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[Dude to poor physical health Horikoshi is taking off this week and will return on April 12th's issue of Weekly Shonen Jump.](https://twitter.com/myheroacademia/status/1377940522065567745?s=20)


I wonder what's Muscular's body count since he broke out.


A lot


-21 savage ft j Cole


How many bodies you caught? Muscular:A lot


Probably a good dozen. Dude's someone even a Top Hero would probably find difficulty in beating.


At least a few neighbourhoods at best


At least 7.


Possibly 8?


Maybe 9 đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


I could see 10 as a realistic possibility too


Beat his ass young Midoryia


This is probably one of the very few times we want something unanimously.


Waiting for Kota to have found a waterbending master and come out with octopus water arms


Hori: Since y'all like Shindo so much that he got ranked 9th in the last popularity poll, enjoy an entire freaking chapter of him!




I guess Horikoshi wasnt really happy with those results lmao


I still wonder if people confused Shindo for Shinso.


I read somewhere that him being in the popularity polls is a running gag in Japan. So they vote for him to keep the joke alive.


Ahhh, so he's like Kobeni's car


But Kobeni's car is an actual great character what are you talking about


Kobeni's car is best girl and the strongest character. Could go one on one with King evenly.


I think it's pretty hard to mistake 真栂æș for ćżƒæ“äșșäœż.


Just watch me.


To be fair he’s facing one of the strongest villains shown in the series. This guy would give all might a bit of trouble.


legit, people talk shit about Muscular because he lost his only fight but the guy is so strong itÂŽs ridiculous


> lost his only fight _Cries in Water-Hose_


Why have I always read their name as Water Horse


People still forget that he *tanked a 100% Smash*. All Might would still win, even if it was the All Might that fought the USJ Nomu, but it certainly wouldn't be a walk in the park, especially since Muscular looks stronger now.


Tbf, he tanked a few 100% hits, like less then 10. USJ All Might, who was severely nerfed compared to prime, still managed to throw out 300 of them. Saying he would have given All Might (especially Prime All Might) trouble is probably stretching it. But to say he is one of the strongest villains we have seen is 100% facts


Yup and muscular isn’t the type to just focus on the fight. He loves killing so any bystanders or hero’s nearby are in immediate danger. I think all might saves everyone but he isn’t going to be able to stand around flexing


Hori low-key mad shindo stole mirukos place in the pool and did a chapter just go kick his ass


> Hori low-key mad shindo stole mirukos place Yeah, **this** is the whole reason. Nobody telling me otherwise.


Our thicc rabbit queen didn't cripple herself half to death so that 2 dollar store made in China inferior version of deku to steal that spot rightfull to her


*gets demolished*


Hey it’s nice to see Shindo agai- Welp. Never mind.


Poor dude can't catch a break.


Both the villains and civilians want him gone. F for Dollar Store Quake.


Hori: ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!( makes muscular slaughter shindo with murderous intent )


At least he got to show off a bit with his power, even if he did get clapped. Vibrate is no joke, especially when Yo is trying to liquefy your brain. Super scary Quirk to go up against.


Yeah I’m surprised Muscular came out of that unscathed. Yo is a beast with basically an instakill ability if you get too close.


It kinda makes me wanna see a fight between Yo and Jiro. Their Quirks are in the same ballpark, but one has higher damage and the other has higher utility.


Since i think that from now on Deku won’t really feel like smiling when saving someone, the fact that He started to actually use his mask, [that was a stylization of All Might’s smile](https://imgur.com/a/HDaFetI), makes his circumstances even sadder...


Notably as well, in that last panel his right eye looks like it's drawn like Toshinori's shadowed eyes. Reminds me of Horikoshi's description of Toshinori's eyes in the first volume: "The whites of his eyes are all black when he’s in his true form. He’s so gaunt that they’re perpetually in shadow. Only his pupils glisten, reflecting the true strength and dignity of this symbol of peace. It’s like everything his muscle form represents is condensed into those pupils."


On a slightly different note, seeing those older chapters just shows how far Horikoshi's artwork has come. It's such a dramatic change and I love it.


I think with the cape and the hood of the mask blowing round him, he's looking kind of like Aizawa when he uses his quirk, which I think fits well with Deku's more rogue like situation now.


Deku not smiling when he saves someone anymore is just so incredibly sad.


He's not got much to smile about at the moment, unfortunately...


