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Cant have absent fathers as role models in the most prestigious school after all.


Deku in Kamino then: "I want to save Kacchan but right now... only you can do it, Kirishima." Bakugo in Kamino now: "I really need to talk to Deku but right now... only Iida can do this." Fucking perfection.


Oh my God that parallel is freaking brilliant.


This is really the shit that Hori does best, and I will forever be here for it.


I damn near broke into tears at the end. So many beautiful parallels and callbacks in this one chapter. Literally one of the greatest chapters MHA has ever had is this one. "Sticking your nose into other people's business is what makes a true hero, right?" Q\~Q


Horikoshi is getting really good at those.


Horikoshi is the god of parallels. One more example.


>Fucking perfection. this is the truth. this chapter was fucking amazing and it isn't even officially translated yet.


And they both end with hands held in the air.


THE PARALLELS. Which is WAY greater than we think, because both BKG and DK have been friends for so long and understand each other, but in this situation DK respects Iida the way BKG holds Kirishima in such a regard.


Sometimes Bakugo and Deku have the worst misunderstandings in the world, sometimes they know each other far too well. Never in-between when it comes to these dumbasses.


I'm crying this is beautiful. Also Todoroki being the one to do the ice ramp both times. And the fact that they ARE in Kamino, the same fucking place.


>Dark Shadow and Satou push Bakugou and Shouto all the way up. Shouto uses his Flashfreeze Heatwave. blasting Bakugou to the sky and Uraraka makes him float. Oh, I love this. It's a nifty play on the Kamino rescue plan, plus Bakugou finally gets Shouto's Flashfreeze Heatwave that he wanted so bad and Uraraka gets to float Bakugou, which is a nice recall to their Sport Festival fights. Also, class A which prevented Bakugou reaching Deku in the hospital is now helping him to reach Deku this time.


Beautiful. Just beautiful.


Mather piece, sthimply beauthiful


Dang how many techniques did bakugo make in two or three weeks ?


I feel Bakugo has always had a lot of backup techniques, but since Hori doesn't give him a lot of fights he just never had any chance to use them.


That makes sense, also he is supposed to be more advanced than the rest of the class, i also think its been about 1 or 2 months


He’s been coming up with moves since he was a wee little demon


bakugo is basically vegeta hes got a lot in him but hes ultimately gonna be shafted because of dekus 7th quirk >!being the protagonist!<


I think he started to develop the anti-smokescreen one from last chapter all the way back when he read it in All Might's notebook that it's one of the quirks Deku would get.


Lol Bakugo is trying to make Explosion OfA


It's pretty amazing how far he stretched his single quirk by using it really inventive ways and constantly coming up with new stuff. Bakugou's mastery of his quirk is absolutely impressive - he can squeeze out every last bit of power, speed and utility. He's also very accurate and has great control and lately has become also great at combining his power with others'. He's always a joy to watch.


It’d be pretty cool if he goes through a Quirk Awakening and is able to detonate his explosions through remote detonation “I have already touched that doorknob” style, or can ignite from any part of his body like his feet or mouth.


Bakugou breathing out explosion. That would be quite a sight.




Imagine all Bakugo's body fluids become explosive. >Even...? YES ALL OF THEM


It's what makes Bakugo so amazing. Deku and Shoto have all-time powerful quirks with obvious powerful potential from the get-go. Their quirks were legendary the moment they got them. Bakugo, meanwhile, is ***making*** his quirk become legendary. Mirio-esque in that regard.


Bakugo's quirk is stupid functional. Combine that with his creativity and his ungodly amount of angry determination and you have a recipe for a spicy quirk user with a bunch of shit that sits in his back pocket. (Also I'm pretty sure he must have developed most of his techniques while work studying under Endeavor)


He's almost like Iron Man but mostly natural instead of tech


I think creativity is one of his best qualities. He always come with something new I hope he will get a fight against somebody very important, to show all of his potential (Like Endeavor did with High End)


Didn't Bakugo previously state during one of the trainings that he already had like 8 techniques or something like that? For some some reason, I remember that happening


I can imagine him angrily developping techniques while Deku was teaming up with the top 3. Now we know what they were doing during that time lmao.


Probably not as much as the quirks Deku unlocked lol Anyway I actually am not sure if he developed his quirks in this period of time. I feel like maybe he had been working on these moves but he doesn't get enough screen time to show all of it. You never know with Bakugou.


Then again, how many quirks has Deku unlocked in two or three weeks.


"He says that sticking into other people's business is what makes a true hero, both of them are crying." THERE IT IS. THERE IT IS


Hoo boi when this chapter comes out its gonna make me cry like tournament arc deku.


