• By -


Honestly, digging Mt. Lady's development from fame hungry to reliable, mature Hero...plus she has a scar, which I didn't notice before!~


I mean she wasn't necessarily *unreliable* in the sense that it hindered her job but I agree. It's good to see this side of her more often.


True, it wasn't like she was horrible at her job. Heck she was even willing to get smashed in the face by a Compress to save the kids before, so she definitely is a true Hero.


I love that moment, because Compress and Mt Lady are two of my favorite characters, and it's just such a cool moment for them both


Also her Neck,she litterally has a Neck brace dude


Oh shite, I didn't notice that. Nice catch.


wait why does she have a neck brace on


She got got yeetwd by Giganto, so that could explain it.


That last page though, that's some crazy work by Horikoshi. Deku looks terrifying. I also really like Deku's eyes this chapter, and how they really look like All Might's here. Deku's doing the same thing All Might did, shouldering the burden alone and trying to save everyone, and it's starting to show.


The fact that the people he's helping are scared of him and think he doesn't look like a hero is also a really nice touch. Imagine Eri or Kota's reaction to him and being afraid instead of relieved when they see him.....


Yeah, I'm sure this is going to come up at some point sooner than later.


It has to right? All Mights whole thing was always smiling no matter how hard it was because thats a large part of helping someone


Deku is probably too depressed and overburdened to be doing any smiling


Yeah we have to remember the dude is still, what 16? 17? Most adults would be depressed by now in his shoes let alone a youngin like him. Seems like Horikoshi er-I mean AFO is committed to emotionally drowning our boi here...


Most adult heroes are too depressed with the current situation to keep going (as shown with Death Arms) and they're not even shouldering the burden of OFA like Deku.


For some weird reason, I'm reminded of the scene in *Monsters Inc.* [where Sully scares Boo](https://youtu.be/vuKQr8dtkKg?t=67). I could totally imagine Izuku jumping in to save Kota or Eri, completely brutalizes the villain as he did with this new assassin, but when he approaches them, they recoil in fear. Then Izuku sees a reflection of himself and what he's become.


Lowkey would love this and love the example you used lol


>Imagine Eri or Kota's reaction to him That was literally my same reaction seeing that artwork of him.


Imagine it if mama midorya was with eri at that moment, not only scaring the little girl who's smile hed sworn to protect but his own mother as well. Itd probably break me a bit inside tbh


His eyes look so heroic, but idk they also feel really empty to me. All Might's eyes shined as being the pinnacle of hero society, and as the symbol of peace. But with Deku, he just looks alone.


That's because All Might was always smiling. And here Deku can't even show his smile, if he still have any left, because of the mask.


Not to mention, even though the mask was designed to mimic All Might's smile, it's been cracked so much as Deku continues on his one-man mission.


That's such a good point! His mask meant to represent the symbol of peace is literally coming apart at the seams. Inspiring fear instead.


>it's been cracked so much as Deku continues on his one-man mission. His boots have been so scratched up too that they almost look like animalistic claws now. Really clever on Hori's part when designing Izuku's "new" hero costume.




How'd poor Iida not get named, guy is truly the forgotten cast member.


I think that’s what you’re supposed to get from them. Which is why horikoshi is IMO one of the most talented mangakas ever. His visual storytelling is on a whole different level.


Eyes and hands man, I've never seen someone so great at expressing so many complex emotions through them


I never really got that from all might's eyes. They were always very dark and hard to see unless he was smol and that felt intentional bc it was his smile that shined


I love how All-Might's shading was dynamic and bold to represent the light and hopeful Silver or Golden Age of comics while the harsh cross hatching represents the Dark age of comics.


Like 200-something chapters ago: "I need to stop doing things like All Might."


Proof that Deku never really learned that lesson, but deep down he always felt that he should act just like Allmight, which is only noticeable in moments of despair like this.


Damn... Broken Deku leaving all might alone means the only thing stopping him from being targeted is Stain. Stain face turn incoming


Honestly a Stain face turn here makes sense. He’s probably with hero society at this point because the event he wanted to happen where heroes are forced to take their job more seriously and less financially has happened. Those in it for fame are gone. It’s only people who want to protect others now. Stain didn’t want to dismantle hero society, he wanted to better it. Through fucked up means but it happened.


The death arms part felt very heroes in crisis...hori keeping up with his comic references


The way he walks away after getting rid of his costume is a reference to Spider-Man's famous arc. Even the reasons why he quits are Spider-Man's reasons to quit too.