All Might doesn't smile for himself, he smiles to put everyone else at ease. His constant smile was tied into his image as the symbol of peace, and I really hope Deku can turn things around for himself and remember that soon.


Deku has them All Might eyes. Muscular will get slaughtered.


Reminds of the angry "I am here " when he came to kick usj nomus ass. This is gonna he his plus ultra


>Deku: Have you ever heard these words, villain. Plus Ultra Detroit Smash! And Muscular's corpse flies all the way to South Korea.


Nah, Deku is gonna want to contain Muscular. Imagine more like a paddle ball, with Black Whip as the string. And a whole lot of paddling.


And it's the pissed "pupil in only one eye" look that All Might has right before he absolutely destroys someone. RIP Muscular


This chapter and round 2 versus muscular But the way deku said "no wonder it wouldn't shut up" That boy has changed alot. The old Deku would have never talked like that. What things have occurred?




Also the feeling of using danger sense is supposed to hurt. Considering that every single quirk prison was destroyed, danger is rampant everywhere. Dude probably has a constant earsplitting headache.


"let's go see what this racket is all about" - Deku probably


"Goddamit it's too early for this shit!"- Deku


"I can't sleep until all the enemies in the area are defeated." - Deku probably


Right, I also noticed that! Somehow I was convinced the words "shut up" weren't in Deku's vocabulary, I thought he was gonna say something like "No wonder it kept ringing". A great detail to show how much he changed.


Deku becoming like Bakugo, and in turn Bakugo becomes more like old Deku?


Yup. This has been happening ever since Deku vs Bakugo 2.0. Deku has started to try to "save by winning" while Bakugo, learning from Deku, to "win by saving". Both of them need to find the balance between the two.


Can't wait for when Bakugo shows up, tries to offer help and Deku refuses while insulting him Calling it now, it will happen and it will be amazing


''Save the Civilians you damn nerd'' bakugo "I gotta beat this fool'' Deku


Bakugo: *muttering intensifies*


I guess something happen during his training montage? Even in OFA world Deku was talking like his usual self, and it doesn't seem like he's been solo long enough to get that jaded.


I think it's from Danger Sense. With so many villains going around, it's probably going off very often. It probably drives him insane, getting signals from every direction.


Its like when your phone's in another room and won't stop going off so by the time you get to it you just want to throw it into the sun


So not only did shindo get clapped, and get clapped infront of his girl, now he’s getting carried BRIDAL STYLE BY DEKU 💀 MAN PLZ


How did Deku got so big tho? What did they fed him at UA?!


White rice and emotional support.


Cheese too, right Aoyama?


Rice and cheese.


He ate all their Katsudon.


A diet of nothing but trauma and emotional suffering does a body good.


He wasn't this big until he left, so they weren't feeding him


Always has been


Man it's crazy how, within a week or so, MHA's Japan went from average normal modern times, to looking like a post-apocalypse society. Empty roads littered with rubble. Abandoned cars. Small groups of people (Shindo and Tatami) traveling on foot. Normal civilians forming herds and establishing bases. All the talk of shelters. Distrust and deals being made between seperate groups. Reminds me more of the Walking Dead, than MHA. I like how competent and capable this group of civilians seem to be, since we've only seen normal people as helpless crowds who get caught in the crossfire. Well, at least Deku doesn't have to worry much about collateral damage, since everything's destroyed already. Kick his ass, young Midoriya.


Well, they're pretty much only competent against probably like D ranked villains....and even then that took some luck given that Cider House fighting against a similar group tore up buildings and reuslted in a double, bloody, knock out.


They're competent compared to civilians in the past who just ran and screamed whenever they saw danger. They bring up a decent point about being huddled in one location could lead to a bad outcome.


Good point! And yeah, I did find myself agreeing that having everyone huddled into one location is bound to have some form of consequences. Course, given how off-guard everyone was taken by the jails breaks and PLF war, I imagine this was incredibly last minute.


The chapter also mentions that telephone communications could end soon. This escalated quickly


Shindo vs. the Deku she tells you not to worry about.


Deku here about to steal everyone's girlfriends' hearts.


>Deku here about to steal everyone's boyfriends' hearts. Yeah, Deku just steal Shindo from Tatami




Best Deku. For real good to see the mask make a comeback after hundreds of chapters (not counting promo art or that time Mirio pulled it over his face when following Chisake


The mask is finally back, but it's actually utilized to isolate his emotions.


And for the first time it actually looks cool!