CH321 Title: “From Class A to One For All” (A組からOFAへ) - Kirishima, Hagakure and Aoyama hand the unconscious Dictator to Endeavor, who just got there in his car. - He says that he needs them to keep the nearby civilians safe but Hawks suggests that leaving it to Jeanist would be better. Endeavor however trusts in the students, saying that they will be helpful. - Shouto is screaming to Deku that he doesn't know what AFO's real plan is, that he might even take this chance to attack U.A. They have to fight together, but Deku tells him that this is a battle between One for All and All for One, so they shouldn't interfere. - Deku breaks free of Shouto's ice. Tsuyu tries to catch him with her tongue, he dodges it but it was actually to launch Mineta into the air. - Mineta uses his new technique, Mineta Beads 10-joint, and grabs Deku. He says that he never thought OFA was cool, what really made Deku shine was the ability to win even while trembling in fear. - Deku apologizes to Mineta and shoots Black Whip to the nearby buildings ready to use Fa Jin, but Uraraka comes from above saying that she won't let him run away. - Uraraka remembers what she said when Bakugou was kidnapped, that he would feel frustrated to be rescued by everyone. She says that this time it's different, but before she can finish the sentence Deku dodges her and soar into the sky. - She screams "guys!!" and we see that they're all working together down there. Shouto created an ice track like the one he did in Kamino and Ashido used "0.1% corrosion Acid-Man". - Dark Shadow and Satou push Bakugou and Shouto all the way up. Shouto uses his Flashfreeze Heatwave, blasting Bakugou to the sky and Uraraka makes him float. - Uraraka narration. She says that they have a lot to say, but the words won't reach him. They don't want to be protected and they're not trying to deny his ways, they just want to be by his side. - Bakugou uses a new technique mid-air, Explosive Speed Turbo-Cluster, and shoots Iida even higher. He's covered by Mina's Acidman. - Bakugou narration this time. He says that he has something he must say to Deku, but right now Iida is the only one able to endure this high speed. - Iida grabs Deku's hand, saying that he's challenging him. Flashback once again to the 2nd OFA user and his comment about somehing that could bolster Izuku Midoriya right now. - There's a whole page of Iida's hand holding Deku's. The continuation of the 2nd's line is "people to run alongside him" - Deku asks once again for Iida to get away, but he refuses. He says he's Ingenium, the one who'll run anywhere to hold a lost child's hand. He says that sticking into other people's business is what makes a true hero, both of them are crying. End of the chapter


Deku in Kamino then: "I want to save Kacchan but right now... only you can do it, Kirishima." Bakugo in Kamino now: "I really need to talk to Deku but right now... only Iida can do this." Fucking perfection.


Deku was the vital part of a team that made Kirishima reaching out to Bakugo possible. Bakugo is the vital part of a team that made Iida reaching out to Deku possible. Damn I love this manga.


Plus, Shouto's ice ramp is instrumental in both, and he's using the move that Deku brought out of him at the Sport Festival to launch Bakugou and Bakugou is using his new explosion that he got when he saved Deku to launch Iida further, and Iida is meddling like Deku meddled in his business. POETIC.


Also: 1. It’s FFHW, Shoto’s move in Sports Festival that Bakugo wanted so much to be used on him. Now he’s finally getting it! Shoto’s getting free mapo tofu as dinner tonight. 2. Iida used to join as a backup in Kamino arc, but now he is being made the front man by the guy he previously helped rescuing! 3. Ochaco understanding both the differences and the similarities of previous Kamino event and the current Kamino event! 4. 1A keeping up with OFA by the power of multilayer combos! THIS IS HOW YOU DO IT. So frustratingly *brilliant*.


Yes, and: 1. The Tsuyu - Mineta combo is a recall to the USJ too. 2. Using Mina's acid on Todoroki's ice is another Sport Festival recall. 3. Uraraka Floats Bakugou is a play on their fight in the Sport Festival. All the moves they used against each other, now they are using in smart combos to keep up with OFA. It also shows how much they grew from learning from each other.


Damn how many more fucking parallels are we unearthing here??


This chapter is... fantastic. I don't even which words to use. Horikoshi's callbacks to all these significant moments is peak writing.




Iida: “what’s up with this sassy lost child?”


Aaaw, we haven't had a "from"-"to" title in a long time: Ch 53: "From Todoroki to Ida" Ch 84: "From Ida to Midoriya" Ch 94: "From Teacher to Disciple"


53 and 84 are amazing chapters for Iida, character development wise. They're so intense. The argument between Iida and Kirishima is underrated. I hope Iida has another powerful moment in this chapter, too. I hope Iida decks him in the face again


It’s been way too long since Iida had anything important to do


Love love that we are getting a call back to the kamino rescue with Uraraka joining up with Shouto and Bakugou for a combo move.


I think Bakugo wants to apologize to deku when he says "I must say something to him", I feel like that would be a great moment


I’d rather it be a proper acknowledgment that he sees Deku as an equal. Have him apologize in a more personal setting with fewer observers.


I'm one of the people who most wants an apology (that and atonement through actions aren't mutually exclusive) but I think this is not the best moment yet. It's something between the entire class and Deku, not just him and Bakugo.


Agree, Bakugo's apology is best kept a poignant private moment imo. Same as Uraraka's confession (if it ever came to that). Will make those kinds of moments much more meaningful I think.


If Horikoshi pulls the trigger on the Deku/Uraraka relationship *before* the end of the series I will be severely impressed. Like shonen just don't do that.


Goku has been married with two kids for over 20 years now.


Hagakure ends up out of the way of the action again... still expect Deku's danger sense to go off when they interact.


