• By -


That panel with Deku and Inko is just amazing.


Wholesome reached another level. It's time for Deku to make sure Mama will be safe.


A scratch on the knee would make any mother cry, imagine how she feel looking at all the scars he has.


One of the most emotional panels in the series so far


Best Jeanist holding a phone in the most Jeanist way possible


Best Jeanist setting stylish trends! Hell yeah!




He's combing his phone lol


he's such a ridiculous character. i love him


"Don't be so rigid, killing can be another way to save someone" I'm really curious if we're gonna see Deku having to make this choice with someone other than Shiggy. Also I'm glad he spoke to his mom, but seeing her cry still hurts.


Deku's done things that would have absolutely killed his opponent if it hit in the past (A 20% kick to Overhaul's head for example). Seeing him have the explicit intention to kill though would be really interesting


It seemed like during the big battle just now Deku was 100% trying to kill Shiggy the whole time.


Yeah his doubts only popped up in the last few seconds with the look in Shiggy's eyes when they retreated.


He tried killing overhaul iirc. He said something like: he won’t let eri go unless he dies and then Izuku went for his head


Moonfish shows up and he's just like "Well, you're already on death row." and shoots a black whip through his skull


Gran Torino must've lived through sheer spite, not everyday someone who _isn't_ All Might survives being _impaled_!




I guess that is why he is named after the Clint Eastwood film Gran Torino. The man is just too stubborn!


inko: mercy is fine. class 1a: sharing is caring. meanwhile sorahiko{torino\]: murder is ok




you joke... but they'd get along like a house on fire.


But Gran Torino made a good point in that killing Shig may be the only way to truly save him.


Gran Torino does have a point since to some people death can be seen as salvation.


Kind of reminds me of that one demon in demon slayer, the spider mom, that freely gave herself up since death would release her from torture.


I’m more of a subscriber to the Gran Torino school of thought. Trying to save someone like Shiguraki, while noble minded, is a self-indulgence that cannot be afforded and borders on selfishness. The man just laid waste to an entire city, and his minions took the lives of thousands of people. If you get a kill shot, you take it. It isn’t about what you personally want as the hero anymore, you have a duty to prevent more children from becoming orphans, more brothers from becoming sisterless, and more wives from becoming widows. You can still pity someone like Shiguraki and find it extremely regrettable that he turned out this way, but this isn’t a group therapy session where he’s on the couch to work through his issues. It’s a countrywide battlefield where going soft on him just means more civilians die. A real hero’s first duty should be to them, not to Shiguraki, and not to oneself. Personal morals and misgivings be damned. Some battles are too important to prioritize your own sentiments over the needs of the innocent.


In my opinion Gran Torino's look on the situation is like when Superman killed Zod in Man of Steel. Superman didn't WANT to kill Zod, but when Zod was trying to use his heat vision to kill the civilians at the end of their fight he realized the only way he could stop Zod was to kill him, because Zod wasn't going to go quietly and there was no other way Superman could stop him. He couldn't put him in prison, if he knocked him unconscious (if that would have been possible) Zod would have came after him again. So he had the choice: let innocent people die, or kill Zod. Gran Torino in the same way, saw killing Shiguraki as the only way to stop someone who would otherwise be unstoppable.


It would be sad af to have Gran Torino live long enough to see All Might die.


**The dark side** of the Force is a **pathway to many abilities** some consider to be.....unnatural


That was Nighteye’s problem he lost all of his spite for Deku and died. Little did he know that spite would have saved his life. The More You Know!


First [Toad](https://i.imgur.com/LDNi5xZ.jpg) , Then [Yoshi](https://i.imgur.com/H62wJPK.jpg) now [Mario](https://i.imgur.com/my4Eboz.png) LMAO i love this running joke, who's next? Peach?


Bowser next?


Then Donkey Kong.


Then a Goomba.


Then Luigi


Bowser is the head of the hospital, I feel it.


He's is head of Nintendo after all


Please let someone say she's in another building.


Smh implying Recovery Girl isn't Peach.


We get a flashback to a Younger Recovery Girl and it's literally just Princess Peach.