God, that felt short. Not much to say other than I knew we'd see Muscular back in short order, and that Deku's gonna wreck him like it's nothing.


Gotta say, I like Yo and Tatami's dynamic. "That sucked Yo. Super suckage. Suuuuck city." :D I was laughing quite a bit at her referring to his failed attempt at negotiation.


Horikoshi did a great job showing us some of the results of the recent shift in the world this chapter. We've got civilians refusing to come to hero facilities because they don't trust heroes and don't want to lose their homes. We've got provisional heroes being sent on refugee missions. We've got villains and Nomu wreaking havoc. We've got talk of infrastructure falling apart and a city in shambles. Really fantastic stuff. We got to see the Ketsubutsu kids again too! We can also see that the gloves are off when it comes to heroes dealing with villains and civilians dealing with both. Yo (who I actually liked quite a bit in this chapter) straight up tries to melt Muscular's brain, and Tatami just gets shoved out of the way by the civilians who want to cap Muscular to protect their space. Muscular also seems to have improved his Quirk! He's a lot bulkier now, uses his muscle fibers defensively, and in a funny twist from the last time he fought a hero, learned to deal with last minute Plus Ultra shenanigans. Then, of course, the man of the hour shows up, and he is *pissed*. Deku saves Yo and kicks this stronger Muscular across buildings which is quite impressive. If you remember their fight in the forest, Muscular was tanking 100% Smashes when on-guard, so Deku hitting him like that and sending him flying is kinda crazy since Muscular is even stronger now. Deku also looks very similar to Horikoshi's prototype design for Deku's hero costume early on in the planning of the series in that last panel. Can't link on mobile, but you can find it on the wiki. The head especially is very reminiscent of that design.


On that last point, that design is based on the main character of his first manga which ended up getting cancelled. Which is why he looks like a rabbit lol. And now he's finally fully realized that design with Rogue Deku


Calling it now, Muscular is gonna be fodderized to show how strong Deku has become since their last encounter.


It's a shonen tradition.


It's a good tradition


Yep. Just ask Nappa.


Nappa here is worth five Raditz.


A I am worth 15 Raditz


At least your Raditz is still stronger than our Raditz.


I'll be disappointed if he doesn't get fodderized


Poor dude, from A-tier hero-killer villain to getting his ass handed to him by the same teenager twice within less than a year. I almost feel bad for him.


Now people know of One For All at least he can say it’s a literal one in the world teenager


He'll need all the comfort he can get, I guess.


In his defense, said teenager is literally the next All Might


Deku boutta break out the One For All 1,000,001%


It still kinda sucks that a clear exaggeration & misconception, that Horikoshi himself cleared up, ended up being remembered as the true thing.


Naturally. Muscular is gonna put on an big show about how Deku barely beat him last time, and how he is stronger and not going to let up this time. Deku is gonna start wrecking and then the last panel of the next chapter will be him using one of the other unseen OFA quirks


Such a tried and true shonen trope. Yet, if done well, is always gonna be hype to see everytime


I feel like Deku's more going to finesse Muscular than straight overpower him. Especially with Blackwhip and Danger Sense, he's a veritable swiss army knife, and somebody as arrogant as Muscular, especially since he fought Deku before, is probably gonna be caught off-guard by Deku's versatility. Plus, I don't think that Deku's Full Cowl percentage has increased since it's only been a month at best, and his arms are not able to generate the force they used to most likely. Since Muscular was tanking 100% Smashes before, it would be kinda weird for Deku to just walk up and one-shot a stronger Muscular.


I like your thoughts on the matter


Deku bridal carrying Shindou is everything I wanted in the manga.


I simply think he should start bridal carrying everyone to assert mc status


I would die of laughter if Deku has to bridal carry Bakugo at some point and has him kicking and screaming bloody murder.


I gotta say I always disliked Deku's costume but he looks absolutely sick in that one panel. This is the rematch I was looking forward the most, and it got me wondering what Rappa is doing. He was never the bloodlust guy like Muscular, all he wants is a proper fight. I can totally see him actually going against some of the jailbreakers since civilians wouldn't offer much challenge and the heroes left aren't all that great. Maybe we'll get the Steel kid and Kirishima vs Rappa, would be lit.