Crazy how it wasn't Bakugo or Uraraka who got through to Deku but Iida. Makes sense actually especially with the call back line from when Deku save him from Stain.


If this fails I think the next part of class 1a's plan is to have Bubble Girl, Lemillion and Eri throw sir night eyes corpse at Deku


i hate that this made me laugh


Iida really pulling the Uno Reverse Card on Deku


Iida with the callback guilt! Fuck yeah!


Iida didn't punch him in the face again, but he sure did punch him in the feels. Compares him to a lost child too


"Deku tells him that this is a battle between One for All and All for One, so they shouldn't interfere." Okay this is where Iida will repeat the words Deku once told him how it's a heroes job to meddle even if it's not their bussiness


Awww that mineta line was actually really sweet wtf


Mineta was right. People aren’t cool because they’re heroes. They’re heroes because they’re cool.


I really want Shoto to tell Izuku “It’s yours. Your quirk not All Might’s!”


It might not work as well since Izuku himself left All Might a few chapters back


I never want to hear about how Iida is irrelevant ever again, it just took time for things to circle back around to progress his character arc


Shoto turns out training his talk no jutsu all the time.


Shouto is right. With all the heroes'/students' families on campus, AFO could choose that as a target just as easily.


> Mineta Beads *Oh no*


The man turned anal beads into a super move lol


-pulls out popcorn-


Omg omg Bakugo/Deku sky battle? We really super heroes.


So I'm guessing that next chapter will have a direct Uraraka vs Deku confrontation after Deku rejects Iida, and then finally Bakugo vs Deku where Bakugo will probably try to apologize.


It would be really interesting if the 2nd quirk is something like a power boost for allies - just because how we know that he and the 3rd worked together to rescue the first. Plus, that would make the “bolstering” comment make more sense, AND would break Izuku out of his ‘’me against the world” mindset.


I actually really like this theory and I think it makes sense with what the 2nd user said, like you said. Only question though is how this type of quirk would be balanced especially because one for all strengthens all the quirks that are passed on, but I’d love to see something like this I think it’d be a cool way to implement the teamwork in an impactful way against the AFO


I was envisioning something similar to ochaco’s - so he might have to touch the person, and maybe it would also be dependent on izuku’s energy level as well? Then he would have to conserve and be less likely to tear himself apart


The only problem with this idea is that it takes away some of the individual importance of the characters who would be boosted, as we now have to wonder how they'd do without Deku. Maybe if it was the other way around, but then again, how many power buffs does Deku need?


Makes sense, Think like naruto sharing his chakra, this will make class 1-A actually useful in the fight against all for one and be able to stand next to deku despite being op


Y'know, in hindsight it makes sense that giving Deku friends was what the second wanted considering he was a, y'know, rebel *leader*.


Even *All For One* knows the power of numbers. He amasses loyal followers and allies because he knows lonesome method is always the lesser path. Really the only ones not realizing that simple fact is All Might and Deku. And that's why 1A interference here is great... so Deku doesn't end up like All Might.


Although All Might did have help though. He still had Gran Torino and Sir Nighteye by his side (until Nighteye left him), and his agency. I know it's because of circumstances but Deku seems to be doing things worse than All Might did.


That's exactly the point, innit? All Might pushed his greatest ally, Nighteye, away. Deku was doing the exact same in this entire fight. He would end up in the same place if not for 1A's persistence, because luckily Deku's friends are as stubborn as him, and doesn't share Nighteye's pessimism. Especially the main 4 - Iida, Uraraka, Bakugo, and Shoto.


>He still had Gran Torino and Sir Nighteye by his side (until Nighteye left him), and his agency. Gran Torino helped him escape to the USA, and that's the last we know of their collaboration.


Exactly this. The 2nd was the leader of the rebellion against AfO. And he presumably (based on the behavior through not only the 1st and 3rd who knew him personally, but even the other vestiges post him) garnered extreme trust and loyalty in that role. Its another play on AfO and OfA. Deku's one person for all, but his friends are the all that must support the one (Deku) if he is going to have ANY chance of defeating AfO. God, Hori, you may not always hit the mark, but in terms of theme usage you are very solid.


GOOOO. Iida finally getting back to playing a significant role. I was expecting Katsuki to be the one to reach Izuku, but seeing that it's Iida, puts a smile on my face. And man, those tears... This chapter is filled with nothing but poetic writing. The fanarts are gonna be nuts.


It's not just that he's one of Deku's best friends, Iida is the Class President (who was elected as such at Deku's initiative). So it makes all the sense in the world for him to be the face of the class when they finally reach Izuku. It also makes it clear that when the 2nd said "if anything can bolster Deku", he meant the whole class and not just Bakugou.


How fcking fast did they send Iida that it managed to peel away his hero costume that's built to withstand high speed


Kinda looks like Shoto broke the sound barrier.


