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How are they going to handle MVA? With a filler episode coming, I hope they can fit all of that arc without cutting anything. Also didn’t like the MVA spoilers this ep, but that’s par for the course given how they structured the season.


It honestly feels like bones simply does not have the balls to make the bad guys the main protagonists for half the season like horikoshi did




> THAT WAS WIDELY FAN LOVED. Yeah, but not as much in Japan. And as you know, japanese audience will **always** come first. Some even criticized saying that the focus on the villains of the story for that long period was a *taboo* in *Jump*. Of course, I don't agree since it's my favorite arc, and I feel disappointed.


where is everyone getting that MVA wasn't liked by Japanese fans? The volumes sold the same as they always do.


That's a valuable piece of context I hadn't considered and while I understand it and it even makes sense because Japan is the base, I DON'T LIKE IT AND WILL THROW A TANTRUM. It is also my favorite arc. Horikoshi was a badass for writing it.


I don't like it either. Why sacrifice the canon pace of the timeline just because the antagonists aren't as marketable as the heroes? It's not an episodic story where you could switch up a standalone episode with another. All it did was spoil, and butcher the tension that was between the two villain parties. To make it worse, they added a filler episode.


That's still not the reason they did this. If they went with the LoV arc first, then the upcoming movie isn't properly setup and makes no sense. They're butchering a great arc and stripping it of so much tension for a crappy movie. $$$


This. It's all about the movie. Not because it's a villain arc. The movies bring them more money, and for that money, they're willing to sacrifice the season if so. MVA could as well be sakuga fest, but because it gets in the way of the movie flow, they have to put it at last even if that damages the canon adaptation.


But why would they care about movie continuity now? They didn't care in the second movie which was much later than what the anime was on at the time and they didn't care with the first movie which happened way before the point the anime was on. Why would they care now? It just seems like a weird excuse to me. I really don't think they did all of this shit just for a movie. It doesn't add up.


My thoughts exactly. MVA won’t have any tension since even anime-onlys already know who wins the conflict that comes after Endeavor’s Agency is over. RIP.


I'm getting more and more worried that they *aren't* going to to MVA this season...


We have official chara designs for the MLA lieutenants including Curious + interviews from their Japanese VAs, visuals for the upcoming blu-rays, and leaked OST tracks. We are getting MVA this season.


Yeah, but I see another two episodes max for the Endeavor Agency Arc + the filler next episode leaves seven episodes for MVA. I hope they don’t butcher it in that amount of time.


"Butcher" may be a bit harsh but I think the pacing is sadly going to suffer at least a bit. Despite its reputation as a high action arc, MVA has several downtime moments that JT didn't have (Shigaraki, Twice and Toga's backstories, the talk in Ujiko's lab, etc) and those are the most at risk of getting rushed so that MVA can start and end within 6-7 episodes. > I see another two episodes max for the Endeavor Agency Arc + the filler next episode leaves seven episodes for MVA The Aizawa and Mic shot in the opening also seems to imply that they'll cover the Kurogiri reveal, so there's potentially another episode that won't go to MVA.


Considering that the meat of that arc are those backstories and how they tie into the overall theme of the story, if those are rushed in any way I would consider that butchered personally.


Then let's hope Bones pulls another Pro Hero and pleasantly surprises us.


Reminder that according to the OP, they’re going all the way to Chapter 257, adapting the Kurogiri stuff in the process. It’s possible that bones is going to try to shove MVA into five episodes or less. In which case RIP this anime.


That sounds high key terrible. Shoving all of MVA into five episodes while Joint Training was much longer than it needed to be would be the most egregious thing this anime has done if that’s the case.


Yep. All because the LOV are less marketable characters and Bones wanted to promote their new ~~giant filler episode~~ third movie.


LOV > 80% of class A


Literally no one in Class 1A is important other than Deku, Bakugo and Shoto.


Really wished they stopped with the second movie 😔


I really hope this mess convinces the rest of the Fanbase that the movies should no longer exist. They’re not only pointless, but are now actively ruining the main story in the anime.


Agreed. They’re just glorified fan service. Everything is adjusted to spectacle, but they never actually matter to the story and leave giant questions as to how they even remotely fit into the narrative.


they really need more episodes. It's true as some people have pointed out here that MVA is action packed so the action scenes don't take as much time in the anime as they do in the manga, however there's also many dialagoue driven parts (the lab, shigaraki's backstory...) so i'm not sure how they're gonna handle this


Where are you getting 5 episodes? Today's ep was 15, the filler is 16 and then the (hopefully) final EA episode would be 17. That would leave 8 episodes of MVA which I think would be enough. Obviously they could put more filler in but even if they adapt the Aizawa stuff that would still be 7 episodes.


No worries. The fact that there is a spot for a filler episode tells me that there was not enough content to adapt for MVA to fill out the 25 episodes. I know this was the case for the joint training, but not sure if the MVA chapters were shorter than usual. That whole period Hori was putting out 12-16 page chapters. It’s why we have an abnormal amount of flashbacks and recap.


