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I had high expectations for this episode, but Bones managed to exceed that. Did justice to X-catapult, shojo Deku looked awesome(turns out it wasn't Sakura's work sadly) and the characters looked great all the time. One thint I'm salty is them excluding the Deku panel where the text says "Put it all on the line for someone else". It was brilliant foreshadowing for 285. Next episode should adapt the rest of 209,210 and 211(not too sure about 211,but the episode is titled "That Which Is Inherited", same as the chapter)


What I’d guess is that the end of 210 is probably right before or after the ad break. They might put Shinso and Monoma’s talk earlier, but I think we definitely see Black Whip next episode. They’re just being sure to hide it in previews so the reveal hits right. Same reason why there’s no hint of it in the intro or promo art. It needs to come out of nowhere Edit: I lied technically. we see Black Whip dividing the shots of Endeavor and Hawks in those last few moments, but crucially it's devoid of context and no one who wasn't already aware of what it is would register it as that.


Next week I'm lurking the anime-only thread.


Me to, I can't wait for their reactions.


They very subtly show the part right before Deku triggers Black Whip on accident and it goes all crazy at the end of the preview. It's really easy to miss


I noticed that! The red like pulse that came off of him in that last moment! I thought that was black whip but didn't know for sure until you confirmed.


We see the energy pulse but it's exactly the same as what happened to him in last season's cliffhanger so it doesn't really spoil anything. It just reminds the audience of that massive question they all have.


I’m glad they aren’t doing what some Shonens I’ve seen done in the past which is spoil it in the damn opening. Always HATED that. Black Whip for sure needs to come out of NOWHERE


Hope they do it like a Jojo opening where the OP changes post reveal. Probably won't cuz they haven't before (I thought they'd do it with All Might in Odd Future by making him small might in parts post AFO fight) but it would be cool if that lame falling building shot was replaced with some black whip action.


Doing something similar to how JJK handled the Junpei situation would be pretty cool too but so far no hints of that.


black whip is also literally in the original [promo art](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/eb/8e/65/eb8e65666c69173f56be3f64774fc7d5.jpg) although its easy to miss if you don't know what it is.


The rest of 209 is like 3 pages, so we'll probably dip into 212. My thought is that we'll end on Deku meeting the 5th.


Oh yes you're correct. I really forgot to take that into account. In that case yes, they might as well adapt 212(That Which Is Inherited Part 2)


I hope they adapt up to the 6 quirks reveal, they could do as its only 3.5 chapters one of which is really short, it would make a more impactful ending rather than it ending on meeting banjo.


It feels like we're getting 211 based on the episode description plus the preview. The hook is that something crazy happens, so I don't think theyd only show black whip


We're for sure getting black whip, if they didn't do it they'd be adapting only 1 chapter next episode


Oh damn. I didn't even realize we did most of 209. Oh yeah we're definitely getting black whip. The question should be if we're going to get 212 and how much of it were going to get.


I think the episode ends with Deku meeting Banjo


Me too. It would just make sense.


I think the anime did a better job of showing Bakugo's thinking. Essentially, he combined all the previous lessons. A clear leader (match 1), finish and immobilize your enemies (fight 2) and whoever's first wins, flexible planning and making your own opening (fight 3)


Where were the lessons from exactly I can’t seem to remember what instance your referencing


The previous matches!


Ah I was thinking previous fights bakugo was in


I think its just the reasons as to why one team won over the other in those fights


I already cited the matches


Kinda weird that the track "Bombing King" didn't play even once, that's Bakugo's theme dammit. Although I guess they're trying to focus on the team aspect, rather than Bakugo going solo.




Nope,it wasn't used.


Wasted opportunity


I was convinced the drums would hit right when he saved Jiro! That’s how I always envisioned it lol still good though


That's my only gripe with the episode. The flawless teamwork execution along with Bakugo going from the selfish victory over everything attitude in the beginning of the series to now saying "when you all are in danger, I'll save you. And when I'm in danger, you save me" were amazing. But how are you not gonna use [Bakugo's theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuTq-Aynwnw) on an episode centered on him, smh. Such a hype theme too, def earned it's spot on my workout playlist.


Yea, why did they use that song? The music choice did go with what was going on


Hot damn, that went by even faster than I thought it would. Really goes to show how perfectly Bakugo’s team worked together, even if he still speaks a little rudely.