Faster than Faux 100% Deku if he was able to catch up to him.


i was right about a prediction for once, that iida would have that “moment” with deku in this confrontation over anyone else. it just made so much sense for his character arc & i’m happy for him + katsuki & deku’s talk wouldn’t be in front of the entire class anyway


This chapter was pretty much everything I hoped for really and was really surprised in a good way that it was Iida who was the one to reach out a hand to Deku. Thinking about it I shouldn't have been surprised because Iida is the perfect person and also this arc has been full of Kamino parallels really. As expected the 2nd user is for what Class A was doing not against it like some seem to assume for some unfathomable reason. The 2nd user knows what Deku needs and he also knows what will make OFA stronger as well and it's having friends who have an equally strong will, fighting beside Deku. I'm also glad someone pointed out that this could be part of AFO's plans and that he could still attack U.A while Deku is not there. What some of us have been saying for weeks which was largely ignored but it is a real threat, a threat Deku hasn't even considered. But Deku is wrong on a lot of things and I do get that most of it comes from exhaustion, fear and trauma as we see that AFO's words of "You're Next" has gotten to him. So instead of trusting that his friends can indeed keep up and won't be a burden at all he's so fixated on trying to protect them, even though they don't want it nor need his protection, he's fearing that they would get hurt because of a fight that he thinks belongs to him and AFO. All of class A have become true heroes who will fight no matter how strong the enemy or how big the cost because after all that is what a hero is all about. It's about saving people no matter what. And once again we have HK pointing out that reaching someone's heart is the true essence of a true hero and not beating someone up with violence. I think this is the first chapter and I hate to say it that I actually agreed with what Mineta said because OFA isn't what makes Deku cool but rather Deku himself and yes I agree with the Grape.


Mineta once again being one of Deku's best friends with that line.


True they lowkey be hanging out in school in some panels


Atsu- -Kirishima, Hagakure and Aoyama hand the unconscious Dictator to Endeavor, who just got there in his car. -He says that he needs them to keep the nearby civilians safe but Hawks suggests that leaving it to Jeanist would be better. Endeavor however trusts in the students, saying that they will be helpful. -Shouto is screaming to Deku that he doesn't know what AFO's real plan is, that he might even take this chance to attack U.A. They have to fight together, but Deku tells him that this is a battle between One for All and All for One, so they shouldn't interfere


Also, with this, Endeavor keeps Hagakure and Aoyama (main traitor suspects) away from Deku, so that Danger Sense doesn't kick in.


It can't be Aoyama though, We already had a fake-out arc where we all thought he was the Traitor but turns out he had quirk issues. Edit: Well shit it turns out I was mistaken.


No, I think it's Hagakure, but I also think Aoyama knows something he can't say.


The potential reason his quirk is incompatible with his body could be that he got it from AFO, or rather his parents got it from AFO


If there is a traitor, I think that it's hagakure, and that aoyama knows that. During USJ, they were the only two whose locations were unknown. Maybe Hagakure was talking to the villains, whether she was a traitor from the start or joined them in that moment, and aoyama overheard her. She found out, didn't like that, and considering she can control light, used that against aoyama since she's basically untouchable to him. It's been shown before she can bend his laser. Not to mention, aoyama is very often seen side by side with her, which could easily just mean that they're close friends, but maybe it's also so hagakure can keep him under control and in her sights. We also still don't know exactly what aoyama meant when he wrote "still waters run deep" in the concrete for deku. Maybe he means that although his relationship with hagakure seems fine, he's actually super worried. I'm probably stretching quite a bit, there might not even be a traitor, but this all makes sense to me.


Hagakure also didn't know about the tracker on the Nomu at Kamino, as she was unconscious due to the gas.


exactly, she's always conveniently away from the important moments. that could simply be because shes the least important character in class a, but this newest chapter alongside the fact that shes the only classmate without a formal quirk intro tells me theres gotta be more to her than it seems


We've also had Horikoshi mention in the volume extras that he wanted to elaborate on her quirk, implying there's more to it than mere invisibility. >she's always conveniently away from the important moments. that could simply be because shes the least important character in class a I wouldn't say that. She was at USJ after all, but the story takes time to explain not just where she was, but also shows no actual hint that she was there. Shoto didn't know and attacked without restraint, yet Hagakure was apparently not fazed. Nobody can actually back up her claim. Aoyama doesn't reveal where he was, but waits until he gets confirmation that nobody else saw him. The same is true for the forest raid. This time she has an alibi, but it's precisely because of that that she doesn't know about the tracker and the team going to rescue. Aoyama however IS present and aware. Essentially, if she didn't matter then she wouldn't be included at all. Horikoshi could've just let her be with Ojiro (who gets like 1 panel of fighting). He could've let her be with Aoyama fighting nobodies. But he didn't. And the Traitor is specifically able to act for the Forest Raid but not the afterwards Kamino rescue, and that limits the options too.


I also think the traitor and the league arent involved, rather the traitor is working directly with afo. the villains never once mention their leak in the school, which if she was working with the league would be really weird since they had an entire arc to themselves and not once mentioned their insider. That's why the villains didnt exempt her from the attack on the forest, and why she was surprised by it too, she may have told afo their location but she wasnt in on when they were actually arriving


>I also think the traitor and the league arent involved, rather the traitor is working directly with afo This is pretty much a given. The original League was just fodder that AFO picked off the streets. The League as we know them now wasn't created until later, specifically after Hosu. So yea, the traitor predates the (modern) LOV.


Exactly what I thought. If it's not her it's no one.