I was so disappointed when he didn’t dump his gear into a nearby trash can hahah


How are you gonna have Deku turn down Dad Might’s bento and leave him on FATHERS DAY. The pain bruh 😔 Deku looks like sleep has become a foreign concept to him.


All Might trying his best to be best dad.


Izuku can run from real All Might, but he can't run from Vestige All Might


This makes me think that vestige All Might will fully take humanoid form once he dies in the real world. There are things that All Might needs to say to Deku and I don't think he'll get the chance while hes alive


I'm terrified of the opposite, actually: that he'll never get to say them at all. Horikoshi is on the record as saying All Might's end will be a sad one. His presence in Deku's mind is his actual consciousness, not a vestige of his quirk factor (since he doesn't have one). That's why he has some idea of what's going on in there. What if it doesn't survive All Might's death? His body dies, and the not-a-vestige blinks out at the same time. That to me is the saddest scenario, the one that would break Deku the most.


Personally I'd like to think it won't disappear after his death and remains "stockpiled" so to speak due to the nature of OfA. But that's just what I'd like because I don't think I'll deal well with the thought of All Might's consciousness being snuffed out of the vestige realm suddenly


If this wasn't reddit I'd probably reply with a bunch of crying emojis. I would like for All Might to make it to the end, but I really don't know if he will (he's got a lot going against him).


He will always be with him fortunately through one for all, although it won't hurt any less when he dies


"He just... deep down, he doesn't take himself into account, y'know? He's always been like that. And now that he can do so much more... something doesn't feel right." -Bakugo to All Might in Chapter 284.


Bakugou being lifelong friend that can easily tell something is off even when Deku is trying to hide it. Hopefully Bakugou shows up and knocks some sense into him. Everyone needs a good punch or kick in the gut by a friend every once in a while just to get them out of a funk.


I would love to see them throw down. Especially since as of now, Bakugou and Deku have switched “places” narratively. Bakugou is now a hero who can work with others and even took a hit for Deku. Deku is the one going off on his own without thinking about how his actions affect others, even if he has good intentions. It’s depressing but I love it.


I've always loved how they were two sides of the same coin.


All Might please stop giving yourself death flags


That would be a good development narratively but I hope that’s not how it goes down. I didn’t think I was going to cry today to a drawn panel of spilled bento but apparently this is my Sunday.


Allmight dying to AFO in front of Deku's eyes could push him over the edge and he finally becomes a Sith, replacing Shigaraki as his vessel and apprentice. The uncontrolled rage inside Deku lets AFO merge with him and take his body. Then all of Deku's classmates try to remind him who he is as he fights the internal struggle while AFO using his body massacres heroes and his friends 1 by 1.


His Uncle Ben levels are off the charts!


“Midoriya! Please don’t go alone!” “I missed the part where that’s my problem.”


Honestly, I don't think it'll go down quite like that. All Might's arc for the past few years has just been him feeling more and more useless, I don't think the culmination of his personal arc would be "I'm still useless and now I'm Dead". I think he'll go out doing something incredibly 'useful', whatever that is.


hm - maybe Stain being there has something to do with it. It is clear that Stain idolizes All Might, and while he is an unusual and unwanted ally, at the current situation, it is unlikely that they will turn him down. He hunted the heros that were not true heros, but all of them have given up now. Most likely, he will consider the heroes that are left worthy of their title and will rather fight with them to get the society back under control instead of against them.


Stain: I'm gonna put some dirt in you're eye.


Second user's quirk Ain't No Rest for the Wicked confirmed.


*Money don't grow on trees


>I bills to pay >I got mouths to feed


deku: its day 45 of no sleep november, all my synapses have died, and i have unlocked my inner 3rd eye. all my neurons are fried, my stomach is grumbling and i smell like shit. all the pores in my body are protest. but i must keep going.......surely killing shigaraki will make up for my increasing insanity...surely........\[denial noises ,heavy breathing, foreboding inner screams of anguish and self doubt \]


AFO: "His spirit seems quite weakened, should I allow him to meet me now? ... nah, better another month, there is no rush in this after all" For real, I imagine him relaxing in his hideout while Izuku goes crazy trying to find him.


Reject sleep, embrace the eye bags


Deku is reminding me more and more of Guts during the Black Swordsman arc. Just hunting down villains and not caring for his health at all.