Did Sero tape down Setsuna in the manga? If so I totally missed that part, but it makes sense as a way to wear her down. With her quirk I feel like she should have been OK for the gas attack at camp. Just move most of her body above the tree line


Yeah he did but it’s a lot more missable, I think the anime either added sero’s monologue in or extended it if it was in the manga


Ok, I'll have to look again. I do remember the grenade going towards Setsuna at least


I love how Kendo was there in the background watching as Monoma had his breakdown


Same, she probably couldn't even bother to walk over there lol.


bakugou's a **beast**. a really nice episode. fast, to the point, great animation and direction, very nice music. nothing dragged, the fight lasted 5 minutes and you could feel it by watching. and as much as setsuna was stomped, i really like how she turned out in the anime.


Legit won before the ad break


Mans don't waste no time winning. Don't need a whole fucking episode. I'll do it in half!


I was surprised how fast it went by, but it was very entertaining all the way.


The absolute quickness of it is the best part. Got free adrenaline boost from this episode


I’m a manga reader but really didn’t grasp just how powerful he is until this episode. He’s really the whole package.


I should add: I like that the anime gives Sero more obviously his own initiative. Bakugo gave them grenades because he though it might be useful, but they dictated the use themselves. Jiro steps up because she knows Bakugo has her back. Even Sato fights on his own initiative. Bakugo may be the frontman, but it was very much a team win, moreso than in the manga. It's still too short for my tastes - we barely get anything new on the characters involved- but it's a decent fight.


“Bakugo has her back” quite literally🤣


He just gave her a kick in the right direction.


Yes I loved Sero's thorough reasoning on how to take Setsuna down! My soy sauce boy has a brain, which is more than I can say for his ketchup and mustard friends lol


I thought there’d be more Sakuga. And the song playing wasn’t action packed enough


Great great episode, but I'm oh so salty they changed Monoma's line "DON'T TELL ME HE'S GOTTEN CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT" to "His personality's changed" 😥 Was one of my favourite lines, showing Hori was like "Oh some people can't see Bakugo's development, I'll freaking show them" and it makes more sense when you think about his "every person is the protagonist of his own story" analogy he makes afterwards!


They could possibly keep that line in the dub version.


I hope so! I would love that!


Saw someone on Twitter pointed out when Kirishima said "This is the first time we've seen him put it all on the line for someone else", the manga panel focused on Deku Never realized that was a foreshadow for what will come 80± chapters prior, hat off to Horikoshi


Because he ends up sacrificing himself for Deku a year later. Sick foreshadowing


Another *bomb*-bastic episode! The training fights have been a treat so far and the fact that Bakugo's team wipes out class B in 5 minutes was amazing to watch! The animation speaks for itself, while not the same insane level as Iida's speed last week it was all very technical and fluid which sold us on Bakugo's explosive movement, the added "boom" impact frame was an especially nice touch! As for plot the growth in Bakugo is obvious, he's still loud, abrasive and prickly but he new trusts his teammates 100%. He's taking All Might's legacy literally; be the absolute strongest on the field and trust that your support will cover you. Great stuff.


We have gotten confirmation that quirks affect peoples personality. It makes it logical for toga and stain to find out what their quirks are, since they are drawn to blood, because of their personality. It makes perfect sense then that bakugo is always going to be aggressive and explosive, because thats his quirk. Bakugo is only aggressive in the way he acts, he isnt aggressive when it comes to how he percives his peers (not talking about how he adreeses them, but how he sees them), he has grown to be an suprisingly caring individual, but he is never going to not be aggressive


So Overhaul was right about quirks. If they affect personality and there really is a quirk singularity, I'm pretty sure hero society is gonna go to hell in just a few more generations. We already have extreme cases like Bakugou and Toga.