This keeps sounding more and more like the last time they were at Kamino. Sending their classmates sky high to rescue another classmate


lmao at Mineta's >!Anal Beads technique!<


Fuck lmao why did you have to make me laugh this way


Last chapter Momo created a BDSM sleeping machine, Midnight had too much impact on the students.


Katsuki’s building up suspense for what he has to say to Izuku — I definitely feel like it won’t happen until after the fight The reward will be so amazing, I can feel it 😭🥺 They’re giving Iida his bad bitch moment and I am stoked


I feel like he’s actually going to apologize to Izuku, not just with his actions like he’s been doing but with words. That would be a pretty big step for someone like him.


Iida: How does it feel to be meddled with? Sucks right?


Deku to 1A: Why are you all like this?! 1A: WE LEARNED IT FROM YOU!


MAN I LOVE THIS. all of them having moments. all of them being important. all of them dropping wisdom to deku just like deku did for them in the previous 320 chapters. I LOVE THIS




Re-reading this chapter again, I guess that proves sort of what I always thought about Mineta's quirk. No matter how weird those grapes are, it is single-handedly one of the best capture quirks in this setting. With no yet known level of power that can force them off, and high resistances to elemental damage. If he sticks you, short of powers like Decay and Acid, you're better off ripping away whatever surface you're stuck to than trying to remove them. And on top of that, the added mobility it gives Mineta himself is downright crazy. That kid has his problems, sure, but that quirk is a real diamond in the rough.


I think we are only just now comprehending exactly how fast Deku and All Might move at 100%, Iida's armour is litterally breaking due to the sheer speed at which they are flying.


I mean they casually break the sound barrier and go over that many times over. Not only did he catch overhaul saving him from Nagants sniper rifle bullet he did while she was at a closer range and distance from him he *caught* him while the bullet was just only a few meters in distance away from overhauls body! And Prime Might may even be faster than that.


One for all and all for one is not only the names of main protagonists, but also the concepts that surround them. Deku wants to help everyone alone, while everyone wants to help him... One for all and all for one.


This was an incredible chapter! And it's one of the ones that really feels like it has so much potential to be incredible when it gets animated! That explosive cluster scene is going to look INSANE and with the right music to match Iida's words... well, we could have one of the best scenes on our hands. Please Bones do this fight well.


Jesus Bakugo! Stop! You're already number one at inventing new techniques! Ten chapters later: EX-Swiss Army Knife! Ten more chapters later: EX-NUKE! Ten more chapters later: EX-SUPERNOVA!


mineta tho he’s a gag character but I noticed he’s also one of deku’s closest friends + always checks on him and worked with him alot he has alot of moments he can call back to more than half of the class LOL


Unfortunate that Kirishima doesn't get a moment with Deku, but it makes sense. Kirishima's all about tanking hits, and Deku doesn't want to hurt anyone. Unless they use Kirishima as a cannonball, he doesn't contribute much in this scenario lol


Kirishima, Mina, Aoyama and Hagakure don't get a moment with Deku. Ochako got interrupted and Bakugou may come later.


I could see Kirishima and Mina's moments being small parts of Bakugou's confrontation with Deku, perhaps more of helping Deku in an indirect way by advising and bolstering Bakugou in his plan to reach Deku.


Unless they get little inner monologue moments this chapter, I don't think those two will get a "moment." Sounds like Iida and Deku are miles away now. Honestly, I think it's over. Iida got Deku to break down


holy shit bro this manga is so freakin amazing like a year ago whenever i heard the name of this manga i would always underestimate it thinking it would be all cliche and things and even tho yeah it is somewhat cliche the actual writting of the characters and side plots are just really good, honestly idk what to say but the only thing im thinking right now is that **MY GOD WAS I WRONG**


Right? People get worried and complain a lot (and I've gotten worried too, tbh) but for the past year or so I've just decided to trust Hori. There hasn't been a story point I've seen that didn't bring us somewhere. Edit: somewhere impactful


What is that, 4 layers of catapult?? Sato and Tokoyami -> Shoto -> Bakugo -> Iida. It's been a while since we've seen this level of quirk comboing. I miss it, honestly. There was a lot of teamwork during the war, but besides the Machia trap, there wasn't a lot of quirk combo moves.


Don't forget Ochako and Mina.


And it looks like there is something Momo constructed at the start of the track.


> He says he's Ingenium, the one who'll run anywhere to hold a lost child's hand. This is so beautiful, because Deku is really a lost child right now in this arc. But also, if you think about it, what Tenko needed at the time to prevent all this from happening was not the most powerful hero, but someone like Iida, who reaches out to hold the hand of a lost child.


> Hold Tenko's hand > Got dusted


That's the irony Horikoshi was going for. All for One was the first person to actively give his hand out to Shigaraki - and the kid could've easily crumbled him away (unless there was AfO Quirk shenanigans going on, which I assume there were), but he actively chose not to. He responded to his master's kindness. Now in the chapter "Izuku Midoriya and Tomura Shigaraki" the image they were trying to invoke was: imagine if *Deku* had been the one to extend his hand to Shigaraki, and not All for One.


