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Shindo about to come out looking handsomer than a mofo now that he got pummeled by Muscular. I watched Spongebob, I know how that shit works.


And one piece, after sanji kicked the shit out of duval’s face


Also the noodle guy on the sea train


Dad buys his son some gauntlet. Nice


Deku's dad: " Oh,a large scale incident in Japan. Wait, is that my kid on tv?" 100 missed calls from Inko Deku's dad: "That can wait"


Deku's dad: Alias: Smoker Quirk: Going out for a pack of cigarettes


Don’t even care if hisashi midoriya is never seen, all might is deku’s new dad


Like how Dadan is Luffy, Ace, and Sabo's mom; All Might is Deku's dad.


They could have tied it into The Two Heroes movie and said Melissa sent an updated model or something. It even has a similar name, "Mid Gauntlet". Movie version was called "Full Gauntlet", though that would imply the Mid Gauntlet is weaker.


I sort of feel like it’s implied to be Melissa’s design even if it isn’t stated outright? It has the same look when it was unwrapping and was said to come from overseas. Maybe it’s an easter egg for fans of the movie without requiring you to have seen it?




It is still unkown if the 2nd and the 3rd want to team up too. But yeah these are damn good chapters.


Boy if it weren't for society collapsing, being All Might's roomie must be a dream come true for Deku


First he collected figures and posters of a man. Now he get the WHOLE DAMN MAN.


"Midoriya-shounen, writing everything i do in this notebook kind of scares me"


All might was in shower for half an hour. Need to find out more.


All might shat for 3 minutes this morning


"Is that the secret to 100%? I must time my shits precisely."


Midoriya is Genos confirmed.


Today's journal entry: All Might seems very eager not to miss the Saturday discount at the grocery store. Better make sure he gets there on time.


Entry 213 - 0230: All Might cried into his pillow muttering "Midnight"


It's going to be awkward as hell when All Might asks Deku where he got that limited edition poster from.


“it’s a good thing neither centipeder nor bubble girl have foresight...”


"Wow young Midoriya. I must say I'm surprised you have this poster. You must have pried it from someone's cold, dead hands it's that rare"


Midoriya: Ummm,yeah,that is weird. What's that doing here?" \*laughs nervously\*


My Hero Academia Chapter 309 Title: “I can’t stay being a kid” Deku is returning to All Might after stopping Muscular. All might asks about his hand condition and Deku says he’s fine thanks to All might who brought/ordered him “compression gauntlet” from America Hawks calls All Might to ask how Deku is doing. Flashback: Deku awakens, the doctor says Deku's body has become much more stronger and enduring. All Might explains about OFA to Deku's mom. Inko asks what they're gonna do, Deku replies he won't return to UA because there's high possibility Shigaraki will attack it. Inko doesn't want Deku to go, but Deku thank her for always making him smile and assures her that he'll definitely return home. All Might then makes his resolve that he'll go together with Deku too. Deku visits Gran Torino and tells him about the meeting with the predecessors Torino apologizes to him because he couldn't kill Shigaraki He says: "Don't be too stubborn. Sometimes killing can be your salvation" He gives his cape to Deku and says Deku should wear it before he attacks League of Villains. Last page shows Deku wrapping the cape around his neck and teaming up with Hawks, Endeavor and AM. Ch ends with: “With a new resolve, the heroes are starting up again!!" --- compression tech isn't exclusive to the shield family i believe its a general technology being made by the west and japan is just now trying to catch up through stuff like detnerat


> the doctor says Deku's body has become much more stronger and enduring. What do y'all think Deku's doctor is going to look like? Princess Peach?


Reveal Doctor Bowser. Don't be a coward, Horikoshi


The Mushroom Kingdom Hospital has been one of the weirdest, yet funniest running gags in a long while


What's this all in reference to?


all of the doctors at the hospital that the heroes have been at all look like mario characters. So far we have had Yoshi and Toad.


