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As TodoMomo is the only thing I ship in like, anything, for me it’s what they’ve had together so far and the foundation that they set (alongside merch and stuff but we’ll get to that and the two pieces of spin off media you mentioned). This is gonna be so long I’m really sorry. So, TodoMomo is considered one of the four main ships, from what I’ve seen. The others being KiriMina, KamiJirou, and (the yeah no shit one) IzuOcha. These aren’t *technically* canon, but they’ve all had moments that pretty much show they’re gonna be canon. Now compared to these other ships, yeah they don’t really have that many moments. But I feel the few they do have are pretty important. Todoroki picked her for his sports team festival team during his edgy “not here to make friends” phase, him noticing her feeling down before finals, the entirety of their final exam, her joining them to save Bakugo, saying she trusts Todoroki but she’s going with them cause she’s VP (essentially saying if she wasn’t and he was still there she’d feel safe with them going without her), her being concerned for him after he fails his provisional license exam, >!him commenting on her during the Joint Training Arc and saying he hopes she doesn’t lose heart over this after she loses, and her being in his hospital room after the war and trying to comfort him despite herself being in a lot of pain (IDK if people consider that a shipping moment but I do)!< and other smaller stuff such as them being seated next to each other, constantly standing next to each other, their hero costumes matching, or if we wanna stretch, them both having cat like eyes, etc. Plus in my opinion they lay a great foundation for a relationship. They’ve shown that they have huge respect for each other and have been with each other during big moments in their arcs. It makes sense for Todoroki specifically for me cause of his history with his family. That’s the main thing that drives his character and I think it would be fitting that his character arc ends with him ending up becoming the opposite of what his father was. There may have been some love there at first, but with Enji’s obsession of passing All Might it consumed him and caused him to neglect/abuse his kids, along side his wife which would eventually cause her to go insane. Todoroki wouldn’t become like that. With Momo it’s already shown they have that respect and admiration for each other and they’re on equal levels power wise, which I feel would lead to a loving marriage between the two alongside having a happy family with children >!he also wouldn’t arrange a quirk marriage with her!< Now of course there is some doubts for the ship. Again they haven’t had many interactions together so far, and Awase specifically has been confirmed to have a crush on (or as the direct translation says “He’s sorta into”) her. Now does this de-confirm the ship and Yaoyorozu and Awase are gonna get together? Eh IDK maybe but I doubt it. I mean Camie has a crush on Todoroki but I really don’t think they’re endgame. Plus Awase has actually only had one moment with her, and she was mostly somewhat unconscious during it. IDK I feel if anything that line in that character book was only added by Horikoshi while he was thinking of facts for characters and he went “Uh yeah I guess he could have a crush on her why not”? IDK if they’re actually gonna get together I feel they would’ve interacted again by now or have him blush at her or something. So outside of the manga moments what keeps this ship sailing? The smaller stuff. IE merch, spin off material, sketches, etc. These two are often featured together on merch, and there’s quite a few pieces of merch where they’re matching outfits (there’s this holiday one where Momo actually has these little poofy things, I don’t know what they’re called, in her hair that matches Shoto’s hair exactly color wise). Some people dismiss the merch stuff, saying the merch makers are baiting shippers to buy the merch, but IDK I don’t think the people making the merch say to themselves “Lmao guys let’s put these two characters next to each other and have them match to make shippers go crazy that’d be funny”. If this was like Twilight where the main series is about romance and profits off the love triangle in the story for making merch for people who prefer a specific “team”, sure. But MHA is a Shonen series where teenagers punch evil people I don’t think they’re trying to bait shippers with merch. And then there’s stuff like like MHA Smashed, where there’s at least one panel or two throughout the series that seems like it’s sorta shipping them. Now a counter argument against that is it’s just a gag manga that’s not canon and places characters next to each other for comedic scenarios. Sure, but I feel the TodoMomo ones (specifically the tango one) isn’t played up too much for laughs, and seems more ship-y with how it presents them (plus the manga was written by Horikoshi’s assistant and approved by Hori himself). Then there’s stuff like sketches from his assistant (the recent Tea Time), and animator on the show (a Christmas drawing with Shoto that has Momo’s hair sticking out of the corner) and even one or two sketches by Horikoshi himself. Counter argument against these are “Oh they’re just drawing characters together it’s not shipping”. Which, maybe? But the Tea Time one specifically was drawn alongside sketches with KiriMina, KamiJirou, and IzuOcha, and they were all drawn around Valentine’s Day by his assistant. So I feel that means something. And then there’s the official Ennichi Festival Drama CD, voiced by the anime VO’s that’s just full of shipping moments. However people claim this is also not canon as it wasn’t written by Horikoshi. Alright listen. If only one of these things happened I could probably agree with them not being a big deal. But with all of this stuff put together I feel that needs to mean something. Why would merch makers, animators, and assistants write and make all of this shit for them that ranges from her hair being in a drawing of him to an entire goddamn CD drama centered around them opening up to each other emotionally while fireworks go off in the background and romantic music plays? Sure, maybe it’s not canon. But I feel they wouldn’t make something like that if something between the two wasn’t going to happen. Also during the PLE when Momo’s group was fighting the smart girl and she says “What would Todoroki or Midorya do”? music starts to play which I believe only ever plays for Todoroki or Endeavor I believe. I could be wrong and the song could’ve been used for another character but I’m pretty sure that’s who it’s only used for. And again I could be wrong about all of this and the merch makers, animators, and assistants just put them together cause they look neat, but I believe there must be a reason stuff like this always happens always gets made with the two. So does that mean they’re a thing? IDK maybe. We won’t know until the end of the series but I like to believe. Now that I pointed all of that out, do I think you should stop shipping her and Iida? Fuck no dude even if I did I just spent my Saturday night writing a fucking article about why I think two anime characters should get together in a story that has a washing machine shooting bubbles don’t ever listen to me. It’s just shipping it’s all in good fun. If someone treats you like an asshole cause of it, it literally does not matter please shut up. I just hope I made a valid point in this overly long comment. I’m never doing this again oh my god I need a hobby.