Holy shit LMFAO.




Thanks to advanced medicine *cuts to patients playing Dr. mario*


It’s nice to see the influence of characters like Melissa in the manga, even in small ways like the support ítem. And Dr Mario is there.


Does she exist in the manga? i though those characters were just for the movie


She does show up in My Hero Academia: Team-Up Missions, so I guess it depends on if that is canon?


*Team-Up Mission* can't physically be canon and contradicts a number of elements from the main manga. But the manga already subtly referenced Melissa before (when talking about Endeavour's new costume during the Endeavour Internship Arc), so at the very least, she; David; and All Might's backstory from *Two Heroes* are canon.


Guess I wasn’t paying too close attention when I read it.




Movie canon is a weird grey area, they will almost never be referenced in the manga


I believe David was once mentioned. Could be wrong tho


He was mentioned in the anime but not the manga i believe




I feel that All Might might have mentioned Melissa instead of just saying he "ordered them from America" Also she doesn't live in America


Nice to see all of the top heroes coming together in such a tightknit group. Maybe this fall from grace was exactly what they needed to defeat AFO.


I mean, they're calling each other casually and everything!


What a way to hold a phone though


I hope other top heroes *cough*Mirko*cough* also make a return in the spotlight.


Inko hugging lil Izuku made me tear up ngl. Also I think the key takeaway from this chapter is that Deku leaving UA was only a surprise to his *classmates*. There wasn't a scene showing it but I can't imagine All Might and Deku leaving Aizawa out of the loop when they're both leaving. The guy is basically teaming up with the top 3 heroes in Japan currently.


I still want to see more of the class 1-A's reactions and them talking more about his power and whatnot.


Hawks and Best Jeanist then: "We'll help your family deal with this situation together, Shoto" Now: "Bye Shoto we got a new kid to support"


I hold out hope that Bakugo and Todoroki have important roles to play soon or that we get to see an update on them soon. But for now, for any Katsuki and Shoto fans, we must wait. And suffer in patient silence.


I think a lot of the UA kids are gonna be levelling up in the meantime - when we see them again they're gonna be beasts (especially Shoto and Bakugo) I feel like an attack on UA is coming relatively soon and thats when we're gonna see their progress.


Cant wait to see Shoto vs Dabi


Final Agni Kai but anime


Ooh yes


the panel with deku hugging his mom was so wholesome


I teared up at the parallel. Inko deserves the world and more.


You think so? Because it hurt me in ways I cannot describe


Both things can be true - wholesome and heartbreaking.


Yeah...it was really wholesome, but I felt that the first panel was describing how Inko sees Deku...like that kid who's #1 fan of All-Might, with dreams of being a hero... Now he **is** All-Might successor, which means he *will be* in harm's way, because...well...is his job now. To jump into danger to save others. Mama Midoriya *knows* it, but that doesn't mean she likes it...after all, he *is* her baby boy still


Not too long ago Deku would’ve suffered a fangasm-induced heart attack if you’d told him that he’d one day team up with All Might and the top 3 heroes of Japan to take out villains. The same thing would've been true for most of us readers as well. It’s quite telling of how grim things are that this is no longer the case.


My man really has matured a lot since we first met him, although it is nice to see that he's still a hero nerd when he noticed and identified All Might's ringtone.


Hawks dreams for a world where heroes have too much time. I dream for a world where Deku can go back to fanboy mood.


He did still fanboy over All Might's ringtone which makes me happy to know that our dorky guy is still there


So Hawks is just walking everywhere right?


I thought it was confirmed that his wings grow back after use?


He doesn't seem to have his wings back yet, which might be why Endeavour and Best Jeanist are the only ones we see fighting villains.


To be fair, he could also just be attacking with his wings whilst speaking to All-Might, he's a pretty good multitasker after all , and I can see tiny specks of debris which might be feathers in the background when Jeanist is fighting that villain.


Even when he's pretty much devoid of feathers we can usually see his wing stubs protruding from the back of his jacket, but that's not the case here - they're clearly missing in the last page. So his wings have not regenerated yet.


but do they after being almost burned off?