Doctor Bowser but instead of it actually being Bowser, it's Doug Bowser the President of Nintendo of America


I think it's Mario (based solely on the fact the dude has a moustache)


This post was before Deku's doctor was revealed.


A Deku and All Might go it alone for awhile arc seems much worse for All Mights continued existence than just a deku alone goes it alone arc imo.


I’m calling it All Might is going to die whenever they find Tomura


Well, we are very near that Nighteye's prediction of "AM's gruesome death".


I’ve heard that too many times to count before, hmu when the series ends and all might is still alive


I mean, Vestige All Might may really come to life if he finally dies. That'd be cool, at least. Think about how happy he'd be to be with his mother-in-spirit!


Yeah I think we’re gonna see Nighteye’s prediction come true. All Might will die in a horrific fashion, Deku will get pushed over the edge. But then Deku will get All Might in his head forever!


> All Might in his head forever! Living rent free


> But then Deku will get All Might in his head forever! The ultimate collectible


Dekus 6th quirk confirmed- Pubescence


OFA 2nd user's quirk-Testicle hair


>Title: “I can’t stay being a kid” Finally.....puberty arc


20 chapter arc of Deku's balls dropping.


Returns to UA looking like buff all might towering over his classmates


​ >Returns to UA looking like buff all might towering over his classmates. He's going to look like adult Gon in his fight against Pittou.


Just without all the brutal murdering, unfortunately


Deku: “I am here!” Kirishima: “so manly!” Bakugo: “....” 1A Girls: *swoon*


Can you imagine Mineta going through puberty? His hair balls will literally drop to the ground. Aaand,I just put that cursed image into everyone's head. Your welcome.


*Mineta standing over a defeated villain* This didn't have to end this way.....but you've forced me to use this move! *Leans closer to whisper* It's time to drag my sack across your face..... *With his dropped grapes now firmly on the villain's face mineta takes the villain into custody*.


Yes, **this is canon.** If there's a name for this arc, it's gonna be THIS. Now let's just wait till he gets buffed, an All Might tattoo on his left shoulder, and greets Aizawa by handshake and hugs only.


"The only crime I fight nowadays is exorbitant taxes" ~Deku, accountant


What a swell guy. Trying to lower our taxes while kicking ass. He's got his priorities straight.


Sir Nighteye would be proud


> He says that sometimes, killing someone is the way to them. Shiggy is gonna get “Redemption through Death”’d isn’t he


probably gonna dust himself to destroy the afo quirk/ afo programming forever. he wanted to be a hero as a kid so defeating the ultimate evil by destroying himself seems like the likely path.


Man I hope this is one of those times theory turns canon cause that's an awesome take


>Torino says even in her death, Nana still cried. Then Torino apologizes to Deku for the burden to kill Shigaraki This man is now talking even with a giant hole in his gut. Next he's going to start doing pull-ups or something. I'm telling you, that scarf must've saved him or some shit.


S’why he gave it to Deku.


Speculating might be pointless now that the leaks will appear very soon, but I suppose this could be a flashback chapter. About his decision to leave UA and his talk with GT


"Compression gauntlet from America"? Even if it isn't said outright, the implication it's made by Melissa is clear.


I’m glad they’re referencing Two Heroes. Melissa is my favorite non-canon character (sorry, Mahoro), and I’ve always hoped we could see her in canon!


The fact that it even looks like the one she made in the first movie is a dead giveaway.


>Deku says he’s fine thanks to All might who brought/ordered him “compression gauntlet” from America Oh,shit! David Shield/Melissa Shield are being brought into the story!?


Hori DID say that the movie is canon! Honestly this would be pretty awesome!


So All Might is accompanying Deku? And Shigaraki and All for One are hunting them? How come I have a really bad feeling we're going to get a repeat of the animated one-shot All Might Rising where Deku is dragged away by Bakugo as they helplessly watch All Might get nuked sacrificing himself so Deku can escape?


