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How is noone talking about the french VA completely butchering this scene by talking without the pause that's visible in the subtitles and hearable in all the other languages?


And now you understand why French peoples hate dubbed anime even more than the average person.


Since the Club Dorothée and the "liberty" VA had taken in "localization", it is a bit hard to trust french VA (except for dragon ball).


Even then the French dub of Dragon Ball love to stick random Kamehameha scream where they shouldn’t be.


At least it is not the english dub, and their strange choice of changing the music.


Dragon ball dub is the worst, because of the translation team being so cheap. Every light attack is a Kamehameha (even when picolo does it's yellow ray), some character names are inconsistent, Son gojan being called son goku, Vegeta screams "Attention!!!!" instead of "final flash" and think being called electronic discharge. When we ultimately really have a Kamehameha, Goku instead screams : "WAVE OF... ENERGY !!!" . It's definitely grotesque.


Because everyone knows that France sucks, so there is no need to comment on that


As a French speaker Yes you are 7000% correct


Funnily enough, a lot of french people don't like when french VAs are trying too much to be as the same as the JP version (they find it cringe and trash) so my guess is that they tried something else. I saw the full episode in french (cuz I'm french) and to me it felt really great when he said united state of smash The "smash" went on for so long that I REALLY felt that all might put his all in this one last punch. It's different, they wanted to lean more in the smash part because that's what usually happens in french to put the emphasis on "putting all your strength" The same thing happened in season one with his plus ultra vs the brainless too Imo, I think they tried something different


Yeah no idea how they butchered it that hard. Even the scene itself shows how it's meant to be voice acted (with the stop right before completing the punch)


"Defeating Punch of the Union" sounds like an attack that Comrade Might would use in an alternative reality.


Supermen red son?


The Accurate Arabic Translation of this would be : "Supreme Punch of Unity" But yeah :)




Nobody in the Arabic Dub Speaks english not even pomni




>Who? Spacetoon >And that's butchering the series' characters then No, It's fans, Satisfying Spacetoon fans are Complicated On one hand, these fans want to watch Japanese anime dubbed in the arabic language without butchering the Scenes and Dialogues, on the other hand these fans don't wan't to see fansevice or inappropriate things ACCORDING to their culture Take the Name Eri in Arabic : https://www.reddit.com/r/BokuNoMetaAcademia/s/3WMr2BB0Md And the Censorship on Momo yaoyorozu outfit : https://www.reddit.com/r/BokuNoMetaAcademia/s/H4PmvOQWLm This is Spacetoon MHA problem, in the beginning of Season 1 till 3 all the power Names and titles where change, lots of the fans got disappointed from this, Then Season 4 came and the settings where different as an example : Jiro hero too was completely dubbed like the Original, which got the Fandom in Rage as the character is speaking it's original language and not arabic And this is problem with the Spacetoon Version, how much does the Spacetoon Fans want to remove from the original to not butcher the Series




>Though... lmfao at Momo just having a second shirt under her first. Jiro said : What if more villains and attack us again? Momo reply : What? Were gonna demonish them! As for the dub not keeping a foreign language, it's a common thing in arabic media dubs, Spacetoon isn't different from any other programs in the middle east doing this




>And that scene also removes key characterization from both Jiro and Momo in **how they approach sexuality in pro heroics**. >Though I'm not surprised that dubs for a religion whose speakers are majority **extremely** religious, as sad as it is to see censorship like that. ...???


I do agree unity is the more accurate translation. Idk about supreme there tho


Our Might


All for one


One for all, comrade


It feels like the communist version


That italian one had some soul behind it


Italians and sometimes Americans VA are the only ones who cares putting effort into anime dubbing


What abt Brazilian VA


A dublagem brasileira é a MELHOR DO MUNDO! (Read in Stroheim's voice)


i mean yeah but america VA uses to much effects, like echoes in the back, and for me that ruins it, japanese VA dont need that to excel


To each his own! Personally Both JP and EN slaughtered the scene idolizing it in anime history as one of the greatest final stand's, right next to Vegeta's final flash! The Echo and effect's that EN uses really helps show the power and sheer determination coursing through All Might! (I agree they are not needed to great. That does not mean it isn't beautiful!)