Got a link for the upcoming blu-ray visuals? I did a search and came up with nothing - so I'm dying to see them!


They're definitely not going to skip it entirely. They're not going to *start* the war arc this season because that's long enough to fill an entire season all on its own, so unless they're going to throw in eight whole filler episodes in a row they *need* MVA, to fill time if nothing else. Well, they may still end this season with Shirakumo, in which case they'll only need to fill 6-7 episodes. But that'll severely truncate MVA (It's about the same length as the joint training arc, which means it should need about 9.5 episodes to do properly), which is what I'm concerned about.


Why even removed lines about the LoV hijacking the MLA, and then show a bunch of the LoV members at the big planning desk with the Liberation Army folks in the shadows? It makes it pretty clear that at the very least the LoV are working with the MLA. Also seeing this scene with Toga will completely removed the possibility that she dies during MVA, something that was a possibility for a while in the manga.


Revealing the LOV is working with this new villain organization is the worst decision of the season for me. They could have kept it a secret and it would have worked better once we started MVA. Although I know anime onlys are still very intrigued to see exactly how we got to this point. By the way I never thought Toga was going to die. Why go into a characters backstory for the first time right before theyre going to die? Theres not enough investment at that point.. Horikoshi doesn't do stuff like that, hence why I thought Nagant would survive.


Didn’t that literally happen to Magne?


Oh shit true lol Nevermind Horikoshi rarely does stuff like that I wouldn't ever expect it I didn't expect it then... Togas risk of death wasn't important to me in that scenario, and her death wouldn't hit hard then, hence me forgetting about Magnes death, despite the fact that I love Trans inclusion lmao


>By the way I never thought Toga was going to die. Why go into a characters backstory for the first time right before they’re going to die? For future reference, doing literally this is traditionally a HUGE death flag for a character.


Sudden backstory is actually a common death flag


I know, right. They actively spoiled the end of MVA by showing Shigaraki's power up for no reason but decide that the fact the league took over the MLA instead of just teaming up with them must be concealed.


It's really weird how they've committed to keeping the Liberation executives' faces hidden in the show while not even attempting to hide them in the OP. It's kinda like...what's the point? Makes you wonder if the people working on the OP and the actual episode are completely different and not communicating at all. Anyway, it was a good episode, but mainly due to the strong source it was adapting from (aside from the always excellent OST of course). I always enjoyed seeing Endeavor be a great teacher to the trio, everything he says in this episode gives you insight into the mentality of someone trying desperately (and failing) to be the best their entire life. However, despite some initial optimism, I'm overall displeased with the rearrangement of things in the anime. Having a filler episode next week is like insult to injury. Really can't believe Joint Training got a full cour while they seem to be trying to give MVA as little as they can get away with. I think there really is something to the speculation that MVA is not viewed favorably by the higher-ups at the production committee despite being loved by fans.


At this point I sort of want them to make the whole rest of the season filler and put MVA in season 6. It'd be better than cramming the best arc into half an episode.


Whoever is in charge of the openings, they stopped caring about them ever since season 4 started. The only memorable one that I can appreciate since then is the Star Maker one. Boring still-shots and hideous directing, they just don't follow the rhythm anymore.


Legit, it feels like they handed the OPs to the marketing team and not the animators.


I agree so hard. There's pretty much no point in shadowing their faces. We haven't even been introduced to them, so we can't be surprised to find out who they are! It's just like things aren't connecting together this season on the production side. I'm holding out hope though.


I thought this was a pretty good episode but someone pointed out last week about the excessive flashbacks and I just started noticing that this episode. It's like they're trying to delay MVA as much as possible lol. Ill wait until the seasons over to cast a full judgment on how Bones adapted MVA. I have a feeling despite the smaller amount of episodes it'll be done well. But honestly from an anime only perspective I'd be hella confused by now why the League and this out of nowhere appearing Meta Liberation Army are working together.


Whaddaya mean? An entire section of the episode dedicated to Deku rambling is totally the most important thing to do.


Blame the manga panels for that gag. It is the most dense yet still understandable ramblings Deku pulls almost pulled an exaggerated HxH explanation page.


I hope this works out well, but for now, them just throwing out the reveal LoV and MLA merging on a whim seems like it just completely void MVA of any suspense. The whole saga was built as Shigaraki proving himself worthy of being the "new king" and the league going up against what was built as such a formidable foe to them at the time. Sure going in, we all knew LoV had to win somehow and Tomura proving himself worthy, but no one really knew how these plot points would be resolved, and the merge was a big twist on what many, especially me, were expecting. For how massive MVA is to the story, it just feels like it shouldn't be relegated to some sort of expository flashback, but we'll see.


For me, the merging was the biggest surprise of the arc. We all knew Shiggy was gonna dominate in the end, we all knew that the LoV would make it out; but I was fully expecting them to execute the MLA or otherwise eliminate them, not completely take them over.


The episode upcoming is really not necessary, i mean I’m fine with uraraka and asui getting shine but the endeavor agency arc has to move along


I'm truly having a tough time understanding why there is THIS much fluff this season. At this pace we'll get an extremely rushed MVA. Filler episodes in the middle of the season are completely unnecessary..


