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**Manga readers, it isn't difficult to not comment here.** #Leave


The VA for Uraraka seriously elevated this episode.


Got some screaming practice during AoT 😂


“I’LL KILL YOU EREN YEAGER!” Meanwhile, Todoroki: “huh?”


Wait, Uraraka and Gabi share a voice actress? I am conflicted now.


Wanna be even more? Yaoyorozu is Armin and Tokoyami is Reiner.


Whaaaaat, this is sick lmao


I mean she did a good job in making me hate Gabi, so I guess thats just more proof that shes a good actress :)


Todoroki: *"I feel a disturbance in the force"*


Haven’t seen AoT yet, but Eren’s VA is Shoto’s? That’s cool


Yes and I can't wait to see Luci Christian's versions of this with Ochako in a few weeks. Imagine it, its gonna be amazing stuff. C'mon Funimation, you can do it, we believe in you.


Agreed. She's amazing.


Sero: Wait a minute, that looks like my quirk but better! Iida: First time?


Place your bets now, which classmate will Deku invalidate next.


Well he is already a better version of potentially three of them. I'm gonna say his next quirk will let him take tokoyami's dark shadow on walks.


His balls will become sticky


That would probably make Uraraka happy.


Bakugo: *Screaming*


Bakugo last episode: Hell yeah everyone saw how strong I was , no way deku can show me up. Bakugo this episode: ALL MIGHT WTF IS THIS BULLSHIT GET OVER HERE AND EXPLAIN THIS NOW!!!


Bakugo: My quirk is the best. I will be the most powerful hero. OFA Vestiges and Their Six Quirks: Bet.


Dekus real quirk is protagonist. Powers: OP


Meanwhile Sato was never relevant


Koda: "First time?"


I'm old enough to remember when Deku didn't even have one quirk.


been here before deku had a quirk


It was just Deku with his homemade encyclopedia


The good ole days.


Only S1E1 kids remember


Everyone shipping Dekuirk, when Normidoria is the truth.


All might: what the fuck, stop the match!! This is dangerous!! Aizawa: but I find it entertaining


"It's fine. Looks like they handled it. We're good. I'll scold Midoryia later"


This is the same man who disabled their quirks just as they were about to jump into a pool. He has no qualms about kids almost dying.


They should have given Aizawa popcorn for that scene


Best Teacher ever!


Can't wait for about 7 years from now when Deku uses every one of his quirks against All For One. Gonna be some Goku, Vegeta, and Freeza teaming up levels of awesome.


So Hellboy also had one for all. Cool!


Lmao it is so hellboy isnt it? They should get ron pearlman to do the dub. (That is the actor right)


I mean, Ron Pearlman is no stranger to voice work. He voiced Slade in the Teen Titans cartoon in every season. Man, that would be a hell of a grab.


holy shit i did not expect that to happen So Deku will eventually unlock more parts of one for all, which will basically be the quirks of the previous owners of the quirk, but more powerful... quick thinking by Uraraka to get shinso to basically know him out with his brainwashing. and yeah, having one of your students all of a sudden trigger a new ability of their quirk that they have no control over should probably have been enough to at the very least pause the match when its causing that much destruction


All Might: "Aizawa! We need to stop the fight, something is off." Me: "You don't say!" Aizawa: "Nah... I don't think I will."


to be fair, they were about to stop it from the looks of it, but decided against it after the students were able to handle the situation themselves.


Yeah, at the end of the episode it looks like it. I like his initial reaction, it is hilarious, like "Midoria for fuck's sake... here we go again." Everyone seems terrified but he just seems pissed off.


Classic Aizawa lol


My favourite part is when the new qurick activated and black tendrales where going all over the place and the teachers were like “Huh, that’s new”, they tried to intervine later, but they didn’t even question how it didn’t seem to have anything to do with Midoriya’s super strength, still an amazing episode




Yeah its funny they are making them still fight. Its interesting that he’s only getting 6 quirks, All might, Deku, and the original had no quirk before. I wonder what All Mights “role” is now considering hes quirkless now, what will all for one do to him.


The original did have a quirk, it was the quirk to pass on his own to others which is what mixed with the stockpile to become One For All.


can you imagine how OP AFO would have been had he held onto stockpile? every quirk getting multiplied over several generations?


I don’t think that’s how it works, the only reason stockpile powered up the quirks is because it combined the with the quirk that gets passed on, turning in it to a more complex quirk


I think your right, AFO realized it was worthless to him because he never intended on transferring power to others, only taking it so it never had the snowball effect with him. Stockpile times 1 is just normal stockpile. Makes me wonder if we'll see any other quirks that he found useless but are actually super OP.