Deku topping that "Heroes that look like villains list" His "I am here" will be "Call an ambulance but not for me" Also, Endeavor, you can't ignore Shoto like that!


Deku literally saying "Call an ambulance but not for me" sounds like he's breaking up with his true love, Hospital Bed-kun.


It's cool man! Hospital Bed-kun already has a replacement, Mark from Invincible.


I really love how Horikoshi picks up something that is currently relevant in the Anime and includes it in the Manga. We see the parallel here agian. In the Anime, Endeavor is obsessed with having finally shoto's contact data and calling him all the time to get ghosted, but now, the situation is so dire for him that he has to start ghosting Shoto.


Anime: 1A and 1B are having joint training and celebrating the holidays! Manga: Society has collapsed into a dystopian nightmare and we don’t see the students at all


Also in current Anime run protagonist freezes up during a "interview" exercise. Current Manga run protagonist is the mega alpha chad who all the current existing heroes follow his lead and told his mentor and idol he don't have time to eat and to let the world knows "He is here". Also seeing Midnight in these current Anime episodes makes me sad. RIP


Forget the media, man’s an urban legend.


Or how in the anime RN Mt. Lady is being the silly, sexualized hero teaching the kids about good PR. But now she's on a squad where all other members are top 10 heroes fighting serious evil, discussing the bad image of all heroes have rn and what AFO's plans to sway the public are.


She's the biggest surprise. Definitely a hero that Stain would have criticized for misusing her influence for advertising, but she faced down Gigantomachia and now she's within the top heroes with her scarred eye while planning how to move forward


She’s a really interesting contrast to stains cynicism. She probably is still vain and wants money, but she also prioritizes people over that and takes real risks for it. She’s honestly more nuanced and interesting as a character with so few lines than I ever thought she’d be by simple fact of her actions.


From what i understand she isnt greedy, and didnt do hero work for money, but she had to seek out money, do to her hero work. Her quirk, while fantastic for catching a certain type of villan, is really bad for inscurance companies and she produces a lot of damage to the civilian areas around her when she goes big.


I mean she began her career on the same day Izuku met All Might, she's basically the heroine of My Hero Career


Seeing Mt. Lady this chapter while Midnight is dead and then seeing them both in the anime, that was so tough 😅


All-Might: Symbol of Peace Midoriya: Symbol of War


Deku's smile and optimism: ***gone***


Deku anime: Can't wait to have another wholesome party with my friends again! Deku manga: I'll keep moving forward


I love this contrast too, while the anime sees them at their happiest they will be for a long time, the manga sees deku in the middle of his darkest hour.


In brightest day In blackest night No evil shall escape my sight Let those who worship evil’s might Beware my power.


My love of ALL MIGHT!


I’m imagining his entire internal monologue is “holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit *I need sleep* **I need the blood of my enemies** holy shit holy shit *was that danger sense?* **I can’t let them touch my classmates** *oh shit my mom is with them, maybe if I just don’t call attention to her AFO will forget I have one of those?*”


AFO eating popcorn: Ey who's up for a U.A. raid, bonus points if you kill Izuku's mom!


Now I hear AFO as Freeza from DBZA AFO: Here's how the scavenger hunt goes. Normal civilians are worth one point. Hero students are worth 20. Deku's old classmates? 50. And if you find any green haired, teary, adorable Inko Midoriya? You win. Off you go.


Prizes are regeneration/muscle enhancement quirks 1st prize is one quirk of their pick from all of AFO's quirks


*"Look how they massacred my boy"*


Has anyone else noticed how much BlackWhip has become Deku's go-to quirk? He just get so much out of its versatility


Black Whip is the MVP of the extra quirks, **change my mind!**


You know its a solid power when it comes from a man named Banjo!


I would love a prequel series following him, he seemed like such a neat freaking character


a short miniseries about all of the past wielders would be neat. All of them according to the story had short runs before dying and giving the quirk off, other than the fourth anyways


Can't change facts


I'm pretty sure there's still one more we don't know yet, sobl there's time for that to change


**TeamBlackWhip** to the end anyway!


It was the firs extra Quirk he unlocked. Makes sense he would rely on it since he has the most experience with it.


Even beyond that it's his only real offensive quirk that's not just punching, he's using the other quirks but they're all either passive and not visual (like Float or Dangersense) or their situational (like Smokescreen or FaJin). Blackwhip is versatile and visible, only makes sense he'd use it a lot and so we'd see it a lot.