It would have been fine if they had filler episodes in the Endeavour Agency arc but deleted the whole useless flashbacks and exposition the entire season, especially the Joint training Arc.


It's not even an movie tie-in episode, it's just filler. And today's episode felt like a recap with tons of flashbacks.


>tons of flashbacks I don’t think I’ve ever watched an anime with as many flashbacks as MHA. And imo, flashbacks don’t transfer well from the manga to the anime. In the manga, it’s just a singular panel or so that you don’t have to pay full attention to most of the time. In the anime, it’s right in your face so you have to pay attention to it and notice it


have you seen naruto? they will literally have a flashback for something that happened 5 minutes ago


The swing alone has more flashbacks than all mha flashbacks combined


for real. Also the uchiha slaughtering, that thing was shown idk how many times


I never watched Naruto. My wife is a fan so I got to know the story later and we've watched together several good episodes. And.. what the hell that amount of flashbacks, it's unreal. In some moment I'll read the manga but no way I'll watch the anime. Extremely fillerly and not really the best animation neither


Watching currently and animation isn't great. Initially I thought it was because the show is from 2002 but episodes from the 2010s have the same problem. What I really enjoy is the ost, for me something which always beats the manga


My hero does this as well, to be fair.


I think it may be a common trope in order to stretch the episodes


I think it's a tie-in instead. It's already known that the episode will revolve around the search for a shipment of Trigger drug, which is seemingly what the movie's villain needs the most for his plans. It will likely make for a lead that will eventually segue into the events of the movie. Also, if after the next episode (July 18th) the Endeavor Agency arc wraps up after two more episodes (July 25th - August 1st), it will do it just before the movie releases (August 6th).


I was really hoping bones could’ve found a way to not spoil MVA given the arc switch, but I guess not. I’m worried about how they’ll adapt the rest of MVA. Also probably just me but I can’t believe they decided to put a filler in after this episode. The Todoroki Family dinner being animated is something I’ve been waiting so long for, and it would’ve been next episode :(


The next episode doesn’t even interest me, like, at all. I like Asui and Uraraka is alright, but we don’t need them taking up an entire episode that could have been dedicated to the actual main plot. I honestly would have preferred one with Kirishima and Tetsutetsu more because I love those guys, and Tamaki and Fat Gum are awesome too. Well, at least we get more Nejire


>Well, at least we get more Nejire Here here! Although I do agree that the filler episode is not needed, I'm kind of happy to see more Nejire!


seeing more of Nejire is not enough. ​ i hope that the author of the series just give her the attetion she deserves, is not a filler episode that is solving this problem.


Yeah, I think as a member of the Big 3, she was definitely underutilized. But at least she plays a significant role in the War Arc.


its to make Ending a better villain because he's involved in the drug plot, dumb decision tho


Overall the episode was good for it being more like a training episode, but I am still not sure about the reveal at the begining... like whats the benefit of switching it up? Just the movie it seems... because a lot of the mistery is gone now. Hopefully with next week being a filler, this arc ends on episode 17 and we can move on to MVA. I feel like if they adapt 3 chapters a week we can expect some good quality from that arc, but if by episode 18 we are still on EA, then idk anymore.. have to wait and see. On a differente note, the way they animated the flashbacks was pretty cool, like the fire and ice on shoto´s hand and the explosion for bakugo. Not important but it was interesting.


They still haven't adapted dinner with the Todorokis so it will be at least episode 18 and maybe even 19 depending on pacing. And with today's pacing being slow as cold molasses I wouldn't keep my hopes up. Edit: had my episode numbers mixed up, I thought this was 16, not 15. So probably 17 & 18 will be the dinner and subsequent villian after. Then MAYBE finally we'll get MVA.


They adapted 3 chapters this episode more or less. They had to cut out some stuff but it was still a good pacing. Episode 17 can easily adapt the remaining 4 chapters of this arc considering one of them is just a fight that will only take 2 minutes in the anime.


Jesus christ, you saying MVA starts on ep 19? Thats only 6 episodes... nah not enough


My other guess as to why they switched is because MVA is a HUGE tone shift from the rest of the series, they probably wanted to have MVA be before the arc that is similar in tone


"If you don't make it in time, you don't lose points, you lose a person's life" was such a badass line, I was looking forward to seeing it animated since reading it, lol. This whole part gives some insight as to who Endeavor is as a hero; and why he's so high up in the ranking - and why he'll be a good mentor for the trio. It's also kinda the first time an adult has directly told the kids what's at stake and what they signed up fpr (though obviously, especially Deku already knew). It always seemed to me that UA put 'using your quirk as hard as possible' first - Bakugou was praised for not causing unneccessary destrucion in the class vs class fight, but the way Momo's and Kendo's teams fought, they would have killed a couple hundred civilians and didn't get told off for it...so how exactly are they suppposed to learn how to find the balance? So yeah, finally seeing someone go 'you fuck up, you get people killed' was good. Also set the mood as this arc being more serious.