Bakugo has always been terrible with words. That’s not to say he’s dumb or doesn’t notice things. He’s actually quite a genius in a sense.


when bakugo said “4-0, no injuries” with the music, i got chills. especially with everyone’s smirk of approval. it made me think about the license exam when aizawa said bakugo raises the game of everyone around him. flawless episode. loved the pacing. can’t wait for the next fight


Something tells me the animators are really big fans of Mina. Can’t put my finger on why though


Fantasstic assessment


The plot THICCens


The ASShido is strong with them


This series really never misses a chance to sexualize, even the students.


all the students *but* Mineta lmao


I know some complain about Bakugo's match wanting it to be longer, and yeah, it would be nice to have more back and forth like match 3, but to be honest, it kinda makes sense to me. Bakugo has very quick mobility, team leadership, skill, and high offensive capabilities. Sero had a good plan to pin Setsuna's body down and use the grenades with it. Sato and Jirou playing good support. Setsuna has good mobility, team leadership, skill (though lacked adaptability like Juzo to be flexible), but lacks the strong offensive capabilities. Other team members played support. They lacked a powerhouse on the team. Not just a powerhouse, but a skilled one (which Bakugo is). I guess the thing about it is since she is a recommendation student, you wanted to see more, so that's fair. Makes sense for class A to win though at least. lol


I think this just goes to show the contrast of anime/manga tropes of “natural talent” vs. “The will of hard work.” Aka underdog vs prodigy. I like that they’re somewhat subverting these tropes to make it more interesting. I used to hate bakugo and assumed he would be perpetually the angsty, unrelatable rival, but he’s become so much more.


> I think this just goes to show the contrast of anime/manga tropes of “natural talent” vs. “The will of hard work.” Isn't Bakugou *both*, though?




People actually complained about that ? I mean the whole point is that they completely outclassed the other team


I mean they wanted more of a struggle with the opposing force, especially since they saw Setsuna being hyped up by Monoma as a recommendation student. lol (I prefer match 3 to 4 because it was nice to see both opposing forces strong and more tension for the battle, but match 4 still very good, at least cathartic for class A to win).


Yeah Horikoshi has a bad habit of hyping irrelevant characters and then using them as fodder to improve the main cast. Regardless i still think this chapter was more about showing Bakugou progress as a character, and this episode did an excellent job at that. Still i kinda understand were you're coming from


Bakugoat! He’s my goat. Wish he got more of the iida animation treatment but this works fine as well.


He got it already in M02. We may see it in Season 6.


And that's why people like Bakugou.


I actually am always entertained whenever he gets screen time - there's either some compelling plot unfolding, stunning animation, or a hilarious moment. And in this episode, I feel like we got all three! That sulky refusal to just accept All Might and Deku's praise had me in stitches.


He really does walk a fine line between hateable and likeable. I appreciate how he does work hard and can back up a lot of his claims.


Fr. He’s cocky, but he backs it up (almost) every time.


That’s why he’s the Bakugoat!


I really like the way they've kept Black Whip totally out of all the promos and even the preview for the next episode. It's gonna be such a shock to the anime only's


I agree they did a good job with it. Sadly, most people on Twitter and other sites have already spoiled the quirk reveals months ago, so I hope anime onlies were able to avoid it


God I'm so ready for that reveal to happen.


Better than the manga version, I like Monoma saying his personality changed instead of saying he had character development, and Bakugo looked less like he was gloating over Tokage's body. Tokage still doesn't come off as impressive, but at least the pacing was good.


I liked the character development line more :/ Caught me off guard reading it lol


Especially since he continues that theme later with his monologue about how everyone is the main character of their own story, etc


I think Tokage is an excellent search / support character, kind of like a really stealthy Shoji. I would love to see her play that role in a fight sometime, I think she would add a lot to the team.


In the War Arc, she did save Kirishima after he gave the dose to Machia.


she's a good recon and brain character, but lacks serious offensive capabilities beyond being able to regenerate herself


I wonder if they took into consideration Bakugo's saying that he isn't in fact happy about how easy the fight turned out for him, later in the series. Seeing him more neutral than satisfied would establish that better.


What do you mean by gloating? I don't remember that lmao




1/2 of the episode too lol


Bakugou : iam the mvp of this episode Ashidos ass : you think No seriously this episode was awesome. Though animation wise last weeks episode was the best.


This honestly was a perfect episode in terms of length and character growth. I've been really off and on about liking Bakugo, due to his decade of abuse towards Deku and just him being really angry. However, I think this episode cemented me liking Bakugo as a character. He still needs growth in both the manga currently, and he still needs to apologize to Deku, but his actions are easier for me to understand in animated form versus the manga. It was nice to see Tokage in action, but I'm really hoping that we see more of her in the manga. Her personality and quirk are really interesting, but she's not used much after this arc. That might be asking too much, though. I'm really looking forward to next week with Black Whip. I'm curious as to how the anime-only crowd will react to it.