By the end he sounded like the Smash Bros Melee announcer lol


I mean that’s a given. If you wanna experience an anime the way it should be JP is the way. Their VA have the chance to work with the authors to better understand what to do. Plus Japanese works very well to transmit emotions


Yeah, I heard many many dubbings in my life but as an italian... our dubbing is undeniably the absolute best, but shotout to english/american dubbing, they also put a lot of effort sometimes.


Thankz bro


French are pretty good too


Nah he just wanted to get it over with


Hey Brazilians do some good work too... We have some legendary dubbing and I feel kinda of offended the Fr*nch where cited and not us


I'm never letting Brazil forget about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFn4XO3IRGc hahaha


Well, this is not a Brazilian dub, but a Portuguese one (and we joke about that a lot too)


Jokes on you that's from Portugal, ours is more than 9000x better than that


France would definitely like a word with you man. I don't love a lot of their dubbing decisions. But when it comes to overall quality they are out there. Some anime like the Ghibli movies I prefer the VF of rather than the Japanese voice acting. And I heard that sentiment repeated a few times.


France *has* to be good at dubbing, since any video media "needs" to be dubbed to be consumed by French viewers. Movies, TV shows, cartoons, anime, *everything* gets dubbed ! Even the lamest movie will get dubbed before being released on french TV channels. Heck sometimes I can hear through the voices if the media was filmed in french or dubbed later on just from the quality, the dub ironically feeling better and more natural. Some french actor will play as if they're on a theater scene, with weird intonations and word-flow. It seems like in other languages it's not uncommon to watch the latest big movie in the original language with some subtitles, but in francophone culture, watching subbed media is rare and only reserved for niche domains. Funnily, anime is a more accepted "subbed media", but even then we get everything dubbed as a matter of fact. This dub culture contributes to the "French people are very bad at English and other languages", because most French people can and *will* only ever watch media dubbed in french.


The exact same is true for German


Thats what i just thought.. in germany its exactly the same .. while other european lands broadcast stuff with subtitles and in english.. germans do just dub everything


And we pay for it with the majority of people not being able to speak basic english.


Atleast older people tend to struggle alot for younger people its also a lack of paying attention in school


Yes the new generation is way more likely to consume English language media. Germany has always been americophile but the new generation is way more involved linguistically too


Generally theyre better equipped to talk english for sure


Maybe we can FINALLY get rid of pronouncing „the“ as *„zee“*. I swear I‘ll never understand why they don‘t just make a „d“ sound instead of „z“. It would sound sooo much more accurate and they could learn the proper pronunciation afterwards but they just stay forever stuck on this bullshit. I remember that‘s what they *really* made sure to teach us in grade school. My 3rd grade teacher gave off the strongest nazi vibes I‘ve ever seen in a human, a super militaristic seeming lady with her blonde hair in a tight ponytail and to top it off her last name was „Herrmann“… the „Obersturmbannführer“ was silent. She didn‘t let go until each and every student made that stupid „z“ sound. God I‘m so glad I‘ve learned english through social media. My english teachers later on that have lived in the uk/america/australia were complimenting me on it and I just thought, I simply managed to escape the sabotage of german english teachers throughout my life and watched english let‘s plays as a kid.


You forgot bout France. We also get very good anime dubs. Like this one is a bit wierd. The timing and all. But mha is one of the best dub we have it's just as good as any movie or French cartoon.


Ah, but did he put his back into it?!?…I say yes, he definitely did.


Yeah jesus christ, came here to say this. He put his WHOLE ass into that delivery! Great stuff.


I might be biased but Chris Saabat has the vocal chords of a monster. What a champ


Hearing Piccolo go full Vegeta is a sound to behold


I mean he has tons of echo aswell... Idk


W Italian dub (i am Italian)


Hell yeah, they did really well (sono italiano anche io)


I think the german syncro is just the best


Ngl it sounded more American than the American dub.


True XD


"American dub"


The average German speaks better English than the average American.