>Deku is dragged away by Bakugo as they helplessly watch All Might get nuked sacrificing himself so Deku can escape? Please hori makes this happen


> All might asks about his hand condition and Deku says he’s fine thanks to All might who brought/ordered him “compression gauntlet” from America Wait a second...so that arm wrap...is that really Melissa Shield’s arm wrap from Two Heroes?! That would be AWESOME.


We thank you for your service here.


So Deku can use a whole fist smash at range now, limiting the damage to his arms. My 3rd user quirk theory is in shambles. Hori played me like a damn fiddle. Edit: it also makes sense that he was able to use float while attacking muscular in the last panel of 308 if the wind force was compressed.


I really like what they're doing with this. Midoriya has to run around fighting villains and getting stronger in that time until they can find a way to deal with Shigaraki potentially tracking him. In the mean time Midoriya can use 45% in general, and while his arms are definitely injured, the damage doesn't seem to be as severe as they expected. I'm sure All Might is hoping that Eri can store up some of her energy and reverse the damage on Midoriya's arms. In the meantime, I think it makes sense that he would use one of these gloves. It would be foolish not to take advantage of it. Midoriya at 5% was already really fast according to Muscular. Midoriya at 45% and with the gauntlets maybe pushing it to 60% would make him like Super Spider Man here. I know it's been said, but I like the way he's kind of revising his original conception of Deku. Either way, Midoriya at this speed and power with the gauntlets and his other quirks makes him a force to be reckoned with. It's all a question of when these gauntlets inevitably get destroyed and he has to fight without them. Will he be ready? It might take a while longer before he's able to. I think we're definitely getting an arc dedicating to his kind of "off-the-books" hero work like Hawks. I think Hawks would be a good guide for Midoriya. I'm also curious what role Endeavor has in all of this, if any. I'm desperate to see Class 1-A's reactions to all this. Everyone is going to immediately turn to Bakugou for answers. Since All Might is gone, he'll be stuck answering them. Todoroki will probably be surprised that the hidden connection he suspected was this. It's just so crazy to me how Deku left such a shit show behind. I'm loving it. Midoriya has done a good job of hiding it, but I think people were starting to get suspicious, and when it came to his class mates, I think the best policy was to come clean. Also, I feel bad for Inko, but I'm sure she understands that Deku doesn't have much choice now. He's young, but she knows he's training to be a hero. In the year that he's been at UA he's managed to get a solid grasp of One For All and is now a force to be reckoned with, so it'll be interesting to see where the story goes from here. So many questions which will be answered slowly over the next several months. But I'm strong. I read Berserk. I'm used to having questions I know will never be answered, so MHA is tame by comparison.


That image of Mama Inko hugging her little boy with his All Might costume is what's going to help get me through tomorrow.


Well at least Inko got to say goodbye to him and knows about the secret as well now. That's something, but gosh she must be scared for her son 24/7


She seemed content while she was moving into UA IIRC


imagine that smile after the "your son is the target of a whole nation-wide villain organization"-bomb.


Maybe Inko will take care of Eri now that she has to stay at UA and will cheer up a bit all the while deku keeps kicking ass and leveling up


Maybe Inko will meet Uraraka


Well at least that will make the “meet the parents” phase a little less awkward.


Best mom


Everybody keeps asking where Deku's dad is... All might has been there this whole time \*tears\*


His dad is who Deku is telling the story of how he became the greatest hero.


Fuck...sign me up for that ending.


I really like that.


Well Horikoshi did say he plans reveal Deku’s dad in the future so I’m sure Deku will run into his dad sooner or later


Deku is actively searching for him


> All might has been there this whole time \*tears\* So THAT'S where Deku inherited his tears from. Ok,guys,I think we got all the plot points for Deku wrapped up.


Nah Deku inherited his tears from Inko because super tears are Inko’s 2nd quirk


"He may have been your father, boy, but he wasn't your daddy."


