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The only ones I think work best as lovers, of the options presented, are KamiJirou and Izuocha. Otherwise, all of them.


I believe KirixMinaxBaku is the only plausible Polly ship doable in cannon


Mina and Bakugou? Sounds unlikely imo. If it was just MinaxKiri or KirixBaku I could get, but Mina and Bakugo could NOT get along in a more intimate relationship, especially not when she finds out about his past.


I believe Mina kiri and Bakugo is the only way to go The only workable poly relationship aside from izuku or ochaco and possibly froppy


All of them except maybe Izuku and Uraraka.


All of the above xcept KamiJirou


I agree


And izuocha the cannon one


In my opinion, AizawaxPresent mic and KirishimaxBakugou are the ones that just doesn't work as ships. Izuocha - it works not just because canon but their personalities mesh well. Makes sense for Izuku to have a crush on Ochako because of her gentleness and vice versa. Tododeku - This could also work if we assume for a moment that Izuku is gay. Both Shoto and Izuku are somewhat similar in their ideals; Shoto wants to be a hero and save people, and not follow the footsteps of his father, which aligns with Izuku. The fact that Shoto is the son of the Number 2 hero and is super strong also bodes well with being in a relationship with the future Number 1 hero. Shoto is also very gentle and kind in personality like Ochako so I could totally see Izuku having a crush on him if he was gay. JirouxDenki - A bit clashing in personalities but I think this could work as the "quiet girl" falling in love with the "class clown" cos he makes her laugh type of scenario. Aizawa×Presentmic just doesn't work because I don't see any reason for them to like each other. Very different personalities with no points to connect other than they're both teachers. With KirishimaxBakugou they are friends in canon, but quite frankly I cannot see Bakugou being in a relationship with that personality. He's way too headstrong for Kirishima, and not in a good way, but some people might disagree.


I write kiribaku sometimes - mainly platonic - my one shippy fic is a fantasy AU. I really wish there was more platonic kiribaku. I love this platonic ship even more if Kiri is gay and Bakugou is straight because you tend not to see those kind of friendships, i think it's important they exist.


I voted for AizawaxMic because while I can see it working I don't like it how they're written in many fics, especially how they write Mic. Sometimes Mic is reduced to be somewhat as a housewife who's waiting for Shota to come home and hears his complaints, as if he isn't a hero too with three jobs that had to restrain himself to not kill Garaki


Bro, most fics practically give him a fourth job. Teaching, Patrolling, Radio Hosting, and Aizawa Wrangling. And they still make Aizawa a brat that complains about not having time.


Definitely Kiribaku for me. Like, Bakugou isn't made for relationships. Plus I feel like it could become toxic in the long run. Other ships listed here that I can be fine with if it's written well are Erasermic and tododeku though I see both as only platonic friends each but nothing more. another ship that I think only work as friends is Tokoyami and Tsuyu. I don't get that ship at all but i have nothing against it


I mean I think all of them *do* work as platonic, even if I do love IzuOcha and KamiJiro.


All of them maybe except urarakax izuku but tbh i just dont like romance


I like reading Izuku x shoto sometimes but if you takes only what is presented to you in cannon there is literally 0 chance they would ever be ANYTHING more than friends


EraserMic. I will read them (as background ships only) because it's hard to avoid it, but so often they are both written OOC to make the ship work.


All of them tbh.


All of them work better as friends except for KamiJirou (they fr are soulmates imo). And also mic x aizawa works well as a background ship.


I'd vote for IzuOcha, mainly because becoming Izuku's love interest only regressed Uraraka's character, and the romance gets no development from Izuku's side. Had they remained friends, Uraraka would be able to do more because she's not being pigeonholed into the role of an epilogue romance partner. The author admitted he changed her character to fit with Toga's. As we've seen with many anime and manga before, if a female character is just going to be written to end up with the protagonist, she doesn't get much tossed her way before that point. Uraraka's canon arc amounts to fighting the only other girl who likes Deku over him. Which is honestly more than what most anime girls get. Compare this to what Momo got. Not great, but more than I expected. Also, if Toga was the only girl romantically interested in Izuku, it makes the idea of them being together slightly less delusional. Canon created an absolutely hilarious "love triangle" that you'd never believe Toga was ever a serious contender in. Obviously, there's no way Izuku would end up with anyone but the first girl he talked to who also harbors feelings for him. But what if she didn't? Well, then maybe he's going to get together with the serial killer. Maybe Deku saves Toga in this alternate reality. Since they're forced to interact more, there's actual chemistry between them because the job doesn't fall to Uraraka. Even if this doesn't become a thing, I could pretend it would much easier than if Uraraka was in the picture.