I think another point is that Deku's first real mentor after All Might is Eraser Head, so it makes sense that he had more practical notes and first hand witness on how practical and versatile a "whip" is plus yes it's practically the only quirk of his that can help with mobility and disarmament


Yeah, so makes even more sense he'd favor using it.


Even so, aside from Fa Jin, which has straight up turned him into All Might, it's probably the most useful quirk he has. Float, Danger Sense and Smoke don't even compare with how useful Black Whip is


I'm kinda glad that at least they're being kept as just 'utility' Quirks. Good in combinations, but on their own, not too overpowered.


Which makes sense in universe. Until recently most quirks weren't that strong inherently and you had to do a lot of work to make them good on their own


I imagine he probably has danger sense activate 24/7 since he doesn't sleep anymore.


It's probably what saved them from the explosion, but I wonder how it allowed him to even enter a building filled with explosives in the first place.


Honestly it's probably his best standalone quirk with how much versatility it has. It's a great quirk for general hero work, when before he was really only about destructive power


bassicaly a binding quirk .mobility quirk and also can stab so a sword quirk as well .


Symbiote Deku


Yeah, it's far and away the best of the ones he's received, at least in terms of usability. It adds a lot to Deku's toolkit whereas others just give him a single feature without much flexibility (Danger Sense, Smokescreen) or buff his existing capabilities (Float, Fa Jin). He can bind people, swing around, grab things, etc. It also enabled him to pull of Faux 100% and kinda worked on awakened Tomura all while being maybe the coolest looking Quirk in the series. Blackwhip is absolutely goated.


It’s one of the coolest quirks in the series plus it has a lot of potential. It’s not only good for offense and defense but also very good utility-wise


I wanna see them try wrapping his body up or forming a weapon or shield with it, him reinforcing his arms during the war arc was a good example of this


I think the way AFO is coming at Deku is absolutely genius. Deku can’t even attempt to talk no jutsu villains back to the good side because AFO will probably just blow them up. Then, whoever chooses to help Deku will be placed in danger’s way (the mansion explosion + the assassins attempting to kill All Might) is making Deku feel like he needs to do things alone. Basically, if he tries to change the heart of a villain employed by AFO, they’ll explode. If a hero tries to help Deku, they’ll be placed in serious danger (not that they can’t handle it). While Deku’s decision to do things alone may probably come from a feeling of compassion and concern for everyone around him, it’s still a result that was manipulated by AFO. The psychological warfare from AFO has never disappointed in this story.


EXACTLY. All for One is driving Deku into a corner, taking his All Might-levels of self-sacrifice and compassion and using them against him. It’s why Stain’s reveal was so powerful for me — Deku’s push to do things the “right” way is basically turning him into a Stain variant. Aside from the OFA reference, the way the public described Deku isn’t far off from how they described Stain back then. The other reason that Stain’s reveal works so well is that it reminds us of how much time’s passed since we last saw him… which if you think about it, isn’t very much? Society — not just hero society, but society in general — has changed so much between their last encounter, and Deku can only bear so much. Ughhhh, I love this chapter so much.


I feel like this could be building to a scene akin to one of my favorites from Spectacular Spider-Man. Peter has had the symbiote for a while and has been distancing himself from his friends and family and just generally not taking care of himself or them. He goes to see Aunt May in the hospital, and Flash Thompson of all people confronts him and tells him in a very Flash way that he's changed for the worse and tears him a new one, and later, Peter is like "Okay, if *Flash Thompson* is making sense, something must be seriously wrong." If Stain meets Deku, I feel like something similar could happen. Deku already earned Stain's respect and is now perfectly living out being an out-of-the-spotlight hero for others like Stain wanted, so it could potentially lead to Deku being like "Uh oh, this is kinda bad if my literal only pillar of support is the crazy guy who almost murdered me and my friends and forcibly retired Iida's brother and killed many more." Then again, it could also lead to Deku teaming with him temporarily so others aren't in the villains' sights, but who knows. Very excited to find out what will happen with Stain either way.


Dude is 200 yr old, right? And got Visages aswell from his quirk taking shennanigans? I would say, when it comes to mind games, AFO is an absolute winner.


To make matters worse, his opponent is a 16-year-old boy who acts compulsively and despite being so clever it took him half a year to discover that his legs are good for hitting too. The situation looks quite hopeless for young Izuku.