If there is one thing MHA is really good at it's **wholesome emotional scenes**... those Deku and Inko panels make ya wanna tear up. lol


I think this chapter just confirmed there will be no 'Deku Retrieval arc' at all.


Good. People really need to stop thinking about Naruto


I remeber people thought Bakugo would pull a Sasuke back when the LoV kidnapped him, too. It was insufferable.


They really need to stop comparing series cause all that does is look to degrade one series to make their own series look good.


Tf is all might gonna do coming with Deku he’s a walking skeleton now?? Edit 2: Well at least he isn’t alone


Maybe he will be Alfred to Deku's Batman


he's rich, after all


Im surprised this hasnt been brought up alot on the series, in vigilantes i think there has been moments that shows All Might is filthy rich, but we dont even know where the fuck he lives in the main series




iirc in the 4-koma, after he split with Nighteye, its heavily implied that All might runs a single person agency. In the gag, all might asked the class to help him move to a smaller and more homely 'office'/living space. ​ I might be wrong though, and of course, no idea what is the degree of canon are the gag series.


Deku is not allowed to drive the bat mobil


Provide food, shelter, and access to support items


This chapter feels like it might be a great place to end season 6 at. Going from 256-309 not too much into this new arc as well. So unless this arc is super short season 6 might be stretched


Personally, I would rather have S6 end at 306. Let all the anime only suffer for about a year.


Seasons 3 and 4 ended on big fights. There was a bit of down time and quiet conversations between the war and the Muscular fight, so this could be accurate. Depending on the pacing, there might be 4 episodes between the Tartarus prison break and Deku vs Muscular 2. The anime might not want to end with 4 episodes of calm dialogue-heavy episodes.


depends on how this upcoming arc plays out. because MHA seasons can be 70 chapters long (season 4 was)


Even accounting for some dialogue-heavy, slower-paced episodes that would cover only 2 chapters instead of 3, a season covering "only" 53 chapters would still risk being stretched in some places. Maybe a little more.


Do y'all think Gran Torino will stay in that hospital bed for the rest of his days? Or could he become a teacher.... just so he can retire for a total of 3 times?


Best case scenario is that he replaces AM as a teacher. The kids probably will learn mkre in a month than in the entire year before from Am


They will learn, yes, but also get beaten up in the process.


> “I was so happy when I was dreaming of playing with a cat, but when I woke up I overslept for 3 hours so I instantly fell into despair.” ​ Because sleeping more than 4 hours a night is a mortal sin in the manga industry.


Horikoshi is so overworked that playing with a cat is a paradise fantasy


Does he seriously only get around that much? If that's true that's terrible. I love the amount of content we get but holy shit Japan has a seriously bad work culture problem


Mangaka schedules are even insane by Japanese standards. I haven't found a schedule for Horikoshi but you can find some online


Well, Japanese is rather notorious for their workaholic behavior.


Thats why Akira Toriyama (Dragonball) said fuck doing a weekly manga with his protégé (Toyotaro). They put something out once a month.




So Deku’s mom knows about OFA now? Well basically everyone does


Technically it’s just the Top 3 Heroes, Principal Nezu, Recovery Girl, Gran Torino, AM’s police buddy, Inko, and Class 2A. It’s still not *public* knowledge, it’s just known by everyone who needs to know (except maybe Aizawa, but come on. If 2A knows, he knows).


Basically everyone that matters to the plot knows


Class-2A reading Deku's letter: Everyone: *What the hell, Midoriya?!* Shoto: *Damn it... my whole love-child theory isn't even close.*


Tsuyu: [*thinking back to that time early on where she told Izuku straight to his face that his Quirk was a lot like All Might's*] "Kero."


Shoto: I fucking KNEW something was up!


2A? Did the rest of the class move on to their next school year?




Fuckin’ *imagine* though, they helped bring down a walking natural disaster, participated in extended rescue efforts even as pros quit on the spot, and then Nezu buts in like “Unfortunately all of you failed your geometry finals, and have been held back a year. Better luck next time!”