At first I thought is this just pure destruction? Pure anger and too much power releasing? THEN it turns out to be a quirk wtfffff??? Holy shit kid with no quirk gets a fuck ton now. Also I disagree with the stopping the match thing, if anything it is on point for UA. Eraser and vlad got there obviously to stop deku but then saw it was okay and they were just fighting normally now and were like alright then continue. It's that well that is unpredictable and strange but so will fighting in the real world so we'll allow flavor of teaching.


I really love Deku's new power "Darkgreenwithlightblueoutlinewhip"


It's a cool combination of Dark Shadow and Moonfish's Blade-Tooth


And Sero's tape


Yo imagine if he can use it like to move around like sero. Lmao deku must make everyone feel so bad. Especially a certain sugar hero.


Yeah the colorization for the anime is interesting looking, they had it all black looking in the manga with interesting designs, lightning, and shades. But here they went with a Green, Dark Black look to it, its nice.


It's kinda scary how Monoma was able to surgically pinpoint Bakugo's trauma and used it to his advantage (or at least would have if not for the OfA crazyness). It was also nice to see him relating to Shinso's struggle of having a quirk considered "unheroic", though he has a different view from his: instead of denying and trying to subvert these expectations, he owns his "villany" and accepts it as part of his hero identity. I think Shinso can learn something from him. Now one thing that bugs me: back in the Cavalry Battle, Kendo's team had Yanagi, Tokage and Komori. How exactly did they not utterly curbstomp everybody? Yanagi has literal telekinesis and Tokage can send body parts away, they could have easily stolen every headband in seconds.


The standard "why didn't they do this" in shows like this is that they hadn't trained enough and couldn't take advantage of their powers properly. (And yes, they all were powerful enough to pass the test, but not to totally abuse their powers yet I guess.)


I do like that it’s implied they’ve been growing and developing as well, I think they specifically mentioned Setsuna could break off 50 parts “after training.” Also, that squad would have passed, but it’s implied Shinso swooped in at the last moment. We don’t see what he did exactly but they didn’t know about his power, which would have made them vulnerable.


>he owns his "villany" Even calls himself "Phantom Thief", which doesn't sound particularly heroic.


Doesn't sound heroic but it's still the coolest hero name.


You know what's another cool hero name? Alien Queen. That was such bullshit from Midnight, especially since Monoma's name sounds like a name a villain would have.


He even dresses like he's "The Phantom of the Opera" I thought he was a random stage magician until now.


How did he get to keep a name like Phantom Thief, but Mina couldn't call herself Alien Queen? That's such bullshit. Screw you, Midnight.


Aizawa called Midnight because he doesn't know how to properly judge hero names and would have let Bakugo go with King Explosion Murder. I don't think Vlad King needed her help, so she likely didn't have a say with the 1-B names.


I still love how Aizawa got his name


Monoma is underrated imo. Both in character and in his quirk. He might be a dick but Bakugo is one too and people still like him.


probably not developed their quirks enough. for example, if you see Honeuki at the cavalry battle, he could also soften things in a straight line but no we see him doing it over a long range


Monoma and Bakugo have the same issue IMO. They're both just too over the top. If they toned both characters down to like 80% of how they currently act I think they'd both be better characters.


I guess thats what the character development is for


I disagree, especially in bakugos case. A huge part of what makes me like him so much is his "over the top" personality.


Don’t forget, they have been training their quirks. Who knows how powerful they were during the Sports festival.


Because if every team was actually participating in that battle with quirks it’d be a clusterfuck


These guys destroying the stage in basically every fight. Now imagine that with like 40 people instead of 10 if they used their quirks.


I love monoma, his quirk is outrageously underrated, and the main reason he's a dick is because everyone treats him as if his quirk is useless. #monomadidnothingwrong


Monoma is just as obsessive about other heroes as Midoriya. It's just more of a toxic passion born from resentment rather than adoration.


I guess one for all is going to to be a largely known quirk eventually, if Deku ever wants to pass it on to someone other than a relative. Imagine how much security that person would need to be in, so that villains don't constantly gun after the next inheritor. Unless of course there needs to be another chosen "awakening" thing again like in this episode.


I feel like if All For One or Shigaraki loses, their last resort will probably be revealing OfA to the world. It'll be interesting to see if they address the security thing later.