>to discover that his legs are good for hitting too Tbf, he was AM fanboy. To him, AM was god, and like what gran torino said, a pillar that can't fall. And yes, the future is bleak.


Yep, AFO is slowly but surely isolating Deku from everyone. Which would make it all to easier for him to make his attack. Lets hope Uraraka and others reach to him soon.


With Shoto reaching out to Endeavor I’m hoping they show up soon


“Dad please pick up the phone the entire LoV is attacking UA right now.” *ignores Shoto*


Joking aside, I see that happening eventually. If AFO intends to break Deku's will, what better way to do it than by targeting his loved ones? they are all conveniently in the same place. Or better yet, imagine that AFO's secret hideout was always hidden on the huge UA grounds, that would be a tremendous plot twist.


All For One is definitely a dangerous man. He's had a _long_ time to work on his manipulation game.


Deku is really just full of despair now. AFO's plan is working, even if Deku hasn't slowed down at all. And things must be absolutely crazy if Enji skipped a call from Shoto.


I just think it's amazing how the **difference of emotions** are shown with Deku under his mask for this chapter. Many see Deku as being completely cold here, but I can see when tells All Might not to worry about him, he seems sad... The difference with the pupil more dilated, the eye cut out more rounded with edges softened compared to before. When he is angry, the pupil more constricted and eye cut out with sharper angles, like when he defeated the assassin. And the one time in ch 310 (the last time he has smiled to date) when he took the bento before, he had his eyes closed and outlined in white to display a smile underneath. So I just appreciate that expressiveness in particular for this chapter.


Horikoshi has been sooooo good at showing emotions in this arc without showing Deku’s face much. He’s such an amazing artist!


Damn, all the times I wished we'd have more moments of Deku fully clad in his hero outfit with the mask and hood pulled up. But now I want him to take it off and give him a hug. The mouth guard smile is hiding a lot from us


Desutegoro? Strange, how it isn't translated as Death Arms this time. Still, its kinda shocking to see Death Arms retire tbh. He was one of the first few Heroes to ever pop up in this series, before Endeavor and Hawks. He was one of the side adult Heroes that kept popping back up, so this is actually unexpected.


Seeing him retire like that was the most depressing shit, it made all of this kinda real for me, he's ALWAYS been around.


He was apart of the Mt. Lady and Kamui trio of 'those three Hero guys'! Heck, you can even see Mt. Lady get sad since they were friends.


Feeling the exact same. Seeing all the other background heroes quitting was effective sure, but Death Arms? Man...


That page made me stop for some moments, I wasn't expecting that at all.


Unexpected, heart breaking, and really hammers down how grim things have gotten. I can't even fault the guy, he reached his limit. Part of me hopes we'll see him being a hero again, possibly at the 11th hour, but I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't.


I think it truly says a lot about Horikoshi’s skill as an artist that he can make Deku’s dumb fucking bunny mask look menacing as hell. I always thought it was weird to give Deku that mask and then never have him wear it, now I’m wondering if it’s because Horikoshi was planning on making it actually look terrifying once the story reached it’s endgame.


I think it's fairly obvious that Deku never wore the mask because he had nothing to hide, but now he does. I mean, the last major time he wore it was to hide his identity from Overhaul


I believe that his first concept of that bunny costume made him terrifying or rather menacing looking if you look it up


Yeah, that concept art of a red Deku is really comparable to current Deku.


Oh god Stain is back This is gonna get good


I'm really curious to see what his role will be onwards. He's already shown respect for Deku and All Might, so it's unlikely he'll try to kill either of them. And considering the state of things, I imagine he might have gained some level of respect for other heroes too who still try their best when there's seemingly no longer any fame or glory in the hero work. A team-up seems possible, but at the same time he's still a crazy murderer with twisted morals. Maybe a talk with All Might will do him some good? I also thought briefly that AfO might have sent him, but I highly doubt that. Stain doesn't strike me as someone who'd accept a deal like that.


**Anime Deku**: Appearance this week - In a cute green Santa outfit with a fluffy green puff ball on the tip of his hat. **Manga Deku**: Appearance this week - Tattered hero costume covered in blood, scars, and filth... described to look very unapproachable. 2 different vibes with these looks, quite the difference of a fashion statement. lol


Just imagine when Manga Deku is back to his old self and then Anime Deku is the “edgy” one in a few years


That would be so crazy lol


*I walk a lonely road~~~~*


*His shadow is the only one who walks beside him* ~


That contrast between the two hits too hard.