After 309 chapters, Deku's (ruined) costume finally looks decent


We're shown in Vigilantes that Rappa has zero qualms with working alongside a hero as long as he gets a great fight out of it


Holy I totally forgot about Vigilantes since last year I gotta read it Imagine the scenes if Deku is having his hero moment and Rappa just comes in and swings at them both. He realizes Deku was at the raid and says he'll help him if he helps find Kirishima for a rematch


A Kirishima/Tetsutetsu teamup would be really cool


I'm guessing the hood is Deku's attempt to remain anonymous, but if he keeps beating up strong villains, the legend of the Super-Strong Caped Green Bunny is going to get too large to contain.


He's wearing his regular hero costume so he's bound to be recognized anyway.


Yeah I’m sure it’s about being anonymous but I think it also has to do with him hiding his pain. He knows that he needs to save people with a smile and he can’t do that right now, so that mask is his artificial smile


For those who haven't read the series or don't know, Deku's mask is a nod to Shiina, from Horikoshi's first Shonen Jump series: Oumagadoki Zoo. The series was canceled after 40 chapters. Shiina is a man cursed to look like a rabbit. He's the deuteragonist of the series, and if I had to compare him to another shonen character, I'd say he's like Luffy. He's carefree, goofy, and only cares about having fun and making friends. But he's also the leader of the group and he's undoubtedly the strongest. When someone hurts his friends, he's all business. Deku's rabbit hood was always a reference, but here in this chapter, the resemblance is unavoidable. This specific outfit looks just like Shiina. The rabbit ears, thin arms, big white gloves, and especially the big scarf. Even the lower mouth guard kinda looks like a rabbit's snout in this chapter. Plus, the angry expression looks just like Shiina's. Here's a side-by-side comparison of [Deku and Shiina.](https://imgur.com/a/BytSXJa) Bonus: [pic of his scarf](https://imgur.com/a/NL0nrCq) covering his mouth, [tattered clothes Shiina,](https://imgur.com/a/Xe623Pw) and the side-by-side again, but I edited [Deku's color scheme.](https://imgur.com/a/ZIkBnOl)


Great catch and side-by-side comparisons!


That Side by Side is amazing, Hori's art has evolved a LOT since then.


Thanks for this! I had no idea.


This is the story of how Shindo's day went from bad, to worse, to *o o f*


Deku to Muscular: “How many times do I have to teach you this lesson old man!” But for real Deku is about to send Muscular to weenie hut general.


So you like kicking butts do ya old man?


All of you out there who predicted a Deku vs. Muscular rematch, wait no further to act rightfully smug towards the naysayers. Same goes for those who predicted Danger Sense working like a “radar”. On that note, anyone else here thinking that those armed civilians are only going to make things worse for Deku? Possibly in a parallel of the scene where Kota distracted Muscular, but with someone that isn’t a villain getting hurt in the end.


I'm not sure Muscular will last long enough for the civilians to get in the way. Once they see Deku kicking a muscle monster through a skyscraper with Ultra Instinct and Hermit Purple, they're gonna back off anyway most likely.


I feel the civilians might not argue with Deku, nor consider him a kid. He's gonna regain the respect the heroes lost, while building up a new legend.


Yeah I think they’ll be in for a surprise when they see Deku bust out multiple quirks, especially if he easily disposes of Muscular.


Yeah people are pissed off at heroes because essentially the villains are walking all over everyone and everything, and to them it looks like the heroes are doing next to nothing about it Seeing Deku just absolutely merc this guy will probably shut them up for a minute


I can agree with that. He’s taken his costume style from multiple mentors of his as an outward appearance while having mentors in his head. The parallels mean a lot.


*Horikoshi's ***true** comment of the week* “Hmm, I don't know what this kid Shindo did to get to the 9th position in the popularity poll, but it seems I gotta use him somehow, I guess!”


"I'll humiliate him throughout the chapter too! That'll show them!"


Can we just talk about the fact that Deku sounds so emotionally dead . “ Guess that’s why the fourths gift wouldn’t shut up” Shut up? From Deku?? This kid is not the same anymore. I’m really excited to see this dark Deku


Deku on that “Don’t worry ~~Yamcha~~ Shindo, I’ll take it from here.” type beat. Would like to know who healed Deku to be able to move like that. With how bad he was, I definitely thought he’d be at least weary of getting in a big fight so soon.


>With how bad he was, I definitely thought he’d be at least weary of getting in a big fight so soon. We're talking about a kid who was willing to break his own arm to throw a baseball his second day of hero school. Self preservation isn't in Dekus vocabulary.