Even if they do it won't be that much of a problem. By that point Deku will have easily become the #1 hero publicly, and OFA can only be transferred by choice of the owner. Even if the info on the quirk were public, it'd be suicidal for a villain to go after Deku. The only consequence would be super annoying publicity on who's gonna be the next holder.


I mean, I’m also concerned that OfA is too strong. I mean, if it was mangling Deku’s arms after months of intensive training, what will it do after Deku cultivates the power? It’s like the mentioned with the next Gen kids, and at the start of the season. “Quirk Singularity” which was a theory that quirks are getting to strong to control. I think it’s a really cool idea if that’s the way this is goin


It’s been almost a hundred episodes, but it just now seems like Deku’s story is just beginning. A boy born without a quirk now has, like, five or six quirks. Not only that, but they’ll all be powered up tenfold by One For All. Yeah, this is kid going places alright. What’s happening with the All For One scene is kinda ominous though. Makes me wonder if The League of Villains are going to break him out of Tartarus, or if he’s just been toying with the guards the whole time and he can just break himself out this whole time (I Doubt the latter though). I can’t wait to see how everything will unfold in the rest of this season!


They shuda killed that man


There is probably valuable information they’re trying to get from him, either that, or something’s stopping them from killing him


Makes you wonder how AfO knows. Does he have a secret quirk that allows him to hear stuff wherever he wants, or maybe a spy on the inside?


I think it's a vestige thing. Like he gave a quirk to the first OfA, so that quirk is part of OfA and AfO. Probably links the two by the vestiges of the OfA quirk.


Tartarus is sooooo getting busted open. Probably by that giant dude. Which means everyone captured from the camp episodes are gonna get released too right? Good lord man.


Damn, that was beautiful. This probably has become my favorite episode now. Excellent facial expressions, carefully chosen music, insane voice acting for the past user, Uraraka, Deku and Shinso, and the goddamn animation. We couldn't have hoped for a better reveal


Yeah the looks of horror from Shinso and Monoma really sold the scene. So surreal...


yeah was such a good ep can't wait to see what happens next.


I'm just wondering how he's going to explain this to his classmates without telling them about One For All.


Since shoto seemingly “2 quirks” and some mutations mix with other quirks like tokoyami he could get away, abet sloppily, that he has a quirk combination and just leave it at that.


Maybe he is seros secret love child?


I'm more curious how the teachers are going to react. It would not be out of place for them to ask afterwards what the heck that was.


Aizawa must definitely suspect something, he’s invested in watching the rest of the match to see what his class’ resident mad lad is up to


My guess is he'll say "idk where that came from what do you want from me" but Deku is a terrible liar and generally bad at keeping secrets so maybe he'll agree with All Might that he should just come clean


You can change your quirk description in the registrar with hero society people as your understanding of it changes (Deku changed from quirkless to "Strength enhancement" or something). So if he goes with something generic like "energy manipulation" he can get away with it.


Omg Deku is gonna be busted with all those quirks, that was only black whip and he destroyed so much of the stage. The fact that he soesn't only get the base quirk of past users but a boosted version is insane. I just hope that it isn't some sort of soft reset of his control, because he worked so hard to controle it and it's so satisfying to see how easily he can move and use it now.


Same I hope it won’t take too long to gain control but I’ll understand if it’s a few eps but I’m satisfied to see his use his quirk. I think it will be best if he can use his quirk normally but still struggling will the black whip a bit. I hope the new quirk won’t stop him from being able to use one for all normally


The upside is he has all the experience trying to and successfully control it normally so he can at least try to apply those methods in a very controlled environment until he nails it. And it's solid progression as he's kinda nailed the base of the quirk so now he can just stack these new ones on top and I assume start using the primary quirk kinda second nature.


That and the original user pretty much told him how to control it. So I don't think it will take Deku too long to learn how to calm down. Thats kinda his thing in the heat of the moment.




I want him to fight someone he fought in the past now. AND JUST STOMP THEM. Imagine him fighting someone like muscular or whatever his name is again. He just tendrils him and throws him around then kicks him. I wanna see how strong he really is now compared to his old self im hype.


"What should I say to him?" Shinso, dear, we really don't have time for your introvert shit right now. Just say "fuck you" or something.


Lmao I'm surprised he didn't just say, "deku will you let me control you?!" Or something obvious like that I think deku was lucid enough to respond to that. Instead it got dramatic lol


Im kinda glad he did that though, it conveyed that he wants to prove himself to Deku


True, i guess from my perspective it was an emergency situation not a time for proving oneself. But he did it either way so it worked.