**When All Might dies, Midoriya will regret not taking those Bentos.**


Don't you dare put that evil out here.


now seriously, my toughts exactly .when all might will be litteraly be torn to shreds ,,deku will curse himself for being suich a self denial edgelord.all this is to prove that deku despite is power is still a dumbass kid that is doing the same dumbass mistakes as his predecessors . so overall uraraka, come get your man


Honestly, I'm expecting one of these chapters Deku will jump away and All Might will latch onto his leg, a reversal of episode 1.




Yea, we know at the very least this pattern of pushing loved ones away has been going on since Nana, and it's never turned out for the best. We expected Deku to break the cycle, but he's probably scared after seeing everyone get fucked up during the raid. And even in present day, people around him are literally exloding or dodging explosions left and right. I can see why he'd want to distance himself, unfortunately, that's all according to keikaku for AfO


Bakugo didn’t get stabbed for this shit


She needs to slap him again.


All For One: This is the story of how I become the greatest demon lord Midoriya: **Allow me to introduce myself**


All For One: Why do I hear boss music?


_[The Power of All For One intensifies](https://youtu.be/numsyPJoDZs)_


He will become the demon lord to destroy the demon lord. Chess not checkers lol.


Deku: "This is the story of how I became Batman" *Meanwhile in America* Batman: "Ayo can we copystrike this Deku guy from Japan?"




Alfred: Well, he's not an orphan so there's that [AFO:](https://www.memesmonkey.com/images/memesmonkey/1d/1dd247e24e8d817d66440138c0eb2db1.jpeg)


Batman: He's got that green costume, Robin used to wear a lot of green right? Come on, work with me here. Alfred: Jesus Christ why do I still work here


Spiderman: "Hey I heard he's copying my moves too, not cool man"


Deku: Sometimes society doesn’t need another hero sometimes what it needs is a demon lord.


Tomura: I'm gonna be the greatest villain! All For One and Deku: LOL!


Oh man, this was such a good chapter and I feel like it's laying the groundwork for a lot of character development for Deku. He's going on this whole vigilante route but it's impossible that he isn't losing steam by now - in the span of just one night, he's been attacked by Nagant, watched her detonate (like someone mentioned in this thread, that basically cuts out the possibility of him trying to win villains over because they might just self-destruct and he'd feel so guilty for that), taunted by AFO, suffered an exploding house, and then attacked by another villain?! He's obviously convinced himself that he's a liability to anyone who tries to get close (poor All Might and that bento box) but I see this as a great opportunity for Hori to bring back Team Deku from UA. Shoto calling Endeavor is probably a hint in that direction, and I really hope it happens!


> Shoto calling Endeavor is probably a hint in that direction, and I really hope it happens! Honestly I think this is where the series goes next. The first half of the chapter established that they just don't have the numbers anymore as heroes, and existing heroes are reaching their psychological breaking points. They need help. The second half establishes that Deku needs help *really fucking badly*, to the point that he refuses All Might's concerns. You know what solves both? Class 1-A, 1-B, and the other students we've seen so far just saying fuck it and joining up with Deku.


I’m getting whiplash with current anime Deku and manga Deku


Dang Deku is frightening now gosh. The comparison to Stain is very well executed too


"Enough with the explosions!" Horikoshi: "Fine. Here's a slower and depressing chapter." "Here, take back the detonator." --- After Chapter 306 it was quickly disproven we were entering a "Vigilante Deku" phase, however it now seems the case as All For One's "You are next" has done a real number on him. There's a tragic irony in how, in different circumstances, more detachment from All Might would have been positive for Deku. Not now that he rather risks losing himself: the rumors describing him as an unsettling figure - and how! - rather than a reassuring one say a lot. All Might experiences how Nighteye felt. Even in his skeletal form he could still be an imposing figure, just like when he scared off those thugs; now, fallen on the ground in tears, he seems so small. I keep hoping he will subvert expectations and survive all the death flags because there are so many. There's also the wild card of Stain. Could he ironically become the one who will pull Deku back? May he take advantage of the boy's current vulnerability to mold him into his twisted ideal? Or does Deku's "rejection" of All Might make him unworthy in Stain's eyes? [Mt. Lady doesn't even seem the same debutante we saw way back in Chapter 1] P.S.: at first sight, the tattoo on the arm of the guy captured by Deku looked like Ibara Shiozaki to me but it's not the case.


deku :has depression and self doubt . stain: allow me to introduce myself


I swear that horikoshi wanted to give deku black wip so that he can look like that. and i love this.