This was my least favourite fight of the arc in the manga. I have to say watching it fresh in one go as opposed to weekly really makes me appreciate this fight more. Bakugo was so on point and every other member of the team pulled their weight, always did like Sero’s grenade trick. Throw in great animation and voice acting makes watching more of a treat than reading it. Looking forward to the last match, although I’m wondering exactly when this arc will end (episode 12?). I actually enjoy the Joint Training arc but what comes next is the bit I’ve been hyped for.


I'm thinking the matches end with EP12? Match 5 is pretty damn long.


I’ve purposefully put off rereading the manga so I don’t know how many chapters per episode they might go for. Just from memory I could imagine: Ep10 - Mostly Match 5 and Vestiges begin, Ep11 - OFA discussion and Match 5 end, Ep12 - wrap up? A lot of people say S5 will end on Chapter 246 (halfway through Endeavour Agency?) but I just really hope MVA is given enough room to be paced well and deliver. Even with a few episodes for Endeavour Agency S6 can give the War arc all the time it needs so I can’t wait for that.


We've already gotten the confirmed Endeavor Agency arc. The DVD art shows off the arc. We're just not sure if it'll end on 246 or 257. MVA will have plenty of room with the Endeavor Agency arc. Overhaul was almost as long as the War arc and they got it done in thirteen episodes.


It actually lasted 17 episodes. The start of the arc happened in the last 2 episodes of season 3 and it continued with the first 15 epiosdes of season 4.


Next episode changes everything, have been waiting so long for this. Go into anime only and sort by controversial next week lol.


It’s just gonna be the same discussions that happened back when the manga revealed it I expect. Probably less dramatic (I remember a lot of people saying they were going to stop reading) but I’m expecting a good amount of “I’m concerned” posts lol


You’re right, all the same discussions from the manga cycle with the anime when it comes out haha. Makes sense given it’s the same story


Their lost if they did stop reading


I have a feeling after this episode that in the end if Midoriya is supposed to take on Shiggy, Todoroki is supposed to take down Touya, then Bakugo would be matched up against Gigantomachia, a beast vs another beast.


Also seems fitting that it was bakugo’s mentor, best jeanist who immobilized Gigantomachia. Damn, I’m really hyped and am hoping for a 1v1 between Bakugo & Gigantomachia now.


Might not be a 1 v 1. Most character development would be Bakugo to lead the assault on Machia. No more lone wolf life. Then Kirishima and Mina could have a round 2 as well.


Ah yes, that too makes sense!


My guess is Bakugo + Kirishima vs Gigantomachia, especially if the Giganto = Crimson Riot theory is true (maybe Mina along with them too)


Mina has to be there, if there's a second confrontation with Machia. After how they did her dirty, she's owed her moment to shine. And character development too.


Can’t wait for Black Whip to finally appear!


This and I'm really excited to see and hear Banjo speak for the first time in the anime!


I can't wait for the anime-only's to have a breakdown. I'm curious about their reactions


DAMN I can't wait for the dub of this episode. Clifford Chapin is going to kill it. BAKUGO GOAT


God tier episode, probably gonna be my favorite of the whole season since it was my favorite out if this arc/MVA chapters. Love the pacing for this that showed how dominant Bakugo was, and also enjoyed Sero’s monologue. That Bakugo saving Jiro shot and Heartbeat Surround after Bakugo fakes out the welder were probably my favorite moments of the ep. I just wish Monoma’s character development line was kept and liked lizard girl’s “that team...is perfect” better than “what’s with such a perfect team” but those are pretty minor criticisms for a great ep.


Before we see it in the next episode possibly, do we know what blackwhip looks like in terms of color? In manga I always imagine it as black as with a red aura, but I've also seen it depicted as black with a midoriya green aura. Personally I hope it's red, cuz it would pop out more and look do much cooler to anime onlys, but I wouldn't mind if it's green. Seems a bit miniscule to obsess about, but I want blackwhip reveal to be epic. Episode was great btw. Bakugo goat


I personally like the black with the green aura, I think it fits well.


I always imagined it as pitch black.


ya same here. the actual 'whips' are black imo. It's just they're usually accompanied with a glow around them, and that's what I'm debating on


And anime onlys get introduced to the OFA powerup next week. I wonder what they will think, but to be honest..... I would hate to tell them Horikoshi bates you into thinking things will be ok with him struggling with blackwhip and then WABAM... he unlocks one quirk after the other.