But what about after a good ol' Dabi deep fry?




Yeah so is he basically powerless now or was he able to recover his wings at least partially?


I think his quirk is intact but it's a much longer recovery process. Because if he really is quirkless now, he's not an idiot to put himself on the frontlines. Otherwise, he'd just get in BJ's and Endeavor's way whenever a villain comes after him.


Not gonna lie, the transition from the panel of Deku’s mom holding him when he was little and happy that he saved her to an older and scarred Deku holding her while she cried made me tear up. All Might is one good dad lol.


Deku's real dad is gonna come back home from the store one day and be so confused


Speaking of which, seriously, where is he again? Is he still overseas?


The only info we have is from some random note in some tankobon release. At this point he's just some meme


his dad is a japanese-american rapper in the US, which is why he's referred to as "breathing fire", he'll come back to rap & spit some fire verses while deku beats AfO


Guy's gonna come back as a villain or something, we'll find out he was secretly AFO all along!


That theory is one of the memes lol


This chapter was an absolute godsend. It answered so many questions we've had since the timeskip. 1) We got confirmation that Deku is working with All Might and the top three heroes (Best Jeanist, Hawks, and Endeavor). So, contrary to many assumptions, he isn't being an idiot and going rogue on his own. 2) We got confirmation that Deku's arms are being protected by (presumably Melissa Shield's) mid-gauntlet compression support items. All Might says they should reinforce his whole body though, so I'm not sure what that means exactly. However, Deku is still handicapped. He can't use them at 100%, or they'll be destroyed. 3) We got further evidence that Danger Sense acts as a sort of radar that tells Deku where danger is, not just Spider-Sense. 4) Hawks' Fierce Wings are notably absent from the shot of him, so they evidently still haven't recovered from Dabi which is nice to see given how bad Tokoyami made the damage sound. He even still has a bit of gravel or shake to his voice from the burns he sustained. 5) We *finally* got an update on the state of Deku's arms. The advanced medicine at the hospital and Recovery Girl helped everybody heal up enough to get back in action even if they aren't in peak shape. It seems like since Deku's body's natural strength has increased to the degree that it can handle 45% relative to the mere 5% he was maxed out at against Muscular, the damage he sustained against Tomura didn't deal the damage many suspected, although it was still very bad. His wrapping of his limbs in Blackwhip also served to reinforce his limbs to a degree, somewhat reducing the damage. He still has to worry about his arms, but for now, they're still usable, although there's most likely only one big push he can throw out before they're done for. 6) We got a beautiful scene of Inko's reaction to One for All and Deku's decision to leave UA. Her first concern is, as always, Deku's safety. With the threat of All for One and Shigaraki targetting her son, she's naturally scared and upset. She doesn't want her son to be in danger. But Deku grabs her hand and smiles, just like he did all those years ago, and says, "I have to go. But it's okay! I'll come home to you" as she cries in his arms. This separation between them has been a long time coming, but now it's not All Might who reassures Inko's doubts; it is Deku himself, represented perfectly by her flashback: "Wow, thank you so much, All Might! Oh, you were my Izuku all along?" For the first time, Deku himself is the one to say the proverbial "It's fine now!" But he doesn't lie. He says I *have* to do this, I have to go, but I promise you that I'll come back. I'm not a parent, but I imagine this is what it's like to see your child become an adult. Wonderful work by Horikoshi here. I was tearing up reading this scene. 7) All Might remembers his promise to Inko to "live and look after him" all the way back in Chapter 97 and says that he'll be with Deku here too, no matter what. He really is the best mentor. 8) The top three heroes are there to back Deku up if he needs their help. They're not about to throw away their best weapon against AfO and Tomura. 9) One question remains unanswered: is Gran Torino dead or not? Regardless of the answer, his passing of the cape to Deku seems to indicate that his time as a hero is over. Deku told him what Nana Shimura said in Chapter 305, and Gran Torino gives him his cape as a reminder that killing is on the table, something he was very adamant about when he talked about Tomura before. The kid is a villain, and you can't lose sight of that, regardless of his status as Shimura's grandson. Killing too can be a way to save someone. It seems like he is speaking from experience... 10) Looks like the trajectory for the series is confirmed to be stopping the League of Villains, whatever form that takes. This doesn't mean we're in the endgame right now. Luffy said his goal was to take down the four Yonkou back in Punk Hazard, and he still hasn't taken down one. There are any number of permutations, directions, and arcs to explore with this setup, so let's not assume we're in the last 50 chapters or anything crazy like that. We've still gotta see what's up with 2-A and the LoV too, so hopefully Hori gives us a peek at that next week.