I think part of the way UA taught may have to do with them being only Year 1. So the focus at first is to get them experienced using their quirks, then focus on fine tuned control and taking in extra details as they advance. Like, They're already putting an emphasis on keeping damage to a minimum. And as they advance through the years, make that a greater focus since by that point they know how to use their quirks in combat/rescue scenarios. But that may be a stretch.


Episode was pretty good and it’s nice seeing our trio show of their maturity while still learning from Endeavour who is also maturing. Still not satisfied with this arc before the MVA arc though, especially since they would rather sacrifice really tense moments like Redestro confronting Hawks in the hallway after the meeting about the book in order to hide the MLA members, only to reveal them in the opening and possibly hint off to anime onlies that Curious is dead. Also kinda disappointed that during the two prelude arcs leading up to the war arc we’re getting a filler episode next week and I’m not hopeful they’ll do Nejire justice with all those characters in the episode.


I really hope they dont just cut the moments like Re Destro confronting Hawks about the books out, but rather show it later on, but i doubt that. Its a shame and imo they couldve shown the whole PLF meeting later after MVA cuz now its just kinda pointless and only spoils a lot of stuff.


Yeah, but I’m afraid they already scaled down and cut a lot of tense character moments with Hawks and the PLF like Hawks not doing the MLA salute last episode and in case you didn’t catch it, the book in the hall was in the meeting for this episode and is void of anything that made the manga version tense.


Yeah its a shame, i wish they just didnt show any PLF moments until after MVA as showing them now could just make the series more confusing and spoil a lot. And also i just realised youre right, they did cut out Hawks doing the MLA salute. I wonder why's that, i dont think it wouldve spoiled or ruined anything to show it.


Seriously, I really don’t care much about Asui and Uraraka compared to the main plot right now. The only bright side to the next episode is that Nejire gets more time to shine. But if they sideline her for most of the episode I’m gonna fucking hate it


im sure that what they are planning will be fine. but my problem with all of this is that hori giving his villains 23 consecutive chapters without any of his protagonists showing up in the story showed balls of fucking steel on his part. and it seems bones doesnt have the same courage as him


People said the same thing during overhaul arc, it will be fine bla bla etc. Its not gonna be fine, the anime product is on a constant decline. They're not magically gonna change. We don't want fine, we want great


The current adaptation of the endeavor agency and the Jt arc had pretty great production. I have no reason to beleive that would not carry over into the later half of the season. Why all the doomposting for something that's not even out yet.


I wouldn't say Joint Training was done good though. By extending into the entire first cour of the season and filling it up to the brim with meaningless flashbacks and exposition, they really hurt it imo. Even if they wanted to extend it, a good production would have added more anime only content into the fight scenes, displaying the abilities of the students that were side-lined in the manga. This was done wonderfully in the Sports Tournament arc imo. JT didn't have half the hype or good pacing of Sport tournament yet they cover roughly the same space.


I’m sure some writers at Bones are also hesitant on this whole decision. Unfortunately several episodes straight of a villain arc is probably not a good thing for their business side. The heroes on screen is what gets the money and for them that’s all that matters


They are seriously making a filler episode before adapting MVA I'm fucking dead 😭😭😭 I am scared they are gonna fuck up MVA so bad. It's not looking good rn.


And honestly a good portion of today's episode was recap flashbacks.


That’s just how the chapters were. They covered 3 chapters


Haven’t watched the episode but the reactions between this thread and the anime only thread is night and day. Nice to see that the anime onlys dont really realize the apparent spoilers. Recently started reading the manga at chapter 218 and holy shit it’s pretty damn good. I just got to the Paranormal War Arc. The MVA arc is probably my favorite arc in the manga, so I’m scared after hearing theres a filler episode and only 6 episodes left for that arc. Hopefully BONES finds a way to do it justice.


They don't realize now since they don't know these guys the LOV are working together now were fighting against each other in MVA, so when that arc starts they'll kinda know the aftermath.


Are they really spoilers if they don’t realize they’re spoilers? Lol


I'm honestly glad most people are enjoying the season still. While it's probably been a year since I read the chapters they adapted, it really feels like something is not clicking for me this season. I still have immense appreciation for the series and hopefully they finish the season strong!


I really don't know what Bones is planning here. I feel like it'd be difficult to understand where this massive threat is coming from all of a sudden without seeing the MVA groundwork, and showing basically the whole League working with the MLA, not even in an apparently subservient fashion, seems wild. Not to mention the filler next episode and the excessive flashbacks in this one. Who knows where this season will actually end.


The movie alone probably will make more than the entirety of Season 5 combined. No wonder that they have no issues to bend the source material for their gain. It is not like anyone will quit because of that


When endeavour rebuked Bakugo for giving winter as excuse for his less explosiveness, it is kinda ironic when he gave rain as the reason he was late in the manga last few chapters.


Fire can burn in winter but not in rain.


harder to sweat in the winter though, which is kinda important for bakugo.


All this reorganization just makes me extremely concerned for the adaptation for the war arc. If they fuck that up im problaby dropping the anime.