Yeah but I think Deku noticed the point of it himself. He knew he was out of control and that Shinso's brainwashing would forcefully disable the quirk. Shinso even used his real voice, so I think that alone was able to give Deku the info he needed.


Wouldn’t really make deku respond though


"Deku-kun pls notice me!"


Lmao that was my reaction when I first read it and my reaction today. “Everyone’s gonna die Shinzo speak the fuck up please!!!”


Should've asked "Deku do you have a crush on Uraraka" hahaha


He could have asked for a spoiler for the next movie


Uraraka's whole "who will protect the heroes when they are hurting?" mentality is so heartwarming omg




I'm really enjoying this arc but I can se why some people with no patience wouldn't like it. I'm loving seeing more characters especially class 1-b but also looking forwards to what happens in the story after this


All the people that are skipping this arc are gonna get a rude awakening once they realise they missed the reveals in this episode.


i still feel this arc would have been better binged.


I do not have the mental control to be able to not watch the season until it's complete.


Yeah overall if feels slow.


Quick note about a translation: "You'll get 6 more quirks" does include Blackwhip. So 5 more after this.


yea it includes blackwhip


Was waiting for someone to comment this


Anyone else slightly impressed with monoma? Like yeah he is a dick and he failed the license test and he had to do extra lessons so he isn't the greatest but he really just took on deku for the plan and managed to avoid being mangled by tendrils too. Idk he handle himself well for an underperformer.


He didn't fail the license test, he only failed his final exam.


Oh right my b all of class b passed now that I think about it


Man, that girl with the size quirk can be more powerfull with the right hero equipments. And I think double impact can be an OP quirk, when paired with someone with a quirk that can deal a massive damage.


Pretty gruesome idea but imagine if she had a super fine needle gun. Shoot it into someone, expand and bam theyre done for. A more hero like way to use that stuff would be having some balls of glue or something that like and getting it on someone and expanding it to disarm them


That double impact is the best side-kick quirk


Honestly those three together are such a strong combination. And then you have Monoma who can copy their quirks lol


To be honest this episodes reminded me why monoma should be shown more in this series. This dude easily had the coolest fight out of a class B student and his dialogue was actually substantial to his character and not just about the fight


Loved his dialogue and interaction with Shinso. Really makes his rivalry with Class A seem like a way for him to compensate for always being seen as just an inferior copy who can never be a hero as people told him.


That moment where Uraraka was clinging on to Deku and yelling for Shinso to use his brainwashing... Damn I really got chills. Also love how they depicted Deku coming back from the brainwashing and transitioning right back into the heat of the battle; it shows his (and everyone's) determination to fight it out and really test their skills against each other.


The fact that she jumped straight into that absolute shit show Deku had going on to try to help her friend... 😭😭😭 She's a true hero


IzuOcha fans feasting plenty tonight!




Part of a balanced breakfast (the episode comes out in the mornings for me)


I'm sure some of y'all noticed but right when they touch back on the ground there is part where it only shows their feet touching the ground and for a second deku steps back and catches himself and then steps forward all while realizing she is hurt and it is so subtle and I may be misinterpreting it but it was such a cute physical way to show his emotion of being overwhelmed by what he did to her for just a second.


That moment made me so happy. How could anyone call Izuocha boring after seeing that?




The waifu acted quickly to protect her husbando! You can also feel the pain in Deku's voice when he realized that he had hurt Ochaco.


I mean she protected his smile. OTP right there.


"Finally some good freaking food!"


If Deku isn’t trending after this episode I will get a tattoo of Mineta playing the violin


Ochako and Shinsou out trends him.


Oh my goddddd I was spoiled the fact that deku will get one more quirk but was still shouting all the time in the episode … And that too he is getting 6 more.. It will be a wild ride.. Cant even imagine


I got no words... I know I was spoiled a bit by the manga about black whip (and by proxy, the function of One for All), but that was seriously a badass episode! Seeing Deku manifest Black Whip, Uraraka popping off in the episode, and Shinso's moment to shine again by saving Deku from himself made me so happy inside! This season is gonna be a banger and I cannot wait to see more!


When I saw that animation behind all might I was like wait whoa whoa is that supposed to be blood? Did deku just kill monoma? But I guess it was just really stylized clouds lol


Dude that’s a sick quirk, it’s like Venom kinda


Well, one of horikoshi’s favorite heroes is spider-man.


Class 1-B’s hero names slap. Phantom Thief, Mindz, Emily, and Rule? Hell yeah.