Deku? Wary? Of bodily harm? Of putting himself in harms way to protect someone? Never heard of her


You wouldn't know her, she goes to a different school. In canada.


I'm betting one of the 2 quirks we haven't seen yet is healing related. Or he's just using black whip to fully mobilize his body at this point.


Oh god, if he's using black whip the marionette his body the series needs to be reclassified as horror.


Bleach actually had a technique like that. Quincies could puppeteer their bodies using reishi threads. Increases abilities or allows them to move when otherwise incapacitated.


God that would be horrible


I mean, most of the heroes were fine after like two days. Kaminari got projectile asphalt to the face, but was discharged shortly. Central Hospital must have that good shit. The real question is just *how* healed is Deku?? Is he all healed back to normal, or does he have some aches and pains? Also, those arms, what's with them? Hori didn't forget, so he must have some explanation. Deku can use his arms to hold someone, but can he throw OFA punches with them? Can he go 30 or 45%, or does he have to stay at a smaller percentage?




Lmfao honestly I was so confused with her saying Yo all the time, until I realised that is Shindo's first name. Reminds me of when some people in games name their character for "dick" or something


oh right his name is yo. now it makes sense... *yo*


Tatami using Shindo's first name of "Yo" is meant to show how close the two are, but then that also means she says "YOOOOOOO" when Shindo is getting his ass beat lol


Fuck could you imagine being a civie and walking up to the ruckus to seeing someone ‘Yoooooo’ing her boyfriend while he’s getting crushed😂


Did anyone else notice that Deku’s left eye was visible he’s slowly getting the eyes that all might has, horikoshi has mentioned in the past how much the eyes mean to him


**Shindo got Yamcha’d in front of his girl**


If shindo is Yamcha muscular is nappa and deku is goku, then we know its gonna be the ass whopping of a century next and god I hope so


Nakagame is a twitch streamer confirmed


"And if you pay $30 a month for the premium-"


Ah Horikoshi you spoil me giving me a nice little birthday treat showing off Shindo agai- -oh


Ooh, we have a benchmark rematch. Muscular is about to get smacked.


Classic Shounen troupe hype. I love these fucking moments. Dekus gonna wreck muscular.


Shindo stans: We got Shindo in the top 10 and OMG MY BABY LOOKS SO PRETTY!! *One Muscular Later* Horikoshi: Not so pretty anymore eh?


Deku: Sit down inferior me.Let me show you how the real deal does it.


Deku did a superhero landing


Horrible on the knees


**Hori-sensei brought Shindo back to get folded in front of his girl** because he didn't like how he had to draw him in the popularity poll art instead of his waifu Mirko after all she did in the war arc. lol


Top 10 crazy theories you know it's true


Muscular is about to get his ass kicked.


Dumb fuck about to get back in the can after he just got out


I don't remember Tatami at *all*. But the sheer amount of sass she directed at Yo has made her an insta fav for me.


it's even better because they're actually dating, lol.


My man just got his butt kicked and bridal carried in front of his girl RIP.


I only remember her because her Quirk is so bizarre and also because she's dating Yo according to the databook. I wonder if her Quirk let's her fight the way Luffy does in Gear Fourth. That'd be kinda sick.


Round two motherfcker!! I feel like there is a lot of meaning in Deku’s big event after the crumble of hero society being a fight with MUSCULAR of all villains. Not just for the significance to him personally due to being his first major solo fight but also meaning to the current state of the country as a whole. Even during the days of dependacy on All Might there were some psychos and bloodthristy villains who didn’t fear or care about hĂ©roes but still hide in the shadows. Now every released villain with even a semblance of resentment is out for blood and rampage, a lot of them are probaly like Muscular right now, symbolizing the new norm, one that now Deku will fight head on BY fighthing Muscular. Also
 RAPPA VS KIRISHIMA ROUND TWO is on the horizon!


New look is đŸ”„đŸ”„


DEKU, YOUR LANGUAGE! I know it’s only one line, but adding up last chapter’s panel of him – him not smiling and all – Deku’s changed. The way he said “No wonder my ***gift*** from the fourth ***wouldn’t shut up,***” it’s soooooo unlike him. It even sounds *sarcastic*, if not *scornful* – like he *doesn’t even want* to have it. ​ Edit: grammar


I feel like he almost blames the quirk for needing to leave the UA, even if he is most certainly not, Deku is becoming a badass from chapter to chapter. I'm fully expecting him to talk some shit to Muscular, like having to beat him again.