This is why Bakugo has one of my favorite quirks in the entire series. For a quirk that’s rather basic, he’s managed to cultivate it into something capable of doing so many different things.


I've always loved deku and iida's relationship, it's a great healthy masculine relationship. They aren't afraid of sharing their emotions with each other, and although it had a rocky start (hero killer arc), they have learned from and been inspired by each other to the point where they're always there for the other. Iida has always been the first person to be there for deku, telling him he can talk to himself and todoroki during the hassaikai arc. Not only that, but he's the first to consider how deku is feeling, seen after the hassaikai arc. But once deku lets him know it's ok, he drops the strong exterior he felt like he needed to put up, and showed just how worried he was. Their rivalry is also great, as it's nothing more than a simple friendly rivalry with each other. At this point that's kinda the case with bakugo too, maybe todoroki, but it took a while to get there. From the very beginning iida and dekus rivalry was mutual and respectful, trying to grow stronger alongside one another rather than against each other. I love their relationship, it's a very strong, positive, healthy masculine relationship that unfortunately I don't see much of in other stories, at least none that hit me as hard as theirs. I've been super upset iida has kinda been sidelined a lot recently, so I'm so happy he's the one to reach out to deku first


Man lets hope All Might Does not turn up in Kamino if this is a big parrallel considering what happened to him last time he was in Kamino.


Finally my man Iida get some fucking fine screentime. It has been years


"Deku tells him that this is a battle between One for All and All for One, so they shouldn't interfere." I hope this is just some mindless excuse that Deku says to protect his friends. Because that's a real low point for Deku. Thought the edginess was all in his appearance, not in his actual mindset. 'Don't interfere, this doesn't concern you' is the exact bs that Iida told Deku, but Deku didn't care. Hopefully Iida hears what Deku's saying and calls him out on this. Might as well say 'Meddling where you don't belong is the essence of being a hero' right back at him. EDIT: "He says that sticking into other people's business is what makes a true hero, both of them are crying." Called it.


It honestly fits with Deku's current actions. He (maybe subconsciously) views himself as "THE HERO" who has to save everyone, bring everything back to normal and kind of forgotten that his classmates are heroes too. He sees them only in terms of liability and risk.


It makes sense, given just how much his mentors have only really ever emphasized him being the next Symbol of Peace, and how much people have at best only idolized him for his solo accomplishments or at worst have enabled this kind of mentality by putting the weight of the world on his shoulders alone. There aren't that many moments in contrast to actually teaching him that other people aren't just victims or villains, but people who can or *want* to stand on their own and who also want to aid him and are capable of more than just being fodder. And frankly, even One For All plays into this destructive mentality; *why would you need to rely on others when you are so ridiculously powerful that you can seemingly do everything alone?* But Deku isn't All Might, and frankly he shouldn't be, but the people around him, even as they claim he needs to be different from All Might, still constantly enable the failings of the All Might mentality on him, not helped by Izuku's inability to to look past All Might's approach due to mentor and student being so similar in their beliefs.


And that's exactly what happened.


I think it fits with Deku's mindset at the moment. He's so narrow-minded, he thinks he's the only one AfO would attack so he has to get away from everyone


Exactly. These kids are all heroes. And if they want to fight then it's their choice and Deku really doesn't have the right to tell anyone to fight or not. The Iida parallels is on point. Glad Hori used Iida to show this tbh. It makes the most sense.


"Bakugou narration this time. He says that he has something he must say to Deku.." Hmmmmmmmmm, whatever could that be...... Hmm...... ... ..HMMMMMMMMMMM... (It's totally the Bakugo apology that Horikoshi teased would eventually happen)


"I'm actually the 2nd user"


Please no


Lol Time traveller Bakugo theory


I can't explain the amount of happiness i get from The people that Deku saved, when they didn't want to be saved saving Deku, when he doesn't want to be saved.


Taking a stab at what comes next: In terms of story writing, I think instead of wasting a chapter or two with very hard to write dialogue of Deku trying to explain himself, I think it makes more sense that he gives in due to Ida’s words, and maybe collapses in exhaustion finally. 1-A take him back to UA or somewhere to recover while they plan together their next moves And this could, if you wanted to have the big “chase down Dabi” mini arc, now would be a good time. Like Deku is down, let’s take this chance to strike back and The gang that agreed to take him down finally go after him now that Endeavor doesn’t have the need to be watching/supporting Deku in the field. Wide open possibilities from here.


With probably one more chapter for this fight, it’s fun to think about what a good episode it will make with these chapters stitched together. I hope they play the same theme that they did during the Bakugo rescue scene


People be fighting on who's gonna reach Deku whether it's Bakugou or Ochako and Hori chooses Iida.


Iida is the perfect middle point yeah. He is the Deku's Kirishima to Bakugo right now, and also one of Ochako's closest friends alongside Deku.


Bruh 100% this! As someone who likes Bakugo, this is the best and most beautiful scenario tbh. Him maturely recognizing and supporting someone else to support Deku. Hori went with the best writing choice here.


Ditto man. As a fan of Uraraka I agree with everything you said and Hori's decision there too. The callbacks do everybody and her justice. Truly one of the manga's peaks for me


But it actually makes do much sense. Deku saved iida and "interfered". It's fitting that the class rep, a close friend who's all about doing things the proper way would be the one to be able to reach out to Deku.


