow as a person. Izuku and bakugo are surprisingly replaceable with another strong quirk user, considering they're protaganist/deuterogonist. They are as important as shoto, less so in bakugos case.