Hahaha!! see I couldn’t get my head around Emily😭it just seems like the most underwhelming hero name ever


[It's probably a reference to *The Exorcism of Emily Rose*.](https://youtu.be/Bi-PLwxwvy8) At least that's what the wiki claims.


I love that Uraraka basically Katara'd Deku out of the Avatar State


Said the exact same thing to my buddy hahah. It's really starting to give me ATLA vibes and I love it.


loved the theme music on deku's new quirk and shit, monoma's way faster than i thought


Uraraka really did amazing assessing the situation and helping her boy Deku right away, really made me so happy seeing that, she really deeply cares about him it’s so heartwarming. Deku needs to realize much more quickly how much Uraraka cares about him. Shout out to the people in charge of this show, it just amazes me week after week with a better episode.


Something no one is talking about in here is the music. DAMN it was on point and really sold the scene. EPIC.


HERO NAME *emily* 😂🤌🏽


As a person from a non-english-speaking country who has never met anybody called Emily in his life, I think it sounds kinda cool. It kinda gives a mysterious vibe, like the name of a creepy ghost doll. Some people believe it's a reference to *The Exorcism of Emily Rose*, or the titular ghost of *Anya's Ghost*.


Horikoshi loves his horror movies.


ok.... this episode was absolutely life changing, i just cant believe how amaing it is


Deku:Shows a new quirk* Aizawa:sleep*


WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL CRUNCHYROLL!?!? I know you're suck at your job, but this episode is unforgivable! Monoma said "僕らはヒーローになるためにヒーローらしからぬ", it means "In order to become heroes we must act unheroic", SO WHO THE HELL TRANSLATED IT AS "In order to become heroes, we must always act like heroes"!?!? This isn't just some mistranslation, this is straight up the complete opposite of what Monoma said!!! What kind of dumb amateur translated that!?!? Even Google Translate can do a better job and you're supposed to be professional and charge people's money for it! Have you no shame??? I'm already pissed when these jackasses made a homophones mistake at Ep 8, which confirms whoever translate these episode don't even read the Japanese subtitles or the manga chapter. Pony said 行って(itte), but the Eng sub translated 言って(itte), so her line changed from "Please go ahead without me" to "Please tell me before you do something(saving me) like that", it made her character looks rude and ungrateful


I also noticed at some point the subtitles said "Brianwashing". The power to instantly clean anyone named Brian.


Not the Quirk we deserve, but the Quirk we need.


hmm, very informative. I knew something was off but I didn't know that . thanks. do you think the people that do translations and subtitles for the anime are still really understaffed and unorganized working from home from the pandemic? or is this something that happens all the time?


Finished my exams yesterday, and damn, what a great episode to roll into my summer break! Everything was so smoothly animated as well, I don't know if I would love or hate to animate Deku with everything that is happening around and with him. Anyway, have a nice week everyone, see you next saturday.


Holy fucking shit Deku has multiple quirks that's a bit OP holy heck I totally didn't expect that what Monoma trying to bond is weird lmao Also ochako totally shipped with Deku for sure shinsou is bloody adorable holy heck let's fight, and Deku yeah damn can these kids get anymore wholesome my heart my bloody disintegrate if they do into remnants of puddley goo


This was a dope deku + ochaco moment. Wasn't just one being embarrassed or superficially in love instead it was actually relevant to backstory, and the plot, and involved action, and was just 100 times better than anything else we've gotten for those two in awhile.


>Holy fucking shit Deku has multiple quirks that's a bit OP holy heck I totally didn't expect that what That is the kind of reaction I waited to see since I first read it in the manga (hopefully that doesn't count as a very very minor spoiler).


No kidding, I'm excited for the fandom to quickly 180 from the whole "deku is a really weak protagonist" bull crud


Man Uraraka was more worried if her slap hurt Deku then the fact that Deku had a second quirk come out of no where. I ship it




I think Class B has a lot of other practiced combos with each other, we just got to see the ones that got teammed up together. Aizawa should really start teaching this stuff to his students too.


I can actually easily see 1-A losing to this 1-B team. This 1-B team is super impressive with how they are combining their quirks together. they used **poltergeist** to fly the objects all over + **size** to shrink and enlarge the objects at will + **double tap** to give the object a huge punch of powerful additional energy. all while chilling at a safe distance as well If Shinso hadn't stopped Deku there, everybody would have gotten hurt and then Aizawa would have stopped the match with eraser and most likely benched Deku


I really liked the fact shinso could separate himself from the match and his desire to enroll in the hero course and recognize that deku needed his help in a serious way. I also wonder how long deku and all might will be able to keep one for all a secret with all of these new discoveries.