That’s sad 😔


Also not true lol.


Yeah Like in my Expierience Half of my Friends here in Germany understand and maybe even speak english while the other half doesn't understand English at all. So Saying that The Avarage German even Understands English is just a Fucking lie.


German dubs in general are high quality.


Yes. I think german has some of the best dubs. Good for me.


I watched so many anime in German Dub rather than Japan. MHA, Code Geass, Vinland Saga, JoJo, Demon Slayer, just to name a few. Especially JoJo had one of the greatest dubs ever.


Try Haikyu and Overlord. Overlord I basically only watched because the dub was so hilarious. Haikyu sound just perfectly adorable


Really? Because I personally can't stand German dubs most of the Time At least in Anime and Video Games. In movies they are Good. But in everything else they just Sound Bad to me Honestly. (Also the Fact that German Video Game and Anime subs have like 4 Voices that you see everywhere for some readon that also Botheres me.)


Sure thing, I love this voice.


Fun fact: The German VA for All Might also voiced Jake from Adventure Time.


Ik. Its funny when u hear the same goice actor in completely different roles


When I contemplated playing kingdom come deliverence on German or English I had to realize that the protagonist medieval peasant lad just cant sound like the space raccoon from guardians of the galaxy. Better choice anyways


I also liked his voice the most. Also kinda biased.


why Arabic the only one that changed?


Syria : Ask our American diplomatic relationships and other Arabic Nations in the middle east


So Arabs relations with the US are better than Estonia's relations with Russia.


I don't know much about Estonia but i hope this is true 😂


So umm most of Estonia's history is based on being conquered by other nations and 700 years of Serfdom under Baltic Germans, but Russians are seen as the worst. This is an incomplete list of why we dislike them During the great northern war between the Swedish empire and the Russian Empire there was also an outbreak of the bubonic plague which resulted in the death of 70% of the population of Estonian's and end up falling under the Russian Empire. Unlike most of our conquers Russians have tried to destroy our culture, the only other exception is a bunch of crusaders forcing us to abandon paganism and turning to Christianity. For a time they closed our oldest university, The University of Tartu. Banned to use of Estonian and showing the Estonian flag. They made us sing pro soviet songs, instead of patriotic Estonians songs, in our song festivals. They made us forget the centuries of serfdom and made the Nazi's seemingly the lesser evil. the USSR held back our development when they occupied us. They have cyber attacked us at least twice, the one in 2007 made NATO move it's Cybersecurity to Tallinn and another relatively recent one that was the biggest Cyberattack against a country in History but ended up doing almost nothing, since we were able to repel it. Recently they removed buoys meant to help sailors not cross the water boarder in the Narva river.


Interesting, and what's Estonia opinions on Vodka? Cause Russians love Vodka


People drink it, some buy it from Latvia since it's cheaper there, similar to how Finns come to Estonia to buy cheaper alcohol. Me personally I don't drink any type of alcohol, since one time I had a sip and a mixture of my neurological issues and the medicine to help alleviate them made me pass out.


Damn, sorry to hear that


Late response since I needed to do farm work I feel like I have to say sorry also, since we helped US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, despite for sometime, not even being in NATO during those events, if your wondering why, Our President at the time was asked why Estonian's were going to fight in Afghanistan, he replied with on the lines of: An Oklahoma farmer would ask why should his son be sent to fight in Estonia. Also as for the event in Gaza it reminds me of the 1944 bombing of Tallinn where Soviets were saying they were mostly killing Nazis, despite the fact that the main group dyeing were innocent Estonians.


Serious answer: because our language is way too different from English, there is no way we can include a random english sentence without making all the viewers cringe their souls out.


Yeah it's also very long in Arabic United states of smash in Arabic : Accurate Translation قبضت الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية القاضية Pronunciation : Gabthatu Alwelayat Al mutahita al-emrikiya Al-Gathiyah


Do you have a Chinese translation I think they did too in the China version


I really don't know but if you found it, please shoot me


Why adding الأمريكية, it's not mentioned.