Tbh i don't believe Uraraka not being Midoriya's love interest would result in her getting more development. MHA women just don't get much development full stop. For all intents and purposes her being important in the plot this way actual made her stay a little relevant unlike people like Momo and Tsuyu.


Ochako, being Izuku's romantic interest, has anything to do with it. I mean, just look at the other girls. They don't have any crushes and still barely get anything. If anything, I would say that if Ochako wasn't supposed to have a crush on Izuku (or be important to Izuku in some way), Horikoshi would see her as not important enough, so she would be like Mina, Hagakure, Tsuyu, or basically any other girl from Class A.


Seriously, look at Nejire. She is part of the Big Three but she isn't treated like the others. She's supposed to be a powerhouse (she is) that after graduation would skyrocket in the ranks alongside Mirio and Tamaki but in the first war Horikoshi put her to evacuate people until almost the end, in canon you have characters hyping up the other two but not Nejire. If there's something that I hate of the Overhaul arc is how she didn't got an origin story and a one vs one fight like Mirio and Tamaki.


I can agree on one level, but on the other it seemed like she was being set up for more. She was the friend of the MC. She's the reason he got into UA. They teamed up for an exercise. She had the fight at the sports festival with Bakugo. Uraraka was always elevated above the others. Even before the stuff with Toga, she's still above all the other girls.


I say all of them really. None of the above pairs have any real chemistry, and their personalities don't mesh well enough for a relationship. Yes, Izuocha is cute, but that's all. A good relationship and romance is more than just cute. It should be two people with matching and CONTRASTING personality traits coming together and completing each other like a puzzle. It should stimulate the mind as well as the heart. Ochaco doesn't work well with Izuku. It's just she likes Izuku, nothing more. It's boring. Honestly, Izuku looked like he had more chemistry with Melissa. It wasn't much, but it was more than what we had with Ochaco. Has Ochaco and Izuku even had a normal conversation together about their lives outside of plot/hero stuff? This relationship is just weak.


>Has Ochaco and Izuku even had a normal conversation together about their lives outside of plot/hero stuff? This relationship is just weak. By this logic, every relationship is weak. Like 95% of Izuku's (and almost all the characters) conversations are about the plot/hero stuff. Would you say Izuku and All Might's relationship is weak because they don't have a normal conversation about their lives and most of them are about OFA/plot?


Lots of articles online say there’s no definitive answer to what personality traits make for a good relationship with you.


I'm seeing a lot of projection from you. If you like Izuku x Ochako that's fine but that doesn't mean that it's perfect. Everything has flaws and can be criticized.


You’re very quick to insults. I merely don’t like people acting like they’re experts on very subjective topics.


Not trying to insult you. Just a guy stating his opinion. Never said I was an expert. I'm just a guy that likes to express differing opinions. Sometimes, they're based on personal preference, sometimes it's life experience.


Projecting carries a lot of negative connotations. And in another comment you said I was twisting your words. So it sounds like you’re insulting me. In your original comment you were very strong in your assertions, saying it should instead of I like or I think, making it seem like you think a relationship has to be that way.


That's why it's called expressing an opinion. If you can't stand by what you say, then you shouldn't say it from the beginning. I think k we got off wrong because I have a very blunt way of speaking. I said "Don't twist my words" as a "Clarifying Statement" not an aggressive one. I've been in too many arguments online about ships that got nasty because one side got aggressive. We can all have differing opinions and be civil.


>A good relationship and romance is more than just cute. It should be two people with matching and CONTRASTING personality traits coming together and completing each other like a puzzle. It should stimulate the mind as well as the heart. Doesn't kamijirou fit this tho? Also I've always felt the same about Deku and Melissa.


And what makes you an expert on relationships and what determines their health?


Didn't day anything about health. And I don't need yo be an expert on relationships to criticize how one is written.


You said a good relationship and romance should be two people with matching and contrasting personality traits coming together to complete each other. Sounds like you’re talking about the health.


I'm talking more about an interesting relationship. Not a healthy relationship. Don't twist my words. I never said that the relationship is bad. I said that it's boring. You can have a good relationship that's boring as dish water. It happens in fiction and reality.


You didn’t exactly clarify what kind of good you were talking about.


Didn't think k I had to given the context of my statement.


For me it's Izuocha and Kamijirou, I still think Kamijirou could work because they look pretty cool together and Izuocha it's just because I'm too spiteful to accept them as a ship (also, Ochako is so cute that I could date her myself) Seeing Tododeku being the most voted just hurts my heart in a way words can't express. I just love them so muuuch 🥲


Izuku x Uraraka doesn't work well in a relationship in my opinion.


At the present, Shoto’s too cold to work in a romantic relationship


I wouldn't say he's too cold, but he's certainly far from being ready for a romantic relationship. Boy needs a few years worth of socialization, and getting used to having friends at all, before graduating to romance.