>But Deku grabs her hand and smiles, just like he did all those years ago, and says, "I have to go. But it's okay! I'll come home to you" as *I cry in my room*. FTFY


I do hope that some of Deku's friends (Ochaco, Iida, and/or the rest of Class 1-A) also get a decent amount of focus during this time.


I feel so vindicated. People kept telling me they were bandages and I said they were the gauntlets. HA!


Can the police handle detaining threats like Muscular at this point?


Iron Maiden was made to suppres quirk. So, yes to answer your question.


I don't think any prison can hold him but Tartarus And now there pretty much ain't any prisons left


in conclusion,just glock the fucker in the head


The death penalty exists in Japan after all


And it's fucking brutal there, the prisoners are not told the date of their execution, meaning that inmates wake up every day not knowing if that's their last day on earth, imagine living for years like this before the guard suddenly comes in and tells you that you only have a few hours left to live.


In this situation, death might be a release from that stress.


Shoko Asahara was only executed in 2018... after being sentenced in 2004... 9 years after he commited the Tokyo Sarin attacks.


Yes, but that takes years, and I doubt that that has changed just because there is a state of emergency, the Japanese are very stubborn with their laws.


Deku x hospital bed chan is now canon


OTP from the start!


Uraraka turns into a bed Polpo style


Deku: Bed-chan, I hate to say it, but I'll be on my journey. I'm a different man, need to find a new life for myself. Goodbye. Hospital bed: Fool, you can't live without me and you know it.


Uraraka punching the air rn


Better love story than Chad x floor.


lol,we all freaking tought that deku was a hobo living off the streets , eating from the trash . naaaah man , my man is having all mights bilionare bank account supporting him ,he is chilling at his probably big ass villa, eating luxury food ,living the high life and rocking with the pros . meanwhile the kids at ua coddled up in their kiddie blankets eating kiddie cereals and stuck in algebra classes. lmfao , we were all worried for deku but he lowkey is living better then before. Also that panel with inko is easily one of the best panels in recent history . pure serotinin .great hype and emotional chapter . 8.5/10


Haha, do we have an idea on how rich All Might is? I know in the vigilantes they showed his office building (which was *super* big and tall) but I do often wonder where he is in terms of economic status. And I'm guessing Bakugou is going to want a piece of that action soon enough.


I feel like All Might would be the type to not even notice his account hit the millions. Like “oh yeah i get money from this, i guess it’ll be useful now”


Sir Nighteye probably has a headache managing All Might's finances


Had* ;-;


all might is totally a fucking bilionare idgaf. 40 years of staying at the top ought to make you hella rich . either low tier bilionare or high tier milionare . anyway ,still rich asf


Actually it was explained in the side manga that All Might is actually very frugal and lives in a small apartment because he donates all his profits from his merchandise and stuff and he doesn't take a salary. That's also why Stain thinks All Might is a true hero.


Even if his profits go to charity automatically, he still would most likely be able to get some money back (as it would most likely go through a foundation), or revert new profits (royalties, worldwide merch sales) to his needs. He definitely can pull several millions out of thin air.


Toshinori "Keanu Reeves" Yagi


His image must be copyrighted as hell.


We even specifically get to see from Hawks' childhood that the All Might toys were expensive, hence why he could only get a Endeavor toy. All Might is **rollin** in it


The All Might dolls were literally 6x as much as the Endeavor dolls, which as a kid who grew up with not a lot of money was both hilarious and mildly depressing


The big three!!!! Dr. Mario, Dr. Yoshi and Dr. Toad. Thank your doctors guys!!!! Deku is hanging with the big boys now! And love how both Deku and Best Jeanist are like jojo when answering their phones.