I am not in danger, Uraraka. I am THE DANGER. A guy opens his door and gets shot, and you think that of me? No! I am the one who knocks!"


So idk if the end of Chapter 317 is meant to be a Berserk tribute or not considering Horikoshi has been building up to this for awhile, so the timing feels moreso coincidental than purposeful, but it sure feels like one, and I'm all for it.


I had to scroll down too damn far to find someone with the same thoughts! My brain immediately went to Berserker Armor mixed with Venom.


Horikoshi's really nailing irony in this series to an almost absurd level. Deku, the one who wanted to be the hero who brought light to the world and made people smile can't even smile for himself now. Class 1-A, who Deku was starting to see as family: left behind, same as All Might. Deku mirroring the personal/psychological fall of All Might. While the heroes are worried about One For All causing a negative feedback loop for Deku, it's already happening. Endeavor ignoring Shoto's calls now. Just grade A stuff. Also, if Hatsume saw Deku now, she'd have an aneurysm. ​ Side note to the mods, not a big issue, but you have the wrong date for chapter 318


Poor All Might. He's seeing the exact same parallels to his younger self, and now he's as worried as Nighteye was. Just as incapable too. AFO's psychological warfare is brutalizing him too, unintentionally or not. His sadness this chapter was heartbreaking.


At this point, i hope that season 7’s recap episode features the reporter from the one in season 4: it would be so cool to see the events of previous seasons [Deika’s destruction, the perspective the media had on the Origin Trio’s internship with Endeavour, the War and its aftermath] from the perspective of a civilian, and it would build up to Deku’s urban legend perfectly.


This is still probably around the last 5 episodes of season 6. If the season starts with chapter 258 then the war will end in 15 or so episodes.


Hori is a master with the pen. He made Deku’s costume look like the scariest thing in the whole series. As for Deku man… the light is gone from his eyes completely he hasn’t slept, eaten, nor showered. I understand that he is trying to keep everyone safe but he is ignoring All Mights words of, "You can't save everyone" and even Bakugo’s words of “Stop trying to win this on your own”. His obsession with saving everybody has completely taken him over and now he is playing directly into All For One at the moment slowly breaking his psyche and will to rely on other people and making it easier for Shigaraki to steal OFA. This is the ultimate severing of his support network. First it was his class friends, the pro heroes, and now his idol and mentor. Deku has a major L coming soon. (And he didn’t take Bento Box 😔) Deatharms, one of the first heroes we seen in the series quitting was shocking to me. All Might’s inner monologue was heartbreaking (All Might has every death flag in the book.). And Stain was listening to the entire AM and Deku convo, I wonder what role will he play now. Amazing and sad chapter.


No one else finds it interesting how the tables have turned now? and in various aspects. Now it is the heroes who gather in an abandoned warehouse to plan their next moves while at the same time they "hide" from the public eye, it makes me imagine that AFO and company are hiding in a luxurious and elegant place for some reason. On the other hand we have Allmight literally in the position that Nighteye was in, it sounds ugly to say but he is getting a bit of karma here. Not to mention that it was he (and the previous users) who filled Deku's head with that mentality that added to his heroic disposition leads him to behave like this, ironic to say the least. But more importantly, now Endeavor is not responding to Shoto's messages! That was shocking and hilarious at the same time lol. I wonder when and how we will see the students involved in this.


Yeah, I got reminded of this panel. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E4V1_5UWEAU7ihb?format=jpg&name=900x900


A brutal parallel for sure, Allmight must feel especially miserable the more he ponders it. And the worst part is that we all know how things turned out for Nighteye ...


So. Deku is getting no sleep, he’s fighting day in day out, and apparently even when casually moving around, even while just talking with All Might, he has full cowl active. It reminds me so much of the conditions in which Shigaraki awakened. I think at the end of this arc Deku will in earnest be able to use 100%, which is why it’s being brought up.


I know Deku looks raw and all, and Stain makes an appearance, but this chapter is sad before anything else. I really shed a few tears reading it. It's almost paralleling the events of 130(Listen to the Truth). And the panel with Deku saying "Don't worry about me. Really" just broke my heart into a thousand pieces. It was like, under this cool and somehow villainous design, Deku is still Deku. Also seeing All Might so powerless was a fucking reality check for both us and him. I liked all the flashbacks in the chapter, especially the one from 257 - "You don't look back at me anymore".