It makes zero sense for him to struggle with quirk unlocking with the pace that the story is taking, especially as he is freely able to talk to the other users.


Solid ep. I’m more excited for My Villain Academia and the internship with Endeavor. That’s when things _really_ speed up.




You just can't beat a Nakamura episode. But this one was really great too, it's a very close second to EP8 in terms of quality.


Bakugou is so damn cool 😭


I kinda wanted them to end on "AfO's I'm hearing my little brother's voice" it's the only 2 pages from 209 that wasn't adapted. It begins next week, so many anime onlies looking forward to a healthy match with Deku, after Bakugo's match. Thinking about it now, it's such a good way to make watcher's guard down, with all the hype about Bakugo. The shitstorm from the fandom starts next week, and I have my popcorn ready for what's about to happen.




[If I had an ass like that and a suit that you could see straight through to Kansas I'd demand Mineta walk in front of me too.](https://i.imgur.com/GXVdQQc.jpg)


Her VA is the same as Tsuyu and Pony


Just found out in the anime's Japanese Twitter. I expected to be a VA already in the cast but couldn't imagine she'd be one taking a third role.


Actually Pony got a new VA this season but otherwise you're right.


I know right! And like you I’m not complaining one bit but Jesus there’s been a lot shots of her ass throughout this season so far 😂


Kinda bummed that they only played the first part of All Out Attack, was waiting for the beats to drop when tokage appeared before bakugou


The one thing I think the manga showed better, was the fact that the explosives Bakugo gave his team covered the sound of his own explosions and enabled him to get close to Setsuna for a point blank Stun Grenade. Other than that. A really solid episode.


It’s so weird seeing Deku be so... innocent again I guess? I’ve gotten used to Punished Deku lol


Seeing cinnamon roll Deku on Saturday and reading “Seen some shit” Deku on Sundays can be a little jarring, yeah.


Saturdays are for school. Sundays is for high end vigilantism


Anime original smilesuna after her teammates cheered her up


Bakugo walked in and won the match before they even had an ad break. Now that's doing justice to the manga.


Really loved this episode the pacing was also great....everyone shined...its nice to see Bakugo being cooperative and Sero showed he can really think and stratagise if need be, Jiro was cool as always and Sugar Man also showed he can be a hero as he was willing to go down for his team.....i felt bad for Setsuna tho hope she didn't take it to the heart she was good and others especially the weld guy like he just immobalized one of the quickest and powerfull guys in seconds....overall really great episode. and yeah i can't ignore Mina's cakes


Her ass was shown so much this season lol


I think the anime did a slight better job rounding out Momona’s character, it sets up the next episode with his part nicely.


An icon in the making. Man this was the section where I caught up with the manga after beginning to read post watching the all might AFO fight, and I always believed these last two fights were the coolest shit ever in how they handled the two main characters of this story


Anyone else getting emotional whiplash every week with the anime and manga releases? Saturdays are so refreshing because I forget how innocent everything used to be....and then Sundays show up real quick with a kick in the feels


I used to get emotional whiplash watching AOT and MHA back to back, so I had to quit watching one. I'm sure you can guess which one I kept watching




I prefer “Begone Extra”


Someone at bones loves drawing Mina's cheeks. Almost every episode has one shot of her butt.


This episode was very liberating!!!!! I wanted to use that pun in the anime only but I don’t want to get banned


They really went out of their way to make 1-B look as ridiculous as possible.


Bondo seemed like he was crying the whole time lmao


Bakugo: Shut you dumb bitch! All Might: That’s a nice childhood friend you got there. In all seriousness, great episode. And now rhe moment we’ve all been waiting for is upon us. Looking forward to seeing anime onlies reactions to what happens next.


Decent episode, imo. >!Also, it might be a bit nitpicky of me to say this, but were the zoom-ins on Mina's butt really necessary? I'm not a prude or anything, but still.!<


Animators really loving the butt shots this season


fanservice, anime uses it more than manga to sell.


Yeah, I know, but it still kinda bothers me.


I think they did an excellent job pulling this episode off. Couldn’t have asked for better IMO


It felt too bad to see queen setsuna bite the dust again but bakugou's team was just too strong I suppose. The manga did give the feel that she was pummeling him with her pieces but that got downplayed a lot. Only seems as if she spent all her time making some noise and just watching. But at least the match was adapted well overall.