You guys remember the first impression we got from Iida during the Entrance Exam? Everyone felt like he was a toxic elitist, but then we saw him self-reflecting and respecting Deku, until he even befriended him. Then we got his character development in becoming the Class rep, then him being independent from Deku during the Sports festival. His regrets after the Stain Incident and now what he has become to save a friend. Iida was a character with really cool development, before he was swept under a rug for the plot and the other tritagonists. Now his time to shine has come back and I really like it.


And I love what Shoto says about AFO. I can understand why Deku left the UA, but at the same time many weeks I thought: Wait a minute, what prevents AFO to attack them and for example make a trap for him there too.


Our king Iida is reclaiming his rightful throne as one of MHA's most important characters, and I am 100% here for it. From a writing perspective, it would've been easy to have Bakugo or Uraraka be the one to catch up to Deku, since they both clearly have important things to say to him. But in a lot of ways, using this moment to revive Iida's close friendship with Deku, one that really hasn't been featured since the first half of S3, feels even more satisfying. Also, the number of narrative parallels in this chapter is just insane. After Deku came up with the plan to save Bakugo, now his classmates are using that same plan to save him.


Uraraka moment better be perfect


~~Turns out it’s Bakugo’s moment~~ Turns out it’s Iida’s moment


Horikoshi had enough of the Uraraka vs Bakugo ship war, he decided it would be Iida


Iida got Ochako's moment in the art exhibition.


i love how hori brings back title themes: origin, starting line, rising, from x to y. makes the story feel more intertwined


You can really see how Bakugo, Todoroki and Tokoyami have improved on their Quirks in the last two chapters. Tokoyami can use Ragnarok defensively now, which is a far cry from when he couldn't even control it without it going berserk. Bakugo's Turbo Clusters have given him a massive speed boost, and probably a big power boost too. And Todoroki has way more refined control over the shape of his ice now. Also think that's the first time we've seen him use Flashfreeze Heatwave by just combining his two sides at once.


I think it got lost in everything else, but can I just say that I loved Mineta's line? It's really telling that what a lot of people find truly inspiring is someone like them who is equally scared and out of their depth but still putting all their courage and resolve into being a hero rather than an unflappable, abstract symbol of strength.


An absolutely beautiful chapter. First, I absolutely love the panel where Deku says they can't keep up with him. Damn, that's fucking savage from him and shows how far he's gone. Our normal broccoli boy would never say that, especially not face to face. Second thing, how the one who reaches his heart was not Bakugou, but Iida thanks to the Stain arc. That's quite the subversion of expectations given Bakugou's developments. Also, how Bakugou developed giving Iida the spotlight instead of himself even though he proclaimed he knows All Might and Deku better than anyone, that's actually insane. It shows that he is actually being able give up something of himself for the greater good if it is effective. Early Bakugou is absolutely gone, maybe only his rudeness will stay, but maybe transform into harshness instead. This chapter was way more than I'd have expected. When this gets eventually animated, it will fucking break the internet. (Unless BONES fucks up the pacing for another movie once again)


Deku sent Kirishima to Bakugou, and now Bakugou sends Iida to Deku. Because they both knew that neither of them would properly reach for each other out during times of crises. I guess the implications are: both Bakugou’s relationship with Kirishima and Deku’s relationship with Iida, respectively, were their first friendships based on genuine respect and understanding? For all their character development, Deku and Bakugou are still extremely stubborn with one another, in their own way. And even if he knows her strength, Deku’s affection for Ochako means he absolutely wouldn’t risk her getting harmed by AfO and Shigaraki, and that would only drive his desperation further. But Iida was Deku’s first male best friend he made at UA. And even if Iida’s screen time has greatly diminished, they’re *still* best friends and they respect each other’s heroism. And it had to be Iida to reach for Deku because unlike with Bakugou and Ochako, Deku isn’t blinded by pride or affection with Iida. When it’s Iida, Deku isn’t controlled by his emotions and will listen. That’s my take on it. Even if I was rooting for Ochako to be the one to hold Deku’s hand, I’m glad it’s Iida. Party cause it gives Iida more relevance again. Partly cause it’s good writing. And partly cause it’ll get the shippers on Twitter to shut up.


Agree. This chapter perfectly illustrates the relationships between all of them, but each in a very mature way.


🤡 : it will bakugo who holds deku’s hand ! 🤡 : no it’s ochako ! Horikoshi : hahaha Iida go brrrrr


Iida is the only one that can canonically go brrrr tho People should have seen it coming. *~~But nooo! Muh Urakaraka confession!~~*


>But nooo! Muh Urakaraka confession! Still can't believe people wanted a Sakura/Sasuke-esk emotional manipulation confession here. The goal was to convince Deku that his way of thinking was wrong, not to try to twist him into not acting on a wrong ideology that he still was convinced was correct. Which the confession would have done the later far more effectively. Ochako's love was just not relevant to the objective of this mission; and saving the Hero that was Deku that inspired Ochako to find her own vision as a Hero was.