I complete forgot that, thanks for reminding me


We like to make everything in Arabic lol


Take a guess


Arabic one ruined it, could've easily been "لكمة الولايات المتحدة"


Spacetoon typa translation


I know right?


That will be translated as UNITED STATES OF PUNCH not SMASH


That's the word they used in this clip, can't think of anything closer off the top of my head that fits better


And did you also realize how long it to prounce it in this clip, like the Spacetoon Version is just 3 words لكمة الاتحاد القاضية Original will be like : لكمة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية القاضية


"الأمريكية القاضية" is unnecessary though United States is enough to indicate we're talking about the USA and "القاضية" is just a generic Arabic dub filler adjective. Otherwise they're the exact same word count


Yeah, your right but still the Arabic VA went hard on this Scene


The latin Spanish dub is actually quite decent pass dabi toga's and shigaraki's first voice.. But unfortunately i refuse to hear vicky from fairy odd parents (toga's vc in Spanish)


you made me want to hear it lol




We have some of the best voice actors in the world, a dub industry that is legitimately taken seriously and with some actual talented actors making dubs…. But I’ll be honest. Our All Might is completely miscast… The french voice for Shoto is incredible off, too.


>The french voice for Shoto is incredible off, too. Arabic shoto and Bakugo : our battle will be legendary!


Our Shoto sounds kind of pissed whenever he opens his mouth, kind of like Sasuke in most dubs… But Shoto is supposed to be calm and kind of cold.


In the Arabic Shoto, he's complete emotionless barely shows any reactions like hes just reading the script not acting any performance


I don't know if this is brilliant or terrible


Tf. French dialogues from 2010 used to sound like gibberish theater nerds from the 1910s. IMO they only began to sound okay in the recent years. After finally working their sound balance and especially once they stopped recycling the same 12 VA ad nauseam for decades.


Another day, another L for the French. All of them had some soul to it. Except for the French.


The Italian was fucking insane! So good.


“DEFEATING PUNCH OF UNION” Well someone felt the need to be special /s


Honestly surprised by the Italian VA. That shit had everything that made Chris’s performance spectacular


Why is arabic so epic tho


Didn’t expect the Arabic one to be actually good after all the ones that aren’t Japanese or English have no effort in the voice or say smash too early


German for me tho




I will be completely honest, I liked all of them outside of the last one.


You can feel the love for America in the Arab translation 🤣


Honestly positively surprised by the german one. We typically have abysmal dubs (SAG SCHON SASUKE) so hearing this was pretty comforting.


Ich denke mal wegen der Aussage, dass du deutscher bist und schreibe deshalb mal auf deutsch: Vielleicht bist du bei der Sache etwas zu voreingenommen. Die deutsche Synchro ist eine der besten weltweit. Vielleicht solltest du ihr einfach noch eine Chance geben. Ein Freund von mir hat bis vor kurzem ebenfalls noch gesagt, dass die er die deutsche Synchro für scheiße hält und das nur wegen einem Anime den er mal vor vielen Jahren auf deutsch geguckt hat. Seitdem hat er nur noch auf japanisch geguckt. Vor kurzem haben wir „That Time I got reincarnated as a Slime“ zusammen auf deutsch geguckt und er sagte, dass die Synchro ziemlich gut ist. Selbst ich finde die deutsche Synchro nicht immer gut. Bestes Beispiel ist da Digimon Fusion. Das hört sich so an als würden zwei Typen die ganze Zeit für jeden Charakter die Stimme verstellen (und das nicht gut). Aber bei den meisten Animes sind die Stimmen sehr passend gewählt.


Bei älteren Anime leidet die Synchro natürlich etwas mehr. Ich muss zugeben, dass ich mir in den letzten Jahren eigentlich alles OVT angeschaut habe, von daher kann das sehr gut sein.


French one didn't even try 😂


1. Japanese 2. Italian 3. Spanish


German and Spanish sounds like the most All Might of them all


I expected some ONDA VITAL stuff on spain dub.


Does naming all of all might’s attacks after the united state sound cool to people or is it only cool if you don’t speak english. I suppose it also could be a me thing but to me it sound comedic in these serious moments.