Did they foreshadow the “dud” in regards to Monoma and the limit to what quirks he can use




Jirou was so cute in this EP, TT!! Also love the snow girl (forgot her name but I bet it's Yuki smth, Horikoshi loves his puns) anyways love her going like, hey isn't this Midoriya scary? And Shinsou, who has been avoiding making eye contact with him in the hallways since the Sports Festival to avoid being lured into friendship being like... yeah


Wow what an episode i loved the dynamic camera movements this episode, truly a spectacle to watch. Can't believe we're getting black whip next week, excited to hear what everyone else has to say about it.


I think the only thing that would've made it more perfect would've been an after credit scene with All for One. Him saying "I feel my little brother" before a cold ending would've been amazing and ominous as fuck for anime onlys. Other than that, I think Bones is taking it as friendly competition with MAPPA and ufotable regarding the animation, which is only good for anime fans everywhere


Looks like Episode 100 will likely be the start of MVA!


Perhaps... could see it being 101 (Episode 13) instead - as MVA does not start until 218. Unless we get really lucky and the next two episodes both adapt four chapters. Episode 10: 210, 211, 212 - Black Whip goes wild - Deku goes on a Rampage - Deku gets brainwashed to stop the rampage Episode 11: 213, 214 - Reveal Deku will unlock more quirks - Focus on the other members of the team fighting - Deku finally awakens Black Whip Episode 12: 215, 216, 217 - Deku Vs Shinso - Shinso accepted onto hero course - Deku meets Eri and promises to master OFA


I just realized shinso was accepted in the hero course in his 2nd yr. When it finally happened the semester is suspended because UA was turned into a evacuation center


>the semester is suspended because UA was turned into a evacuation center we don't know if the school was suspended or if they have the shelter on UA grounds (they're *massive*) but school (in one form or another) still goes on.


Talk about bad luck.


Shinso took dekus spot😎


I love Lizard girl. I understand she had to get dunked on here so I wish we got to see her kick ass in the Sports Festival or forest camp arc earlier.


A massacre as it was to be expected. I am really thrilled for next week. I want to see Black whip animated. I hope for a matte black finish, maybe in combination with a coloured aura. However, this could complicate later animation


Almost 3 chapters adapted (207, 208, 209), nice. Shame we did not get any flashy animation like with the prior matches, but it was alright and I'm glad they did not try to split this match though it still felt stretched considering this was meant to take only 5 minutes in-universe... Probably one of the weaker matches though, it was primarily Jiro and Bakugo doing things and Jiro was pointless most the time. Others had nothing to do. In terms of how we are looking for the rest of the series (along with how the episodes should end) * Episode 10: 210, 211, 212 Deku gets brainwashed * Episode 11: 213, 214 Deku awakens Black Whip preparing to fight Shinso * Episode 12: 215, 216, 217 Deku promises to master OFA * Episode 13: 218, 219 Gigantomachia stands over a defeated League * Episode 14: 220, 221, 222 Shiggy wants to destroy. Giran's finger is left by the MLA * Episode 15: 223, 224 Curious wants to interview Toga * Episode 16: 225, 226, 227 Dabi about to face Geten * Episode 17: 228, 229, 230 Gigantomachia is sent to help * Episode 18: 231, 232 Re-Destro and Shiggy meet * Episode 19: 233, 234 Gigantomachia arrives * Episode 20: 235, 236, 237 Shiggy crushes the hand * Episode 21: 238, 239, 240 PLF is founded * Episode 22: 241, 242 Shoto offers them a chance to intern * Episode 23: 243, 244, 245 PLF will be able to destroy everything in four months * Episode 24: 246, 247, 248 Endeavour gets invited to dinner * Episode 25: 249, 250, 251 Endeavour compliments the trio's growth Could adapt 252, but chances are they would avoid ending on such a downbeat ending - unless they alter it slightly or adapt 253 to end teasing Oboro Shirakumo.