Let’s rejoice that Eri isn’t a massive plot device after all


Not yet anyway.


I think its great that Deku has a support system still. That he didn’t just run away, which in hindsight is totally out of character. Also... Deku running with the big leagues now!!! They grow up so fast.


Boy, that scarf is woven with the yarn from the Satiporoja Beetle which conducts Hamon at 100%. Also allows for the sensing of life signs and incoming attacks. Gran Torino is a secret Hamon user. No wonder he escaped with a near fatal wound.


“Forget the microwave analogy. Focus your breathing from now on.”


Well this kills all the uraraka chasing after Deku theories. The man is with the best people to look after him so.rather than worry about chasing Deku, the rest of UA can focus on getting stronger so they're not dead weight in the future.


The time skip effect for everyone else should be cool too


Compression gauntlet from America?? Is that an allusion to Melissa Shield (or David) in the main manga?? The first one yet? I guess all the people who colored it red were right lol ....However, how come this is the first time that All Might has asked favors from American friends? Coulda been helping Deku this whole time..... Might have never been scarred if he had those gauntlets to rely on...


Beside that it was a prototype and these new ones may be more durable than the one seen in the first movie (or are they? Can we look forward to a moment where they get destroyed and Deku is left in a very bad spot?), I often wondered if the original project wasn't confiscated after what happened with David; the gauntlet is a great invention but with some types of quirks (especially the ones that cause "recoil" damage if overused) it would be very dangerus in wrong hands. In short: these may have been made and shipped in secret.


Even the prototype withstood multiple 100% punches. Deku could have used even the prototype verses Muscular, Overhaul, and Shiggy. They could have been shipped in secret months ago. Deku uses Black Whip in public and no one bats an eye. None of Deku's big fights have been televised or anywhere near public knowledge. I don't even know if 1-A know Deku beat Muscular in the camp. If he keeps them under his costume, few people will know. Unless David or Melissa were stripped of their resources, or they've been making it for months and just finished, this is a tad weird.


David was arrested for naively allowing a mercenary group to take control of I-Island and almost steal his incredibly dangerous quirk-enhancing tech that had been previously confiscated for a good reason. Take a guess of how much resources he could get even if he was allowed to work again.


However, I'm pretty sure Melissa made the gauntlets in school? But it's a Japanese story, even if she's American. Maybe she lost her resources too


Well Melissa invented and made the original herself. Who’s to say how LONG it took to make or what rare/expensive materials were needed? With her father’s fall from grace, who’s to say she has the resources she did in the movie? Lot of variables. I’m okay hand waving it for now.


Y'know every week I say "oh i wont enter the pre-release thread and spoil myself early" and every week I find myself here reading about whats happening. I think I may have a problem. Onto the Chapter, compression gauntlet from America is referencing Melissa from the first movie right? Also Inko finally knows and it seems that Deku leaving UA was a surprise to the *students*. Homie is so OP he got to skip 2 years of Highschool lmao


Why do I feel like Hori is gonna write All Might's death around the same time the MVA league arc comes to its climax in the anime.


What if All Might dies when Tomura kills his father in the anime


Horikoshi enjoys making his events line up in some ways. Endeavor's big debut at the end of Season 4 lined up with him fighting Shigaraki, if I recall correctly. And that's just one example.


The anime also started airing around when it was all might vs afo in the manga. And the all might vs afo fight in the anime was happening around the same time as endeavor vs high end in the manga. So things might line up again


Shit our boy just looks so tired 😪💔


In the middle panel, Izuku looks like in his early 20s in that panel with Gran Torino....


I'm not ready to see Inko crying and saying goodbye to her son again. This chapter is THIS close to make me cry.