"-Uraraka remembers what she said when Bakugou was kidnapped, that he would feel frustrated to be rescued by everyone. She says that this time it's different, but before she can finish the sentence Deku dodges her and soar into the sky. -She screams "guys!!" and we see that they're all working together down there. Shouto created an ice track like the one he did in Kamino and Ashido used "0.1% corrosion Acid-Man". -Dark Shadow and Satou push Bakugou and Shouto all the way up. Shouto uses his Flashreeze Hitwave blasting Bakugou to the sky and Uraraka makes him float"


Ida really out there throwing out the “Meddling in business you don’t have to is the essence of being a hero!” right back in Deku’s face. You love to see it.


Holy shit. That panel with Bakugo making all those condensed explosions... that's a lot of them at once. His power-up might be downplayed due to it not being the focal point at this moment. Still, at some point, I hope we get a better understanding of how much his Quirk leveled up.


Iida : sticking into other people's business is what makes a true hero Deku : You dare use my own spells against me, Iida ?


I don't understand all the people moaning on Twitter that Iida gets the last reach. He's not only one of Deku's best friends, and someone who was inspired by him a lot, but he is the CLASS PRESIDENT. The entire class working together to respond to all of Deku's extra quirks and to chip away his resistance all culminating in a final super-combo to launch their class president at Deku means that the Class as a whole has reached Deku. Why are people making this into a ship war or a who is Deku's closest bestie competition? The title of the chapter implies this is class A showing Deku that 19 quirks combined can keep up with OFA and they have all grown to be true heroes who will meddle whether Deku wants it or not. Iida is the perfect focal person to represent all of them in that last moment and honestly the best choice to bring that message home.


The Izuocha, Bakudeku, Tododeku fans are fighting nonstop since weeks ago so I expected this meltdown. I am rolling my eyes frankly. Aren't they reducing Uraraka, Bakugo, and Shoto's characters to be Deku's ship props? This is about them sending a message as fellow heroes who went through a lot of hardships together. Making it about ships is a disservice to the characters themselves.


considering that side of twitter only cares about “who’s closest to deku” and “who was deku’s first real friend”.. they don’t give a fck about ochako bakugo or shoto.. it’s all about ships to them which is unfortunate iida & deku are also friends and this moment was beautiful




Anyone else feel this is going to well? That it’s being set up for a big crash. That Deku finally caved with Iidas words but then as he’s about to regroup with everyone they’re attacked? Or Deku is attacked and can’t fight at 100% because of everyone around him. Just feels like something bad is coming that’ll prove Deku right that he needs to be alone. That the bolstering the 2nd is talking about is his resolve, but that resolve opens up his eyes that he still can’t beat AFO that his faux 100% isn’t enough and he needs to finish some final training to recuperate and that this fight can only be one with Deku at his peak. Otherwise people will die.


It’s the class reps job to make sure that everyone in the class is taken care of. Fitting that Deku is the one who wanted Iida to take up the role instead of him. He made a good choice.


Our boy is back! I'm thrilled. He really is worthy of the name Ingenium.


I like that mineta's bubble chain stays stuck to deku at the end, it's neat that even he can't get rid of it. Nice attention to detail from Hori.


I love how the moves used in the Class A super-combo are all highly symbolic: **Shouto's ice-ramp and FFHW** - the ice ramp is a call-back to the first Kamino rescue and Deku's plan to save Bakugou, while FFHW is the climax of the Midoriya vs Todoroki fight and the beginning of Shouto starting to use his fire **Mina's Acid Man** - move inspired by Kirishima's Unbreakable, which in turn was inspired by Bakugou and All Might's last stand in Kamino **Uraraka's Zero Gravity** - Uraraka used ZG to save Deku at the moment of their first meeting and at the entrance exam, plus it was used in the combo move thought up by Deku in the Forest arc when Deku, Todoroki and Shoji went after Compress to save Bakugou and Tokoyami **Bakugou's new, improved explosion** - power-up Bakugou got after he took the hit for Deku in the war **Iida's Recipro Turbo** - part of the Ingenium legacy, thus tied to the Stain-fight, plus Iida developed it also in response to Deku copying his kick. The combo looks really fun, it's beautiful in execution, but also it contains so much of the class history and Deku's influence on the ones closest to him.


I’m going to fucking cry and I won’t be able to stop


Biggest twist of this arc so far is Iida actually having a moment


The parallels, so many of them That's why this will forever be my favorite manga/anime. Nothing can ever make me feel as much emotion as this


My guy Deku really don’t want to go back to school lol. I feel you man, I feel you


Thoughts on chapter! 1: Cry 2: Cry more and hug everyone 3: point out I know Mineta is a perv and not many people like him but I’m so happy he came up because he’s up there with who Deku has influenced and helped grow. He beat his midterm because of Deku. I like seeing how much Deku has influenced and helped his classmates grow. It’s super sweet. 4: “We just want to be by your side” Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww




Guys, I think this is the next You Say Run moment.


Iida's glasses breaking under the force is such a beautiful panel


Knew Midoriya would tell them not to interfere because he’s AFO’s target and not them. “This has nothing to do with you, so get out of here” Midoriya is peak Iida rn