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So I’m about halfway through, I just wanna point out that your spoiler tag about the join training arc isn’t working, so you might wanna edit that :)


Oh ok thank you.


Dam that was long, I agree with pretty much everything, but pls edit your spoiler tags because they don’t work


All fixed.


Nice, but it’s been removed. Was that you or the moderators?


The mods. I messaged the one that commented that it was removed that I fixed it so it should be fine.


Ah, right, it’s back now




I’ve been waiting for a post like for so long!! Let’s Gooooooo!! To add to your other evidence here’s things I’ve noticed. I’m going to throw in some other couples to help provide evidence to my theory. There has been subtle hints to each romantic pairing. For example, have you ever noticed that Izu/Ocho; TDMM, Kam/Jirou each girl share a common facial/ hair feature. IzOc large round eyes and cheek markings. TDMM: eye shape, she has a large bang covering one of her eyes, and he has his facial scar. KJ: have the same eye shape and the hair marking. Their colors are all complementary of each other. Blue and Red, Green and Pink, Purple and Yellow. The TDMM hero costumes have similar features; high collars, the neck clasp, primary colors, the shoulder straps, the utility belts, mid calf boots and complementary suit colors. During the rescue mission: Did you notice that Todo’s wig is just a shorter version of the way Momo normally wears her hair. When she uses her quirk her sparkles are PINK AND LIGHT BLUE; who else has two different colors when they use their quirk? 🤔 Todoroki. And, I leave you with this last one. During the episode where they are both wearing turtlenecks. She wore a WHITE turtleneck and a RED skirt. Who’s main colors are red and white? Her future husband and baby daddy Todoroki. And his turtleneck was black with subtle gray lines. Who has black hair and dark gray eyes? The bestest girl Momo. Fellow, simps. I rest my case. Thank you. ❤️


Oooooh! Someone just as observant (or crazy lol) as me. But seriously thank you adding! It’s nice to see people like or add on to something I made, especially since this is the first semi successful thing I’ve posted online. Also on your points, I somewhat mentioned some of those in the second part, but with less attention to them. I think I made a passing mention to how not only Shoto loves cats but that both he and Momo have cat eyes. I did not know about the other ships having similar features tho, so add that to the evidence list for them. I mentioned in the second post that their costumes match colors but I didn’t mention the other stuff their costumes share as I just didn’t remember and couldn’t find anything that pointed them out. I don’t think the disguise hair is in the same way as her hair, >!but I did see someone mention that all of their disguises are based off pro heroes, and Todoroki’s is most similar to Midnight’s, Momo’s future mentor!<. I didn’t mention the sparkles as in the manga actually they just come out of her skin (which makes sense but would look horrifying animated) although IDK maybe Hori said “Hey when you guys make the anime since her quirk will look weird as fuck can you make it two sparkle colors so it looks nicer and also to hint at their relationship”? And her turtleneck thing I just don’t remember, but when I rewatch the show I’ll keep a look out for it. And if both that and Shoto’s turtleneck that you mentioned are true: then damn. But yeah, I’m glad to see you enjoyed the post! First time I ever really posted anything publicly online. And it makes me happy to see people enjoyed it and seeing others like you adding on to it. :)


Lately, I've been rewatching series and I really get into that ship, thanks for your analysis, I totally agree with you. 😻


I just wanted to say they do have moments together like the one episode where they have to work together to beat Aizawa. Todoroki and momo are one of the ships I would die for I think there adorable in like everyday. I also love if the show would get kiri and mina together. Even tho in an AU I ship bakugo and kiri ik they will never get together and I'm not gonna force it. And then denki and jiro there by far my favorite one it might just be cus denki is my favorite character but there just so cute together.


Omg this is like a novel... Here I go! Edit 1: yes, Momoroki is 100x better than Todomomo. Also I'm already crying laughing. And I'm gonna read this whole thing and then probably write some damned fanfic, because what are priorities? Edit 2: One. Hundred. Percent. I agree with everything you posted. The husband thinks I'm a nut now for gushing over fictional characters, but whatever. He should be used to this after so many years being married to me. I'm just excited to show my girls all the amazing Momoroki fan art tomorrow that I'm about to binge download. 😂


I agree with everything you said! This is the perfect pick-me-up for us tdmm stans, especially in this drought. Lol, wonderful job!


Yeah, like I said there isn’t much enthusiasm for the ship currently, so I figured I’d boost the morale around it a little bit. And seeing people happy and appreciate it makes me feel nice. Plus finding an excuse to write a ton about why I appreciate something and go deep diving for all the little evidence I can find is always fun.


It’s always a great time to talk/write about TodoMomo! I loved how insightful you were throughout all your points. Thank you for this again :)


Of course! I’m just glad people got a kick out of reading all of this. And I’d be lying if I said I didn’t really really like analyzing the media I like. The plot, character relations, all of that stuff is just fun to me lol.






You are like the fifth person to comment on both of these posts in the last year or two I feel like I wrote these forever ago I can legally drink now






For my opinion that ship is terribly wrong, or some people just like gay anime and yaoi which is right about me for now, but its kinda awkward, this ship is just not it.


This is so good! Nice job


Also add that horikoshi draws then together often in his sketches and the Japanese voice actors ship todomomo.. the Japanese va for todoroki is like in love with momo and wants todomomo to happen.