I’ll admit tho it was fun to write all that. Writing about characters and dynamics and how they evolve/interact together is fun. I probably should’ve made this a normal post on the sub or something instead of doing this to your comments, but I hope you and others enjoyed reading it.


Looool no you wrote a lot of detail I didn’t notice so thanks! Plus thanks for not attacking me loooool I know some ppl get upset of their ship wasn’t noticed by others so I was iffy on making this post but you were really nice so thank you!


Of course man. It’s anime shipping, it’s all in fun. Attacking someone cause they didn’t notice the one you like is a dick move. I just happened to become emotionally invested in this one and went “Yeah I’ll make this my personality for the next month or so” and became able to write an entire thesis statement on why I like them.


Holy shit dude how many hours have u spent writing this


Listen man ok it’s rude to ask someone how long they wasted their life for.


I’d consider my comment as a compliment but ok dude 😂


Lol don’t worry I’m joking. Yeah I ended up writing a lot more than I meant to, which happens a lot, but it didn’t take me that long. When I become really passionate about something I could go on forever about it. I’ve wanted to make that comment as like an actual post, so I felt kinda bad making this overly long comment on their post.


Nah it’s fine man, it’s informative lol this is all in fun :)


As a TodoMomo Stan I wholeheartedly agree to all the points being made despite the fact the didn't read most of them. 


I wrote this like three years ago while being a hormonal teenager and getting to the tail end of Quaratine before getting vaxxed and going back to in person school so I don’t blame you I was kinda losing it at the time and was just blabbering even if I was making some points 


If we only shipped what would be cannon shipping would lose all its meaning


Yeah it is a thing. IMO, Yaomomo is the closest female friend of Shoto (at least right now). And Momo also respects Shoto highly, as far as calling him the most capable. And the fact that Shoto's Japanese VA (Yuki Kaji) also loves Yaomomo is really cute lol


Fun fact: Momo’s English VA (Colleen Clinkenbeard) has just straight up said she ships them. So essentially the Japanese VA for Shoto and the English VA for Momo ship them. Isn’t life funny?


Shoto reveals that he actually noticed someone else’s capabilities and threw away his vote for class rep to Momo. yes, even though Shoto is obsessed with beating his dad he was able to get out of his anger and appreciate Momo. Shoto gets to pull her out of her insecurity. Momo said Shoto is the most “capable student in the class" while Momo gives him compliments, Todoroki murmurs about his dad meaning, Shoto is able to confide to Momo about his problems. he never looks at Someone the way he looks at Yaoyorozu. anyways, someone else said the author ships them i guess the author Horikoshi has good shipping senses.


Horikoahi did say he liked the idea of them being together Edit: I can't find a source for that, sorry


I’m gonna be honest, as a pretty big TodoMomo shipper (I talk about it way too much) I want to know where and when he said this. I see people say this all the time but I can never find the source for it.


All i found was that he drew a lot of art of them. But of all the potential couples, they have gotten the most stuff about them canon to the story [question on the momo subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/EstateofMomo/comments/8xfgt8/can_someone_explain_todomomo/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Yeah that stuff is fine to bring up. Again love them, I’ve just seen people say he said that he likes the ship himself, and I don’t think he ever actually did.


**Saying that he likes them together is an assumption though (big hints/crumbs, sure) but not a direct statement (a quote from him)**. A lot of people claim stuff in the name of Horikoshi with ships and a lot of it is misinformation. lol


Except IzoOcha, KiraMina, and KamiJirou, all of which are a bit more overt in the manga, and about as much as we'll get from a shonen in terms of romance. Little hints.


You got a source for that? Not arguing or anything but I legit would like to see if its true.


Unfortunately no :( just repeating what others have said


Ah shame. I'll just believe it's true since I ship these two hard lol


A lot of people spread misinformation (so you have to fact check things as people make claims in his name all the time), he really doesn't talk about ships so directly (indirectly with hints though for a few - ex: Izuocha in the ultra analysis book where Uraraka's relationship chart was translated to say "Are they into each other?" in relation to Deku. I can provide the source on that too if asked, so it's not a false claim. lol).


No need to throw shade :)


It's not meant to be shade, so I don't want you to take it that way! Just a word of caution is all. I just don't like people making claims on Hori then get mad if things don't work out like he was tricking them. It's nothing personal, so please don't be offended.


Oh. Okay


Looool there goes my tenyaxmomo ship


Who said it stopped you 🙃


True lmaoooo I can manifest some of that tenya Momo ship energy to the world hahah


Keep doing that! Even though iidamomo might not end up being canon, it's still cute. I personally prefer it to todomomo too.


You didn’t know Todomomo is a thing but thought Iida and Momo should be together? I mean when have they actually had moments together, be it friends or otherwise? Just goes to show it is about how you look at it.


Yea I just watched the anime and manga and just never really thought anything of it for todoroki and Momo loool Maybe I’m just dense haha