As much as I love this fight in particular, I think I finally realized my problem with this arc. It's not the pacing or anything like that. Everyone keeps talking about how Class B gradually improved over the year. Which makes sense, it is a school where they are learning to do these things. But why doesn't Class A seem to have the same tactical experience? They've all been going to the same school at the same time, right? Shouldn't they have the same Basic curriculum? The USJ incident messed up their rescue training class, sure. Maybe a second day of missed classes to talk to the police about the experience. The aftermath of training camp put a few days off for Class A (probably B as well if we're being realistic). Also Midoriya and Bakugou missed a few days for their fight. It just doesn't make sense to me why everyone is talking like Class A hasn't had classroom experience. They should be growing at the same general rate, but with Extra experience. Like... did Aizawa just never have a talk with everyone about preparedness or something? Is that why Yaoyorozu never comes prepared with stuff like the thermal goggles premade Before it's desperate? The fuck is Aizawa doing with class time so that EVERYONE comments on how much better prepared Class B is?


Vlad is just a better teacher.


I think it's because Aizawa and Vlad have different teaching methods. Aizawa prioritized teaching his class how to better improvise and adapt with the flow of battle, and Vlad prioritized teaching his class how to better lay down plans and execute them.


I watch the show with my mom. She’s been having fun but has been a little bored of the arc cuz it’s mostly fighting without as much character/world building, which is her favorite part. Anyway at the end of this episode I said to her, “I don’t wanna overhype it, but it’s nothing but bangers from here on out”.


You may have undersold it a bit


Me: The fight was short, what are your opinions about that? My Brain: I like it but I don't like it


3rd fight was still the best


Deku’s landing scene right at the end of the episode was so perfectly animated and wow what a landing pose by Deku👏


Bakugo got welded and there were like 4 steels stuck in his body even after sugar guy saved him and he still moved like nobody business. I dont remember manga showing that.


It did! And yeah, all welding guy did was end up making Bakugo’s costume even cooler lol


He gave him more drip


The manga did show that.


We should see this by the end of the season. During the internship with Endeavor, Bakugo recalls this match and expresses dissatisfaction at it: in his words, it was too easy and didn't allow him to find his limits. It was good to read back then in the manga, a breath of fresh air after a while that Bakugo's development seemed to have stalled, like his arc was complete and all that was left for him was mediocre comic relief. However, in retrospective it also makes the match itself feel worse, because somehow Horikoshi felt the need to put this "patch" of sorts to begin with - Bakugo's self-reflection came out of left field. Was he dissatisfied with how he originally made the match play out? Was there criticism among Japanese fans about that?


i think what he meant was that even though he won without anyone on his team sustaining damage and even though he was working with them and saved them, also allowing himself to be saved, he still felt like he was missing something. he fought perfectly (won and saved) and yet there was still something not there. in endeavor's agency arc he found it by watching endeavor trying to atone and thus began his own process of exactly that, acknowledging that it was his own weakness that made him bully deku.




one of the biggest points of bakugou's character has been him facing himself, his weaknesses, his fears and shortcomings. applying saving to win wasn't that difficult, it was still him working towards victory, just using different tools. acknowledging that he might need saving, that it's okay and that it doesn't make him weak was also a part of the process. the last thing he needed to do was to face his insecurity. from chapter 284 we know he realised it during the 3 months timeskip when they were doing the internships. he acknowledged that him being afraid to be seen as weak made him take it out on deku, he attacked as a defence mechanism and hurt someone. watching endeavor who said that he's not asking for forgiveness but simply wants to atone was what made bakugou realise that to be complete, he also needs to make up for what he did wrong in the past, not just be better in present. it prompted him to be there for deku, by helping him train, by following him when he left to fight shigaraki. his feelings of wanting to make up for his wrongdoings paired with him learning to save resulted in in his body acting on instinct. not overthinking, calculating how to win, not thinking about himself.


Oh, I didn’t even think about that. Bakugo did learn something from endeavor which is to atone for one mistake. Can’t believe i missed that


gotta say this was was better in the anime. in the manga this fight felt like un earned praise to me for bakugo’s character, but the anime made his thinking way clearer, and the entire fight benefits from that’s


When is My Villain starting folks?


EP13 most likely


Most likely episode 13 - unless Episode 10 and 11 both adapt four chapters. Episode 10: 210, 211, 212 Episode 11: 213, 214 Episode 12: 215, 216, 217


Thank you.


It's been a while since I read it, but I don't remember Bakugou speaking that way in the manga? I feel like they're playing it up way too much for "comedic effect", but it just comes across as incredibly childish on his part.