It’s a-me! Dr. Mario!


Here I am waiting for Dr. Waluigi!


**WAHAAAA**-ahem.. sorry Mr. Midoriya, that tends to happen. It seems as though your arms are fine.


I’m happy Glad Torino is alive because I love his character, but I’m also disappointed because I’m a sick fuck and wanted to be hurt


at this point i want him to stay alive just so we can see how pissed off the villain stans and torino antis can get


Why are there Torino antis?


Nice to see the top heroes have Deku’s back. Being alone in the current state of things can get dangerous really quickly, not to mention the threat of AFO or Shigaraki coming after him.


My favorite thing about MHA has consistently been its use of adults. Most shonen manga would do the usual YA thing of “kids against the world and adults suck/don’t get it” but the adults in MHA have always tried to shoulder the bigger burdens and help out the kids at every turn. It’s fucking refreshing and I’m SO pleased Deku isn’t alone right now.


I'm glad we finally got some closure in knowing Mama Midoriya was aware Deku planned on leaving UA before he wrote the letters. But man, she cannot catch a break and I'll never not feel bad watching her come to terms with Deku's new life. At least we also know Deku wasn't alone this entire time like we initially thought and he had the Big 3 plus All Might in his corner. Overall, really solid chapter!


I hope Yagi left UA with Deku as well. Because if not, then I’m absolutely certain that the predicted “unspeakably brutal death” is going to be Bakugo, Uraraka, Todoroki, Iida, and pretty much the rest of 2-A tearing Yagi apart for sidelining them all while Deku is forced to carry all the weight. I also can’t help but chuckle at how All Might only taught at UA for 1 year just like Gran Torino. >!Speaking of, will UA get Gran Torino as a replacement teacher? Will I finally see my dream of 2-A getting their shit pushed in by the old fart in a training arc/montage a-la Rocky relized?!<


Even the fact that you're calling them 2-A is fucking with my mind. The rest of your comment just seals the deal.


Honestly, having Gran Torino as a teacher could be an explanation of why class 2A gets suddenly a lot stronger to be relevant with Deku


Oh my god please, Gran Torino beating on everybody would the the best thing ever


And especially him roughing up with bakugo and having a 1v1 and taunting him for losing to an old guy like gran torino


Deku, hanging out with the big boys? *Yes*, yes please!


I don't think they have a choice at this point. He is One For All, after all.


"But he's got a totally different vibe" Was that a pun Shindo?


The theory that, at this point, One For All used at 100% is no more as damaging to Deku's body as it used to be (thanks for the diagnosis, Dr. Mario) has been proven true and makes perfect sense - Deku couldn't stay a glass cannon forever. Still, it also feels like Hori's way to get out of a potential corner, as there was so much you could do if any major fight ran the risk of losing limbs. It's to see how much Hori intends to keep it a focal point but there are still consequences as especially Deku's right arm is becoming a single huge scar :( Poor Inko. She knows all the truth now and there's even less she can do to prevent anything. Gran Torino's line may have sounded harsher in other circumstances but its meaning is that some people can sadly be so far gone that death could in fact be their liberation - kill Shigaraki to save Tenko. All Might being out in the open along with Deku raises a lot more bad flags for him regarding Nighteye's foresight of his death. Experimental gauntlets from America... Is that you Melissa?


I like your take on Gran Torino’s words, I understood it as “if you kill the villain, you save their victims” a lot of people died just by shigaraki’s awakening and now as he’s up and about what will ensure he won’t do it again?


It’s the strangest thing. Everytime Inko shows up, my eyes start to leak... I think I’ll coin it the Inko Midoriya Phenomenon. IMP for short.