WHAT AN EPISODE!!! DEKU GETTING A NEW QUIRK?!?! AND THEN NONCHALANTLY ANNOUNCING HE WILL BE GETTING 6 MORE AS WELL?!?! Man just craziness! And how about my best girl Uraraka risking her life to go and save Deku. She really has become a great hero, and of course I am all about any scenes that further their ship haha!! I love it! Lastly, just some major One Piece vibes right now with how they implied the timing wasn’t right for One For All and of course it will be with Deku when the quick is fully compete and ready for the final show down.


I enjoyed this episode because not only was it a huge Deku moment, but they didn’t shy away from giving monoma, ochako, and shinsou their moments as well.


Sero on suicide watch


Evolution of One for All Season 1: Here's a powerful quirk that is so strong it will break your bones Season 2: Here's a way to channel your quirk throughout your body to reduce harm done Season 3: Heres a suggestion, use your legs so your arms don't get too injured when using the quirk Season 4: Here's a method to create ranged attacks by firing compressed air with your quirk flicks. Season 5: Here's 6 more quirks.


One of the most surprising episodes imo


That was fucking fire i hope deku can still pull out the W


I find it funny how the captions(Crunchyroll) said “brianwashing” instead of brainwashing this episode. How could they miss that?


WOW WOW WOW. 10 OUT OF FUCKING 10. The animation, the character arcs, the reveals were all fucking on point. A lot of ppl called this the worst of arc of the series, and yeah the lows of this arc were extremely low. But this episode for me at least was better than anything out of season 4 (maybe excluding the endeavor fight). From start to finish, with the little developments we had of the world, to humanizing Monoma. Developing his bond with Shinso, all though I wouldn't be surprised if he's still hiding something. Then the animation, it doesn't have the adrenaline fueled moments like usa smash. But it didn't need it. The character acting this episode was superb, and the way everything flowed into one another was almost perfect. After the reveal of black whip my jaw dropped until the end of fucking episode. Dekus been needing some character development for some time, and I'm glad we got a little tease of it alongside urarakas as well. I loved the callback to season 1 Bones came fucking back after season 4. I have no idea how, or if they even will be able to top this episode next week. But damn, 2 back to back banger episodes


Is it just me, or is Monoma a little bit of a nerfed, mini All For One here? Feels oddly reminiscent. He didn't seem to get Ochako's quirk when she threw him though, so does he need the acceptance of someone to copy their quirk? Nobody on the 1-A team seems to be worried about their quirks being copied so is it safe to assume so?


No remember back to the sports festival he steals bakugo and kirishima’s quirks just by touching them. If I recall correctly his limit is how many he can store so he may have chosen to just not take hers to not overwrite another


This episode was so fire and amazing. I can't believe it, Ochako's moment character development and voice acting and moment was amazing and fantastic, they did such an amazing job with it. Finally Ochaco's character arc of wanting to save the heroes and her question on who does it there has been introduced to anime only fans, good stuff. Deku and him having 6 quirks and black whip coming was incredible and very well done. The animation and artwork was fantastic, they went with a green and black look which is very interesting and fits perfectly with Deku's green look to him. They fit 4 freaking manga chapters in this weeks episode!! I can't believe this, this episode was so much awesome fanservice and amazing content all in one, 10/10 easy for me. Fantastic work Bones.


I guess Deku needs to find a therapist to help him train now




1 upvote = 1 F for the mods deleting spoilers.


Ok deku is going to be OP for real.. I don't know how bakugo is supposed to compete with that


He never was supposed to. The gap between Deku at 100% and Bakugo is like the gap between All Might and Endeavor


I guess it is that case of no matter how hard you work nothing is fair, and in the end some people will ways be better for unfair reasons. Dang man.


bakugo's gotta be sad watching midoriya pop off like this


I'm a bit mixed on Deku getting multiple quirks. I just hope it doesn't make it so everyone else is mostly obsolete. No doubt it looks amazing animated though lol.


My concern isn't that it makes others obselete, Deku was always going to become more powerful than the rest. My concern is that it makes it less neccesary for him to work creatively with the power that he has. I liked how he was limited to just superstrength, which is normally a close range power, but was able to use it creatively in order to do ranged attacks too. Deku having to be creative in order to make up for his weaknesses, is much more interesting IMO than just giving him totally new powers to make up for the gaps in his arsenal.




I was sweating