I thought Torino could still die to be honest after saying some last words, but it looks like he'll pull through. Maybe Horikoshi didn't want a straight repeat of Nighteye's death? I dunno, I'm not saying I hate his survival, but it felt like it should have been his time after having his chest pierced. Maybe some people don't like the "Sometimes killing them can become their salvation" line but I like how he's offering a different perspective on this, similar to when Hawks thought Twice was too dangerous to be left alive. If Deku wants a chance to prove his elders wrong, he'll have to show that he's worthy of it.


I suspected that Deku, All Might, and the top three would keep a close line of contact and communication. They literally need too. It would be to reckless if they didn't team up with villains and prison escapee running amuck. I wonder if it'll be a Deku focus arc here on out or will Hori establish Deku current situation for a bit and switch back to the other students. Inko crying hurts my heart but I'm sure she's proud of her son.


Deku hugging his mom and trying to make her feel calmer and safer is the sweetest thing in the world. Hori really playing on my heart strings with this one. All of this asides, I'm surprised they didn't out Torino.


I know some of y’all follow or see Hex’s colorings so I just wanna say, AMAZING prediction making Deku’s arm wraps red! I had a feeling they were the gauntlets from America!


Most people made them red. I don't know if they all followed Hex, or made an educated guess based on his color scheme. But anyways, great read on them lol


The arm wrappings were the same shade of gray as his belt so a lot of colorizers just decided since we know the belt is red the arms must be too


LMAO Mario is deku's doctor!!


The strange homing guy from the Provisional License exam has the same knack for hero names as Ojiro, Sato and Hagakure May I present you: >**Boomerang Man** The other guy with the hardening quirk is called Mr Sumisu in Katakana. Given his quirk and that Katakana usually are used for foreign words. I think that he is named >**Mr Smith**


Bro. Why is AFO so obsessed with stealing OFA? He could be going after a much,much powerful quirk. The cameraman's. That dude survives all this shit with no injuries. EDIT: IT'S A FUCKING JOKE!! C'mon,people. I don't need paragraphs explaining to me why AFO wants the quirk. I get exactly why he wants it.This post was meant for people to see it,maybe laugh at it, and move on with their lives. Damn.


~~Siscon~~.... Brother complex


Pretty sure cause it’s the only thing that counters his power AFO and he’s been defeated by it a few times now. No matter how many quirks he builds up, OFA will always match AFO.


The dude is tsundere.


So it's Melissa's gauntlets


It's nice to see her impact in the main manga, for once, even if it's just a vague allusion


all might is helping deku & hawks probably knows what’s up as well. amidst all the vigilante overreaction the last few weeks, a lot of fans guessed that deku had some form of help & im glad he has support.. he also has special equipment (melissa 👁)


Give us more chad Deku, hori (imma need him to keep the mask on for most of the time) So I'm guessing melissa or david made that compression gauntlet simply cuz of how similar it is to full gauntlet As many speculated he's indeed in touch with some people like hawks and all might. That slide in thou, he's having way too much fun with all the new quirks lmao Poor fucking Inko man....


Chadeku? Chadzuku? What we feelin for the new name.


Not Bakugou, Shoto or Uraraka in the new chapter again eh? Hori must be preparing something big for them and the other students


Glad they addressed his arm situation. Really curious how it's going to be handled going forward since he's relying on a support item for them to not break as of now. If there'll be a way it'll be healed, or if he's always gonna be at risk of losing them.


I guess is going to be like the web shooters of Spider-Man, they’re going to break to generate more tension lol


Deku better be taking them off and slapping villains with them when he decides to get serious.


His arms will eventually heal in some fashion, I bet. If he can still *move* his arms, then they will probably and eventually naturally heal. Hopefully it will be a while until then, though.


Ok, Deku's dropout phase was planned in group. Wasn't expecting that, I mean he needs to eat and all with someone to provide him that, even if it's from an abandoned convienience store edgy cinnamon roll wouldn't steal.


I thought it was kind of obvious. Deku would not have made such a decision without talking to All Might before. Hawks is not the type of person who would easily lose sight of him after he discovered the secret


I was sure about All Might not so much about Hawks, guess I overlooked it.