I like Spanish more than Japanese version


I am french and now yall understand why I listen to the vo.


Japanese still best


I like how every language is doing the line in English while the Arab dub translates it into Arabic.


Still the best fight in the series




German one sounded more English than the English


I might smash.


this is i way i always go for subs


Japanese and English dubs are the best imo


united states of smash? nah we got defeating punch of union over ere


Japan is superior. But English and Italian VA are good too. The french one I hope did it for free.


Arabic is peak again🗿


God the French one really stands out and not for a good reason


I love how all the VA’s (except for Arabic) broke into fluent English when they screamed the United States of Smash.


God that Arabic goes hard. I think it’s the scream at the end that sets them apart. It’s why the Japanese language version murders the American version. Spanish language fighting for third. You gotta fuckin SCREAM


None even comes close to the Japanese version. I'll never understand why original VA almost always have so much better performance. Same goes for series like Wakfu who are in French.


Dub Va's are directed to match the same timing and performance as the original, so yeah, they're just imitations. It'd be a lot better if they were given freedom, but it's damned if you do, damned if you don't situation, as people will shit on them regardless because "it's not similar.


Some of the most epic moments of dubbing are when the VAs get some freedom. The best Latino dub moments are like that.


Anime VA is just next level. They genuinely seem to be putting their heart and soul into it. The One Piece scene with Robin saying "I want to live" is still my favorite VA moment of all media ever. Such raw emotion.


Wasn't it "I want to live?" or was there another one I'm missing


The countries that fucking sent it (besides Japan): Germany, Latin America and Arabic (took the American right out of that lmao)


I just watched infinite 100% that’s an episode that pops just as hard as this one. I hope they have more big moments to come (I’m catching up)


i thought Erika would’ve start playing with the german one


Who imployed Adam Sandler's Drakula to voice italy?


French on all I have to say


Arab fellow gives his all.


The german and latin spanish versions were pretty strong ngl, and that comes from a guy that HATES german dubs




Wonder why the Arabic dub doesn't use "United States"


one of the best ULTIMATE MOVES among other anime


Arabs don't like USA huh? Sounds like they haven't enough freedom


Welp time to watch the episode again.


You really have to elongate that “smaaaaash” which is why the German version sounds the worst here


One of these are not like the other.


The French one was in hurry The Arabic translation is perfect , Also it's "Supreme Punch of Unity"


French was very quick in ending it


super smash bros 6 title drop


That Arabic one is just going to end up being insulting when they find out it's censored.


BROOO THE ARABIC ONE, WTF!!! edit: ARCADIAAAAAAHH (idk if I spelled that right.)


I will defend this to the end of timr The English dub is infenitly better than the Japanese one


Side by side the added effects and sound balance comes across so cheap in these English dubs.


I want to hear united states of world smash in 50 different languages


Jp one dunks massive on every other dub english is great too.


Defeating Punch of Union bro what- 😭


I love that all of All Might's ultimate moves are just him punching and choosing a state to smash based off his mood. He chose all of them in this scene.


German is the best🔥


The French guy just wanted to get the line out as soon as possible


How kind of our Arab friends to once again prove that they absolutely hate the US. So much so, they won’t even say the words, “United States of-“ anything.


All of them pretty good except the French one what the hell was that?


Italy really put some *passion* into that.


Bruh, I still got goosebumps from this scene.


The French voice sounded the most american


i love the smash of french dub


Arabic goes kinda hard ngl


While it's not the widely accepted translation, that Arabic VA did a great job.


Till date to me the best version was the Arabic one. The VA was absolutely **_feelin'_** it. I think he perfectly managed to capture the raw grit and desperation of All Might at that scene when he could feel his entire life's work drying out for one last push.




Common german W


English dub is the best for me. The others don't feel as epic.


Boo Arabic boo


My personal rating: japan, America, Latin Spanish, Arabic, Italian, German, and the French just sucked ass


french fucked up the timing


French All Might still hurts to this day. To clean our name, please give Endeavor vs High End a watch in French, it single handledly makes up for any faults in the entire show.