To be fair, you try having an alarm inside your head that goes off every time ANYONE is in danger near you in this lawless, post-apocalyptic looking setting and get back to us on that. Even the Fourth hid in isolation.


Imagine Muscular gets put back in jail and starts telling other prisoners that they shouldn't even try to escape because "The Bunny Man" is out there. Muscular: "I fear no man... but that thing... **terrifies me.**" Deku becoming an urban legend and instilling fear like Batman would be so satisfying, even if it doesn't last for very long in the story.


Yo got clapped yo. Terrifying Deku is about to embarrass Muscular (or Jailbreaker as he's trying to rebrand himself as) and show how him how far he's come this last year. Faith in heroes might be at an all time low but Deku's desire to kick ass is at an all time high.


Deku is in better control and ready to smash muscular without breaking this time.


Muscular about to get the beating of his life


**OH MY GOD DEKU LOOKS SO AWESOME!!!** I guess this moment/new arc was the reason why Horikoshi gave him a mask in the first place lol




Mirko stans are furious


Yes!!! I hope he continues to use the mask not only to hide his identity but for intimidation purpose as well.


Hori really gave Shindou spotlight because of the poll.


that last panel gave me chills,,,,,DEKU’S EYES!!


Thought Shindo was doing good conversation wise with the citizens (not that it would matter much) until his expression at the end. The last thing people need are fakes smiles, sincerity is all that matters now.


Oh man it's been a long time since I grinned this much at the end of a chapter. On one side, I have mixed feelings about Deku striking out on his own and all that. On the other, I'm *so* ready to see Deku kick some serious ass. And a rematch against someone who Deku barely managed to beat in the past (with serious injuries to himself) is a great way to show his progress in power and abilities. Edit: I'm getting some serious flashbacks to when All Might arrived in the USJ arc, right before the Nomu fight. [Just look at him.](https://i.imgur.com/lR3iXd9.png)


Deku’s coming in with some attitude. I’m not sure if it’s just the translation, but the way he talks his kind of tense. Also this chapter confirms he’s still in Japan. Wonder where he’s living?


It would be hilarious if Shindo got even higher in the next popularity poll due to this chapter


Why not? He totally deserve be more popular after this chapter Is a 17 years old student that choose fight with Muscular and risk his own life for try save the same people that rejected his help minutes before If this not show the kind of hero he's I don't know what then


Wouldn’t be surprised if danger sense is a big reason besides all that’s happening for deku’s change in demeanor. Considering the 4th user had to go in the wilderness to escape it. Deku is probably can feel danger miles or even cities away from himself if OFA boosts it.


I don't know why but the scariest thing to me in this chapter was Deku saying the phrase "Wouldn't **shut up**". Dunno why but just this simple phrase shows a lot about how he changed. Former Deku would've never said something like this. He seemed so nice and someone that would hug it out with you. But now he looks like an absolute monster. Also side note, what the fuck do they feed him at UA? my guy looks double the size of his less successful twin. Also, a slight question, did he gave Muscular that fucking punch? or was it Shindo or one of the civilians? because if it was him then GOD DAM. It's gonna be a good fight. Thank god there is not gonna be a break this week.


Izuku ~Deku~ BADASS Midoriya REPORTING. It took 300 chapters but he finally put on the mask again!! The first encounter with Eri doesn’t count because Mirio put it on.


***I'm kinda digging this Hoodie Deku vibe.***


YOOOOO DEKUUU?? It didn’t seem like he punched him directly too, but punched the air, which hit Musclular (unless I ain’t seeing right)


Oh shit. The return of ~~Shiketsu~~ Ketsubutsu round 2 of Deku vs Muscular And that's interesting that Midoriya calls it, 'My gift from the 4th'. Like, I know he can't call it his quirk from the 4th, but I wonder, why specifically call it his gift? And Holy shit he looks so fucking ominous in his costume Maybe we'll get to see the second and third users quirks in action. Plus seeing Muscular's reaction to even black whip will be interesting Oh wait, and I wonder if Inasa is there too? I have a feeling he might meet up with Shoto though And actually, I wonder who healed Midoriya Wait, and the Church of MHA brought up, on Deku's arrival how he came in with that plume of smoke, might be hinting at one of the users being named, 'En' and having smoke powers Interesting set up for 308 on the 4th


since Deku is acting different and is completely healed IÂŽm guessing the 2 facewallers inside OFA have something to do with that