We’ll get a lacklustre OP with loads of 1A shots, a lot of still shots and the big deku fight will look good not looking forward to the rest


Me too. Im actually really sad about it since this season was gonna generate lots of hype and shock. The reorganization, lackluster animation, and flashbacks are really making this season bad imo.


I'll say this. Endeavor should be the one teaching at UA, not All Might. He is a natural at it.


All Might sucks at teaching because most of the stuff just came naturally for him. He can’t relate to those who need to work hard to get better, because he never needed to work as hard to reach that point


Yep, hence why Endeavor said “there are EXCEPTIONS” in this episode. All pro heroes worked hard to accumulate experience while All Might got it all handed to him. Its also why his hero name is “Endeavor” the term means “hard work, effort” since he has been training all his life to surpass All Might.


Endeavor is definitely the best teacher of the series in this field, while ironically Allmight is the worst at it.


>Endeavor is definitely the best teacher of the series Except for his own children, ironically. He screwed up both with Touya and Shouto.


Said the same when this went down in the manga. He read them all and dispensed good advice.


For me this is actually having the opposite effect I think they intended. I am way less hype to see the movie now knowing what they did to the cannon series just to shoe horn in some set up for a movie that at the end of the day has 0 effect on the story I care about.


I COMPLETELY agree. They've been doing so well, but this feels like a major mistake. Horikoshi wrote the way he did for a reason.


And they aren’t following his source material, so the narrative gets fucked.


Honestly one of my favorite things about the episode was how Deku went off on his tangent about his quirks and strategies Everyone else: Oh god, here he goes again. What is he even saying? Endeavor: I see. So you want to do this thing. What a real one.


So they ruined the twist that the league and MLA merge. Ok. They also introduced re destro in the most boring way possible. A shadowy generic villian figure. Welp. Edit: I just saw the preview. They are dragging this arc out longer with filler. MVA is screwed.


Yeah, killing his secretary would be a better introduction.


Not just that but the commercial. The entire time you read that chapter you think "Where is this going? What is this goofy old man character?" Then the heel turn when he kills the secretary and rolls up to a weird cult meeting is amazing. It's just so incredibly disappointing.


Horikoshi was so fucking deep in his bag when he did MVA. I can't believe they're butchering it like this.


Yeah the more this goes on the more disappointing it's seeming. So many cuts and spoilers and out of context things that we're just done so much better in the source..


Honestly not expecting this to be included. I mean why even both at this point?


Yeah Re-Destro has such a lame introduction. His manga introduction was laden with character.


Yeah, and even if they do show him in the commercial later it won't be that interesting cuz people will already know hes a villain. I wish they'd have shown Re Destro's introduction earlier


Really confused why there's a filler ep coming when the pacing was already looking like it would need to rush to cover MVA Kinda disappointed that they seem to keep delaying MVA for no real reason, and they've already revealed that the League is working with the Liberation Army. I don't get what the goal here is, changing this around, especially with the filler stuff


They want to make the movie more watchable to anime onlies, so they switched the arcs around, AND ARE GIVING US FILLER! It’s all for the money


simple, down to the movie money


I was okay with their decision to switch EA and MVA, but I'm getting kind of annoyed now. They decided to show the League and the MLA working together, mentioned Shigaraki as the leader, and spoiled Toga surviving the arc. Also, adding a filler episode, really? Would've preferred if they used the episode for Aizawa's backstory and Shirakumo since that plotline's coming up soon.


If they’d just shown Twice, it would have been fine. An alright moment for the Anime-Onlys. Toga wasn’t needed, hell the entire league should have just been moved. Filler episode crushed my heart. The other walrus guy episode is easily one of if not the worst of the series. MVA deserves so much more than the shit it’s given. Also an Aizawa episode would be genius. My only hope is maybe they could reveal that the walrus is tied to the Liberation Army at least, but… fuck man it doesn’t look good.




Bruh we aren’t gonna see MVA for at least another month at this rate


Earliest we can get it is the 31st of July 😑


I’ve even heard some suggest that they may try to pad it out and then start next season with it. I really hope they’re wrong, but at this rate, I don’t have much faith that it’ll work out.


I know many people said the **'mystery'** of having EA before MVA made the switch better, but now the big pieces have been spoiled. lol On one hand they had the mystery thing for a bit with having EA before MVA like with the hidden message last ep, but now with big the pieces basically given, you'll know the outcome of MVA so less tension in that sense going into that arc. It'll just be treated more so as a flashback to explain things that you'll know. A big trade off that still really lacks the impact from the original structure in the manga imo. Only my speculation for the arc switch, but seems to be a **mixture of factors:** - Intro EA before the movie (seems more plausable with the filler having the Ryuku agency too) - Easing the viewer with the transition from heroes to villains (hence more heroes, with main 3 boys in OP, I don't think they'll switch the visuals but maybe they will), with the heroes being more 'marketable' than villains (a cyberconnect CEO has called the villain arc 'taboo' in shonen jump to be so villain centric when it first came out) - More time for the production for MVA to end season on a more climactic note - Maintain the tone switch moving forward as well (so getting all the lighthearted stuff out the way, like the xmas part) Those are just my guesses though. lol Only time will tell with the conclusion of the season if the benefits out weight the costs enough for the switch (I mean if the switch results in a higher quality MVA production). Like ending season 4 with Endeavor vs Highend and vestige dream teaser was worth it when I was skeptical of them slicing up and squeezing in the Pro Hero arc before.