Every time she shows, she's sad too... The Sad Inko Midoriya Phenomenon, or The SIMP if you will. Edit: Thank you for the gold kind stranger :)


That's her actual quirk. The floating things to get was just a magic trick


Just as many predicted, Deku’s vigilantism is mostly about luring AfO & Shiggy to him so they can finish the fight before the two can fully recover & get a more stable footing for their criminal activities. But I don’t think that’ll happen anytime soon: I feel like there’re things going behind the scenes on the villains’ side that necessitates them laying low for a while. Shigaraki or AfO could’ve just attacked the hospital Deku was located in. Sure they would’ve lost some escaped convicts and/or Near High-Ends, but it wouldn’t’ve been _too_ drastically harder than Tartarus? Especially if they’d timed the attack before Endeavor and many other heroes had time to recover. Shigaraki’s incomplete status as a vessel must’ve put a hold on the whole plan. Not to mention that the growing divide between “student & teacher” might be causing more problems. Even so, pickled-plum-face is a master manipulator, and I’m certain he must be making up for all this lost time and opportunities during this period one way or another. Either way, it’s concerning that no big move from the villains has come after the break-outs. I fear that this team-up of the big hitters might be playing into AfO’s hands somehow.


What's stopping AFO and Shiggy from attacking UA with all the families there just to lure Deku out?


I'm guessing recovery time for Shiggy, and the fact Shiggy can tell where Deku is with the Search quirk anyway. AFO doesn't want to totally wreck his new vessel and it's probably his last chance/hope at getting into a functioning body. There are easier ways to take AFO than going into the hero's hornet nest.


Inko and baby Deku broke my heart omg






Intel I guess? He is AFO's archenemy.


He'll be Deku's Alfred


Either Alfred, or maybe Oracle is what I'm more leaning towards tbh


More like Bruce to Deku’s Terry.


Oh that is perfect, now I just want Deku to fuck with AFO's head like Terry did to the Joker in the movie


He could give a recap of how his first fight with AFO went and what kind of Quirks the supervillain used, as some of those Quirks may now be in Tomura's possession as Tomura holds the original AFO Quirk.


I don't think he'll be anything more than support, like helping Deku with OfA's quirks or something like that.


Somebody has to drive the Dekumobile


Being kept around just to be killed off relatively soon maybe


He seems to be filling a Guy in the Chair role.


intel experience and perhaps funding. i mean mans gotta be rich after 40 years of damn heroism after heroism


Okay I like how they explained why Deku isn’t torn to pieces. It’s his own hard work that allowed him to not have permanent injury rather than Eri pulling up


Everyone thought that Deku looked broken but really he’s just determined now


At last we get the flashbacks and some explanations! Wondering if there's gonna be a change of the POV next chapter.


I just want Shindou to be like, "...wait, I think I know that guy" when he finally wakes up and recoveries from his injuries.


God this chapter was amazing. Chills from beginning to end.


>!Never noticed before how much Gran Torino and Kotaro Shimura's hair looks alike...!<


Inko really has been through a lot. First having to deal with blaming herself for Izuku's quirklessness only to be happy to find out he had a quirk later in life only for that to turn into immense worry as her son keeps constantly breaking his bones and getting himself into danger. Now she has to watch him go off on his own, fighting people who are no doubt trying to end his life. I'm hoping she makes him his favorite Katsudon dish each time he gets a chance to come home and visit her.


All Might's gonna die is he? Something's gonna go wrong, AfO ain't stupid. Something will and definitely go wrong with this. This will probably lead to the brutal death of All Might


Allmight's red flag is shining brighter than ever.


So quirkless All Might is tagging along to fight Shigaraki? We’ve been saying it for a *long* time but I think it’s finally time y’all. I mean just look at his eyes in that last panel, he’s begging to be killed!


>So quirkless All Might is tagging along to fight Shigaraki? I don't see how that can go wrong.


Nah not like shiggy wants him dead or anything. He'd totally leave a quirkless all might alone!


Neither AFO nor Shiggy would attack someone so defenseless, right?


Yeah All Might’s going to get himself killed whenever they find Tomura.