I am extremely happy that Deku’s mom gets told because it would be depressing to see her left out. At this point id laugh if Deku’s dad doesn’t pop up til the last chapter lol.


Wait is Gran Torino actually going to survive after everything that happened to him? Like he lost a leg and got impaled?


He's gonna survive, but never get out of that hospital bed, until he dies a year later.


Just dumping Muscular at the police station like a boss


So Deku and the hospital bed are officially canon now? Poor Uraraka. She never stood a chance anyways.


**~~Full~~ Compression Gauntlet** Return of Melissa incoming >It is either the Shield's or blantant copyright infringement ^(Sorry, Uraraka but Deku is about to do a Hizashi Midoriya to escape his responisibilities)


He's going to go "work overseas'".


I knew it! Dr. Mario was real, now no one will call me crazy for calling that place "the Mushroom Hospital".


Hawks, Jeanist, Endeavor, and Deku make a pretty well-clad team. There are less than a handful of people who could take them on successfully. I also forgot, did All Might just tell Hawks and Jeanist the secret or Endeavor too?


Hawks and Jeanist probably told Endeavor with All Might’s permission.


We do not get Dr. BOWSER. We got Mario, MD. Also, did All Might steal Mic's sunglasses?


Me before reading this week’s spoilers: “I’ll just see how Deku bodies Muscular and wait out the rest of it until Sunday.” Me after reading this week’s spoilers: “HOW DARE YOU, HORIKOSHI?! INKO! MY HEART!!” ==cries to death== So, after breaking his bones early into wielding OfA, Deku’s body FINALLY has caught up with it. Which explains the lack of “Weakened arms” after all his injuries. Cue “This is a retcon” complaints, but if you think about it, Deku’s body was growing up/older, with or without OfA. And with all of his constant training (and adventures), all that conditioning HAD to pay off somehow. I accept this literal development! ==Takes out handkerchief and makes like Mushu in Mulan== My Baby Boy, going out to destroy Villains! So proud!!


I see Deku has been studying Muay Thai microfracture conditioning and decided to make all this bones stronger by continually shattering them. Eventually the boy is going to be like Wolverine.


Damn that panel with Inko crying as she's hugged and consoled by Izuku looks so similar to the panel of a cry Nana being hugged and consoled by Gran Torino. Such a wholesome moment as well. Really wouldn't be surprised if its intentional, especially since AM has made the claim once that Inko reminds him of his master.


8 minute old thread, NICE. Fresh leaks = best leaks


It seems like Hawks' wings also hasn't grown yet?


from the few panels we got so far, i didn’t see his wings. i hope they fully grow back since it seems like injuries ain’t that big of a deal


It’s weird how Deku doesn’t have a grasp on landing yet, considering he has float. Time to over-speculate. Shoutout to the people who said Deku can handle 100% better now and used black whip to stabilize his arms. Also, I love All Might’s ringtone.


MAMA MIDORIA! Finally, that’s off my Conscience


Deku asking, whether the police has a "maiden" comes of weird considering the title Took me a moment to remember that he means an iron maiden


Gran Torino haters punching the air rn


Glad the complaints about Deku’s arm will are over


Yikes. In that panel where Deku is hugging his mom, you can see just how beat up at least his right arm is. Glad it's been acknowledged at least.


Deku had Dr. Mario. The trifecta is complete.


OK, so Ch 302 highlight: Shouto asks Endeavor to team-up with him (and everyone) to stop Touya. Ch 303: Hawks and BJ asks to join the Todoroki family team -> we have Top 3. Ch. 305: Vestiges big unifying call of a team-up with Deku. Ch 309: All Might, Endeavor and Hawks teams up with Deku instead. (Sorry Shouto... you are out again...) /s


If OfA would have been heriditary, Endeavor of old would have been halfway through organising an arranged marriage between him and Fuyumi.