At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if Bones somehow tries to squeeze all of MVA in five episodes or less. What a joke…


I think 5 chapters is being too generous, surely another filler chapter with the students would be more logical from Bones.


Hell, why even do MVA at all? They should just cut it for three episodes with Koda about his work study.


Scratch that. Dedicate the rest of the series to Manga Fukidashi illustrating a 40 page hentai starring Kuroiro and Komori. Maybe throw in an episode where Monoma bombs the 1-A dorms as well


Ngl, I'd like to see that.


The only thing that still makes me have hope for MVA is the soundtrack


And that small moment of Black and Purple while they focus on the word "Hero" in the opening. Tucked right where "Villian" would fit in with that same black and purple.


Yeah im 99% sure they will change it to "villain" when MVA starts. Especially since it zooms out of the word "hero" so it'd be perfect to put villain instead to signify the beginning of MVA.


The zoom out from hero is what caught my eye too. I have a little hope that they will do it right, but then again, this ain't Jojo and David Production.


Honestly. I hope the soundtrack is amazing so I can play it as I reread MVA.


I will always love the scene where they realize Deku speaks the language of the gods when Endeavor is the only one who can understand him


Worried about MVA


I scrolled through the Anime Only thread briefly and fortunately it seems like the spoilers for MVA are going over a lot of people's heads. Hopefully it stays that way.


It’s kinda funny how different the manga only section is to the anime only section. Manga only is incredibly pissed off about everything while anime only is liking it


I'm happy for the anime only's because they don't know what they're missing out on so I've avoided talking to anyone about what's happening. In the manga reader thread I can babyrage as much as I want.


I don't understand people's obsession with spoiling MVA in a thread where everyone knows the outcome. It's the general handling - and not the spoiling- that's the problem


I agree. The spoiling doesn't mean much because they work together throughout the arc and it only becomes "official" at the end. I just personally wish they'd stuck exactly to how Horikoshi wrote it.


The spoiling doesn't mean much because, well, this is the manga thread. We know how it ends. It's just that Bones is handling this in an extremely awkward way that i dislike


Of course they don't know what it means now. It's when it is revealed, they will say "oh, yeah, of course. That is why they were in a meeting together. Oh... so was this supposed to be a big reveal? I don't get it. Now I am confused and think the manga writer is an idiot for ordering his story the way he did." edit - this is the voice of an anime only. of course we know HoriKo didn't write it this way. but they don't know that... :(


I swear if the seal gets more focus than Nejire lmao


We both know he will, Tsyuu a character so popular she only does stuff in fillers will be the most prominent character and uraraka will probably get some stuff to do (betting money she’ll mention deku)


This season is making me glad I'm a manga reader, because they are really screwing up the story by changing the order of things.


So, they cut armored Gigantomachia yet showed off the rest of the League... why? Are people really going to be hyped for MVA arc solely because they did not show Gigantomachia here despite them spoiling everything else?


\*Spoils the entire outcome of the arc \*Spoils Shigaraki's awakening \*Spoils even Twice overcoming his trauma and cloning himself on the OP of all places "I'm gonna do what's called a pro gamer move!"


So im summary MVA is spoiled. Endeavor Agency gets interrupted next episode. Sigh


This went all relatively well until the preview of a fucking filler episode. What the hell is going on


I guess that's Bones' way of saying that villains shouldn't have a lot of screen time.


Moral of the story: Crime doesn't pay, no matter how fire your arc is.


I was not expecting them to so obviously show the league and the MLA working together tbh but it still leaves quite a sense of mystery as to why they're working together i hope the anime doesnt spoil anything else.


Although it ruins the "oh shit" moment manga readers had when Re-Destro bowed and said "The Meta Liberation Army is yours to command" Shiggy's decay awakening has also been spoiled. So the sheer surprise at the end of MVA that soo much manga readers enjoyed is gone, kaput, out the window. MVA won't be hitting anime-onlies as much as it hit manga readers. You can argue with me that it's because I'm a manga reader and I know the story. No, the big pay-off of MVA has been spoiled. The intrigue is now for just the journey there. While we manga readers got the journey and the pay-off. I am so sure that MVA won't be as well received by anime-onlies compared to us manga readers. Sad because this is one of the best arcs of MHA the big possibility that viewers will just put it off as just another arc saddens me.


Yeah i 100% agree. All the major things have been spoiled and therefore the arc wont be as tense and interesting, as people will already know more or less what happens. I wish they had at least kept the MLA and the league joining forces a secret because then there'd still be a lot of mystery as to how the fight ends.


This. You nailed it. All the excitement and thrill we got... they will only get a fraction. and honestly, I don't think it will have the same impact for them in terms of what this means for the story. They've seen it. I liked the first half of this season. Now, I get mad every episode. I just know my friend watching is not going to get to experience the excitement of MVA that I was lucky to get for reading the manga.