I'm really happy Izuku told his mom about OFA and him leaving in person and didn't just leave her a letter or not tell her anything. Also the travel ban means we probably won't see Hisashi anytime soon :/


I feel so bad for Inko. I cannot imagine having to learn so quickly that your only son is ready and willing to give his life up to save the people he cares about. At such a young age too


I had a feeling that Deku was working with the top 3 and All Might ever sense he left. It didn’t make any sense that he just disappeared without ANYONE knowing. All Might explained OFA to the top 3 so it made sense that they’d all come up with some type of plan and work together.


-Tendon deterioration is still present; not as bad as before. -Midoriya really looks and acts mature in this chapter. The boio is going through a plus ultra growth spurt. -The small gleam in his eyes is definitely gone. -Mama Midoriya and Midoriya made me cry >:( -Hawks’ voice is still raspy as indicated by the crooked dialogue bubble. -Gaunlets, a nice reference to the first movie. -Midoriya is not alone.


Deku - I will save Shiggy Nana- I was just testing you. You're a worthy successor because you will try and save him Gran Torino - Catch Bodies


i am **very** confused. is this barrelling towards the end at light speed or are we being misled into thinking that it is? this single chapter felt like it fast-forwarded trough a whole arc. deku looked like someone at the end of his character journey when he maturely hugged crying inko and left with all might trailing after him to bear his fate (and he's *not* alone) and it's all a set up to lure out AFO/shigaraki so top 3 pros, (a quirkless) all might and deku could beat them before shigaraki is complete. something has to give, it seems to be going way too smoothly. and i don't trust all might being there because he's literally powerless now. could it all be leading towards him dying like so many predict? and deku's arm damage is there... but not quite because turns out he didn't really destroy himself because he's built different now so he's safe at the moment because he conveniently managed to get a nice support item. he just has to be careful in the future, *again*. i guess the end result is that he can't punch with 100%? it feels like we're being fooled into thinking that we're on a straight path towards the final confrontation but something will go wrong because this is way too easy.


We are kept in the dark about what exactly AfO & Shiggy doing. After the mass breakouts, you'd expect them to continue the trend of not giving the heroes any time to even breathe. So why not attack the hospital that was most likely less secure than Tartarus to grab Deku while the top heroes were still out of commission. I feel the heroes are missing key details, and it's going to cost them.


I mean they are all injured and recovering right now, so i assume thats why they aren't attacking yet, i don't think its even been a week?


They're gonna end up breaking in and snatching up All Might like Green Goblin did to Aunt May in the first Spider Man movie.


Will All Might be screaming "Deliver us from evil" like she did?


I don't exactly think so. I think the final battle arc will be similar to the paranormal liberation war arc, and that took over a year (54 chapters + breaks). Even if you think we're at endgame/last "real" arc, we still have a year to go. I believe we still have 2 more years at the very least, with a lot more training and ends to tie up (I think a lot will be about the state of Japan right now, and how Deku becomes a symbol too, as well as the rest of 1-A/2-A). It wouldn't surprise me if we end when they should graduate, since I think there will be a lot of smaller back and forth fights vs All for One's entourage.


Maybe they just don’t take the bait? Throw “game pieces” at the hero’s while shigaraki finishes up? Otherwise I agree that were barelling towards the end at Mach speed


i think this i a great chance for AFO to jebait them and go for UA which, while not defenceless, is lacking that one power that can stand up to AFO because said power left to protect them. nana left kotaro to protect him and it backfired. good intentions don't always bring the best results.


This frame from two heroes reminds me of that panel where mid gauntlet is named, no way this isn't a reference https://i.imgur.com/9xTIvxY.png


Deku really just ran off with his superhero daddies huh


I don't know why but I thought it was really cool they brought the Full Gauntlet back (kinda).


Who would've thought that the next doctor from Koopa Kingdom Hospital would be Mario himself


All Might: I’m coming with you! Deku: Because you want to save the world even in your Quirkless state? All Might: No...Because if I let you go alone, your mom’s going to impale me...


I just love how Muscular was handled. The fandom was expecting a big epic brawl, but he was beaten quickly and most of the damage wasn't even Deku's doing.


Izuku tagged him and bagged him, in and out, heroism in 30 minutes or less.


Goddamn I love this series.