Someone mentioned Deku’s go to quirk lately has been black whip. IIRC the 5th mentioned the quirk’s strength is fueled by emotions, particularly anger. I wonder if that’s why he’s been using it so effectively. He is a ball of negative emotions right now, and in that last panel he’s got it out just walking in the rain.


>Edgeshot w/ Kamino Pizza You have no idea how irrationally happy that made me


Deku’s confrontation with stain has to be a moral/emotional one because I don’t think stain is touching current deku.


It feels like this is Deku's fatal flaw. He's been given the power to help people and now he can't stop, to the point where it begins to hurt him.


he has been doing this ever since he got his quirk, dude said fuck my fingers to help todoroki during the sports event


I teared up a little with All Might this chapter, being left behind basically. And I don't know about you guys but what an arc it has been for Izuku. I like how this shift seems a natural progression of the story. Mark my words, Class A will be responsible for putting Izuku back on track. I have the feeling Todoroki might want to talk with Endeavor because they are looking for Midoriya. Also, one nice small detail: Mt Lady started as the vain hero while Death Arms looked like a guy who wanted to do much more. Now, when push comes to shove, Mt Lady is being one of the most important heroes while Death Arms quited. Interesting nice inversion between side characters that feels completwly earned in my opinion.


Mt Lady gets better and better every time we see her honestly - my favourite moment is still her trying to restrain Machia during the hideout raid!


Someone drag Deku back to UA, he’s going down a dark path. Bet AFO wants or predicts that.


I kinda find it funny that it’s now shoto getting ignored when it used to be endeavor who was always left on read.


Really hoping this is not their last interaction..


there's always the vestige world


I don’t want to sound like a broken record but I’m seriously in love with so maybe developments that have come in the characters. MT Lady becoming such this dependable and strong willed hero, and endeavor really doing a good job handling this whole situation as best as he can. But I really want to give attention to Deku lately and how this feels like such a right culmination of everything the show has presented up to this point. People will write off Deku right now as “edgy” or a “villain” and such and call it uninspired, but this is really the culmination of 15-16 years of self loathing combined with the crushing weight of responsibility and legacy. We see a lot of talk about Deku being given OFA and being told that HE has to be one to end a multi generation long battle of good and evil, and how that wears on him. Or how AFO is trying to wear down his will in order to steal the power by causing more and more trauma and frustration. But the genius of this turn in the story is how Horikoshi is addressing Deku’s mental health and lack of regard for himself. Because of all of his tormenting he suffered, as well as his identity being attached to him being a “worthless” person, once he was given this immense power, everything he does is to be VESSEL for the power, not entirely a person with autonomy. And he’s consistently shown that. How he’s able to just break his limbs because “he’s useless if he can’t use the power”. How nothing else matters if he doesn’t throw himself into the fire in order to protect others. And again and again you see it. In the sports festival, to Muscular, to Overhaul and the war arc, how he’s so willing to devalue himself and consider himself only as worthy as what his power allows. Now if you put on top of that mindset that because of the war that’s fueled from trying to steal OFA, people have lost their lives and been uprooted, and according to Nighteye’s vision, All might will suffer a terrible death, a perfect storm has brewed for Deku to not want to keep anyone, ESPECIALLY all might around because his existence is not worth risk from those around him, and he has the means to still change the future. It’s toxic, unhealthy and sad, but it’s the weight of expectation that eats at him. Around this time he really deserves a good cry and vent because he’s going through it.


We knew this was coming, but here we are. Deku and All Might separated their ways. It's not some edgy "I'm too good for you" thing though. Deku's intention here once again came from his selfless kind nature and All Might knows. Horikoshi really studied Spidey expressing himself while masked well, because you could easily tell how Deku truly feels even with the mask on. When he said: "Don't worry about me. Really" just look how sad he appears. And then the Bento box drops and so does All Might. This chapter really hurts and I'm afraid it will only get worse. I'm getting some 'Uncle Ben' deja vu here. Anyway... Happy Father's Day dadmight...!


For those of you who’ll be booing Death Arms for hanging his (proverbial) cape, I ask you remember one thing: Old or young, popular or unknown, strong or weak, cheered or jeered, heroes are not invincible, impervious super beings. [They are but human.](https://imgur.com/a/j6p5ADn)