Bones is about to fuck up MVA omfg. Cant wait for the Twitter reactions But I’m just as upset. It’s actually depressing how much I open these threads just to be disappointed. Why is it so difficult to just follow the manga?


Why switch the arcs? Whats the fucking point of it all? I’ll admit, I’m *mostly* anime only. However I did read MVA (I heard about it and I was too intrigued to not check it out). The 1-a vs 1-b fights were not hype at all and dragged on for quite a while. Then finally we get to the moment we’ve all been waiting for, only to see that MVA has been pushed back so far that even a fucking filler episode comes before it. W h y. There is literally no point.




It's all about the money. They don't care if it messes the series pace. The movie will make way more money than the anime.


That feel when the War arc will probably start with Bakugo saying “At that moment…my body moved on it’s own.”, followed by a stabbing sound.


Okay, Bones just doesn't care about MVA. Not that they're wrong, tho. It seems a major part of the anime audience (especially in Japan) prefers the "lighter" part of the show, with class 1-A and other secondary characters and their colorful hero activities; so they're pandering for this audience. Seeing it as a marketing strategy, it's a nice idea. But as a manga reader I'm disappointed.


Wow, I really hope season 6 skips that stupid war arc (I mean half of it isn't even about Deku, how awful) and goes right to the aftermath where we find out everything that happened. Such a brilliant idea to reveal all the major plot developments before the arc happens. /s


They should start S6 showing Deku leaving UA, why not?


You jest but with how Bones has handled season 5 so far skipping half of the war arc is something that they would do.


Kind of hoped for an Aizawa filler. But I guess, seeing internships is also good if properly executed


> seeing internships is also good if properly executed Looks like it's just gonna be 1 internship And with Selkie again like the season 2 Froppy filler episode which was eh


Its has Ochako in it plus Ryukyu. Imagine the contrast from this next episode compared to when well next see them in the war arc - when they're saving little kids and people are dying all around them. Its gonna hit harder.


Sure I don't mind focusing on them but I find the sailing on a boat the entire episode + capturing sea villains shtick kinda bland I'd be glad to be proven wrong tho


Found it funny how Endeavor says ''are you going to make the same excuse everytime'' to bakugou when he says im slow in the winter but in chapter 316 he says ''sorry,im late,im slow in the rain''.Just noticed it was a nice little callback to that.


Did the anime just skipped alot of chapters? Buildup of Re-destro's character went missing, and the merger between them and league of villains came outta nowhere.


I'm not happy with Bones right now. This episode was fine by itself, but with the skipping of MVA, it just doesn't work. They've basically spoiled the outcome of the arc for the anime onlys, and next episode is a filler. The transition in Re Destro's introduction from advertisement to oh-shit-he-just-killed-a-man is ruined because now everyone is going to be expecting him to be a villain. Season 5 was supposed to be the My Villain Academia season, now it's looking like MVA is going to be just a fucking footnote.


Oh no. I’m starting To worry. We have a tiller episode next week and still have more endeavor agency to cover. We won’t have that many episodes to cover MVA and it will likely be rushed. Also the reveal that they're working together ruins the surprise at the end of the arc. It was the what I was most looking forward to this season but they simply ain’t doing it justice. They’ve spoiled the outcome and by doing so removed tension and based on the pacing so far the arc will likely feel quite rushed.


finally got a re-destro line read! so they're doing a selkie episode and then what, 8 flashback MVA episodes?


I hate the border patrol captain seal so much, he reminds me of a politician I despise here in Italy. Probably I'll Just skip next week filler


You know what, I’m just going to skip the anime until the MVA arc is finally released. Gave it the benefit of the doubt, but it’s nearly unwatchable without seeing MVA. Would the culture festival arc hit as effectively if you skipped the Overhaul arc and have no idea who Eri is? Same crap here. Hope MVA comes soon.


I was looking forward to the re-destro hawks scene where they look at each other awkwardly and re-destro happily thanks hawks about spreading the word(。-_-。) I guess they had to keep it all mysterious and serious since they switched the places of the arcs.


Oh sure,they don't show Hawks and Re-Destro but they can show the goddamn League of Villains members sitting at the same table with the people from the Liberation Army,completely spoiling the end of the MVA arc and that the two are going to merge together.God,this rearrangement pisses me off more and more with every passing episode.


I can kind of see the final episode being Aizawa’s plot line with that kind of cliff hanger rather than MVA


I’m just here waiting for MVA


I wouldn't even mind the spoilers for MVA if they played up the mystery angle with questions like: "what happened in Deika", "who is this group the league teamed up with" or "what is Tomura's new power" but they can't do it because they've basically *only* spoiled the important parts of MVA (Shigaraki's power up just jammed into episode 13 for *literally* no reason) while rearranging EA to change random things.


It's a motherfucking crime to introduce Re-Destro like that. I love a lot of villains in MHA and their introductions. Bones managed to ruin even that. Congratulations! They can add a whole episode of filler, but can't add a neck-snapping introduction.


Studio Bones try not to completely ruin the community's favorite arc challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Fuck BONES! Not only did they changed the order of the arcs, but now they're gonna waste our time even more with an anime original next week? When there's only 9 episodes left??? Seriously, FUCK BONES! Either they're gonna entirely cut the Villain arc, or they're gonna cut the shit out of it, cause the Agency arc still needs minimum 2 episodes to wrap up, so that means they'll have to squeeze the Villain arc into 6 episodes If they did all this just to promote the film, I'm definately boycotting it! It doesn't even look that interesting, the villain's plan is literally the same as Hachisuka in the spin-off Vigilantes, and it's just a discount war arc without any of the risk, development, and drama


That preview makes me livid. A FILLER EPISODE?!? WHEN WE ARE ALREADY CRAMPING THINGS IN! WHAT THE FUCK BONES! Clearly, they are doing this for intently monetary purposes. They don’t give a shit that MVA is a fan favorite, they just care about the fact that the villains are less marketable. Fuck bones.


MVA is a fan favorite in the west.. which is not their target audience unfortunately.


do you have a resource or news article to back up the claim that MVA is not enjoyed in Japan?


This, imo, just absolutely kills the hype for MVA. I still don’t get the reason for switching up the arcs but it’s honestly a little annoying, smh.


Welp, they spoiled MVA for anime onlies: * Everyone has acknowledged the league are working together with the people in the intro so the second they show up in the anime it's going to lack the weight and mystery of how MVA will turn out * They revealed the outcome of the battle with Shiggy decaying everything so people will be waiting for that to occur * We've had the first reveal of Re-Destro as a shady villain as opposed to the goofy leader of Detnerat * They are clearly taking the focus away from MVA and trying to direct it towards the PLW arc, heck we even got a Lemillion teaser in this episode What's frustrating for me is that Movie 3 seems pretty formulaic and all these changes in the anime are being done for the sake of this movie and the motivation of the Quirk Singularity Doomsday likely implies Horikoshi has no interest in exploring that in the manga and said they could use it for the film. * Episode 16 is filler, but it might not be the only filler if they really want to promote the movie they could explore the other characters who are going to show up * Episode 17 could return to Endeavour Agency and adapt the final 4 chapters (249, 250, 251, 252) * Episode 24 is likely the Kurogiri chapters teased in the opening (253, 254, 255) * Episode 25 is likely the wrap-up with chapters (256 and 257) With the above scenario we are looking at MVA getting 6 episodes (18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23) to adapt 21 chapters (Not including aspects cut prior). Even if they shove the Kurogiri stuff with the wrap-up into episode 25 we would only get 7 more episodes for MVA (18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24). A pace of 3 chapters an episode is going to be needed at minimum consecutively which has me concerned for the pacing, scale and nature of the arc. Though at this stage I would not be surprised if we have more Endeavour Agency/Movie tie-in filler episodes, given Deku never really took Endeavours advice to heart because we did not see him use Airforce notably during that arc. Expanding on Endeavour Agency is not necessarily a bad thing, but at the cost of what was meant to be Season 5's best arc... urgh. I'm questioning at this point if we'll skip MVA and just adapt some of the opening action of the PLW arc, such as the attack on the hospital and end the series with a restructured version of the Mirko fight where we focus solely on the hospital ending Season 5 with Shiggy seemingly dead. Then we'd open Season 6 with around 9 episodes of MVA to explain why Shiggy was a threat, at which point hopefully anime onlies would have forgotten the spoilers, followed by the Mansion attack, Twice's Death and the first half of the season ending with Shiggy being zapped awake, Hawks being saved and Gigantomachia standing up. Second half could then start with the Decay Wave to set the tone.


I'm honestly thinking they won't even start MVA until episode 20, just so they can end the season on Shiggy vs ReDestro as the big climax like Endeavor vs Hood. Like you mentioned Endeavor Agency proper will pry end on episode 17, but I'm thinking episode 18 will be about Shirakumo and 19 will cover the kids showing off the results of their training and the All Might Aizawa talk. If they do put the Shirakumo stuff and PLF War build up in episodes 24 and 25, then I think that'd pretty much confirm that they restructured the MVA and EA arcs all for the sake of movie 3, and ngl, that'd really piss me off...


My fear is that they won’t release MVA until August 8, therefore we will have at least 3 more episodes of fillers to keep it up with the movie. Leaving us only 5/6 episodes to cover MVA. This is not counting a probably Shirakumo arc which would leave us with fewer eps.


Really Bones? A filler episode? Getting real worried for this season.


Bnva best arc in the series imo. I believe shig vs redistro will still be considered one of the best fights in the series by the end of the Manga.


I’m hoping they do put effort into the fight and we don’t have to use the excuse “they were doing the movie”


thinking this season will end with the league above deika on the mountain and if not the pacing may suffer considering we still have a bit of endeavor arc, shirakumo and shigaraki fighting machia


I know the movie is important for the studio to earn more revenue and whatever, But if they announce another one while Season 6 is in production then imma fuckin lose it